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蔣明 10 啊朋友 再⾒!(Feat.冬⼦ 劉東明 好妹妹樂

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隊 鍾⽴⾵ ⼩河)
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37K views · 10 years ago ...more

鄒允杰 Gariber 42K Subscribe

@LIAM-ew9mf 4 years ago (edited)
啊朋友 我们以为⽼去是件漫⻓的事 Share Save
有时候它是⼀夜之 Report

Oh, Friends, we thought it will take a long time to be
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old, sometimes it just happens after a night.
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在清晨的镜⼦看⻅苍⽩的⾃⼰ 像⼀颗正在消失的流星
I saw how pale I am by a mirror in the morning, just like
a meteor which is fading away

啊朋友圣贤说那坚持⼀定成功的事 头悬梁锥刺股三顾茅

Oh, friends, the sage says adhere to it and you will
succeed, try your very best and keep trying about it

相信它的⼈就像相信⼀个漫⻓玩笑 不信它的⼈已没了灵

It's just a lifetime joke to the people who believe in it,
otherwise, their souls will disappear.

啊朋友再⻅ 电影⾥⾯那些不曾怀疑的事 蒋中正 潘冬⼦ 还有
雷锋- Topic • 6.6K views
Oh friends, all those stories in the movie that we never
have a doubt, Jiang Zhongzheng, Pan Dongzi, and Lei

没困难我们创造困难也要往前冲 坚持做未来世界主⼈翁
Creating problems and rush forward, even there are no
problems, keep trying to be the one who controls the
world in the future.

啊朋友 告诉我 相遇是件宿命的事 告诉我忠贞与背叛之

Oh, friends, tell the fatalistic meeting to me, tell me
the what is it between the loyalty and betrayal。 4:01

萬曉利 - ⼥兒情
如果说所有约定都是错误的开始 这⼀路我愿把⾃⼰埋葬
鄒允杰 Gariber
If all the • 134K are
promises views
the beginning of the error, I'd like
to bury my self along the way we came.

当我离去 在你的怀⾥ 请让我化作不停⻜翔的⻦

When I'm gone under your embrace, please let me be
the bird can jy and never stop.

当我离开 在这个世界 我愿是⼀块不说话的⽯头

When I'm gone from this world, I prefer to be a
wordless stone.

啊朋友 千⾥夜奔是件快意恩仇的事 醒来后那总是梁⼭

Oh, friends, it's worthy to run for thousands of miles, 3:38
even it's just a beautiful dream.
好妹妹樂隊 10 往事只能回味
在路上 Gariber
在7⽉• 在我们的清晨⽇暮
376K views 谁不是运数不定的蝼

Who is not an ant with an uncertain fate, whatever it's
in this journey, July, or the days and nights that
belonged to us.

啊朋友 我们以为哭泣是件软弱的事 当眼泪⽆声地化为

Oh, friends, when the tears turning into white snow
quietly, we thought the tears show our weakness.

谁会在告别时握⼀握你微微的⼿ 就像你出⽣时妈妈的抚

Is there anyone who will shake your hand at the 6:21
farewell, just like the mom stroked you at your born.
梁靜茹 Fish Leong【寧夏 Quiet Summer】OFcial
Music Video
当我离去 在你的怀⾥ 请让我化作不停⻜翔的⻦
滾⽯唱⽚ ROCK RECORDS • 12M views
When I'm gone under your embrace, please let me be
the bird can jy and never stop.

当我离开 在这个世界 我愿是⼀块不说话的⽯头

When I'm gone from this world, I prefer to be a
wordless stone.

啊朋友再⻅ 啊朋友再⻅
Oh, Goodbye my friend, Farewell.

Oh, Goodbye my friend, Farewell

如果我在⽣活中牺牲 你⼀定把我来埋葬 MV
You must
Zihao Chen •bury
5.8Mme down if I sacrikce in life.

如果我在⽣活中牺牲 请不要把我来怀念
Do not miss me again if I sacrikce in life.

(I'm looking for my friends, knd you here, knally, let us
salute and shake the hands, you are my good friend,
Bella Ciao)

Cover <Bella Ciao> from the <Bridge> (The theme
music of this Yugoslavian Partisan movie from 1969)

24 Vocal] Yu Di, Hong Zhiguang, Gong Ziqi -
“Bella Ciao”: Hot-blooded comradery between…
芒果TV⾳乐 MangoTV Music • 657K views

@cheny7966 8 years ago

我們以為⽼去是件漫⻑的事, 有時候它是⼀夜之間 。

@user-er1rk4gs8s 2 years ago


@genevievedale8357 3 years ago
JIAJIA家家 [ 看透See
It sounds so Through
much like ] OFcial Lyric Video
bella ciao
相信⾳樂BinMusic • 581K views
4 1

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@aplineyahoo 5 years ago (edited)


@chrisyang72 5 years ago
back number - ハッピーエンド (full)
back number • 102M views

@LIAM-ew9mf 4 years ago

I cannot knd it on Spotify or Apple Music.
May you rest in peace, my youth.

@user-xf8vw4yt7w 7 years ago


【纯享】沙宝亮 ⻜⻰共同演唱歌曲《啊,朋友再
⻅》⽤歌声唱响钢铁友谊!| CCTV
CCTV中国中央电视台 • 2.5K views 10 years ago

@user-ho7k7lg1c 2 years ago

O, bella chiao!!

@kityeunk5721 6 years ago


啊 朋友再⻅ (Bella ciao) - 前南斯拉夫电影 《桥》

Gone with the Wind • 85K views

@dopa_kai 6 years ago


@user-jo5gy5vn6n 4 years ago


@darlingah3442 4 years ago
Translation in English please.
好妹妹樂隊 - Topic • 23K views

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@jmmhlee 2 years ago

義⼤利游擊隊 英勇對抗獨裁政權的⼼歷路程 其後更成


CosmosPeople宇宙⼈ [ 那你呢And You ? ] OFcial

@yeqing7nt 9 years ago
Music Video - COTTON USA美國棉年度代⾔曲
相信⾳樂BinMusic • 4.8M views

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