Occurrence and Frequency of Gene Mutations Associated With Rifampicin Rif and Isoniazid Inh Resistance From Multidrug Resistant Mycom
Occurrence and Frequency of Gene Mutations Associated With Rifampicin Rif and Isoniazid Inh Resistance From Multidrug Resistant Mycom
Occurrence and Frequency of Gene Mutations Associated With Rifampicin Rif and Isoniazid Inh Resistance From Multidrug Resistant Mycom
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Department, Nigerian
Institute of Medical Research Yaba Lagos. *
Grant, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (Biostatistics), Nigerian Raheem TY, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Department,
Nigerian Institute of Medical Research Yaba Lagos.
Institute of Medical Research.
Received: 09 Dec 2023; Accepted: 14 Jan 2024; Published: 20 Jan 2024
Centre for TB Research, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research
Yaba, Lagos.
Citation: Raheem TY, Iwalokun BA, Fowora MA, et al. Occurrence and Frequency of Gene Mutations Associated with Rifampicin
(RIF) and Isoniazid (INH) Resistance from Multidrug Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MDRTB) in Lagos, Nigeria. Microbiol
Infect Dis. 2024; 8(1): 1-6.
Background: Despite the tremendous improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB)
remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in adults and children worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO)
recommends detection of MDR TB using bacteriological confirmation of TB and testing for drug resistance using rapid molecular tests,
culture methods or sequencing technologies. M. tuberculosis strains resistant to multiple anti-TB drugs are becoming increasingly
common. Different independent mutations of rpoB, katG and InhA genes encoding either the drug target or the enzymes involved in
drug activation have been found to be one of the strategies responsible for resistance to Rifampicin and Isoniazid.
Methods: This cross-sectional, multicentre study was conducted on MDRTB isolates collected from pulmonary TB patients in
Lagos, Nigeria from May 2012 to October 2016. After informed consent, structured questionnaires were administered to obtain
sociodemographic data. Sputum samples were collected and processed for microscopy and culture using Lowenstein-Jensen medium.
Isolates were identified by biochemical and molecular methods and drug susceptibility testing was performed using MIC, proportion
and line probe Assay methods.
Objectives: The study investigated the occurrence and frequency of gene mutations associated with rifampicin (RIF) and isoniazid
(INH) resistance from the isolated MDRTB and assessed whether all the M. tuberculosis which elicited MDRTB phenotype had
mutation markers.
Results: Of the 48 M. tuberculosis that elicited MDR phenotype by the proportion and MIC methods, 2 (4.2%) isolates lacked any
of the inhA, katG and rpoBgene mutations associated with RIF and isoniazid resistance in the line probe assay method. The highest
occurring rpoB mutation conferring RIF resistance among the MDR M. tuberculosis tested was 97.3% with mutation point S531L
at a frequency of 60.4% followed by H526D mutation (22.9%), H536Y (8.3%) and D516V (6.3%). The S315T mutation of the katG
gene was responsible for 50% of isoniazid resistance among the MDR isolates. This was followed by C-15T mutation (14.6%), S94A
mutation (12.5%) and 1194A (8.3%) of inhA mutation points.
Conclusions: Different mutations of genes encoding either drug target or the enzymes involved in drug activation such as S531L,
H526D, H536Y, D516V, S315T, C-15T and S94A were detected in MDRTB isolates. The study also showed that lack of inhA, katG and
rpoB resistance defining mutations may not be sufficient as markers of susceptibility to anti-TB drugs. There is need for a nation-wide
study of the pattern of mutations of drug/enzyme gene targets in MDRTB in Nigeria.
MDR M. tuberculosis strains seem to have accumulated Rationale for the study
independent mutations in genes encoding either the drug target Mutations of drug target genes in M. tuberculosis remain very
or the enzymes involved in drug activation. In a few reference important in the emergence of MDRTB. Mutation patterns in M.
laboratories in Nigeria, MDR-TB is diagnosed phenotypically tuberculosis vary from strains to strains and with geographical
by the use of the drug sensitivity testing based on proportion and environmental differences. The Line Probe Assay detects
method using LJ medium supplemented with isoniazid at 0.2 MDR-TB based on the detection of mutations in genes targeted
ug.mL concentration and rifampicin at 40 ug/mL. Although this by isoniazid and rifampicin [7]. They include katG, a catalase
method has been found to be very reliable in diagnosing MDR- peroxidase gene involved in the activation of isoniazid. The rpoB
TB, it is time consuming, laborious and lacks information on the mutations included in the LPA DNA strip technology are D516 V,
mechanism of resistance [6,7]. To improve on MDR-TB diagnostic H526Y, H526D and S531L. These markers are strongly associated
turnaround time, genotypic testing based on the use of line probe with MDR-TB in M. tuberculosis by eliciting MDR phenotype
assay (LPA) is also performed. The LPA detects MDR-TB based [10]. There is therefore the need to understand the mutation types
on the detection of mutations in genes targeted by isoniazid and and frequency in the MDR-TB among circulating strains of M.
rifampicin from the DNA sample of sonicated Mycobacterial tuberculosis in the study area, which is presently having limited
cells. They include katG, a catalase peroxidase gene involved in information regarding the most frequent mutations in the katG
the activation of isoniazid. KatG gene is for producing hydrogen and inhA pathways for isoniazid resistance and the rpoB gene for
peroxide that will convert INH from inactive form to active form rifampicin resistance.
Sample size After 7 days, 30 μl of 0.02 per cent resazurin sodium salt solution
A total of 306 M. tuberculosis were studied out of which 48 was added to each well and again incubated for a further 24 h at
MDRTB were confirmed by proportion method, Resazzurin 37oC. A change in colour of the resazurin dye from blue to pink
Microtitre Assay (REMA) and Line Probe Assay (LPA) for drug was considered as positive growth and MIC was determined
susceptibility and resistance testing. as corresponding to the concentration in the last blue colour in
a row. All the experiments were repeated in duplicates. Isolates
Data Analyses with MICs of INH <0.25 μg/mL and RIF ≤1 μg/mL were defined
Data obtained after questionnaire administration were double- as being sensitive to INH and RIF, respectively. Reporting
entered into Microsoft excel 2007 version and Epi INFO version recommendations have been addressed by the Clinical and
6.1. They were cleaned and validated for completeness and error Laboratory Standards Institute [11].
before export to Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS
version 26) where analyses were done. Demographic variables DNA extraction for molecular assays
such as age, sex, education, occupation and clinical data such as DNA extraction was carried out by sonication on the cultured
the presence of fever, cough, hemoptysis, night sweat, diabetes, organisms, followed by heat killing at 80◦C for 30 minutes,
and HIV were used as covariates and summarized as frequency and followed by multiplex amplification with biotinylated primers
percentages (%) as well as mean + standard deviation (SD). Chi - and reverse hybridization. Identification of MTBC and NTM
square(χ2)and Fisher Exact (when expected frequency (e) < 5) test species were carried out by using specific sets of primers
was used to evaluate the relationship between proportion method designed to amplify a species-specific 23S rRNA gene sequence
of DST and LPA as diagnostic tools for MDR TB infections. of Mycobacterium species. One ml of MGIT 960 culture of
reference or clinical M. tuberculosis isolate was heated with 40 mg
Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST) Chelex-100 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) at 95°C for 20
Inoculum preparation - Freshly grown colonies (> 50) of M. min and then centrifuged at 12,000 × g for 15 min. For a PCR, 2 μl
tuberculosis isolates from LJ medium were transferred to a tube of supernatant was used as a source of DNA.
containing 3-4 ml phosphate-buffered saline and 6 to 9 sterile
glass beads. Tubes were vigorously agitated on a vortex mixer This technique involved DNA amplification targeting the 23s
and clumps were allowed to settle for 30 min. The suspensions rRNA region of NTM isolates, followed by reverse hybridisation
were transferred to sterile tubes and adjusted with phosphate buffer to specific oligonucleotide probe immobilised on membrane strips.
saline to equal the density of 0.5 McFarland standard for use as the The kit for common Mycobacteria (CM), which identifies 15
standard inoculum in the Broth microdilution method (BMM) and Mycobacterium species, including M. tuberculosis complex, was
reazurin microtitre method (REMA) [11]. used [14].
REMA: Resazzurin Microtitre Assay (REMA) technique was Amplification mixture (45 μl) was prepared in DNA free room,
performed using Middlebrook 7H9- liquid medium in 96-well including 5 μl extracted DNA (20-100 ng DNA) in the reaction
© 2024 Raheem TY, et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License