Intro To Artificial Intelligence
Intro To Artificial Intelligence
Intro To Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence is a combination of information and reasoning. AI is not natural Intelligence but behaves
like human Intelligence. AI is a human-made machine which works like the human brain.
Examples of AI:
1) AI based self-driven cars can identify humans, animals. It stops at a red signal and starts wipers in
2) AI based robots can communicate in human language and interact like human beings. Example
AI is Not
AI is a machine that works like the human brain but it isn’t natural intelligence, so it has some
1) AI doesn’t have emotional intelligence like human beings.
2) AI doesn’t mean automation. If machines work automatically, it doesn’t mean AI. Until a machine
makes decisions by itself, we can’t AI.
The Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence are two distinct concepts that complement each other.
IoT devices provide the data for AI systems to analyze, learn from, and automate. While IoT focuses on
connectivity and automation, AI focuses on analysis, interpretation, and decision-making.
Nowadays we have smartphones, smart televisions, smart calendars, smart cards etc. These
appliances basically work on technology which is a part of Artificial Intelligence. Meanwhile in the
new technological world you hear words like big data, machine learning, neural networks etc. These
all words are directly or indirectly connected to Artificial Intelligence.John McCarthy is one of the
"founding fathers" of artificial intelligence, together with Alan Turing, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell,
and Herbert A. Simon. McCarthy coined the term"artificial intelligence" in 1956.
Definition of AI:
AI can be defined as the ability of computer systems i.e. hardware and software, to do tasks that
normally require human beings to use intelligence.
Applications of AI in our daily life:
There are numerous things in our daily life today, those are influenced by AI. Few of them are:
Smartphones: The smartphone has many applications which run and provide services with the help
of AI. Ex. Google Assistant, Alexa, Apple Siri etc.
Social Media: Social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat sending
notification and managing timelines by AI. AI takes all your past behavior, web searches,
interactions, and everything else that you do when you are on these websites and tailors the
experience just for you.
Music and Media streaming: Apps like spotify, NetFlix or Youtube AI is making decisions for
the users. AI records playlist history and generates some recommendations for watching or
playing songs.
Video Games:Video games companies are the earliest adopters of AI. AI generates random
levels in video games. In many games AI defeated world champions. PUBG, Dota 2, FortNite all
are AI integrated games.
Smart Home: Many smart home devices use AI to learn behavior of the members of the family and
can adjust settings accordingly. Smart voice assistants play a vital role in smart homes. Smart
thermostats are used to adjust the temperature based on the user's preferences. Smart lights change
the color and intensity of lights based on time and much more.
Security and Surveillance: Thousands of cameras keep monitoring at the same time by AI only.
Object recognition and face recognition are getting better and better day by day.
Smart Keyboard and Apps: Smart Keyboards provide comfort for users while typing on screen. It
generates suggestions based on the writing style of users. It also displays a few words and emojis.
Healthcare: With an introduction to AI powered machines detection of disease and treatment
becomes a bit easier and convenient. AI powered machines make the process of treatment and
management simplified. Much research to cure some diseases is done by AI based systems.
E-Commerce: Online shopping on amazon and eBay like websites using chatbots to collect data
of customers and building good rapport with buyers.
Smart Email: Modern email apps like spark provides facility to get rid of spam email and unwanted
emails. It also categorizes email, so users can quickly read important ones. The smart reply
concept also gives a few suggestions with reply text like in gmail.
Smart Cars: Tesla is a prime example of AI impacting our daily lives.
Smart Drones: Companies like Amazon and Walmart are heavily investing in drone delivery
programs and it will become a reality far sooner than what you expect.
Banking and Finance: Banking and Finance industry relies on AI for providing customer services,
protection against fraud, investment suggestions and so on. While using the chat service of banks the
chat is represented by Bots only. In the finance industry AI is used to analyze data.
Online Ads Network: AI just not tracking records of users but also serves the ads based on
statistics. With the help of an AI Ads network displaying random Ads online.
Navigation and Travel: While traveling or enjoying rides like ola, uber or any other services ,
google map navigation helps to find a perfect route for the journey. Moreover, AI can give you real
time traffic data. While booking a ride on Ola or uber the pricing and the car both are decided by AI.