Alzheimer 5
Alzheimer 5
Alzheimer 5
Authors: Amir I.A. Ahmed, MD1,2,3; Marjolein A. van der Marck, Ir, PhD2; Geke A.H. van
Department of Psychogeriatric Medicine, Vincent van Gogh Institute, Venray, the
Department of Geriatric Medicine, Radboud Alzheimer Centre, and Radboud Institute for
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This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been
through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process which may lead to
differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as an
‘Accepted Article’, doi: 10.1002/cpt.117
Given the lack of effective treatments for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) and the
effective therapy is one of the highest medical priorities. The past few years have seen a
growing interest in the medicinal uses of cannabinoids, the bioactive components of the
cannabis plant, including the treatment of LOAD and other physical conditions that are
common in older people. Several in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that
cannabinoids can reduce oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and the formation of amyloid
plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, the key hallmarks of LOAD. Also, in population-based
The current article provides an overview of the potential of cannabinoids in the treatment of
LOAD and related neuropsychiatric symptoms in older people. We also discuss the efficacy,
Demographic changes and the rapid aging of the population worldwide will lead to an
increase in the prevalence of older people with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD), many
of whom suffer from multi-morbidity [1, 2]. The term LOAD refers to Alzheimer’s disease
diagnosed at or after 60 years of age [1]. Given the substantial burden of LOAD on patients,
their caregivers, and the economy, finding an effective therapy is one of the highest medical
priorities of scientists, clinicians, and governments. The past few years have seen a growing
interest in the medicinal uses of cannabinoids, the bioactive components of the cannabis plant
(Cannabis sativa L.), including the treatment of LOAD and other physical conditions that are
common in older people [3-5]. The current review provides an overview of the potential of
cannabinoids as treatment for LOAD and its related symptoms, focusing on older individuals
(≥ 65 years). The focus on older individuals is for a number of reasons. (1) The prevalence of
dementia caused by LOAD is high in older age groups (about 95% of all cases), whereas
early-onset Alzheimer's disease with an onset between 30 and 64 years is rare (< 5%) and
pathophysiological mechanism and is caused by gene mutations on chromosomes 21, 14, and
1. (2) Older individuals, and especially those with cognitive impairment, have often been
excluded or underrepresented in clinical trials [3, 5], and it is not possible to directly
extrapolate safety and efficacy data for cannabinoid-based drugs obtained in studies involving
young adults to older people. (3) Older people with LOAD are more vulnerable to adverse
drug reactions, and especially to drugs that act on the central nervous system, such as
cannabinoids, than healthy older or younger people [6]. This is because of age-related
physiological changes (e.g., decrease in liver enzyme activity, lean body mass, renal
clearance, and brain volume/receptors) that often alter the pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics of drugs [6]. And (4) comorbidity is also more common in older people
possible that older people with Alzheimer's disease and multiple comorbidities might benefit
from the use of cannabinoids as multitarget drug candidate (one drug for several conditions),
we reviewed the literature on the potential of cannabinoids in the treatment of dementia and
It is estimated that, 36 million people suffer from dementia worldwide. This number is
expected to reach 115 million people by 2050, causing a major public health problem with an
immense impact on individual patients, their families, healthcare systems, and economies [1].
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, accounting for 60% to 80% of
cases, followed by vascular dementia (10% to 15%) [7]. In the United States alone, the
prevalence of LOAD has been estimated at 5 million individuals aged 65 years and older,
with at least 200,000 (4%) individuals younger than 65 years being affected by young-onset
functions (e.g., memory, executive function, language, and perceptual-motor skills) that
significantly interferes with activities of daily living [8]. The clinical picture is, however,
more complex and frequently involves behavioral and psychological changes,. Although its
incidence and prevalence increase with advancing age, LOAD is not a normal part of aging
[7]. LOAD is probably a complex, multicausal syndrome in which component causes, such as
accumulation of amyloid-β protein (Aβ; mainly Aβ1–42 and Aβ1–40) in extracellular senile
plaques in various brain regions, but especially in the hippocampus, cerebral prefrontal cortex,
and amygdala [9]. Aβ protein is generated by the aberrant processing of amyloid precursor
It has been suggested that neuroinflammation and oxidative stress play an important role in
the pathogenesis of LOAD [10], although there are still important missing links in our
of senile plaques into toxic oligomers in the brain leads to the chronic activation of microglial
cells and astrocytes, which surround the plaques, thereby initiating a pro-inflammatory
cascade and oxidative stress that result in the release of potentially neurotoxic substances,
various proteolytic enzymes. This process leads to local inflammation and neuronal death,
which subsequently lead to cognitive decline and behavioral changes [10]. Also,
mitochondrial dysfunction has been shown to play a key role in LOAD [11]. Aβ accumulation
inhibits integrated mitochondrial respiration and the activity of key enzymes [11]. This may
result in increased oxidative stress, the production of reactive oxygen species and damage to
different molecules including nucleic acids, proteins and lipids, and endoplasmic reticulum-
death [12].
In general, the progression and treatment of LOAD do not differ from young-onset
Alzheimer’s disease. The progression of Alzheimer’s disease from early stages of the disease
early stage would help diminish the burden of dementia and its associated neuropsychiatric
NMDA-receptor antagonist memantine, act on symptoms and do not have profound disease-
controlled trials with donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine demonstrated that the three
cholinesterase inhibitors are efficacious for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease, but it is not
possible to identify patients who will respond to treatment in advance [13]. While the three
cholinesterase inhibitors appear to be equally effective, donepezil appears to give rise to fewer
side effects than rivastigmine [13]. However, the tolerability of galantamine and rivastigmine
(oral form) can be improved to match that of donepezil if the drugs are administered
according to a gradual titration routine over more than 3 months. Donepezil dose titration is
more straightforward and lower doses may be effective [13]. Rivastigmine is currently also
available as a transdermal patch (Exelon® patch, Rivastach® patch, Prometax® patch), which
is associated with better patient satisfaction, tolerability, and compliance compared with the
In the past decades, several attempts have been made to develop disease-modifying drugs for
Alzheimer’s disease. One of the most innovative is the development of immunotherapy, based
on the stimulation of amyloid plaque clearance from Alzheimer brains via the administration
plaque formation, neuritic dystrophy, and astrogliosis in young mice (with YOAD) and
older mice (with LOAD) [15]. On the basis of these results and those of a phase 1 safety
trial was carried out involving patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease [16, 17].
Aβ1–42 and an immune adjuvant, QS-21) or placebo. Unfortunately, the trial had to be
abandoned as 18 (6%) of the 298 included patients developed meningoencephalitis [16, 17].
Sixteen of the 18 had received two doses, one had received one dose, and one had received
three doses of the study drug before symptoms occurred [16]. This severe side effect was
with Alzheimer's disease showed that the AN1792 vaccine had significantly reduced the
number of amyloid plaques compared with placebo [18]. However, the progression of
cognitive decline was unchanged and did not correlate with clearance of amyloid plaques,
which suggests that plaque clearance is not enough to counter the progression of Alzheimer's
disease [18]. Since then, several attempts have been made to develop safe and effective drugs,
but none have proven effective in phase 3 clinical trials involving patients with mild-to-
moderate disease [19]. Causes and factors associated with this failure include the use of
inadequate biological and neuropsychological markers for the diagnosis of LOAD, inability to
reach a therapeutic dosage (e.g., due to severe adverse events), short treatment duration, poor
penetration to the brain, and advanced disease stage [19]. The data of phase 3 studies suggest
that mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease has already progressed too far for treatment to be
is reasonable to assume that a treatment strategy focusing on multiple targets may be more
Almost all patients with LOAD (98%) develop neuropsychiatric symptoms at some point
[21]. These symptoms include depression, anxiety, agitation, aggression, wandering, pacing,
sleep disorders, psychosis, and appetite/eating disorders and are often distressing to patients
and their caregivers, leading to early nursing home placement [22]. Moreover, they are
associated with more rapid dementia progression and higher healthcare costs [23, 24]. An
earlier study showed that approximately 30% of the total annual cost of Alzheimer’s disease
Therefore, effective treatment of the neuropsychiatric symptoms of LOAD may have the
potential to modify the disease course, lower costs, and improve the quality of life of affected
individuals and their caregivers. Yet no drugs have been approved by either the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration or the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of the
neuropsychiatric symptoms [25]. Also, the NMDA-receptor antagonist memantine did not
antidepressants, and antiepileptic drugs, are also frequently used off-label for the treatment of
the neuropsychiatric symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, but they are ineffective in most cases
or only have a short-term effect [27]. Moreover, they are associated with serious adverse
Taken together, there is an urgent need for new effective and safe pharmacological
interventions to retard LOAD progression toward dementia (symptomatic) and diminish the
In the past decade, the medicinal use of cannabis has moved to the forefront of public and
scientific debate, and the past few years have seen a growing interest in its medical
applications in older people, including those with Alzheimer’s disease and multiple co-
morbidities [3-5]. This is not surprising, because the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.) has
been used for centuries to treat a wide range of conditions that are common in older people
(e.g., pain, depression, sleep disturbance and loss of appetite) [31]. These broad therapeutic
applications are due to the pharmacological effects of its bioactive components, the
“cannabinoids” [32]. Currently, more than 60 different cannabinoids have been identified and
isolated from the cannabis plant, with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol
(CBD) being the most studied [32]. Although the exact mechanism of action and the
physiological effects of cannabinoids are still not fully understood, THC appears to be
responsible for most of the physical and psychoactive effects of cannabis [32]. Cannabinoids
exert some of their multiple effects through an interaction with the endocannabinoid system.
and enzymes (e.g., fatty acid amide hydrolase and monoglyceride lipase) involved in the
CB1 receptors are mainly expressed in the nervous system (basal ganglia, cerebellum,
hippocampus, hypothalamus, and dorsal horn), whereas CB2 receptors are primarily found in
cells and organs of the immune system [34-36]. However, cannabinoids also exert effects by
interacting with other cannabinoid receptors in the brain such as GPR55 receptors, and non-
prostaglandins, and opioid peptides [37]. This broad interaction reflects the potential of
cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system as multi-target drug candidates for LOAD [4].
The endocannabinoid system has been associated with several pathological conditions and
and neurodegeneration, behavior and mood disorders, regulation of the wake-sleep cycle,
bone development and density, pain, motor alterations, and regulation of food intake and
energy balance [38]. In this respect, it is important to distinguish between age-related and
therapeutic target for LOAD. Unfortunately, there have been only a few studies investigating
possible age- and Alzheimer’s disease-related changes in the endocannabinoid system. One of
the few such studies reported a significant decrease in cannabinoid receptor binding in various
brain regions (cerebellum, cerebral cortex, limbic and hypothalamic structures, and
hippocampus) in aged rats compared with young rats [39]. In another study, receptor binding
was decreased in most regions of the basal ganglia in aged rats, except for the globus pallidus,
found in the entopeduncular nucleus (50%), substantia nigra pars reticulata (45%), and lateral
caudate putamen (29%). With aging, brain cannabinoid CB1 receptor density in the
it is not clear whether these changes are a cause or a consequence of LOAD, and whether
studies of Alzheimer brains have reported contradictory results regarding the expression and
density of cannabinoid receptors [42-49]. While the majority of studies found no changes in
the expression and availability of CB1 receptors in Alzheimer brains compared with control
brains [42-45], some studies reported a decreased expression of CB1 receptors in Alzheimer
brains, mainly in neurons distant from senile plaques [46, 47]. One study failed to distinguish
between age- and Alzheimer’s disease-related changes in CB1 receptor expression [48]. A
decreased level of CB1 receptors in the brain may alter the pharmacodynamic effects of
exogenous cannabinoids in people with LOAD, because the effects of cannabinoids are
Targeting the endocannabinoid system has been proposed as a potential approach to the
treatment of Alzheimer’s disease [46, 49-51]. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies have
demonstrated the protective effects of cannabinoids against beta-amyloid peptide and tau
cell function (e.g., cell growth, mitosis, survival, and apoptosis) [52]. Another study
damage and memory impairment. These positive effects were dependent on early
impairment, and loss of neuronal markers [46]. The synthetic cannabinoids HU-210,
WIN55,212-2, and JWH-133 may block Aβ-induced activation of cultured microglial cells, as
judged by mitochondrial activity, cell morphology, and tumor necrosis factor-α release. These
effects seem to be independent of the antioxidant action of cannabinoid compounds and are
neurotoxicity after the addition of Aβ to rat cortical cultures [46]. The authors concluded that
cannabinoid receptors are important in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease and that
cannabinoids can prevent the neurodegenerative process occurring in the disease [46].
Other positive results were obtained with exogenous cannabinoids such as cannabidiol, a non-
and decreases reactive oxygen species production and lipid peroxidation [49]. Moreover,
cannabidiol has been shown to rescue PC12 cells, a rat pheochromocytoma cell line that is
used as model system for studying neuronal cell death, from the toxicity induced by Aβ
peptide [54]. It has also been reported that cannabidiol inhibits the hyperphosphorylation of
gamma-secretase step [56]. Thus, cannabidiol is an attractive drug candidate for the
management of LOAD, since it reduces the hallmarks of the disease, namely, the formation of
microglial cell function in vitro and on learning behavior and cytokine expression after the
cannabidiol and WIN 55,212-2 (synthetic cannabinoid), were able to modulate microglial cell
functions and cytokine expression, improving the learning behavior of mice injected with Aβ
[57]. Also, Scuderi et al. (2014), in their study of whether cannabidiol could modulate
neurons, found that cannabidiol induced the ubiquitination of amyloid precursor protein,
which led to a substantial decrease in levels of the full-length protein in neurons and to a
SHSY5Y(APP+) neurons, by reducing the rate of apoptosis. All the effects of cannabidiol
(PPARγ) [58].
Eubanks et al. also pointed out the potential of another exogenous cannabinoid THC, as a new
drug candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease [59]. They found THC to
exhibit the most relevant features of LOAD, such as cognitive impairment and several
THC/CBD (0.75 mg/kg each for 5 weeks) significantly reduced cognitive impairment.
Moreover, it reduced levels of soluble Aβ1-42 , but not those of Aβ1-40, thereby changing the
composition of amyloid plaques in these mice. This suggests that combination treatment with
THC/CBD may be more beneficial than treatment with either agent alone.
cure for LOAD. Comparing the pre-clinical and clinical data of therapeutic properties of
cannabinoids with the evidence supporting more investigated approaches for the treatment of
LOAD (e.g. cholinesterase inhibitors and the NMDA-receptor antagonist), the majority of the
evidence of cannabinoids has been based on cellular and animal models that mimic a variety
cannabinoids in people with LOAD. Previous epidemiological studies have shown that,
disorders (e.g. cognitive abnormalities, psychotic illness and mood disorders), especially in
Given the interesting results of cannabinoids reported in vitro and in vivo studies, population-
based studies are urgently warranted, especially sufficiently powered randomized clinical
trials that are designed to differentiate between symptomatic improvement and disease
Our literature search in PubMed (February 2015), using the terms “Alzheimer’s disease”,
“Dementia”, and “Cannabinoids”, identified one systematic review, one case report, and four
small clinical studies (out of 160 papers) on the effectiveness and safety of cannabinoids in
The systematic review (2009) included only one double-blind placebo-controlled crossover
trial [62]. According to the authors, the trial data were presented in such a way that they could
not be used for further analysis and there was insufficient quantitative data to validate the
results. Therefore, they concluded that there is no evidence that cannabinoids are effective in
In the case report, the synthetic THC nabilone was used in a 72-year-old man with LOAD
agitation, and aggression [63]. The patient had previously been treated with donepezil,
significant improvement. Nabilone 0.5 mg/day was started and later increased to 0.5 mg twice
daily, and led to a significant improvement in the patient’s behavioral symptoms without
The four clinical studies of the effectiveness of cannabinoids in the treatment of dementia
symptoms included in total 60 subjects, all of whom were treated with the synthetic THC
crossover trial [64], Volicer and colleagues included 15 institutionalized patients with
Alzheimer's disease who refused food. During the 12-week trial, the patients were randomly
assigned to placebo first (6 weeks) or dronabinol (2.5 mg twice daily) first (6 weeks). Twelve
patients (mean age 72.7±4.9; 11 men) were included in the final analysis. Trial medication
dronabinol dose and two developed serious intercurrent infections [64]. Patients gained
weight and agitation decreased during dronabinol treatment. Compared with placebo,
In an open-label pilot study [65], Walther and colleagues evaluated the effect of dronabinol on
sleep and behavioral disturbances in six patients (mean age 81.5±6.1; four women) with
severe dementia (five with Alzheimer's disease). Participants received 2.5 mg dronabinol
daily for 2 weeks. Actigraphy and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory were used to measure the
effect of dronabinol on nocturnal motor activity and behavior, respectively. Compared with
baseline, dronabinol significantly improved nocturnal motor activity and behavior. No side
Alzheimer’s disease [66]. After the inclusion of two patients, the trial was prematurely
discontinued due to recruitment failure. The two included patients were 75- and 81-year-old
men with LOAD who had been treated with 2.5 mg dronabinol for 4 weeks for nighttime
agitation [66]. In both cases, the administration of dronabinol reduced nighttime activity and
More recently (2014), in a retrospective systematic chart review [67] Woodward and
colleagues evaluated the data of 40 patients with dementia (13 Alzheimer's disease; 28
women) who had been treated with dronabinol for behavioral or appetite disturbances. The
medical records of included patients were reviewed by geriatric psychiatrists to rate the
patients' behavior before and after 7 days of dronabinol treatment, using the Pittsburgh
Agitation Scale, Clinical Global Impression, and Global Assessment of Functioning [67]. In
addition, data were collected on the percentage of food consumed at each meal, sleep
4–50 days) and the mean dose was 7 mg/day. Administration of dronabinol significantly
improved scores on the Pittsburgh Agitation Scale and the Clinical Global Impression, but not
on the Global Assessment of Functioning. There were also significant improvements in sleep
duration and percentage of food consumed during active treatment. Twenty-six adverse events
were reported during dronabinol treatment, with sedation (n=9), delirium (n=4), urinary tract
infection (n=3), and confusion (n=2) being the most frequently reported. However, while it
was not possible to assess whether the reported adverse events were associated with
Although the findings from the above-mentioned clinical studies and case report suggest that
THC is effective and safe to use in the treatment of dementia-related symptoms in older
people, the studies had several limitations that need to be addressed. For example, the studies
were either not randomized or included a very limited number of participants (range 10–40
participants), so that the studies had insufficient power to draw firm conclusions about the
safe and effective use of cannabinoids for older people with dementia. Moreover, the THC
treatment period was too short (2 to 7 weeks). Lastly, all the studies focused on dementia-
related symptoms and did not include the assessment of memory and cognitive function as
when used long term, affect memory and cognitive functions in frail older people with
LOAD. In previous general population studies, prolonged use of cannabis was associated with
More adequately powered randomized clinical trials are needed to confirm the findings of the
above-mentioned studies. Until then, individual evaluation of the risk-benefit ratio is needed
before cannabinoid-based drugs can be prescribed to frail older individuals with LOAD.
Because of the significant therapeutic potential of cannabis and cannabinoids, people aged 65
years and older probably constitute a growing population of potential users [3]. Although
there are numerous studies of the medicinal use of cannabis (marijuana, cannabinoids based-
drugs, cannabis extracts) in the general population, little known about its effect in older
people [5].
In the United Kingdom, between 1998 and 2002, 947 people reported ever having used
cannabis for medicinal purposes [68]; 14% of these individuals were older than 60 years.
Medicinal cannabis is mostly used for multiple sclerosis (12% of participants), neuropathy
(11%), chronic pain (11%), depression (8%), and arthritis (7%). In the Netherlands, where
herbal cannabis (marijuana) is available at community pharmacies, more than 5500 patients
(57% female) were prescribed herbal cannabis between 2003 and 2010 [69]. Of these, 31%
were aged between 61 and 80 years and 6% were older than 80 years, with an average
duration of use of 6 months and 3 months, respectively. Hazekamp et al. (2013) [70] recently
reported the results of an international survey on the medicinal use of cannabis and
cannabinoids in 31 countries (e.g., USA, Germany, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Spain).
Of the 953 users of medicinal cannabis (mean age 40.7 years and 64% male) who completed
the survey, 24% were aged between 51 and 60 years, 6% between 61 and 70 years, and 1%
older than 70 years. The five most reported medical conditions for medicinal cannabis use
were back pain (11.9%), sleeping disorder (6.9%), depression (6.7%), pain resulting from an
Nabilone (Cesamet®, Valeant Pharmaceuticals International North America, Canada) are both
synthetic THC in capsules form. They have been approved in North America and some
oromucosal mouth spray that contains both THC and CBD (ratio: 1:1). It is used for the
symptomatic relief of neuropathic pain and muscle spasticity in patients with multiple
sclerosis and is available in 15 countries including the United Kingdom and seven other
European countries, New Zealand and Canada, but not in the USA.
Cannabinoid-based drugs that, have not yet gained marketing approval, are: 1) Namisol®
(Echo Pharmaceutical, The Netherlands), a THC-based formulation in tablet form [71]. This
drug is under investigation for the treatment of pain (multiple sclerosis, chronic pancreatitis)
Epidiolex® (GW Pharmaceuticals, UK) which is a CBD-based formulation that has recently
been tested in children and young adults with treatment-resistant epilepsy [72].
Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of cannabinoid-based drugs in the
treatment of different conditions that are highly prevalent in the older population, such as
pain, anorexia, and nausea and vomiting [3, 5]. While all these conditions are common in
older people, and in those with dementia, few studies reported data on older people separately
[3, 5]. Moreover, most pre-approval clinical trials of cannabinoid-based drugs excluded older
individuals (≥ 65 years) from participation or did not include sufficient numbers of older
the efficacy and safety of medical cannabinoids in older subjects [5]. We found 105
these, only five trials reported data for older individuals separately. These trials included in
total 267 participants (mean age 47–78 years). Three trials used oral THC and two trials used
an oral combination of THC/CBD. The studies found neither THC nor THC/CBD to be
effective against dyskinesia, breathlessness and chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting.
Two studies showed that THC might be useful for the treatment of anorexia and behavioral
symptoms of dementia. Adverse events were more frequently associated with cannabinoid
treatment than with the control condition, with sedation/drowsiness being the most reported
adverse events. None of the studies reported severe adverse effects related to cannabinoid use.
Thus, for the moment, no firm conclusion can be drawn about the safety and efficacy of
In general, older people seem to be more susceptible than younger people to the effects of
drugs acting on the central nervous system. This can be explained by four important factors
[73]. (1) Age-related changes in brain volume and number of neurons, as well as alterations in
neurotransmitter sensitivity, may increase the pharmacological effect of a drug. (2) Certain
and postsynaptic levels. (3) Age-related changes in receptors, whether they are located at the
actual neurotransmitter binding site or within the second messenger or effector system, may
its receptor site may affect its sensitivity to blockade by some drugs that act in the central
nervous system. (4) Altered drug disposition in older individuals generally results in a higher
concentration of psychotropic drugs at central nervous system receptor sites [73]. Moreover,
synthetic cannabinoids are lipophilic compounds, and age-related physiological changes, such
as an increase in adipose tissue and a decrease in lean body mass and total body water,
Relatively little is known about the pharmacokinetics of cannabis and cannabinoids in older
individuals, especially in people with LOAD. None of the preapproval clinical trials of
cannabinoid-based drugs currently available for clinical use (Marinol®, Cesamet® and
Sativex®) reported pharmacokinetic data for older individuals or people with dementia.
Moreover, the most recent studies of cannabinoid-based drugs that included older participants
without dementia did not perform separate pharmacokinetic analyses for the older subgroup
[5, 71].
Carroll et al. (2004) [74] were the first to report pharmacokinetic data for cannabinoids in
older people without dementia. They included 19 participants (12 men; mean age 67 years;
range 51-78 years) with Parkinson disease who received Cannador® (THC 2.5 mg and CBD
1.25 mg per capsule). In most patients, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of THC was
reached within 2 hours of drug administration, with levels ranging from 0.25 to 5.4 ng/mL.
There was no clear dose response. The authors did not report pharmacokinetic data for
In our recent phase 1 study [71], we evaluated the pharmacokinetics of three oral doses of
THC (3 mg, 5 mg, and 6.5 mg) in 12 healthy older subjects (6 men; mean age 72±5 years;
range 65–80 years). One subject was not medication compliant and so the data for 11 subjects
(5 men and 6 women) were analyzed. Blood samples were collected before and at 40, 55, and
120 minutes after dosing. There was a wide inter-individual variation in plasma
concentrations of THC and its active metabolites, 11-hydroxy-delta 9-THC (11‐OH‐THC) and
in four and five subjects after dosing with 5 mg and 6.5 mg THC, respectively. For subjects
for whom Cmax was reached within 120 minutes, the geometric mean THC Cmax was 1.42
ng/mL (range 0.53–3.48) for 3 mg (n=10), 3.15 ng/mL (range 1.54–6.95) for 5 mg (n=7), and
4.57 ng/mL (range 2.11–8.65) for 6.5 mg (n=6) [69]. However, as the study was initially
designed to assess the safety, not pharmacokinetics, of THC, only four blood samples were
collected over 120 minutes, which is insufficient for complete pharmacokinetic analysis [71].
we evaluated the pharmacokinetics of THC in 10 older subjects with dementia (7 men; mean
age 77.3±5.6 years; 9 Alzheimer’s disease). Subjects were randomly assigned to receive oral
THC or placebo twice daily for 3 days, separated by a 4-day washout period. The total
treatment period was 12 weeks. Patients received 0.75 mg THC twice daily in weeks 1 to 6
and 1.5 mg THC twice daily in weeks 7 to 12. The data of one participant were excluded
because insufficient blood was collected for analysis. The median time to reach Cmax (Tmax)
was 1-2 hours. THC pharmacokinetics increased linearly with increasing dose, but with a
wide interindividual variation (the coefficient of variation of the geometric mean was as high
as 140%). The mean Cmax (ng/mL) after the first dose (0-6 h) was 0.41 (0.18-0.90) for the
0.75 mg dose and 1.01 (0.53-1.92) for the 1.5 mg dose; after the second dose (6-24 h) the Cmax
was 0.50 (0.27-0.92) and 0.98 (0.46-2.06), respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this
was the first and only study to date to investigate the pharmacokinetics of THC in subjects
help clinicians to maximize the therapeutic benefits and minimize the toxic effects. Therefore,
more studies are warranted in this population, especially comparison studies with younger and
older adults.
The great burden of LOAD and the lack of adequate therapy explain the increasing number of
studies (vitro, vivo, human) in this field of medicine. Given the complex multifactorial
pathogenesis of LOAD, the development of a drug targeting a single causal factor will be of
limited benefit to most patients. The literature consistently reports that the endocannabinoid
system is associated with LOAD, and a number of studies have shown that targeting the
endocannabinoid system offers a novel pharmacological approach for the treatment of LOAD
that may be more effective than currently available drugs. Cannabinoids can reduce oxidative
stress, neuroinflammation, and the formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles,
the hallmarks of LOAD. Moreover, the cannabinoid THC appears to increase the availability
Cannabinoids are interesting drug candidates for the treatment of LOAD in older people for
other reasons as well. (1) The interactions between the endocannabinoid system and other
receptors and neurotransmitters in the brain make cannabinoids not only a potential drug
candidate for LOAD, but also for other physical conditions that are common in older people.
(2) The cannabis plant is easy and cheap to cultivate, which makes cannabinoids an attractive
drug. (3) Cannabinoid-based drugs (oral and mouth spray) have recently been developed and
approved for use in a fixed dose, which makes drug delivery and dose control easier than with
the smoking route of drug delivery, especially in individuals with cognitive impairment.
In conclusion, currently available studies, both in vitro and in vivo, provide an interesting
basis for the innovative use of cannabinoids as a therapeutic approach to LOAD and other
comorbidities in older people. However, the lack of population-based studies justifies further
research, and especially adequately powered randomized controlled trials, in order to assess
2. Andersen, F., Viitanen, M., Halvorsen, D.S., Straume, B. & Engstad, T.A. Co-
3. Ahmed, A.I., van den Elsen, G.A., van der Marck, M.A. & Olde Rikkert, M.G.
Medicinal use of cannabis and cannabinoids in older adults: where is the evidence? J
4. Ahmed, A.I., van den Elsen, G.A., van der Marck, M.A. & Olde Rikkert, M.G.
Cannabinoids for pain in dementia: the good, the bad, and the ugly. J Am Geriatr Soc.
5. van den Elsen, G.A., Ahmed, A.I., Lammers, M., Kramers, C., Verkes, R.J., van der
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Studied Drug / Treatment
Study Subjects / age Study design
indication Dosage duration
Efficacy Safety