Paeds MCQ 2019

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Q: Pt with SOB & fever for 3 days ttt with amoxicillin-claviculnate with no

response. Wtz the most likely organism ?

a. Mycoplasma.

b. Meroxella cataralis.

c. M. Tuberculosis.

d. H. Influenzae.

e. Staph aureus.

Q: A five year old girl presented with a three month history of ankle and
knee joint swelling, tenderness and pain with intermittent low grade fever.
The most likely cause is:

Choose one answer.

a. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

b. Acute rheumatic fever.

c. Kawasaki disease.

d. Perth’s disease.

e. Rubella arthritis.

Q: Mother diagnosed as active TB during Labour, then she separated from

baby & started anti TB treatment , when she can come back to baby ?

a. When she is not contagious.

b. After baby do skin test.
c. After baby start INH.
Q: 8 ys child which is unvaccinated had a fever, vomiting & diarrhea later
on after that he developed right limb weakness & hypotonia, and there’s
upper limbs involvement. What is the most likely dx ?

a. Paralytic Poliomylitis
b. Guillian Barre Syndrome.
c. Transverse Myelitis
d. Duchene muscular dystrophy
e. CP
(Not GBS because it causes symmetrical paralysis)

Q: which one of the following is a Risk of neonatal sepsis.

a. Ruptre of membrane hours before delivery.

b. CS.
c. Maternal UTI.
d. Female gender.

Q: Failure of menstruation, Increased. Carrying angle. Investigation . To

confirm dx ? ” the scenario about (Turner)

a. Karyotyping.
b. Abdominal US.

Q: 10 day baby with excessive extension of the back, dirty umbilical cord. u
suspect tetanus. How do u confirm.

a. Umbilical cord swap.

Q: Pt with ambiguous genitalia, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is dx. How
do u confirm dx.

a. 17 estrogenase level.
b. Electrolytes.
c. 21 alpha hydroxalase

Q: Microcephaly, jaundice, hepatospleenomegaly ,Para ventricular

calcification was seen ..What is the organism?

a. CMV.
b. Toxoplasmosis.

Q: Baby delivered on 32 ws of GA. Presented wih tachypnea, cyanosis,

CXR shows ground glass appearance & bronchogram.

What is the cause.

a. Hylline membrane disease.

b. Tachypnea of neoborn.

Q: Characteristic of severe malaria.

a. PH less than 7.2.

b. PLT 100,000.
c. HB of 8.
d. Blood urea 40 mg/dl

Q: Cough for 3 weeks, cyanosis with cough. U suspect whooping cough. Wt

expect to find ? Lymphocytosis.
Q: Gray Pseudo membrane seen in? Diphtheria

Q: Enteric fever.

Very ill. Wtz the cause ?

Intestinal perforation.

Venous thrombosis

Q: 8 ys pt with poor school performance, growth below -3 SDs. Wtz u will measure.


Growth hormone.

Q: Jaundice in the 3rd day of life. Pale stool. Dx.

a. Congenital hypothyroidism.
b. Biliary atresia.
c. Viral hepatitis.

Q: Headache & convulsions. CSF analysis show.

WBCs 79 lymphocytes.

Glucose 2.1 mmol.

What is the organism ? TB. Meningitis

Q: Neonate, well presented with bleeding from gum.

PT high BT high PTT normal . What is the cause ?

a. V.K deficiency.
b. DIC.
c. Sepsis.
d. Liver failure.
Q: Pt with protruded tongue, dry skin, conistipation. Best way to reach the dx.

a. TSH.
b. Karyotyping.

Q:about Epiglotitis.

Q: Which is consider Normal ?

a. Mongolian Spots.
b. AcroCyanosis.
c. Central cyanosis.

Q: What is the most common form of polio ?

a. Subclinical Polio

Q: about HIE, criteria. Which is true ?

a. Multi organ failure.

b. Metabolic alkalosis.
c. APAGAR more than 5 at 5 mins.
d. Hypertonia.

Q: 8 ys, from White Nile, presented with fever & fatiguabilty for 3 months, spleen 5 cm
BCM. Wtz most likey dx.

a. VL.
b. Tropical speenomegally.

Q: Pt shock, papular rash “ adrenal hemorrhage “

What is the organism? Nesseria Meningitidis.

Q: Which regarding HIV is correct ?

a. Breast feeding is significant way of transmission.

b. Mother should stop ART during pregnancy.
c. Should delivered vaginally.
d. Transmission depend on duration of mother infection.

Q: Pt presented with mild fever and hx of bed wetting 3 day ago dx?


Q: Pt with cough, vomiting, cynosis

Lymphocyte is high dx? Whopping cough

Q: Pt dx with whopping cough what do u suspected to find in lab result? Lymphocytosis

Q: 15ys old female was brought by her parents because of her short stature and delayed
puberty, on examination she has webbed neck and HTN, which of the following
investigation will be diagnostic?

a. TFT.
b. LH and FSH.
c. Karyotyping. (turner syndrome).
d. GH level.
e. Abdominal sonography.

Q: A 14 years old boy who is a known case of congenital heart disease,

presented to the hospital with cyanosis. He was found to have clubbing of
the fingers, auscultation revealed loud 2nd heart sound and a pan systolic
murmur over the lower left sterna edge. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Coarctation of the aorta.
b. Mitral regurgitation.
c. Transposition of the great arteries
d. Patent ductusarteriosus
e. Eisenmenger syndrome.

Q: A 12 years old girl present with burning micturation and suprapubic

pain, best investigation is:

a.Urine sensitivity and culture.

b. Renal biopsy.

c. Renal function test.

d.Renal ultrrasonography.

e. Urine dipstick.

Q: Initial step in management of Hyperkalemia with ECG changes is:

a.Calcium gluconate.

b. Insulin

c. Beta 2 agonist

d. Dialysis

Q: Lady with active pulmonary TB, her newborn sputum was negative for
TB and he has no congenital TB, best action for the baby is to:

a. Start triple therapy.

b. Test Sputum after 2 weeks.

c. Give him BCG.

d. No intervention.

e. Give him isoniazide.

Q: 15years old boy developed maculopapular eruptions in postauricular area

then spread to the trunk and upper limb, the eruptions occurred 3 days after
fever , runny nose and cough. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. Rubella.
b. Enetro virus.
c. Scarlet fever.
d. Measles.
e. Adenovirus infection.

Q: Which of the following is consistent with the diagnosis of idiopathic

nephrotic syndrome?

a. Loss of compelement.
b. Protienuria.
c. Urine protein to creatinine ratio>2.
d. focal glomerular scelrosis.
e. Edema.

Q: The following disease is inherited as autosomal dominant :

a. Hereditary Spherocytosis
b. Beta Thalasemia major
c. Cystic fibrosis
d. Duchene muscular dystrophy
e. Galactosaemia
Q: Which of the following is the best treatment for 5 year old girl with acute
immune thrombocytopenia “ ITP” and platelets count of 30,000 / ml and
mild petechial rash all over her body ?

b. Corticosteroid
c. Platelet transfusion
d. No treatment
e. Anti- D immune globulin

Q: A child at 15 months of age is expected to: “ in scenario sometimes

age written is 10 months “

Choose one answer.

a. Walk up and down the stairs one step at a time

b. Hops on one foot

c. Can wave bye bye

d. Make a tower of 5 cubes.

e. Know full name

Q: which considered abnormal and further work up regarding mile stone?

a. Child cannot walk by the age of 24 months

Q: A child know case of Down syndrome .. on auscultation there was

pan systolic murmur heard on the left lower border , what is the most likely
diagnosis ?

a. VSD
b. Mitral regurgitation
Q: By which mechanism breast milk protect against infections and bacterial
over growth .. , “I think asked about E.coli ,, I don’t remember the rest of the
scenario ?

a. IgA
b. Lysosymes
c. Lactoferrin
d. Bacillus

Q: Patient has pneumonia , one of the following recognized best preventive

measure ?

a. Vaccination
b. Prophylactic antibiotics
c. Effective breast feeding

Q: Scenario about SMA type 1 “ Spinal muscular dystrophy “ and asked

about that floppy child . the characteristic finding in examination will be ?

a. Tongue fasciculation
Note : floppy mean Lower motor neuron lesion LMNL

Q: child known to have acute leukemia ALL on treatment , during

induction phase he developed Tumor Lysis Syndrome . what is the
treatment of Tumor Lysis Syndrome ?

a. Renal dialysis
b. IV fluids Double maintenance
Q: The most important test in the diagnosis of sub acute infective
endocarditis SBE ?

a. ECG
b. Blood culture
d. ESR
e. CBC

Q: Child has frequent flickering of the eyelid and eye blinking , regarding
his seizure what the expected finding on his EEG ?

a. typical 3/sec spike

b. hypsarrythmia
c. repetitive chaotic wave pattern
note : the scenario was about Absence seizure but he did not mention the diagnosis in the
question ..

Q: 2 and half year old boy present with 2 year history of constipation and
abdominal distention , a plain radiograph of the abdomen revels fecal matter
contained distained bowel loops , a barium enema study shows a transition
of recto sigmoid junction .

What is the most likely diagnosis ?

a. malrotion of the midgut

b. intussusception
c. functional constipation
d. celiac disease
e. Hirsch sprung disease
Q : about Gaullian Barrie syndrome strait forward “ post respiratory
infection child developed symmetrical ascending paralysis .. and asked
about the diagnosis .

Q: about Rheumatic fever the major criteria .

Q: about febrile convulsion , typical vs. atypical

Q: about Wilson diagnosed by ? 24h urine copper “ same Q in B 17 exam “

Q : about the most common form of cerebral palsy ? spastic

Q: about fever + rash and very ill child . the DX is meningococcemia

Q: about Cardiac duct depended lesion ? ttt by prostaglandin infusion

Q: scenario about Duchene muscular dystrophy .. in favor of the diagnosis ..

The answer is learning disabilities

Q: about SVT best treated by? Adenosine

Q: about AKI causes is it pre renal - renal - or post renal

Q: child has bloody diarrhea and devolved convulsion . the organism

responsible is ?

a. Amoeba
b. Shigella
c. Salmonalla
d. Campylobacter

Q: A 7 month infant present during winter season with fever , cough , SOB

And he had runny nose … “ the case is broncheolities “ , the best

management is ?
a. IV antibiotics
b. IV steroid
c. Beta 2 agonist
d. Supportive measure

Q: about Immunization .. the following considered contraindication for

given yellow fever or dunge fever ,, “ live attenuated “ ? could did not

a. Pt on 0.1 dose of steroid

b. history of fever up to 38 C0 following a pervious dose of vaccine

Q: about poising with over dose of Aspirin or paracetamol over 24 h

period .. next step in management ? don’t remember

a. Dialysis
b. Supportive
c. Gasrtric lavage
d. Give iv N-actyl cystine “ anti dote “ , but not sure
e. Charcoal

Q: What is the most common cause of Iron deficiency anemia " IDA " in
paediatrics ?

a. Blood loss
b. Dietary causes
c. Malabsorbtion
d. Chronic diseases
e. Lead poising

Q: child has bleeding and eczema .. what is the most likely diagnosis ? could
not remember the rest ? Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome , but not sure
Q: about Fanconi Anemia .

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