1 - General Mechanisms of The Action of Hormones
1 - General Mechanisms of The Action of Hormones
1 - General Mechanisms of The Action of Hormones
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Highlights Endocrine block
By the end of this lecture, students should be able to:
● Acquire the knowledge for general consequence of hormone-receptor interaction
● Understand different mechanisms of action of hormones.
● Recognize the biomedical importance due to disturbance in the normal mechanisms of
hormonal action
● Background
● Factors determining the response of a target cell to a hormone
● Hormone-receptor interaction
● General features of hormone classes
● Classification of hormones by mechanism of action
● Biomedical importance
Some Terms:
1: response of the target cell - Stimulus : environmental change
2: e.g. insulin has different effects in muscles and hepatocytes - Hormone / ligand : signal
3: Target cell: cell that has the specific receptor for the hormone - Receptor: Recognise the signal, present on the cell surface or
inside the cell
- 1,2,3 are hormone related
- 4,5 are receptor relate
- Lipid soluble, can enter the cell membrane - Peptide / protein in nature
- Do Not require a second messenger , has intracellular receptor - Hydrophilic , Can't cross the plasma membrane
- Steroids + thyroid hormones - Require second messenger, has an extracellular receptor
hormone/ receptor
2nd messenger
In this case the complex binding at target cells
itself is the signal Leads to the generation of a signal In this case the hormone is
the first messenger
Important! General Features of Hormone Classes
Group I Group II
Steroids Polypeptides
Thyroid Hs (T3 & T4) Glycoproteins
Calcitriol (vitamin D) , retinoids (retinoic acid Catecholamines (fight and flight hormones e.g.
form of vitamin A) epinephrine & norepinephrine)
Receptor Intracellular inside cell “cytosolic or nuclear” Plasma membrane (on the plasma membrane)
Classification of Hormones by Mechanism of Action
● Steroid hormones
● Thyroid Hormones (T3 & T4)
● Calcitriol (active form of vitamin D, 1,25[OH]2-D3)
● Retinoic acid
Mechanism of Action of Steroid-Thyroid Hormones
Be mindful:
- Α2 and b Adrenergic catecholamines have cAMP as their 2nd messenger, whereas α1 has
calcium and IP3
- There are two types of ADH receptors: - V2: renal, cAMP
- V1: extra renal, calcium and IP3 10
Cascade for Formation of cAMP by cell-surface Hormones
- Hormones which will act by cAMP or cGMP are G protein coupled receptors
- Our unoccupied receptor is coupled to a trimeric G protein “3 subunits, alpha beta and gamma” & bound to a GDP (inactive) → when the hormone
binds to the receptor it causes a conformational change in the receptor → the alpha subunit detaches from the beta & gamma and GDP is replaced by
GTP → activates the adenylyl cyclase → produces cAMP from ATP
- There are many types of G protein like G s which is stimulatory and G i which is inhibitory
1. Ligand (hormone) binds to receptor which will react with Gs and activate G protein
2. The active form of G protein is G a (alfa) subunit
3. This active form will activate adenylyl cyclase and this activation will convert ATP to CAMP
Actions of cAMP
- Adenylyl cyclase produced cAMP which activate protein kinase A
- Guanylyl cyclase produced cGMP which activate protein kinase G
Not Protein
Kinase C! cAMP activates protein kinase A. follow the image :
1) Protein kinase A has 2 regulatory subunits and 2 catalytic subunits. The
regulatory subunits cover the active sites of the catalytic subunits, and
the enzyme cannot do any catalysis
2) To make this enzyme active, you have to remove the regulatory subunit
which can be done by cAMP.
3) Active catalytic subunits bind to protein substrates and phosphorylate
them (add phosphate group).
4) Phosphorylated proteins are translated to intracellular effect.
5 5) Protein phosphatase is the enzyme that stops the intracellular effect if
we don’t need it anymore by dephosphorylating the proteins
Abortion of Hormonal Stimulus
Classification of Hormones by Mechanism of Action
II. Hormones that bind to cell surface receptors
C. The second messenger is calcium or phosphatidylinositol (or both)
● Acetylcholine* (muscarinic)
● Catecholamines (α1- Adrenergic)
● Angiotensin II
● ADH (vasopressin): Extra-renal V1-receptor
Calcium/Phosphatidylinositol System cerol
(DAG) Phospholipase C
G protein coupled
Classification of Hormones by Mechanism of Action
II. Hormones that bind to cell surface receptors Don’t skip the pictures!
D. The second messenger is a tyrosine kinase cascade
- Kinase: responsible for phosphorylating proteins
- Tyrosine kinase: phosphorylates tyrosine
● GH & Prolactin
● Insulin
● Erythropoietin
- Two α𝜷 dimers “subunits” make the - When insulin binds to the receptor, it activates the receptor by causing conformational changes the
tetramer receptor brings the two subuints together “dimerization”
- Alpha is outside the cell membrane - The activated beta subunit has 2 kinase activities:
“where insulin binds” - Autophosphorylation of tyrosine within the beta subunit
- Beta has an intramembranous and intra - phosphorylation of the target proteins, mainly IRS “insulin receptor substrates”, which in
cytosolic part turn phosphorylates other proteins leading to the action of insulin “next slide” 18
Biologic Effects of Insulin Biomedical Importance
Take Home Messages
● Hormones are involved in responses to a stimulus, using a variety of signaling mechanisms
to facilitate cellular adaptive responses.
● Group I hormones are lipophilic, while group II are hydrophilic. Other differences exist
between both groups.
● Hormones can be classified according to their mechanism of action (specific examples of
each category were discussed)
● Biomedically, studying hormones’ actions in details helps to:
● Understand consequences of abnormal hormone release-related diseases (excessive,
deficient or inappropriate)
● Design therapeutic approach for such diseases.
Group I Group II
Steroids Polypeptides
Types Thyroid Hs (T3 & T4) Glycoproteins
Calcitriol, retinoids Catecholamines
Classification of Hormones by Mechanism of Action
Steroid hormones
1-steroid hormone cross the plasma membrane into the cytosol
Thyroid Hormones (T3 & T4) 2-In the cytosol it binds to a specific cytosolic or nuclear receptor and forms
I. Hormones
receptor ligand complex
that bind to (Steroid-Thyroid
Calcitriol (1,25[OH]2-D3) 3-the complex goes inside the nucleus and binds to HRE (hormone response -
intracellular superfamily):
element) which is a specific regulatory DNA sequences
4-this is causes increase of the transcription so the rate of the protein
Retinoic acid synthesize increases as well
Catecholamines (α2- Adrenergic). 1-Binding of ligand “Hormone” causes a conformational change in the Actions of cAMP :
Catecholamines (b- Adrenergic). receptor
2-Replacement of of the GDP of the G protein(S) “α subunit” with GTP.
A. The second
Ant. Pituitary: ACTH, FSH, LH & TSH. 3-GTP-bound form of the alpha subunit dissociates from the beta and
messenger is cAMP
gamma subunits and move to adenylyl cyclase “AC” and activate it.
ADH (Renal V2-receptor). 4-ATP will be converted to cAMP which will activate protein kinase A
II. Hormones Adenylyl cyclase =
that bind to cell cAMP
Calcitonin & PTH.
receptors Glucagon.
B. The second Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). 1- ANP binds to it’s receptor which is associated with the enzyme guanylate
messenger is cGMP cyclase(GC)
Guanylate cyclase = Nitric oxide (NO). 2- GC converts GTP into cGMP
cGMP 3- The cGMP activate the enzyme protein kinase G
1- Which of the followings are considered as 3- Glycogenolysis is decreased by?
hydrophilic hormone? A. Glucagon
A. Estrogen B. Insulin
B. Aldosterone C. Epinephrine
C. Epinephrine D. cAMP
2- When ADH binds to its extra renal V1 receptor, 4- Which one of the following hormones uses
its second messenger will be? tyrosine kinase cascade as a second messenger?
A. Ca/Phosphatidylinositol A. Prolactin
B. cAMP B. ADH 4-A
C. cGMP C. Acetylcholine 3-B
D. Tyrosine kinase D. Glutaminase 2-A
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