Dri Sam
Dri Sam
Dri Sam
+91-8638556728/ [email protected]
Law graduate from Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian Law College, Bangalore. Experienced with Kafqa and Praveen Jain
Associates, skilled in drafting contracts, agreements , due diligence, review, Labour Law , IPR Law, Contract Law and mitigate
contractual risks. Active in Legal Aid, Human rights and community legal education. Hold certification in Advance Contract Drafting
and Mediation .Focusing in legal document drafting, client relationship and contract management. Participated in moot court,
seminars and webinars, enhancing both legal acumen and soft skill.
September 2023 – February 2024
Operation Legal Executive
Scheduling meeting and negotiation of agreement
Drafting NDA, MoU, service agreement
Monitor and renew contract agreement
Focusing in customer service skill and legal knowledge
Drafting notices and review of agreements
Give training session and onboarding instructors
Praveen Jain Legal Associates
June 2016 – August 2016
Legal Intern
This internship helped me in building strong foundation in drafting and corporate knowledge.
This internship had given me chances to work under best lawyers.
I have helped in due diligence
Gained experience in reviewing 20+ documents related to NDA ,Term sheets, commercial contracts
Mitigate contractual risks
This internship helped me how to handle stress and effectively prioritize my work according to deadline.
Satya Brata Sarmah , Jorhat Bar Association, Jorhat
June 2018 – September 2018
Legal Intern
Preparation of all legal documents ,wills, affidavits, plaints, lease, property agreement ,NDA
Maintain files of client .
Entered daily data with regards to client and the related case.
Case study related to Transfer of property, Divorce, Writ petition, NI Act , Assault, Defamation.
Attended court hearings and trials at Jorhat District Court .
Diploma in Advance Contract Drafting , Lawsikho
Certified course in Mediation, Student at Law
Moot Court
Participated in moot court at Bishop Cotton Women’s Law College .
Attended National Moot court competition, KSLU
Attended seminar on Human Rights , Bishop Cotton Women’s Law College, Bangalore
Attended seminar on Human Trafficking Awareness, Bishop Cotton Women’s Law College.
Attended Legal Aid Camps , , Bishop Cotton Women’s Law College
Webinar on opportunities in Contract Drafting, Lawsikho.
Webinar on opportunities in US Contract Drafting, Lawsikho
Webinar on drafting skills, Law Octopus.
Legal Research
Legal analysis and drafting
Legal Agreement
Labour Law
Contract Law
MS Office
I do hereby declare that the above particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place – Bangalore
(Dristi Sarmah)