Comes from the italian word “Ballare”= to dance
Two types;
1. Traditional : A poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas.
2. Literary : A slow sentimental or romantic song.
Figures of Speech :
Metaphor Blank Verse Paradox
Simile Imagery Alliteration
Conceit Understatement Free Verse Assonance
Hyperbole Pun Oxymoron Satire
Allegory Euphemism Apostrophe Irony
Metaphor: Implicit comparison between two things.
In novel , we have;
♠Character ♠p.o.v.
♠plot ♠narrator
♠themes ♠setting
Types of Novel
Picaresque Novel: It is a type of adventure fiction story
focusing on a rogue character.
Example: Daniel Defoe - Moll Flanders
● Drama is a form of composition performed on a stage by
an actress or actors.
● Drama needs theater and theater needs drama.
● The roots of modern drama go back to Athens, Greece.
● Drama began with religious celebrations.
● The first city Dionysia is celebrated about 534bc and the
first winner Thespis.
● Best known oedipus king.
● He acted in his own dramas.
● Increased the number of actors to 3 by reducing the
importance of chorus.
● Aristotle used Sophocles’ King Oedipus as the model for
his own analysis.
● though he wrote over 120 plays, only 7 complete
tragedies have survived.
Three of sophocles’ surviving plays: (trilogy)
1.King oedipus
3.Oedipus at Colonus
3. Euripides
● Among the three ancient playwrights Euripides was
regarded as the most modern because he mixed comedy
and tragedy.
● He portrayed female characters sympathetically.
● It is the oldest form of drama.
● It brings death to the main character.
● The word tragedy comes from the greek word “tragos
ode” which means goat song.
● Goat was sacrificed before the beginning at tragic play at
the festival.
● Goat was given as a prize to the winner of the
Kinds of Tragedy
1. Senecan Tragedy
● Senecan tragedies were plays of ideas rather than action.
● The nine tragedies:
Hercules, Fureus, Medea, Troades, Phaedra, Agamemnon,
Oedipus, Octucus, Phoenissae, Thyestes,
2. Revenge
● Earliest instance of revenge tragedy is the *Orestein and
● sometimes a villain rights a wrong
3. Domestic (bourgeois tragedy)
● family affairs
● The chief examples
*Thomas Kyd - Arden of Faversham
* Thomas Heywood’s A Woman killed with kindness
● It is a form of drama.
● written to amuse its audience
● usually ends happily
2 period
1. Old Comedy
● Deals with the comedies whose characters are
recognizable contemporary figures.
● Aristophanes is the well-known master of old comedy.
● He wrote over 40 plays.
2. New Comedy
● Menander is the representative
● Based on bizarre situations incited by human lore.
● Characters are stock characters.
Types of Comedy
High Comedy
● Relies on words.
● Wit and sophisticated characters.
a)Romantic Comedy
● Developed by the Elizabethan dramatists.
● It includes a love affair; they unite happily at the end.
Example: William Shakespeare - As you like it
b)Satiric Comedy
● It ridiculous political, social or philosophical issues
● Through humor, it criticizes the deviations from norms
and standards.
Example: B. Jonson “Volpone”
c) Comedy of manners
● The characters are mostly from middle or upper classes.
● Themes mainly marital or sexual.
Example: Oscar wilde “The importance of being Earnest”
Low Comedy
● does not require much intellect
● mechanical manners, stock characters, bawdy jokes
a)Farce (saçmalık, absürt)
b)Commedia dell’Arte
Romans: The Romans ruled the island 400 years and they made
contributions. They brought Christianity and Latin.
War of Roses
France Between houses of Lancaster and York
red rose white rose
At the end of the war, the Tudor dynasty ruled England for the next
Thomas Malory - The death of king Arthur
John Bunyan - The pilgrim's progress
Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales
William Langland - Piers Plowman
● Means re-birth, revival or re-awakening.
(after the long sleep of the middle age)
● Started in Italy, expanded through Germany and other
European countries.
Bible Translation
Erasmus, the Dutch Humanist, published the first Greek New
Testament in Basel in 1516.This version served as the basis for
Martin Luther’s 1522 German version. His bible made a contribution
to the evolution of German language and literature.
-The rise of humanism inspired many translators.
17. century
divided into 4 period
1. Jacobean age (James 1)
● He encouraged the church
2. Caroline age (Charles 1)
● He contradicts with the parliament.
● It caused the outbreak of civil war.
Battle of worcester
*Between the Cavaliers (supporters of charles 1 )
and the Roundheads (parliamentarians)
Roundheads win and charles executed
3. Interregnum (Richard cromwell)
● The period ends due to mismanagements of the
country by Cromwells.
4. Restoration (Charles 2)
● Monarchy was restored.
● He permitted the theaters, closed by Puritans, to
*two terrible events took place in two years
1.Great Plague (london) (veba)
2.Great Fire (london)
Metaphysical poetry
● It emerged as a reaction to Elizabethan love poetry.
● love, human , fragility, god and religion..
● John Donne , Andrew Marvell , George Herbert
● John Milton - Paradise lost
Enlightenment Neoclassicism
● Society was more important than the individual.
● Rise of novel, satire was common
● William Orange and Mary ruled the country after the
escape of James 2.
● “The Glorious Revolution” william crossed the
english channel with a small army and no
bloodshed. (james burda kaçıyor)
● Deism was common
● Literature was simple, didactic and moralistic.
● ancient classics
● It was a reaction against neoclassicism
● individualism, nature, worship, primitivism.
● originally started in France
● It came out as a rejection for 20th century optimism.