Project Report 1 11-10-22 18-25
Project Report 1 11-10-22 18-25
Project Report 1 11-10-22 18-25
Client Details
Calculated parameters:
Thickness (m); Eq.1 Vertical stress (KPa); Radial stress (KPa); Vertical strain; Eq.5 N; Eq.6-7
Eq.2 Eq.3
1.018 22.21 0.629 0.000868 1082258
Pavement layers Layer thickness (mm) Material modulus (MPa) Material Poisson ratio
Paving layer 80 3200 0.30
Bedding sand layer 20 200 0.35
Base course layer 100 350 0.35
Sub-base course layer 290 250 0.35
Subgrade layer --- 25 0.40
Design Curve: sub-base thickness
Cost Analysis:
Design methodology
To calculate the stresses in a multi-layered pavement system, for ease of analysis, the layered system is
converted into an equivalent homogeneous layer with a single material property. This procedure is known as the
Method of Equivalent Thickness (MET) which was originally developed by Odemark (1949).
The idea behind Odemark’s theory is that the vertical stresses at the interface between the top layer with
stiffness E1 and thickness h1 and the homogeneous sub-grade half space with stiffness Em are the same as
the stresses at an equivalent depth heq with stiffness Em.
For a two-layered system, the figure below shows how the vertical stresses caused by the wheel load are
distributed throughout each layer.
Via assuming the same vertical stress at the interface between the top layer and the underlying half space, an
equivalent thickness (heq) for the homogenous material to that of the multi layered system on the left can be
The Method of Equivalent Thickness (MET), which was originally developed by Odemark (1949), was used to
calculate the thickness of equivalent homogenous sub layer using the following equation:
where, v1 and v2 are Poisson ratios of the top layer and subgrade (half space) layer respectively, h1 is
thickness of the top layer, E1 and Em are moduli of top and half space respectively.
For a road pavement with a base and sub-base structure, the equivalent layer thickness for the layers above the
subgrade can be calculated as follows:
The vertical and radial stresses were calculated at various depths using the Boussinesq’s equations below:
where, a Is the radius of the circular loading area, p Is contact pressure (from wheel), z Is the depth below the
surface, v Is Poisson ratio, and eq.3 And eq.4 are vertical, radial And tangential stresses respectively.
In all cases, the radius of loading area was assumed to be 0.15m and tyre contact pressure (kPa) as mentioned
Then vertical strain at the top of subgrade layer and radial strain at the bottom of the base/sub-base layer were
calculated using the following equations:
where, eq.4 and eq.5 are radial and vertical strains respectively. The compressive and tensile stresses were
considered as negative and positive respectively.
Failure equation:
The failure criteria that is assessed for rutting and fatigue are given by Valkering (1974) and Austroads (2012)
respectively as following:
where, eq.6 is the permissible subgrade compressive strain (macrostrain) and N is the number of strain
Using eq.5 and eq.6, the base/subbase thickness or modulus of subbase was calculated by numerical
iterations. The calculated parameters by the above equations are given above.
Rutting failure mode is generally more common when using unbound base and sub base materials such as
crushed rock or gravel where compressive strain at the top of the layer leads to permanent deformation /fatigue.
Tensile failure is a result of tensile strains at the bottom of the layer, which are more common in cement-bound
materials. DesignPave optimises the design thickness so that N from eq.(6) and eq.(7) were higher than design
traffic or ESA.
The CMAA and the University of South Australia (the University) have made this software available on an ‘as-is’
basis as a tool to assist with the design of roads and pavements and is exclusively published in Australia by the
CMAA and is only conditionally issued. Possession, access to, and use of the software is permitted only as
expressly authorised by the CMAA. Such authorisation does not include the right to alter, decompile, assign,
transfer, reproduce, or disclose the software, in whole or in part, nor can users export the software. While all
care has been taken in the development of this software, the CMAA makes no guarantees about the software or
the results it provides.
Full responsibility for the use of the software package for any project, the collection and storage of data, and the
interpretation of results remains wholly with the users.
The DesignPave software package is provided only as a tool to aid design and to give general guidance about
the construction of concrete block pavements and is not appropriate for use on other types of pavement. The
results of this program are for guidance purposes only and all assumptions and calculations should be
confirmed by users before construction begins. The software is not intended as a replacement for engineering
skill and judgement, and users should consult with suitably experienced and professionally qualified civil
engineers to finalise and validate designs.
The program assumes that the pavers, the bedding and jointing sands, the base, the sub-base and the
construction standards will all meet or exceeded the standard set out in the manual, the program help screens,
or the program printout.
No warranties, either expressed or implied, are given, and by choosing to use this software users accept any
and all liabilities arising from its use.
In the event that the CMAA or the University incur any sole and exclusive liability for collateral, incidental,
exemplary, or consequential damages, regardless of the form of action, these will not exceed the purchase price
of the software package.