Management of TB in Special Situations
Management of TB in Special Situations
Management of TB in Special Situations
• Children
• Pregnancy
• Breastfeeding
• Contraception
• Diabetes Mellitus
• Liver Disorder
• Renal Failure
DOH Center for Health Development
▪ Monitor clinically
method of contraception .
● For pregnant women with HIV who are already on ART, defer
preventive treatment until three months post-partum.
Patients who vomit directly after taking an oral contraceptive can be at risk of decreased
absorption and therefore of decreased efficacy, and should be advised to use a barrier
method of contraception
o Allow five days for washout (i.e. substitute NVP then start MDR-TB
treatment five days later).
o If patient is critically ill, no need to wait for a washout period just start
MDR-TB treatment immediately.