Paeds MCQ 2019
Paeds MCQ 2019
Paeds MCQ 2019
a. Mycoplasma.
b. Meroxella cataralis.
c. M. Tuberculosis.
d. H. Influenzae.
e. Staph aureus.
Q: A five year old girl presented with a three month history of ankle and
knee joint swelling, tenderness and pain with intermittent low grade fever.
The most likely cause is:
c. Kawasaki disease.
d. Perth’s disease.
e. Rubella arthritis.
a. Paralytic Poliomylitis
b. Guillian Barre Syndrome.
c. Transverse Myelitis
d. Duchene muscular dystrophy
e. CP
(Not GBS because it causes symmetrical paralysis)
a. Karyotyping.
b. Abdominal US.
Q: 10 day baby with excessive extension of the back, dirty umbilical cord. u
suspect tetanus. How do u confirm.
a. 17 estrogenase level.
b. Electrolytes.
c. 21 alpha hydroxalase
a. CMV.
b. Toxoplasmosis.
Q: Enteric fever.
Intestinal perforation.
Venous thrombosis
Q: 8 ys pt with poor school performance, growth below -3 SDs. Wtz u will measure.
Growth hormone.
a. Congenital hypothyroidism.
b. Biliary atresia.
c. Viral hepatitis.
WBCs 79 lymphocytes.
a. V.K deficiency.
b. DIC.
c. Sepsis.
d. Liver failure.
Q: Pt with protruded tongue, dry skin, conistipation. Best way to reach the dx.
a. TSH.
b. Karyotyping.
Q:about Epiglotitis.
a. Mongolian Spots.
b. AcroCyanosis.
c. Central cyanosis.
a. Subclinical Polio
Q: 8 ys, from White Nile, presented with fever & fatiguabilty for 3 months, spleen 5 cm
BCM. Wtz most likey dx.
a. VL.
b. Tropical speenomegally.
Q: Pt presented with mild fever and hx of bed wetting 3 day ago dx?
Q: 15ys old female was brought by her parents because of her short stature and delayed
puberty, on examination she has webbed neck and HTN, which of the following
investigation will be diagnostic?
a. TFT.
b. LH and FSH.
c. Karyotyping. (turner syndrome).
d. GH level.
e. Abdominal sonography.
b. Renal biopsy.
d.Renal ultrrasonography.
e. Urine dipstick.
a.Calcium gluconate.
b. Insulin
c. Beta 2 agonist
d. Dialysis
Q: Lady with active pulmonary TB, her newborn sputum was negative for
TB and he has no congenital TB, best action for the baby is to:
a. Rubella.
b. Enetro virus.
c. Scarlet fever.
d. Measles.
e. Adenovirus infection.
a. Loss of compelement.
b. Protienuria.
c. Urine protein to creatinine ratio>2.
d. focal glomerular scelrosis.
e. Edema.
a. Hereditary Spherocytosis
b. Beta Thalasemia major
c. Cystic fibrosis
d. Duchene muscular dystrophy
e. Galactosaemia
Q: Which of the following is the best treatment for 5 year old girl with acute
immune thrombocytopenia “ ITP” and platelets count of 30,000 / ml and
mild petechial rash all over her body ?
b. Corticosteroid
c. Platelet transfusion
d. No treatment
e. Anti- D immune globulin
pan systolic murmur heard on the left lower border , what is the most likely
diagnosis ?
a. VSD
b. Mitral regurgitation
Q: By which mechanism breast milk protect against infections and bacterial
over growth .. , “I think asked about E.coli ,, I don’t remember the rest of the
scenario ?
a. IgA
b. Lysosymes
c. Lactoferrin
d. Bacillus
a. Vaccination
b. Prophylactic antibiotics
c. Effective breast feeding
a. Tongue fasciculation
Note : floppy mean Lower motor neuron lesion LMNL
a. Renal dialysis
b. IV fluids Double maintenance
Q: The most important test in the diagnosis of sub acute infective
endocarditis SBE ?
a. ECG
b. Blood culture
d. ESR
e. CBC
Q: Child has frequent flickering of the eyelid and eye blinking , regarding
his seizure what the expected finding on his EEG ?
Q: 2 and half year old boy present with 2 year history of constipation and
abdominal distention , a plain radiograph of the abdomen revels fecal matter
contained distained bowel loops , a barium enema study shows a transition
of recto sigmoid junction .
a. Amoeba
b. Shigella
c. Salmonalla
d. Campylobacter
Q: A 7 month infant present during winter season with fever , cough , SOB
a. Dialysis
b. Supportive
c. Gasrtric lavage
d. Give iv N-actyl cystine “ anti dote “ , but not sure
e. Charcoal
Q: What is the most common cause of Iron deficiency anemia " IDA " in
paediatrics ?
a. Blood loss
b. Dietary causes
c. Malabsorbtion
d. Chronic diseases
e. Lead poising
Q: child has bleeding and eczema .. what is the most likely diagnosis ? could
not remember the rest ? Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome , but not sure
Q: about Fanconi Anemia .