DLP8 Enl
DLP8 Enl
DLP8 Enl
- Is the mechanical and chemical hammer that breaks down and sculpts rocks.
- Involves the movement of the weathered rocks from their site of weathering by
the agents of erosion.
- Rainwater is the most important force or agent of erosion.
- Gravity is the driving force and it gives water the energy to erode and carry
away rock materials.
- Wind continuously blows away loose particles of rocks and soil from place to
- Typically known as mass wasting or slope movement defined as bulk
movements of soil, sand, and rock debris in response to the force of gravity.
QUESTIONS/ACTIVITY NOTE: You have the power or freedom to choose what activity you like. It’s
either the photo exhibit or the infomercial.
This photo was taken in our backyard at Taytay, Rizal. Both photo shows
weathering; I can observe physical weathering as well as chemical weathering. When
I was a kid, I wasn’t familiar about rocks, I just only thought about them as a rock that I
can play with or throw with my playmates. But now I learned that, rocks undergo
weathering wherein they were broken down into pieces. Same as humans, we need to
break down, to tear apart, in order for us to become the best version of ourselves.
Weathering is somewhat the process that we go through, the barriers in life that we
face, the dilemmas that we encounter. But after that process, we are a much better
version of ourselves, a much stronger and bolder individual.
Activity 2 : INFOMERCIAL
I designed this one because I think plant plays a major role not just in our problems
with erosion but also with our problems about global warming, climate change, and
other environmental issues. And as for today’s pandemic time, plantitos and plantitas
rises which is a good thing. Growing up in the province, I was also used to plant trees
and flowers at home. When I went here in Metro Manila, I also joined a cleaning drive
program and tree planting activity in Batangas. So as the co-creator of the Earth,
please plant trees, join Environmental programs, and be an active citizen that cares
about our planet. Please take part, our Earth needs MORE OF YOU !
Organization 10