Parliamentary System Mind Map

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Britain Canada USA Brazil

Japan India Russia Sri Lanka

Executive is responsible Executive is NOT responsible
Prevalent in Prevalent in to the legislature
to the legislature

Also known as Parliamentary System Presidential System Also known as

Non- parliamentary Govt
Cabinet Govt Because cabinet is
nucleus of power Non- responsible Govt

Responsible Because cabinet is

PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM Fixed Executive system
Govt accountable to of Govt

Westminster Due to originated in Features (USA)

model of Govt Britain Head of Govt

1. President
Features Head of State
Merits Demerits
2. President is elected by electoral
1. Nominal & real executives college for fix tenure
1. Harmony between
1. Unstable Govt
2. Majority party rule legislature & executive 3. President is assisted by ‘Kitchen
2. No continuity of policies Cabinet’.
3. Collective responsibility 2. Responsible Govt.
4. Political Homogeneity 3. Dictatorship of cabinet 4. President & his secretaries NOT
3. Prevents Despotism responsible
5. Double membership
4. Against separation of powers 5. President cannot dissolve lower
6. Leadership of PM 4. Ready Alternative Govt house
7. Dissolution of lower house 5. Govt by Amateurs
5. Wide presentation 6. Separation of Powers
8. secrecy
1. Familiarity with System 3. Need to avoid legislative-executive conflicts

2. Preference to more responsibility 4. Nature of Indian Society

Reasons for Adopting Parliamentary System


Distinction between Indian & British Model

1. Britain has Monarchical System

1. India has Republic System
Head of the State :King / Queen Head of the State : president

2. British system is based on doctrine of 2. In India Parliament is not supreme

sovereignty of parliament

3. In Britain PM should be member of 3. In India PM may be member of either house

Lower house ( House of commons).

4. In Britain, MP alone appointed as 4. In India Non MP can be minister but for

Minister maximum 6 months

5. Britain has system of Legal responsibility 5. India has no such system

of minister

6. In Britain, Shadow Cabinet formed by 6. India has no such system

Comparing Parliamentary & Presidential Systems
Parliamentary System Presidential System

Features Features

1. Dual executive 1. Single Executive

2. Majority Party Rule 2. President & legislators elected separately for fix term
3. Collective Responsibility 3. Non-responsibility
4. Political Homogeneity 4. Political Homogeneity may not exist
5. Double Membership 5. Single Membership
6. Leadership of Prime Minister 6. Domination of President
7. Dissolution of Lower House 7. No Dissolution of Lower House
8. Fusion of Powers. 8. Separation of Powers.

Merits Merits

1. Harmony between legislature and executive 1. Stable Government

2. Responsible Government 2. Definiteness of Policies
3. Prevents Despotism 3. Based on Separation of Powers
4. Wide Representation. 4. Government by Experts.

Demerits Demerits

1. Unstable Government 1. Conflicts between Legislature & Executive

2. No continuity of Policies 2. Non- Responsible Government
3. Against separation of Powers 3. May lead to Autocracy
4. Government by Amateurs. 4. Narrow Representation.

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