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DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Headquarters US Air Force Washington, DC 20330-1030

CFETP 2A5X1 Parts I and II 1 October 2008



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Part I Preface Abbreviation and Terms Explained Section A--General Information Purpose of the CFETP Use of the CFETP Coordination and Approval of the CFETP Section B--Career Progression and Information Specialty Description Skill/Career Progression Apprentice Level (3) Journeyman Level (5) Craftsman Level (7) Superintendent Level (9) Training Decisions Community College of the Air Force Section C-- Skill Level Training Requirements Purpose Implementation Section D--Resource Constraints PART II Section A, AETC Course Objective List Section B, Support Material Section C, Training Course Index Section D, MAJCOM Unique Requirements Section E, Specialty Training Standards STS Attachments 1. Proficiency Code Key (Mandatorymust be filed with pages 16-18) 2. 2A5X1 Common Requirements (Mandatory) 3. B-1 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 4. B-2 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 5. B-52 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 23 25 41 59 73 16 17 17 19 19 1 2 5




6. C-130 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 7. C-130J Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 8. C-135 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 9. C-17 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 10. C-5 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 11. C-9 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 12. E-3/E-8 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 13. KC-10 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 14. E-4/VC-25 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) 15. B-1 Training Matrix (Not used in Training Records) 16. B-2 Training Matrix (Not used in Training Records) 17. B-52 Training Matrix (Not used in Training Records) 18. C-130 Training Matrix (Not used in Training Records) 19. C-135 Training Matrix (Not used in Training Records) 20. C-17 Training Matrix (Not used in Training Records) 21. C-5 Training Matrix (Not used in Training Records) 22. E-3/E-8 Training Matrix (Not used in Training Records) 23. KC-10 Training Matrix (Not used in Training Records) 24. 2AX7X 7-level CDC Requirements (Not used in Training Records) 87 109 131 145 165 181 191 201 213 223 229 236 242 248 254 261 268 274 281

Supersedes: CFETP 2A5X1, May 2005 CFETP 2A5X1 C1 1 May 2005 CFETP 2A5X1 C2 1 Feb 2007 CFETP 2A5X1 C3 1 Feb 2007 OPR: 360 TRS/TRR (Clifton L. Scribner, GS-12) Approved By: USAF/A4L Number of Printed Pages: 292


CFETP 2A5X1 CAREER FIELD EDUCATION AND TRAINING PLAN AEROSPACE MAINTENANCE SPECIALTY AFSC 2A5X1 Part I Preface 1. This Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) is a comprehensive education and training document that identifies life-cycle education/training requirements, training support resources and minimum core task requirements for the entire 2A5X1 specialty. The CFETP will provide personnel a clear career path to success and will instill rigor in all aspects of career field training. To read, review, or print a copy of the current CFETP, go to the following URL: , or go to the Air Force E-Publishing website and typing 2A5X1 in the search titles box. Note: Civilians occupying associated positions will use Part II to support duty position qualification training. *Information is available at AF/A4MM web page: 2. CFETP Parts. The CFETP consists of two parts; both parts of the plan are used by supervisors to plan, manage and control training within the career field. 2.1 Part I provides information necessary for overall management of the specialty. Section A explains how everyone will use the plan; Section B identifies career field progression information, duties and responsibilities, training strategies, and career field path; Section C associates each level with specialty qualifications (knowledge, education, training, and other). Section D indicates resource constraints. Some examples are funds, manpower, equipment and facilities. 2.2. Part II includes the following: Section A contains the course objective list and training standards supervisors will use to determine if airmen have satisfied training requirements. Section B identifies available support materials, such as Qualification Training Package (QTP), which may be developed to support proficiency training. Section C identifies a training course index that supervisors can use to determine if resources are available to support training. Included here are both mandatory and optional courses. Section D identifies MAJCOM unique training requirements supervisors can use to determine additional training required for the associated qualification needs. At unit level, supervisors and trainers will use Part II to identify, plan, and conduct training commensurate with the overall goals of this plan. Section E identifies the Specialty Training Standard (STS) and includes duties, tasks, technical references to support training, Air Education and Training Command (AETC) conducted training, wartime course/core task, and correspondence course requirements. 3. Using the guidance provided in the CFETP will ensure individuals in this specialty receive effective and efficient training at the appropriate points in their career. This plan will enable supervisors to train todays work force for tomorrows jobs. At the unit level, supervisors and trainers will use Part II to identify, plan, and conduct training commensurate with the overall goals of this plan. 1

CFETP 2A5X1 ABBREVIATIONS/TERMS EXPLAINED Advanced Training. Formal course, which provides individuals who are qualified in their Air Force Specialty (AFS) with additional skills/knowledge to enhance their expertise in the career field. Training is for selected career airmen at the advanced level of an AFS. Air Force Job Qualification Standard (AFJQS). A comprehensive task list that describes a particular job type or duty position. Supervisors use the AFJQS to document task qualifications. The AFJQS tasks are common to all persons serving in the described duty position. Bridge Course. A formal or informal course, which allows the individual to expand his/her knowledge in another area of expertise. Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP). A CFETP is a comprehensive, multipurpose document covering the entire spectrum of education and training for a career field. It outlines a logical growth plan that includes training resources and is designed to make career field training identifiable, eliminate duplication, and ensure this training is budget defensible. Certification. A formal indication of an individuals ability to perform a task to required standards. Certification Official. A person authorized by appropriate commander to determine an individuals ability to perform a task to required standards. Continuation Training. This is additional training that exceeds minimum upgrade requirements and has an emphasis on present or future duty assignments. Core Task. Task that the Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM) identifies as minimum qualification requirements within an Air Force Specialty. Only a percentage of critical tasks for each system are listed as mandatory core tasks. This gives units needed flexibility to manage their workforce training. Core tasks identified with */R are optional for ANG and AFRC. Course Training Standard (CTS). A formal course document that identifies, in board terms, the training members will receive in a specific course. Cross Utilization Training (CUT). Training designed to qualify personnel to perform tasks that are not established requirements in their awarded AFSC. Enlisted Specialty Training (EST). A mix of formal training (technical school) and informal training (on-the-job) to qualify and upgrade airmen in each skill level of a specialty En Route Training. The training of students undergoing a permanent change of station (PCS) while in temporary duty (TDY) status. Exportable Training. Additional training via computer assisted, paper text, interactive video, or other necessary means to supplement training. 2

CFETP 2A5X1 External Evaluation. Acquisition and analysis of data from outside the training environment to evaluate/determine the graduates ability to perform tasks required in the career field. Field Training. Technical, operator, and other training that either a training detachment (TD) or field training team (FTT) conducts at operational locations on specific systems and associated direct-support equipment for maintenance and aircrew personnel. Field Technical Training (Type 4). Special or regular on-site training conducted by a Training Detachment (TD) or by a Mobile Training Team (MTT). Go/No-Go Level. In OJT, the stage at which an individual has gained enough skill, knowledge and experience to either be qualified to perform an identified task without assistance or cannot perform the task without assistance. Graduate Assessment Survey GAS). A web-based survey to gather supervisory feedback on Air Force, Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC), Air National Guard (ANG) graduates of initial skill type 3, 4 and 5 courses. Results are used to determine negative trends so corrective action can be implemented. Initial Skills Training. A formal course of instruction that results in award of a 3-skill level. Mission Ready Airman (MRA). A formal course which results in an airman receiving handson training that prepares the individual to be mission ready at the end of training. Occupational Survey Report (OSR). A detailed report showing the results of an occupational survey of tasks performed within a particular AFS. On-the-Job Training. Hands-on, over-the-shoulder training conducted to qualify/certify personnel in both upgrade (skill level award) and job qualification (duty position certification) training. Plan of Instruction (POI). A formal AETC course control document which lists objectives to be accomplished in the preferred sequence of instruction, support materials needed, and the apportionment of training time. Qualification Training (QT). Actual hands-on task performance training designed to qualify an airman in a specific duty position. This training program occurs both during and after the upgrade training process. It is designed to provide the performance skill/knowledge training required to do the job. Qualification Training Package (QTP). An instructional package designed for use at the unit to qualify, or aid qualification, in a duty position or program, or on a piece of equipment. It may be printed, computer based, or in other audiovisual media. Resource Constraints. Resource deficiencies, such as money, facilities, time, manpower, or equipment, that precludes desired training from being accomplished.

CFETP 2A5X1 Specialty Training Standard. An Air Force publication that describes an AFS in terms of tasks and knowledge an airman may be expected to perform or to know on the job. It also serves as a contract between AETC and the functional user to show which of the overall training requirements for an AFS are taught in initial skills training, career development courses (CDCs), and seven-level resident courses. Standard. An exact value, a physical entity, or an abstract concept, established and defined by authority, custom, or common consent to serve as a reference, model, or rule in measuring quantities or qualities, establishing practices or procedures, or evaluating results. A fixed quantity or quality. Task Certifier. See Certification Official. Trainer. A trained and qualified person who teaches airmen to perform specific tasks through OJT methods. Also, equipment that the trainer uses to teach airmen specified tasks. Training Capability. The ability of a unit or base to provide training. Authorities consider the availability of equipment, qualified trainers, study reference materials, and so on in determining a units training capability. Upgrade Training (UGT). Mandatory training that leads to attainment of higher level of proficiency and award of an AFSC Utilization and Training Workshop (U&TW). A forum of Air Force (AF) and MAJCOM career field functional managers, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), and AETC training personnel that determines career ladder training requirements for an designated AFS.

CFETP 2A5X1 SECTION A - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Purpose. This CFETP provides the information necessary for Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM), MAJCOM functional managers (MFMs), commanders, training managers, supervisors and trainers to plan, develop, manage and conduct an effective career field training program. This plan outlines the training that individuals in AFSC 2A5X1 should receive in order to develop and progress throughout their career. This CFETP identifies initial skill, upgrade, qualification, advanced and proficiency training. Initial skills training is the AFS specific training an individual receives upon entry into the Air Force or upon retraining into this specialty for award of the 3-skill level. This training is conducted at various locations by AETC. Upgrade training identifies the mandatory courses, task qualification requirements and correspondence course completion requirements for award of the 3-, 5-, 7- and 9-skill levels. Qualification training is actual hands-on task performance training designed to qualify an airman in a specific duty position. This training program occurs, during and after the upgrade training process. It is designed to provide the performance skills/knowledge required to do the job. Advanced training is formal specialty training used for selected airmen. Proficiency training is additional training, either in-residence or exportable advanced training courses, or on-the-job training, provided to personnel to increase their skills and knowledge beyond the minimum required for upgrade. The CFETP has several purposes, including: 1.1. Serves as a management tool to plan, manage, conduct, and evaluate a career field training program. Also, it is used to help supervisors identify training at the appropriate point in an individual's career. 1.2. Identifies task and knowledge training requirements for each skill level in the specialty and recommends education/training throughout each phase of an individuals career. 1.3. Lists training courses available in the specialty, identifies sources of training, and the training delivery method. 1.4. Identifies major resource constraints, which impact full implementation of the desired career field training process. 2. Uses of the CFETP. The plan will be used by MFMs and supervisors at all levels to ensure comprehensive and cohesive training programs are available for each individual in the specialty. 2.1. AETC training personnel will develop/revise formal resident, non-resident, field and exportable training based on requirements established by the users and documented in Part II of the CFETP. They will also work with the AFCFM to develop acquisition strategies for obtaining resources needed to provide the identified training. 2.2. MFMs will ensure their training programs complement the CFETP mandatory initial, upgrade, and proficiency requirements. Identified requirements can be satisfied by OJT, resident training, contract training, or exportable courses. MAJCOM developed training to support this AFSC must be identified for inclusion into this CFETP. 2.3. Each individual will complete the mandatory training requirements specified in this plan. The lists of courses in Part II will be used as a reference to support training. 5

CFETP 2A5X1 3. Coordination and Approval of the CFETP. The AFCFM is the approval authority. Also, the AFCFM will initiate an annual review of this document to ensure currency and accuracy. MAJCOM representatives and AETC training personnel will identify and coordinate on the career field training requirements. Using the list of courses in Part II, they will eliminate duplicate training.

SECTION B - CAREER PROGRESSION AND INFORMATION 1. Specialty Descriptions. 1.1. Specialty Summary. Data derived from the Enlisted Classification Directory (ECD). Performs and supervises aircraft maintenance (2A5X1) functions and activities. Inspects, repairs, maintains, and services aircraft and Support Equipment (SE). Maintains aircraft forms and records. Performs crew chief functions. Related DoD Occupational Subgroup: 160000. 1.2. Duties and Responsibilities. Refer to ECD. 1.2.1. Troubleshoots, inspects, repairs, and services aircraft, systems, and related equipment. Inspects and functionally checks aircraft structures and systems. Checks installed components for proper operation. Adjusts, aligns, and calibrates aircraft systems. Rigs, tracks, and balances rotor systems. Inspects for fuel leaks, corrosion, tire wear, skin damage, and cracks on aircraft. Accomplishes engine maintenance and ground handling tasks. Prepares and maintains inspection and maintenance records. Operates, inspects and checks serviceability of powered and non-powered SE. Inventories and inspects alternate mission equipment. 1.2.2. Stores and prepares aircraft for shipment, and performs crash recovery. Prepares aircraft for movement to and from storage. Disassembles aircraft for shipment and reassembles. Removes disabled aircraft. Uses emergency recovery equipment. 1.2.3. Advises on problems maintaining aircraft and related SE. Uses technical orders to diagnose and solve maintenance problems on airframe and engine related systems. Interprets inspection findings and advises on maintenance procedures to repair aircraft and related equipment. 1.2.4. Performs staff and supervisory management functions. Coordinates and adjusts individual and unit daily maintenance plans. Supervises and assists in launching and recovering aircraft. Ensures compliance with maintenance management directives. Initiates technical order deficiency and product quality deficiency reports. Reviews maintenance data collection summaries to determine trends, production effectiveness, and areas requiring corrective action. 2. Career Skill Progression. Adequate training and timely progression from the apprentice to the superintendent skill level play an important role in the Air Force's ability to accomplish its mission. It is essential that everyone involved in training do their part to plan, develop, manage and conduct an effective training program. The guidance provided in this part of the CFETP will ensure each individual 6

CFETP 2A5X1 2.1. Apprentice (3) Level. Following Basic Military Training, initial skills training will be provided in resident courses at the 82d Training Wing, Sheppard AFB TX. These courses will lay the foundation for additional training at the graduates first duty assignment. Trainees will utilize the 2A551 CDC and task qualification training to progress in their career field. Upon completion of CDC 2A551 and Air Force core task qualifications; the trainee will complete any other available duty position training. 2.2. Journeyman (5) Level. Once upgraded to the 5-level, the Journeyman will enter into continuation training to broaden their experience base by increasing their knowledge, skill in troubleshooting, and solving more complex problems. Five-levels may be assigned job positions such as aircraft dedicated crew chief, assistant crew chief, quality assurance, aero repair, and various staff positions. Five levels can be considered for appointment as unit trainers. Individuals will use their CDCs to prepare for testing under the Weighed Airman Promotion System (WAPS). They should also consider continuing their education toward a CCAF degree. 2.3. Craftsman (7) Level. A craftsman can expect to fill various supervisory and management positions such as expediter, shift leader, element chief, flight chief, task certifier, and various staff positions. Exportable aircraft specific courses and MAJCOM/unit management courses are also available. Seven-levels should take courses or obtain added knowledge on management of resources and personnel. In addition, when promoted to TSgt, individuals will attend the Noncommissioned Officer Academy. Additional higher education and completion of courses outside their career AFSC are also recommended. 2.4. Superintendent (9) Level. A 9-level can be expected to fill positions such as flight NCOIC, production supervisor, and various staff NCOIC jobs. Additional training in the areas of budget, manpower, resources and personnel management should be pursued through continuing education. Individuals promoted to SMSgt will attend the Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy. Additional higher education and completion of courses outside their career AFSC are also encouraged. 3. Training Decisions. The CFETP uses a building block approach (simple to complex) to encompass the entire spectrum of training requirements for the Aerospace Maintenance career field. The spectrum includes a strategy for when, where, and how to meet the training requirements. The strategy must be apparent and affordable to reduce duplication of training and eliminate a disjointed approach to training. Training decisions for this CFETP were made at the December 2007 U&TW and currency is maintained through annual reviews and at recurring U&TWs. 3.1. Initial Skills. First, students must complete the Aircraft Maintenance Fundamentals Course at Sheppard AFB, TX. This non-aircraft specific course is the fundamental training for all fixed wing aircraft maintenance apprentices. The curriculum includes general subjects such as safety, technical orders, hand tools, hardware, Maintenance Data Collection (MDC), Integrated Maintenance Data System (IMDS), Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE), and generic aircraft systems to include inspection and servicing. Students then enter an aircraft-specific training course and receive expanded aircraft systems and task training resulting in the award of apprentice skill level. The specific training accomplished and where the training is accomplished is shown in each weapons-specific matrix in Part II of the CFETP. Tasks identified for training to the 3c proficiency level are also certified to this level within the course. A certified task means 7

CFETP 2A5X1 that the individual can complete the task utilizing tech data, but may not meet local standards for speed. Normally, task training and certification will be accomplished by, and signed off by, the same instructor per AETCI 36-2203. The appropriate specialty training standard (STS) within the CFETP will be used for this purpose. 3.2. Five Level Upgrade Requirements. To upgrade to the 5-level, personnel must meet educational and training requirements. 3.3. Seven Level Upgrade Requirements. To upgrade to the 7-level, personnel must meet education and training requirements and grade requirements. 3.4. Proficiency/Continuation Training. Additional knowledge and skill requirements, which are not taught through initial skills or upgrade training are accomplished by unit training or TDs. The purpose of continuation training is to provide additional training, exceeding minimum upgrade training requirements, with emphasis on present and future duty positions. To provide additional training in this area, MAJCOMs must develop a continuation training program that ensures individuals in the Aerospace Maintenance career field receive the necessary training at the appropriate point in their career. The training program will identify both mandatory and optional training requirements. 4. Higher Education and Advanced Certification Opportunities. Higher education and advanced certification is a personal choice that is encouraged for the professional development of the entire Enlisted Force. Listed below are some current opportunities: 4.1 Community College of the Air Force (CCAF). Enrollment in CCAF occurs upon completion of basic military training. CCAF provides the opportunity to obtain an Associate in Applied Sciences Degree, refer to CCAF catalog for specific programs. All airmen are automatically entered into the CCAF program. Additional off-duty education is a personal choice that is encouraged for all. Individuals desiring to become an AETC Instructor must possess as a minimum an associate degree or should be actively pursuing an associate degree. Special Duty Assignment (SDA) requires an AETC Instructor candidate to have a CCAF degree or be within one year of completion (45 semester hours [SH]). A degreed faculty is necessary to maintain accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. 4.1.1. Degree Requirements: Prior to completing an associate degree, the 5-level must be awarded and the following requirements must be met: Semester Hours Technical Education.24 Leadership, Management, and Military Studies....6 Physical Education ....4 General Education.5 Program Elective.15 Technical Education; Leadership, Management, and Military Studies; or General Education Total54

CFETP 2A5X1 4.1.2. Technical Education (24 Semester Hours). A minimum of 12 semester hours of technical core subjects and courses must be applied and the remaining semester hours applied from Technical Core or Technical Elective subjects and courses. Completion of the initial skills resident training at Sheppard AFB satisfies all or part of the technical education requirement. 4.1.3. Leadership, Management, and Military Studies (6 Semester Hours). Professional military education and/or civilian management courses. 4.1.4. Physical Education (4 Semester Hours). This requirement is satisfied by completion of Basic Military Training. 4.1.5. General Education (15 Semester Hours). Applicable courses must meet the criteria for application of courses to the General Education Requirements (GER) and be in agreement with the definitions of applicable General Education subjects/courses as provided in the CCAF General Catalog. 4.1.6. Program Elective (15 Semester Hours). Satisfied with applicable Technical Education; Leadership, Management, and Military Studies; or General Education subjects and courses, including natural science courses meeting GER application criteria. Six semester hours of CCAF degree-applicable technical credit otherwise not applicable to this program may be applied. See the CCAF General Catalog for details regarding the Associates of Applied Science for this specialty. 4.2. AETC Instructor. Individuals desiring to become an AETC Instructor should be actively pursuing an associate's degree. A degreed faculty is necessary to maintain accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. 4.3. Occupational Instructor Certification. Upon completion of instructor qualification training, consisting of the instructor methods course and supervised practice teaching, CCAF instructors who possess an associates degree or higher may be nominated by their school commander and commandant for certification as an occupational instructor. 4.4. FAA Airframe and Power plant (A&P) Certification. Air Force aircraft maintenance technicians are eligible to pursue FAA A&P certification based on training and experience in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation Part 65. The DoD established the Joint Service Aviation Maintenance Technician Certification Council (JSAMTCC) to standardize the eligibility and certification process for the military and provide direction and resources necessary to fill the gaps within military training and experience. Completing three A&P Specialty Training Courses, seven Computer Based Training modules, and OJT requirements contained in a Qualification Training Package (QTP) will fill training and experience gaps. CCAF manages the AF A&P Certification Program. Technicians may enroll in the program and begin training once they have been awarded their 5-skill level. To learn more and enroll in the program, visit CCAFs website at . CCAF currently awards 30 Semester hours for the FAA A&P certification and 18 Semester hours for the FAA Airframe or Power plant certification.

CFETP 2A5X1 4.5. Other Certification Programs. CCAF is actively pursuing other license and certification opportunities related to specific career fields. To learn more about other certification opportunities, visit CCAFs website at 5. Career Field Path: NOTE: For the latest information go to MYEDP at:

Table 5.1 Enlisted Career Path Grade Requirements Rank Average Earliest High Year Of Tenure Education and Training Requirements Sew-On Sew-On (HYT) Basic Military Training School Apprentice Technical School (3-Skill Level) Amn 6 months A1C 16 months Upgrade To Journeyman (5-Skill Level) Amn 6 months - Possess a 2A531(X) AFSC A1C 16 months - Minimum 15 months on-the-job training. SrA 3 years 28 months 12 Years (minimum 9 months for retrainees) - Complete all 5-level core tasks on one MDS - Complete appropriate CDC if/when available - Must complete course J6AZW2AX5X0F1A or J6AZW2AX5X0B1A Airman Leadership School (ALS) - Must be a SrA with 48 months time in service or be selected for SSgt - Resident graduation is a prerequisite for SSgt sew-on (Active Duty Only) Trainer Certifier - Qualified and certified to perform the task to be - Be at least a 5-skill level SSgt or civilian equivalent and trained qualified and certified to perform the task being certified - Must complete Air Force Training Course - Must complete Air Force Training Course - Recommended by their supervisor - Be a person other than the trainer except for AFSCs, duty positions, units and/or work centers with specialized training standardization and certification requirements. Upgrade To Craftsman (7-Skill Level) SSgt 7.5 years 3 years 20 Years - Possess 2A551 AFSC - Minimum rank of SSgt - Minimum 12 months on-the-job training (Minimum 6 months for retrainees) - Complete all 7-level core tasks on one mission design aircraft - Complete 2A571 and 2AX7X CDC if/when available - Must complete course J6AZW2AX5X0S1A Noncommissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) TSgt 12.5 years 5 years 24 Years - Must be a TSgt or selected for TSgt - Resident graduation is a prerequisite for MSgt sew-on (Active Duty Only) MSgt 16 years 8 years 26 Years


USAF Senior NCO Academy (SNCOA) - Must be a SMSgt or selected for SMSgt - Resident graduation is a prerequisite for CMSgt sew-on (Active Duty Only) - A percentage of top non-select (for promotion to E-8) MSgts attend the SNCOA each year Upgrade To Superintendent (9-Skill Level) - Possess 2A57X AFSC - Minimum rank of SMSgt SMSgt 19.2 years 11 years 28 Years


21.5 years

14 years

30 Years

Table 5.2. Base/Unit Education and Training Manager Checklist Requirements for Upgrade to: Journeyman - Does apprentice possess 2A531(X) AFSC?
- Has apprentice completed mandatory CDCs, if available? - Has apprentice completed all appropriate 5-level core tasks identified in the CFETP? - Has apprentice completed minimum 15 months UGT (9 months for retrainees) for award of 5-skill level? - Has apprentice met mandatory requirements listed in specialty description, ECD and CFETP? - Has apprentice been recommended by their supervisor?


Craftsman - Does journey possess 2A551 AFSC?

- Has journeyman achieved the rank of SSgt? - Has journeyman completed mandatory CDCs? - Has journeyman completed all core tasks identified in the CFETP? - Has journeyman completed minimum 12 months UGT (6 months for retrainees) for award of 7skill level?

TO: Squadron/CC FROM: Unit Training Manager SUBJECT: Upgrade Trainee Trainee is prepared to be upgraded and has completed all training requirements. _______________________ Training Manager _______________________ Supervisor


CFETP 2A5X1 SECTION C - SKILL LEVEL TRAINING REQUIREMENTS 1. Purpose. Skill level training requirements in this career field are defined in terms of tasks and knowledge requirements. This section outlines the specialty qualification requirements for each skill level in broad, general terms and establishes the mandatory requirements for entry, award, and retention of each skill level. The specific tasks and knowledge training requirements are identified in Part II, Section E, Specialty Training Standard (STS) and Section A and B of this CFETP. 2. Specialty Qualification Requirements. 2.1. Apprentice Level Training (3-Level): 2.1.1. Specialty Qualification. This information is derived from the official specialty description in ECD. Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of supply procedures, electrical theory, mechanical principles applying to aircraft, flight theory, hydraulic principles, concepts and application of maintenance directives, maintenance data reporting, technical order use, and proper handling, use, and disposal of hazardous waste and materials. Education. For entry into this specialty, completion of high school is desirable, with courses in mechanics, physics, hydraulics, and electronics. Training. For award of AFSC 2A531, completion of a suffix specific basic aircraft maintenance course, as applicable, is mandatory. Experience. There is no experience necessary for entry into AFSC 2A531. Other. For entry into this specialty normal color vision as defined in AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and Standards is mandatory. 2.1.2. Training Sources and Resources. Formal AETC initial skills courses provide the required knowledge and task proficiency training for award of the 3-skill level. Training includes fundamental/common maintenance requirements, system theory and operation, system components, component removal and installation, introduction to maintenance concepts, general flight line maintenance practices, use of technical publications, maintenance documentation, and AGE/SE equipment familiarization and use. 2.1.3. Implementation. Upon graduation from Basic Military Training, airmen are assigned to the 82d Training Wing, 360th Training Squadron to attend formal technical training appropriate to his or her end assignment and type aircraft. This training begins with fundamental maintenance training common to all aircraft maintenance apprentices within the specialty. This generic phase of training is followed by aircraft-specific maintenance training.


CFETP 2A5X1 2.2. Journeyman Level Training (5-Level): 2.2.1. Specialty Qualification. This information is derived from the official specialty description in ECD. Knowledge. In addition to the 3-level qualifications, a 5-level must possess the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain helicopter systems and associated systems. An individual must be task qualified on aircraft inspections, servicing, ground handling, troubleshooting, component removal/repair/installation, and system component operational checks. Journeymen perform operational checks, component repair, and use and maintenance of test and support equipment. Individuals can apply the proper handling, use, and disposal of hazardous waste and materials IAW federal and local environmental standards. Education. There are no formal education requirements for upgrade to 2A551. However, progress toward a CCAF Associates Degree is highly encouraged. Training. Completion of the 5-level Career Development Course (CDC) and completion of the core tasks specified in the STS. Experience. Qualification in and possession of AFS 2A531 with appropriate shred is required. Also, experience in functions such as repairing and maintaining aircraft and systems, and powered and non-powered ground SE is required. Other. For entry into this specialty normal color vision as defined in AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and Standards is mandatory. 2.2.2. Training Sources and Resources. The 5-level (2A551) CDC provides the career knowledge training required. Qualification training and OJT will provide training and qualification on the core tasks identified in the STS. The CDC is written to build from the trainee's current knowledge base, and provides more in-depth knowledge to support OJT requirements. 2.2.3. Implementation. The units utilizing this STS, exportable courses, and CDCs perform training to the 5-level. Upgrade to the 5-level requires completion of the 2A551 CDC and 15 months upgrade training. 2.2.4. Supervisor/Training Manager Input. Utilize Table 5.2 Base/Unit Education and Training Checklist as applicable to facilitate upgrade actions. 2.3. Craftsman Level Training (7-Level): 2.3.1. Knowledge. In addition to the 5-level qualifications, an individual must possess advanced skills and knowledge of theory, concepts, and principles of aircraft maintenance. The 7-level must be able to supervise and train personnel to maintain 2A5X1 systems. They must be able to plan, schedule, and organize maintenance to ensure effective utilization of available resources. Qualification is required on advanced repair, inspection, troubleshooting, and diagnostic techniques. Historical documentation analysis is also required for all 7-levels. 13

CFETP 2A5X1 2.3.2. Education. There are no additional education requirements beyond those defined for the apprentice level. However, progress toward a CCAF Associates Degree is highly encouraged. 2.3.3. Training. Completion of CDC 2A571, CDC 2AX7X is mandatory for upgrade to AFSC 2A571. 2.3.4. Experience. Qualification in and possession of AFS 2A551 is required. Also, experience in functions such as repairing and maintaining aircraft and systems, and powered and nonpowered ground SE is required. 2.3.5. Other. For entry into this specialty normal color vision as defined in AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and Standards is mandatory. 2.3.6. Training Sources and Resources. Seven-level upgrade training will be completed conducted by certified trainers using AF core tasks and unit/MAJCOM specific courses. The 7-level (2A571) CDCs are written to provide advanced system and management knowledge, and troubleshooting skills. 2.3.7. Supervisor/Training Manager Input. Utilize Table 5.2 Base/Unit Education and Training Checklist as applicable to facilitate upgrade actions. 2.3.8. Implementation. Units utilizing the STS and CDCs perform training to the 7-level. Upgrade to the 7-level requires completion of CDC 2A571 and 2AX7X, completion of all core tasks and designated critical tasks, 12 months upgrade training, completion of the advanced and promotion to E-5. 2.4. Superintendent Level Training (9-Level): 2.4.1. Specialty Qualification. This information is derived from official specialty description in ECD. Knowledge. In addition to 7-level qualifications, an individual must possess advanced skills and knowledge of concepts and principles in the management of aircraft maintenance. The 9-level needs to be an effective leader with the ability to forecast, budget and manage funds. Also, they must be knowledgeable of federal and local environmental standards and ensure adherence to the proper handling and disposal of hazardous materials. Also required is the ability to evaluate maintenance, interpret and resolve technical problems, and to analyze system and component failures and inspection results. Education. There are no additional requirements. Training. An individual must be trained to perform duties at the 9 skill-level to include the following: advanced skills and knowledge of concepts and principles in the management of maintenance efforts on aircraft and aircraft systems to include helicopters and/or tilt rotor aircraft; efficient management and direction of aerospace repairs to include planning and organizing resources, evaluating maintenance, interpreting and resolving technical problems, analyzing system and component failures and inspection results, determining optimum 14

CFETP 2A5X1 management procedures and requirements, and the management and projection of funds to support maintenance efforts. Experience. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 2A57X is required. Also, experience in managing, supervising, or directing functions associated with maintaining aircraft or helicopters is mandatory. Other. For entry into this specialty normal color vision as defined in AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and Standards is mandatory. 2.4.2. Training Sources and Resources. No formal training is required. Qualification training and experience inherent in career specialty job performance are desired sources of training. 2.4.3. Implementation. The 9-level will be awarded after promotion to SMSgt.

SECTION D - RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS 1. Purpose. This section of the CFETP identifies known resource constraints, which preclude optimum and desired training from being developed or conducted, including information such as cost and manpower. Narrative explanations of each resource constraint and an impact statement describing what effect each constraint has on training are included. Also included in this section are actions required, office of primary responsibility, and target completion dates. Resource constraints will be, as a minimum, reviewed and updated annually. 2. Apprentice Level Training. No resource constraints identified. 3. Journeyman Level Training. No resource constraints identified. 4. Craftsman Level Training. No resource constraints identified. SECTION E TRANSITIONAL TRAINING GUIDE. There are no transition training requirements. This area is reserved.


CFETP 2A5X1 PART II SECTION A AETC COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Introduction. Each proficiency coded STS task or knowledge item taught at the technical school is measured through the use of an objective. An objective is a written instruction for the student so he or she knows what is expected of them to successfully complete training on each task. Each objective is comprised of a condition, behavior, and standard that states what is expected of the student for each task. The condition is the setting in which the training takes place (i.e. TOs, type of equipment, etc). The behavior is the observable portion of the objective (i.e. perform an operational check). The standard is the level of performance that is measured to ensure the STS proficiency code level is attained (i.e. with no more than two instructor assists). AETC course objectives and associated information are published in the Plan of Instruction (POI) for each of the courses identified in Section C, below, Training Course Index. 2. Objective Measurement. Each objective uses letter codes(s) to identify how it is measured. All objectives using the PC code indicate a progress check is used to measure subject or task knowledge. W indicates a comprehensive written test and is used to measure the subject or task knowledge at the end of a block of instruction. PC/W indicates a subject or task knowledge progress check and a separate measurement of both knowledge and performance elements using a written test. 3. Objective Standard. The standard for written examinations is 70%. Standards for performance objectives are indicated in the objective and are also indicated on the individual progress check checklist. The checklist is used by the instructor to document each students progress, on each task. Instructor assistance is provided as needed during the progress check, and students may be required to repeat all or part of the behavior until satisfactory performance is attained. Students must satisfactorily complete all PCs prior to taking the written test. 4. Proficiency Level. Review column 4A of the STS to determine the proficiency level of a particular task or knowledge item. Review the course objective list to determine which STS item the objective supports. Review the proficiency code key in Part II, Section A of this CFETP for an explanation of the proficiency codes. Most task performance is taught to the 2b proficiency level which means the students can do most parts of the task, but does need assistance on the hardest parts of the task (partially proficient). The student can also determine step-by-step procedures for doing the task. For tasks that are taught to the 3c proficiency level, students can do all parts of the task and only require a spot check on completed work (competent). The student can also identify why and when a task must be done and why each step is needed. 5. Course Objective Listing. A detailed listing of initial skills or craftsman course objectives may be obtained by submitting a written request to 360 TRS/TRR, 912 J Ave. Sheppard AFB TX, 76311-2520. For other courses, refer to Section C, below, Training Course Index, and contact the identified course OPR. Course descriptions can be found on line in the Education and Training Course Announcements (ETCA). The URL for ETCA is:


CFETP 2A5X1 SECTION B - SUPPORT MATERIAL There are currently no support material requirements. This area is reserved. SECTION C - TRAINING COURSE INDEX 1. Purpose. This section of the CFETP identifies training courses available for the 2A5X2

specialty and shows how the courses are used by each MAJCOM in their career field training programs. For further information on the 2A5X1 courses, contact the OPR as indicated:
OPR: 360 TRS/TRR 913 J Avenue Sheppard AFB, TX 76311-2520 DSN 736-1484

2. Air Force In-resident Courses:

2A531A 2A531B 2A531B 2A531C 2A531C 2A531D 2A531D 2A531D 2A531E 2A531E 2A531E 2A531E 2A531E 2A531F 2A531G 2A531G 2A531G 2A531H 2A531H 2A531H C-9 C-130 C-130 C-5 C-5 C-17 C-17 C-17 B-1B B-1B B-1B B-2 B-2 B-52 C-135 E-3 E-3 KC-10 KC-10 KC-10 J3AQR2A531A005A J3AQR2A531B017A J3ABP2A531B017A J3AQR2A531C004A J3ABP2A531C04B J3AQR2A531D007A J3ABP2A531DC07A J3ABP2A531DM07A J3AQR2A531E001A J3ABP2A531ED01A J3ABP2A531EE01A J3AQR2A531E002A J3ABP2A531E002A J3ABR2A531F003A J3ABR2A531G018A J3AQR2A531G022A J3ABP2A531G022B J3AQR2A531H031A J3ABP2A531HM31B J3ABP2A531HT31T Sheppard AFB, TX Sheppard AFB, TX Little Rock AFB, AR Sheppard AFB, TX Dover AFB, DE Sheppard AFB, TX Charleston AFB, SC (TD) McChord AFB, WA (TD) Sheppard AFB, TX Dyess AFB, TX (TD) Ellsworth AFB SD (TD) Sheppard AFB, TX Whiteman AFB, MO (TD) Sheppard AFB, TX Sheppard AFB, TX Sheppard AFB, TX Tinker AFB, OK (TD) Sheppard AFB, TX McGuire AFB, NJ (TD) Travis AFB, CA (TD)


CFETP 2A5X1 3. Air Force Institute for Advanced Distributed Learning (AFIADL) Courses (website: OPRs: 360 TRS/TRR 913 J Avenue Sheppard AFB, TX 76311-2520 DSN 736-1484 or 736-5205 COURSE NUMBER
CDC 2A551 (4 Volumes) CDC 2A571 (2 Volumes) CDC 2AX7X (2 Volumes)

Aerospace Maintenance Journeyman Aerospace maintenance Craftsman Aircraft Maintenance

360 TRS 360 TRS 362 TRS


4. Exportable Courses: OPRs: 367 TRS 6058 Aspen Ave Hill AFB, UT 84056-5805 DSN 777-7830/8741 362 TRS/TRR 613 10th Avenue Sheppard AFB, TX 76311-2852 DSN 736-1825

The 367 TRS course catalogue can be ordered from the above DSN COURSE NUMBER

Safety and Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation Cold Weather Safety (Downloadable via ICMS) Aircraft Corrosion Control (CD-ROM, Video) (Downloadable via ICMS) Joint Oil Analysis (JOAP) (CD ROM) (Downloadable via ICMS) Helicopter Weight and Balance IMDS for Flightline IMDS for Backshop IMDS for Supervisors

367 TRS 367 TRS 367 TRS 367 TRS 362 TRS 362 TRS 362 TRS 362 TRS



CFETP 2A5X1 SECTION D - MAJCOM UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS 1. For CAF unique requirements, refer to the ACC mandatory course list at the following URL: 2. For MAF unique requirements, refer to the AMC mandatory course list at the following URL: Note: Access to MAF MCL requires membership in the AMC Maintenance Training CoP.

SECTION ESPECIALTY TRAINING STANDARD 1. Implementation. These Specialty Training Standard (STS) attachments will be used for technical training provided by AETC for classes beginning after January 2009. 2. Purpose. As prescribed in AFI 36-2201, V5, this STS: 2.1. Lists in the Column 1 (Task, Knowledge, and Technical Reference) the most common tasks, knowledge, and technical references (TR) necessary for airmen to perform duties in the 3-, 5-, and 7-skill level. An asterisk (*) before the number indicates a wartime course objective. 2.2. Identifies in Column 2 (Core Tasks) by asterisk (*), specialty-wide training requirements. Core tasks identified with an *R are optional for the AFRC and the ANG. MAJCOM Functional Managers, commanders, and supervisors may designate additional critical tasks as necessary. When designated, certify these critical tasks using normal core task certification procedures. As a minimum, certification on all AFCFM directed core tasks applicable to the specialty must be completed for skill level upgrade. Exemptions: 2.2.1. Core tasks that are not applicable to base assigned aircraft or equipment are not required for upgrade (units are not required to send personnel TDY for core task training). 2.2.2. For units with more than one mission design (e.g. A-10) aircraft, upgrade trainees need only complete core tasks on a single mission design. MFMs, unit commanders, and/or supervisors may require trainees to complete core task training on additional mission design aircraft, if desired. If some of these core tasks involve training in another unit on base, trainees must still complete all core tasks relevant to at least one mission design aircraft. Flightline-assigned personnel must complete backshop core tasks and vice versa. All units are bound by the requirements in this CFETP and will accommodate core task trainees from other units. 2. 3. Units that use the GO81 maintenance data collection system do not need to complete Integrated Maintenance Data System (IMDS) Computer Based Training (CBT) core tasks. Units that use IMDS do not need to complete GO81 CBT core task. This requirement will remain in effect until GO81 and IMDS are converted to Expeditionary Combat Support System (ECSS). 19

CFETP 2A5X1 2.4. Shows formal training and correspondence course requirements. Column 4 (Proficiency Codes) shows the proficiency to be demonstrated on the job by the graduate as result of training on the task/knowledge and the career knowledge provided by the correspondence course. 3. Qualitative Requirements. Attachment 1 contains the proficiency code key used to indicate the level of training and knowledge provided by resident training and career development courses. 4. Job Qualification Standard. The STS becomes a job qualification standard (JQS) for onthe-job training when placed in AF Form 623, Individual Training Record, and used according to AFI 36-2201. For OJT, the tasks in column 1 are trained and qualified to the go/no go level. "Go" means the individual can perform the task without assistance and meets local requirements for accuracy, timeliness, and correct procedures. When used as a JQS, the following requirements apply: 4.1 Documentation. Document and certify completion of training IAW AFI 36-2201, V3. Automated records, utilizing IMDS or G081 reflecting this STS is highly encouraged. Use of Part II and attachments one and two of this CFETP are mandatory in individual training records. 4.1.1. Transcribing from Old CFETP to New CFETP. All AFJQSs and previous CFETPs are replaced by this CFETP; therefore, transcribing of all training records to this CFETP STS is mandatory. Use this CFETP STS (or automated STS) to identify and certify all past and current qualifications. Document and certify all previous and current training IAW AFI 36-2201,V3. 5. STS. A guide for development of promotion tests used in the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS). Specialty Knowledge Tests (SKTs) are developed at the USAF Occupational Measurement Squadron, by Senior NCOs with extensive practical experience in their career fields. The tests sample knowledge of STS subject matter areas judged by test development team members as most appropriate for promotion to higher grades. Questions are based upon study references listed in the WAPS catalog. Individual responsibilities are in AFI 36-2502, Airman Promotion Program. WAPS is not applicable to the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve. 6. Recommendations. Report unsatisfactory performance of individual course graduates to the AETC Training Manager at 360 TRS/TRR, 913 J Avenue, Sheppard AFB, TX, 763112520, DSN 736-1484 or 736-55205, anytime, day or night. Please reference specific STS paragraphs.



OFFICIAL LOREN M. RENO Lieutenant General, USAF DCS/Logistics, Installations & Mission Support

24 Attachments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14. 15 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Proficiency Code Key (Mandatory in records with CFETP Part I and Part II, Section A) 2A5X1 Common Requirements (Mandatory) B-1 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) B-2 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) B-52 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) C-130 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) C-130J Qualitative Requirements (Optional) C-135 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) C-17 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) C-5 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) C-9 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) E-3/E-8 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) KC-10 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) E-4/VC-25 Qualitative Requirements (Optional) B-1 Training Matrix (Not used in training records) B-2 Training Matrix (Not used in training records) B-52 Training Matrix (Not used in training records) C-130 Training Matrix (Not used in training records) C-135 Training Matrix (Not used in training records) C-17 Training Matrix (Not used in training records) C-5 Training Matrix (Not used in training records) E-3/E-8 Training Matrix (Not used in training records) KC-10 Training Matrix (Not used in training records) 2AX7X 7-level CDC requirements (Not used in training records)






This Block Is For Identification Purposes Only Name Of Trainee
Printed Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Initials (Written) Last 4 of SSAN

Printed Name Of Training/Certifying Official And Written Initials


Proficiency Code Key

Scale Value Definition: The individual

1 Task Performance Levels 2 3 4 a b c d A B C D

Can do simple parts of the task. Needs to be told or shown how to do most of the task. (extremely limited) Can do most parts of the task. Needs only help on hardest parts. (partially proficient) Can do all parts of the task. Needs only a spot check of completed work. (competent) Can do the complete task quickly and accurately. Can tell or show others how to do the task. (highly proficient) Can name parts, tools, and simple facts about the task. (nomenclature) Can determine step by step procedures for doing the task. (procedures) Can identify why and when the task must be done and why each step is needed. (operating principles) Can predict, isolate, and resolve problems about the task. (advanced theory) Can identify basic facts and terms about the subject. (facts) Can identify relationship of basic facts and state general principles about the subject. (principles) Can analyze facts and principles and draw conclusions about the subject. (analysis) Can evaluate conditions and make proper decisions about the subject. (evaluation)

*Task Knowledge Levels

**Subject Knowledge Levels

Explanations * A task knowledge scale value may be used alone or with a task performance scale value to define a level of knowledge for a specific task. (Example: b and 1b) ** A subject knowledge scale value is used alone to define a level of knowledge for a subject not directly related to any specific task, or for a subject common to several tasks. - This mark is used alone instead of a scale value to show that no proficiency training is provided in courses or CDCs. / This mark is used in course columns to show that training is provided to a level lower than required due to limitations in resources. (3c/b, 2b/b, 2b/X etc.). X This mark is used in course columns to show that training is required but not given due to limitations in resources Note: All tasks and knowledge items shown with a proficiency code are trained during wartime.

(Attachment 1)


This Page Intentionally Left Blank



2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

NOTE 1: Users are responsible for annotating training references pending STS revision. NOTE 2: All tasks/knowledge items taught in the initial skills course will be taught in wartime initial skills courses. NOTE 3: Items in column 2 marked with an asterisk (*) are the core tasks for either the 5 or 7 skill level and are required for upgrade. Items marked *R identify a core task that is optional for AFRC and ANG. NOTE 4: All applicable safety requirements, inspection requirements, TOs/corrosion/FOD, use of aircraft equipment, tools and hardware necessary to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout training.

A2.1. CAREER LADDER PROGRESSION TR: Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory A2.1.1. Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 A2.1.2. Duties of AFS 2A5X1 A2.2. OPERATIONS SECURITY (OPSEC) VULNERABILITY OF AFSC 2A5X1 TR: AFI 10-1101 A2.3. AF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (AFOSH) PROGRAM TR: AFI 91-301, applicable AFOSH Standards, applicable aircraft TOs A2.3.1. Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment A2.3.2. Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft maintenance TR: AFI 11-218, AFOSH STD 91-100, TO 1-1-691 and 00-25-172 A2.3.2.1. Engine air intake and exhaust A2.3.2.2. High intensity sound A2.3.2.3. Turbine, propeller, and rotor plane of rotation A2.3.2.4. Radio frequency radiation A2.3.2.5. Ground handling of aircraft A2.3.2.6. Hot brakes A2.3.2.7. Use of tools and equipment A2.3.2.8. Servicing aircraft systems A2.3.2.9. Cleaning Agents A2.3.2.10. Solvents A2.3.2.11. Lubricants A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B A B A A -

25 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.3.2.12. High pressure gasses A2.3.2.13. Aircraft explosive equipment A2.3.2.14. Composite materials A2.3.2.15. Maintenance resource management A2.3.3. Portable ground fire extinguishers TR: AFI 32-2001; TO 00-25-172 A2.3.3.1. Perform pre-use inspection A2.3.3.2. Position A2.3.3.3. Operate A2.3.4. Foreign Object Damage (FOD) prevention program TR: AFI 21-101 A2.3.5. Dropped Object prevention program A2.3.6. Hazardous chemicals TR: AFI 90-821 A2.3.6.1. Use A2.3.6.2. Disposal A2.3.6.3. Hazard communication training program A2.3.7. AF Form 1492 TR: AFI 21-101, AFOSH STD 91100 A2.4. MAINTENANCE DIRECTIVES, REFERENCES, & INSTRUCTIONS TR: 37-160 Vol 1, TOs 00-5-1, 00-201, A2.4.1. TO system A2.4.2. Air Force manuals and instructions A2.4.3. Use technical orders A2.4.4. TO improvement reporting A2.5. SUPERVISION TR: AFI 21-101 * *

A A A -

B -

2b b b

B B -

A A -

B B -

A A 2b -


26 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.5.1. Plan work schedules A2.5.2. Schedule maintenance A2.5.3. Supervise personnel accomplishing maintenance A2.5.4. Establish A2.5.4.1. Work methods A2.5.4.2. Work controls A2.5.4.3. Performance standards A2.5.5. Evaluate work performance of subordinate personnel TR: AFI 36-2403 A2.5.6. Resolve technical problems encountered by subordinates A2.5.7. Counsel personnel and resolve individual problems A2.5.8. Initiate action to correct substandard personnel TR: AFI 36-2907, AFI 36-2503 A2.6. TRAINING TR: AFI 36-2201, AFI 36-2232 A2.6.1. Evaluate personnel for training A2.6.2. Plan and supervise OJT A2.6.3. Counsel trainees on training progress A2.6.4. Prepare AF Form 797 A2.6.5. Document training records A2.6.6. Evaluate effectiveness of training programs A2.6.7. Management of training A2.7. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT TR: AFI-21-101 A2.7.1. Basic functions within maintenance

A -

27 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.7.2. Resource management A2.7.3. Personnel management and Interaction A2.7.4. Budget management A2.7.5. Maintenance accountability A2.7.6. Base resource functions/interactions TR: AFI 65-601, Vol 2 A2.7.7. Maintenance incident investigation and prevention A2.7.8. Determine Aircraft Status TR AFI 21-103 A2.8. MAINTENANCE DATA DOCUMENTATION (MDD) TR: AFI 21-101, TO 00-20-1, 00-20-2 Applicable aircraft 06 Work Unit Code Manuals, I Integrated Maintenance Data System (IMDS) online help screens, G0-81 on-line help screens A2.8.1. MDD Fundamentals A2.8.2. Aircraft and supporting maintenance records A2.8.2.1. Purpose A2.8.2.2. Automated Forms A2.8.2.3. Document AFTO Form 781H A2.8.2.4. Document AFTO Form 781A A2.8.2.5. Document AFTO Form 781J A2.8.2.6. Document AFTO Form 781K A2.8.2.7. Document other AFTO 781 series forms A2.8.2.8. Document AFTO Form 244/245 A2.8.2.9. Document AFTO Form 350 A2.8.2.10. Document DD Form 2026 (JOAP) TR: TO 33-1-37-1 A2.8.3. IMDS * * * *

A A 2b 2b 2b 2b a 1b -

B -

28 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.8.3.1. Purpose A2.8.3.2. Job data documentation (JDD) A2. Purpose A2. Access JDD A2. Create maintenance event A2. Defer maintenance event A2. Schedule maintenance event A2. Close maintenance event A2.8.3.3. Use IMDS A2.8.4. GO-81 A2.8.4.1. Purpose A2.8.4.2. Access JDD A2.8.4.3. Create maintenance event A2.8.4.4. Defer maintenance event A2.8.4.5. Schedule maintenance event A2.8.4.6. Close maintenance event A2.8.4.7. Use GO-81 A2.8.5. Historical records A2.9. MAINTENANCE MATERIALS/TOOLS TR:AFI 21-101, TOs 1-1A-8, 1-1A-14, 1-1-691 and 32- series TOs as applicable A2.9.1. Tool control A2.9.2. Select/use restraint harness (e.g.; fall protection/prevention equipment) A2.9.3. Select and use special tools A2.9.4. Process PMEL Equipment A2.9.5. Hardware

A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b

B -

A -

B -

29 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.9.5.1. Purpose A2.9.5.2. Remove/install common hardware A2.9.6. Electrical connectors A2.9.6.1. Purpose A2.9.6.2. Connect/disconnect A2.9.7. Securing devices A2.9.7.1. Purpose A2.9.7.2. Install/remove safety wire A2.9.7.3. Install/remove cotter pins A2.9.7.4. Install/remove safety cable A2.9.8. Lubricants A2.9.9. Sealants A2.9.10. Adhesives A2.9.11. Cleaning agents TR: TO 1-1-691 A2.9.12. Common hand tools TR: Applicable AFOSH Standards, AFI 21-101, 32- series TOs as applicable A2.9.12.1. Purpose A2.9.12.2. Select and use A2.9.13. Measuring tools TR: Applicable AFOSH Standards, 32- series TOs as applicable A2.9.13.1. Purpose A2.9.13.2. Select and use ruler A2.9.13.3. Select and use thickness gauge A2.9.13.4. Use multi-meter A2.9.13.5. Select and use torque wrench

A 2b

B -

A 2b

B -

A 2b 2b A A A A


A 2b

A 2b 2b 2b


30 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.9.13.6. Select and use micrometer A2.10. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPPLY TR: AFI 21-101, AFMAN 23-110 A2.10.1. Maintenance supply concept A2.10.2. Special requisition (GPC, Local purchase) A2.10.3. Ordering parts A2.10.4. Prepare repairable and serviceable parts for turn-in A2.10.5. DIFM Control A2.10.6. Process request for local manufacture of parts A2.10.7. Maintain equipment accounts A2.10.8. Deficiency reporting TR: TO 00-35D-54 A2.10.9. Warranty programs TR: TO 00-35D-54, 00-20-3 A2.10.10. DD Forms 1574, 1575, 1576, 1577 and 1577-2 TR: AFMAN 23-110, V1, Pt 1 A2.11. AIRCRAFT GENERAL TR: AFI 11-218, AFOSH STD 91100, TO 00-25-172, TO 1-1B-50 and applicable aircraft TOs A2.11.1. Determine weight and balance requirements A2.11.2. Inventory aircraft equipment TR: AFI 21-101 A2.11.3. Safe aircraft for maintenance A2.11.4. Corrosion control program TR: TO 1-1-691 A2.11.4.1. Aircraft cleaning A2.11.4.2. Corrosion identification A2.11.4.3. Corrosion treatment

A A -




31 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.11.4.4. Lubrication methods A2.11.5. Aircraft inspection concepts/types TR: TO 00-20-1 A2.11.6. Principles of ground handling A2.11.7. Aircraft marshalling TR: AFI 11-218 A2.11.8. Crash recovery A2.11.9. Perform inclement/cold weather procedures TR: T.O. 42C-1-2S-2 A2.11.10. Deice aircraft: TR: TO 42C-1-2S-2 A2.11.11. Debrief aircrews A2.11.12. Aircraft guarded switches A2.11.12.1. Design/function/proper identification A2.11.12.2. Remove and replace covers A2.11.12.3. Operational check A2.11.13. Landing gear proximity sensors A2.11.14. Simulate airborne conditions A2.11.15. Hardness Critical Procedures (HCP) A2.11.16. Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR) TR: 1-1H-39 A2.12. AIRFRAME TR: Applicable aircraft TOs A2.12.1. Structure A2.12.2. Remove/install airframe panels A2.12.3. Inspect airframe structural components A2.12.4. Cargo door and ramps A2.12.5. Weapons bay components *

A A A 2b -

B B B -

A -


A 1b -


32 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.13. LANDING GEAR TR: Applicable aircraft TOs A2.13.1. System fundamentals A2.13. Service A2.13.2.1. Shock Strut A2.13.2.2. Tire A2.13.3. Remove/Install A2.13.3.1. Wheel and tire assembly A2.13.3.2. Brake assembly A2.13.4. Teardown/build-up wheel and tire assembly TR: 4T series, 4W series TOs A2.13.5. Brake bleeding A2.13.6. Troubleshoot A2.14. UTILITIES TR: Applicable aircraft TOs A2.14.1. System fundamentals A2.14.1.1. Liquid cooling A2.14.1.2. Oxygen A2.14.1.3. Bleed air A2.14.1.4. Pressurization A2.14.1.5. Air conditioning A2.14.1.6. Fire/Overheat warning A2.15. FLIGHT CONTROLS TR: Applicable aircraft TOs A2.15.1. System fundamentals A2.15.2. Component identification A2.15.3. Operate flight controls A2.15.4. Troubleshoot A A 1b B B A A A A A A B B B B B 1b 1b 1b 1b A B -

A -

33 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.16. HYDRAULICS TR: Applicable aircraft TOs A2.16.1. System fundamentals A2.16.2. Service A2.16.2.1. Reservoir A2.16.2.2. Accumulator A2.16.3. Remove/install components TR: TO 1-1A-8, Applicable Acft TOs A2.16.3.1. Tubing/hoses A2.16.3.2. Fittings A2.16.3.3. Filter elements A2.16.4. Troubleshoot A2.16.5. Use Hydraulic Schematics/diagrams A2.17. ENGINES TR: Applicable aircraft TO A2.17.1. System fundamentals A2.17.2. Component identification A2.17.3. Oil system servicing A2.17.4. Joint Oil Analysis Program A2.17.5. Troubleshoot A2.18. FUELS TR:TO 00-25-172, TO 1-1-3 and applicable aircraft TOs A2.18.1. System fundamentals A2.18.2. Operate system A2.18.3. Identify fuel leaks A2.18.4. Troubleshoot A2.19. ELECTRICAL TR: Applicable aircraft TOs A b B B B A A A B B B B B b b A B -

34 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.19.1. AC Electrical system fundamentals A2.19.2. DC electrical system fundamentals A2.19.3. Remove/Install/operate lighting components A2.19.4. Troubleshoot A2.19.5. Use electrical schematics/diagrams A2.20. AEROSPACE GROUND EQUIPMENT TR: AFOSH STD 91-66 as applicable A2.20.1. Mobile maintenance platforms TR: AFOSH STD 91-2, TO 35A4- series as applicable A2.20.1.1. Manually operated platforms A2. Purpose and description A2. Perform pre-use inspection A2. Operate

A A -

B B -


A 2b 2b -


A2.20.1.2. Self-propelled universal platforms A2.20.2. Aircraft jacks TR: TO 35A2- series as applicable A2.20.2.1. Purpose and description A2.20.2.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.2.3. Operate A2.20.3. Jacking manifold TR: TO 35A2- series as applicable A2.20.3.1. Purpose and description A2.20.3.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.3.3. Operate A2.20.4. Oxygen servicing equipment TR: TO 15X-1-1, 37C2-8- as applicable

A 2b 2b

B -

35 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.20.4.1. Liquid oxygen (LOX) A2. Purpose and description A2. Perform pre-use inspection A2. Operate A2.20.4.2. Gaseous oxygen (GOX) A2. Purpose and description A2. Perform pre-use inspection A2. Operate A2.20.5. Diesel driven air compressors TR: TO 34Y1- series as applicable A2.20.5.1. Purpose and description A2.20.5.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.5.3. Operate A2.20.6. Ground heaters TR: 35E7- series as applicable A2.20.6.1. Purpose and description A2.20.6.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.6.3. Operate A2.20.7. Lighting equipment TR: TO 35F5- series as applicable A2.20.7.1. Purpose and description A2.20.7.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.7.3. Operate A2.20.8. Hydraulic test stand TR: TO 33A2- series as applicable A2.20.8.1. Purpose and description A2.20.8.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.8.3. Operate A2. Electric motor driven A B A B A B B A B A B -

36 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2. Engine driven A2.20.9. Air conditioning units TR: TO 35E9- Series as applicable A2.20.9.1. Purpose and description A2.20.9.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.9.3. Operate A2.20.10. Ground generator sets/gas turbine compressors A2.20.10.1. A/M32A-60 Gas turbine generator set/gas turbine compressor TR: TO 35D12- series as applicable A2. Purpose and description A2. Perform pre-use inspection A2. Operate A2.20.10.2. A/M32A-95 Gas turbine compressor TR: TO 35D12-series as applicable A2. Purpose and description A2. Perform pre-use inspection A2. Operate A2.20.10.3. Diesel driven generator sets TR: TO 35C2- series as applicable A2. Purpose and description A2. Perform pre-use inspection A2. Operate A2.20.11. Tow bar TR: Applicable aircraft TOs A2.20.11.1. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.11.2. Connect/disconnect

A -

B -

A 2b 2b

B -

A 2b 2b

B -

A 2b 2b

B -

37 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.20.12. Tow vehicles TR: TO 36A10- series as applicable A2.20.13. Self-generating nitrogen equipment TR: TO 35D29-7-6-1 A2.20.13.1. Purpose and description A2.20.13.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.13.3. Operate A2.20.14. Liquid nitrogen servicing equipment TR: TO 35D3- series as applicable A2.20.14.1. Purpose and description A2.20.14.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.14.3. Operate A2.20.15. Gaseous nitrogen servicing equipment TR: TO 35D3- series as applicable A2.20.15.1. Purpose and description A2.20.15.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.15.3. Operate A2.20.16. Oil servicing carts TR: TO 35A17- series as applicable A2.20.16.1. Purpose and description A2.20.16.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.16.3. Operate A2.20.17. Hydraulic servicing carts TR: TO 35D29 Series as applicable A2.20.17.1. Purpose and description A2.20.17.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.17.3. Operate

A 2b 2b

B -

B -

B -

A -

B -

A -

B -

38 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A2.20.18. Engine stands and dollies TR: 35D3- series as applicable A2.20.18.1. Purpose and description A2.20.18.2. Perform pre-use inspection A2.20.18.3. Operate A2.20.19. Crash Recovery equipment A2.20.19.1. Purpose A2.20.19.2. Maintenance A2.20.19.3. Use B B -

39 (Attachment 2)



40 (Attachment 2)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

NOTE 1: This attachment is to be used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

A3.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A3.1.1. Isochronal concept and inspection TR: TO 00-20-1 A3.1.1.1. Isochronal inspection concept TR: TO 1B-1B-6 A3.1.1.2. Perform inspections A3. Preflight TR: TO 1B-1B-6WC-1 A3. Thruflight TR: TO 1B-1B-6WC-1 A3. Home Station Check (HSC) TR: TO 1B-1B-6WC-1 A3. Major/Minor Isochronal TR: TO 1B-1B-6WC-2 A3. Work area 1 inspection A3. Work area 1 lube A3. Work area 2 inspection A3. Work area 2 lube A3. Work area 3 inspection A3. Work area 3 lube A3. Work area 4 inspection A3. Work area 4 lube A3. Acceptance A3. Calendar A3. Special A3. Time change item A3. Secondary structure inspection TR: TO 1B-1B-2-51JG-00-1, 1B-1B-2-51JG-00-9 * 2b -



41 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3. Aircraft wash/lube TR: TO 1-1-691, 1B-6WC-2, 1B-1B-2-12JG-40-1 A3. Wash operation A3. Lubrication A3.1.2. Organizational Maintenance Manual Set (OMMS) TOs A3.1.2.1. OMMS TOs TR: OMMS Manual Set A3.1.2.2. Use OMMS TOs TR: OMMS Manual Set A3.1.3. Aircraft communications equipment A3.1.3.1. Operate radio TR: TO 1B-1B-2-23JG-10-1 A3.1.3.2. Use interphone TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-10-1 A3.1.4. Perform ground handling TR: AFI 11-218, AFOSHSTD 91100, TOs 00-25-172, 1B-1B-2-05JG20-1 A3.1.4.1. Launch aircraft A3.1.4.2. Recover aircraft A3.1.4.3. Tow aircraft TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-10-1 A3. Wing/tail walker A3. Brake operator A3. Tow team supervisor A3. Tow vehicle operator A3.1.4.4. Jack and level aircraft TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-80-1 A3. Jacking team member A3. Jacking supervisor A3. Operate jacking manifold * a * * * 2b 2b * * 2b 2b * A -



42 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3. Axle jacking A3.1.4.5. Crash recovery TR: TOs GE07/2AAKP-502,-1B1B-2-07GS-00-1 A3.1.5. Weight and balance functions TR: TO 1B-1B-5-2 A3.1.6. Safe aircraft for maintenance TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-20-1 A3.1.7. Hardness critical procedures TR: Applicable Aircraft series JGs A3.1.8. Safe aircraft for simulated airborne condition TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-20-1 A3.1.9. Proximity switch control covering/uncovering TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-10-1 A3.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS A3.2.1. Airframe components and structure TR: TO 1B-1B-2-51GS-00-1, 1B1B-2-57GS-00-1 A3.2.2. Perform operational check entry door/hatch TR: TO 1B-1B-2-52JG-10-1 A3.2.3. Perform operational check weapons bay door TR: TO 1B-1B-2-94JG-90-1 A3.2.4. Remove/install A3.2.4.1. Engine bay door TR: TO 1B-1B-2-54JG-00-1 A3.2.4.2. Panels TR: TOs 1B-1B-2-51JG-00-1, 1B1B-2-51JG-00-9 A3.2.4.3. Non-explosive seats TR: TO 1B-1B-2-25JG-00-1 A3.2.4.4. Windows TR: TO 1B-1B-2-56JG-10-1 A3. Pilot/copilot forward windshields




43 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3. Pilot/copilot side windows A3. Pilot/copilot overhead windows A3. OSO/DSO side windows A3.2.4.5. Radomes TR: TO 1B-1B-2-53JG-50-1 A3. Nose A3. Tail A3. Forward side fairing A3. Aft side fairing A3.2.4.6. Thermal flash protection shields TR: TO 1B-1B-2-25JG-10-1 A3.2.4.7. Weapons bay doors TR: TOs 1B-1B-2-52JG-30-1, 1B1B-2-05JG-50-1 A3. Remove/install A3. Splitting A3.2.4.8. Entry door/stair ladder TR: TO 1B-1B-2-52JG-30-1 A3. Actuator/gearbox assembly A3. Actuator motor A3. Chain A3. Latching control mechanism A3. Pressure door seal A3.2.4.9. Overwing fairing inflatable seals TR: TO 1B-1B-2-53JG-50-3, 1B1B-2-54JG-50-1, 1B-1B-2-51JG00-1 A3. Upper forward inflatable seal A3. Upper aft inflatable seal A3. Lower inflatable seal

44 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.2.4.10. Pivoting wedge TR: TO 1B-1B-2-54JG-50-1 A3. Fairing A3. Wedge assembly A3. Spring assembly bungee A3.2.4.11. Wing pivot panels TR: TO 1B-1B-2-53JG-00-1 A3. Upper forward A3. Upper intermediate A3. Upper aft A3. Lower pivot panel A3.2.4.12. Fuel cooling scoops TR: TO 1B-1B-2-21JG-10-1 A3.2.4.13. Radar Cross Section (RCS) vane TR: TO 1B-1B-2-54JG-30-1 A3. Forward RCS vane A3. Aft RCS vane A3.2.4.14. Horizontal stabilizer tip TR: TO 1B-1B-2-55JG-10-1 A3.2.4.15. Horizontal stabilizer leading edge TR: TO 1B-1B-2-55JG-10-1 A3.2.4.16. Wing tip TR: TO 1B-1B-2-55JG-10-1 A3.2.4.17. Lighting components TR: TO 1B-1B-2-33JG-40-1 A3.2.4.18. Horizontal stabilizer trailing edge TR: TO 1B-1B-2-52JG-10-1 A3.2.5. Open/close A3.2.5.1. Entry door/hatch TR: TOs 1B-1B-2-05JG-10-1, 1B1B-2-05JG-50-1 A3.2.5.2. Aft hatches TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-50-1 -


45 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.2.5.3. Main landing gear doors TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-50-1 A3.2.5.4. UARRSI door TR: TO 1B-1B-2-28JG-20-5 A3.2.5.5. Weapons bay door TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-50-1 A3.2.5.6. Engine bay door TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-50-1 A3.2.5.7. Radomes TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-50-1 A3. Nose A3. Tail A3. Forward side fairing A3. Aft side fairing A3.2.5.8 Overwing Fairing TO 1B-1B-2-O5JG-50-1




2b -

A3.2.6. Adjust/rig A3.2.6.1. Weapons bay doors TR: TO 1B-1B-2-52JG-30-1 A3.2.6.2. Weapons bay PDUs TR: TO 1B-1B-2-94JG-40-2, 1B1B-2-94JG-40-3 A3.2.6.3. Rotary actuators TR: TO 1B-1B-2-94JG-40-2, 1B1B-2-94JG-40-3 A3.2.6.4. Weapons bay spoilers TR: TO 1B-1B-2-52JG-30-1 A3.2.6.5. Entry door/stair ladder TR: TO 1B-1B-2-52JG-10-1 A3. Actuator/gearbox assembly A3. Actuator motor A3. Chain A3. Latching control mechanism -

46 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3. Entry door uplock system A3.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS TR: TO 1B-1B-2-32GS-00-1, 1B-1B2-32JG series A3.3.1. Landing gear components and system operation A3.3.2. Perform operational check A3.3.2.1. Landing gear A3.3.2.2. Brakes A3.3.2.3. Steering system A3.3.3. Operate A3.3.3.1. Brakes A3.3.3.2. Steering A3.3.4. Service TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A3.3.4.1. Landing gear struts A3. Nitrogen A3. Hydraulic fluid A3.3.4.2. Axle beam positioner A3. Nitrogen A3. Hydraulic fluid A3.3.4.3. Nose wheel steering gearbox A3.3.4.4. Tires TR: TO 4T-1-3 A3.3.5. Lubricate landing gear components TR: TO 1B-1B-6WC-2, 1B-1B-212JG-40-1 A3.3.6. Remove/install A3.3.6.1. Wheel and tire assemblies TR: TO 1B-1B-2-32JG-40-4 * * * * *

2b -

2b -

2b a 2b 2b


47 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.3.6.2. Brake assemblies TR: TO 1B-1B-2-32JG-40-3 A3.3.6.3. Nose gear strut assembly TR: TO 1B-1B-2-32JG-10-1 A3.3.6.4. Nose gear wheel well doors TR: TO 1B-1B-2-52JG-80-1 A3.3.6.5. Main gear strut assembly TR: TO 1B-1B-2-32JG-10-1 A3.3.6.6. Main gear axle beam positioner TR: TO 1B-1B-2-32JG-10-3 A3.3.6.7. Main gear wheel well doors TR: TO 1B-1B-2-52JG-80-1 A3.3.7. Bleed brake systems TR: TO 1B-1B-2-32JG-40-1 A3.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS TR: TO 1B-1B-2-21GS-00-1, 1B-1B2-26GS-00-1, 1B-1B-2-30GS-00-1, 1B1B-2-35GS-00-1 A3.4.1. Utility components and system operation A3.4.2. Perform operational check of fire/overheat warning system TR: TO 1B-1B-2-26JG-10-1 A3.4.3. Operate A3.4.3.1. Bleed air system TR: TO 1B-1B-2-21JG-00-1 A3.4.3.2. Air conditioning system TR: TO 1B-1B-2-21JG-10-2 A3.4.3.3. Fire/overheat warning system TR: TO 1B-1B-2-26JG-10-1 A3.4.3.4. Fire extinguishing system TR: TO 1B-1B-2-26JG-20-1 A3.4.4. Service oxygen system TR: TO 1B-1B-2-12JG-20-1 A3.4.5. Service environmental systems TR: TOs 1B-1B-2-12JG-20-1 *


48 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.4.5.1. Top off coolant loops (ACL, ICL, LCL) A3.4.5.2. Refrigeration units (#1, #2 and stores) A3.4.6. Pre cooler blower TR: TO 1B-1B-2-21JG-10-1 A3.4.6.1. Remove and install A3.4.6.2. Perform operational check A3.4.7. Self contained toilet TR: TO 1B-1B-2-25JG-40-1 A3.4.7.1. Remove and install A3.4.7.2. Service A3.4.7.3. Repair A3.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27GS-00-1 A3.5.1. Flight control components and system operation A3.5.2. Perform operational check of flight controls A3.5.3. Operate flight controls TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-1, 1B-1B2-27JG-20-1, 1B-1B-27JG-30-1 A3.5.3.1. Roll control A3.5.3.2. Pitch control A3.5.3.3. Yaw control A3.5.3.4. Flap/slat control A3.5.3.5. Wing sweep TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-1 A3. Less than 35 degrees A3. Greater than 35 degrees A3.5.4. Remove/install flight control components



49 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.5.4.1. Spoiler master micro-adjust rod TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-1 A3.5.4.2. Roll feel bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-2 A3.5.4.3. Roll disengage mechanism TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-2 A3.5.4.4. Cable tension regulator bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-3 A3.5.4.5. Roll centering bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-3 A3.5.4.6. Inboard spoiler override bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-3 A3.5.4.7. Roll aft feel bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-3 A3.5.4.8. Spoiler EM actuator TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-3 A3.5.4.9. Outboard spoiler override bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-4 A3.5.4.10. Horizontal stabilizer roll trim actuator TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-4 A3.5.4.11. Speedbrake/spoiler roll trim actuator TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-10-4 A3.5.4.12. Adjust bolts TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-20-1 A3.5.4.13. Pilot/copilot pedals TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-20-2 A3.5.4.14. Upper rudder TR: TO 1B-1B-2-55JG series A3.5.4.15. Intermediate rudder TR: TO 1B-1B-2-55JG series A3.5.4.16. Lower rudder TR: TO 1B-1B-2-55JG series A3.5.4.17. Yaw trim actuator TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-20-3

50 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.5.4.18. Yaw limiter actuator TR: TO 1B0-1B-2-27JG-20-3 A3.5.4.19. Horizontal stab upper/lower servo cylinder TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-2 A3.5.4.20. Pitch aft feel bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-2 A3.5.4.21. Pitch master cylinder override bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-2 A3.5.4.22. Pitch override bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-3 A3.5.4.23. Pitch disengage mechanism TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-3 A3.5.4.24. Pitch forward feel bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-3 A3.5.4.25. Stick disengage handle TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-3 A3.5.4.26. Pitch centering bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-3 A3.5.4.27. Linkage shaker motor TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-3 A3.5.4.28. Pitch trim actuator TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-30-3 A3.5.4.29. Roll SCAS override bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-40-2 A3.5.4.30. Yaw SCAS override bungee TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-40-4 A3.5.4.31. Wing fairing TR: TO 1B-1B-2-53JG series A3.5.4.32. Wing sweep gear subassembly (GSA) drive coupling/shaft TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-1 A3.5.4.33. Wing sweep drive coupling TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-2 A3.5.4.34. Right angle drive gearbox TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-2

51 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.5.4.35. Ballscrew actuator TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-2 A3.5.4.36. Mechanical control linkage TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-3 A3.5.4.37. Wing sweep ground interlock control cable assembly TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-3 A3.5.4.38. Left angle drive gearbox TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-3 A3.5.4.39. Alternate wing sweep control actuator TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-3 A3.5.4.40. Flap/slat torque limiter TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-6 A3.5.4.41. Flap/slat angle drive gearbox TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-6 A3.5.4.42. Slat offset gearbox TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-6 A3.5.4.43. Flap step-over gearbox TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-7 A3.5.4.44. Slat step-over gearbox TR: TO1B-1B-2-27JG-80-7 A3.5.4.45. Flap/slat jack-screw TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-7 A3.5.4.46. Flap segments TR: TO 1B-1B-2-57JG series A3.5.4.47. Slat segments TR: TO 1B-1B-2-57JG series A3.5.4.48. Flap/slat interlock TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG-80-4 A3.5.4.49. SMCS vanes TR: TO 1B-1B-2-56JG series A3.5.5. Inspect flight controls TR: TO 1B-1B-6 A3.5.6. Lubricate flight controls TR: TOs 1B-1B-6WC-2, 1B-1B-212JG-40-1

52 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.5.7. Rig/adjust flight controls TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG series A3.5.7.1. Roll control A3.5.7.2. Outboard spoiler control A3.5.7.3. Yaw control A3.5.7.4. Pitch control A3.5.7.5. Stick position versus surface position check A3.5.7.6. Roll SCAS A3.5.7.7. Pitch SCAS A3.5.7.8. Wing sweep A3.5.7.9. Flap/slat A3.5.8. Troubleshoot flight controls TR: TO 1B-1B-2-27JG series A3.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS A3.6.1. Hydraulic components and system operation TR: TO 1B-1B-2-29GS-00-1, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A3.6.2. Service A3.6.2.1. Reservoir TR: TO 1B-1B-2-12JG-20-1 A3.6.2.2. Accumulator TR: TO 1B-1B-2-12JG-30-1 A3.6.3. Apply hydraulic power A3.6.3.1. Using APU TR: TO 1B-1B-2-49JG-00-1, 1B1B-2-49JG-00-2 A3.6.3.2. Using hydraulic test stand TR: TO 1B-1B-2-29JG-00-1 A3.6.4. Perform leak checks TR: TO 1B-1B-2-29JG-00-1 A3.7. ENGINES * * 2b -



53 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.7.1. Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) components and system operation TR: TO 1B-1B-2-70GS-00-1, 1B-1B2-83GS-00-1, 1B-1B-2-49GS-00-1 A3.7.2. Inspect airframe inlet and engine intake TR: TO 1B-1B-6WC-1, 1B-1B-270JG-30-1 A3.7.3. Operate A3.7.3.1. Engine TR: TOs 1B-1B-2-70JG-30-1 A3.7.3.2. APUs and subsystems TR: TO 1B-1B-2-49JG-00-2 A3.7.3.3. Motor engines TR: TO 1B-1B-2-70JG-30-1 A3.7.3.4. Perform engine operational check TR: TOs 1B-1B-2-70JG-30-1, 1B1B-2-70JG-40-1 A3.7.5. Service TR: TO 1B-1B-2-12JG-30-1 A3.7.5.1. Oil system A3.7.5.2. Integrated Drive Generator A3.7.5.3. Accessory Drive Gearbox A3.7.5.4. APUs A3.7.6. Remove/install TR: TO 1B-1B-2-80JG-10-1 A3.7.6.1. Air turbine starter A3.7.6.2. Starter control valve A3.7.7. Take engine oil sample TR: TO 33-1-37, 1B-1B-2-12JG-30-1 A3.7.8. Perform leak checks TR: TO 1B-1B-2-49JG-00-1, 1B-1B2-70JG-00-1 * * * * *


2b 2b 2b 2b

54 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.7.9. Air intake moveable lip components and system operation TR: TO 1B-1B-2-71JG-60-1 A3.7.9.1. Perform operational check of air intake moveable lip (ground power) A3.7.9.2. Perform operational check of air intake moveable lip (forward crew station) A3.7.9.3. Remove/install air intake moveable lip components TR: TO 1B-1B-2-71JG-60-1, 1B1B-2-54JG-20-1 A3. Moveable lip upper linear actuator A3. Moveable lip lower linear actuator A3. Moveable lip power drive unit A3. Moveable lip A3.7.9.4. Rig/adjust air intake moveable lip components TR: TO 1B-1B-2-71JG-60-1 A3.8. AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable AFOSH STANDARDS, TO 00-25-172, Applicable Acft -2 series TOs A3.8.1. Fuel components and system operation A3.8.2. Refuel aircraft TR: TO 1B-1B-2-12JG-10-1 A3.8.2.1. Team member (ground observer) A3.8.2.2. Team panel operator A3. Auto A3. Manual A3.8.2.3. Team supervisor A3. Auto A3. Manual * * * * 2b 2b * 2b A -

55 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.8.3. Defuel aircraft TR: TO 1B-1B-2-12JG-10-1 A3.8.3.1. Team member (ground observer) A3.8.3.2. Team panel operator A3. Auto A3. Manual A3.8.3.3. Team supervisor A3. Auto A3. Manual A3.8.4. Emergency defueling TR: TO 1B-1B-2-12JG-10-1 A3.8.4.1. Supervisor A3.8.4.2. Fire guard A3.8.4.3. Safety observer A3.8.5. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance TR: TO 1B-B1-2-28JG-00-1 A3.8.6. Ground transfer fuel TR: TO 1B-1B-2-28JG-00-1 A3.8.7. Remove/install 180 inch weapons bay tank TR: 1B-1B-2-28JG-10-1, 35D3-9-211, 6J14-7-6-2 A3.8.7.1. Load team supervisor A3.8.7.2. Load team assistant A3.8.7.3. Lift truck (jammer) operator A3.8.7.4. Lift truck (jammer) RCU operator A3.8.7.5. Perform component check out A3.8.8. Fuel sump draining TR: 1B-1B-2-12JG-10-1 A3.9. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS * * * * 2b -

* *

2b 2b


56 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.9.1. Electrical components and system operation TR: TO 1B-1B-2-24GS-00-1 A3.9.2. Connect/apply external electrical power TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-10-1 A3.9.3. Disconnect external electrical power TR: TO 1B-1B-2-05JG-10-1 A3.9.4. Apply electrical power using APU TR: TO 1B-1B-2-49JG-00-2 A3.9.5. Remove/install batteries TR: TO 1B-1B-2-24JG-00-1, 1B-1B2-24JG-30-1 A3.10. EGRESS SYSTEM TR: TO 1B-1B-2-95GS-00-1, 1B-1B2-95JG-00-1 A3.10.1. Egress components and system operation A3.10.2. Operate seat adjustment A3.11. AEROSPACE GROUND EQUIPMENT TR: AFOSH Standard 91-100 A3.11.1. Inspect and operate gaseous oxygen servicing equipment with intensifier TR: TOs 15X1-1, 37C2-8 A3.11.2. Inspect and operate coolant servicing carts TR: TO 35E10-27-1 A3.11.2.1. Liquid coolant cart A3.11.2.2. Hand operated servicing cart A3.11.3. Inspect and operate mobile hydraulic oil dispenser TR: TO 35D8 series A3.11.4. Inspect and operate wing sweep support fixture TO: 35-1-271-2 A3.11.5. Spring panel press TR: 35-1-271-2 *





A 2b




57 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A3.11.5.1. Pre use inspection A3.11.5.2. Use A3.12. CENTRAL INTEGRATED TEST SYSTEM (CITS) A3.12.1. CITS operation TR: TO 1B-1B-2-46GS-00-1 A3.12.2. Remove/install data transfer cartridge TR: TO 1B-1B-2-46JG-40-1 A3.12.3. Printer tape load TR: TO 1B-1B-2-46JG-40-1 A3.12.4. Operate TR: TOs 1B-1B-2-40JG series A3.12.4.1. Parameter monitor mode A3.12.4.2. Ground Readiness Test A3.13. Structural data collector remove/install TR: TO 1B-1B-2-33JG-10-1 * *


2b 2b -

58 (Attachment 3)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC


Training Training Start Complete This attachment is to be used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A4.1.1. Phased inspection concept and inspections TR: TOs 00-20-1, 1B-2A-6, 1B-2A6WC-1, 1B-2A-6WC-2 A4.1.1.1. Phased inspection concept A4.1.1.2. Perform inspections A4. Preflight A4. Work Area #1 A4. Work Area #2 and #3 A4. Work Area #4 A4. Thruflight A4. Part 2A A4. Part 2B A4. Postflight A4. Work Area #1 A4. Work Area #2 and #3 A4. Work Area #4 A4. Phase A4. Inspect Work Area #1 A4. Lubricate Work Area #1 A4. Inspect Work Area #2 A4. Lubricate Work Area #2 A4. Inspect Work Area #3 A4. Lubricate Work Area #3 A4. Inspect Work Area #4 A4. Lubricate Work Area #4 * * * 2b 2b 2b * * 2b 2b * * * 2b 2b 2b B -

59 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4. Acceptance A4. Calendar A4. Special A4. Time change item A4. Alert A4. Part 4A A4. Part 4B A4.1.2. Aircraft Wash TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-40-1 A4.1.2.1. Preparation A4.1.2.2. Wash A4.1.2.3. Lube A4.1.2.4. Restoration A4.1.3. Organizational Maintenance Manual Set (OMMS) TOs TR: Applicable B-2A TOs A4.1.3.1. OMMS TOs A4.1.3.2. Use OMMS TOs A4.1.4. Aircraft communications equipment TR: Applicable -2 TOs A4.1.4.1. Operate radios A4.1.4.2. Use interphone A4.1.5. Perform ground handling TR: AFI 21-101; AFOSH 91-100; TO 00-25-172; Applicable -2 TOs A4.1.5.1. Launch aircraft A4.1.5.2. Recover aircraft A4.1.5.3. Tow aircraft TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-10-3 A4. Wing/tail walker * * * * *

B 2b


2b 2b


60 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4. Brake operator A4. Tow team supervisor A4. Tow vehicle operator A4. Alert Towing A4.1.5.4. Jack and level aircraft TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-80-1 A4. Jacking team member A4. Jacking supervisor A4. Jack manifold operator A4. Plumb bob operator A4.1.5.5. Axle jacking A4.1.5.6. Crash recovery A4.1.6. Weight and balance functions TR: TO 1B-2A-5 A4.1.7. Verify aircraft center of gravity using FM/MS A4.1.8. Remove and install proximity caps TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-10-3 A4.1.9. Simulate airborne A4.1.10. Aircraft Safe A4.1.10.1. Aircraft safe for maintenance TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-20-1 A4.1.10.2. Alert safe for maintenance TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-70-1 A4.1.11. Hardness critical procedures A4.1.12. Perform electrostatic discharge procedures A4.1.13. Observable critical procedures A4.1.14. Low observable awareness A4.1.15. Comply with blade seal safety precautions

* *

2b -

b -

2b -

2b -


* * * * * b 2b b b 3c

61 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.1.16. Remove/install/service equipment/furnishings A4.1.16.1. Toilet TR: 1B-2A-2-25JG-40-1 A4.1.16.2. Sustenance container TR: 1B-2A-2-25JG-10-1 A4.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A4.2.1. Airframe components and construction A4.2.2. Operate Doors TR: 1B-2A-2-01JG-60-1 & 2 A4.2.2.1. Crew entry door A4. Pneudraulically A4. Manually A4.2.2.2. Aft nose landing gear door A4.2.2.3. Aft equipment bay entry door A4. Electrically A4. Manually A4.2.2.4. Auxiliary air inlet door A4.2.2.5. APU exhaust doors A4.2.3. Remove/install A4.2.3.1. Crew entry pressure door TR: 1B-2A-2-52JG-10-2 A4.2.3.2. Crew entry pressure door seal TR: 1B-2A-2-52JG-10-4 A4.2.3.3. Engine/AMAD bay doors TR: 1B-2A-2-52JG-90-2 A4.2.3.4. ECS/hyd bay doors TR: 1B-2A-2-52JG-40-3 A4.2.3.5. Nozzle bay panels TR: 1B-2A-2-57JG-30-2 * 2b * * 2b b B -

62 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.2.3.6. Panels A4.2.3.7. Remove LO tape A4.2.3.8. Windows TR: 1B-2A-2-56JG-10-1 A4.2.3.9. Radomes TR: 1B-2A-2-53JG-40-1 A4.2.3.10. Passive Thermal Protection Systems (PTPS) TR: 1B-2A-2-25JG-10-1 A4.2.4. Open/close A4.2.4.1. Crew entry pressure door A4.2.4.2. Engine/AMAD bay doors TR: 1B-2A-2-01JG-60-1 A4.2.4.3. ECS/hydraulic bay doors TR: 1B-2A-2-01JG-60-2 A4.2.4.4. Wheel well blow out doors TR: 1B-2A-2-01JG-60-3 A4.2.4.5. Intermediate Mold Surface (IMS) door rig/adjustment TR: 1B-2A-2-51GS-00-1, 1B-2A-253GS-00-1 A4.2.5. Inspect airframe and components TR: 1B-2A-6 A4.2.6. Inspect secondary structure A4.2.7. Inspect aircraft windows A4.2.8. Clean aircraft windows TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-40-1 A4.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A4.3.1. Landing gear components and system operation A4.3.1.1. Inspect landing gear components A4.3.2. Perform operational check A4.3.2.1. Landing gear TR: 1B-2A-2-32JG-30-1 * * * * *

2b 2b


2b * 2b 2b 2b

B 2b

63 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.3.2.2. Brakes TR: 1B-2A-2-32JG-40-1 A4.3.2.3. Steering system TR: 1B-2A-2-32JG-40-1 A4.3.2.4. Anti skid TR: 1B-2A-2-32JG-40-1 A4.3.3. Service A4.3.3.1. Landing gear struts w/ nitrogen TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-30-2 A4. Normal servicing A4. Special maintenance A4.3.3.2. Landing Gear Struts with hydraulic fluid TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-30-1 A4.3.3.3. Tires TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-30-2 A4. Nose A4. Main A4.3.4. Remove/install A4.3.4.1. Wheel and tire assemblies TR: 1B-2A-2-32JG-40-4 A4. Nose A4. Main A4.3.4.2. Brake assemblies TR: 1B-2A-2-32JG-40-3 A4.3.4.3. Brake equalizer rods A4.3.4.4. Anti-skid magnetic drive unit A4.3.5. Bleed brake systems TR: 1B-2A-2-32JG-40-1 A4.3.6. Rig/adjust landing gear system * * * * *

2b 2b

2b 2b

2b * * -


64 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.4.1. Weapons bay components and system operation A4.4.2. Operate weapons bay doors TR: 1B-2A-2-01JG-60-1 A4.4.2.1. Manually A4.4.2.2. Electrically A4.4.2.3. Hydraulically A4.4.3. Inspect weapons system components TR: TO 1B-2A-6 A4.4.4. Troubleshoot weapons bay system A4.4.5. Rig/adjust weapons bay system A4.5. UTILITY SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A4.5.1. Utility components and system operation A4.5.2. ECS power-up TR: 1B-2A-2-21JG-00-1 A4.5.3. Operate A4.5.3.1. Bleed air system A4.5.3.2. Air conditioning system A4.5.3.3. Pressurization system A4.5.3.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A4.5.3.5. Rain removal system A4.5.3.6. Fire Warning & Leak Detection System (FWALDS) A4.5.3.7. Fire extinguishing system A4.5.3.8. Back-up Oxygen System (BOS) A4.5.3.9. On Board Maintenance Printer (OBMP) TR: 1B-2A-2-31JG-30-1 A4.5.3.10. Remove/install printer tape TR: 1B-2A-2-31JG-30-1 * * *

2b -



65 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.5.3.11. Use OBTS Ground Processor (OGP) report for fault isolation of system malfunction A4.5.3.12. Load/unload maintenance write tapes/disks TR: 1B-2A-2-31JG-10-1 A4.5.3.13. Operate OBTS controls/displays A4.5.4. Troubleshoot A4.5.4.1. Bleed air system A4.5.4.2. Air conditioning system A4.5.4.3. Pressurization system A4.5.4.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A4.5.4.5. Rain removal system A4.5.4.6. Fire Warning & Leak Detection System (FWALDS) A4.5.4.7. Fire extinguishing system A4.5.4.8. Back-up Oxygen System (BOS) A4.5.5. Service Back-up Oxygen System TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-20-1 A4.5.6. Service equipment cooling systems TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-20-1 A4.5.6.1. Service Ethylene Glycol Water (EGW) System A4.5.6.2. Service Defense Management System (DMS) A4.5.6.3. Service Liquid Coolant System (LCS) A4.5.7. Sample equipment cooling A4.5.7.1. Sample Ethylene Glycol Water(EGW) System TR: 1B-2A-2-21JG-80-3 A4.5.7.2. Sample Defensive Management System (DMS) TR: 1B-2A-2-21JG-80-4 * *



66 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.5.7.3. Sample Liquid Coolant System (LCS) TR: 1B-2A-2-21JG-80-1 A4.6. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM TR: Applicable -2 TOs A4.6.1. Flight control components and system operation A4.6.2. Perform operational check of flight controls A4.6.3. Operate flight controls A4.6.4. Remove/install flight control components A4.6.5. Inspect flight controls A4.6.6. Rig flight controls A4.7. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A4.7.1. Hydraulic components and system operation A4.7.2. Service hydraulic system A4.7.2.1. Reservoirs TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-20-1 A4. Normal A4. Top-off A4. Alert TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-70-2 A4.7.2.2. Accumulators A4. Normal TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-30-2 A4. Alert TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-70-2 A4.7.3. Apply hydraulic power using test stand TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-10-2 A4.7.4. Take hydraulic samples

* 2b -

* *

2b 2b -



67 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.7.5. Reposition and torque line connections A4.8. ENGINES TR: Applicable -2 TOs A4.8.1. Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) components and system operation A4.8.2. Operate A4.8.2.1. Inspect engine inlets/exhausts TR: 1B-2A-2-70JG-10-1 A4.8.2.2. Engine and subsystems TR: 1B-2A-2-70JG-30-1, 2 & 3, 1B-2A-2-70JG-40-1 A4.8.2.3. APU TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-10-1 & 2 A4.8.2.4. APU in maintenance mode A4.8.2.5. APU in ECS mode A4.8.2.6. Ground observer A4.8.3. Service A4.8.3.1. Engine oil TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-30-1 A4. Normal engine off A4. Normal engine operating A4. Initial/unknown A4.8.3.2. Airframe Mounted Accessory Drive (AMAD) oil A4.8.3.3. APU oil A4.8.3.4. Pressurized Air Start System (PASS) A4. Normal TR; 1B-2A-2-12JG-30-2 A4. Alert TR; 1B-2A-2-05JG-70-2 * * * * *

3c b b b b


68 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4. Turbine driven recharge compressor (TDC) TR: 1B-2A-2-80JG-10-1 A4.8.3.5. AMAD heat exchanger flushing TR: 1B-2A-2-83JG-50-1 A4.8.4. Remove/install A4.8.4.1. Air turbine starter TR: 1B-2A-2-80JG-10-1 A4.8.4.2. Air turbine starter control valve TR: 1B-2A-2-83JG-20-1 A4.8.4.3. AMAD TR: 1B-2A-2-83JG-20-1 A4.8.4.4. Turbine driven recharge compressor (TDC) TR: 1B-2A-2-49JG-40-1 A4.8.4.5. Engines TR: 1B-2A-2-70JG-20-1 A4.8.4.6. Power transmission shaft (PTS) TR: 1B-2A-2-83JG-10-1 A4.8.4.7. AMAD power takeoff flange TR: 1B-2A-2-71JG-10-1 A4.8.4.8. AMAD carbon seal replacement TR: 1B-2A-2-83JG-20-2 A4.8.4.9. Hydraulic pump TR: 1B-2A-2-29JG-10-1 A4.8.4.10. Pump manifold TR: 1B-2A-2-29JG-10-1 A4.8.4.11. Integrated drive generator TR: 1B-2A-2-24JG-20-1 A4.8.4.12. AMAD filter elementsTR: 1B-2A2-83JG-20-2 A4.8.5. Take engine oil samples TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-30-1 A4.9. AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable AFOSH STDs; Applicable -2 TOs; TO 00-25-172 * *


69 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.9.1. Fuel components and system operation A4.9.2. Refuel aircraft TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-10-1 A4.9.2.1. Ground observer A4.9.2.2. Team panel operator A4. Ground control panel manual A4. Ground control panel auto A4. Manual fuel control panel A4.9.2.3. Team supervisor A4. Manual A4. Auto A4. Refueling aircraft using RH APU TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-10-2 A4. Team supervisor A4. Ground control panel operator A4. Cockpit operator (APU operator) A4.9.3. Alert top-off TR: 1B-2A-2-0-5JG-70-2 A4.9.4. Defuel aircraft TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-10-2 A4.9.4.1. Ground observer A4.9.4.2. Team panel operator A4. Ground control panel A4. Manual fuel control panel A4.9.4.3. Team supervisor A4.9.5. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance TR: TO 1-1-3 * * * * * * * * * *


2b 2b 2b


2b 2b -

70 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.9.6. Operate Air Refueling Receptacle Slipway Installation (ARRSI) TR: 1B-2A-2-28JG-20-5 A4.9.7. Ground transfer fuel TR: 1B-2A-2-28JG-00-1 A4.9.8. Drain fuel tank sumps/obtain fuel samples TR: 1B-2A-2-12JG-10-2 A4.9.9. Troubleshoot Fuel System A4.10. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A4.10.1. Electrical components and system operation A4.10.2. Operate lighting system TR: 1B-2A-2-33JG-10-1 A4.10.2.1. Internal lighting system A4.10.2.2. External lighting system A4.10.2.3. Indicator warning lights A4.10.2.4. Emergency lights A4.10.3. Remove/Install A4.10.3.1. Light lenses A4.10.3.2. Light bulbs A4.10.3.3. Batteries TR: 1B-2A-2-24JG-30-1 A4.10.3.4. Landing/taxi light TR: 1B-2A-2-33JG-40-1 A4.10.4. Troubleshoot lighting system A4.10.5. Connect/apply external electrical power TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-10-1 A4.10.6. Disconnect external electrical power TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-10-2 A4.10.7. Connect/apply external electrical power using bleed air carts TR: 1B-2A-2-05JG-10-1 * * * * * * * *



2b 2b 2b 2b




71 (Attachment 4)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A4.11. EGRESS SYSTEM TR: Applicable -2 TOs A4.11.1. Egress components and system operation A4.11.2. Operate seat adjustment A4.12. DOCK/HANGAR PROCEDURES TR: Local Directives A4.12.1. Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) Procedures A4.13.1. Centralized Aircraft Support Systems (CASS) A4.13.1.1. Operate Electrical Power and Inverter System A4.13.1.2. Operate CASS Combined Air System A4.13.1.3. Operate Hangar Nitrogen A4.14. Inspect/Operate Fall Protection Devices * 3c b * B 3c -

* *

3c 2b 2b

72 (Attachment 4)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

NOTE 1: This attachment is to be used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

A5.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A5.1.1. Phased inspection concept and inspection TR: TOs 00-20-1, 1B-52H-6, 1B52H-6WC A5.1.1.1. Phase inspection concept A5.1.1.2. Perform inspections TR: TO 1B-52H-6WC A5. Preflight A5. Basic Postflight A5. Thruflight A5. Hourly Postflight A5. Phase A5. Area 1 A5. Inspection A5. Lubrication A5. Area 2 A5. Inspection A5. Lubrication A5. Area 3 A5. Inspection A5. Lubrication A5. Area 4 A5. Inspection A5. Lubrication A5. Acceptance A5. Calendar * * * * 1b 1b 1b 1b A -

73 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5. Special A5. Alert inspection A5. Load/secure 47 section TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.1.2. Identify/Use B-52 TOs TR: Applicable B-52 TOs A5.1.3. Aircraft communications equipment TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.1.3.1. Operate radio A5.1.3.2. Use interphone A5.1.4. Perform ground handling TR: TO 0025-172, AFI 11-218, AFOSH STD 91-100, Applicable -2 TOs A5.1.4.1. Aircraft launch A5.1.4.2. Aircraft recover A5.1.4.3. Tow aircraft TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-2 A5. Towing A5. Tow team member A5. Brake operator A5. Tow team supervisor A5. Tow vehicle operator A5. Connect/disconnect tow bar A5.1.4.4. Jack aircraft/tripod jack TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-41B-52H2-2JG-5 A5. Jacking A5. Jacking team member A5. Jacking supervisor A5. Landing gear retraction position A (ground) * * * * * * * *




A A 2b

A -

74 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5. Landing gear retraction position B (cockpit) A5. Jack aircraft wing tip A5. Axle jacking A5. Axle jack supervisor A5.1.5. Weight and balance functions TR: TO 1B-52H-5 A5.1.6. Compute aircraft center of gravity using load adjuster A5.1.7. Aircraft wash TR: TO 1B-52H-6WC-5, 1B-52H-22JG-16 A5.1.7.1. Wash operation A5.1.7.2. Lubrication A5.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs, 1B-52H-3 A5.2.1. Airframe components and structure A5.2.2. Operate TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-6, 1B-52H-22JG-7, 1B-52H-2-36JG-6 A5.2.2.1. Entry door/hatch A5.2.2.2. Bomb bay door A5.2.2.3. Emergency doors/hatches A5.2.3. Remove/install TR: Applicable -2 TOs, 1B-52H-22GA-1 A5.2.3.1. Afterbody cowling TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-6 A5. Cowling A5. Latches A5.2.3.2. Wrap cowling TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-6 A5. Cowling * * * * * * *

1b A

2b A 1b

2b -


75 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5. Latches A5.2.3.3. Nose cowling TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-6 A5. Cowl assembly A5. Auxiliary inlet screens A5. Auxiliary inlet doors A5.2.3.4. Panels A5.2.3.5. Non explosive seats A5.2.3.6. Windows TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-10 A5. Window #1 A5. Window #2L and 2R A5. Window 3L and 3R A5. Window 4L and 4R A5. Window 5L and 5R A5. Window 6L and 6R A5. Pilots and copilots hatch windows A5. Serviceability of aircraft windows TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2GA-1 A5.2.3.7. Radomes TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-13 A5.2.3.8. Wingtip TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-14 A5.2.3.9. Vortex generator TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-14, 1B52H-2-2JG-JG-15 A5.2.3.10. Remove/install vertical fin TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-14 A5.2.3.11. Fold/erect vertical fin TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-15 A5.2.3.12. Main entrance hatch TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-6 * *

2b -

76 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5. Remove/install hatch assembly A5. Remove/install/adjust components A5.2.3.13. Main entry hatch checkout A5.2.4. Open/close TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-6, 1B-52H-22JG-13 A5.2.4.1. Afterbody cowling A5.2.4.2. Radomes A5.2.5. Secondary structure inspection TR: TO 1B-52H-3 A5.2.6. Inspect/repair/clean thermal curtains TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2GA-1 A5.2.7. Bomb door system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-6JG-6, 1B-52H2-2JG-7, 1B-52H-2-7JG-1 A5.2.7.1. Remove/install latch components A5.2.7.2. Remove/install radius rods A5.2.7.3. Rig/adjust system components A5.2.7.4. Perform system checkout with standby pumps A5.2.7.5. Perform system checkout with engine pumps A5.2.7.6. Remove/install door support struts TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-1 A5.2.7.7. Remove/install bomb doors TR: TO 1B-52H-2-6JG-8 A5.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.3.1. Landing gear components and system operation TR: 1B-1B-2-05JG-50-1 A5.3.2. Operate TR: TO 1B-52H-2-10JG series A5.3.2.1. Landing gear * *

2b A -

77 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5.3.2.2. Brakes A5.3.2.3. Steering system A5.3.2.4. Perform system operational check A5.3.3. Remove/install TR: TO 1B-52H-2-10JG series TOs A5.3.3.1. MLG wheel and tire assemblies A5.3.3.2. TPG wheel and tire assemblies A5.3.3.3. Brake assemblies A5.3.3.4. MLG strut assembly A5.3.3.5. TPG strut assembly A5.3.3.6. MLG doors A5.3.3.7. TPG doors A5.3.4. Bleed brake system A5.3.5. Adjust A5.3.5.1. Main landing gear doors A5.3.5.2. TPG uplock roller A5.3.6. Install jumper wire on K622 squat switch A5.3.7. Determine serviceability of aircraft tires TR: TO 4T-1-3 A5.3.8. Service landing gear components TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-3 A5.3.8.1. Fill/drain MLG strut A5.3.8.2. Fill/drain TPG strut A5.3.8.3. Inflate/deflate MLG strut A5.3.8.4. Perform MLG air-to-oil ratio check A5.3.8.5. Inflate/deflate TPG strut (Load/No load condition) A5.3.8.6. Inflate/deflate MLG tires

2b -

1b -



* 2b * * 2b

78 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5.3.8.7. Inflate/deflate TPG tires A5.3.8.8. MLG hydraulic bungee A5.3.9. Steering system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-10JG-8, 1B-52H2-10JG-9 A5.3.9.1. Rig steering/crosswind crab system A5.3.9.2. MLG scribe line marking A5.3.9.3. Perform steering/crosswind crab system operational check A5.3.9.4. Rig brake control system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-10JG-11 A5.3.10. Wheel and tire maintenance TR: TO 4T-1-3, 4W-1-61 A5.3.10.1. Determine disposition of aircraft tires A5.3.10.2. Clean and inspect aircraft wheels A5.3.10.3. Clean, inspect, and repack aircraft wheel bearings and races A5.3.10.4. Inspect wheel/tire assembly after buildup A5.3.10.5. Assemble/disassemble B-52 tip wheels A5.3.10.6. Assemble/disassemble B-52 main wheels A5.3.10.7. Inspect/use tire bead breaker A5.3.10.8. Inspect/use degreaser A5.3.10.9. Inspect/use tire safety cage A5.3.10.10. Inspect/use bearing cup puller A5.3.10.11. Inspect/use bead blaster A5.3.10.12. Inspect/use jet washer A5.3.10.13. Inspect/use grinder

79 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.4.1. Utility components and system operation A5.4.2. Oxygen system TR: TOs 00-25-172, 15X-1-1, 1B52H-2-2JG-3 A5.4.2.1. Service A5.4.2.2. Drain A5.4.3. Windshield wiper system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-11 A5.4.3.1. Remove/install wiper blade A5.4.3.2. Remove/install wiper motor A5.4.3.3. Remove/Install wiper converter A5.4.3.4. Perform operational checkout A5.4.4. Drain ECS heat exchanger A5.4.5. Drain water separator A5.4.6. Service air cycle machine A5.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.5.1. Flight control components and system operation A5.5.2. Operate flight controls A5.5.2.1. Primary flight controls TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG-1, 1B-52H2-JG-4, 1B-52H-2-JG-8 A5. Spoilers A5. Elevators A5. Rudder A5.5.2.2. Secondary flight controls TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG-1, 1B52H-2-JG-6, 1B-52H-2- JG-9 2b 2b a A * * 1b A -

80 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5. Flaps A5. Horizontal stabilizer A5. Air brakes A5.5.3. Remove/install flight control components TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG series A5.5.4. Rig flight controls TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG series A5.5.5. Remove/install control column components TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG series A5.5.6. Lateral control systems TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG-1, 1B-52H2- JG-2 A5.5.6.1. Remove/install spoiler segments A5.5.6.2. Spoiler pick up and lay down checkout A5.5.6.3. Rig lateral control/trim system A5.5.6.4. Lateral control/trim system checkout A5.5.6.5. Install/remove spoiler actuator locks TR: applicable -2 TOs A5.5.7. Flap control system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG-9, 1B-52H2- JG-10, 1B-52H-2- JG-11 A5.5.7.1. Remove/install flap segments A5.5.7.2. Remove/install flap jackscrew assembly A5.5.7.3. Remove/install flap motor/drive power unit A5.5.7.4. Remove/install flap carriage A5.5.7.5. Rig/adjust flap control system A5.5.7.6. Perform system operational checkout

2b 2b 2b

81 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5.5.7.7. Service components TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-16 A5. Flap drive power unit A5. Dashpot A5. Motor reduction gear box A5.5.8. Elevator system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG-4, 1B-52H2- JG-5 A5.5.8.1. Remove/install elevator A5.5.8.2. Rig elevator control system A5.5.8.3. Perform system operational checkout A5.5.9. Stabilizer trim control system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG-6, 1B-52H2-2JG-16 A5.5.9.1. Remove/install trim mechanism A5.5.9.2. Rig/adjust trim system A5.5.9.3. Perform system operational checkout A5.5.9.4. Service stabilizer trim gear housing A5.5.10. Rudder control system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-4JG-8, 1B-52H2-JG-9 A5.5.10.1. Remove/install rudder A5.5.10.2. Rig/adjust rudder control system A5.5.10.3. Rig/adjust rudder trim system A5.5.10.4. Perform system operational checkout A5.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.6.1. Hydraulic components and system operation TR: TO 1B-52H-2-6GA-1 -

82 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5.6.1.1. Service TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-2 A5. Reservoir A5. Accumulator A5. Drain reservoir A5. Partial drain reservoir A5.6.1.2. Operate TR: TO 1B-52H-2-6JG-1, 1B-52H2-6GA-1 A5. Engine driven pump A5. Electrically operated pump A5.6.1.3. Perform leakage check A5.7. ENGINES TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.7.1. Engine components and system operation TR: TO 1B-52H-2-7GA-1 A5.7.2. Perform engine run TR: AFI 11-218, TO 1B-52H-2-7JG-1 A5.7.3. Service TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-3 A5.7.3.1. Oil system A5.7.3.2. Constant speed drive A5.7.4. Remove/install TR: TO 1B-52H-2-7JG-4, 1B-52H2- JG-5 A5.7.4.1. Air turbine starter A5.7.4.2. Starter cartridge A5.7.5. Take engine oil sample TR: TOs 33-1-37-1, 1B-52H-2-2JG-3 A5.7.6. Perform leakage check TR: TO 1B-52H-2-7GA-1 * 2b 2b * * 2b/b 2b/b * * 2b a * * * 2b 2b 2b -

83 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5.7.7. Perform engine inlet and exhaust inspection TR: TO 1B-52H-2-7JG-10 A5.7.8. Cartridge starter circuit continuity checkout TR: TO 1B-52H-2-7JG-5 A5.7.9. Motor engines TR: TO 1B-52H-2-7JG-1 A5.7.10. Throttle cables TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-11, 1B-52H-2-JG-17 A5.7.10.1. Remove/install A5.7.10.2. Rig throttle cables A5.7.10.3. Operational checkout A5.7.11. Throttle brake system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-11, 1B52H-2-JG-12 A5.7.11.1. Remove/install components A5.7.11.2. Rig/adjust A5.7.11.3. System checkout A5.8. AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable AFOSH STDs, TO 0025-172, Applicable -2 TOs A5.8.1. Fuel components and system operation TR: TO 1B-52H-2-5GA-1 A5.8.2. Refuel aircraft TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-2, 1B-52H2- JG-3 A5.8.2.1. Team member A5.8.2.2. Team panel operator A5.8.2.3. Team supervisor A5.8.2.4. Filler neck refuel A5.8.3. Defuel aircraft TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG2, 1B-52H-2JG-3, 1B-52H-2-5JG-1 * *

a a * a

84 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5.8.3.1. Team member A5.8.3.2. Team panel operator A5.8.3.3. Team supervisor A5.8.3.4. Drain aircraft fuel tanks A5.8.3.5. Drain wing surge tanks A5.8.3.6. Fuel sump drain A5.8.4. Ground transfer fuel A5.8.5. Remove/install external fuel tank TR: TO 1B-52H-2-5JG-9, 1B-52H2-JG-10 A5.8.6. In-Flight Refueling (IFR) system TR: TO 1B-52H-2-6JG-8, 1B-52H2-JG-9 A5.8.6.1. Operate IFR doors A5.8.6.2. Remove/install IFR doors A5.8.7. Fuel tank verification TR: 1B-52H-2-2JG-2, 1B-52H-5 A5.8.8. Boost pump operational checkout TR: 1B-52H-2-5JG-3 A5.9. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.9.1. Electrical components and system operation TR: TO 1B-52H-2-12GA-1 A5.9.2. Operate with external power unit TR: TO 1B-52H-2-12JG-6, 1B-52H2-JG-7 A5.9.2.1. Lighting system A5.9.2.2. Indicator warning lights A5.9.3. Remove/install TR: TO 1B-52H-2-12JG-6, 1B-52H2-JG-7, 1B-52H-2- JG -8 A5.9.3.1. Light lenses A5.9.3.2. Light bulbs

* * *

a a -

* * *

a a

2b -

2b 2b

85 (Attachment 5)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A5.9.3.3. Light assemblies A5.9.3.4. Batteries A5.9.4. Connect/apply external electrical power TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-1 A5.9.5. Disconnect external electrical power TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2JG-1 A5.9.6. Operate engine driven generators TR: TO 1B-52H-2-7JG-1 A5.10. EGRESS SYSTEM TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.10.1. Egress components and system operation A5.10.2. Operate seat adjustment A5.10.3. Remove/install safety pins A5.11. DRAG CHUTE SYSTEM TR: Applicable -2 TOs A5.11.1. Drag chute system components and system operation TR: TO 1B-52H-2-2GA-1 A5.11.2. Perform operational check A5.11.3. Adjust drag chute system A5.11.4. Remove/install drag chute assembly A5.11.5. Troubleshoot A5.11.6. Remove/install components A5.11.7. Remove/install door A5.11.8. Remove/install drag chute container * * *




A 2b 2b

1b -

86 (Attachment 5)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start NOTE 1: This attachment is be used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A6.1.1. Safety precautions pertaining to: A6.1.1.1. Aircraft containing ammunition or explosives TR: TO 11A-1-33, TO 1C-130H-200GE-00-1 A6.1.1.2. Pressurized aircraft TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21JG-30-1 A6.1.1.3 LAIRCM equipped aircraft TR: TO 1C-130H-2-99JG-10-6 A6.1.2. Use standard and technical publications TR: AFI 21-101, 37-160, Vol 1, TO 00-5-1, Applicable TOs A6.1.3. Maintain aircraft AFTO 781 series forms/supporting records TR: TO 00-20-1, 00-20-2 A6.1.4. Inspections A6.1.4.1. Isochronal concept TR: TO 00-20-1 A6.1.4.2. Inspection principles TR: TO 1C-130A-6 A6.1.4.3. Perform inspections A6. Preflight (PR) TR: TO 1C-130A-6WC-10 A6. Thruflight (TH) TR: TO 1C-130A-6WC-11 A6. Basic Postflight (BPO) TR: TO 1C-130A-6WC-12 A6. Preflight/postflight combined inspection (PR/BPO) TR: TO 1C-130A-6WC-13 A6. Home Station Check (HSC) TR: TO 1C-130A-6WC-14 A6. Minor TR: TO 1C-130A-6WC-15 * 3c B -





87 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6. Major TR: TO 1C-130A-6WC-15 A6. Acceptance TR: AFI 21-101 A6. Special TR: TO 1C-130A-6 A6. Time Change Item (TCI) TR: TO 00-20-1 A6.1.5. Communications equipment A6.1.5.1. Operate AN/ARC-164 UHF communications system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-23JG-20-1 A6.1.5.2. Operate AN/ARC-186 VHF (SCNS) communications system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-23JG-20-1 A6.1.5.3. Operate AN/AIC-18A-25 intercommunication system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-23JG-40-1 A6.1.6. Ground handling A6.1.6.1. Launch aircraft TR: applicable 1 Flight Manual A6.1.6.2. Recover aircraft TR: TO 1C-130H-2-10JG-00-1, TO 1C-130H-2-00GE-00-1 A6.1.6.3. Moor aircraft TR: TO 1C-130H-2-10JG-00-1, TO 1C-130H-2-00GE-00-1 A6.1.6.4. Deice aircraft TR: TO 42C-1-2 A6.1.6.5. Perform concurrent servicing TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-00-1 A6.1.6.6. Tow aircraft TR: TO 1C-130H-2-09JG-10-1 A6. Perform tow team member positions A6. Flight station (Brake operator) * *






88 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6. Cargo compartment (Hand pump operator) A6. Wing A6. Tail A6. Tow vehicle (operator) A6. Tow team supervisor A6.1.6.7. Jacking TR: AFOSH STD 91-100, TO 1C-130H-2-07JG-00-1, TO 1C-130H-2-00GE-00-1 A6. Jack complete airplane using wing and fuselage jacks A6. Fuselage jack operator A6. Wing jack operator A6. Plumb bob monitor A6. Jacking team supervisor A6. Jack nose of aircraft using fuselage jacks A6. Axle jack nose landing gear A6. Axle jack main landing gear A6.1.6.8. Cradle aircraft TR: TO 1C-130H-2-00GE-00-1 A6.1.7. Remove, install and inspect aircraft 21 equipment TR: TO 1C-130A-21, Applicable TOs A6.1.8. Cargo handling equipment A6.1.8.1. Perform operational checkout A6. Cargo restraint rails TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6. Cargo detent locks TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1

* * *

3c 3c 3c * -

* * 3c 3c -

89 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6. Cargo winch TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6. Static line retriever system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6.1.8.2. Remove and install A6. Cargo restraint rails TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6. Cargo restraint rails, sections 5B & 6B for paratroop drops TR: TO 1C-130-H-2-25JG-00-1 A6. Cargo conveyer rollers TR: TO 13C10-4-1 A6. Cargo detent locks TR: TO 13C10-4-1 A6. Static line retriever winch TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6. Cargo winch TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6.1.8.3. Inspect/repair A6. Cargo restraint rails TR: TO 13C10-4-1 A6. Cargo conveyer rollers TR: TO 13C10-4-1 A6. Detent locks TR: TO 13C10-4-1, 16L1-10-2-3 A6. Cargo winch TR: TO 35D4-2-30-1 A6.1.8.4. Service cargo winch TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6.1.9. Configure aircraft TR: AFI 11-2C-130 A6.1.9.1. For rolling stock A6.1.9.2. For palletized cargo A6.1.9.3. For passenger seats A6.1.9.4. For paratroop drop

90 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.1.9.5. For aerial delivery system (ADS) A6.1.9.6. For container delivery system (CDS) A6.1.9.7. For distinguished visitor (DV) A6.1.9.8. For aeromedical evacuation A6.1.10. Perform aircraft wash TR: TO 1C-130A-23 A6.1.11. Lubricate aircraft A6.1.11.1. Perform after-wash lubrication TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-20-1 A6.1.11.2. Perform 15 day flap track lubrication TR: TO 1C-130A-6, TO 1C130H-2-12JG-20-1 A6.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS A6.2.1. Airframe components and structure TR: TO 1C-130H-2-00GE-00-1 A6.2.2. Door system principles of operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52GS-00-1, 1C130H-2-00GE-00-1 A6.2.2.1. Crew door A6.2.2.2. Aft cargo door and ramp A6.2.2.3. Paratroop door A6.2.3. Operate A6.2.3.1. Aft cargo door using auxiliary hydraulic system electrically driven pump TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-00-1 A6.2.3.2. Cargo ramp using auxiliary hydraulic system electrically driven pump TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-00-1 A6.2.3.3. Aft cargo door using auxiliary hydraulic system hand pump TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-00-1






91 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.2.3.4. Cargo ramp using auxiliary hydraulic system hand pump TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-00-1 A6.2.3.5. Paratroop doors TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-10-2 A6.2.3.6. Crew door TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-10-1 A6.2.4. Remove and install A6.2.4.1. Nacelle access doors TR: TO 1C-130H-2-00GE-00-1 A6.2.4.2. Access panels TR: TO 1C-130H-2-00GE-00-1 A6.2.4.3. Structural panels TR: TO 1C-130H-3 A6.2.4.4. Crew member seats TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6.2.4.5. NESA windshields/windows TR: TO 1C-130H-2-56JG-00-1 A6.2.4.6. Non-NESA windows TR: TO 1C-130H-2-56JG-00-1 A6.2.4.7. Wing life raft TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6.2.4.8. Wing life raft stowage compartment liner TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6.2.4.9. Door and ramp pressure seals TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-00-1 A6.2.4.10. Crew door TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-10-1 A6.2.4.11. Radome TR: TO 1C-130H-2-05JG-00-1 A6.2.4.12. Leading edges TR: TO 1C-130H-2-51JG-00-1 A6.2.4.13. Paratroop door TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-10-2 A6.2.4.14. Aft cargo door TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-30-1 *





92 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.2.4.15. Cargo ramp TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-30-2 A6.2.4.16. Side emergency exit doors TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-20-1 A6.2.4.17. Forward and aft top emergency exit doors TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-20-1 A6.2.4.18. Center top emergency exit hatch TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-20-1 A6.2.4.19. Static line retriever TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6.2.4.20. Bomb rack TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6.2.4.21. Negator spring and counterbalance mechanism TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-10-2 A6.2.4.22. V-band coupling TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1-1 A6.2.5. Rig A6.2.5.1. Paratroop door TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-10-2 A6.2.5.2. Crew door TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-10-1 A6.2.5.3. Cargo ramp TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-30-2 A6.2.5.4. Aft cargo door system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-30-1 A6.2.6. Check crew door lower torque tube for allowable rotation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52JG-10-1 A6.2.7. Troubleshoot ramp system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-52FI-00-1 A6.2.8. Troubleshoot aft cargo door system TR: TO 1C-130H-52FI-00-1 A6.2.9. Open and close A6.2.9.1. Nacelle access doors TR: TO 1C-130H-2-00GE-00-1




93 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.2.9.2. Nose radome TR: TO 1C-130H-2-05JG-00-1 A6.2.9.3. Raise/lower forward nose landing gear door TR: TO 1C130H-2-32JG-20-1 A6.2.10. Inspect/service crew/passenger comfort facilities TR: TO 1C-130H-2-25JG-00-1 A6.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS A6.3.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32GS-00-1 A6.3.2. Perform operational check A6.3.2.1. Landing gear retraction/extension TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6. Team member A6. Supervisor A6.3.2.2. Steering system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-50-1 A6.3.2.3. Anti skid TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-40-1 A6.3.3. Service A6.3.3.1. Tires TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2, TO 1C-130H-2-00GE-00-1 A6.3.3.2. Shock strut (alternate method) TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 A6.3.3.3. Shock strut (preferred method) TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 A6.3.4. Determine serviceability of tires TR: TO 4T-1-3, TO 1C-130H-200GE-00-1 A6.3.5. Remove and install A6.3.5.1. Nose landing gear (NLG) wheel and tire assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-20-1





94 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.3.5.2. Main landing gear (MLG) wheel and tire assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-40-1 A6.3.5.3. Brake assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-40-1 A6.3.5.4. NLG forward and aft doors TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-20-1 A6.3.5.5. NLG strut TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-20-1 A6.3.5.6. NLG steering control valve TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-50-1 A6.3.5.7. MLG ball screw TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.5.8. MLG track shoes TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.5.9. MLG drag pin TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.5.10. MLG ballscrew trunnion assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.5.11. MLG friction washer, cap, nut and spacer TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.5.12. MLG torque strut TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.5.13. MLG shock strut assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.5.14. MLG hydraulic motor TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.5.15. MLG manual gear box assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.5.16. MLG inboard and outboard doors TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.6. Brakes A6.3.6.1. Bleed brake system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-40-1




95 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.3.6.2. Remove and install MLG parking brake cable TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-40-1 A6.3.6.3. Remove and install parking brake crossover cables TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-40-1 A6.3.6.4. Perform operational check of MLG normal brake system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-40-1 A6.3.6.5. Perform operational check of MLG emergency brake system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-40-1 A6.3.7. Adjust/Rig A6.3.7.1. NLG steering valve TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-50-1 A6.3.7.2. NLG forward and aft doors TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-20-1 A6.3.7.3. MLG inboard and outboard doors TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.7.4. MLG shoes TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-10-1 A6.3.8. Troubleshoot landing gear system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32FI-00-1-1, TO 1C-130H-2-32FI-00-1-2 A6.3.9. Inspect landing gear system TR: TO 1C-130A-6 A6.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS A6.4.1. Components and system operation A6.4.1.1. Bleed air TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21GS-00-1 A6.4.1.2. Wing overheat warning system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30GS-00-1 A6.4.1.3. Air conditioning TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21GS-00-1 A6.4.1.4. Pressurization TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21GS-00-1

96 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.4.1.5. Anti-ice/de-ice TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30GS-00-1 A6.4.1.6. Windshield wiper TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30GS-00-1 A6.4.1.7. Fire/overheat detection/warning TR: TO 1C-130H-2-26GS-00-1 A6.4.1.8. Fire extinguishing TR: TO 1C-130H-2-26GS-00-1 A6.4.1.9. Oxygen TR: TO 1C-130H-2-35GS-00-1 A6.4.1.10. Air turbine motor (ATM) TR: TO 1C-130E-2-49GS-00-1-1 A6.4.2. Operate systems A6.4.2.1. Bleed air TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21JG-10-1 A6.4.2.2. Air conditioning TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21JG-00-1 A6.4.2.3. Pressurization TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21JG-30-1 A6.4.2.4. Anti-ice/de-ice TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1 A6.4.2.5. Windshield wiper TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1 A6.4.2.6. Fire/overheat warning TR: TO 1C-130H-2-26JG-10-1 A6.4.2.7. Fire extinguishing TR: TO 1C-130H-2-26GS 00-1 A6.4.2.8. Oxygen TR: TO 1C-130H-2-35JG-00-1 A6.4.2.9. ATM TR: TO 1C-130E-2-49JG-00-1-1 A6.4.2.10. Auxiliary power unit (APU) Generator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-24JG-20-1 A6.4.3. Remove and install *




97 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.4.3.1. Windshield wiper motor TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1-1 A6.4.3.2. Windshield wiper converter TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1-1 A6.4.3.3. Windshield wiper flexdrive cable TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1-1 A6.4.3.4. Windshield wiper arm assemblies TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1-1 A6.4.3.5. Windshield wiper blades TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1-1 A6.4.4. Inspect systems A6.4.4.1. Bleed air TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21JG-10-1, TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1-1 A6.4.4.2. Air conditioning TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21JG-00-1 A6.4.4.3. Pressurization TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21JG-30-1 A6.4.4.4. Anti-ice/de-ice TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1 A6.4.4.5. Windshield wiper TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30JG-00-1 A6.4.4.6. Fire/overheat warning TR: TO 1C-130H-2-26JG-10-1 A6.4.4.7. Fire extinguishing TR: TO 1C-130H-2-26JG-10-1 A6.4.4.8. Oxygen TR: TO 1C-130H-2-35JG-00-1 A6.4.4.9. ATM TR: TO 1C-130H-2-49JG-00-1-1 A6.4.5. Service oxygen system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 A6.4.6. Troubleshoot windshield wiper system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-30FI-00-1 A6.4.7. Detect aircraft pressure leaks TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21JG-30-1 *


98 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS A6.5.1. Aileron system A6.5.1.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27GS-00-1 A6.5.1.2. Operate system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-00-1 A6.5.1.3. Remove and install A6. Aileron TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-10-1 A6. Aileron push/pull rod TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-10-1 A6. Aileron booster assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-10-1 A6. Aileron trim tab TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-10-2 A6. Aileron trim tab actuator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-10-2 A6.5.1.4. Inspect aileron system TR: TO 1C-130A-6 A6.5.1.5. Rig and adjust aileron system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-10-1 A6.5.1.6. Rig and adjust aileron trim system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-10-2 A6.5.1.7. Troubleshoot aileron system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27FI-00-1 A6.5.2. Rudder system A6.5.2.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27GS-00-1 A6.5.2.2. Operate system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-00-1 A6.5.2.3. Remove and install A6. Rudder TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-20-1 A6. Rudder push/pull rod TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-20-1 B B -



99 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6. Rudder trim tab TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-20-2 A6. Rudder trim tab actuator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-20-2 A6. Rudder booster assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-20-1 A6.5.2.4. Inspect rudder system TR: TO 1C-130A-6 A6.5.2.5. Rig and adjust rudder system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-20-1 A6.5.2.6. Rig and adjust rudder trim system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-20-2 A6.5.2.7. Troubleshoot rudder system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27FI-00-1 A6.5.3. Elevator system A6.5.3.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27GS-00-1 A6.5.3.2. Operate system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-00-1 A6.5.3.3. Remove and install A6. Elevator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-30-1 A6. Elevator push/pull rod TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-30-1 A6. Elevator booster assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-30-1 A6. Elevator trim tab TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-30-2 A6. Elevator trim tab actuator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-30-2 A6. Elevator trim tab flexible driveshaft TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-30-2 A6.5.3.4. Inspect elevator system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-30-1


100 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.5.3.5. Rig and adjust elevator system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-30-2 A6.5.3.6. Rig and adjust elevator trim system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-30-2 A6.5.3.7. Troubleshoot elevator system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27FI-00-1 A6.5.4. Flap system A6.5.4.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27GS-00-1 A6.5.4.2. Operate system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-00-1 A6.5.4.3. Remove and install A6. Flap TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-50-1-1, TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-50-1-2 A6. Flap torque shafts and bearings TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-50-1-1, TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-50-1-2 A6. Flap actuator assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-50-1-1, TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-50-1-2 A6. Flap manual drive cable TR: 1C-130H-2-27JG-50-1 A6.5.4.4. Inspect flap system TR: TO 1C-130A-6 A6.5.4.5. Rig and adjust flap system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-50-1-1, TO 1C-130H-2-27JG-50-1-2 A6.5.4.6. Troubleshoot flap system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-27FI-00-1 A6.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS A6.6.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-29GS-00-1-1 A6.6.2. Service A6.6.2.1. Hydraulic reservoirs TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 *



101 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.6.2.2. Hydraulic accumulators TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 A6.6.3. Operate auxiliary hydraulic system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-29-JG-00-1-2 A6.6.4. Troubleshoot system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-29FI-00-1 A6.6.5. Remove and install A6.6.5.1. Pressure switches TR: TO 1C-130H-2-29JG-1-2 A6.6.5.2. Pressure transmitters TR: TO 1C-130H-2-29JG-00-1-2 A6.6.5.3. Engine driven hydraulic pump TR: TO 1C-130H-2-29JG-00-1-1 A6.6.5.4. Auxiliary hydraulic pump TR: TO 1C-130H-2-29JG-00-1-2 A6.6.5.5. Booster or utility system accumulator TR: TO 1C-130H-29JG-00-1-1 A6.6.5.6. Auxiliary system accumulator TR: TO 1C-130H-29JG-00-1-2 A6.6.5.7. Ground test valve TR: TO 1C-130H-2-29JG-00-1-2 A6.6.6. Rig ground test valve cable TR: TO 1C-130H-2-29JG-00-1-2 A6.6.7. Connect/disconnect hydraulic test stand TR: TO 1C-130H-2-05JG-00-1 A6.7. POWER PLANT SYSTEMS A6.7.1. Power plant components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-70GS-00-1 A6.7.2. Auxiliary power unit (APU) components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-49GS-00-1 A6.7.3. Gas turbine compressor (GTC) components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130E-2-49GS-00-1



102 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.7.4. Operate A6.7.4.1. Power plant TR: TO 1C-130H-2-71JG-00-1 A6.7.4.2. APU TR: TO 1C-130H-2-49JG-00-1-1 A6.7.4.3. GTC TR: TO 1C-130E-2-49JG-00-1-1 A6.7.5. Service A6.7.5.1. Engine oil system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 A6.7.5.2. APU oil tank TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 A6.7.5.3. GTC oil tank TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 A6.7.5.4. Engine starter TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 A6.7.6. Remove and install power plant components A6.7.6.1. Starter TR: TO 1C-130H-2-80JG-00-1 A6.7.6.2. Starter control valve TR: TO 1C-130H-2-80JG-00-1 A6.7.6.3. Fuel and oil filters TR: TO 1C-130H-2-80JG-00-1 A6.7.6.4. Tailpipe TR: TO 1C-130H-2-71JG-00-2 A6.7.6.5. Tachometer generator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-77JG-00-1 A6.7.6.6. Throttle and condition lever components TR: TO 1C-130H-2-76JG-00-1 A6.7.6.7. Ignition relay TR: TO 1C-130H-2-80JG-00-1 A6.7.6.8. Speed switch TR: TO 1C-130H-2-80JG-00-1 * 2b -




103 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.7.6.9. Oil cooler TR: TO 1C-130H-2-79JG-00-1 A6.7.6.10. Oil cooler flap actuator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-79JG-00-1 A6.7.6.11. Inlet anti-ice valve TR: TO 1C-130H-2-75JG-00-1 A6.7.6.12. Fuel heater strainer TR: TO 1C-130H-2-73JG-00-1 A6.7.6.13. External scavenge oil filter element TR: TO 1C-130H-2-79JG-20-1 A6.7.6.14. Generator and disconnect assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-24JG-20-1 A6.7.6.15. Bleed air shutoff valve TR: TO 1C-130H-2-21JG-10-1 A6.7.7. Remove and install APU components A6.7.7.1. Generator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-24JG-20-1 A6.7.7.2. Speed switch TR: TO 1C-130H-2-49JG-00-1-1 A6.7.7.3. APU TR: TO 1C-130H-2-49JG-00-1-1 A6.7.8. Remove and install GTC TR: TO 1C-130E-2-49JG-00-1-1 A6.7.9. Engine removal and installation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-71JG-00-2 A6.7.9.1. Perform engine removal preparation A6.7.9.2. Perform engine installation preparation inspection A6.7.10. Adjust/rig engine throttle and condition lever cables TR: TO 1C-130H-2-76JG-00-1 A6.7.11. Troubleshoot engine system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-70FI-00-1-2 A6.8. PROPELLERS

104 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.8.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-61GS-00-1 A6.8.2. Service propeller TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-2 A6.8.3. Remove/install propeller assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-61JG-10-1 A6.8.4. Remove/install propeller brush block assembly TR: TO 1C-130H-2-61JG-10-1 A6.8.5. Remove/install propeller after body TR: TO 1C-130H-2-61JG-10-1 A6.8.6. Remove/install synchrophaser TR: TO 1C-130H-2-61JG-20-1 A6.8.7. Troubleshoot propeller system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-61FI-00-1 A6.9. FUEL SYSTEM A6.9.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-28GS-00-1 A6.9.2. Service A6.9.2.1. Refuel A6. Single point refueling (SPR) panel operator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-1 A6. Supervisor TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-1 A6. Concurrent servicing supervisor TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-1, TO 00-25-172 A6.9.2.2. Defuel A6. SPR panel operator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-1 A6. Flight station panel operator TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-1 A6. Supervisor TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-1 * *



105 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.9.2.3. Perform ground transfer TR: TO 1C-130H-2-12JG-10-1 A6.9.2.4. Drain residual fuel from tanks TR: TO 1C-130H-2-28JG-00-1 A6.9.3. In-Flight Refueling (IFR) system (Fletcher pods) A6.9.3.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-28GS-00-1 A6.9.3.2. Inspect system TR: TO 1C-130A-6 A6.9.3.3. Remove and install TR: TO 1C-130H-2-28JG-20-2 A6. Reel A6. Hose A6. Paradrouge A6.9.3.4. Perform operational check A6.9.4. In-flight air refueling (IARS) system (MCARS pods) A6.9.4.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130(M)H-2-44GS-00-1 A6.9.4.2. Apply IARS system power TR: TO 1C-130(M)H-2-44JG-00-1 A6.9.4.3. Remove/install A6. Hose TR: TO 1C-130(M)H-2-44JG-30-1 A6. Vairable drag drogue TR: TO 1C-130(M)H-2-44JG-30-1 A6.9.4.4. Perform operational check TR: TO 1C-130(M)H-2-44JG-00-1 A6.9.4.5. Perform IBIT test TR: TO 1C-130(M)H-2-44JG-00-1 A6.9.4.6. Prime/drain pod/pylon assembly TR: TO 1C-130(M)H-2-44JG-00-1


106 (Attachment 6)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A6.9.4.7. Pressurize/leak check pod/pylon assembly TR: TO 1C-130(M)H-2-44JG-00-1 A6.9.4.8. Lube pod/pylon assembly and components TR: 1C-130A-6 A6.9.5 Troubleshoot fuel system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-28FI-00-1-1, TO 1C-130H-2-28FI-00-1-2, TO 1C-130H-2-28FI-00-1-2-1, TO 1C-130H-2-28FI-00-1-3, TO 1C-130H-2-28FI-00-1-4 A6.10. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM A6.10.1. Components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130H-2-24GS-00-1 A6.10.2. Connect and disconnect external electrical power TR: TO 1C-130H-2-05JG-00-1 A6.10.3. Perform operational check A6.10.3.1. Electrical power supply system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-24JG-20-1 A6.10.3.2. Lighting system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-33JG-00-1 A6.10.4. Remove and install A6.10.4.1. Light assemblies and components TR: TO 1C-130H-2-33JG-00-1 A6.10.4.2. Airplane and SCNS batteries TR: TO 1C-130H-2-24JG-30-1 A6.10.5. Troubleshoot system TR: TO 1C-130H-2-24FI-00-1-1, TR: TO 1C-130H-2-24FI-00-1-2 TR: TO 1C-130H-2-24FI-00-2




107 (Attachment 6)


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108 (Attachment 6)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start NOTE 1: This attachment is be used in conjunction with Attachment 2. NOTE 2: This attachment is to be used as an alternative to Attachment 6.

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL TR: 1C-130J-2-CD-1 A7.1.1. Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft containing ammunition/explosives TR: AFI 91-100 A7.1.2. LAIRCM equipped aircraft A7.1.3. Using standard and technical Publications TR: AFI 37-160 Vol. I A7.1.4. Maintain AFTO 781 series forms TR: TO 00-20-1 A7.1.5. Aircraft inspections A7.1.5.1. Isochronal inspection concept TR: TO 00-20-1 A7.1.5.2. Aircraft inspection principles TR: TO 1C-130J-6 A7.1.5.3. Perform inspections TR: TO 00-20-1 A7. Preflight TR: TO 1C-130J-6WC-10 A7. Thruflight TR: TO 1C-130J-6WC-11 A7. Basic postflight TR: TO 1C-130J-6WC-12 A7. Combined preflight/basic postflight TR: TO 1C-130J-6WC-13 A7. Home station check TR: TO 1C-130J-6WC-14 A7. Minor A7. Major A7. Acceptance * * * -

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7. Special A7. Time Change Item (TCI) A7.1.6. System integration and display components and operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-46GS-00-1 A7.1.6.1. Mission Computer (MC) 1 & 2 A7.1.6.2. Bus Interface Unit (BIU) A7.1.6.3. Bus Adapter Unit (BAU) TYPE I & II A7.1.6.4. Communication/navigation/ electronic circuit breaker control panel (CNBP) A7.1.6.5. Avionic Management Unit (AMU) A7.1.6.6. Head Down Display (HDD) A7.1.6.7. Head Up Display (HUD) A7.1.7. Communication/navigation/ identification (COMM/NAV/ID) management system (CNI-MS) TR: TO1C-130J-2-48GS-00-1 A7.1.7.1. COMM/NAV/ID System processor (CNI-SP) A7.1.7.2. COMM/NAV/ID Management Unit (CNI-MU) operation A7.1.8. Indicating and recording system components and operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-31GS-00-1 A7.1.8.2. Dual slot data transfer system (DSDTS) A7.1.8.3. Removable memory module (RMM) A7.1.8.4. Control panels A7. Operational checkout of hard panels TR: TO 1C-130J-2-31JG-10-1 A7. Use of soft panels TR: TO 1C-130J-2-48GS-00-1

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7. Remove and install control panels TR: TO 1C-130J-2-31JG-10-1; TO 1C-130J-2-00JG-00-1 A7.1.9. Portable maintenance aid (PMA) function and operation TR: TO 31S5-4-2834-1 A7.1.9.1. Aircraft maintenance operations A7. Initiated Built-In-Test (IBIT) A7. Data Bus Test Points (DBTS) A7. Faults / Advisory Caution and Warning System (ACAWS) A7. Maintenance unique A7.1.9.2. Loading software to Line Replaceable Units (LRU) A7. Aircraft/LRU software loading procedures A7.1.9.3. PMA tool bar operation A7. Shutting down the PMA A7. CD ROM drive operation A7. Technical manuals A7. System mounting/un-mounting A7.1.9.4. Deployed Ground Maintenance System (GMS) procedures TR: TO 31S5-4-6197-1 A7. Debrief aircraft A7. Deploy/undeploy aircraft A7. Perform deployed back up data transfer A7. Perform checkpoint of data base A7. Perform RMM utilities A7. Engine related tasks *

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7. Perform Powerplant change A7. Export NIU data A7. Import and Export engine data A7.1.10. Aircraft communications equipment A7.1.10.1. Use Intercommunication System (ICS) control panel TR: TO 1C-130J-2-23JG-50-1 A7.1.10.2. Operate radios A7. Get home control panel TR: TO 1C-130J-2-23JG-00-1 A7. UHF TR: TO 1C-130J-2-23JG-30-1 A7. VHF TR: TO 1C-130J-2-23JG-20-2 A7.1.11. Perform ground handling TR: AFOSHSTD 91-100 A7.1.11.1. Launch aircraft TR: Applicable -1 flight manual A7.1.11.2. Recover aircraft TR: TO 1C-130J-2-10JG-00-1 A7.1.11.3. Moor aircraft (chains) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-10JG-00-1 A7.1.11.4. Deice aircraft TR: TO 42C-1-2 A7.1.11.5. Tow aircraft TR: TO 1C-130J-2-09JG-10-1 A7. Prepare aircraft for tow A7. Wing/tail walker A7. Brake operator A7. Hand pump operator A7. Tow team supervisor A7. Tow vehicle operator * * * * * *

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.1.11.6. Jack aircraft TR: TO 1C-130J-2-07JG-00-1, 1C130J-2-07JG-10-1, AFOSH STD 91-100

A7. Plumb bob operator A7. Wing jack team member A7. Nose jack team member A7. Jacking supervisor A7. Jack nose of aircraft using fuselage jacks A7. Axle jack nose landing gear A7. Axle jack main landing gear A7. Cradle aircraft for major maintenance TR: TO 1C-130J-3 A7.1.12. Remove, install and inspect -21 equipment TR: 1C-130J-21 A7.1.13. Enhanced Cargo Handling System (ECHS) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-25JG-00-1-1 A7.1.13.1. Inspect A7.1.13.2. Lock calibration A7.1.13.3. Lock duct out check A7.1.13.4. Operational checkout A7.1.13.5. Remove and install A7. Electric locks A7. Center rails A7. Vertical restraints A7. Restraint rails A7. Pallet Lock Control Units (PLCU) * *

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7. Multifunction Control Display (MFCD) A7.1.14. Reconfigure aircraft A7.1.14.1. Rolling stock/palletized cargo A7.1.14.2. Passenger/personnel A7.1.14.3. Tactical airlift personnel A7.1.14.4. Aerial Delivery System (ADS) A7.1.14.5. Container Delivery System (CDS) A7.1.14.6. Distinguished Visitor (DV) A7.1.14.7. Aeromedical evacuation A7.1.15. Cargo winch TR: TO 1C-130J-2-25JG-00-1-1 A7.1.15.1. Operate A7.1.15.2. Service/repair A7.1.15.3. Remove/install A7.1.16. Perform aircraft wash A7.1.17. Lube aircraft after wash A7.1.18. Remove/install galley microwave TR: TO 1C-130J-2-25JG-00-1-1 A7.1.19. Lavatory and Waste System TR: TO 1C-130J-2-38JG-30-1 A7.1.19.1. Remove/install/repair components A7.1.19.2. Inspect/operational check components A7.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS A7.2.1. Airframe components and structure TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00GV-00-1 A7.2.2. Door system principles of operation A7.2.2.1. Crew entry door TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-10-1

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.2.2.2. Aft cargo door and ramp TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-30-1, 1C-130J-2-52JG-30-2 A7.2.2.3. Paratroop door TR: TO 1C-130J-52JG-10-2 A7.2.2.4. Emergency escape hatches TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-20-1 A7.2.3. Operate doors A7.2.3.1. Paratroop TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-10-2 A7.2.3.2. Crew entry TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-10-1 A7.2.3.3. Emergency escape hatches TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-20-1 A7.2.3.4. Aft cargo door and ramp A7. Normal TR: TO 1C-130J-52JG-00-1 A7. Emergency TR: TO 1C-130J-52JG-00-1 A7.2.4. Remove and install A7.2.4.1. Cowlings A7.2.4.2. Panels TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00GV-00-1 *A7.2.4.3. Structural panels TR: TO 1C-130J-2-53JG-00-1 A7.2.4.4. Windshields/windows TR: TO 1C-130J-2-56JG-00-1 A7.2.4.5. Life rafts TR: TO 1C-130J-2-25JG-00-1-2 A7.2.4.6. Pressure seals A7.2.4.7. Crew door TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-10-1 A7.2.4.8. Radomes A7.2.4.9. Leading edges TR: TO 1C-130J-2-57JG-00-1 *

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.2.4.10. Paratroop door TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-10-2 A7.2.4.11. Aft cargo door and ramp TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-30-2 A7.2.4.12. Aircraft escape hatches TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-20-1 A7.2.4.13. Aft cargo door safety lock TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00JG-00-1 A7.2.4.14. Static line retriever TR: TO 1C-130J-2-25JG-00-1-2 A7.2.4.15. Hydraulic actuator (cargo door and ramp) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-30-1/-2 A7.2.4.16. Negator spring TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-10-1/-2 A7.2.4.17. Parachute initiation device TR: TO 1C-130J-2-25JG-00-1-2 A7.2.5. Rig crew entry door TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-10-1 A7.2.6. Rig paratroop door TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-10-2 A7.2.7. Check crew entry door lower torque tube for allowable rotation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-10-1 A7.2.8. Rig cargo ramp and door system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-30-1/-2 A7.2.9. Troubleshoot cargo ramp and door system TR TO 1C-130J-2-52JG-30-1/-2 A7.2.10. Open and close A7.2.10.1. Cowling TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00GV-00-1 A7.2.10.2. Radomes TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00JG-00-1 A7.2.10.3. Raise/lower forward nose landing gear door TR: TO 1C-130H-2-32JG-20-1

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.2.11. Inspect crew/passenger comfort facilities A7.2.12. Service crew/passenger comfort facilities A7.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS A7.3.1. Landing gear components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32GS-00-1 A7.3.2. Determine serviceability of aircraft tires TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00GV-00-1 A7.3.3. Inspect landing gear system TR: TO 1C-130J-6 A7.3.4. Troubleshoot A7.3.5. Perform operational check A7.3.5.1. Landing gear retraction member TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-00-1 A7.3.5.2. Landing gear retraction supervisor TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-00-1 A7.3.5.3. Steering system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-50-1 A7.3.5.4. Anti skid TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-40-1 A7.3.6. Service TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-2 A7.3.6.1. Tires A7.3.6.2. Shock strut (Alternate method) A7.3.6.3. Shock strut (Preferred method) A7.3.7. Remove/install landing gear components TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-10-1, 20-1, 40-1, 50-1 A7.3.7.1. Nose landing gear wheel and tire assembly A7.3.7.2. Main landing gear wheel and tire assemblies * * * *

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.3.7.3. Brake assemblies A7.3.7.4. Nose landing gear forward and aft door A7.3.7.5. Nose landing gear upper and lower torque arms A7.3.7.6. Nose landing gear strut A7.3.7.7. Nose steering control valve A7.3.7.8. Main landing gear ball screw A7.3.7.9. Main landing gear shoes A7.3.7.10. Main landing gear drag pin A7.3.7.11. Main landing gear trunnion A7.3.7.12. Main landing gear friction washer A7.3.7.13. Main landing gear torque strut A7.3.7.14. Main landing gear strut A7.3.7.15. Main landing gear motor A7.3.7.16. Main landing gear gearbox A7.3.7.17. Main landing gear inboard and outboard doors A7.3.8. Brakes TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-40-1 A7.3.8.1. Bleed brake systems A7.3.8.2. Remove and install parking brake cable A7.3.8.3. Remove and install parking brake crossover cable A7.3.8.4. Perform normal main landing gear brake system operational check A7.3.8.5. Perform emergency main landing gear brake system operational check A7.3.9. Adjust/rig landing gear components

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.3.9.1. Nose landing gear forward and aft door TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-20-1 A7.3.9.2. Main landing gear inboard and outboard door TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-10-1 A7.3.9.3. Nose landing gear steering system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-50-1 A7.3.9.4. Main landing gear shoes TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-30-1 A7.3.9.5. Main landing gear friction washer TR: TO 1C-130J-2-32JG-30-1 A7.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS A7.4.1. Utility system components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-36GS-00-1 A7.4.1.1. Bleed air system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-36JG-00-1 A7.4.1.2. Wing overheat warning system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-36JG-00-1 A7.4.1.3. Air conditioning system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-21JG-00-1 A7.4.1.4. Pressurization system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-21JG-30-1 A7.4.1.5. Anti-ice/de-ice system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-30JG-00-1 A7.4.1.6. Rain protection system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-30JG-00-1 A7.4.1.7. Fire/overheat detection system (FODS) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-26JG-10-1 A7.4.1.8. Fire extinguishing system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-26JG-20-1 A7.4.1.9. Oxygen system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-35JG-00-1 A7.4.1.10. Smoke detection system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-26JG-10-1

119 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.4.2. Operate A7.4.2.1. Bleed air system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-36JG-00-1 A7.4.2.2. Air conditioning system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-21JG-00-1 A7.4.2.3. Pressurization system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-21JG-30-1 A7.4.2.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-30JG-00-1 A7.4.2.5. Rain protection system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-30JG-00-1 A7.4.2.6. Smoke detection system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-26JG-10-1 A7.4.2.7. Fire/overheat detection system (FODS) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-26JG-10-1 A7.4.2.8. Fire extinguishing system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-26JG-20-1 A7.4.2.9. Oxygen system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-35JG-00-1 A7.4.2.10. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) generator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-49JG-00-1 A7.4.3. Inspect A7.4.3.1. Bleed air system A7.4.3.2. Air conditioning system A7.4.3.3. Pressurization system A7.4.3.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A7.4.3.5. Rain protection system A7.4.3.6. Fire/overheat detection system (FODS) A7.4.3.7. Fire extinguishing system A7.4.3.8. Oxygen system A7.4.4. Service oxygen system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-2 * * * -

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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.4.5. Remove/install wiper motor/converter/blade TR: TO 1C-130J-2-30JG-00-1 A7.4.6. Troubleshoot windshield wiper system A7.4.8. Remove and install bleed air V-Band couplings TR: TO 1C-130J-2-36JG-00-1 A7.4.9. Remove/service/install portable oxygen bottles TR: TO 1C-130J-2-35JG-00-1 A7.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS A7.5.1. Flight control components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27GS-00-1 A7.5.2. Ailerons A7.5.2.1. Aileron control components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27GS-00-1 A7.5.2.2. Operate aileron system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-00-1 A7.5.2.3. Remove and install aileron TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-10-1 A7.5.2.4. Remove and install aileron push/pull rod TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-10-1 A7.5.2.5. Remove and install aileron boost pack TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-10-1 A7.5.2.6. Remove and install aileron trim tab TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-10-2 A7.5.2.7. Remove and install aileron trim tab actuator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-10-2 A7.5.2.8. Inspect aileron system A7.5.2.9. Rig and adjust aileron system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-10-1

121 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.5.2.10. Rig and adjust aileron trim system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-10-2 A7.5.2.11. Troubleshoot aileron system A7.5.3. Rudder A7.5.3.1. Rudder control components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27GS-00-1 A7.5.3.2. Operate rudder system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-00-1 A7.5.3.3. Remove and install rudder TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-20-1 A7.5.3.4. Remove and install rudder push/pull rod TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-20-1 A7.5.3.5. Remove and install rudder trim tab TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-20-2 A7.5.3.6. Remove and install rudder trim tab actuator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-20-2 A7.5.3.7. Remove and install rudder boost pack TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-20-1 A7.5.3.8. Inspect rudder system A7.5.3.9. Rig and adjust rudder system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-20-1 A7.5.3.10. Rig and adjust rudder trim system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-20-2 A7.5.3.11. Troubleshoot rudder system A7.5.4. Elevators A7.5.4.1. Elevator control components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27GS-00-1 A7.5.4.2. Operate elevator system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-00-1 A7.5.4.3. Remove and install elevator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-1

122 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.5.4.4. Remove and install elevator push/pull rod TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-1 A7.5.4.5. Remove and install elevator boost pack TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-1 A7.5.4.6. Remove and install elevator trim tab TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-2 A7.5.4.7. Remove and install elevator trim tab actuator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-2 A7.5.4.8. Remove and install elevator trim tab flex drive TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-2 A7.5.4.9. Inspect elevator system A7.5.4.10. Rig and adjust elevator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-1 A7.5.4.11. Rig and adjust elevator trim system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-2 A7.5.4.12. Trouble shoot elevator system A7.5.4.13. Stall warning system components and operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27GS-00-1 A7. Stall warning system operational checkout TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-3 A7. Removal and installation of stick pusher control actuator, capstan, control cables and sector assembly TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-3 A7. Adjustment of stick pusher control cable tension TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-30-3 A7.5.5. Flaps A7.5.5.1. Flap system components and operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27GS-00-1

123 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.5.5.2. Operate flap system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-00-1 A7.5.5.3. Remove and install flap torque tube TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-50-1-1; TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-50-1-2 A7.5.5.4. Remove and install flap jackscrew TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-50-1-1; TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-50-1-2 A7.5.5.5. Remove and install flap manual drive cable TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-50-1-1 A7.5.5.6. Inspect flap system A7.5.5.7. Rig and adjust flap system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-50-1-1; TO 1C-130J-2-27JG-50-1-2 A7.5.5.8. Troubleshoot flap system A7.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM A7.6.1. Hydraulic system components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29GS-00-1 A7.6.2. Inspect hydraulic system TR: TO 1C-130J-6 A7.6.3. Operate auxiliary hydraulic pump TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-20-1 A7.6.4. Connect/disconnect hydraulic test stand TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00JG-00-1 A7.6.5. Troubleshoot hydraulic system A7.6.6. Remove and install A7.6.6.1. Pressure switches TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-30-1 A7.6.6.2. Pressure transducers TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-30-1 A7.6.6.3. Hydraulic pumps TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-10-1 A7.6.6.4. Auxiliary hydraulic pump TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-20-1

124 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.6.6.5. Hydraulic accumulator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-10-1 A7.6.6.6. Ground test valve TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-20-1 A7.6.7. Service A7.6.7.1. Hydraulic Reservoir TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-2 A7.6.7.2. Hydraulic accumulator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-2 A7.6.8. Rig ground test valve cable TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-20-1 A7.7. ENGINES AND AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) A7.7.1. Engine components and operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-70GS-00-1 A7.7.2. APU components and operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-49GS-00-1 A7.7.3. Operate A7.7.3.1. Engine and subsystems TR: TO 1C-130J-2-71JG-00-1 A7.7.3.2. APU TR: TO 1C-130J-2-49JG-00-1 A7.7.4. Service A7.7.4.1. Engine oil system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-2 A7.7.4.2. APU oil system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-2 A7.7.4.3. Engine starter TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-2 A7.7.5. Remove and install A7.7.5.1. Engine A7. Full Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-73JG-00-1 * *R *

125 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7. Nacelle Interface Unit (NIU) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-77JG-00-1 A7. Starter TR: TO 1C-130J-2-80JG-00-1 A7. Starter control valve TR: TO 1C-130J-2-80JG-00-1 A7. Hydraulic filters TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-10-1 A7. Gas generator speed switch (NG) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-77JG-00-1 A7. Power turbine speed sensor (NP) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-77JG-00-1 A7. Throttle quadrant TR: TO 1C-130J-2-76JG-00-1 A7. Ignition exciter TR: TO 1C-130J-2-80JG-00-1 A7. Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler (FCOC) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-79JG-00-1 A7. Air/oil cooler TR: TO 1C-130J-2-79JG-00-1 A7. Oil cooler flap actuator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-79JG-00-1 A7. Anti-icing air valve TR: TO 1C-130J-2-75JG-00-1 A7. Pressure and scavenge oil filters TR: TO 1C-130J-2-79JG-00-1 A7. Generator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-24JG-20-1 A7. Engine driven hydraulic pump TR: TO 1C-130J-2-29JG-10-1 A7. Bleed air valve TR: TO 1C-130J-2-75JG-00-1 A7. Perform engine removal preparation A7. Perform engine installation preparation inspection TR: TO 1C-130J-6

126 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.7.5.2. APU A7. Generator TR: TO 1C-130J-2-24JG-20-1 A7. Starter TR: TO 1C-130J-2-49JG-00-1 A7. Inlet door TR: TO 1C-130J-2-49JG-00-1 A7. Electronic Three Speed Switch (E3SS) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-49JG-00-1 A7. Electronic Temperature and Acceleration Control (ETAC) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-49JG-00-1 A7.7.6. Troubleshoot A7.8. PROPELLERS A7.8.1. Propeller components and system operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61GS-00-1 A7.8.2. Perform static ground operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61JG-00-1 A7.8.3. Inspect propeller system TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61JG-00-1 A7.8.4. Remove and install A7.8.4.1. Propeller assembly TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61JG-00-1 A7.8.4.2. Pitch control unit (PCU) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61JG-00-1 A7.8.4.3. Brush block assembly TR: TO 1C-130J-2-30JG-00-1 A7.8.4.4. Auxiliary feather pump TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61JG-00-1 A7.8.4.5. Overspeed governor and high pressure pump TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61JG-00-1 A7.8.4.6. Spinner TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61JG-00-1 -

127 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.8.4.7. Beta tube TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61JG-00-1 A7.8.5. Adjust Beta tube TR: TO 1C-130J-2-61JG-00-1 A7.8.6. Troubleshoot A7.9. AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS A7.9.1. Fuel system components and operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-28GS-00-1 A7.9.2. Remove and install fuel control panel TR: TO 1C-130J-2-28JG-00-1 A7.9.3. Service fuel surge suppressor TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-1 A7.9.4. Perform ground transfer TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-1 A7.9.5. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance A7.9.6. Inspect fuel system A7.9.7. Refuel aircraft TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-1 A7.9.7.1. Fuel control panel operator A7.9.7.2. Team supervisor A7.9.7.3. Concurrent refuel supervisor A7.9.8. Defuel aircraft TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-1 A7.9.8.1. Fuel control panel operator A7.9.8.2. Team supervisor A7.9.8.3. Drain residual fuel TR: TO 1C-130J-2-28JG-00-1 A7.9.9. Troubleshoot A7.10. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS * * *

128 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.10.1. Electrical system components and operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-24GS-00-1 A7.10.2. Service sump jar TR: TO 1C-130J-2-12JG-10-2 A7.10.3. Connect/disconnect external electrical power TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00JG-00-1 A7.10.3.1. Using Operational Flight Program (OFP) A7.10.3.2. Loading Operational Maintenance Program (OMP) A7.10.3.3. Transitioning between airplane software programs A7. OFP to OMP without removing external electrical power A7. OMP to OFP without removing external electrical power A7.10.4. Perform operational check A7.10.4.1. Regulated power supply TR: TO 1C-130J-2-24JG-30-1 A7.10.4.2. Electrical control panel TR: TO 1C-130J-2-24JG-20-1 A7.10.4.3. Electronic Circuit Breaker (ECB) manipulation using CNBP or CNI-MU TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00JG-00-1 A7.10.4.4. Lighting system normal and covert/Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-33JG-00-1 A7. Flight station A7. Cargo compartment A7. Exterior A7. Emergency Exit Lights (EEL) A7. Indicator warning lights A7.10.5. Remove and install *

129 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A7.10.5.1. Electrical control panel TR: TO 1C-130J-2-24JG-20-1 A7.10.5.2. Electronic Circuit Breaker Unit(ECBU) TR: TO 1C-130J-2-24JG-70-1 A7.10.5.3. Light assemblies and components TR: TO 1C-130J-2-33JG-00-1 A7.10.5.4. Aircraft utility/avionics batteries TR: TO 1C-130J-2-24JG-20-1 A7.10.6. Inspect A7.10.6.1. Components A7.10.6.2. Wiring and connectors A7.10.7. Verify electrical bonding of components TR: TO 1C-130J-2-00GV-00-1 A7.10.8. Troubleshoot A7.11. EGRESS SYSTEM A7.11.1. Egress system components and operation TR: TO 1C-130J-2-25GS-00-1 A7.11.2. Inspect egress components

130 (Attachment 7)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

NOTE 1: This attachment is to be used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

A8.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A8.1.1. Periodic/Isochronal inspection concept and inspection TR: TOs 00-20 series, Applicable -6 TOs A8.1.1.1. Periodic/Isochronal inspection concept A8.1.1.2. Perform inspections A8. Preflight A8. Alert 6A A8. Alert 6B A8. Alert 6C A8. Thruflight A8. Pre-Launch Inspection (PLI) A8. Quick Turn A8. Home Station Check/Hourly Post flight A8. Periodic/ISO A8. Inspect area 1 A8. Lube area 1 A8. Inspect area 2 A8. Lube area 2 A8. Inspect area 3 A8. Lube area 3 A8. Inspect area 4 A8. Lube area 4 A8. Acceptance A8. Calendar *R * * * 2b 2b 2b 2b A -

131 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8. Special A8. 750 Hr Insp A8. Time change item A8. Exterior panel/secondary structure inspection A8. Critical corrosion inspection A8.1.2. Aircraft communications equipment TR: Applicable -2 TOs A8.1.2.1. Operate radio A8.1.2.2. Use interphone A8.1.3. Perform ground handling TR: AFI 11-218 AFOSH, STD 91100, TO 00-25-172, Applicable -1 and -2 TOs A8.1.3.1. Aircraft launch A8.1.3.2. Call flight controls A8.1.3.3. Aircraft recovery A8.1.3.4. Tow aircraft A8. Wing/tail walker A8. Brake operator A8. Tow team supervisor A8. Tow vehicle operator A8.1.3.5. Jack and level aircraft A8. Jacking team member A8. Leveling scale (plumb bob) operator A8. Jacking manifold operator A8. Jacking supervisor A8. Axle jacking * * * * * * * * *R


b 2b b

b b -


132 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.1.4. Compute center of gravity TR: Applicable aircraft -5 TOs A8.1.5. Install/remove ground safety devices TR: Applicable -2 TOs A8.1.5.1. Landing gear A8.1.5.2. Landing gear doors A8.1.6. Ground aircraft TR: Applicable -2 TOs A8.1.7. Configure/reconfigure aircraft A8.1.7.1. Rolling stock/palletized cargo A8.1.7.2. Passenger/personnel A8.1.7.3. Distinguished Visitor (DV) A8.1.8. Maintain/store/configure/-21 equipment A8.1.9. Cargo roller system A8.1.9.1. Remove/install A8.1.9.2. Troubleshoot/repair A8.1.10. Aircraft wash TR: TO - 6WC-3 A8.1.10.1. Team member A8.1.10.2. Team supervisor A8.1.10.3. Post wash lube A8.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A8.2.1. Airframe components and structure A8.2.2. Service cargo door reservoir A8.2.3. Operate A8.2.3.1. Crew entry door A8.2.3.2. Cargo door A8.2.3.3. Emergency exit hatch


* *

2b 2b 2b

A -

* * *

2b 2b 2b

133 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.2.3.4. Wheel well doors A8.2.4. Open and close A8.2.4.1. Cowling (F-108) A8.2.4.2. Cowling (TF-33) A8.2.4.3. Panels/doors A8.2.4.4. Windows A8.2.5. Remove and install A8.2.5.1. Cowling (F-108) A8.2.5.2. Cowling (TF-33) A8.2.5.3. Panels/doors A8.2.5.4. Non-explosive seats A8.2.5.5. Windows A8.2.5.6. Life rafts A8.2.5.7. Radomes A8.2.5.8. Door/hatch seals A8.2.5.9. Thermal curtains A8.2.5.10. Boom sighting door window A8.2.5.11. Boom sighting door A8.2.5.12. QSAS inlet and exhaust doors A8.2.6. Perform aircraft inclement weather procedures A8.2.7. Inspect crew/passenger comfort facilities TR: Applicable -6 TOs A8.2.8. Service crew/passenger comfort facilities A8.2.9. Use C-135 technical orders A8.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs


2b/b -

* 1b *R -


134 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.3.1. Landing gear components and system operation A8.3.2. Operate A8.3.2.1. Landing gear A8.3.2.2. Brakes A8.3.2.3. Steering system A8.3.2.4. Anti skid system A8.3.3. Service A8.3.3.1. Snubber A8.3.3.2. Centering cylinder A8.3.3.3. Landing gear struts A8. Deflate A8. Drain A8. Fill A8. Inflate A8.3.3.4. Tires A8.3.4. Lubricate landing gear components A8.3.5. Remove and Install A8.3.5.1. Snubbers A8.3.5.2. Centering cylinder A8.3.5.3. Wheel and tire assemblies A8. Nose A8. Main A8.3.5.4. Anti-skid transducer A8.3.5.5. Brake assemblies A8. Steel brake assemblies A8. Carbon brake assemblies *R *R * * * * * * * * * *

2b -

2b 2b

2b 2b 2b 2b -

2b 2b 2b

2b -

135 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.3.6. Bleed brake system A8.3.6.1. Bleed brake assembly (steel) A8.3.6.2. Bleed brake assembly (carbon) A8.3.7. Determine serviceability of aircraft tires TR: TO 4T-1-3 A8.3.8. Inspect landing gear system TR: Applicable -6 TOs A8.3.9. Troubleshoot landing gear system A8.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS TR: TO 00-25-172, Applicable -2 TOs A8.4.1. Utility components and system operation A8.4.2. Operate A8.4.2.1. Bleed air system A8.4.2.2. Air conditioning system A8.4.2.3. Pressurization system A8.4.2.4. Anti-ice system A8.4.2.5. Rain removal system A8.4.2.6. Fire/overheat warning system A8.4.2.7. Fire extinguishing system A8.4.2.8. Oxygen system A8.4.3. Oxygen system TR: Applicable -2, -3 TOs A8.4.3.1. Service gaseous oxygen A8.4.3.2. Service liquid oxygen A8.4.3.3. Drain liquid oxygen A8.4.4. Inspect TR: Applicable -6 TOs A8.4.4.1. Bleed air system A8.4.4.2. Air conditioning system * 2b A *R *R * 2b 2b -


136 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.4.4.3. Pressurization system A8.4.4.4. Anti-ice system A8.4.4.5. Rain removal system A8.4.4.6. Fire/overheat warning system A8.4.4.7. Fire extinguisher system A8.4.4.8. Oxygen system A8.4.5. Air Cycle Machine (ACM) A8.4.5.1. Drain A8.4.5.2. Service A8.4.6. Troubleshoot utility systems A8.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM TR: Applicable -2 TOs A8.5.1. Flight control components and system operation A8.5.2. Operate flight controls A8.5.2.1. Aileron system A8.5.2.2. Rudder system A8.5.2.3. Elevator system A8.5.2.4. Spoiler/Speed brake system A8.5.2.5. Stabilizer trim system A8.5.2.6. Flap system A8.5.3. Remove & install flight control components A8.5.3.1. Cove lip door A8.5.3.2. Cove lip door latch A8.5.3.3. Electric flap torque limiter A8.5.3.4. Flap jackscrew A8.5.3.5. Fore flap * *

b b -

2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b

137 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.5.3.6. Aileron snubber A8.5.3.7. Elevator snubber A8.5.4. Inspect flight controls TR: Applicable -6 TOs A8.5.5. Lubricate flight controls A8.5.6. Rig flight controls A8.5.7. Troubleshoot flight control systems A8.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A8.6.1. Hydraulic components and system operation A8.6.2. Service hydraulic system A8.6.2.1. Reservoir A8.6.2.2. Accumulator A8.6.2.3. Drain reservoir A8.6.3. Inspect major components TR: Applicable -6 TOs A8.6.4. Operate A8.6.4.1. Engine driven pump A8.6.4.2. Non-engine driven pump A8.6.5. Troubleshoot hydraulic system A8.6.6. Remove and install accumulator A8.7. ENGINES TR: AFI 11-218, AFOSH STD 91100, Applicable -2 TOs, A8.7.1. Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) components and system operation A8.7.2. Perform A8.7.2.1. Engine operational check A8.7.2.2. Engine trim * * *

2b 2b 2b

2b -

138 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.7.2.3. Adjust main engine control A8.7.2.4. Engine motor wet A8.7.2.5. Engine motor dry A8.7.2.6. Audible ignition check A8.7.2.7. Alternate engine start A8.7.3. Operate A8.7.3.1. Engine and subsystems A8.7.3.2. Auxiliary Power Unit (except OC-135) A8.7.4. Service A8.7.4.1. Oil system A8.7.4.2. Constant Speed Drive/Integrated Drive Generator A8.7.4.3. Gear box A8.7.4.4. Auxiliary Power Unit (if equipped) A8.7.5. Remove and install A8.7.5.1. Starter A8.7.5.2. Starter cartridge A8.7.5.3. Minor components A8.7.6. Take engine oil sample TR: TO 42B2-1-9, 33-1-37 A8.7.7. Inspect chip detectors A8.7.8. Inspect installed engine TR: Applicable -6 TOs A8.7.8.1. Turbine A8.7.8.2. Compressor A8.7.8.3. Blend blades A8.7.9. Inspect Auxiliary Power Unit TR: Applicable -6 TOs * *

b -

1b 1b 2b

139 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.8. AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable AFOSH STDs; TO 00-25-172, Applicable -2 TOs A8.8.1. Fuel components and system operation A8.8.2. Inspect fuel filters A8.8.2.1. TF-33 TR: 1C-135E-2-4-1 A8.8.2.1. F-108 TR: 2J-F-108-2-1 A8.8.3. Ground transfer fuel A8.8.3.1. Wing tank transfer A8.8.3.2. Body tank transfer A8.8.4. Refuel aircraft A8.8.4.1. Team member A8.8.4.2. Team panel operator A8.8.4.3. Team supervisor A8.8.5. Defuel aircraft A8.8.5.1. Team member A8.8.5.2. Team panel operator A8.8.5.3. Team supervisor A8.8.5.4. Refuel and defuel JP-7/dissimilar fuels A8. Supervisor A8. Panel operator A8. Ground observer/panel operator A8. Defuel station monitor (vehicle, overfill monitor) A8.8.6. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance A8.8.7. Inspect fuel system TR: Applicable -6 TO *R *R *R b b * * * b b * b A -

140 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.8.8. In-Flight Refueling (IFR) system (TR as applicable) A8.8.8.1. IFR receiver system A8. Inspect A8. Operate A8.8.8.2. Boom A8. Inspect A8. Install/remove boom sling A8. Drain A8. Service shock absorber A8. Service boom hoist reservoir A8. Service surge boots A8. Remove/install ruddevators A8. Remove/install nozzle A8.8.8.3. Drogue A8. Remove and install A8. Perform breakaway test A8.8.8.4. Multi-Point Refueling System (MPRS) TR: FR 4/96 series, 1C-135(K)R-26JG-14, and -6 series TOs A8. MPRS pod components and operation (if equipped) A8. Remove/Install pylon A8. Remove/install pod A8. Remove/install rear fairing A8. Remove/install hinged nose fairing A8. Drain pod A8. Hose assembly system *R *R *R * * 2b 2b b 2b b 2b -

141 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8. Trailing and retraction A8. Removal/installation A8. Perform MPRS inspections A8. Preflight MPRS pod A8. Prelaunch (PLI) of MPRS pod A8. HSC/HPO MPRS pod A8. 6c (Alert) MPRS pod A8.9. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable -2 TOs A8.9.1. Electrical components and system operation A8.9.2. Switch guards A8.9.3. Perform operational check A8.9.3.1. Electrical power supply system A8.9.3.2. Lighting system A8.9.3.3. Indicator warning lights A8.9.4. Remove and install A8.9.4.1. Light lenses A8.9.4.2. Light bulbs A8.9.4.3. Batteries A8.9.5. Inspect TR: Applicable -6 Tos A8.9.5.1. Components A8.9.5.2. Wiring and connectors A8.9.6. Connect/apply and disconnect external electrical power A8.10. EGRESS SYSTEM TR: Applicable -2 Tos A8.10.1. Egress components and system operation * * *

2b -



142 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A8.10.2. Inspect TR: Applicable -6 Tos A8.10.3. Remove/install emergency escape slides A8.10.4. Remove/install emergency exit spoiler A8.10.5. Remove/install escape spoiler air supply bottle

143 (Attachment 8)


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144 (Attachment 8)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

NOTE 1: This attachment is to be used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

A9.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A9.1.1. Safety precautions A9.1.1.1. Safe for maintenance A9. Statically ground aircraft TR: Tos 00-25-172, 1C-17A-200GV-00-1, 1C-17A-2-10JG-10-1 A9. Remove/install ground safety locks TR: TO 1C-17A-2-05JG-10-1 A9.1.1.2. Danger areas TR: 1C-17-2-00GV-00-1, Ch3 A9.1.1.3. Aircraft containing ammunition/ explosives TR: AFOSH STD 91-100, TO 0510-05 A9.1.1.4. Radar TR: 1C-17-2-00GV-00-1 A9.1.1.5. LAIRCM equipped aircraft TR: TO 1C-17A-2-05JG-10-1 A9.1.2. Use C-17 technical orders TR: 1C-17-2-00GV-00-1, Ch 1 A9.1.3 Perform inspections TR: 1C-17A-6WC-1, Section I, Section II, Section III, Section IV, 1C-17A-6WC-2, 1C-17A-6, Chapter 2, Part B A9.1.3.1 Preflight A9.1.3.2. Thruflight A9.1.3.3. Post flight (BPO) A9.1.3.4. Post flight/ preflight (BPO/Pre) A9.1.3.5. Home station check A9.1.3.6. Acceptance A9.1.3.7. Hourly inspections * * * * 2b * A -




145 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.1.4. Special A9.1.4.1. Time replacement item TR: 1C-17A-6, Chapter 3 A9.1.4.2. Excessive taxiing maneuvers inspection TR: 1C-17A-6, Chapter 2, Part A5 A9.1.4.3. Flap overspeed inspection TR: 1C-17A-6, Chapter 2, Part A6 A9.1.4.4. Slat overspeed inspection TR: 1C-17A-6, Chapter 2, Part A7 A9.1.4.5. Landing gear overspeed inspection TR: 1C-17A-6, Chapter 2, Part A8 A9.1.4.6. Inspect aircraft for terrain damage TR: 1C-17A-6, Chapter 1, Part G A9.1.4.7. Hard landing inspection TR: 1C-17A-6, Chapter 2, Part A1 A9.1.4.8. Hot brake inspection TR: TOs 1C-17A-6; 2-A-007 A9.1.5. Integrated avionics A9.1.5.1. Operate radio A9. IRMS TR: 23-81-02 A9. UHF TR: 23-13-02 A9. VHF TR: 23-12-02 A9. COMM TR: 23-15-02-3 A9. ARC-210 TR: 23-15-02-4 A9.1.5.2. Operate mission computing systems (MCD/MCK) TR: 34-62-02 * * 3c -


* 3c

146 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.1.5.3. Operate Multi Function Display (MFD) TR: 31-62-02 A9.1.5.4. Operate Maintenance Monitor Panel (MMP) TR: 40-21-10 A9.1.5.5. Operate interphone system TR: 23-41-02, 23-51-02 A9.1.5.6. Perform proper handling of ESD devices TR: 00-25-234 A9.1.6. Perform ground handling A9.1.6.1. Launch aircraft TR: 1C-17A-2-10JG-50-1 A9.1.6.2. Recover aircraft TR: 1C-17A-2-10JG-10-1 A9.1.7. Tow aircraft TR: 09-11-01, 09-11-02 A9.1.7.1. Tow vehicle operator A9.1.7.2. Prepare aircraft for tow A9.1.7.3. Wing/tail walker A9.1.7.4. Brake operator A9.1.7.5. Tow team supervisor A9.1.7.6. Hand pump operator A9.1.8. Moor aircraft TR: 10-11-01 A9.1.9. Fuselage jack aircraft TR: 07-11-02 A9.1.9.1. Jack operator A9.1.9.2. Jacking supervisor A9.1.9.3. Plumb bob monitor A9.1.9.4. Fwd fuselage jacking supervisor






* * * *R * 3c 2b 2b 3c -

147 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.1.10. MLG jacking (integral) TR: 07-12-01 A9.1.10.1. Integral jacking supervisor A9.1.10.2. Integral jacking team member A9.1.11. NLG axle jacking TR: 07-12-02 A9.1.12. Cargo winch A9.1.12.1. Operational checkout TR: 41-24-01 A9.1.12.2. Service cargo winch TR: 12-41-01 A9.1.12.3. Remove and install TR: 41-24-10 A9.1.12. Lubricate aircraft TR: 1C-17A-6WC-4 A9.1.13. Cargo handling and mission systems A9.1.13.1. Remove/install cargo rails TR: 41-11-11, 41-11-12 A9.1.13.2. Remove/install restraint locks TR: 41-11-14, 41-11-13 A9.1.13.3. Repair cargo roller conveyer assembly TR: 41JG-14-13 A9.1.13.4. Repair cargo rails TR: 41JG-11-11 A9.1.13.5. Rig/adjust cargo rail assembly TR: 41JG-11-11 A9.1.13.6. Troubleshoot cargo rail system TR: 41FI-11-11/14 A9.1.14. Configure/reconfigure aircraft A9.1.14.1. Aeromedical evacuation TR: 10-74-01 A9.1.14.2. Logistics TR: 10-75-01 A9.1.14.3. Passenger/personnel TR: 10-76-01 * 3c * 3c * * *R 2b 2b -


* *

3c -

148 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.1.14.4. Troop drop TR: 10-73-01 A9.1.14.5. Aerial Delivery System (ADS) TR: 10-71-01 A9.1.14.6. Container Delivery System (CDS) TR: 10-77-01 A9.1.14.7. Distinguished Visitor (DV) TR: 10-78-01-3, -4, 10-79-02 A9.1.14.8. Low altitude parachute extraction System (LAPES) drop TR: 10-79-01 A9.1.14.9. Stow buffet/lav unit TR: 10-78-01-1, -2 A.9.1.15. Configuration operations A9.1.15.1. Support/stab strut for cargo TR: 41-22-02, 04-4 A9.1.15.2. Logistics /ADS lock actuator TR: 41-11-12-1-3, 41-11-10-1-1 A9.1.15.3. Cargo ramp logistics/ADS lock actuator TR: 41-11-17 A9.1.15.4. ADS locks control panel TR: 41-11-10-1-1 A9.1.15.5. ADS controller TR: 41-11-10 A9.1.15.6. Logistics pallet control panel TR: 41-11-10 A9.1.15.7. Tow release mechanism TR: 41-33-01 A9.1.15. Support/stabilizing strut adjustment TR: 41-22-04 A9.2. AIRFRAME TR: Applicable Acft TOs A9.2.1. Airframe components and structure A9.2.2. Door system principles of operation





149 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.2.2.1. Crew entry door A9.2.2.2. Cargo doors/ramp A9.2.2.3. Emergency exits A9.2.3. Operational checkout of doors A9.2.3.1. Crew entry doors TR: Aircraft decal A9.2.3.2. Troop doors TR: aircraft decal A9.2.3.3. Cargo door/ramp/toes A9. Open/close from aft loadmaster panel TR: 52-30-02 A9. Open/close using manual override system A9.2.3.4. Ramp blowdown system A9.2.4. Open and close A9.2.4.1. Nose radome assembly TR: 53-51-01 A9.2.4.2. Tailcone A9.2.4.3. Maintenance access A9. Cargo ramp maintenance tunnel A9. Fuselage/wing access entry/exit TR: 00-00-01 A9. Avionics compartment rack A9. Fuel jettison island tip A9. Under floor maintenance tunnels entry/exit TR: 00-00-03 A9. Vertical stabilizer entry/exit TR: 00-00-02-1, 02-4 A. Horizontal stabilizer entry/exit TR: 00-00-02 * *




3c -




150 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.2.5. Remove and install A9.2.5.1. Emergency doors TR: 52-21-10 A9.2.5.2. Non-explosive seats A9.2.5.3. Life rafts A9.2.5.4. Radomes A9.2.5.5. Tailcones A9.2.5.6. Pilot/co-pilot sliding windows A9.2.5.7. Stationary windows A9.2.5.8. Door/hatch seals A9.2.5.9. Pressure panel seals A9.2.5.10. Cargo ramp seals A9.2.5.11. Wing tip A9.2.5.12. Winglet assembly A9.2.6. Rig/adjust A9.2.6.1. Crew door assembly TR: 52-11-10-5-2 A9. Repair crew door assembly TR: 52JG-11-10 A9.2.6.2. Troop door assembly TR: 52-13-10-5-1 A9. Repair troop door assembly TR: 52JG-13-10 A9.2.6.3. Cargo door components TR: 52-31-10-5-1, -5-2 A9.2.6.4. Cargo ramp components TR: 52-32-10 A9.2.6.5. Cargo ramp toes TR: 52-11-10 A9.2.6.6. Troubleshoot cargo door system TR: 52FI-31 * 3c -

151 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEM A9.3.1. Landing gear component and system operation A9.3.2. Service A9.3.2.1. MLG shock strut A9. Nitrogen TR: 12-32-02 A9. Hydraulic fluid A9.3.2.2. NLG shock strut A9. Nitrogen TR: 12-32-01 A9. Hydraulic fluid A9.3.2.3. Tires TR: 12-32-03 A9. Determine serviceability of aircraft tires TR: TO 4T-1-3, 1C-17A-2-6WC A9.3.2.4. Main landing gear shimmy dampers TR: 12-32-04 A9.3.2.5. Brake accumulator TR: 12-32-04 A9.3.2.6. Operate parking brake TR: 32JG-44-11 A9.3.3. Remove/install A9.3.3.1. Main wheel and tire assemblies TR: 32-41-10 A9.3.3.2. Brake assemblies TR: 32-43-10 A9. Determine serviceability of aircraft brakes A9.3.3.3. Nose wheel and tire assemblies TR: 32-42-10 A9.3.3.4. Brake hose * * 2b * * * 3c 3c * 3c A -



2b -

152 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.3.3.5. Brake compensating link A9.3.3.6. Brake lines A9.3.3.7. Remove/install parking brake system components TR: 32JG-44-11 A9.3.3.8. Remove/install brake temp sensor TR: 32JG-46-11 A9.3.4. Bleed brake system TR: 32-43-01 A9.3.4.1. Remove/install MLG doors TR: 52JG-82-10; 52JG-83-11 A9.3.4.2. Remove/install NLG doors TR: 52JG-81-10/11 A9.3.4.3. Remove/install MLG post assembly TR: 32JG-12-10 A9.3.4.4. Remove/install MLG strut TR: 32JG-11-10 A9.3.4.5. Remove/install MLG axle beam TR: 32JG-12-11 A9.3.4.6. Remove/install NLG assembly TR: 32JG-21-10 A9.3.4.7. Lubricate MLG post assembly TR: 1C-17A-6WC-4 A9.3.4.8. Remove/install main landing gear shimmy dampers TR: TO 1C-17A-2-32JG-14-23 A9.3.5. Operational checkout A9.3.5.1. Landing gear A. Checkout NLG (Normal) A9. Checkout MLG (Normal) A9. Checkout NLG (Emergency) A9. Checkout MLG (Emergency) A9.3.5.2. Steering system operational checkout

2b -


153 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.3.6. NLG torque arms TR: 09-11-01 A9.3.7. Troubleshoot landing gear A9.3.7.1. Main landing gear extension A9.3.7.2. Main landing gear retraction A9.3.7.3. Nose landing gear extension A9.3.7.4. Nose landing gear retraction A9.3.8. Rig/adjust A9.3.8.1. Main landing gear doors A9.3.8.2. Nose landing gear doors A9.3.8.3. Main/centerwheel brake control system TR: 32-44-03 A9.3.8.4. Steering system TR: 32JG-51-01 A9.3.8.5. Main landing gear shimmy damper TR: TO 1C-17A-2-32JG-14-23 A9.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS A9.4.1. Utility system fundamentals, components, and system operation A9.4.1.1. Bleed air system A9. Connect/disconnect external pneumatic air TR: 10JG-64-01 A9.4.1.2. Manifold failure warning system A9.4.1.3. Air conditioning system A9.4.1.4. Pressurization system A9.4.1.5. Anti-ice/de-ice system A9.4.1.6. Rain removal/windshield wiper system A9.4.1.7. Fire/overheat warning system



154 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.4.1.8. Fire extinguishing system A9.4.1.9. Smoke detection system A9.4.1.10. Water and waste systems A9.4.1.11. Onboard Inert Gas Generating System (OBIGGS) A9.4.2. Operational checkout A9.4.2.1. Bleed air system A9.4.2.2. Manifold failure warning system A9.4.2.3. Air conditioning system TR: 21-00-01 A9.4.2.4. Pressurization system A9.4.2.5. Anti-ice/de-ice system A9.4.2.6. Rain removal/windshield wiper system A9. Troubleshoot windshield wiper system TR: 30FI-43 A9.4.2.7. Fire/overheat warning system A9.4.2.8. Fire extinguishing system A9.4.2.9. Smoke detection system A9.4.2.10. Oxygen system A9.4.2.11. Onboard Inert Gas Generating System (OBIGGS) TR: 47-00-01 A9.4.2.12. Proximity sensing system A9.4.2.13. Visual warning and caution system TR: 31-52-02 A9.4.3. Service A9.4.3.1. Liquid oxygen TR: 12-35-01 A9.4.3.2. Portable oxygen bottle * * *


2b -

155 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.4.4. Remove and install A9.4.4.1. Fresh/waste water system components A9.4.4.2. Windshield wiper system components A9.5. FLIGHT CONTROLS A9.5.1. Flight control fundamentals, components, and system operation TR: 1C-17A-2-27GS-00-1 A9.5.2. Mechanical rig/adjust flight controls A9.5.2.1. Mechanical horizontal stabilizer control and surfaces TR: 27-42-01 A9.5.2.2. Aileron mechanical controls and surfaces TR: 27-11-03 A9.5.2.3. Rudder mechanical controls and surfaces TR: 27-21-02 A9.5.2.4. Elevator mechanical controls and surfaces TR: 27-31-02 A9.5.2.5. Slat assemblies TR: 27-81-11-5-2, -3 A9.5.2.6. Rig/adjust spoiler/speed brake system TR: 27JG-63-10; 27JG-64-12 A9.5.3. Operational checkout A9.5.3.1. Flaps A9.5.3.2. Slats A9.5.3.3. Horizontal stabilizer A9.5.3.4. Ailerons A9.5.3.5. Rudders A9.5.3.6. Elevators -

156 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.5.3.7. Spoilers/Speed Brakes A9.5.4. Operate A9.5.4.1. Slats A9.5.4.2. Flaps A9.5.4.3. Horizontal stabilizer A9.5.5. Remove and install A9.5.5.1. Aileron components A9.5.5.2. Aileron trim components A9.5.5.3. Spoiler/Speed Brake components A9.5.5.4. Elevator components A9.5.5.5. Rudder components A9.5.5.6. Rudder trim components A9. Remove/install rudder pedal adjustment components TR: 27JG-21-14 A9.5.5.7. Wing flap components A9.5.5.8. Wing slat components A9.5.5.9. Horizontal stabilizer components A9.5.5.10. Rudder Integrated Flight Control Module (IFCM) A9.5.5.11. Aileron Integrated Flight Control Module (IFCM) A9.5.6. Troubleshoot flight controls A9.5.7. Service pitch trim actuator assembly A9.5.8. Rig flight controls A9.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS A9.6.1. Fundamentals A9.6.1.1. System components and system operation A9.6.1.2. Ram air turbine * * *

3c 3c 3c


157 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.6.2. Service A9.6.2.1. Reservoir (primary method) TR: 12-29-01 A9.6.2.2. Reservoir (alternate method) TR: 12-29-01 A9.6.2.3. Load equalization reservoir TR: 12-41-02 A9.6.2.4. Gust damper accumulator A9.6.2.5. Bleed reservoir TR: 12-29-03 A9.6.3. Remove and install A9.6.3.1. Gust damper accumulator A9.6.3.2. Brake pressure accumulator A9.6.3.3. Hydraulic control valve A9.6.3.4. Filter elements A9.6.4. Troubleshoot hydraulic system and components A9.6.4.1. Connect/disconnect hydraulic tes stand TR: 10JG-63-01 A9.6.5. Operate A9.6.5.1. Engine driven pump A9.6.5.2. Auxiliary hydraulic pump TR: 29JG-20-01 A9.6.5.3. Hydraulic system controller TR: 29JG-00-01 A9.7. ENGINES A9.7.1. Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) components and system operation A9.7.2. Perform A9.7.2.1. Engine run * 3c * * * * 3c -


158 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.7.2.2. Inlet and exhaust inspection A9.7.2.3. Aircraft engine motoring A9.7.2.4. Engine run ground observer A9.7.3. Operate APU TR: 49-00-01 A9.7.4. Service A9.7.4.1. Engine oil system TR: 12-79-01 A9.7.4.2. Integrated Drive Generator TR: 21-24-01 A9.7.4.3. APU oil system TR: 12-49-01 A9.7.4.4. Starter A9.7.5. Remove and install A9.7.5.1. Starter TR: 80-11-10 A9.7.5.2. Starter control valve TR: 80-11-12 A9.7.5.3. Fuel filter A9.7.5.4. Oil filter A9.7.5.5. Thrust reverser A9.7.5.6. Inlet cone segment A9.7.5.7. Thrust reverser actuator fairing A9.7.5.8. Cowl/door locks A9.7.5.9. Engine accessory doors A9.7.5.10. Master scavenge chip collector inspection TR: 70GS-00-1 A9.7.6. Open and close A9.7.6.1. Thrust/fan reverser duct assembly TR: 78-31-03 * * *




3c -


159 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.7.6.2. Auxiliary power unit access door A9.7.6.3. Engine accessory doors TR: 54-14-01 A9.7.7. Fan and core thrust reverser locking/unlocking TR: 78-31-04 A9.7.8. Hydraulically deploy/stow thrust Reverser TR: 78-31-06 A9.8. FUELS A9.8.1. Fuel system components and system operation A9.8.2. Inspect fuel system A9.8.3. Refuel aircraft single point TR: 12-28-01 A9.8.3.1. Team supervisor A9.8.3.2. Fuel panel operator A9.8.4. Defuel aircraft single point TR: 12-28-02 A9.8.4.1. Team supervisor A9.8.4.2. Fuel panel operator A9.8.5. Overwing refuel/defuel A9.8.6. Perform duties of a Concurrent Servicing Supervisor (CSS) A9.8.7. Perform duties of an Aircraft Interior Monitor A9.8.8. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance A9.8.9. Aerial Refueling (AR) receiver/ Universal Aerial Refueling Receiver Receiver Slipway Installation (UARRSI) system operation A9.8.10. Ground transfer fuel from overhead fuel panel TR: 12-28-07

* *

3c 3c


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2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.8.11. Ground transfer fuel from ground refueling control panel A9.8.12. Drain fuel sumps A9.8.13. Remove and install extended range tank fuel barrier A9.9. ELECTRICAL A9.9.1. Electrical system components and operation A9.9.2. Remove/install components A9.9.2.1. Electro-luminescent lights A9.9.2.2. Light bulbs A9.9.2.3. Main batteries TR: 24-32-10 A9.9.2.4. Strobe anti-collision bulb A9.9.2.5. Retractable landing light assemblies A9.9.2.6. Remove/install nav light assembly TR: 33JG-44-11 A9.9.2.7. Remove/install strobe light assembly TR: 33JG-45-10 A9.9.2.8. Remove/install high intensity recognition light assembly TR: 33JG-47-10/11 A9.9.2.9. Remove/install infrared lens TR: 33JG-41-02 A9.9.2.10. Remove/install emergency exit components TR: 52JG-21-10 A9.9.3. Inspect electrical system A9.9.3.1. Components A9.9.3.2. Wiring and connectors A9.9.4. Perform operational check A9.9.4.1. Interior lighting system

2b -

* * * 3c -

161 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.9.4.2. Exterior lighting system A9.9.4.3. Visual warning caution lights A9.9.4.4. Batteries A9.9.5. Connect/disconnect external electrical power TR: 10-61-01 A9.9.6. Use solderless connectors A9.9.7. Ops check galley TR: 25JG-31-01 A9.9.8. Troubleshoot galley TR: 25FI-31 A9.10. EGRESS A9.10.1. Egress components and system operation A9.10.2. Inspect egress system components A9.10.3. Operate egress system components A9.10.4. Service ramp emergency egress hydraulic accumulator TR: 95-31-13-8 A9.10.5. FEDS awareness A9.10.6. Remove/install A9.10.6.1. Life raft container assembly A9.10.6.2. Emergency escape roll-up ladder/tube A9.11. EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS A9.11.1. Checkout of pilot/ co-pilot/ loadmaster seat components TR: 25-11-10 A9.11.2. Checkout of crew rest area seats A9.11.3. Remove and install galley A9.11.4. Remove/install Lav Module TR: 25JG-41-14

* * *



A -

162 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A9.11.5. Ops check Lav TR: 38JG31-01 A9.11.6. Troubleshoot Lav TR: 38FI-31 A9.11.7. C-17A Chaff/Flare (ALE-47) Load Team Member TR: 1C-17A-33-1-2 A9.12. AEROSPACE GROUND EQUIPMENT A9.12.1. Perform pre-use inspection and operate A9.12.1.1. Maintenance platform ("T" tail) A9.12.1.2. Servicing platform A9.12.1.3. Wheel mounted crane A9.12.1.4. Diesel jacking manifold A9.12.1.5. Reach all A9.12.1.6. Essex generator A9.12.1.7. Condor high lift A9.12.1.8. Calavar high lift A9.12.1.9. Trump de-icer unit A9.12.1.10. B-7 maintenance stand

163 (Attachment 9)


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164 (Attachment 9)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

NOTE 1: This attachment is used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

A10.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A10.1.1. Safety precautions pertaining to TR: TOs 00-25-172, 1C-5A-2-1, 00-20-1, AFI 32-2001 A10.1.1.1. High intensity sound A10.1.1.2. Good housekeeping A10.1.1.3. Danger areas A10.1.1.4. Inspect and position ground fire extinguishers A10.1.2. FOD prevention A10.1.3. Use technical orders A10.1.4. Isochronal inspections TR: TOs 1C-5A-6, 1C-5A-6WC-1, 1C-5A-6WC-2 A10.1.4.1. Isochronal inspection concept A10.1.4.2. Perform inspections A10. Preflight A10. Thru flight A10. Basic post flight A10. Home station check A10. Minor A10. Major A10. Acceptance A10. Calendar A10. Special A10. Time change item A10.1.5. Communications systems A10.1.5.1. Operate radio TR: 1C-5A-2-8 * * * 2b 2b B * * * B B B 2b B 2b -

165 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10. UHF A10. VHF A10. Interphone system A10. FMS 800 System A10.1.6. Ground handling TR: TO 1C-5A-2-1 A10.1.6.1. Launch aircraft A10.1.6.2. Recover aircraft A10.1.6.3. Remove/install fan blocker A10.1.6.4. Select and use restraint harnesses A10.1.6.5. Tow aircraft TR: TO 1C-5A-2-1CL-1 A10. Tow procedures A10. Prepare aircraft for tow A10. Wing/tail walker A10. Brake operator A10. Panel operator A10. Tow supervisor A10. Tow vehicle operator A10.1.6.6. Jack aircraft TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-1, 1C-5A-21CL-2, 1C-5A-5, 01-1B-40 A10. Fuselage jacking A10. Jacking team member duties A10. Jacking supervisor A10. Verify aircraft center of gravity A10. Axle jacking A10.1.7. Reconfigure aircraft TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-1, 1C-5A-2-2

* * * *

2b 2b 2b -

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b b -


B * * * *R B 2b -

B * B * 2b

166 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.1.7.1. Rolling stock/palletized cargo A10.1.7.2. Passenger/personnel A10.1.8. Service cargo winch A10.1.9. Remove/install cargo winch A10.1.10. Operate cargo winch A10.1.11. Remove and install troop/passenger seats A10.1.12. Remove/install/repair A10.1.12.1. Cargo rollers A10.1.12.2. Cargo rails A10.1.12.3. Restraint rails A10.1.13. Troubleshoot/adjust rails A10.1.14. Maintain/store configuration/-21 equipment A10.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS TR: TO 1C-5A-2-2 A10.2.1. Airframe components and structure A10.2.2. Door system principles of operation TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-2, 1C-5A-2-12 A10.2.2.1. Crew entry door A10.2.2.2. Forward cargo door A10.2.2.3. Aft cargo doors/ramp A10.2.2.4. Emergency exits A10.2.3. Operate doors TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-2, 1C-5A-2-12 A10.2.3.1. Fwd cargo A10. Automatic A10. Manual A10.2.3.2. Aft cargo *


167 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10. Automatic A10. Manual A10.2.3.3. Personnel A10.2.3.4. Crew entry A10.2.3.5. Service doors A10.2.4. Remove and install TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-2, 1C-5A-2-12 A10.2.4.1. Aircraft panels A10.2.4.2. Crew member seats A10.2.4.3. Windshield/windows A10.2.4.4. #2 hatch life raft A10.2.4.5. Pressure seals A10.2.4.6. Cargo floor rollers A10.2.4.7. Crew entry door A10.2.4.8. Troop/door ladder assembly A10.2.4.9. Troop/flight station ladder A10.2.4.10. Visor door actuator A10.2.4.11. Visor door conical A10.2.4.12. Forward ramp floor bracket A10.2.4.13. Forward ramp lock mechanism A10.2.4.14. Forward ramp A10.2.4.15. Forward ramp extension A10.2.4.16. Pressure door lock mechanism A10.2.4.17. Pressure door uplock mechanism A10.2.4.18. Ramp components A10.2.4.19. Aft pressure door A10.2.4.20. Aft center door * * * *

2b 2b 2b

2b 2b -

168 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.2.4.21. Gearbox from the aft cargo center door A10.2.4.22. Jackscrew from the aft center door A10.2.4.23. Aft side door latch bayonet A10.2.4.24. Aft cargo side door grab latch A10.2.4.25. Aft side door A10.2.4.26. Aft cargo ramp A10.2.4.27. Galley and equipment A10.2.4.28. Lavatory and waste system components A10.2.4.29. Potable water system components A10.2.5. Open and close TR: TO 1C-5A-2-2 A10.2.5.1. Radomes A10.2.5.2. Escape hatches A10.2.6. Inspect and repair TR: TO 1C-5A-2-2 A10.2.6.1. Crew entrance door/ladder A10.2.6.2. Personnel doors A10.2.7. Inspect airframe components A10.2.8. Perform cold weather procedures A10.2.9. Inspect crew/passenger comfort facilities A10.2.10. Operate flight station ladder/troop compartment ladder A10.2.11. Operational check crew/passenger comfort facilities A10.2.12. Operational check potable water system A10.2.13. Rig and adjust *


169 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.2.13.1. Service/personnel doors A10.2.13.2. Crew entry door A10.2.13.3. Escape hatches A10.2.13.4. Visor door actuator A10.2.13.5. Visor conical and receptacles A10.2.13.6. Forward ramp lock mechanism A10.2.13.7. Aft ramp asymmetry valve A10.2.13.8. Aft center door drive mechanisms and latches A10.2.13.9. Aft door system switches A10.2.13.10. Aft door side latches A10.2.14. Vertical stabilizer access door A10.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS A10.3.1. Landing gear components and system operation TR: TO 1C-5A-2-10 A10.3.2. Operate TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-10, 1C-5A-210CL-1 A10.3.2.1. Landing gear A10.3.2.2. Brakes A10.3.2.3. Steering system A10.3.2.4. Anti skid A10.3.2.5. Individual kneel system A10.3.2.6. Kneel panel A10.3.2.7. Kneel supervisor A10.3.3. Service TR: TO 1C-5A-2-10 A10.3.3.1. Shock strut * * * *

2b B -


170 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.3.3.2. Pitch positioner A10.3.3.3. Tires A10.3.3.4. Master cylinder with hydraulic fluid A10.3.4. Lubricate landing gear components A10.3.5. Remove and install TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-10, 1C-5A-2-3 A10.3.5.1. NLG wheel and tire assemblies A10.3.5.2. MLG wheel and tire assemblies A10.3.5.3. Brake assemblies A10.3.5.4. Brake lines A10.3.5.5. Compensator links A10.3.5.6. Nose landing gear kneel pad actuator A10.3.5.7. Main landing gear kneeling ball screws A10.3.5.8. Main landing gear rotary actuator and high speed gear box A10.3.5.9. Main landing gear roll positioner assembly A10.3.5.10. Nose gear drive gearbox ball screw A10.3.5.11. MLG strut A10.3.5.12. MLG bogie A10.3.5.13. MLG outboard door A10.3.5.14. MLG slot door A10.3.5.15. NLG strut A10.3.5.16. NLG folding bulkhead A10.3.5.17. NLG kneel door A10.3.6. Bleed brake systems * * *

2b 2b -

2b 2b -

171 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.3.7. Determine serviceability of aircraft tires TR: TO 4T-1-3, 1C-5A-2-10 A10.3.8. Troubleshoot A10.3.8.1. Extension and retraction systems A10.3.8.2. Individual kneel system A10.3.8.3. Nose wheel steering system A10.3.9. Rig and Adjust TR: TO 1C-5A-2-10 A10.3.9.1. Main landing gear components A10. Deactivate/safe brake assemblies A10.3.9.2. Main landing gear door locks A10.3.9.3. Main landing gear rotation cylinder A10.3.9.4. Main landing gear kneel position indication switches A10.3.9.5. Nose landing gear components A10.3.9.6. Nose landing gear steering system components A10.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS A10.4.1. Utility system components and system operation TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-7, 1C-5A-2-13, 1C-5A-2-2 A10.4.1.1. Bleed air system A10.4.1.2. Wing overheat warning system A10.4.1.3. Air conditioning system A10.4.1.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A10.4.1.5. Pressurization system A10.4.1.6. Wind shield wiper system A10.4.1.7. Fire/overheat warning system



172 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.4.1.8. Smoke detection system A10.4.1.9. Engine/APU fire extinguishing system A10.4.1.10. Oxygen system A10.4.1.11. Air Turbine Motor (ATM) A10.4.1.12. Fire suppression system A10.4.1.13. Deactivate/reactivate FSS system A10.4.2. Operate TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-7, 1C-5A-2-13, 1C-5A-2-2 A10.4.2.1. Bleed air system A10.4.2.2. Test wing overheat warning system A10.4.2.3. Air conditioning system A10.4.2.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A10.4.2.5. Pressurization system A10.4.2.6. Wind shield wiper system A10.4.2.7. Test fire/overheat warning system A10.4.2.8. Test smoke detection system A10.4.2.9. Engine/APU Fire extinguishing system A10.4.2.10. Oxygen system A10.4.2.11. Air Turbine Motor (ATM) A10.4.2.12. Operationally check flame detectors A10.4.3. Service TR: TO 1C-5A-2-1 A10.4.3.1. Oxygen system A10.4.3.2. Remove/service/reinstall portable oxygen bottles A10.4.3.3. DEWAR with liquid nitrogen * * *R * * *

B B B B B 2b

2b 2b 2b 2b 2b -

2b 2b -

173 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.4.3.4. Drain DEWAR A10.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS TR: TO 1C-5A-2-9 A10.5.1. Flight control components and system operation A10.5.2. Operate flight controls A10.5.3. Inspect flight control systems A10.5.4. Lubricate flight controls A10.5.5. Rig flight controls TR: TO 1C-5A-2-9 A10.5.5.1. Aileron system components A10.5.5.2. Rudder system components A10.5.5.3. Elevator system components A10.5.5.4. Spoiler system components A10.5.5.5. Flap system components A10.5.5.6. Slat system components A10.5.5.7. Slat actuator A10.5.5.8. Flap drive power package A10.5.6. Troubleshoot flight controls A10.5.7. Remove and install A10.5.7.1. Remove and install rudder pedal adjustment components A10.5.7.2. Remove and install aileron control wheel A10.5.7.3. Aileron System A10. General system components A10. Aileron assembly A10.5.7.4. Rudder System A10. General system components *

B -

174 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10. Upper/lower rudder assembly A10.5.7.5. Elevator System A10. General system components A10. Elevator assembly A10. Elevator variable feel unit A10.5.7.6. Flap System A10. General system components A10. Flap assembly A10.5.7.7. Slat System Components A10.5.7.8. Slat assembly A10.5.7.9. Slat actuator A10.5.7.10. Slat de-coupler A10.5.7.11. Slat track A10.5.7.12. Slat and moving island actuator A10.5.7.13. Slat moving island panel assembly A10.5.7.14. Flap/slat brake A10.5.7.15. Flap pack computer A10.5.7.16. Flap jackscrew A10.5.7.17. Flap torque limiter A10.5.7.18. Spoiler assembly A10.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM TR: TO 1C-5A-2-3 A10.6.1. Hydraulic system components and system operation A10.6.2. Service TR: TO 1C-5A-2-1 A10.6.2.1. Reservoir A10.6.2.2. Accumulator * *

2b 2b

175 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.6.2.3. ATM A10.6.3. Operate TR: TO 1C-5A-2-3 A10.6.3.1. Engine driven pump A10.6.3.2. ATM driven pump A10.6.4. Remove and Install TR: TO 1C-5A-2-3, 1C-5A-2-9, 1C5A-2-10 A10.6.4.1. Lines A10.6.4.2. Hoses A10.6.4.3. Fittings A10.6.4.4. Swivels A10.6.4.5. Wiggins fittings A10.6.4.6. Pressure switches A10.6.4.7. Flow transducers A10.6.4.8. Filter elements A10.6.5. Reposition/retorque lines for minor leaks A10.6.6. Connect hydraulic test stand A10.6.7. Disconnect hydraulic test stand A10.7. ENGINES TR: TO 1C-5A-2-4 A10.7.1. Engine and APU components and operation A10.7.2. Operate TR: TO 1C-5A-2-4, 1C-5A-2-4CL-1 A10.7.2.1. Engine A10.7.2.2. Auxiliary power unit A10.7.2.3. Service TR: TO 1C-5A-2-1


*R 2b

2b 2b 2b 2b

*R 2b

176 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10. Oil system A10. Constant Speed Drive reservoir A10. Auxiliary Power Unit TR: TO 1C-5A-2-4 A10. Starter TR: 1C-5A-2-1 A10.7.3. Remove and Install TR: TO 1C-5A-2-4 A10.7.3.1. Starter A10.7.3.2. Starter control valve A10.7.3.3. Oil filter A10.7.3.4. Engine cowling A10.7.3.5. Cowl door locks A10.7.3.6. APU inlet door actuator A10.7.4. Open/close engine cowling A10.7.5. Take engine oil sample A10.7.6. Inspect engine inlet/exhaust A10.7.7. Open and close APU access door A10.7.8. Deactivate thrust reverser system A10.7.9. Perform engine removal preparation A10.7.10. Perform engine installation preparation A10.7.11. Thrust reverser components and operation A10.7.12. Rig and adjust throttle system A10.7.13. Lockout thrust reverser system A10.8. FUEL SYSTEM TR: TO 1C-5A-2-5 A10.8.1. Fuel system components and system operation

b b


* 2b * 2b -

B 2b

177 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.8.2. Perform ground transfer of fuel A10.8.3. Aircraft refuel TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-1CL-6, 1C-5A-25 A10.8.3.1. Preparation A10.8.3.2. Panel operator A10.8.3.3. Supervisor A10.8.3.4. Concurrent servicing supervisor A10.8.3.5. Team member A10.8.4. Aircraft defuel TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-5, 1C-5A-2-1CL6 A10.8.4.1. Preparation A10.8.4.2. Panel operator A10.8.4.3. Supervisor A10.8.4.4. Concurrent servicing supervisor A10.8.4.5. Team member A10.8.5. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance A10.8.6. Inspect fuel system A10.8.7. Aerial refueling system TR: TO 1C-5A-2-5 A10.8.7.1. Location of components and system operation A10.8.7.2. Inspect aerial refueling system A10.8.7.3. Operate A10.9. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TR: TO 1C-5A-2-7 A10.9.1. Electrical system components and operation A10.9.2. Operate TR: TO 1C-5A-2-7


* * *

B -

B * * * b -

B -

178 (Attachment 10)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A10.9.2.1. Interior/exterior lighting system A10.9.2.2. Indicator warning lights A10.9.3. Remove and Install TR: TO 1C-5A-2-7 A10.9.3.1. Light lenses A10.9.3.2. Light bulbs A10.9.3.3. Battery A10.9.4. Inspect TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-7, 1C-5A-2-1 A10.9.4.1. Components A10.9.4.2. Wiring and connectors A10.9.5. Connect apply and disconnect external electrical power A10.10. EGRESS SYSTEM TR: TOs 1C-5A-2-2, 1C-5A-2-1 A10.10.1. Egress system components and operation A10.10.2. Inspect egress components A10.10.3. Remove /install descent reels A10.10.4. Service escape slide inflation bottle A10.10.5. Service life raft ejection bottle A10.11. Inspect and operate liquid oxygen servicing cart TR: TOs 15X-1-1, 37C2-8

* *

2b 2b

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2b 2b b

* 2b

B b -


179 (Attachment 10)


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180 (Attachment 10)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start NOTE 1: This attachment is to be used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A11.1.1. Flight line safety procedures TR: AFOSH-STD 91-100, applicable Acft TOs A11.1.2. Use C-9 aircraft Tos TR: TO 1C-9A/C-2-1 A11.1.3. Isochronal inspection concept and inspections A11.1.4. Perform inspections TR: TO 1C-9 A/C-6 A11.1.4.1. Preflight A11.1.4.2. Thruflight A11.1.4.3. Home station check A11.1.4.4. Minor A11.1.4.5. Major A11.1.4.6. Acceptance A11.1.4.7. Special A11.1.4.8. Time change item A11.1.5. Aircraft communications equipment TR: TO 1C-9A/C-2-23 A11.1.5.1. Operate A11. UHF radio A11. VHF radio A11. Interphone system A11.1.6. Perform ground handling TR: TO 1C-9A/C-2-9 A11.1.6.1. Launch aircraft A11.1.6.2. Recover aircraft A11.1.6.3. Tow aircraft TR: 1C-9A/C-2-9 * * * * * * -

181 (Attachment 11)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11. Prepare aircraft for tow A11. Wing/tail walker A11. Brake operator A11. Tow team supervisor A11. Tow vehicle operator A11.1.7. Moor aircraft TR: TO 1C-9A/C-2-10 A11.1.8. Jack aircraft TR: 1C-9A/C-2-7 A11.1.8.1. Jacking team member A11.1.8.2. Plumb bob monitor A11.1.8.3. Jacking supervisor A11.1.8.4. Axle jacking A11.1.9. Remove, install and inspect -21 equipment A11.1.10. Assist in weight and balance TR: 1C-9A/C-2-8 A11.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS A11.2.1. Components and structure A11.2.2. Door system principles of operation TR: 1C-9A/C-2-52 A11.2.2.1. Crew entry door A11.2.2.2. Aft cabin doors A11.2.3. Operate doors TR: 1C-9A/C-2-52 A11.2.3.1. Crew entry door A11.2.3.2. Aft cabin doors A11.2.4. Remove and install TR: TOs 1C-9A/C-2-20, 1C-9A/C2-25, 1C-9A/C-2-32, 1C-9A/C-2-52, 1C-9A/C-2-53, 1C-9A/C-2-56

* * * *

* *

* *

182 (Attachment 11)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11.2.4.1. Cowlings A11.2.4.2. Panels A11.2.4.3. Crew seats A11.2.4.4. Windshields/windows A11.2.4.5. Pressure seals A11.2.4.6. Tail cone assembly A11.2.4.7. Forward entrance passenger stairway A11.2.4.8. Tail bumper strut A11.2.5. Open and close TR: applicable TOs A11.2.5.1. Cowling A11.2.5.2. Panels A11.2.5.3. Radome A11.2.6. Maintain crew entrance doors/stair pack A11.2.7. Perform cold weather procedures TR: Local Procedures A11.2.8. Inspect crew/passenger comfort facilities A11.2.9. Change potable water filters TR: 1C-9A/C-2-38 A11.2.10. Drain potable water tanks A11.2.11. Flush/sterilize potable water system A11.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS TR: 1C-9A/C-2-12, 1C-9A/C-2-32 A11.3.1. Components and system operation A11.3.2. Perform operational check A11.3.2.1. Landing gear A11.3.2.2. Brakes * * * * * *

183 (Attachment 11)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11.3.2.3. Steering system A11.3.2.4. Anti skid A11.3.3. Service A11.3.3.1. Main landing gear shock strut A11.3.3.2. Main landing gear shimmy damper A11.3.3.3. Nose landing gear shock strut A11.3.3.4. Tires A11.3.4. Lubricate landing gear components A11.3.5. Remove and install A11.3.5.1. Wheel and tire assemblies A11.3.5.2. Brake assemblies A11.3.6. Bleed brake systems A11.3.7. Determine serviceability of aircraft tires A11.3.8. Inspect landing gear system A11.3.9. Troubleshoot landing gear system A11.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS TR: 1C-9A/C-2-21, 1C-9A/C-2-30, 1C-9A/C-2-35, 1C-9A/C-2-36 A11.4.1. Components and system operation A11.4.1.1. Bleed air system A11.4.1.2. Wing overheat warning system A11.4.1.3. Air conditioning system A11.4.1.4. Pressurization system A11.4.1.5. Anti-ice/de-ice system A11.4.1.6. Rain removal system A11.4.1.7. Fire/overheat warning system A11.4.1.8. Fire extinguishing system * * * * * * * *

184 (Attachment 11)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11.4.1.9. Oxygen system A11.4.2. Operate A11.4.2.1. Bleed air system A11.4.2.2. Air conditioning system A11.4.2.3. Pressurization system A11.4.2.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A11.4.2.5. Fire/overheat warning system A11.4.2.6. Oxygen system A11.4.3. Inspect A11.4.3.1. Bleed air system A11.4.3.2. Air conditioning system A11.4.3.3. Pressurization system A11.4.3.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A11.4.3.5. Rain removal system A11.4.3.6. Fire/overheat warning system A11.4.3.7. Fire extinguishing bottle pressure A11.4.3.8. Oxygen system A11.4.4. Service oxygen system A11.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM TR: 1C-9A/C-2-12, 1C-9A/C-2-27 A11.5.1. Components and system operation A11.5.2. Operate flight controls A11.5.3. Remove and install A11.5.3.1. Spoiler panels A11.5.3.2. Flap panels A11.5.3.3. Slat sections A11.5.3.4. Aileron control wheel * *

185 (Attachment 11)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11.5.3.5. Trim tab actuators A11.5.3.6. Aileron control tab A11.5.3.7. Aileron trim tab A11.5.3.8. Aileron A11.5.3.9. Elevator control tab A11.5.3.10. Elevator gear tab A11.5.3.11. Elevator A11.5.3.12. Rudder control tab A11.5.3.13. Rudder A11.5.3.14. Flap moveable vanes A11.5.4. Inspect flight control system A11.5.5. Lubricate flight controls A11.5.6. Rig flight controls A11.5.7. Troubleshoot flight controls A11.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS TR: 1C-9A/C-2-20, 1C-9A/C-2-29 A11.6.1. Components and system operation A11.6.2. Hydraulic schematics A11.6.3. Service A11.6.3.1. Reservoir A11.6.3.2. Accumulator A11.6.4. Inspect hydraulic system A11.6.5. Operate A11.6.5.1. Engine driven pump A11.6.5.2. Non-engine driven pump A11.6.6. Troubleshoot A11.6.7. Remove and install * * * *

186 (Attachment 11)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11.6.7.1. Lines A11.6.7.2. Hoses A11.6.7.3. Fittings A11.6.7.4. Swivels A11.6.7.5. Filters A11.6.7.6. Accumulator A11.6.8. Reposition/retorque hydraulic lines for minor leaks A11.7. ENGINES/AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) TR: 1C-9A/C-2-12, 1C-9A/C-2-70 series, 1C-9A/C-2-80 A11.7.1. Components and system operation A11.7.2. Operate A11.7.2.1. Engine A11.7.2.2. APU A11.7.3. Service A11.7.3.1. Oil system A11.7.3.2. Constant speed drive A11.7.3.3. Gearbox A11.7.3.4. APU A11.7.3.5. Starter A11.7.4. Remove and install A11.7.4.1. Starter A11.7.4.2. Starter control valve A11.7.4.3. Filters A11.7.5. Take oil sample A11.7.6. Inspect A11.7.6.1. Installed engines * * * * *

187 (Attachment 11)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11.7.6.2. APU A11.7.7. Disable thrust reverser system A11.8. AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS TR: 1C-9A/C-2-12, 1C-9A/C-2-28 A11.8.1. Fuel components and system internal operation A11.8.2. Perform operational check of fuel system A11.8.3. Refuel aircraft A11.8.3.1. Team member A11.8.3.2. Team supervisor A11.8.3.3. Concurrent servicing supervisor A11.8.4. Defuel aircraft A11.8.4.1. Team member A11.8.4.2. Team supervisor A11.8.5. Ground transfer fuel A11.8.6. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance A11.8.7. Inspect fuel system A11.8.8. Troubleshoot A11.9. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TR: 1C-9A/C-2-20, 1C-9A/C-2-24, 1C-9A/C-2-110-24 A11.9.1. Components and system operation A11.9.2. Electrical schematics A11.9.3. Perform operational check with power applied A11.9.3.1. Electrical power supply system A11.9.3.2. Lighting system A11.9.3.3. Indicator warning lights * * * * * *

188 (Attachment 11)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11.9.3.4. Batteries A11.9.4. Remove and install A11.9.4.1. Light lenses A11.9.4.2. Light bulbs A11.9.4.3. Batteries A11.9.5. Use wiring diagrams A11.9.6. Inspect A11.9.6.1. Components A11.9.6.2. Wiring and connectors A11.9.7. Connect/apply/disconnect external electrical power A11.10. EGRESS SYSTEM TR: 1C-9A/C-2-25 A11.10.1. Components and system operation A11.10.2. Inspect egress components A11.10.3. Remove and install forward evacuation slides A11.10.4. Remove and install tail cone evacuation slide A11.11. AEROSPACE GROUND EQUIPMENT (AGE) TR: 30- Series TOs A11.11.1. Inspect and operate mobile manually operated platforms A11.11.2. Inspect and operate aircraft jacks A11.11.3. Inspect and operate A/M32A-86 electric generator A11.11.4. Inspect and operate A/M32A-95 Gas turbine compressor A11.11.5. Inspect and operate self-generating nitrogen equipment * *

189 (Attachment 11)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A11.11.6. Inspect and operate liquid oxygen servicing cart A11.11.7. Inspect/operate EPU-5 frequency converter

190 (Attachment 11)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

Note 1: This attachment is used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

A12.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL TR: TOs 1E-8C-6, 1E-8C-6WCSeries TO, 1E-8C-2-43 Series TO, 1E8C-1, 1E-8C-6WC, 1E-8C-2-09 Series TO, 1E-8C-2-1CL-1, 1E-8C-207 Series TO, 1E-8C-5 Series TO A12.1.1. Isochronal inspection concept and inspections TR: TOs 00-20-1, 1E-3A-6 A12.1.1.1. Isochronal inspection concept A12.1.1.2. Perform inspections TR: TOs 00-20-1; 1E-3A-6WC-1 and -2; 1E-3A-6 A12. Combined preflight/postflight A12. After flight (2A) A12. Before flight (3B) A12. Quick Turn A12. Alert preflight A12. Isochronal A12. Inspect area I A12. Lube area I A12. Inspect area II A12. Lube area II A12. Inspect area III A12. Lube area III A12. Inspect area IV A12. Lube area IV A12. Isochronal A A12. Isochronal B A12. Home Station Check (HSC) * * * 2b 2b 2b A -

191 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A12. Acceptance A12. Calendar A12. Special A12. Time change item A12.1.2. Aircraft communications equipment TR: TO 1E-3A-2-1-1 A12.1.2.1. Operate VHF/UHF radios A12.1.2.2. Use interphone A12.1.3. Perform ground handling TR: AFI 11-218; TOs 00-25-172, 1E-3A-1, 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-6WC-1 A12.1.3.1. Launch aircraft A12.1.3.2. Recover aircraft A12.1.3.3. Use aircraft TOs A12.1.3.4. Tow aircraft TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7; 1E-3A-2-72CL-1; 36A10 Series TO A12. Wing/tail walker A12. Brake operator A12. Tow team supervisor A12. Tow vehicle operator A12.1.3.5. Jack and level aircraft TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7; 1E-3A-2-71CL-1 A12. Jacking team member A12. Jacking supervisor A12.1.3.6. Axle jacking A12.1.4. Compute aircraft center of gravity TR: TO 1E-3A-5-1 and -2; 1-1B-40 A12.1.5. Aircraft wash TR: TO 6WC-3 * * * * * * * *


2b 2b 2b

2b 2b -

2b -

192 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A12.1.5.1. Team member A12.1.5.2. Team supervisor A12.1.5.3. Post wash lube A12.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7 and 1E-3A-3-1, 1E-8C-3 Series TO, 1E-8C-2-52 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-05 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-71 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-00 GV Series TO; 1E-8C-2-56 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-25 Series TO; 1E-8C-6, 1E-8C-12 Series TO A12.2.1. Airframe components and structure A12.2.2. Operate TR: TO 1E-3A-1 and -2-32-1 A12.2.2.1. Entry door/hatch A12.2.2.2. Emergency door/hatch A12.2.2.3. Wheel well doors A12.2.3. Remove and install TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7; 1E-3A-3-1 and 1E-3A-23 A12.2.3.1. Cowling A12.2.3.2. Panels A12.2.3.3. Nonexplosive seats A12.2.3.4. Windows A12.2.3.5. Life rafts A12.2.5. Open and close TR: TO 1E-3A-2-7 A12.2.5.1. Cowling A12.2.5.2. Radomes A12.2.6. Inspect airframe and components TR: TOs 1E-3A-6; 1E-3A-3-1, 1E3A-36, and applicable -2 TOs A12.2.7. Perform aircraft cold weather procedures TR: TO 1E-3A-2-7 * * * * * *

2b 2b 2b

2b 2b 2b 2b

2b -

193 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A12.2.8. Inspect crew/passenger comfort facilities TR: TO 1E-3A-6 A12.2.9. Service crew/passenger comfort facilities TR: TOs 1E-3A-6; 1E-3A-2-7; 1E3A-3-1 and 1E-3A-23 A12.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS TR: TO 1E-3A-2-32-1; 1E-8C-2-32 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-05 Series TO; 1E8C-2-12 Series TO; 1E-8C-6; 1E-8C2-32FI Series TO A12.3.1. Landing gear system components A12.3.2. Perform operational check TR: TO 1E-3A-2-32-1 A12.3.2.1. Landing gear A12.3.2.2. Brakes A12.3.2.3. Steering system A12.3.2.4. Anti skid A12.3.3. Service TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-32-1; 1E-3A-2-7 and 4T-1-3 A12.3.3.1. Landing gear struts A12.3.3.2. Tires A12.3.4. Lubricate landing gear components A12.3.5. Remove and install TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-32-1, 1E-3A-2-7 A12.3.5.1. Wheel and tire assemblies A12.3.5.2. Brake assemblies A12.3.6. Bleed brake system A12.3.7. Determine serviceability of aircraft tires TR: TO 4T-1-3 A12.3.8. Inspect landing gear system TR: TOs 1E-3A-6, 1E-3A-3-1, 1E3A-36, and 1E-3A-2-32-1 * *R *R * * * *



2b 2b -

2b 2b 2b



194 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A12.3.9. Troubleshoot TR: TO 1E-3A-2-32-1 A12.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-2-21-1, and 1E-3A-2-24-1, 1E-8C-2-21 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-30 Series TO; 1E-8C-235 Series TO; 1E-8C-6; 1E-8C-2-35 JG Series TO; 1E-8C-2-75 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-30JG Series TO; 1E-8C-226JG Series TO A12.4.1. Utility system components A12.4.2. Perform operational check TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-2-21-1, 1E-3A-2-24-1, 1E-3A-2-31-1, 1E3A-2-71-1 A12.4.2.1. Bleed air system A12.4.2.2. Air conditioning system A12.4.2.3. Pressurization system A12.4.2.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A12.4.2.5. Rain removal/wiper system A12.4.2.6. Fire/overheat warning system A12.4.2.7. Fire extinguishing system A12.4.2.8. Oxygen system A12.4.3. Oxygen system TR: TOs 00-25-172; 1E-3A-2-7 A12.4.3.1. Service A12.4.3.2. Drain A12.4.4. Inspect TR: TOs 1E-3A-6, 1E-3A-2-7, 1E3A-2-21-1, 1E-3A-2-31-1, 1E-3A-271-1 A12.4.4.1. Bleed air system A12.4.4.2. Air conditioning system A12.4.4.3. Pressurization system A12.4.4.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system *

2b -

2b 2b 2b 2b

195 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A12.4.4.5. Rain removal system A12.4.4.6. Fire/overheat warning system A12.4.4.7. Fire extinguishing system A12.4.4.8. Oxygen system A12.4.5. Troubleshoot utility systems A12.4.6. Operate forced air cooling system A12.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-2-27-1, 1E-3A-3-1, 1E-3A-6, -23, -36; 1E-8C6, 1E-8C-2-27 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-00 GV Series TO A12.5.1. Flight control system components A12.5.2. Operate flight controls A12.5.3. Perform operational check of flight controls A12.5.4. Remove and install flight control components A12.5.5. Inspect flight controls TR: TO 1E-3A-6 A12.5.6. Lubricate flight controls A12.5.7. Rig flight controls A12.5.8. Troubleshoot A12.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-1-1, 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-2-29-1, 1E-3A-6, 1E-8C-6, 1E8C-2-29 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-05 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-1CL-1 A12.6.1. Hydraulic system components A12.6.2. Rotodome system components A12.6.3. Hydraulic system A12.6.3.1. Service reservoir A12.6.3.2. Service accumulator * * * *

2b 2b 2b 2b b

A 2b -

2b -


2b 2b

196 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A12.6.3.3. Inspect major components TR: TO 1E-3A-6 A12.6.3.4. Operate A12. Engine driven pump A12. Non-engine driven pump A12. Rotodome A12.6.5. Troubleshoot A12.7. ENGINES AND AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-2-71-1, 1E-3A-2-71-1CL-1, 1E-3A-2-71-1, 1E-3A-6, 2J-TF33-46, 2G-GTCP16516, 1E-8C-2-1CL-1; AFI 11-218; 1E8C-2-05 Series TO; 1E-8C-6; 1E-8C2-49 Series TO; 1E-8C-2-71 Series TO A12.7.1. System components A12.7.2. Perform A12.7.2.1. Engine operational check A12.7.2.2. Engine trim A12.7.3. Operate TR: AFOSH Standard 127-66 A12.7.3.1. Engine and subsystems A12.7.3.2. APU A12.7.4. Service A12.7.4.1. Engine oil system A12.7.4.2. Engine gearbox A12.7.4.3. APU A12.7.5. Remove and install starter A12.7.6. Take engine oil sample TR: TO 42B2-1-9, 33-1-37 A12.7.7. Inspect installed engine TR: TO 1E-3A-6 * * * *


2b -


2b 2b 2b

197 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A12.7.7.1. Turbine A12.7.7.2. Compressor A12.7.8. Inspect APU TR: TO 1E-3A-6 A12.7.9. Troubleshoot A12.8. AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable AFOSH STDs; TOs 00-25-172, 1E-3A-2-28-1, 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-8C-6, 1E-8C-2-28 Series TO, 1E8C-12 Series TO A12.8.1. Fuel system components A12.8.2. Perform operational check of fuel system A12.8.3. Refuel aircraft TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-2-75CL-1, 1E-3A-5-2 A12.8.3.1. Team member A12.8.3.2. Team panel operator A12.8.3.3. Team supervisor A12.8.4. Defuel aircraft TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-2-75CL-1, 1E-3A-5-2 A12.8.4.1. Team member A12.8.4.2. Team panel operator A12.8.4.3. Team supervisor A12.8.5. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance TR: TOs 1-1-3, 1E-3A-2-28-1 A12.8.6. Inspect fuel system TR: TOs 1-1-3; 1E-3A-6, -23, -36; 1E-3A-2-28-1, 1E-3A-2-7 A12.8.7. Fuel sump draining TR: 1E-3A-2-7 A12.8.8. In-flight refueling (IFR) system TR: TOs 1-1-3; 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A3-1, 1E-3A-6,-36; 1E-3A-2-28-1

* * *

2b 2b 2b -

A -

* * *

2b 2b -

* * *

2b 2b -



198 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A12.8.8.1. Perform operational check A12.8.8.2. Inspect IFR TR: TO 1E-3A-6 A12.8.9. Ground transfer fuel A12.9. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-1-1, 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-2-24-1, 1E-3A-6, 1E-3A-2110-1, 1-1A-14, 1E-8C-2-24 Series TO, 1E-8C-2-05 Series TO, 1E-8C-212 Series TO A12.9.1. Electrical system components A12.9.2. Perform operational check with external power unit/APU A12.9.2.1. Electrical power supply system A12.9.2.2. Lighting system A12.9.2.3. Indicator warning lights A12.9.3. Remove and install A12.9.3.1. Light lenses A12.9.3.2. Light bulbs A12.9.3.3. Batteries A12.9.4. Inspect A12.9.4.1. Components A12.9.4.2. Wiring and connectors A12.9.5. Connect/apply/disconnect external electrical power A12.9.6. Service Integrated Drive Generator TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-2-71-1 A12.10. EGRESS SYSTEM TR: TOs 1E-3A-2-7, 1E-3A-6, 1E8C-6, 1E-8C-2-25 Series TO A12.10.1. Egress system components A12.10.2. Inspect evacuation slides * * * * * * * * * * *

2b 2b

2b 2b

2b 2b 2b

2b 2b 2b


A 2b

199 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A12.10.3. Remove and install evacuation slide A12.11. AEROSPACE GROUND EQUIPMENT A12.11.1. ACE 406-322 air conditioner TR: TO 35E9- Series A12.11.1.1. Pre-use inspection A12.11.1.2. Operate A12.11.2. Tri-Electron power unit TR: TO 35C2-3-506-1 A12.11.2.1. Pre-use inspection A12.11.2.2. Operate


2b 2b

2b 2b

200 (Attachment 12)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

NOTE 1: This attachment is to be used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

A13.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A13.1.1. Inspection concept and inspections TR: TOs 00-20-1, 1C-10(K)A-6, AMCI 21-101 A13.1.1.1. C-Check inspection A13.1.1.2. A-Check inspection A13.1.1.3. Perform inspections A13. Preflight A13. Thruflight A13. Basic postflight A13. Park and receive A13. Quick Turn A13. Engine run crew change A13. Preflight/postflight (PRPO) A13. 1A/2A/3A check inspections A13. Inspect/lubricate fuselage major zones 100, 200, 300 & 800 A13. Inspect/lubricate engine major zones 400 A13. Inspect/lubricate lt/rt wing major zones 500 & 600 A13. Inspect/lubricate landing gear & doors major zone 700 A13. Inspect/lubricate aerial refueling boom major zone 900 A13. Calendar A13. Special inspections * * * * 2b 2b 2b 2b A A -

201 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13. Perform exterior panel/secondary structure inspection A13. Clear Time Change Item (TCI)

Perform alert inspection

A13.1.2. Air Transport Association (ATA) Technical Orders (TOs) TR: Applicable KC-10 TOs A13.1.2.1. ATA TO System A13.1.2.2. Use ATA TOs A13.1.2.3. Service bulletins and air worthiness directives A13.1.3. Aircraft communications equipment TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.1.3.1. Operate radio A13.1.3.2. Use interphone A13.1.4. Perform aircraft ground handling TR: AFI 11-218, AFOSH STD 91100, TO 00-25-172, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.1.4.1. Launch A13.1.4.2. Recover A13.1.4.3. Tow aircraft A13. Perform as wing/tail walker A13. Perform as brake operator A13. Perform as tow team supervisor A13. Perform as tow vehicle operator A13. Perform as tail stand team supervisor A13. Perform as tail stand tow vehicle operator A13.1.4.4. Jack and level aircraft * * * *R 2b 2b * * B B * 2b 2b * B 2b A -

202 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13. Perform as jacking team member A13. Perform as jacking supervisor A13.1.4.5. Jack using axle jack A13.1.5. Compute aircraft center of gravity TR: TO 1C-10(K)A-5 A13.1.6. Cargo winch A13.1.6.1. Remove and install A13.1.6.2. Service and repair A13.1.6.3. Operate A13.1.7. Remove/install/repair A13.1.7.1. Cargo rollers A13.1.7.2. Cargo rails A13.1.7.3. Restraint locks A13.1.8. Troubleshoot/adjust rails A13.1.9. Configure aircraft A13.1.9.1. Rolling stock/palletized cargo A13.1.9.2. Passenger/personnel A13.1.9.3. Distinguished Visitor (DV) A13.1.9.4. Maintain/store/configure -21 equipment A13.1.9.5. Palletized Seats A13.1.9.6. Z-Lavatory/Miscellaneous Storage Compartment A13.1.9.7. Cargo-only configuration A13.1.10. Remove/Install Increase Accommodation Unit (IAU) A13.1.11. Perform operational check IAU A13.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs *

A 2b -

203 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13.2.1. Components and structure A13.2.2. Operate A13.2.2.1. Entry doors A13.2.2.2. Cargo door A13.2.2.3. Wheel well doors A13.2.3. Lower tail cone assembly A13.2.4. Raise tail cone assembly A13.2.5. Raise/lower air refueling operator door to/from maintenance position A13.2.6. Remove and install A13.2.6.1. Panels A13.2.6.2. Crew seats A13.2.6.3. Passenger seats A13.2.6.4. Air refueling operator seats A13.2.6.5. Windows A13.2.6.6. Life rafts/slides A13.2.6.7. Radome A13.2.6.8. Crew entry ladder A13.2.7. Open and close A13.2.7.1. Wing engine cowling A13.2.7.2. #2 engine cowling A13.2.7.3. Radome A13.2.8. Perform aircraft cold weather procedures A13.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.3.1. Components and system operation * * * * *

2b 2b 2b -

2b 2b

2b a a

204 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13.3.2. Perform operational check A13.3.2.1. Landing gear A13.3.2.2. Brakes A13.3.2.3. Steering system A13.3.2.4. Anti skid A13.3.3. Raise/lower center landing gear A13.3.4. Perform dummy retract A13.3.5. Service A13.3.5.1. Main Landing Gear strut A13.3.5.2. Center Landing Gear strut A13.3.5.3. Nose Landing Gear strut A13.3.5.4. Ck/adjust X dimension Main Landing Gear A13.3.5.5. Ck/adjust X dimension Center Landing Gear A13.3.5.6. Ck/adjust X dimension Nose Landing Gear A13.3.5.7. Tires A13.3.6. Lubricate landing gear components A13.3.7. Remove and install A13.3.7.1. Wheel and tire assembly (Main) A13.3.7.2. Wheel and tire assembly (Center) A13.3.7.3. Wheel and tire assembly (Nose) A13.3.7.4. Brake assembly (Main) A13.3.7.5. Brake assembly (Center) A13.3.7.6. Main landing gear assembly A13.3.7.7. Center landing gear assembly A13.3.7.8. Nose landing gear assembly * * * * * a 2b a a 2b * * * * a 2b a a * * 2b -


* *

a 2b -

205 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13.3.9. Rig landing gear components A13.3.10. Bleed brakes system A13.3.11. Determine serviceability of tires TR: TO 4T-1-3, Applicable Acft 2 TOs A13.3.12. Inspect landing gear systems TR: TO 1C-10(K)A-6 A13.3.13. Troubleshoot A13.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.4.1. Components and system operation A13.4.2. Perform operational check A13.4.2.1. Bleed air system A13.4.2.2. Air conditioning system A13.4.2.3. Pressurization system A13.4.2.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A13.4.2.5. Rain removal system A13.4.2.6. Fire warning system A13.4.2.7. Fire extinguishing system A13.4.2.8. Oxygen system A13.4.3. Inspect TR: TO 1C-10(K)A-6 A13.4.3.1. Bleed air system A13.4.3.2. Air conditioning system A13.4.3.3. Pressurization system A13.4.3.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A13.4.3.5. Rain removal system A13.4.3.6. Fire warning system A13.4.3.7. Fire extinguishing system * *


2b -

2b 2b

2b -

206 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13.4.3.8. Oxygen system A13.4.4. Service oxygen system TR: TO 00-25-172, Applicable Acft -2 TO A13.4.5. Troubleshoot Utility Systems A13.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.5.1. Components and system operation A13.5.2. Operate flight controls A13.5.3. Remove/install components A13.5.3.1. Aileron system components A13.5.3.2. Rudder system components A13.5.3.3. Elevator system components A13.5.3.4. Spoiler system components A13.5.3.5. Flap system components A13.5.3.6. Slat system components A13.5.4. Inspect flight controls TR: TO 1C-10(K)A-6 A13.5.5. Lubricate flight controls A13.5.6. Rig flight controls A13.5.6.1. Aileron system A13.5.6.2. Rudder system A13.5.6.3. Elevator system A13.5.6.4. Spoiler system A13.5.6.5. Flap system A13.5.6.6. Slat system A13.5.7. Troubleshoot A13.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs *



A 2b

2b -

207 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13.6.1. Components and system operation A13.6.2. Service A13.6.2.1. Reservoir A13.6.2.2. Accumulator A13.6.3. Inspect major components TR: TO 1C-10(K)A-6 A13.6.4. Operate A13.6.4.1. Engine driven pump A13.6.4.2. Non-engine driven pump A13.6.5. Troubleshoot A13.7. ENGINES AND AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.7.1. Engine and APU components and system operation A13.7.2. Perform A13.7.2.1. Engine operational check A13.7.2.2. Engine trim A13.7.3. Disable/deactivate thrust reverser system A13.7.4. Manually operate engine starter valve A13.7.4.1. APU inlet and exhaust door deactivation A13.7.5. Operate TR: AFOSH STD 91-100, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.7.5.1. Engine and subsystems A13.7.5.2. APU A13.7.6. Service A13.7.6.1. Oil system A13.7.6.2. Constant Speed Drive * * * * * *

2b 2b 2b

2b -


2b 2b

208 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13.7.6.3. APU A13.7.7. Remove and Install A13.7.7.1. Engine Starter A13.7.7.2. Minor components A13.7.7.3. APU Starter A13.7.7.4. Engine cowling A13.7.8. Take engine oil sample A13.7.9. Inspect installed engine TR: TO 1C-10(K)A-6, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.7.9.1. Exhaust A13.7.9.2. Inlet A13.7.10. Blend fan blades A13.7.11. Troubleshoot A13.7.12. Inspect APU A13.8. AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable AFOSH STD, TO 0025-172, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.8.1. Components and system operation A13.8.2. Perform fuel servicing operations A13.8.2.1. Ground transfer A13.8.2.2. Refuel A13. Team member A13. Team panel operator A13. Team supervisor A13.8.2.3. Defuel A13. Team member A13. Team panel operator A13. Team supervisor


* 2b

2b 2b 2b


* * *

2b 2b -

* * *

2b 2b -

209 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13.8.2.4. Concurrent servicing supervisor A13.8.3. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance TR: TO 1-1-3, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.8.4. Inspect fuel system TR: TO 1C-10(K)A-6 A13.8.5. In flight refueling (IFR) system TR: 1C-10(K)A-6, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.8.5.1. Receiver system A13. Inspect A13. Operate A13.8.5.2. Aerial refueling boom system A13. Inspect boom assembly A13. Operate status test panel A13. Raise/lower boom A13. Extend/retract boom A13. Deploy/re-deploy boom A13. Inspect/Operate boom dolly A13. Service boom components A13. Boom shock absorber A13. Boom surge boot A13. Boom independent disconnect A13.8.5.3. Drogue system A13. Extend/retract center drogue A13. Inspect center drogue A13. Inspect Wing Aerial Refueling Pod (WARP) System A13. Preflight * * *


2b 2b

2b b 2b 2b -

b b b

210 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13. Thruflight A13. Basic Postflight A13.8.6. Troubleshoot fuel systems A13.9. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.9.1. Components and system operation A13.9.2. Perform operational checks with external power unit/APU A13.9.2.1. Electrical power supply system A13.9.2.2. Lighting system A13.9.2.3. Indicator warning lights A13.9.3. Remove and Install A13.9.3.1. Light lenses A13.9.3.2. Light bulbs A13.9.3.3. Batteries A13.9.5. Inspect TR: TO 1C-10(K)A-6 A13.9.5.1. Components A13.9.5.2. Wiring and connectors A13.9.6. Connect/apply/disconnect external electrical power A13.9.7. Troubleshoot A13.10. EGRESS SYSTEM TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.10.1. Components and system operation A13.10.2. Inspect TR: 1C-10(K)A-6 A13.10.3. Operate system (excluding slide) A13.11. Crew/passenger comfort facilities TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A13.11.1. Galley and equipment * *

2b 2b 2b

2b 2b 2b

2b 2b 2b -

A 2b b

211 (Attachment 13)


2. Core Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References 3. Certification For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A13.11.1.1. Remove and install components A13.11.1.2. Inspect/operationally check components A13.11.2. Lavatory and waste system A13.11.2.1. Remove/install/repair components A13.11.2.2. Inspect/operationally check components A13.11.2.3. Service lavatory system A13.11.3. Potable water system A13.11.3.1. Remove/install potable water components A13.11.3.2. Inspect/operationally check system A13.11.3.3. Service system



212 (Attachment 13)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

Note 1: This attachment is used in conjunction with Attachment 2.

A14.1. AIRCRAFT GENERAL A14.1.1. Inspection concept and inspection TR: TOs 00-20-1, 1E-4B-6 A14.1.1.1. Phase inspection concept A14.1.1.2. Perform inspections A14. Preflight A14. Work area #1 A14. Work area #2 and #3 A14. Work area #4 A14. Thruflight A14. Work area #1 A14. Work area #2 and #3 A14. Work area #4 A14. Basic postflight A14. Work area #1 A14. Work area #2 and #3 A14. Work area #4 A14. Preflight/postflight (PRPO) A14. Work area #1 A14. Work area #2 and #3 A14. Work area #4 A14. Quick turn A14. Alert A14. Special A14. Perform exterior panel and secondary structure inspection TR: Applicable local directives * * * * * * * * * * -

213 (Attachment 14)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A14.1.2. Air Transport Association (ATA) TOs TR: 1E-4B-2-1 A14.1.2.1. Identify/Use ATA TOs A14.1.2.2. Identify/Use service bulletins and air worthiness directives A14.1.3. Aircraft communications equipment TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.1.3.1. Operate radio A14.1.3.2. Use interphone A14.1.4. Perform ground handling TR: AFI 11-218; AFOSH STD 91100, TO 00-25-172, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.1.4.1. Launch aircraft A14.1.4.2. Recover aircraft A14.1.4.3. Tow aircraft A14. Wing/tail walker A14. Brake operator A14. Tow team supervisor A14. Tow vehicle operator A14.1.4.4. Jack and level aircraft A14. Jacking team member A14. Jacking supervisor A14.1.4.5. Axle jacking A14.1.5. Verify aircraft center of gravity TR: TO 1E-4B-5 A14.2. AIRFRAME SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.2.1. Components and structure A14.2.2. Operate * * * * * * * * * -

214 (Attachment 14)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A14.2.2.1. Entry door/hatch A14.2.2.2. Cargo door A14.2.2.3. Wheel well doors A14.2.3. Remove and install A14.2.3.1. Panels A14.2.3.2. Non-explosive seats A14.2.3.3. Windows A14.2.3.4. Life rafts/slides A14.2.3.5. Radome A14.2.4. Open and close A14.2.4.1. Cowling A14.2.4.2. Radome A14.2.5. Perform aircraft cold weather procedures A14.2.6. Service crew/passenger comfort facilities TR: TO 1E-4B-2-12 A14.2.6.1. Potable water A14.2.6.2. Lavatories A14.3. LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.3.1. Components and system operation A14.3.2. Perform operational check A14.3.2.1. Landing gear A14.3.2.2. Brakes A14.3.2.3. Steering system A14.3.2.4. Anti skid A14.3.2.5. Landing gear retraction team Member

* * *

* *

* -

215 (Attachment 14)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A14.3.2.6. Landing gear retraction team supervisor A14.3.3. Service A14.3.3.1. Landing gear struts A14.3.3.2. Tires A14.3.4. Lubricate landing gear components A14.3.5. Remove and install A14.3.5.1. Wheel and tire assemblies A14.3.5.2. Brake assemblies A14.3.6. Bleed brakes system A14.3.7. Determine serviceability of aircraft tires TR: TO 4T-1-3, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.3.8. Inspect landing gear system TR: 1E-4B-6 A14.3.9. Troubleshoot A14.4. UTILITY SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.4.1. Components and system operation A14.4.2. Perform operational check A14.4.2.1. Bleed air system A14.4.2.2. Air conditioning system A14.4.2.3. Pressurization system A14.4.2.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A14.4.2.5. Rain removal system A14.4.2.6. Fire warning system A14.4.2.7. Fire extinguishing system A14.4.2.8. Oxygen system * * * * * * *

216 (Attachment 14)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A14.4.3. Oxygen system TR: TO 00-25-172, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.4.3.1. Service liquid oxygen converters A14.4.3.2. Service portable oxygen bottles A14.4.3.3. Perform alert LOX service A14.4.4. Inspect TR: TO 1E-4B-6 A14.4.4.1. Bleed air system A14.4.4.2. Air conditioning system A14.4.4.3. Pressurization system A14.4.4.4. Anti-ice/de-ice system A14.4.4.5. Rain removal system A14.4.4.6. Fire warning system A14.4.4.7. Fire extinguishing system A14.4.4.8. Oxygen system A14.4.5. Troubleshoot utility systems A14.5. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.5.1. Components and system operation A14.5.2. Operate flight controls A14.5.3. Remove flight control components A14.5.4. Install flight control components A13.5.5. Inspect flight controls TR: TO 1E-4B-6 A14.5.6. Lubricate flight controls A14.5.7. Rig flight controls A14.5.8. Troubleshoot A14.6. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs * * * -

217 (Attachment 14)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A14.6.1. Components and system operation A14.6.2. Service A14.6.2.1. Reservoir A14.6.2.2. Accumulator A14.6.3. Inspect major components TR: TO 1E-4B-6 A14.6.4. Operate A14.6.4.1. Engine driven pump A14.6.4.2. Non-engine driven pump A14.6.5. Troubleshoot A14.7. ENGINES AND AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.7.1. Components and system operation A14.7.2. Perform A14.7.2.1. Engine operational check A14.7.2.2. Engine alert quick start TR: TO 1E-4B-1 A14.7.2.3. Audible ignition check A14.7.2.4. Motor engine A14.7.3. Operate TR: AFOSH STD 91-100, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.7.3.1. Engine and subsystems A14.7.3.2. APU A14.7.4. Service A14.7.4.1. Oil system A14.7.4.2. Integrated Drive Gearbox A14.7.4.3. APU A14.7.4.4. APU supplemental oil tank * * * * * * *

218 (Attachment 14)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A14.7.4.5. Extended range oil tank A14.7.5. Remove and install A14.7.5.1. Engine Starter A14.7.5.2. Minor components A14.7.5.3. APU starter A14.7.6. Take engine oil sample A14.7.7. Inspect installed engine TR: Applicable Acft -2 and -6 TOs A14.7.7.1. Exhaust A14.7.7.2. Inlet A14.7.8. Troubleshoot A14.7.9. Inspect APU A14.8. AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable AFOSH STD, TO 0025-172, Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.8.1. Fuel components and system operation A14.8.2. Operate fuel system A14.8.3. Refuel aircraft A14.8.3.1. Team member A14.8.3.2. Team panel operator A14.8.3.3. Team supervisor A14.8.4. Defuel aircraft A14.8.4.1. Team member A14.8.4.2. Team panel operator A14.8.4.3. Team supervisor A14.8.5. Concurrent servicing TR: TOs 00-25-172, 1E-4B-2-12 A14.8.5.1. Team member * * * * * * *

219 (Attachment 14)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A14.8.5.2. Team supervisor A14.8.6. Refuel aircraft with engines operating TR: TOs 00-25-172, 1E-4B-2-12, ACCI 21-101 A14.8.6.1. Team member (Position D) A14. Phase I A14. Phase II A14. Phase III A14.8.6.2. Panel operator (Position B) A14. Phase I A14. Phase II A14. Phase III A14.8.6.3. Team Supervisor (Position A) A14. Phase I A14. Phase II A14. Phase III A14.8.7. Prepare aircraft for fuel cell maintenance TR: TO 1-1-3, Applicable Acft -2 TO A14.8.8. Inspect fuel system TR: TO 1E-4B-6 A14.8.9. Receiver system A14.8.9.1. Inspect A14.8.9.2. Operate A14.8.10. Ground transfer fuel A14.8.11. Troubleshoot A14.9. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.9.1. Components and system operation *

220 (Attachment 14)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A14.9.2. Perform operational check with external power unit/APU A14.9.2.1. Electrical power supply system A14.9.2.2. Lighting system A14.9.2.3. Indicator warning lights A14.9.3. Remove and install A14.9.3.1. Light lenses A14.9.3.2. Light bulbs A14.9.3.3. Batteries A14.9.4. Inspect TR: TO 1E-4B-6 A14.9.4.1. Components A14.9.4.2. Wiring and connectors A14.9.5. Connect/apply/disconnect external electrical power A14.9.6. Apply/remove APU generator electrical power A14.9.7. Apply/remove APU bleed air A14.9.8. Troubleshoot A14.10. EGRESS SYSTEM TR: Applicable Acft -2 TOs A14.10.1. Components A14.10.2. Inspect TR: TO 1E-4B-6 A14.10.3. Operate system (excluding slide) A14.10.4. Install/remove safety pins A14.11. Crew comfort facilities A14.11.1. Galley and equipment A14.11.1.1. Remove and install components * * * * -

221 (Attachment 14)


2. Core 3. Certification For OJT Tasks 1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B C D E 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided (See Attachment 1) A B C 3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill Level Level Level Course CDC (1) (2) Course CDC

Training Start

Training Complete

Trainee Initials

Trainer Initials

Certifier Initials

A14.11.1.2. Inspect/operational check components A14.11.2. Lavatory and waste system A14.11.2.1. Remove/install/repair components A14.11.2.2. Inspect/operational check components A14.11.3. Potable water system A14.11.3.1. Remove/install potable water filter components A14.11.3.2. Inspect/operational check system A14.12. Thermal curtains TR: TO 1E-4B-2-25 A14.12.1. Remove/install A14.12.2. Inspect A14.12.3. Seal

222 (Attachment 14)

2A531E STS MATRIX (B-1) STS 2A5X1 Note 1: The following matrix defines specific sources for training required to achieve an apprentice (3) skill level appropriate to B-1 aircraft, as identified in attachment 3, column 4A, to this CFETP. Training is separated into different phases/locations as indicated below. The contents of each phase are shown by the proficiency codes listed under the appropriate column headings in the matrix. COURSE NR J3AQR2A531E001A Blocks I thru 3 J3AQR2A531E001A J3ABP2A531EE01A* J3ABP2A531ED01A* TITLE Aerospace Maintenance Fundamentals Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (B-1B) Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (B-1B) Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (B-1B) LOCATION Sheppard AFB, TX. Sheppard AFB, TX Ellsworth AFB, SD (TD) Dyess AFB, TX (TD) Dyess AFB, TX (TD) PHASE 1 2 3 3

* Awards 3-level AFSC Note 2: The use of TOs, support equipment, tools and hardware, to include all applicable safety and inspection requirements, needed to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout all phases of training to the level of the associated tasks.
STS ELEMENT A2.1.1. A2.1.2. A2.3.1. A2.3.2.1. A2.3.2.2. A2.3.2.3. A2.3.2.4. A2.3.2.5. A2.3.2.6. A2.3.2.7. A2.3.2.8. A2.3.2.9. A2.3.2.10. A2.3.2.11. A2.3.2.12. A2.3.2.13. A. A2.3.3.1. A2.3.3.2. A2.3.3.3. TASK Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 Duties of AFS 2A5X1 Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to engine air intake and exhaust Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to turbine, propeller, rotor plane of rotation Safety precautions pertaining to radio frequency radiation Safety precautions pertaining to ground handling of aircraft Safety precautions pertaining to hot brakes Safety precautions pertaining to use of tools and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to servicing aircraft systems Safety precautions pertaining to cleaning agents Safety precautions pertaining to solvents Safety precautions pertaining to lubricants Safety precautions pertaining to high pressure gasses Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft explosive equipment Safety precautions pertaining to composite materials Inspect fire extinguisher Position fire extinguisher Operate fire extinguisher Phase 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2b b b Phase 2 Phase 3 -

223 (Attachment 15)


A2.3.4. A2.3.7. STS ELEMENT A2.3.6.1. A2.3.6.2. A2.4.1. A2.4.2. A2.4.3. A2.8.1. A2.8.2.1. A2.8.2.2. A2.8.2.3. A2.8.2.4. A2.8.2.5. A2.8.2.6. A2.8.2.8. A2.8.2.9. A2.8.3.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.8.3.3. A2.9.1. A2.9.5.1. A2.9.5.2. A2.9.6.1. A2.9.6.2. A2.9.7.1. A2.9.7.2. A2.9.7.3. A2.9.8. A2.9.9. A2.9.10. A2.9.11. A2.9.12.1. A2.9.12.2. A2.9.13.1. Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program Use AF Form 1492 TASK Hazardous chemicals use Hazardous chemicals disposal Technical order (TO) system Air Force manuals and instructions Use technical orders MDD fundamentals Purpose of aircraft and supporting maintenance records Automated forms Document AFTO Form 781H Document AFTO Form 781A Document AFTO Form 781J Document AFTO Form 781K Document AFTO Form 244/245 Document AFTO Form 350 Purpose IMDS Purpose of Job Data Documentation (JDD) Access JDD Create maintenance event Defer maintenance event Schedule maintenance event Close maintenance event Use IMDS Tool control Purpose of hardware Remove/install common hardware Purpose of electrical connectors Connect/disconnect electrical connectors Purpose of securing devices Install/remove safety wire Install/remove cotter pins Lubricants Sealants Adhesives Cleaning agents Purpose of common hand tools Select and use common hand tools Purpose of measuring tools A A Phase 1 A A A A 1b A A A 1b 1b 1b 1b a 1b A A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b A A 2b A 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A 2b A Phase2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b Phase 3 -

224 (Attachment 15)


A2.9.13.2. A2.9.13.3. STS ELEMENT A2.9.13.5. A2.10.1. A2.10.3. A2.11.4.1. A2.11.4.2. A2.11.4.3. A2.11.4.4. A2.11.5. A2.11.6. A2.11.7. A.11.12.1. A2.12.1. A2.12.2. A2.13.1. A2.13.2.1. A2.13.2.2. A2.13.3.1. A2.13.3.2. A2.13.4. A2.14.1.2. A2.14.1.3. A2.14.1.4. A2.14.1.5. A2.14.1.6. A2.15.1. A2.15.2. A2.15.3. A2.16.1. A2.16.2.1. A2.16.2.2. A2.17.1. A2.17.2. A2.17.3. A2.18.1. A2.18.2. A2.19.1. A2.19.2. Select and use ruler Select and use thickness gauge TASK Select and use torque wrench Maintenance supply concept Ordering parts Aircraft cleaning Corrosion identification Corrosion treatment Lubrication methods Aircraft inspection concepts/types Principles of ground handling Aircraft marshalling Aircraft guarded switches design/function/proper identification Airframe structure Remove/install airframe panels Landing gear system fundamentals Service shock strut Service tire Remove/install wheel and tire assembly Remove/install brake assembly Brake bleeding Oxygen system fundamentals Bleed air system fundamentals Pressurization system fundamentals Air condition system fundamentals Fire/overheat warning system fundamentals Flight control system fundamentals Flight control component identification Operate flight controls Hydraulic system fundamentals Service hydraulic system reservoir Service hydraulic system accumulator Engine system fundamentals Identify engine components Oil system servicing Fuel system fundamentals Operate fuel system AC electrical system fundamentals DC electrical system fundamentals 2b 2b Phase 1 2b A A A A A A A A b A A 1b A 1b 1b 1b 1b A A A A A A A A 1b A b b A A A A b A A Phase2 Phase 3 -

225 (Attachment 15)


A2. A2. STS ELEMENT A2. A2.20.2.1. A2.20.2.2. A2.20.2.3. A2. A2. A2.20.6.1. A2.20.7.1. A2.20.8.1. A2.20.9.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.13.1. A2.20.13.2. A2.20.13.3. A2.20.16.1. A2.20.17.1. A3. A3. A3. A3.1.2.1. A3.1.2.2. A3.1.3.2. A3.1.4.1. A3.1.4.2. A3. A3. A3. A3. A3.1.6. Purpose and description of maintenance platforms Perform pre-use inspection of maintenance platforms TASK Operate maintenance platforms Purpose and description of aircraft jacks Perform pre-use inspection of aircraft jacks Operate aircraft jacks Purpose and description of liquid oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of gaseous oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of ground heaters Purpose and description of lighting equipment Purpose and description of hydraulic test stands Purpose and description of air conditioning units Purpose and description of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/ compressor Operate A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Purpose and description of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Operate A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Purpose and description of diesel driven generators Perform pre-use inspection of diesel driven generators Operate diesel driven generators Purpose and description of self-generating nitrogen equipment Perform pre-use inspection of self-generating nitrogen equipment Operate self-generating nitrogen equipment Purpose and description of oil servicing carts Purpose and description of hydraulic servicing carts Perform Preflight inspection Perform Thruflight inspection Perform Home Station Check (HSC) inspection OMMS TOs Use OMMS TOs Use interphone Launch aircraft Recover aircraft Wing/tail walker Brake operator Jacking team member Axle jacking Safe aircraft for maintenance A 2b Phase 1 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A A A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A Phase 2 A 2b a Phase 3 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 3c

226 (Attachment 15)


A3.1.7. A3.2.1. STS ELEMENT A3.2.4.2. A3.2.5.1. A3.2.5.2 A3.2.5.3. A3.2.5.4. A3.2.5.5. A3.2.5.6. A3. A3.3.1. A3.3.3.1. A3. A3. A3. A3.3.4.3. A3.3.4.4. A3.3.6.1. A3.4.1. A3.4.4. A3.4.5.1. A3.4.5.2. A3.5.1. A3.6.1. A3.6.2.1. A3.6.2.2. A3.6.3.1. A3.7.1. A3.7.3.2. A3.7.5.1. A3.7.5.2. A3.7.5.3. A3.7.5.4. A3.8.1. A3.8.2.1. A3. A3. A3.8.3.1. A3. Hardness critical procedures Airframe components and structure TASK Remove/install panels Open/close entry door/hatch Open/close aft hatches Open/close Main landing gear doors Open/close UARRSI door Operate weapons bay door Open/close engine bay door Open/close radomes forward side fairing Landing gear components and system operation Operate brakes Service landing gear struts with nitrogen Service axle beam positioner with nitrogen Service axle beam positioner with hydraulic fluid Service nose wheel steering gearbox Service tires Remove/install wheel and tire assemblies Utility components and system operation Service oxygen system Top off coolant loops (ACL, ICL, LCL) Service refrigeration units (#1, #2 and stores) Flight control components and system operation Hydraulic components and system operation Service reservoir Service accumulator Apply hydraulic power using APU Engine and auxiliary power unit (APU) components and system operation Operate auxiliary power units and subsystems Service oil system Service integrated drive generator Service accessory drive gearbox Service APUs Fuel components and system operation Refuel team member (ground observer) Refuel team panel operator auto Refuel team panel operator manual Defuel team member (ground observer) Defuel team panel operator auto Phase 1 A A Phase 2 b a A a A A A A 2b A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b Phase 3 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b

227 (Attachment 15)


A3. A3.8.6. STS ELEMENT A3.9.1. A3.9.2. A3.9.3. A3.9.4. A3.9.5. A3.10.1. A3.10.2. A3.11.1. A3.11.2.2. A3.11.3. A3.12.1. A3.12.2. A3.12.4.1. A3.12.4.2. Defuel team panel operator manual Ground transfer fuel TASK Electrical components and system operation Connect/Apply external electrical power Disconnect external electrical power Apply electrical power using APU Remove/install batteries Egress components and system operation Operate seat adjustment Inspect and operate gaseous oxygen servicing equipment with intensifier Hand operated servicing cart Inspect and operate mobile hydraulic oil dispenser CITS operation Remove/install data transfer cartridge Operate CITS parameter monitor mode Operate CITS ground readiness test Phase 1 1b 1b Phase2 A 1b 1b 1b A A 1b 2b 2b Phase 3 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b

228 (Attachment 15)

2A531E STS MATRIX (B-2) STS 2A5X1 Note 1: The following matrix defines specific sources for training required to achieve an apprentice (3) skill level appropriate to B-2 aircraft, as identified in attachment 4, column 4A, to this CFETP. Training is separated into different phases/locations as indicated below. Course J3AQR2A531E002A is the same as course J3ATR2A531 048A; they are multi-identified for student scheduling purposes. The contents of each phase are shown by the proficiency codes listed under the appropriate column headings in the matrix. COURSE NR TITLE LOCATION J3ATR2A531 048A Aerospace Maintenance Sheppard AFB, TX. Blocks I thru 3 Fundamentals Also identified as J3AQR2A531E002A Aircraft Maintenance Apprentice (B-2) J3ABP2A531E002A* Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (B-2) Whiteman AFB, MO (TD) PHASE 1

*Awards 3-level AFSC Note 2: The use of TOs, support equipment, tools and hardware, to include all applicable safety and inspection requirements, needed to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout all phases of training to the level of the associated tasks.
STS ELEMENT A2.1.1. A2.1.2. A2.3.1. A2.3.2.1. A2.3.2.2. A2.3.2.3. A2.3.2.4. A2.3.2.5. A2.3.2.6. A2.3.2.7. A2.3.2.8. A2.3.2.9. A2.3.2.10. A2.3.2.11. A2.3.2.12. A2.3.2.13. A. A2.3.3.1. A2.3.3.2. A2.3.3.3. A2.3.4. TASK Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 Duties of AFS 2A5X1 Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to engine air intake and exhaust Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to turbine, propeller, rotor plane of rotation Safety precautions pertaining to radio frequency radiation Safety precautions pertaining to ground handling of aircraft Safety precautions pertaining to hot brakes Safety precautions pertaining to use of tools and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to servicing aircraft systems Safety precautions pertaining to cleaning agents Safety precautions pertaining to solvents Safety precautions pertaining to lubricants Safety precautions pertaining to high pressure gasses Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft explosive equipment Safety precautions pertaining to composite materials Inspect fire extinguisher Position fire extinguisher Operate fire extinguisher Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program Phase 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2b b b A Phase2 -

229 (Attachment 16)


STS ELEMENT A2.3.7. A2.3.6.1. A2.3.6.2. A2.4.1. A2.4.2. A2.4.3. A2.8.1. A2.8.2.1. A2.8.2.2. A2.8.2.3. A2.8.2.4. A2.8.2.5. A2.8.2.6. A2.8.2.8. A2.8.2.9. A2.8.3.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.8.3.3. A2.9.1. A2.9.5.1. A2.9.5.2. A2.9.6.1. A2.9.6.2. A2.9.7.1. A2.9.7.2. A2.9.7.3. A2.9.8. A2.9.9. A2.9.10. A2.9.11. A2.9.12.1. A2.9.12.2. A2.9.13.1. A2.9.13.2. TASK Use AF Form 1492 Hazardous chemicals use Hazardous chemicals disposal Technical order (TO) system Air Force manuals and instructions Use technical orders MDD fundamentals Purpose of aircraft and supporting maintenance records Automated forms Document AFTO Form 781H Document AFTO Form 781A Document AFTO Form 781J Document AFTO Form 781K Document AFTO Form 244/245 Document AFTO Form 350 Purpose IMDS Purpose of Job Data Documentation (JDD) Access JDD Create maintenance event Defer maintenance event Schedule maintenance event Close maintenance event Use IMDS Tool control Purpose of hardware Remove/install common hardware Purpose of electrical connectors Connect/disconnect electrical connectors Purpose of securing devices Install/remove safety wire Install/remove cotter pins Lubricants Sealants Adhesives Cleaning agents Purpose of common hand tools Select and use common hand tools Purpose of measuring tools Select and use ruler Phase 1 A A A A A 1b A A A 1b 1b 1b 1b a 1b A A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b A A 2b A 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A 2b A 2b Phase2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b -

230 (Attachment 16)


STS ELEMENT A2.9.13.3. A2.9.13.5. A2.10.1. A2.10.3. A2.11.4.1. A2.11.4.2. A2.11.4.3. A2.11.4.4. A2.11.5. A2.11.6. A2.11.7. A.11.12.1. A2.12.1. A2.12.2. A2.13.1. A2.13.2.1. A2.13.2.2. A2.13.3.1. A2.13.3.2. A2.13.4. A2.14.1.2. A2.14.1.3. A2.14.1.4. A2.14.1.5. A2.14.1.6. A2.15.1. A2.15.2. A2.15.3. A2.16.1. A2.16.2.1. A2.16.2.2. A2.17.1. A2.17.2. A2.17.3. A2.18.1. A2.18.2. A2.19.1. A2.19.2. A2. TASK Select and use thickness gauge Select and use torque wrench Maintenance supply concept Ordering parts Aircraft cleaning Corrosion identification Corrosion treatment Lubrication methods Aircraft inspection concepts/types Principles of ground handling Aircraft marshalling Aircraft guarded switches design/function/proper identification Airframe structure Remove/install airframe panels Landing gear system fundamentals Service shock strut Service tire Remove/install wheel and tire assembly Remove/install brake assembly Brake bleeding Oxygen system fundamentals Bleed air system fundamentals Pressurization system fundamentals Air condition system fundamentals Fire/overheat warning system fundamentals Flight control system fundamentals Flight control component identification Operate flight controls Hydraulic system fundamentals Service hydraulic system reservoir Service hydraulic system accumulator Engine system fundamentals Identify engine components Oil system servicing Fuel system fundamentals Operate fuel system AC electrical system fundamentals DC electrical system fundamentals Purpose and description of maintenance platforms Phase 1 2b 2b A A A A A A A A b A A 1b A 1b 1b 1b 1b A A A A A A A A 1b A b b A A A A b A A A Phase2 -

231 (Attachment 16)


STS ELEMENT A2. A2. A2.20.2.1. A2.20.2.2. A2.20.2.3. A2. A2. A2.20.6.1. A2.20.7.1. A2.20.8.1. A2.20.9.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.13.1. A2.20.13.2. A2.20.13.3. A2.20.16.1. A2.20.17.1. A4.1.1.1. A4. A4. A4. A4. A4. A4. A4. A4. A4.1.3.1. A4.1.3.2. A4.1.4.2. A4.1.5.1. A4.1.5.2. TASK Perform pre-use inspection of maintenance platforms Operate maintenance platforms Purpose and description of aircraft jacks Perform pre-use inspection of aircraft jacks Operate aircraft jacks Purpose and description of liquid oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of gaseous oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of ground heaters Purpose and description of lighting equipment Purpose and description of hydraulic test stands Purpose and description of air conditioning units Purpose and description of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/ compressor Operate A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Purpose and description of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Operate A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Purpose and description of diesel driven generators Perform pre-use inspection of diesel driven generators Operate diesel driven generators Purpose and description of self-generating nitrogen equipment Perform pre-use inspection of self-generating nitrogen equipment Operate self-generating nitrogen equipment Purpose and description of oil servicing carts Purpose and description of hydraulic servicing carts Phased inspection concept Perform Work Area #1 Preflight inspection Perform Work Area #2 and #3 Preflight inspection Perform Work Area #4 Preflight inspection Part 2A Thruflight inspection Part 2B Thruflight inspection Perform Work Area #1 Postflight inspection Perform Work Area #2and #3 Postflight inspection Perform Work Area #4 Postflight inspection OMMS TOs Use OMMS TOs Use interphone Launch aircraft Recover aircraft Phase 1 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A A A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A Phase2 B 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b B 2b 3c 2b 2b

232 (Attachment 16)


STS ELEMENT A4. A4. A4. A4.1.5.5. A4.1.8. A4.1.10.1. A4.1.11. A4.1.12. A4.1.13. A4.1.14. A4.1.15. A4.2.1. A4. A4.2.2.2. A4. A4.2.4.1. A4.2.4.2. A4.2.4.3. A4.2.5. A4.2.6. A4.2.7. A4.2.8. A4.3.1. A4.3.1.1. A4. A4. A4.3.3.2. A4. A4. A4. A4.4.1. A4.4.2.2. A4.5.1. A4.5.2. A4.5.3.9. A4.5.3.10. A4.5.3.12. A4.5.3.13. A4.5.5. TASK Perform wing/tail walker Perform brake operator Perform jacking team member Axle jacking Remove and install proximity caps Aircraft safe for maintenance Hardness critical procedures Perform Electrostatic Discharge Procedures Observable Critical Procedures Low observable awareness Blade seal safety precautions Airframe components and construction Operate crew entry door pneumatically Operate aft nose landing gear door Operate aft equipment bay entry door electrically Open/close crew entry pressure door Open/close engine/AMAD bay doors Open/close ECS/Hydraulic bay doors Inspect airframe and components Inspect secondary structure Inspect aircraft windows Clean aircraft windows Landing gear components and system operation Inspect Landing Gear Components Service landing gear struts with nitrogen (normal servicing) Service landing gear struts with nitrogen (special maintenance) Service landing gear struts with hydraulic fluid Service nose gear tires Service main gear tires Remove/install main gear wheel and tire assembly Weapons bay components and system operation Operate weapons bay doors electrically Utility components and system operation ECS power-up Operate On Board Maintenance Printer (OBMP) Remove/Install printer tape Load/Unload maintenance write tapes/disks Operate OBTS Controls/Displays Service Back-up Oxygen System Phase 1 Phase 2 2b 2b b 2b 2b 3c b 2b b b 3c B 2b b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b B 2b 2b 2b b 2b 2b 2b A 2b B b 3c 3c 3c 3c b

233 (Attachment 16)


STS ELEMENT A4.5.6.1. A4.5.6.2. A4.5.6.3. A4.5.7.1. A4.5.7.2. A4.5.7.3. A4.6.1. A4.6.5. A4.7.1. A4. A4. A4. A4.7.3. A4.8.1. A4. A4. A4. A4.8.3.2. A4.8.3.3. A4. A4. A4.8.5. A4.9.1. A4.9.2.1. A4. A4. A4. A4.9.4.1. A4. A4. A4.9.7. A4.9.8. A4.10.1. A4.10.2.1. A4.10.2.2. A4.10.2.3. A4.10.2.4. A4.10.3.3. A4.10.5. TASK Service Ethylene Glycol Water (EGW) System Service Defense Management System (DMS) Service Liquid Coolant System (LCS) Sample Ethylene Glycol Water (EGW) System Sample Defensive Management System (DMS) Sample Liquid Coolant System (LCS) Flight control components and system operation Inspect flight controls Hydraulic components and system operation Service hydraulic system reservoir (normal) Service hydraulic system reservoir (top off) Service hydraulic system accumulator (normal) Apply hydraulic power using test stand Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) components and system operation Service engine oil normal engine (off) Service engine oil normal engine (operating) Service engine oil (initial/unknown) Service Airframe Mounted Accessory Drive (AMAD) oil Service APU oil Service Pressurized Air Start System (PASS) (Normal) Service Turbine driven recharge compressor (TDC) Take engine oil samples Fuel components and system operation Ground observer during refuel Ground control panel operator during refuel (manual) Ground control panel operator during refuel (auto) Manual fuel control panel operator during refuel Ground observer during defuel Ground control panel operator during defuel Manuel fuel control panel operator during defuel Ground transfer fuel Drain fuel tank sumps/obtain fuel samples Electrical components and system operation Operate internal lighting system Operate external lighting system Operate indicator warning lights Operate emergency lights Remove and install batteries Connect/Apply external electrical power Phase 1 Phase 2 b b b b b b B 2b B 2b 2b 2b 2b B 3c b b b b 2b b 3c B 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b B 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 3c

234 (Attachment 16)


STS ELEMENT A4.10.6. A4.11.1. A4.11.2. A4.12.1. A4.13.1.1. A4.13.1.2. A4.13.1.3. A4.1.4. TASK Disconnect external electrical power Egress components and system operation Operate seat adjustment Aqueous Film Forming Form (AFFF) Procedures Operate Electrical Power and Inverter System Operate CASS Combined Air System Operate Hangar Nitrogen Inspect/Operate Fall Protection Devices Phase 1 Phase 2 3c B 3c b 3c 3c 2b 2b

235 (Attachment 16)

2A531F STS MATRIX (B-52) STS 2A5X1 Note 1: The following matrix defines specific sources for training required to achieve an apprentice (3) skill level appropriate to B-52 aircraft, as identified in attachment 5, column 4A, to this CFETP. Training is separated into different phases/locations as indicated below. The contents of each phase are shown by the proficiency codes listed under the appropriate column headings in the matrix. COURSE NR J3ABR2A531F003A Blocks I thru 3 J3ABR2A531F003A Blocks 4 thru 7 *Awards 3-level AFSC Note 2: The use of TOs, support equipment, tools and hardware, to include all applicable safety and inspection requirements, needed to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout all phases of training to the level of the associated tasks.
STS ELEMENT A2.1.1. A2.1.2. A2.3.1. A2.3.2.1. A2.3.2.2. A2.3.2.3. A2.3.2.4. A2.3.2.5. A2.3.2.6. A2.3.2.7. A2.3.2.8. A2.3.2.9. A2.3.2.10. A2.3.2.11. A2.3.2.12. A2.3.2.13. A. A2.3.3.1. A2.3.3.2. A2.3.3.3. A2.3.4. A2.3.7. A2.3.6.1. TASK Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 Duties of AFS 2A5X1 Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to engine air intake and exhaust Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to turbine, propeller, rotor plane of rotation Safety precautions pertaining to radio frequency radiation Safety precautions pertaining to ground handling of aircraft Safety precautions pertaining to hot brakes Safety precautions pertaining to use of tools and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to servicing aircraft systems Safety precautions pertaining to cleaning agents Safety precautions pertaining to solvents Safety precautions pertaining to lubricants Safety precautions pertaining to high pressure gasses Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft explosive equipment Safety precautions pertaining to composite materials Inspect fire extinguisher Position fire extinguisher Operate fire extinguisher Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program Use AF Form 1492 Hazardous chemicals use Phase 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2b b b A A A Phase 2 -

TITLE Aerospace Maintenance Fundamentals Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (B-52)



Sheppard AFB, TX

236 (Attachment 17)

2A531F STS MATRIX (B-52) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.3.6.2. A2.4.1. A2.4.2. A2.4.3. A2.8.1. A2.8.2.1. A2.8.2.2. A2.8.2.3. A2.8.2.4. A2.8.2.5. A2.8.2.6. A2.8.2.8. A2.8.2.9. A2.8.3.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.8.3.3. A2.9.1. A2.9.5.1. A2.9.5.2. A2.9.6.1. A2.9.6.2. A2.9.7.1. A2.9.7.2. A2.9.7.3. A2.9.8. A2.9.9. A2.9.10. A2.9.11. A2.9.12.1. A2.9.12.2. A2.9.13.1. A2.9.13.2. A2.9.13.3. A2.9.13.5. TASK Hazardous chemicals disposal Technical order (TO) system Air Force manuals and instructions Use technical orders MDD fundamentals Purpose of aircraft and supporting maintenance records Automated forms Document AFTO Form 781H Document AFTO Form 781A Document AFTO Form 781J Document AFTO Form 781K Document AFTO Form 244/245 Document AFTO Form 350 Purpose IMDS Purpose of Job Data Documentation (JDD) Access JDD Create maintenance event Defer maintenance event Schedule maintenance event Close maintenance event Use IMDS Tool control Purpose of hardware Remove/install common hardware Purpose of electrical connectors Connect/disconnect electrical connectors Purpose of securing devices Install/remove safety wire Install/remove cotter pins Lubricants Sealants Adhesives Cleaning agents Purpose of common hand tools Select and use common hand tools Purpose of measuring tools Select and use ruler Select and use thickness gauge Select and use torque wrench Phase 1 A A A 1b A A A 1b 1b 1b 1b a 1b A A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b A A 2b A 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A 2b A 2b 2b 2b Phase2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b -

237 (Attachment 17)

2A531F STS MATRIX (B-52) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.10.1. A2.10.3. A2.11.4.1. A2.11.4.2. A2.11.4.3. A2.11.4.4. A2.11.5. A2.11.6. A2.11.7. A.11.12.1. A2.12.1. A2.12.2. A2.13.1. A2.13.2.1. A2.13.2.2. A2.13.3.1. A2.13.3.2. A2.13.4. A2.14.1.2. A2.14.1.3. A2.14.1.4. A2.14.1.5. A2.14.1.6. A2.15.1. A2.15.2. A2.15.3. A2.16.1. A2.16.2.1. A2.16.2.2. A2.17.1. A2.17.2. A2.17.3. A2.18.1. A2.18.2. A2.19.1. A2.19.2. A2. A2. A2. TASK Maintenance supply concept Ordering parts Aircraft cleaning Corrosion identification Corrosion treatment Lubrication methods Aircraft inspection concepts/types Principles of ground handling Aircraft marshalling Aircraft guarded switches design/function/proper identification Airframe structure Remove/install airframe panels Landing gear system fundamentals Service shock strut Service tire Remove/install wheel and tire assembly Remove/install brake assembly Brake bleeding Oxygen system fundamentals Bleed air system fundamentals Pressurization system fundamentals Air condition system fundamentals Fire/overheat warning system fundamentals Flight control system fundamentals Flight control component identification Operate flight controls Hydraulic system fundamentals Service hydraulic system reservoir Service hydraulic system accumulator Engine system fundamentals Identify engine components Oil system servicing Fuel system fundamentals Operate fuel system AC electrical system fundamentals DC electrical system fundamentals Purpose and description of maintenance platforms Perform pre-use inspection of maintenance platforms Operate maintenance platforms Phase 1 A A A A A A A A b A A 1b A 1b 1b 1b 1b A A A A A A A A 1b A b b A A A A b A A A 2b 2b Phase2 -

238 (Attachment 17)

2A531F STS MATRIX (B-52) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.20.2.1. A2.20.2.2. A2.20.2.3. A2. A2. A2.20.6.1. A2.20.7.1. A2.20.8.1. A2.20.9.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.13.1. A2.20.13.2. A2.20.13.3. A2.20.16.1. A2.20.17.1. A5.1.1.1. A5. A5. A5. A5. A5.1.2. A5.1.3.2. A5.1.4.1. A5.1.4.2. A5. A5. A5. A5. A5. A5.1.2.5. A5.2.1. TASK Purpose and description of aircraft jacks Perform pre-use inspection of aircraft jacks Operate aircraft jacks Purpose and description of liquid oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of gaseous oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of ground heaters Purpose and description of lighting equipment Purpose and description of hydraulic test stands Purpose and description of air conditioning units Purpose and description of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/ compressor Operate A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Purpose and description of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Operate A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Purpose and description of diesel driven generators Perform pre-use inspection of diesel driven generators Operate diesel driven generators Purpose and description of self-generating nitrogen equipment Perform pre-use inspection of self-generating nitrogen equipment Operate self-generating nitrogen equipment Purpose and description of oil servicing carts Purpose and description of hydraulic servicing carts Phase inspection concept Perform preflight inspection Perform basic postflight inspection Perform thruflight inspection Perform hourly postflight inspection Identify/use B-52 TOs Use interphone Aircraft launch Aircraft recover Towing Tow team member Connect/Disconnect tow bar Jacking Axle jacking Weight and balance functions Airframe components and structure Phase 1 A 2b 2b A A A A A A A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A Phase2 A 1b 1b 1b 1b 2b 2b A A A A 2b A 1b A A

239 (Attachment 17)

2A531F STS MATRIX (B-52) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A5.2.2.1. A5.2.2.2. A5.2.2.3. A5. A5. A5.2.3.4. A5. A5.2.4.1. A5.2.4.2. A5.3.1. A5.3.2.2. A5.3.3.1. A5.3.7. A5.3.8.3. A5.3.8.6. A5.4.1. A5.4.2.1. A5.5.1. A5. A5. A5. A5. A5. A5. A5.6.1. A5. A5. A5. A5. A5.6.1.3. A5.7.1. A5.7.3.1. A5.7.3.2. A5.7.4.2. A5.7.5. A5.8.1. A5.8.2.1. A5.8.2.2. A5.8.2.4. TASK Operate entry door/hatch Operate bomb bay door Operate emergency doors/hatches Remove/Install Afterbody Cowling Remove/Install Wrap Cowling Remove/install panels Serviceability of aircraft windows Open/close Afterbody cowling Open/close radomes Landing gear components and system operation Operate brakes Remove/install wheel and tire assemblies Determine serviceability of aircraft tires Inflate/deflate MLG struts Inflate/deflate MLG tires Utility components and system operation Service oxygen system Flight control components and system operation Operate spoilers Operate elevators Operate rudder Operate flaps Operate horizontal stabilizer Operate Air Brakes Hydraulic components and system operation Service hydraulic reservoir Service hydraulic accumulator Partial drain hydraulic reservoir Electrically operated pump Perform leakage check Engine components and system operation Service oil system Service constant speed drive Remove/install starter cartridge Take engine oil sample Fuel components and system operation Refuel team member Refuel Team panel operator Filler neck refuel Phase 1 Phase 2 2b A 1b 2b/b 2b/b 2b A 2b/b A A 2b 1b 2b 2b 2b A 1b A 2b 2b a 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b 2b 2b a A 2b/b 2b/b 2b/b 2b A a a a

240 (Attachment 17)

2A531F STS MATRIX (B-52) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A5.8.3.1. A5.8.3.2. A5.8.3.6. A5.8.4. A5.8.6.1. A5.9.1. A5.9.2.1. A5.9.2.2. A5.9.3.4. A5.9.4. A5.9.5. A5.10.1. A5.10.2. A5.10.3. A5.11.1. A5.11.4. TASK Defuel team member Defuel team panel operator Fuel sump drain Ground transfer fuel Operate IFR doors Electrical components and system operation Operate lighting system Operate indicator warning lights Remove/install batteries Connect/Apply external electrical power Disconnect external electrical power Egress components and system operation Operate seat adjustment Remove/install safety pins Drag chute system components and system operation Remove/install chute assembly Phase 1 Phase 2 a a a a 2b A 2b 2b/b 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 1b

241 (Attachment 17)

2A531B STS MATRIX (C-130) STS 2A5X1 Note 1: The following matrix defines specific sources for training required to achieve an apprentice (3) skill level appropriate to C-130 aircraft, as identified in attachment 6, column 4A, to this CFETP. Training is separated into different phases/locations as indicated below. The contents of each phase are shown by the proficiency codes listed under the appropriate column headings in the matrix. COURSE NR J3AQR2A531B017A Blocks I thru 3 J3AQR2A531B017A Blocks 4 thru 10 J3ABP2A531B017A* TITLE Aerospace Maintenance Fundamentals Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (C-130) Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (C-130) LOCATION Sheppard AFB, TX. Sheppard AFB, TX Little Rock AFB AR PHASE 1 2 3

*Awards 3-level AFSC Note 3: The use of TOs, support equipment, tools and hardware, to include all applicable safety and inspection requirements, needed to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout all phases of training to the level of the associated tasks.
STS ELEMENT A2.1.1. A2.1.2. A2.3.1. A2.3.2.1. A2.3.2.2. A2.3.2.3. A2.3.2.4. A2.3.2.5. A2.3.2.6. A2.3.2.7. A2.3.2.8. A2.3.2.9. A2.3.2.10. A2.3.2.11. A2.3.2.12. A2.3.2.13. A. A2.3.3.1. A2.3.3.2. A2.3.3.3. A2.3.4. A2.3.7. TASK Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 Duties of AFS 2A5X1 Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to engine air intake and exhaust Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to turbine, propeller, rotor plane of rotation Safety precautions pertaining to radio frequency radiation Safety precautions pertaining to ground handling of aircraft Safety precautions pertaining to hot brakes Safety precautions pertaining to use of tools and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to servicing aircraft systems Safety precautions pertaining to cleaning agents Safety precautions pertaining to solvents Safety precautions pertaining to lubricants Safety precautions pertaining to high pressure gasses Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft explosive equipment Safety precautions pertaining to composite materials Inspect fire extinguisher Position fire extinguisher Operate fire extinguisher Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program Use AF Form 1492 Phase 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2b b b A A Phase 2 Phase 3 -

242 (Attachment 18)

2A531B STS MATRIX (C-130) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.3.6.1. A2.3.6.2. A2.4.1. A2.4.2. A2.4.3. A2.8.1. A2.8.2.1. A2.8.2.2. A2.8.2.3. A2.8.2.4. A2.8.2.5. A2.8.2.6. A2.8.2.8. A2.8.2.9. A2.8.3.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.8.3.3. A2.9.1. A2.9.5.1. A2.9.5.2. A2.9.6.1. A2.9.6.2. A2.9.7.1. A2.9.7.2. A2.9.7.3. A2.9.8. A2.9.9. A2.9.10. A2.9.11. A2.9.12.1. A2.9.12.2. A2.9.13.1. A2.9.13.2. A2.9.13.3. TASK Hazardous chemicals use Hazardous chemicals disposal Technical order (TO) system Air Force manuals and instructions Use technical orders MDD fundamentals Purpose of aircraft and supporting maintenance records Automated forms Document AFTO Form 781H Document AFTO Form 781A Document AFTO Form 781J Document AFTO Form 781K Document AFTO Form 244/245 Document AFTO Form 350 Purpose IMDS Purpose of Job Data Documentation (JDD) Access JDD Create maintenance event Defer maintenance event Schedule maintenance event Close maintenance event Use IMDS Tool control Purpose of hardware Remove/install common hardware Purpose of electrical connectors Connect/disconnect electrical connectors Purpose of securing devices Install/remove safety wire Install/remove cotter pins Lubricants Sealants Adhesives Cleaning agents Purpose of common hand tools Select and use common hand tools Purpose of measuring tools Select and use ruler Select and use thickness gauge Phase 1 A A A A 1b A A A 1b 1b 1b 1b a 1b A A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b A A 2b A 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A 2b A 2b 2b Phase 2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b Phase 3 -

243 (Attachment 18)

2A531B STS MATRIX (C-130) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.9.13.5. A2.10.1. A2.10.3. A2.11.4.1. A2.11.4.2. A2.11.4.3. A2.11.4.4. A2.11.5. A2.11.6. A2.11.7. A.11.12.1. A2.12.1. A2.12.2. A2.13.1. A2.13.2.1. A2.13.2.2. A2.13.3.1. A2.13.3.2. A2.13.4. A2.14.1.2. A2.14.1.3. A2.14.1.4. A2.14.1.5. A2.14.1.6. A2.15.1. A2.15.2. A2.15.3. A2.16.1. A2.16.2.1. A2.16.2.2. A2.17.1. A2.17.2. A2.17.3. A2.18.1. A2.18.2. A2.19.1. A2.19.2. A2. A2. TASK Select and use torque wrench Maintenance supply concept Ordering parts Aircraft cleaning Corrosion identification Corrosion treatment Lubrication methods Aircraft inspection concepts/types Principles of ground handling Aircraft marshalling Aircraft guarded switches design/function/proper identification Airframe structure Remove/install airframe panels Landing gear system fundamentals Service shock strut Service tire Remove/install wheel and tire assembly Remove/install brake assembly Brake bleeding Oxygen system fundamentals Bleed air system fundamentals Pressurization system fundamentals Air condition system fundamentals Fire/overheat warning system fundamentals Flight control system fundamentals Flight control component identification Operate flight controls Hydraulic system fundamentals Service hydraulic system reservoir Service hydraulic system accumulator Engine system fundamentals Identify engine components Oil system servicing Fuel system fundamentals Operate fuel system AC electrical system fundamentals DC electrical system fundamentals Purpose and description of maintenance platforms Perform pre-use inspection of maintenance platforms Phase 1 2b A A A A A A A A b A A 1b A 1b 1b 1b 1b A A A A A A A A 1b A b b A A A A b A A A 2b Phase 2 Phase 3 -

244 (Attachment 18)

2A531B STS MATRIX (C-130) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2. A2.20.2.1. A2.20.2.2. A2.20.2.3. A2. A2. A2.20.6.1. A2.20.7.1. A2.20.8.1. A2.20.9.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.13.1. A2.20.13.2. A2.20.13.3. A2.20.16.1. A2.20.17.1. A6.1.1.1. A6.1.2.. A6.1.3. A6.1.4.1. A6.1.4.2. A6. A6. A6. A6.1.5.1. A6.1.5.3. A6.1.6.2. A6.1.6.3. A6. A6. A6. TASK Operate maintenance platforms Purpose and description of aircraft jacks Perform pre-use inspection of aircraft jacks Operate aircraft jacks Purpose and description of liquid oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of gaseous oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of ground heaters Purpose and description of lighting equipment Purpose and description of hydraulic test stands Purpose and description of air conditioning units Purpose and description of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/ compressor Operate A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Purpose and description of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Operate A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Purpose and description of diesel driven generators Perform pre-use inspection of diesel driven generators Operate diesel driven generators Purpose and description of self-generating nitrogen equipment Perform pre-use inspection of self-generating nitrogen equipment Operate self-generating nitrogen equipment Purpose and description of oil servicing carts Purpose and description of hydraulic servicing carts Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft containing ammunition/explosives Use standard and technical publications Maintain aircraft AFTO 781 series forms/supporting records Isochronal inspection concept Inspection principles Perform preflight inspection Perform thruflight inspection Perform basic postflight inspection Operate UHF radio Operate interphone Recover aircraft Moor aircraft Perform as brake operator during tow Perform as hand pump operator during tow Perform as wing walker during tow Phase 1 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A A A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A Phase 2 B 2b 2b B B 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b b 2b 1b 1b 1b Phase 3 3c 3c 3c 2b 3c 3c 3c

245 (Attachment 18)

2A531B STS MATRIX (C-130) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A6. A6. A6. A6.1.11.2. A6.2.1. A6.2.2.1. A6.2.2.2. A6.2.2.3. A6.2.3.1. A6.2.3.2. A6.2.3.3. A6.2.3.4. A6.2.3.5. A6.2.3.6. A6.2.4.2. A6.2.4.16. A6.2.4.17. A6.2.9.1. A6.3.1. A6.3.3.1 A6.3.3.2. A6.3.4. A6.3.5.1. A6.3.5.2. A6.3.5.3. A6.3.6.1. A6.4.1.1. A6.4.1.2. A6.4.1.3. A6.4.1.5. A6.4.1.7. A6.4.1.8. A6.4.1.9. A6.4.1.10. A6.4.2.1. A6.4.2.6. A6.4.2.9. A6.4.2.10. A6.4.5. TASK Perform as tail walker during tow Axle jack nose landing gear Axle jack main landing gear Perform 15 day flap track lube Airframe components and structure Principles of crew door operation Principles of aft cargo door and ramp operation Principles of paratroop door operation Operate aft cargo door using aux hyd sys electrically driven pump Operate cargo ramp using aux hyd sys electrically driven pump Operate aft cargo door using aux hyd sys hand pump Operate cargo ramp using aux hyd sys hand pump Operate paratroop doors Operate crew door Remove and install access panels Remove and install side emergency exit doors Remove and install forward and aft top emergency exit doors Remove and install nacelle access doors Landing gear components and system operation Service tires Service shock strut (alternate method) Determine serviceability of tires Remove and install NLG wheel and tire assembly Remove and install MLG wheel and tire assembly Remove and install brake assembly Bleed brake system Bleed air system components and system operation Wing overheat warning system components and system operation Air conditioning system components and system operation Anti-ice/de-ice system components and system operation Fire/overheat detection/warning system components and system operation Fire extinguishing system components and system operation Oxygen system components and system operation Air Turbine Motor (ATM) components and system operation Operate bleed air system Operate fire/overheat warning system Operate ATM Operate APU generator Service oxygen system Phase 1 Phase 2 1b 3c 3c 2b B B B B 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b B 3c 2b 2b 3c 3c 1b 1b B B B B B B B B 2b 2b 2b b 2b Phase 3 3c 3c

246 (Attachment 18)

2A531B STS MATRIX (C-130) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A6.5.1.1. A6.5.1.2. A6.5.2.1. A6.5.2.2. A6.5.3.1. A6.5.3.2. A6.5.4.1. A6.5.4.2. A6.6.1. A6.6.2.1. A6.6.2.2. A6.6.3. A6.7.1. A6.7.2. A6.7.3. A6.7.4.2. A6.7.4.3. A6.7.5.1. A6.7.5.2. A6.7.5.3. A6.7.5.4. A6.8.1. A6.8.2. A6.9.1. A6. A6. A6. A6.9.2.3. A6.10.1. A6.10.2. A6.10.3.2. A6.10.4.2. TASK Aileron system components and system operation Operate aileron system Rudder system components and system operation Operate rudder system Elevator system components and system operation Operate elevator system Flap system components and system operation Operate flap system Hydraulic system components and system operation Service hydraulic reservoir Service hydraulic accumulator Operate auxiliary hydraulic system Power plant components and system operation APU components and system operation GTC components and system operation Operate APU Operate Gas Turbine Compressor (GTC) Service engine oil system Service APU oil tank Service GTC oil tank Service engine starter Propeller components and system operation Service propeller Fuel system components and system operation Perform as single point refueling panel operator (refuel) Perform as single point refueling panel operator (defuel) Perform as flight station panel operator (defuel) Perform ground fuel transfer Electrical system components and system operation Connect and disconnect external electrical power Perform operational check of lighting system Remove and install airplane and SCNS batteries Phase 1 Phase 2 B 2b B 2b B 2b B 2b B 2b 2b 2b B B B b 2b 2b b 2b 2b B 3c B 1b b b 2b B 3c 2b 2b Phase 3 2b -

247 (Attachment 18)

2A531G STS MATRIX (C-135) STS 2A5X1 Note 1: The following matrix defines specific sources for training required to achieve an apprentice (3) skill level appropriate to C-135 aircraft, as identified in attachment 8, column 4A, to this CFETP. Training is separated into different phases/locations as indicated below. The contents of each phase are shown by the proficiency codes listed under the appropriate column headings in the matrix. COURSE NR J3ABR2A531G018A Blocks I thru 3 J3ABR2A531G018A Blocks 4 thru 6 *Awards 3-level AFSC Note 2: The use of TOs, support equipment, tools and hardware, to include all applicable safety and inspection requirements, needed to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout all phases of training to the level of the associated tasks.
STS ELEMENT A2.1.1. A2.1.2. A2.3.1. A2.3.2.1. A2.3.2.2. A2.3.2.3. A2.3.2.4. A2.3.2.5. A2.3.2.6. A2.3.2.7. A2.3.2.8. A2.3.2.9. A2.3.2.10. A2.3.2.11. A2.3.2.12. A2.3.2.13. A. A2.3.3.1. A2.3.3.2. A2.3.3.3. A2.3.4. A2.3.7. A2.3.6.1. A2.3.6.2. TASK Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 Duties of AFS 2A5X1 Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to engine air intake and exhaust Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to turbine, propeller, rotor plane of rotation Safety precautions pertaining to radio frequency radiation Safety precautions pertaining to ground handling of aircraft Safety precautions pertaining to hot brakes Safety precautions pertaining to use of tools and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to servicing aircraft systems Safety precautions pertaining to cleaning agents Safety precautions pertaining to solvents Safety precautions pertaining to lubricants Safety precautions pertaining to high pressure gasses Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft explosive equipment Safety precautions pertaining to composite materials Inspect fire extinguisher Position fire extinguisher Operate fire extinguisher Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program Use AF Form 1492 Hazardous chemicals use Hazardous chemicals disposal Phase 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2b b b A A A A Phase 2 -

TITLE Aerospace Maintenance Fundamentals Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (C-135)

LOCATION Sheppard AFB, TX. Sheppard AFB, TX


248 (Attachment 19)

2A531G STS MATRIX (C-135) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.4.1. A2.4.2. A2.4.3. A2.8.1. A2.8.2.1. A2.8.2.2. A2.8.2.3. A2.8.2.4. A2.8.2.5. A2.8.2.6. A2.8.2.8. A2.8.2.9. A2.8.3.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.8.3.3. A2.9.1. A2.9.5.1. A2.9.5.2. A2.9.6.1. A2.9.6.2. A2.9.7.1. A2.9.7.2. A2.9.7.3. A2.9.8. A2.9.9. A2.9.10. A2.9.11. A2.9.12.1. A2.9.12.2. A2.9.13.1. A2.9.13.2. A2.9.13.3. A2.9.13.5. A2.10.1. TASK Technical order (TO) system Air Force manuals and instructions Use technical orders MDD fundamentals Purpose of aircraft and supporting maintenance records Automated forms Document AFTO Form 781H Document AFTO Form 781A Document AFTO Form 781J Document AFTO Form 781K Document AFTO Form 244/245 Document AFTO Form 350 Purpose IMDS Purpose of Job Data Documentation (JDD) Access JDD Create maintenance event Defer maintenance event Schedule maintenance event Close maintenance event Use IMDS Tool control Purpose of hardware Remove/install common hardware Purpose of electrical connectors Connect/disconnect electrical connectors Purpose of securing devices Install/remove safety wire Install/remove cotter pins Lubricants Sealants Adhesives Cleaning agents Purpose of common hand tools Select and use common hand tools Purpose of measuring tools Select and use ruler Select and use thickness gauge Select and use torque wrench Maintenance supply concept Phase 1 A A 1b A A A 1b 1b 1b 1b a 1b A A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b A A 2b A 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A 2b A 2b 2b 2b A Phase2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b -

249 (Attachment 19)

2A531G STS MATRIX (C-135) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.10.3. A2.11.4.1. A2.11.4.2. A2.11.4.3. A2.11.4.4. A2.11.5. A2.11.6. A2.11.7. A.11.12.1. A2.12.1. A2.12.2. A2.13.1. A2.13.2.1. A2.13.2.2. A2.13.3.1. A2.13.3.2. A2.13.4. A2.14.1.2. A2.14.1.3. A2.14.1.4. A2.14.1.5. A2.14.1.6. A2.15.1. A2.15.2. A2.15.3. A2.16.1. A2.16.2.1. A2.16.2.2. A2.17.1. A2.17.2. A2.17.3. A2.18.1. A2.18.2. A2.19.1. A2.19.2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.2.1. TASK Ordering parts Aircraft cleaning Corrosion identification Corrosion treatment Lubrication methods Aircraft inspection concepts/types Principles of ground handling Aircraft marshalling Aircraft guarded switches design/function/proper identification Airframe structure Remove/install airframe panels Landing gear system fundamentals Service shock strut Service tire Remove/install wheel and tire assembly Remove/install brake assembly Brake bleeding Oxygen system fundamentals Bleed air system fundamentals Pressurization system fundamentals Air condition system fundamentals Fire/overheat warning system fundamentals Flight control system fundamentals Flight control component identification Operate flight controls Hydraulic system fundamentals Service hydraulic system reservoir Service hydraulic system accumulator Engine system fundamentals Identify engine components Oil system servicing Fuel system fundamentals Operate fuel system AC electrical system fundamentals DC electrical system fundamentals Purpose and description of maintenance platforms Perform pre-use inspection of maintenance platforms Operate maintenance platforms Purpose and description of aircraft jacks Phase 1 A A A A A A A b A A 1b A 1b 1b 1b 1b A A A A A A A A 1b A b b A A A A b A A A 2b 2b A Phase2 -

250 (Attachment 19)

2A531G STS MATRIX (C-135) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.20.2.2. A2.20.2.3. A2. A2. A2.20.6.1. A2.20.7.1. A2.20.8.1. A2.20.9.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.13.1. A2.20.13.2. A2.20.13.3. A2.20.16.1. A2.20.17.1. A8.1.1.1. A8. A8. A8. A8. A8.1.2.2. A8.1.3.1. A8.1.3.2. A8.1.3.3. A8. A8. A8. A8.1.4. A8.1.5.1. A8.1.5.2. A8.1.6. A8.2.1. TASK Perform pre-use inspection of aircraft jacks Operate aircraft jacks Purpose and description of liquid oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of gaseous oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of ground heaters Purpose and description of lighting equipment Purpose and description of hydraulic test stands Purpose and description of air conditioning units Purpose and description of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/ compressor Operate A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Purpose and description of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Operate A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Purpose and description of diesel driven generators Perform pre-use inspection of diesel driven generators Operate diesel driven generators Purpose and description of self-generating nitrogen equipment Perform pre-use inspection of self-generating nitrogen equipment Operate self-generating nitrogen equipment Purpose and description of oil servicing carts Purpose and description of hydraulic servicing carts Periodic/Isochronal inspection concept Perform preflight inspections Perform Thruflight Inspection Perform Pre-Launch Inspection (PLI) Perform Home Station Check/Hourly Postflight Use interphone Aircraft launch Call flight controls Aircraft recovery Perform duties as Wing/tail walker Perform duties as Brake operator Axle jacking Compute center of gravity Install/remove landing gear ground safety devices Install/remove landing gear doors ground safety devices Ground aircraft Airframe components and structure Phase 1 2b 2b A A A A A A A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A Phase2 A 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b/a b 2b b b b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b A

251 (Attachment 19)

2A531G STS MATRIX (C-135) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A8.2.3.1. A8.2.3.2. A8.2.3.3. A8.2.3.4. A8.2.4.1. A8.2.5.2. A8.2.9. A8.3.1. A8.3.2.2. A8.3.3.1. A8.3.3.2. A8. A8. A8. A8.3.3.4. A8. A8. A8.3.5.4. A8. A8.3.6.1. A8.3.7. A8.3.8. A8.4.1. A8.4.3.1. A8.4.5.1. A8.4.5.2. A8.5.1. A8.5.2.1. A8.5.2.2. A8.5.2.3. A8.5.2.4. A8.5.2.5. A8.5.2.6. A8.6.1. A8.6.2.1. A8.6.2.2. A8.6.3. A8.6.4.2. A8.7.1. TASK Operate crew entry door Operate cargo door Operate emergency exit hatch Operate wheel well doors Open and close cowling (F-108) Remove and install cowling (TF-33) Use C-135 aircraft technical orders Landing gear components and system operation Operate brakes Service snubber Service centering cylinder Deflate landing gear struts Fill landing gear struts Inflate landing gear struts Service tires Remove and install Nose wheel and tire assemblies Remove and install Main wheel and tire assemblies Remove and install anti-skid transducer Remove and install steel brake assemblies Bleed brake assembly (steel) Determine serviceability of aircraft tires Inspect landing gear system Utility components and system operation Service Gaseous oxygen Drain ACM Service ACM Flight control components and system operation Operate aileron system Operate rudder system Operate elevator system Operate spoiler/speed brake system Operate stabilizer trim system Operate flap system Hydraulic components and system operation Service reservoir Service accumulator Inspect major hydraulic system components Operate non-engine driven hydraulic pump Engine and APU components and system operation Phase 1 Phase 2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b/b 1b 2b A 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b A 2b b b A 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b 2b 2b A

252 (Attachment 19)

2A531G STS MATRIX (C-135) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A8.7.4.1. A8.7.7. A8.7.8.1. A8.7.8.2. A8.7.9. A8.8.1. A8.8.3.1. A8.8.4.1. A8.8.4.2. A8.8.5.1. A8.8.5.2. A8. A8. A8. A8. A8. A8. A8.9.1. A8.9.2. A8.9.3.2. A8.9.4.3. A8.9.6. A8.10.1. TASK Service engine oil system Inspect chip detectors Inspect installed engine turbine Inspect installed engine compressor Inspect APU Fuel components and system operation Ground transfer fuel wing tank transfer Refuel team member Refuel team panel operator Defuel team member Defuel team panel operator Inspect boom Install/remove boom sling Drain boom Service boom shock absorber Service boom hoist reservoir Service surge boots Electrical components and system operation Switch guards Perform operational check on lighting system Remove and install batteries Connect/apply and disconnect external electrical power Egress components and system operation Phase 1 Phase2 b b 1b 1b 2b A b b b b b 2b 2b b 2b b 2b A A 2b 2b/b 2b A

253 (Attachment 19)

2A531D STS MATRIX (C-17) STS 2A5X1 Note 1: The following matrix defines specific sources for training required to achieve an apprentice (3) skill level appropriate to C-17 aircraft, as identified in attachment 9, column 4A, to this CFETP. Training is separated into different phases/locations as indicated below. Course J3AQR2A531D007A is the same as Course J3ATR2A531 048A; they are multi-identified for student scheduling purposes. The contents of each phase are shown by the proficiency codes listed under the appropriate column headings in the matrix. COURSE NR J3ATR2A531 048A TITLE LOCATION Aerospace Maintenance Sheppard AFB, TX. Fundamentals (Also identified as J3AQR2A531D007A Aircraft Maintenance Apprentice (C-17) J3ABP2A531D 023* Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (C-17) Charleston AFB, SC (TD) McChord AFB, WA (TD) PHASE 1

*Awards 3-level AFSC Note 2: The use of TOs, support equipment, tools and hardware, to include all applicable safety and inspection requirements, needed to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout all phases of training to the level of the associated tasks.
STS ELEMENT A2.1.1. A2.1.2. A2.3.1. A2.3.2.1. A2.3.2.2. A2.3.2.3. A2.3.2.4. A2.3.2.5. A2.3.2.6. A2.3.2.7. A2.3.2.8. A2.3.2.9. A2.3.2.10. A2.3.2.11. A2.3.2.12. A2.3.2.13. A. A2.3.3.1. A2.3.3.2. A2.3.3.3. A2.3.4. TASK Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 Duties of AFS 2A5X1 Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to engine air intake and exhaust Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to turbine, propeller, rotor plane of rotation Safety precautions pertaining to radio frequency radiation Safety precautions pertaining to ground handling of aircraft Safety precautions pertaining to hot brakes Safety precautions pertaining to use of tools and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to servicing aircraft systems Safety precautions pertaining to cleaning agents Safety precautions pertaining to solvents Safety precautions pertaining to lubricants Safety precautions pertaining to high pressure gasses Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft explosive equipment Safety precautions pertaining to composite materials Inspect fire extinguisher Position fire extinguisher Operate fire extinguisher Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program Phase 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2b b b A Phase 2 -

254 (Attachment 20)

2A531D STS MATRIX (C-17) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.3.7. A2.3.6.1. A2.3.6.2. A2.4.1. A2.4.2. A2.4.3. A2.8.1. A2.8.2.1. A2.8.2.2. A2.8.2.3. A2.8.2.4. A2.8.2.5. A2.8.2.6. A2.8.2.8. A2.8.2.9. A2.8.3.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.8.3.3. A2.9.1. A2.9.5.1. A2.9.5.2. A2.9.6.1. A2.9.6.2. A2.9.7.1. A2.9.7.2. A2.9.7.3. A2.9.8. A2.9.9. A2.9.10. A2.9.11. A2.9.12.1. A2.9.12.2. A2.9.13.1. A2.9.13.2. TASK Use AF Form 1492 Hazardous chemicals use Hazardous chemicals disposal Technical order (TO) system Air Force manuals and instructions Use technical orders MDD fundamentals Purpose of aircraft and supporting maintenance records Automated forms Document AFTO Form 781H Document AFTO Form 781A Document AFTO Form 781J Document AFTO Form 781K Document AFTO Form 244/245 Document AFTO Form 350 Purpose IMDS Purpose of Job Data Documentation (JDD) Access JDD Create maintenance event Defer maintenance event Schedule maintenance event Close maintenance event Use IMDS Tool control Purpose of hardware Remove/install common hardware Purpose of electrical connectors Connect/disconnect electrical connectors Purpose of securing devices Install/remove safety wire Install/remove cotter pins Lubricants Sealants Adhesives Cleaning agents Purpose of common hand tools Select and use common hand tools Purpose of measuring tools Select and use ruler Phase 1 A A A A A 1b A A A 1b 1b 1b 1b a 1b A A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b A A 2b A 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A 2b A 2b Phase2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b -

255 (Attachment 20)

2A531D STS MATRIX (C-17) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.9.13.3. A2.9.13.5. A2.10.1. A2.10.3. A2.11.4.1. A2.11.4.2. A2.11.4.3. A2.11.4.4. A2.11.5. A2.11.6. A2.11.7. A.11.12.1. A2.12.1. A2.12.2. A2.13.1. A2.13.2.1. A2.13.2.2. A2.13.3.1. A2.13.3.2. A2.13.4. A2.14.1.2. A2.14.1.3. A2.14.1.4. A2.14.1.5. A2.14.1.6. A2.15.1. A2.15.2. A2.15.3. A2.16.1. A2.16.2.1. A2.16.2.2. A2.17.1. A2.17.2. A2.17.3. A2.18.1. A2.18.2. A2.19.1. A2.19.2. A2. TASK Select and use thickness gauge Select and use torque wrench Maintenance supply concept Ordering parts Aircraft cleaning Corrosion identification Corrosion treatment Lubrication methods Aircraft inspection concepts/types Principles of ground handling Aircraft marshalling Aircraft guarded switches design/function/proper identification Airframe structure Remove/install airframe panels Landing gear system fundamentals Service shock strut Service tire Remove/install wheel and tire assembly Remove/install brake assembly Brake bleeding Oxygen system fundamentals Bleed air system fundamentals Pressurization system fundamentals Air condition system fundamentals Fire/overheat warning system fundamentals Flight control system fundamentals Flight control component identification Operate flight controls Hydraulic system fundamentals Service hydraulic system reservoir Service hydraulic system accumulator Engine system fundamentals Identify engine components Oil system servicing Fuel system fundamentals Operate fuel system AC electrical system fundamentals DC electrical system fundamentals Purpose and description of maintenance platforms Phase 1 2b 2b A A A A A A A A b A A 1b A 1b 1b 1b 1b A A A A A A A A 1b A b b A A A A b A A A Phase2 -

256 (Attachment 20)

2A531D STS MATRIX (C-17) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2. A2. A2.20.2.1. A2.20.2.2. A2.20.2.3. A2. A2. A2.20.6.1. A2.20.7.1. A2.20.8.1. A2.20.9.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.13.1. A2.20.13.2. A2.20.13.3. A2.20.16.1. A2.20.17.1. A9.1.1.1. A9. A9. A9.1.1.2. A9.1.1.3. A9.1.1.4. A9.1.1.5. A9.1.2. A9. A9. A9. A9.1.4.2. A9.1.4.3. A9.1.4.4. TASK Perform pre-use inspection of maintenance platforms Operate maintenance platforms Purpose and description of aircraft jacks Perform pre-use inspection of aircraft jacks Operate aircraft jacks Purpose and description of liquid oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of gaseous oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of ground heaters Purpose and description of lighting equipment Purpose and description of hydraulic test stands Purpose and description of air conditioning units Purpose and description of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/ compressor Operate A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Purpose and description of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Operate A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Purpose and description of diesel driven generators Perform pre-use inspection of diesel driven generators Operate diesel driven generators Purpose and description of self-generating nitrogen equipment Perform pre-use inspection of self-generating nitrogen equipment Operate self-generating nitrogen equipment Purpose and description of oil servicing carts Purpose and description of hydraulic servicing carts Safe for maintenance Safety precautions for statically ground aircraft Safety precautions for remove/install ground safety Safety precautions for danger areas Safety precautions for aircraft containing ammunition/explosives Safety precautions for radar Safety precautions for LAIRCM equipped aircraft Use C-17 technical orders Preflight inspection Operate IRMS Operate COMM Operate Mission Computing System (MCD/MCK) Operate Multi Function display (MFD) Operate Maintenance Monitor Panel (MMP) Phase 1 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A A A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A Phase 2 A 3c 3c A A A A 3c 2b 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c

257 (Attachment 20)

2A531D STS MATRIX (C-17) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A9.1.4.5. A9.1.5.1. A9.1.5.2. A9. A9. A9. A9. A9. A9.1.5.7. A9.1.6.1. A9.1.6.2. A9.1.9.1. A9.1.9.2. A9.1.9.4. A9.1.9.5. A9.1.9.6. A9.1.10.5. A9.2.1. A9.2.3.1. A9.2.3.2. A9. A9. A9. A9. A9. A9.2.5.1. A9.3.1. A9. A9. A9.3.2.3. A9. A9.3.2.5. A9.3.3.1. A9.3.3.2. A9. A9.3.3.3. A9.3.3.5. A9.3.4. A9.3.6. TASK Operate interphone for maintenance Launch aircraft Recover aircraft Prepare aircraft for tow Wing/tail walker Brake operator Hand pump operator Integral jacking team member NLG axle jacking Operational checkout cargo winch Service cargo winch Configure aircraft for Aeromedical evacuation Configure aircraft for Logistics Configure aircraft for Troop drop Configure aircraft for Aerial Delivery System (ADS) Configure aircraft for Container Delivery System ADS controller Airframe components and structure Perform operational checkout of Crew entry doors Perform operational checkout of Troop doors Open/close from aft loadmaster panel Fuselage/wing access entry/exit Under floor maintenance tunnels entry/exit Vertical stabilizer entry/exit Horizontal stabilizer entry/exit Emergency doors Landing gear component and system operation Service MLG shock strut nitrogen Service NLG shock strut nitrogen Service NLG tires Determine serviceability of aircraft tires Service brake accumulator Remove/install main wheel and tire assemblies Remove/install brake assemblies Determine serviceability of aircraft brakes Remove/install nose wheel and tire assemblies Remove/install brake compensating link Bleed brake system Disconnect/connect NLG torque arms Phase 1 Phase2 3c 2b 2b 3c 2b 2b 3c 2b 2b 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c A 3c 3c 2b 3c 3c 3c 2b 3c A 3c 3c 3c A 3c 2b 2b A 2b 2b 2b 3c

258 (Attachment 20)

2A531D STS MATRIX (C-17) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A9.4.1.1. A9.4.1.2. A9.4.1.3. A9.4.1.4. A9.4.1.5. A9.4.1.6. A9.4.1.7. A9.4.1.8. A9.4.1.9. A9.4.1.10. A9.4.1.11. A9.4.3.1. A9.5.1. A9.5.4.1. A9.5.4.2. A9.5.4.3. A9.6.1.1. A9.6.1.2. A9.6.2.1. A9.6.2.5. A9.6.5.2. A9.7.1. A9.7.3. A9.7.4.1. A9.7.4.2. A9.7.4.3. A9.7.6.1. A9.7.6.2. A9.7.6.3. A9.7.8. A9.8.1. A9.8.3.2. A9.8.4.2. A9.8.10. A9.8.11. A9.9.1. A9.9.2.3. A9.9.4.4. A9.9.5. TASK Bleed air system Manifold failure warning system Air conditioning system Pressurization system Anti-ice/de-ice system Rain removal/windshield wiper system Fire/overheat warning system Fire extinguisher system Smoke detection system Water and waste system Onboard Inert Gas Generating System (OBIGGS) Liquid oxygen Flight control fundamentals, components, and system operation Operate slats Operate flaps Operate horizontal stabilizer Hydraulic system fundamentals components, and system operation Ram air turbine Service reservoir Service bleed reservoir Operate auxiliary hydraulic pump Engine and APU components and system operation Operate APU Service engine oil system Service integrated drive generator Service APU oil system Open and close trust/fan reverser duct assembly Open and close APU access door Open and close engine accessory doors Hydraulically deploy/stow thrust reversers Fuel system components and system operation Refuel fuel panel operator Defuel fuel panel operator Ground transfer fuel from overhead fuel panel Ground transfer fuel from ground refueling control panel Electrical system components and operation Remove/install main batteries Perform operational check on batteries Connect/disconnect external electrical power Phase 1 Phase2 A A A A A A A A A A A 2b A 3c 3c 3c A A 3c 3c 3c A 2b 3c 3c 3c 2b 3c 3c 3c A 2b 2b 2b 2b A 3c 3c 3c

259 (Attachment 20)

2A531D STS MATRIX (C-17) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A9.10.1. A9.10.5. TASK Egress components and system operation FEDS awareness Phase 1 Phase2 A A

260 (Attachment 20)

2A531C STS MATRIX (C-5) STS 2A5X1 Note 1: The following matrix defines specific sources for training required to achieve an apprentice (3) skill level appropriate to C-5 aircraft, as identified in attachment 10, column 4A, to this CFETP. Training is separated into different phases/locations as indicated below. Course J3AQR2A531C004A is the same as course J3ATR2A531 048A; they are multi-identified for student scheduling purposes. The contents of each phase are shown by the proficiency codes listed under the appropriate column headings in the matrix. COURSE NR J3ATR2A531 048A TITLE LOCATION Aerospace Maintenance Sheppard AFB, TX. Fundamentals (Also identified as J3AQR2A531C004A, Aircraft maintenance Apprentice (C-5) J3ABP2A531C 000* Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (C-5) Dover AFB, MD PHASE 1

*Awards 3-level AFSC Note 2: The use of TOs, support equipment, tools and hardware, to include all applicable safety and inspection requirements, needed to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout all phases of training to the level of the associated tasks.
STS ELEMENT A2.1.1. A2.1.2. A2.3.1. A2.3.2.1. A2.3.2.2. A2.3.2.3. A2.3.2.4. A2.3.2.5. A2.3.2.6. A2.3.2.7. A2.3.2.8. A2.3.2.9. A2.3.2.10. A2.3.2.11. A2.3.2.12. A2.3.2.13. A. A2.3.3.1. A2.3.3.2. A2.3.3.3. A2.3.4. TASK Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 Duties of AFS 2A5X1 Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to engine air intake and exhaust Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to turbine, propeller, rotor plane of rotation Safety precautions pertaining to radio frequency radiation Safety precautions pertaining to ground handling of aircraft Safety precautions pertaining to hot brakes Safety precautions pertaining to use of tools and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to servicing aircraft systems Safety precautions pertaining to cleaning agents Safety precautions pertaining to solvents Safety precautions pertaining to lubricants Safety precautions pertaining to high pressure gasses Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft explosive equipment Safety precautions pertaining to composite materials Inspect fire extinguisher Position fire extinguisher Operate fire extinguisher Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program Phase 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2b b b A Phase 2 -

261 (Attachment 21)


STS ELEMENT A2.3.7. A2.3.6.1. A2.3.6.2. A2.4.1. A2.4.2. A2.4.3. A2.8.1. A2.8.2.1. A2.8.2.2. A2.8.2.3. A2.8.2.4. A2.8.2.5. A2.8.2.6. A2.8.2.8. A2.8.2.9. A2.8.3.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.8.3.3. A2.9.1. A2.9.5.1. A2.9.5.2. A2.9.6.1. A2.9.6.2. A2.9.7.1. A2.9.7.2. A2.9.7.3. A2.9.8. A2.9.9. A2.9.10. A2.9.11. A2.9.12.1. A2.9.12.2. A2.9.13.1. A2.9.13.2. TASK Use AF Form 1492 Hazardous chemicals use Hazardous chemicals disposal Technical order (TO) system Air Force manuals and instructions Use technical orders MDD fundamentals Purpose of aircraft and supporting maintenance records Automated forms Document AFTO Form 781H Document AFTO Form 781A Document AFTO Form 781J Document AFTO Form 781K Document AFTO Form 244/245 Document AFTO Form 350 Purpose IMDS Purpose of Job Data Documentation (JDD) Access JDD Create maintenance event Defer maintenance event Schedule maintenance event Close maintenance event Use IMDS Tool control Purpose of hardware Remove/install common hardware Purpose of electrical connectors Connect/disconnect electrical connectors Purpose of securing devices Install/remove safety wire Install/remove cotter pins Lubricants Sealants Adhesives Cleaning agents Purpose of common hand tools Select and use common hand tools Purpose of measuring tools Select and use ruler Phase 1 A A A A A 1b A A A 1b 1b 1b 1b a 1b A A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b A A 2b A 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A 2b A 2b Phase2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b -

262 (Attachment 21)


STS ELEMENT A2.9.13.3. A2.9.13.5. A2.10.1. A2.10.3. A2.11.4.1. A2.11.4.2. A2.11.4.3. A2.11.4.4. A2.11.5. A2.11.6. A2.11.7. A.11.12.1. A2.12.1. A2.12.2. A2.13.1. A2.13.2.1. A2.13.2.2. A2.13.3.1. A2.13.3.2. A2.13.4. A2.14.1.2. A2.14.1.3. A2.14.1.4. A2.14.1.5. A2.14.1.6. A2.15.1. A2.15.2. A2.15.3. A2.16.1. A2.16.2.1. A2.16.2.2. A2.17.1. A2.17.2. A2.17.3. A2.18.1. A2.18.2. A2.19.1. A2.19.2. A2. TASK Select and use thickness gauge Select and use torque wrench Maintenance supply concept Ordering parts Aircraft cleaning Corrosion identification Corrosion treatment Lubrication methods Aircraft inspection concepts/types Principles of ground handling Aircraft marshalling Aircraft guarded switches design/function/proper identification Airframe structure Remove/install airframe panels Landing gear system fundamentals Service shock strut Service tire Remove/install wheel and tire assembly Remove/install brake assembly Brake bleeding Oxygen system fundamentals Bleed air system fundamentals Pressurization system fundamentals Air condition system fundamentals Fire/overheat warning system fundamentals Flight control system fundamentals Flight control component identification Operate flight controls Hydraulic system fundamentals Service hydraulic system reservoir Service hydraulic system accumulator Engine system fundamentals Identify engine components Oil system servicing Fuel system fundamentals Operate fuel system AC electrical system fundamentals DC electrical system fundamentals Purpose and description of maintenance platforms Phase 1 2b 2b A A A A A A A A b A A 1b A 1b 1b 1b 1b A A A A A A A A 1b A b b A A A A b A A A Phase2 -

263 (Attachment 21)


STS ELEMENT A2. A2. A2.20.2.1. A2.20.2.2. A2.20.2.3. A2. A2. A2.20.6.1. A2.20.7.1. A2.20.8.1. A2.20.9.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.13.1. A2.20.13.2. A2.20.13.3. A2.20.16.1. A2.20.17.1. A10.1.1.1. A10.1.1.2. A10.1.1.3. A10.1.1.4. A10.1.2. A10.1.3. A10.1.4.1. A10. A10. A10. A10. A10. A10.1.6.1. A10.1.6.2. TASK Perform pre-use inspection of maintenance platforms Operate maintenance platforms Purpose and description of aircraft jacks Perform pre-use inspection of aircraft jacks Operate aircraft jacks Purpose and description of liquid oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of gaseous oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of ground heaters Purpose and description of lighting equipment Purpose and description of hydraulic test stands Purpose and description of air conditioning units Purpose and description of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/ compressor Operate A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Purpose and description of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Operate A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Purpose and description of diesel driven generators Perform pre-use inspection of diesel driven generators Operate diesel driven generators Purpose and description of self-generating nitrogen equipment Perform pre-use inspection of self-generating nitrogen equipment Operate self-generating nitrogen equipment Purpose and description of oil servicing carts Purpose and description of hydraulic servicing carts Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to good housekeeping Safety precautions pertaining to danger areas Inspect and position ground fire extinguishers FOD prevention Use technical orders Isochronal inspection concept Perform preflight inspection Perform basic post flight inspection Operate UHF Operate VHF Operate interphone system Launch aircraft Recover aircraft Phase 1 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A A A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A Phase 2 B B B 2b B 2b B 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b b b

264 (Attachment 21)


STS ELEMENT A10.1.6.4. A10. A10. A10. A10. A10. A10. A10.2.1. A10.2.2.1. A10.2.2.2. A10.2.2.3. A10.2.2.4. A10.2.3.3. A10.2.3.4. A10.2.3.5. A10.2.4.1. A10.2.4.6. A10.2.5.2. A10.3.1. A10.3.2.2. A10.3.2.5. A10.3.3.1. A10.3.3.2. A10.3.3.3. A10.3.5.1. A10.3.5.2. A10.3.7. A10.4.1.1. A10.4.1.2. A10.4.1.3. A10.4.1.4. A10.4.1.5. A10.4.1.7. A10.4.1.8. A10.4.1.9. A10.4.1.10. A10.4.1.11. A10.4.1.12. A10.4.1.13. TASK Select and use restraint harnesses Tow procedures Prepare aircraft for tow Tow brake operator Fuselage Jacking Jacking team member duties Axle jacking Airframe components and structure Principles of operation crew entry door Principles of operation forward cargo door Principles of operation aft cargo door/ramp Principles of operation emergency exits Operate personnel doors Operate crew entry door Operate service doors Remove and install aircraft panels Remove and install cargo floor rollers Open and close escape hatches Landing gear components and system operation Operate brakes Operate individual kneel system Service shock strut Service pitch positioner Service tires Remove and install NLG wheel and tire assemblies Remove and install MLG wheel and tire assembly Determine serviceability of aircraft tires Bleed air system components and system operation Wing overheat warning system components and system operation Air conditioning system components and system operation Anti-ice/de-ice system components and system operation Pressurization system components and system operation Fire/overheat warning system components and system operation Smoke detection system components and system operation Eng /APU fire extinguishing system components and system operation Oxygen system components and system operation Air Turbine Motor (ATM) components and system operation Fire suppression system components and operation Deactivate/reactivate FSS system Phase 1 Phase 2 2b B B 2b B B 2b B B B B B 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b B 2b B 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b B B B B B B B B B B B 2b

265 (Attachment 21)


STS ELEMENT A10.4.2.1. A10.4.2.2. A10.4.2.3. A10.4.2.7. A10.4.2.11. A10.4.3.1. A10.4.3.2. A10.5.1. A10.6.1. A10.6.2.1. A10.6.2.2. A10.6.2.3. A10.6.3.2. A10.6.4.1. A10.6.4.2. A10.6.4.3. A10.6.5. A10.7.1. A10.7.2.2. A10. A10. A10. A10. A10.7.4. A10.7.7. A10.7.11. A10.7.13. A10.8.1. A10.8.2. A10.8.3.1. A10.8.3.5. A10.8.4.1. A10.8.4.5. A10.8.7.1. A10.9.1. A10.9.2.1. A10.9.2.2. A10.9.3.1. A10.9.3.2. TASK Operate bleed air system Test wing overheat warning system Operate air conditioning system Test fire/overheat warning system Operate ATM Service oxygen system Remove/service/reinstall portable oxygen bottles Flight control components and system operation Hydraulic system components and system operation Service reservoir Service accumulator Service ATM Operate ATM driven pump Remove and install hydraulic lines Remove and install hydraulic hoses Remove and install hydraulic fittings Reposition/ retorque hydraulic lines for minor leaks Engine and APU components and operation Operate APU Service engine oil system Service constant speed drive reservoir Service auxiliary power unit Service engine starter Open/close engine cowling Open and close APU access door Thrust reverser components and operation Lockout thrust reverser system Fuel system components and system operation Perform ground transfer of fuel Refuel preparation Refuel team member Defuel preparation Defuel team member Location of in-flight refueling system components and system operation Electrical system components and operation Operate interior/exterior lighting system Operate indicator warning lights Remove and install light lenses Remove and install light bulbs Phase 1 Phase 2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b B B 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b B 2b b b 2b b 2b 2b B 2b B 2b B b B b B B 2b 2b 2b 2b

266 (Attachment 21)


STS ELEMENT A10.9.3.3. A10.9.5. A10.10.1. A10.10.2. A10.11.1. TASK Remove and install battery Connect apply and disconnect external electrical power Egress system components and operation Inspect egress components Inspect and operate liquid oxygen servicing cart Phase 1 Phase 2 b 2b B b 2b

267 (Attachment 21)

2A531G STS MATRIX (E-3/E-8) STS 2A5X1 Note 1: The following matrix defines specific sources for training required to achieve an apprentice (3) skill level appropriate to E-3 and E-8 aircraft, as identified in attachment 12, column 4A, to this CFETP. Training is separated into different phases/locations as indicated below. Course J3AQR2A531G022A is the same as course J3ATR2A531 048A; they are multi-identified for student scheduling purposes. The contents of each phase are shown by the proficiency codes listed under the appropriate column headings in the matrix. COURSE NR J3ATR2A531 048A TITLE LOCATION Aerospace Maintenance Sheppard AFB, TX. Fundamentals (Also identified as J3AQR2A531G022A Aircraft maintenance Apprentice (E-3) J3ABP2A531G 002* Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (E-3/E-8) Tinker AFB, OK (TD) PHASE 1

*Awards 3-level AFSC Note 2: The use of TOs, support equipment, tools and hardware, to include all applicable safety and inspection requirements, needed to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout all phases of training to the level of the associated tasks.
STS ELEMENT A2.1.1. A2.1.2. A2.3.1. A2.3.2.1. A2.3.2.2. A2.3.2.3. A2.3.2.4. A2.3.2.5. A2.3.2.6. A2.3.2.7. A2.3.2.8. A2.3.2.9. A2.3.2.10. A2.3.2.11. A2.3.2.12. A2.3.2.13. A. A2.3.3.1. A2.3.3.2. A2.3.3.3. A2.3.4. TASK Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 Duties of AFS 2A5X1 Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to engine air intake and exhaust Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to turbine, propeller, rotor plane of rotation Safety precautions pertaining to radio frequency radiation Safety precautions pertaining to ground handling of aircraft Safety precautions pertaining to hot brakes Safety precautions pertaining to use of tools and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to servicing aircraft systems Safety precautions pertaining to cleaning agents Safety precautions pertaining to solvents Safety precautions pertaining to lubricants Safety precautions pertaining to high pressure gasses Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft explosive equipment Safety precautions pertaining to composite materials Inspect fire extinguisher Position fire extinguisher Operate fire extinguisher Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program Phase 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2b b b A Phase 2 -

268 (Attachment 22)

2A531G STS MATRIX (E-3/E-8) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.3.7. A2.3.6.1. A2.3.6.2. A2.4.1. A2.4.2. A2.4.3. A2.8.1. A2.8.2.1. A2.8.2.2. A2.8.2.3. A2.8.2.4. A2.8.2.5. A2.8.2.6. A2.8.2.8. A2.8.2.9. A2.8.3.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.8.3.3. A2.9.1. A2.9.5.1. A2.9.5.2. A2.9.6.1. A2.9.6.2. A2.9.7.1. A2.9.7.2. A2.9.7.3. A2.9.8. A2.9.9. A2.9.10. A2.9.11. A2.9.12.1. A2.9.12.2. A2.9.13.1. A2.9.13.2. TASK Use AF Form 1492 Hazardous chemicals use Hazardous chemicals disposal Technical order (TO) system Air Force manuals and instructions Use technical orders MDD fundamentals Purpose of aircraft and supporting maintenance records Automated forms Document AFTO Form 781H Document AFTO Form 781A Document AFTO Form 781J Document AFTO Form 781K Document AFTO Form 244/245 Document AFTO Form 350 Purpose IMDS Purpose of Job Data Documentation (JDD) Access JDD Create maintenance event Defer maintenance event Schedule maintenance event Close maintenance event Use IMDS Tool control Purpose of hardware Remove/install common hardware Purpose of electrical connectors Connect/disconnect electrical connectors Purpose of securing devices Install/remove safety wire Install/remove cotter pins Lubricants Sealants Adhesives Cleaning agents Purpose of common hand tools Select and use common hand tools Purpose of measuring tools Select and use ruler Phase 1 A A A A A 1b A A A 1b 1b 1b 1b a 1b A A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b A A 2b A 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A 2b A 2b Phase2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b -

269 (Attachment 22)

2A531G STS MATRIX (E-3/E-8) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2.9.13.3. A2.9.13.5. A2.10.1. A2.10.3. A2.11.4.1. A2.11.4.2. A2.11.4.3. A2.11.4.4. A2.11.5. A2.11.6. A2.11.7. A.11.12.1. A2.12.1. A2.12.2. A2.13.1. A2.13.2.1. A2.13.2.2. A2.13.3.1. A2.13.3.2. A2.13.4. A2.14.1.2. A2.14.1.3. A2.14.1.4. A2.14.1.5. A2.14.1.6. A2.15.1. A2.15.2. A2.15.3. A2.16.1. A2.16.2.1. A2.16.2.2. A2.17.1. A2.17.2. A2.17.3. A2.18.1. A2.18.2. A2.19.1. A2.19.2. A2. TASK Select and use thickness gauge Select and use torque wrench Maintenance supply concept Ordering parts Aircraft cleaning Corrosion identification Corrosion treatment Lubrication methods Aircraft inspection concepts/types Principles of ground handling Aircraft marshalling Aircraft guarded switches design/function/proper identification Airframe structure Remove/install airframe panels Landing gear system fundamentals Service shock strut Service tire Remove/install wheel and tire assembly Remove/install brake assembly Brake bleeding Oxygen system fundamentals Bleed air system fundamentals Pressurization system fundamentals Air condition system fundamentals Fire/overheat warning system fundamentals Flight control system fundamentals Flight control component identification Operate flight controls Hydraulic system fundamentals Service hydraulic system reservoir Service hydraulic system accumulator Engine system fundamentals Identify engine components Oil system servicing Fuel system fundamentals Operate fuel system AC electrical system fundamentals DC electrical system fundamentals Purpose and description of maintenance platforms Phase 1 2b 2b A A A A A A A A b A A 1b A 1b 1b 1b 1b A A A A A A A A 1b A b b A A A A b A A A Phase2 -

270 (Attachment 22)

2A531G STS MATRIX (E-3/E-8) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A2. A2. A2.20.2.1. A2.20.2.2. A2.20.2.3. A2. A2. A2.20.6.1. A2.20.7.1. A2.20.8.1. A2.20.9.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.13.1. A2.20.13.2. A2.20.13.3. A2.20.16.1. A2.20.17.1. A12.1.1.1. A12. A12. A12. A12.1.2.2. A12.1.3.1. A12.1.3.2. A12.1.3.3. A12. A12. A12.1.3.6. A12.2.1. A12.2.2.1. A12.2.2.2. TASK Perform pre-use inspection of maintenance platforms Operate maintenance platforms Purpose and description of aircraft jacks Perform pre-use inspection of aircraft jacks Operate aircraft jacks Purpose and description of liquid oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of gaseous oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of ground heaters Purpose and description of lighting equipment Purpose and description of hydraulic test stands Purpose and description of air conditioning units Purpose and description of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/ compressor Operate A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Purpose and description of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Operate A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Purpose and description of diesel driven generators Perform pre-use inspection of diesel driven generators Operate diesel driven generators Purpose and description of self-generating nitrogen equipment Perform pre-use inspection of self-generating nitrogen equipment Operate self-generating nitrogen equipment Purpose and description of oil servicing carts Purpose and description of hydraulic servicing carts Isochronal inspection concept Perform combined Preflight/Postflight inspection Perform After-Flight (2A) inspection Perform Before Flight (3B) inspection Use interphone Launch aircraft Recover aircraft Use aircraft TOs Perform as wing/tail walker during tow Perform as brake operator during tow Perform axle jacking Airframe components and structure Operate entry door/hatch Operate emergency door/hatch Phase 1 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A A A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A Phase 2 A 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b

271 (Attachment 22)

2A531G STS MATRIX (E-3/E-8) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A12.2.2.3. A12.2.3.1. A12.2.3.2. A12.2.3.3. A12.2.3.5. A12.2.5.1. A12.2.8. A12.2.9. A12.3.1. A12.3.3.1. A12.3.3.2. A12.3.5.1. A12.3.5.2. A12.3.6. A12.3.7. A12.3.8. A12.4.1. A12.4.3.1. A12.4.4.1. A12.4.4.2. A12.4.4.3. A12.4.4.4. A12.4.4.5. A12.4.4.6. A12.4.4.7. A12.4.4.8. A12.4.6. A12.5.1. A12.5.2. A12.5.5. A12.6.1. A12.6.2. A12.6.3.1. A12.6.3.2. A12.6.3.3. A12. A12.7.1. A12.7.3.2. A12.7.4.1. TASK Operate wheel well doors Remove and install cowling Remove and install panels Remove and install nonexplosive seats Remove and install life rafts Open and close cowling Inspect crew/passenger comfort facilities Service crew/passenger comfort facilities Landing gear system components Service landing gear struts Service tires Remove and install wheel and tire assemblies Remove and install brake assemblies Bleed brake system Determine serviceability of aircraft tires Inspect landing gear system Utility system components Service oxygen system Inspect bleed air system Inspect air conditioning system Inspect pressurization system Inspect anti-ice/de-ice system Inspect rain removal system Inspect fire/overheat warning system Inspect fire extinguishing system Inspect oxygen system Operate forced air cooling system Flight control system components Operate flight controls Inspect flight controls Hydraulic system components Rotodome system components Service hydraulic reservoir Service hydraulic accumulator Inspect major hydraulic components Operate non-engine driven hydraulic pump Engine and APU system components Operate APU Service engine oil system Phase 1 Phase 2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b b A 2b 2b A A 2b 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b

272 (Attachment 22)

2A531G STS MATRIX (E-3/E-8) STS 2A5X1

STS ELEMENT A12.7.4.3. A12.7.6. A12.7.7.1. A12.7.7.2. A12.7.8. A12.8.1. A12.8.3.1. A12.8.3.2. A12.8.4.1. A12.8.4.2. A12.8.6. A12.8.8.2. A12.8.9. A12.9.1. A12.9.2.2. A12.9.2.3. A12.9.3.1. A12.9.3.2. A12.9.3.3. A12.9.4.1. A12.9.4.2. A12.9.5. A12.9.6. A12.10.1. A12.10.2. A12.10.3. A12.11.1.1. A12.11.1.2. A12.11.2.1. A12.11.2.2. TASK Service APU Take engine oil sample Inspect installed engine turbine Inspect installed engine compressor Inspect APU Fuel system components Perform as refuel team member Perform as refuel team panel operator Perform as defuel team member Perform as defuel team panel operator Inspect fuel system system Inspect IFR system Ground transfer fuel Electrical system components Perform operational check of lighting system Perform operational check of indicator warning lights Remove and install light lenses Remove and install light bulbs Remove and install batteries Inspect electrical components Inspect wiring and connectors Connect/apply/disconnect external electrical power Service integrated drive generator Egress system components Inspect evacuation slides Remove and install evacuation slide Pre-use inspection of ACE 406-322 air conditioner Operate ACE 406-322 air conditioner Pre-use inspection of Tri-Electron power unit Operate Tri-Electron power unit Phase 1 Phase2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b A 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b

273 (Attachment 22)

2A531H STS MATRIX (KC-10) STS 2A5X1 Note 1: The following matrix defines specific sources for training required to achieve an apprentice (3) skill level appropriate to KC-10 aircraft, as identified in attachment 13, column 4A, to this CFETP. Training is separated into different phases/locations as indicated below. The contents of each phase are shown by the proficiency codes listed under the appropriate column headings in the matrix. COURSE NR J3AQR2A53H031A Blocks 1 thru 3 J3AQR2A531H031A Block 4 J3ABP2A531H 002* TITLE Aerospace Maintenance Fundamentals Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (KC-10) Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice (KC-10) LOCATION Sheppard AFB, TX. Sheppard AFB, TX McGuire AFB, NJ (TD) Travis AFB, CA (TD) PHASE 1 2 3

*Awards 3-level AFSC Note 2: The use of TOs, support equipment, tools and hardware, to include all applicable safety and inspection requirements, needed to properly perform maintenance are integrated throughout all phases of training to the level of the associated tasks.
STS ELEMENT A2.1.1. A2.1.2. A2.3.1. A2.3.2.1. A2.3.2.2. A2.3.2.3. A2.3.2.4. A2.3.2.5. A2.3.2.6. A2.3.2.7. A2.3.2.8. A2.3.2.9. A2.3.2.10. A2.3.2.11. A2.3.2.12. A2.3.2.13. A. A2.3.3.1. A2.3.3.2. A2.3.3.3. A2.3.4. A2.3.7. TASK Progression in career ladder 2A5X1 Duties of AFS 2A5X1 Housekeeping consistent with safety of personnel and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to engine air intake and exhaust Safety precautions pertaining to high intensity sound Safety precautions pertaining to turbine, propeller, rotor plane of rotation Safety precautions pertaining to radio frequency radiation Safety precautions pertaining to ground handling of aircraft Safety precautions pertaining to hot brakes Safety precautions pertaining to use of tools and equipment Safety precautions pertaining to servicing aircraft systems Safety precautions pertaining to cleaning agents Safety precautions pertaining to solvents Safety precautions pertaining to lubricants Safety precautions pertaining to high pressure gasses Safety precautions pertaining to aircraft explosive equipment Safety precautions pertaining to composite materials Inspect fire extinguisher Position fire extinguisher Operate fire extinguisher Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program Use AF Form 1492 Phase 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 2b b b A A Phase 2 Phase 3 -

274 (Attachment 23)


STS ELEMENT A2.3.6.1. A2.3.6.2. A2.4.1. A2.4.2. A2.4.3. A2.8.1. A2.8.2.1. A2.8.2.2. A2.8.2.3. A2.8.2.4. A2.8.2.5. A2.8.2.6. A2.8.2.8. A2.8.2.9. A2.8.3.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.8.3.3. A2.9.1. A2.9.5.1. A2.9.5.2. A2.9.6.1. A2.9.6.2. A2.9.7.1. A2.9.7.2. A2.9.7.3. A2.9.8. A2.9.9. A2.9.10. A2.9.11. A2.9.12.1. A2.9.12.2. A2.9.13.1. A2.9.13.2. A2.9.13.3. TASK Hazardous chemicals use Hazardous chemicals disposal Technical order (TO) system Air Force manuals and instructions Use technical orders MDD fundamentals Purpose of aircraft and supporting maintenance records Automated forms Document AFTO Form 781H Document AFTO Form 781A Document AFTO Form 781J Document AFTO Form 781K Document AFTO Form 244/245 Document AFTO Form 350 Purpose IMDS Purpose of Job Data Documentation (JDD) Access JDD Create maintenance event Defer maintenance event Schedule maintenance event Close maintenance event Use IMDS Tool control Purpose of hardware Remove/install common hardware Purpose of electrical connectors Connect/disconnect electrical connectors Purpose of securing devices Install/remove safety wire Install/remove cotter pins Lubricants Sealants Adhesives Cleaning agents Purpose of common hand tools Select and use common hand tools Purpose of measuring tools Select and use ruler Select and use thickness gauge Phase 1 A A A A 1b A A A 1b 1b 1b 1b a 1b A A 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b 1b A A 2b A 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A 2b A 2b 2b Phase2 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b Phase 3 -

275 (Attachment 23)


STS ELEMENT A2.9.13.5. A2.10.1. A2.10.3. A2.11.4.1. A2.11.4.2. A2.11.4.3. A2.11.4.4. A2.11.5. A2.11.6. A2.11.7. A.11.12.1. A2.12.1. A2.12.2. A2.13.1. A2.13.2.1. A2.13.2.2. A2.13.3.1. A2.13.3.2. A2.13.4. A2.14.1.2. A2.14.1.3. A2.14.1.4. A2.14.1.5. A2.14.1.6. A2.15.1. A2.15.2. A2.15.3. A2.16.1. A2.16.2.1. A2.16.2.2. A2.17.1. A2.17.2. A2.17.3. A2.18.1. A2.18.2. A2.19.1. A2.19.2. A2. A2. TASK Select and use torque wrench Maintenance supply concept Ordering parts Aircraft cleaning Corrosion identification Corrosion treatment Lubrication methods Aircraft inspection concepts/types Principles of ground handling Aircraft marshalling Aircraft guarded switches design/function/proper identification Airframe structure Remove/install airframe panels Landing gear system fundamentals Service shock strut Service tire Remove/install wheel and tire assembly Remove/install brake assembly Brake bleeding Oxygen system fundamentals Bleed air system fundamentals Pressurization system fundamentals Air condition system fundamentals Fire/overheat warning system fundamentals Flight control system fundamentals Flight control component identification Operate flight controls Hydraulic system fundamentals Service hydraulic system reservoir Service hydraulic system accumulator Engine system fundamentals Identify engine components Oil system servicing Fuel system fundamentals Operate fuel system AC electrical system fundamentals DC electrical system fundamentals Purpose and description of maintenance platforms Perform pre-use inspection of maintenance platforms Phase 1 2b A A A A A A A A b A A 1b A 1b 1b 1b 1b A A A A A A A A 1b A b b A A A A b A A A 2b Phase2 Phase 3 -

276 (Attachment 23)


STS ELEMENT A2. A2.20.2.1. A2.20.2.2. A2.20.2.3. A2. A2. A2.20.6.1. A2.20.7.1. A2.20.8.1. A2.20.9.1. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.20.13.1. A2.20.13.2. A2.20.13.3. A2.20.16.1. A2.20.17.1. A13.1.1.1. A13.1.1.2. A13. A13. A13. A13. A13.1.2.1. A13.1.2.2. A13.1.2.3. A13.1.3.1. A13.1.3.2. A13.1.4.1. A13.1.4.2. A13. A13. TASK Operate maintenance platforms Purpose and description of aircraft jacks Perform pre-use inspection of aircraft jacks Operate aircraft jacks Purpose and description of liquid oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of gaseous oxygen servicing equipment Purpose and description of ground heaters Purpose and description of lighting equipment Purpose and description of hydraulic test stands Purpose and description of air conditioning units Purpose and description of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/ compressor Operate A/M32A-60 gas turbine generator/compressor Purpose and description of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Perform pre-use inspection of A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Operate A/M32A-95 gas turbine compressor Purpose and description of diesel driven generators Perform pre-use inspection of diesel driven generators Operate diesel driven generators Purpose and description of self-generating nitrogen equipment Perform pre-use inspection of self-generating nitrogen equipment Operate self-generating nitrogen equipment Purpose and description of oil servicing carts Purpose and description of hydraulic servicing carts C-Check Inspection A-Check Inspection Perform preflight inspection Perform thruflight inspection Perform basic postflight inspection Perform park and receive inspection Air Transport Association (ATA) TO System Use ATA TOs Service bulletins and air worthiness directives Operate radio Use interphone Launch aircraft Recover aircraft Tow wing/tail walker Tow brake operator Phase 1 2b A 2b 2b A A A A A A A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A 2b 2b A A Phase 2 A A B 2b A B B Phase 3 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b

277 (Attachment 23)


STS ELEMENT A13. A13.1.4.5. A13.2.1. A13.2.2.1. A13.2.2.2. A13.2.2.3. A13.2.6.1. A13.2.6.8. A13.2.7.1. A13.2.7.2. A13.2.8. A13.3.1. A13.3.2.2. A13.3.5.1. A13.3.5.2. A13.3.5.3. A13.3.5.4. A13.3.5.5. A13.3.5.6. A13.3.5.7. A13.3.7.1. A13.3.7.2. A13.3.7.3. A13.3.7.4. A13.3.7.5. A13.3.11. A13.3.12. A13.4.1. A13.4.2.6. A13.4.2.8. A13.4.3.6. A13.4.3.8. A13.4.4. A13.5.1. A13.5.2. A13.5.4. A13.6.1. A13.6.2.1. A13.6.2.2. TASK Jacking team member Axle jacking Airframe components and structure Operate entry doors Operate cargo door Operate wheel well doors Remove and install panels Remove and install crew entry ladder Open and close wing engine cowling Open and close #2 engine cowling Perform aircraft cold weather procedures Landing gear components and system operation Perform operational check of brakes Service Main Landing Gear struts Service Center Landing Gear strut Service Nose Landing Gear strut Ck/Adjust X Dimension MLG Ck/Adjust X Dimension Center Landing Gear Ck/Adjust X Dimension NLG Service tires Remove and install wheel and tire assembly (Main) Remove and install wheel and tire assembly (Center) Remove and install wheel and tire assembly (Nose) Remove and install brake assembly (Main) Remove and install brake assembly (Center) Determine serviceability of tires Inspect landing gear systems Utility components and system operation Perform operational check of fire warning system Perform operational check of oxygen system Inspect fire warning system Inspect oxygen system Service oxygen system Flight control components and system operation Operate flight controls Inspect flight controls Hydraulic system components and system operation Service hydraulic system reservoir Service accumulator Phase 1 Phase 2 A A a a A a a a a a a a A A A Phase 3 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b

278 (Attachment 23)


STS ELEMENT A13.6.3. A13.6.4.2. A13.7.1. A13.7.5.2. A13.7.6.1. A13.7.6.2. A13.7.6.3. A13.7.8. A13.7.9.1. A13.7.9.2. A13.7.12. A13.8.1. A13.8.2.1. A13. A13. A13. A13. A13.8.4. A13. A13. A13. A13. A13. A13. A13. A13. A13. A13.9.1. A13.9.2.1. A13.9.2.2. A13.9.2.3. A13.9.3.1. A13.9.3.2. A13.9.3.3. A13.9.5.1. A13.9.5.2. A13.9.6. A13.10.1. A13.10.2. TASK Inspect major hydraulic components Operate non-engine driven pump Engine and APU components and system operation Operate APU Service engine oil system Service constant speed drive Service APU Take engine oil sample Inspect installed engine exhaust Inspect installed engine inlet Inspect APU Fuel system components and system operation Ground transfer fuel Perform as refuel team member Perform as refuel team panel operator Perform as defuel team member Perform as defuel team panel operator Inspect fuel system Inspect in-flight-refueling receiver system Operate in-flight-refueling receiver system Inspect aerial boom assembly Operate status test panel Raise/lower aerial boom Extend/retract aerial boom Service boom shock absorber Service boom surge boot Service boom independent disconnect Electrical system components and system operation Perform operational check electrical power supply system w/ext pwr or APU Perform operational check of lighting system Perform operational check of indicator warning lights Remove and install light lenses Remove and install light bulbs Remove and install batteries Inspect electric components Inspect wiring and connectors Connect/apply/disconnect external electrical power Egress system components and system operation Inspect egress components Phase 1 Phase2 A A b b b b A A Phase 3 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b

279 (Attachment 23)


STS ELEMENT A13.10.3. A13.11.2.3. A13.11.3.3. TASK Operate egress system (excluding slide) Service lavatory system Service Potable water system Phase 1 Phase2 b Phase 3 2b/b 2b/b

280 (Attachment 23)


`1. Tasks Knowledge And Technical References 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided A B C
3-Skill Level 5-Skill Level 7-Skill Level





NOTE 1: Columns 2 and 3 are deleted from this STS because all items are SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE LEVEL only and require no certification. NOTE 2: Users are responsible for annotating training references to identify current references pending STS revision. NOTE 3: This attachment is to be used in conjunction with other attachments in applicable CFETPs. NOTE 4: Personnel must complete CDC requirements on all MDSs/attachments. NOTE 5: This attachment is to be used as a correlation document for the 2AX7X 7-level Aerospace Maintenance Craftsman CDCs. AA.1. AA.1.1. MAINTENANCE PHILOSOPHY AND POLICY Aircraft and Equipment Readiness TR: AFI 21-101 and Repair Enterprise 21 Fact Sheet ( Maintenance Concept TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 21-129 Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) TR: AFI 21-101, AFI 21-118 and TO 00-35D-54. Operating Instructions (OI) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 33-360 Support Agreements (SA) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 25-201 Modification and Configuration Management TR: AFI 21-101 Maintenance Information Systems (MIS) TR: AFI 21-101, AFI 21-116, AFCSM 21-556 volume 2, and TO 00-20-2 Maintenance Performance Indicator Metrics and Health of the Fleet TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 21-103 Personnel Utilization TR: AFI 21-101 Maintenance Repair Priorities TR: AFI 21-101 Minimum Essential System Listing (MESL) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 21-103 Status of Resources and Training System (SORTS), and AEF Reporting Tool (ART) TR: AFI 10-201, AFI 10-244 and Historical Aircraft and Equipment Records TR: AFI 21-101 and T.O. 00-20-1 Maintenance Scheduling Effectiveness TR: AFI 21-101















(Attachment 24)

`1. Tasks Knowledge And Technical References 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided A B C
3-Skill Level 5-Skill Level 7-Skill Level





AA.2. AA.2.1.

MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION KEY LEADER RESPONSIBILITIES Wing Commander (WG/CC) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 38-101 Wing Vice Commander (WG/CV) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 38-101 Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 38-101 Maintenance Group Deputy Commander (MXG/CD) TR: AFI 21-101 MXG Superintendent (SUPT) TR: AFI 21-101 Squadron Commander (SQ/CC) Responsibilities TR: AFI 21-101 Operations Officer and Maintenance Superintendent (MX SUPT) Responsibilities TR: AFI 21-101 Flight Commander/Flight Chief TR: AFI 21-101 AMU OIC/Superintendent (SUPT) TR: AFI 21-101 Section NCOIC TR: AFI 21-101 Production Superintendent (Pro Super) TR: AFI 21-101 Expediter TR: AFI 21-101 FUNCTIONS OF MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS SQUADRON (MOS) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 38-101 Maintenance Operations Flight (MOF) TR: AFI 21-101 Maintenance Training Flight (MTF) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 36-2232 Programs and Resources Flight TR: AFI 21-101 Quality Assurance (QA) Flight TR: AFI 21-101



















(Attachment 24)

`1. Tasks Knowledge And Technical References 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided A B C
3-Skill Level 5-Skill Level 7-Skill Level






FUNCTIONS OF AIRCRAFT/HELICOPTER MAINTENANCE SQUADRON (AMXS/HMXS) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 38-101 Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU) TR: AFI 21-101 Aircrew and Maintenance Debrief Section TR: AFI 21-101 Aircraft Section TR: AFI 21-101 Specialist Section TR: AFI 21-101 Weapons Section TR: AFI 21-101 Plans, Scheduling and Documentation Section (PS&D) TR: AFI 21-101 Support Section TR: AFI 21-101 FUNCTIONS OF MAINTENANCE SQUADRON (MXS) TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 38-101 Accessories Flight TR: AFI 21-101 Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Flight TR: AFI 21-101 Armament Flight TR: AFI 21-101 Avionics Flight TR: AFI 21-101 Fabrication Flight TR: AFI 21-101 Maintenance Flight TR: AFI 21-101 Munitions Flight TR: AFI 21-101 and AFI 21-201 Propulsion Flight TR: AFI 21-101 Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Flight TR: AFI 21-101




















(Attachment 24)

`1. Tasks Knowledge And Technical References 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided A B C
3-Skill Level 5-Skill Level 7-Skill Level





AA.6. AA.6.1.

AIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMAND RESPONSIBILITIES Air Logistics Centers (ALC) TR: AFMCMD (Mission Directives) 406, 407 and 410. Located at: , OO-ALC Brochure located at: , WR-ALC: and OC-ALC: Air Force Flight Test Center TR: AFMCMD 404 located at and Flight Test Center Fact Sheet locate at: Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center (AMARC) TR: AFMCMD 415 located at: and MAINTENANCE TRAINING Types of Training TR: AFI 36-2232 and the ETCA site located at: Training Documentation TR: AFI 36-2232, AFI 21-101, and AFI 36-2201 (Vol. 1-6) Special Certification Rosters TR: AFI 21-101 Maintenance Qualification Program (MQP) TR: AFI 36-2232, AFI 21-101 and AFPD 10-9. Training Forecast / Request TR: AFI 36-2232 and AFI 21-101 Training Development Process TR: AFI 36-2232, AFI 21-101, and AETCI 36-2601 PERSONNEL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Capability Based Manpower Standard and Logistics Composite Model (LCOM) TR: AFMAN 38-208 Volume 3, AFI 38-201, AFI 21-101 and AFTTP 3-21.1 Unit Manpower Document (UMD) and Unit Personnel Manpower Roster (UPMR) TR: AFI 38-201, AFTTP 3-21.1 and AFI 36-2110 MAINTENANCE SUPPLY Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) Supply Support TR: AFI 21-101, AFMAN 23-110 (vol. 1), and AFTTP 3-21.1 Readiness Spares Packages TR: AFMAN 23-110 , AFI 21-101 and AFTTP 3-21.1 Consumables Management A A



AA.7. AA.7.1







AA.8. AA.8.1.


AA.9. AA.9.1.



(Attachment 24)

`1. Tasks Knowledge And Technical References 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided A B C
3-Skill Level 5-Skill Level 7-Skill Level





TR: AFI 21-101, AFTTP 3-21.1 and AFMAN 23-110 AA.9.4. Equipment Items TR: AFI 21-101, AFMAN 23-110 and AFMAN 23-220 Special Purpose Recoverable Authorized Maintenance (SPRAM) Assets TR: AFI 21-101, AFMAN 23-110 and AFI 21-103 Supply Assets Requiring Functional Check, Calibration, or Operational Flight Programming TR: AFI 21-101, T.O. 00-20-3, and AFMAN 23-110 Precious Metals Recovery Program TR: AFMAN 23-110 and AFI 21-101 Supply Points TR: AFI 21-101 and AFMAN 23-110 Local Manufacture TR: AFI 21-101 and AFTTP 3-21.1 Repair Cycle Assets / Supply Management Products TR: AFI 23-110 and AFI 21-101 Tail Number Bins (TNB) TR: AFI 21-101 Maintenance Repair / Supply Delivery Priorities TR: AFI 21-101 and AFMAN 23-110 Classified Assets TR: AFJI 31-102, TO 00-20-1, and AFI 21-101 Hazardous Materials TR: AFI 90-821, AFI 32-7086, and AFI 21-101 Supply Deficiency and Discrepancy Reporting TR: TO 00-35D-54, AFMAN 23-110 and AFI 21-101 TECHNICAL ORDER POLICY Use of Technical Orders (TO), TO Supplements and Publications TR: AFI 21-101, AFI 21-303, and AFTTP 3-21.1 Technical Order Update Process TR: AFI 21-303 Technical Order Waivers TR: AFI 21-303 and AFI 21-101 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS Cannibalization Program TR: AFI 21-101 and AFTTP 3-21.1 A












AA.10. AA.10.1.




AA.11. AA.11.1.

(Attachment 24)

`1. Tasks Knowledge And Technical References 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided A B C
3-Skill Level 5-Skill Level 7-Skill Level






Restricted Maintenance Areas TR: AFI 21-101 Red Ball Maintenance TR: AFI 21-101 and AFTTP 3-21.1 Aircraft/Equipment Impoundment Program TR: AFI 21-101 Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation Program (MSEP) Purpose and Inspection Types TR: AFI 21-101 and AFTTP 3-21.1 Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Program TR: AFI 21-101, AFI 36-2232, and AFTTP 3-21.1 Dropped Object Prevention (DOP) Program TR: AFI 21-101 Tool Management TR: AFI 21-101 and AFTTP 3-21.1 Tool Accountability TR: AFI 21-101 and AFTTP 3-21.1 Marking and Tool Identification TR: AFI 21-101 Locally Manufactured, Developed, or Modified Tools and Equipment TR: AFI 21-101 Lost Item/Tool Procedures TR: AFI 21-101 Maintenance Recovery Team TR: AFI 21-101 Aging Aircraft / Equipment Issues TR TR: AFI 21-101, AFI 63-1001 and the Joint Council on Aging Aircraft website located at: , and SD-22 located at Quality Assurance Evaluators TR: AFI 21-101 and AFTTP 3-21.1 Computer Applications TR: AF Portal, AF E-Publishing site, AF IT E-Learning site, Advanced Distributed Learning Services (ADLS) site, AF Center of Excellence for Knowledge Management (AFKM) site, Defense Travel System (DTS) training site, Air & Space Expeditionary Force Center site and the AF Center for Electronic Distribution of Systems (AFCEDS) site Mobility TR: AFTTP 3-21.1



















(Attachment 24)

`1. Tasks Knowledge And Technical References 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate Training/Information Provided A B C
3-Skill Level 5-Skill Level 7-Skill Level






Crashed, Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR) Program TR: AFI 21-101

(Attachment 24)



(Attachment 24)

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