Published Journal Paper
Published Journal Paper
Published Journal Paper
Many approaches exist today that employ hot-air from aircraft compressor bleed for anti-icing critical aircraft surfaces.
This paper introduces and numerically analyzes the novel application of an inner or etched channel to augment heat
transfer from a hot-air jet impinging on a curved surface representing the inner surface of an aircraft wing’s leading edge
or slat. The study shows that proper positioning, geometry, and flow characteristics of a channel along the inner surface
of the leading edge can significantly enhance heat transfer, boost the anti-icing system performance, and greatly enhance
flight safety during critical icing weather conditions. Commercially available CFD software, ANSYS Fluent is used to
model and analyze the effect of different geometric and flow parameters typical of those found in small to medium
category commercial transport aircraft to help determine the optimum arrangement. These parameters include: (1) jet
nozzle height-to-slot diameter ratios from 4 to 8, (2) channel width-to-slot diameter ratios from 0.4 to 1.8, and (3)
inner-channel inlet location angles from 10° to 60°. Each configuration resulting from a combination of the above para-
meters was simulated at Reynolds numbers based on jet-slot diameter of 30,000, 60,000, and 90,000. Empirical relations
based on available experimental data are used to validate the results. The main findings of the study reveal that the jet
height-to-slot diameter ratio of 6, inner channel height-to-slot diameter ratios of 1.8, and inner-channel inlet angular
locations of 10° combination resulted in the highest heat transfer at all Reynolds number as well as higher at increased
Reynold numbers.
Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department, Imam Abdulrahman Bin
Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Aerospace Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum
and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Mechanical Engineering Department, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal,
QC, Canada
Corresponding author:
Farooq Saeed, Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department, Imam
Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, King Faisal Street, Dammam 31441,
Saudi Arabia.
Email: [email protected]
Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work
without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Graphical abstract
Description of figures: (a) RAE 2822 airfoil with a modified leading edge to incorporate, (b) a typical wing leading slat, (c)
internal layout of the piccolo tube inside a typical edge slat (Courtesy of Bombardier Aerospace), (d) numerical simula-
tion of heat transfer from the hot-air jet from a piccolo tube impinging on the inner surface of the slat, and (e) numerical
model with etched channel (novel idea) for enhanced heat transfer being investigated in current study.
Hot-air anti-icing system, jet impingement heat transfer, aircraft icing and anti-icing, CFD with heat transfer, 2D jet flows,
channel flow
compressor bleed air is the most common system weather conditions. The hot air is drawn into the pic-
employed in many of the aircrafts to prevent ice accre- colo tube centered on the inside of the aircraft wing
tion on critical aircraft surfaces such as wings. leading edge. Holes in the piccolo tube then direct the
Extensive research has been carried on fluid jet impin- hot air to impinge upon the inner surface of the wing
gement with broad applications ranging from heat or leading edge to heat it and, therefore, prevent ice accu-
mass transfer to ultra-precision surface polishing.2–8 mulation but at the cost of engine performance.
For the past several decades, extensive research has Extensive literature exists on jet-impingement heat
been carried out with a focus on jet impingement heat transfer to cool flat as well as curved surfaces such as
transfer on concave surfaces.2–4 The current study the leading edge of a wing or turbine rotor blade.
introduces and numerically analyses the novel applica- Lately, the focus has moved to include surface heating
tion of an inner or etched channel to augment heat applications to aid in better understanding and design
transfer from a hot-air jet impinging on a curved sur- of hot-air based anti-icing systems.19–24
face representing the inner surface of an aircraft wing’s In order to optimize the use of jet engine
leading edge or slat. A recent similar study with focus compressor-bleed air, there is a renewed interest in
on the effect of external flow parameters on thermal improving the anti-icing system performance. Many
performance of an inner-liner anti-icing system with jet studies focus on the interaction between a hot jet and a
impingement heat transfer has been reported in litera- curved surface typical of an aircraft wing leading edge
ture.4 The present study, however, examines the effects to gain insight into the physical mechanism and draw
of internal hot-air flow as well as geometric parameters heat transfer correlations to better predict the heat
on thermal performance of an inner-liner based anti- transfer as a function of key geometric and flow para-
icing system with jets impingement heat transfer. meters. These key parameters include jet diameter, jet
The steady rise in global aviation traffic means an flow Reynolds number based on jet diameter, jet
increased likelihood of operation in and encounter with nozzle-to-surface height, jet nozzle-to-nozzle distance
natural icing conditions. Studies9,10 of the National and distribution, to name a few. This has been the com-
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) online database mon practice in industrial applications involving jet
and NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) impingement heat transfer on flat surfaces.25
reports revealed 2235 icing related accidents and inci- In 1977, Martin26 performed a broad study to derive
dents in the US from 1978 to 2020. A significant num- empirical correlations for diverse combinations of sin-
ber of the icing related accidents resulted in 100% gle and arrays of hot-air jet impinging on a flat surface.
fatality and the cause was attributed to ice build-up on One such empirical correlation for single hot-air slot
critical aircraft surfaces such as wings and tails. In (2D) jet heat transfer in terms of average Nusselt num-
keeping pace with the advancement in technologies ber distribution as a function of Reynolds number
related to operation of aircraft in all-weather condi- based on slot jet diameter Re, slot nozzle-to-target sur-
tions, regulatory authorities are continuously trying to face dimensionless height z/s, and dimensionless dis-
improve in-flight safety standards as well as certifica- tance measured from stagnation point x/s, is given by
tion criteria to ensure safety. It was also documented as the correlation:
one of the main tasks in the FAA In-Flight Aircraft
Icing Plan11 to ensure the reliability and validation of Nu 1:53
simulation methods of icing and anti-icing being = Rem ð1Þ
Pr0:72 x=s + z=s + 1:39
used in the certification of aircraft. Research into simu-
lation of hot-air anti-icing systems continue to draw h i1
where m =0:695 x=s + ðz=sÞ1:33 +3:06 and s =2d:
interest12–18 to this day not only in the aerospace field
but also in renewable energy field where ice throw miti- The above empirical correlation offers good agreement
gation from wind turbine blades is a major safety issue. with the experiments in that 95% of the experimental
The research reported here is part of that greater effort data lay within 10% of the above correlation with a
in that it is aimed at greater understanding as well as range of validity: 3000 ł Re ł 90,000, 4 ł x/s ł 50,
better prediction of hot-air based anti-icing heat trans- and 4 ł z/s ł 20. In the absence of similar correlations
fer requirements. The results presented in this paper for curved surfaces, numerical predictions reported in
will aid in developing numerical correlations for hot-air the current study are intentionally shown in compari-
jet heat transfer on typical aircraft wing/slat leading son with the above empirical correlation to highlight
edge surfaces where effectiveness of anti-icing systems the differences both quantitatively and qualitatively.
is of prime concern. Many experimental and numerical studies have
Hot-air anti-icing systems draw hot air from the investigated various techniques to enhance heat trans-
compressor bleed-port of the engine to heat the leading fer so as to increase the efficiency of the jet impinge-
edge of the wings of an aircraft to prevent formation ment based anti-icing system. Use of water jet to study
and accumulation of ice during operation in icing the effect of intermittency on convective heat transfer
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
was investigated by Zumbrunnen and Aziz.27 Surface have also been experimentally studied42 on leading hot-
pressure and heat transfer characteristics of a round jet air heating effectiveness of engine inlet guide strut. The
impinging normal on isothermal plate were experimen- improvement in the overall heating effectiveness was
tally studied by Tawfek.28 Many studies have shown attributed to the reduction of normal jet impinging dis-
that various mechanisms can be used to enhance heat tance and the formation of recirculation flow structure
transfer over a larger area such as jet intermittency29 or inside the concave cavity. It was also indicated that hot-
increased turbulence.30,31 air heating effectiveness was effected by the normal jet-
Zhou et al.32 suggest use of mesh screens while Hee to-leading edge distance.
Lee et al.33 propose use of perforated plates in between Numerical simulation of internal flow in aircraft
the jet nozzle-exit and impingement surface to enhance anti-icing systems with and without inner channel can
heat transfer through increased turbulence. Papadakis provide greater insight into the physics and further
and Wong34 investigated the effect of different para- enhance understanding of the mechanism for improved
meters on performance of bleed air ice protection sys- system performance and enhanced flight safety.
tems. Patel and Roy,35 Zhou and Lee,36 Saeed,37 and Recently, a similar study with focus on the effect of
Fregeau et al.38 have looked at the effect of different external flow parameters on thermal performance of an
arrangements for an array of hot-air jets. Saeed37 and inner-liner anti-icing system with jets impingement heat
Fregeau et al.38 have suggested development of an transfer was reported in literature.4 The present study,
extensive data base for numerical correlations to aid in however, examines the effects of internal hot-air flow
design of anti-icing system39 through the Kriging-inter- as well as geometric parameters on thermal perfor-
polation technique to alleviate the huge computational mance of an inner-liner or channel based anti-icing sys-
costs associated with the optimum design of anti-icing tem with jets impingement heat transfer
systems. The research reported here is therefore also a The objective of the current study is to study the
part of that greater effort to develop a cost effective effect of various flow and geometry related parameters
design methodology for optimizing hot-air anti-icing and identify the ones that are more effective in enhan-
systems. Use of multiple jets certainly enhances surface cing heat transfer. Therefore, a numerical investigation
heat transfer over a greater area but at the cost of was carried out using commercial CFD software,
engine performance. The focus of the present study is ANSYS Fluent,43 with the objective to study the effect
to use single jet to enhance heat transfer over a greater of jet-to-surface height, channel width, channel location
area by investigating the effect of different geometric as well as jet Reynolds number on heat transfer charac-
and flow parameters. teristics so that the best possible arrangement config-
Two-dimensional heat transfer via hot-jet impinge- uration can be identified. In this regards, a curved
ment on a flat plate and the inner leading-edge surface surface similar to that of a typical wing leading edge, as
of a modified RAE 2822 airfoil was simulated by Saeed illustrated in Figure 1, was selected for the numerical
et al.39 using the commercial CFD software ANSYS analysis. The computational domain comprises of a
Fluent. Numerical simulation of a pair of slot jets piccolo tube with a slot from which issues a hot-jet and
impinging on an inclined surface was performed by impinges upon the curved surface representing the wing
Patel and Roy35 to study the effect of jet angle and leading edge.
Reynolds number on the local and average Nusselt.
Numerical investigation of convective heat transfer
from slot-jets impinging on concave cylindrical surfaces Numerical modeling using CFD
under turbulent and constant heat flux conditions was Modeling of the flow in the internal hot-air region as
carried out by Sharif and Mothe.30 well as heat transfer simulation was conducted on the
Numerical study of jet nozzle characteristics on commercial CFD software ANSYS Fluent.43 ANSYS
impingement cooling of gas turbine blade leading Fluent numerically solves the conservation of mass,
edge40 indicated that the average Nusselt number at the momentum and energy equations in a segregated or
blade leading edge increases with jet speed but decreases coupled manner. The mass, momentum, and energy
with the distance between the jet nozzle and the pres- conservation equations for a steady, two-dimensional
sure side. It was recommended to have a side entry jet flow are given by:
which will improve the performance of impingement
cooling on turbine leading edge. Fluid flow and thermal *
Mass : r rV V = 0 ð2Þ
analysis for impingement cooling system with a series
of air jets have also been reported41 for varying func- * *
tional parameters. The results indicated that overall Momentum : r rV V V V = rp + r m
Nusselt number and total entropy generation increases ð3Þ
* * T 2 * *
Figure 1. Sketch illustrating the physical (3D) and the computational (2D) domains.
n* o
Energy : r V V ðrE + pÞ
X * * ð4Þ
=r keff rT hj V J j + t eff V V
uavg ð xÞ =
N Nulocal ðx0 Þdx0
Figure 6. The curved wall model illustrating the geometric
Comparison of the results predicted by the different parameters used in this study.
turbulence models indicate that two-equation
K-Epsilon turbulence models yield higher heat transfer (240 3 150 quadrilateral cells), and fine (320 3 200
values, with the standard K-omega turbulence model quadrilateral cells). The results in terms of average
giving the highest heat transfer near the stagnation Nusselt number distribution along the surface are
region. The results of the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence plotted in Figure 5 which shows that the fine mesh gave
model were found to be in good agreement with the highest heat transfer while the coarse mesh gave the
Martin’s empirical data. It is a simplified one-equation lowest. The medium mesh results were just slightly
model which was mainly developed for wall bounded lower than the finer one; as a result the finer mesh was
flows in aerospace applications. Being one-equation chosen so as to improve the accuracy of results. The
turbulence model, it allowed simulation of a large num- finer mesh gave a y + value of 46 which was accepta-
ber of cases due to its reduced computational time. ble since Fluent recommends a value of y + should be
Thus, the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model was used either less than 1 or greater than 30 for the Spalart-
in the current study due to the accuracy of its predic- Allmaras turbulence model.
tion and reduced computational time. Next a curved wall model (Figures 1 and 6) was ana-
lyzed with a leading edge profile of the NACA 23012
airfoil. Figure 6 also shows the different non-
Grid independence study dimensional variables used to construct the different
As mentioned earlier, three meshes were examined: configurations namely (a) jet-to-target spacing (z/d) of
coarse (160 3 100 quadrilateral cells), medium 4, 6, and 8. (b) channel heights (h/d) of 0.4, 0.7, 1.0,
Saeed et al. 7
Figure 7. The complete meshed domain for the curved wall simulations and on an average each case took approxi-
model. mately 36 h to converge. A mesh size of 300 3 490
quadrilateral cells was used to analyze all the cases. In
addition, several passes of grid adaption were also used
to ensure that the wall y + was within the values rec-
ommended by Fluent.
Figure 9 shows the different boundary conditions
imposed on the curved wall model. A stationary iso-
thermal wall boundary condition was imposed on the
impinging wall with a temperature (Twall) of 260 K such
as that experienced by aircraft operating under icing
weather conditions and exposed to ambient tempera-
ture (much lower than the wall temperature) on the
Figure 8. Close up view of the mesh with and without the other side. The piccolo wall is kept at a constant heat
etched channel. flux with a thickness of 0.002 m. Pressure outlet bound-
ary condition is used to define the static pressure at
flow outlets. An added advantage of this type of outlet
1.4, and 1.8. (c) channel inlet location angle (u) of 10°, boundary condition is that it defines scalar variables in
20°, 40°, and 60° with respect to the piccolo tube cen- case of back flow. The pressure outlet boundary condi-
ter. The channel inlets were placed at an angle of 10° tion requires the specification of static (gauge) pressure
with respect to the hot-air jet axis and care was taken at the outlet boundary. Since the outlet conditions are
so that as the jet-to-target spacing was varied, the angle ambient, zero gauge is defined as the pressure for pres-
remained fixed at 10°. Figures 7 and 8 show the details sure outlet boundary condition. Ambient pressure is
of the computational domain discretized using a combi- defined as the operating pressure. The mass flow rate
nation of structured and unstructured grids. Figure 8 inlet boundary condition is used to model the flow inlet
shows the close-up views of the computational mesh boundary. Air acting as ideal gas is considered to flow
around the hot-jet slot with and without the presence out from a jet with Reynolds number 60,000
of the etched channel. Again, three meshes were exam- (V = 34.959 m/s) and viscosity (v = 1.789 3 1025 kg/
ined: coarse (150 3 246 quadrilateral cells), medium m s) at 400 K (Tin). Appropriate reference values were
(225 3 372 quadrilateral cells), and fine (300 3 490 set for post processing as shown in Table 1.
quadrilateral cells). The fine mesh size of 300 3 490
quadrilateral cells was used to analyze the different
geometric and flow parameters. Results and discussions
The two-dimensional double precision solver in The results shown in Figure 10 are the validation results
Fluent was used to simulate all cases. The convergence for a flat plate, curved, and channeled baseline model
criterion for the residuals was set at 1026 for continu- with Martin’s correlation. Since a 6 15% spread in
ity, momentum, and energy terms. A 2.80 GHz Intel i5 experimental data was observed by Martin, both the
Processor desktop with 4 GB RAM was used for all upper and lower bounds of the empirical results are
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Area (m2) 1
Density (kg/m3) 0.887502
Depth (m) 0.025
Enthalpy (J/kg) 102,885.3
Length (m) 0.045
Pressure (pascal) 0
Temperature (K) 400
Velocity (m/s) 33.959 m/s
Viscosity (kg/m s) 1.789 3 1025
Ratio of specific heat 1.4
Area (m2) 1
Density (kg/m3) 0.887502
plotted for comparison with numerical results. In addi- Figure 12. Results for z/d = 6 for different channel heights.
tion, the average Nusselt number (Nuavg) distribution is
plotted as a function of the x/s distance along the lower
curved surface of the wing profile (the impingement sur- which results in an enhanced heat transfer. Lastly, as a
face). It is mentioned here that since the wing operates baseline case, the results of the curved model with an
at a positive angle of attack during flight and as such inner channel simulated under same conditions is also
the ice accretes on the lower surface of the wing starting plotted for reference. The results predict a significant
around the stagnation point. Therefore, the average increase in heat transfer up to 20% compared to the
Nusselt number (Nuavg) results in this study are pre- curved model and significantly more compared to the
sented as a function of the non-dimensional curvilinear flat plate model because of the channel placed at an
distance x/s, starting from the stagnation point where angle of 10° from the center of the piccolo tube. For
the hot-jet strikes the curved wall or the impingement the channel case, again increase in the heat transfer can
surface. be attributed to increased wall jet momentum close to
The validation results show that there is an increase the inlet of the channel. The increased heat transfer
in heat transfer as we move from a flat plate model to a around the stagnation point region can be attributed to
curved surface model, this is due to the effect of curva- the local confinement and circulation due to curvature.
ture which has also been proven by previous research- The results for the different jet-to-target spacing
ers like Sharif and Mothe30 who have suggested that (z/d) are shown in Figures 11 to 13 respectively. The
there is a 20% increase in heat transfer in curved model results show that heat transfer increases when the jet-
impingement compared to a flat plate model. The cur- to-target spacing is lowered from 8 to 6 and decreases
vature is seen to increase the momentum of the wall jet jet-to-target spacing is lowered from 6 to 4 heat
Saeed et al. 9
Figure 14. Results for channel inlet placement angle of 10° for
different channel heights.
transfer. Thus, the results indicate that a jet-to-target
spacing of 6 is the optimum in case of impingement on
a curved surface. The results also show a peak in heat
transfer value around x/s = 2 followed by a gradual fall
off with distance from the stagnation point. This fact is
attributed to the start of the channel inlet at that loca-
tion which is seen to impart more momentum to the
wall jet region as a result of increased turbulence and
shear stress along the impinging wall. The validity of
this reasoning is confirmed by the fact that the peak
does not appear in the simulation case without a
Livingood and Hyrcak31 conducted an extensive lit-
erature survey of experimental and numerical studies
on heat transfer due to jet impingement on flat sur-
faces. They reported that the optimum jet-to-target
spacing for a single circular jet is around 6–7 and for a Figure 15. Results for channel inlet placement angle at 20° for
single slot jet is 8. The present study suggests that the different channel heights.
optimum jet-to-target spacing for enhanced heat trans-
fer is closer to 6 for curved surfaces. Moreover, it has
been observed that the optimum jet-to-target spacing
depends on the presence of a channel and the channel
height. The channel height (h/d) of 1.8, the maximum
value investigated in this study, at the optimum jet-to-
target spacing was observed to yield the highest heat
transfer. Further study is needed to determine the opti-
mum value of this non-dimensional channel height
(h/d). Based on these results, the jet-to-target spacing of
6 was fixed for all later simulations to determine the
optimum channel inlet location angle and the Reynolds
Figures 14 to 17 present the effect of channel inlet
location angle (u) on the average Nusselt number Nuave
distribution. The simulations were performed for u val-
ues of 10°, 20°, 40°, and 60°. Amongst the 4 channel
inlet location angles investigated, the inlet location Figure 16. Results for channel inlet placement angle of 40° for
angle 10° yielded the highest overall heat transfer different channel heights.
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Figure 18. Results for Reynolds number 30,000 at a jet-to- Figure 20. Effect of channel angle (u).
target spacing of 6.
In this study, a two-dimensional numerical simulation
study on heat transfer from a hot-air jet impinging on a
curved surface resembling the leading edge of an air-
craft wing or the slat of an aircraft wing was success-
fully carried out using the commercially available CFD
software, ANSYS Fluent. The simulation is used to
model the different hot-air jet configurations typical of
those found in small to medium category commercial
transport aircraft employing hot-air anti-icing systems
in order to identify key parameters that can yield
enhanced heat transfer not only around the stagnation
region but also further downstream. The major find-
ings of this study can be summarized as follows:
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Mass Transf 2006; 42: 501–510. hc heat-transfer coefficient (W/m2 K)
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