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Insurance Benefits

Lecture: Weeks 6-7

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An introduction

An introduction
Central theme: to quantify the value today of a (random) amount to
be paid at a random time in the future.
main application is in life insurance contracts, but could be applied in
other contexts, e.g. warranty contracts.
Generally computed in two steps:
1 take the present value (PV) random variable, bT vT ; and
2 calculate the expected value E[bT vT ] for the average value - this value
is referred to as the Actuarial Present Value (APV).
In general, we want to understand the entire distribution of the PV
random variable bT vT :
it could be highly skewed, in which case, there is danger to use
other ways of summarizing the distribution such as variances and
percentiles/quantiles may be useful.

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An introduction

A simple illustration
Consider the simple illustration of valuing a three-year term insurance
policy issued to age 35 where if he dies within the first year, a $1,000
benefit is payable at the end of his year of death.
If he dies within the second year, a $2,000 benefit is payable at the end of
his year of death. If he dies within the third year, a $5,000 benefit is
payable at the end of his year of death.
Assume a constant interest rate (annual effective) of 5% and the following
extract from a mortality table:

x qx
35 0.005
36 0.006
37 0.007
38 0.008

Calculate the APV of the benefits.

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An introduction chapter summary

Chapter summary
Life insurance
benefits payable contingent upon death; payment made to a designated
actuarial present values (APV)
actuarial symbols and notation
Insurances payable at the moment of death
level benefits, varying benefits (e.g. increasing, decreasing)
Insurances payable at the end of year of death
level benefits, varying benefits (e.g. increasing, decreasing)

Chapter 4, DHW

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The present value random variable

The present value random variable

Denote by Z, the present value random variable.

This gives the value, at policy issue, of the benefit payment. Issue age
is usually denoted by x.
In the case where the benefit is payable at the moment of death, Z
clearly depends on the time-until-death T . For simplicity, we drop the
subscript x for age-at-issue.
It is Z = bT vT where:
bT is called the benefit payment function
vT is the discount function

In the case where we have a constant (fixed) interest rate, then

vT = v T = (1 + i)−T = e−δT .

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Policy types term life

Fixed term life insurance

An n-year term life insurance provides payment if the insured dies
within n years from issue.
For a unit of benefit payment, we have
1, T ≤ n
bT = and vT = v T .
0, T > n
The present value random variable is therefore
vT , T ≤ n
Z= = v T I(T ≤ n)
0, T >n
where I(·) is called indicator function. E[Z] is called the APV of the
Actuarial notation:
Z n Z n
Ā x: n = E[Z] = v fx (t)dt = v t tpx µx+t dt.
0 0
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Policy types term life

Rule of moments
The j-th moment of the distribution of Z can be expressed as:
Z n Z n
e−(jδ)t tpx µx+t dt.
 j tj
E Z = v tpx µx+t dt =
0 0

This is actually equal to the APV but evaluated at the force of

interest jδ.
In general, we have the following rule of moment:

E Z j @ δt = E[Z]@ jδt .

For example, the variance can be expressed as

Var[Z] = 2Āx:
1 1
n − Āx: n .

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Traditional life insurance

Traditional insurances - continuous

Benefit PV r.v. APV Variance

Type bT Z E[Z] Var[Z]

Term 2
I(T ≤ n) v T · I(T ≤ n) Ā 1x: n 2Ā1
x: n − Ā1x: n

Whole 2
1 vT Āx 2Ā
x − Āx

Pure 2
I(T > n) v n · I(T > n) Ax: n1 or n Ex 2A 1
x: n − Ax: 1n

Endowment 1 v min(T,n) Āx: n 2Ā
x: n − Āx: n

Deferred I(T > n) v T · I(T > n) n|Āx
n|Āx − n|Āx

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Traditional life insurance pure endowment

Pure endowment insurance

For an n-year pure endowment insurance, we can also express the PV
random variable as:
Z = v n I(Tx > n),
where I(E) is 1 if the event E is true, and 0 otherwise.
The term I(I(Tx > n)) is a binary random variable with mean
E[I(Tx > n)] = npx and Var[I(Tx > n)] = npx (1 − npx ).
APV for pure endowment:

Ax: 1n = n Ex = v n npx .

Variance (show also using rule of moments):

Var[Z] = v 2n npx · nqx = 2Ax: n1 − Ax: 1n .

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Traditional life insurance endowment

Endowment insurance
An n-year endowment insurance is the sum of an n-year term and and
n-year pure endowment:

Z = Z1 + Z2 = v min(T,n) = v T · I(T ≤ n) + v n I(Tx > n),

where Z1 = v T · I(T ≤ n) is the term component and

Z2 = v n I(Tx > n) is the pure endowment component.
Therefore, it is clear that:

Āx: n = Ā 1x: n + n Ex = v n npx .

One can also use the variance of sums of random variables to get:

Var[Z] = Var[Z1 ] + Var[Z2 ] + 2Cov[Z1 , Z2 ]

where one can show that Cov[Z1 , Z2 ] = E[Z1 ]E[Z2 ] since Z1 · Z2 = 0.

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Traditional life insurance deferred

Deferred insurance

An n-year deferred insurance can be viewed as a discounted (with

life) whole life insurance:

n|Āx = n Ex · Āx+n

The pure endowment insurance is used as a discounting with life

contingent payments.

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Special cases constant force

Constant force of mortality - all throughout life

Assume mortality is based on a constant force, say µ, and interest is also

based on a constant force of interest, say δ.
Find expressions for the APV for the following types of insurances:
whole life insurance;
n-year term life insurance;
n-year endowment insurance; and
n-year deferred life insurance.
Check out the (corresponding) variances for each of these types of
[Details in class]

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Special cases constant force

APVs under constant force of mortality

Assume constant force of mortality µ and constant force of interest δ.

Type APV

Ā 1x: n = 1 − e−(µ+δ)n

Whole Āx =

Pure Ax: 1n = n Ex = e−(µ+δ)n

1 − e−(µ+δ)n + e−(µ+δ)n

Endowment Āx: n =
µ −(µ+δ)n
Deferred n|Āx =

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Special cases De Moivre’s law

De Moivre’s law

Find expressions for the APV for the same types of insurances in the case
where you have:

De Moivre’s law.

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Special cases whole life - illustration

Illustrative example 1

For a whole life insurance of $1,000 on (x) with benefits payable at the
moment of death, you are given:
0.04, 0 < t ≤ 10
δt =
0.05, t > 10

and (
0.006, 0 < t ≤ 10
µx+t =
0.007, t > 10
Calculate the actuarial present value for this insurance.

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Special cases whole life

Equivalent probability calculations

We can also compute probabilities of Z as follows. Consider the present
value random variable Z for a whole life issued to age x. For 0 < α < 1,
the following is straightforward:

Pr[Z ≤ α] = Pr[e−δTx ≤ α = Pr[−δTx ≤ log(α)]

= Pr[Tx > −(1/δ) log(α)] = upx ,

u = (1/δ) log(1/α) = log(1/α)1/δ .

Consider the case where α = 0.75 and δ = 0.05. Then

u = log(1/0.75)1/0.05 = 5.753641.
Thus, the probability Pr[Z ≤ 0.75] is equivalent to the probability
that (x) will survive for another 5.753641 years.

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Varying benefits

Insurances with varying benefits

Type bT Z APV

bT + 1cv T

bT + 1c I Ā x
whole life

Whole life
v T bT m + 1c /m I (m) Ā

bT m + 1c /m
increasing m-thly x

Constant increasing
T vT I¯Ā

T x
whole life
( (
Decreasing n − bT c, T ≤n (n − bT c) v T , T ≤ n 1
n-year term 0, T >n 0, T >n
x: n

* These items will be discussed in class.

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Varying benefits varying benefits - illustration

Illustrative example 2

For a whole life insurance on (50) with death benefits payable at the
moment of death, you are given:
Mortality follows De Moivre’s law with ω = 110.
bt = 10000(1.10)t , for t ≥ 0
δ = 5%
Z denotes the present value random variable for this insurance.
Calculate E[Z] and Var[Z].
Can you find an explicit expression for the distribution function of Z, i.e.
Pr[Z ≤ z]?

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Discrete insurances term insurance

Insurances payable at EOY of death

For insurances payable at the end of the year (EOY) of death, the PV
r.v. Z clearly depends on the curtate future lifetime Kx .
It is Z = bK+1 vK+1 .
To illustrate, consider an n-year term insurance which pays benefit at
the end of year of death:
1, K = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1
bK+1 = , vK+1 = v K+1 ,
0, otherwise

and therefore
v K+1 , K = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1
Z= .
0, otherwise

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Discrete insurances term insurance

- continued

APV of n-year term:

X n−1
A1x: n = E[Z] = v k+1 k|qx = v k+1 kpx · qx+k
k=0 k=0

Rule of moments also apply in discrete situations. For example,

Var[Z] = 2Ax:
1 1
n − Ax: n ,

A1x: n = E Z 2 = e−2δ(k+1) kpx · qx+k .

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Traditional life insurance

Traditional insurances - discrete

Benefit PV r.v. APV Variance

Type bT Z E[Z] Var[Z]

Term 2
I(K < n) v K+1 · I(K < n) A 1x: n 2A1
x: n − A1x: n

1 v K+1 Ax 2A
x − (Ax )2

Endowment 1 v min(K+1,n) Ax: n 2A
x: n − Ax: n

Deferred I(K ≥ n) v K+1 · I(K ≥ n) n|Ax
n|Ax − n|Ax

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Traditional life insurance recursive relationships

Recursive relationships

The following will be derived/discussed in class:

whole life insurance: Ax = vqx + vpx Ax+1

term insurance: A1x: n = vqx + vpx Ax +

1: n−1

endowment insurance: Ax: n = vqx + vpx Ax+1: n−1

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Traditional life insurance interest rate sensitivity

Makeham parameters:
A = 0.00022, B = 2.7 × 10−6 , c = 1.124


i = 1%
i = 5%
i = 10%
i = 15%

i = 20%

20 40 60 80 100

Figure: Actuarial Present Value of a discrete whole life insurance for various
interest rate assumptions

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Traditional life insurance mortality rate sensitivity


Makeham parameters: Makeham parameters:
A = 0.00022, B = 2.7 × 10−6 , c varying A = 0.00022, B = 2.7 × 10−6 , c varying

c = 1.124 c = 1.124

c = 1.130 c = 1.130
c = 1.136 c = 1.136


c = 1.142 c = 1.142
c = 1.148 c = 1.148



20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
x x

Figure: Actuarial Present Value of a discrete whole life insurance for various
mortality rate assumptions with interest rate fixed at 5%

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Traditional life insurance illustrative example

Illustrative example 3

For a whole life insurance of 1 on (41) with death benefit payable at the
end of the year of death, let Z be the present value random variable for
this insurance.
You are given:
i = 0.05;

p40 = 0.9972;

A41 − A40 = 0.00822; and

2A − 2A40 = 0.00433.

Calculate Var[Z].

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Traditional life insurance other forms

Other forms of insurance

Varying benefit insurances

Very similar to the continuous cases
You are expected to read and understand these other forms of
It is also useful to understand the various (possible) recursion
relations resulting from these various forms.

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Traditional life insurance illustration of varying benefit amounts

Illustration of varying benefits

For a special life insurance issued to (45), you are given:

Death benefits are payable at the end of the year of death.
The benefit amount is $100,000 in the in the first 10 years of death,
decreasing to $50,000 after that until reaching age 65.
An endowment benefit of $100,000 is paid if the insured reaches age
There are no benefits to be paid past the age of 65.
Mortality follows the Standard Ultimate Life Table at i = 0.05.

Calculate the actuarial present value (APV) for this insurance.

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Traditional life insurance illustrative example

Illustrative example 4

For a whole life insurance issued to age 40, you are given:
Death benefits are payable at the moment of death.
The benefit amount is $1,000 in the first year of death, increasing by
$500 each year thereafter for the next 3 years, and then becomes level
at $5,000 thereafter.
Mortality follows the Standard Ultimate Life Table at i = 0.05.
Deaths are uniformly distributed over each year of age.

Calculate the APV for this insurance.

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Insurance payable m-thly

Insurances payable m-thly

Consider the case where we have just one-year term and the benefit is
payable at the end of the m-th of the year of death.
We thus have
A1 = v (r+1)/m · r/mpx · 1/mqx+r/m .
x: 1 r=0

We can show that under the UDD assumption, this leads us to:

(m) i
A1 = A1 .
x: 1 i(m) x: 1

In general, we can generalize this to:

(m) i
A1 = A1x: n .
x: n i(m)

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Insurance payable m-thly

Other types of insurances with m-thly payments

For other types, we can also similarly derive the following (with the
UDD assumption):
(m) i
whole life insurance: Ax = Ax

(m) i
deferred life insurance: n|Ax = A
i(m) n| x

(m) i
endowment insurance: Ax: n = A1 + Ax: 1n
i(m) x: n

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Relationships - continuous and discrete

For some forms of insurances, we can get explicit relationships under

the UDD assumption:
whole life insurance: Āx = Ax
i 1
term insurance: Ā1x: n = A
δ x: n
(IA)1x: n
increasing term insurance: I Ā x: n =

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Relationships illustrative example

Illustrative example 5

For a three-year term insurance of 1000 on [50], you are given:

Death benefits are payable at the end of the quarter of death.
Mortality follows a select and ultimate life table with a two-year select
[x] `[x] `[x]+1 `x+2 x+2
50 9706 9687 9661 52
51 9680 9660 9630 53
52 9653 9629 9596 54

Deaths are uniformly distributed over each year of age.

i = 5%

Calculate the APV for this insurance.

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Illustrative examples

Illustrative example 6

Each of 100 independent lives purchases a single premium 5-year deferred

whole life insurance of 10 payable at the moment of death.
You are given:
µ = 0.004

δ = 0.006

F is the aggregate amount the insurer receives from the 100 lives.

The 95th percentile of the standard Normal distribution is 1.645.

Using a Normal approximation, calculate F such that the probability the
insurer has sufficient funds to pay all claims is 0.95.

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Illustrative examples

Illustrative example 7

Suppose interest rate i = 6% and mortality is based on the following life

x 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
`x 800 740 680 620 560 500 440 380 320 100 0

Calculate the following:

(a) A94
(b) A90: 5
(c) 3|A92 , assuming UDD between integral ages
(d) A95: 3

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Illustrative examples

Illustrative example 8

A five-year term insurance policy is issued to (45) with benefit amount of

$10,000 payable at the end of the year of death.
Mortality is based on the following select and ultimate life table:

x `[x] `[x]+1 `[x]+2 `x+3 x+3

45 5282 5105 4856 4600 48
46 4753 4524 4322 4109 49
47 4242 4111 3948 3750 50
48 3816 3628 3480 3233 51

Calculate the APV for this insurance if i = 5%.

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Illustrative examples

Illustrative example 9

Note: This is a modified question from SOA Spring 2016 exam.

A life insurance policy is issued to (35) with present value random variable:

10v , 0 < T35 ≤ 25

Z = 40v T35 , 25 < T35 ≤ 45

0, T > 45

You are also given:

Mortality follows the Standard Ultimate Life Table.
Deaths are uniformly distributed over each year of age.
i = 0.05

Calculate the expected value and the standard deviation of Z.

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Other terminologies

Other terminologies and notations used

Expression Other terms/symbols used

Expected Present Value (EPV)

Actuarial Present Value (APV) Net Single Premium (NSP)
single benefit premium

basis assumptions

interest per year effective

interest rate (i)
discount rate

sum insured (S)

benefit amount (b)
death benefit

Expected value of Z E(Z)

Variance of Z Var(Z) V [Z]

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