Ang 659 of Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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Ang Guru Granth Sahib


sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI - AMg 659

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 659

swcI pRIiq hm qum isau jorI ]

saachee preet ham tum siau joree ||
I am joined in true love with You, Lord.

qum isau joir Avr sMig qorI

tum siau jor avar sa(n)g toree ||3||
I am joined with You, and I have
broken with all others. ||3||

jh jh jwau qhw qyrI syvw ]

jeh jeh jaau tahaa teree sevaa ||
Wherever I go, there I serve You.

qum so Twkuru Aauru n dyvw ]4]

tum so Thaakur aaur na dhevaa ||4||
There is no other Lord Master than
You, O Divine Lord. ||4||

qumry Bjn ktih jm PWsw ]

tumare bhajan kaTeh jam faa(n)saa ||
Meditating, vibrating upon You, the
noose of death is cut away.

Bgiq hyq gwvY rivdwsw ]5]5]

bhagat het gaavai ravidhaasaa ||5||5||
To attain devotional worship, Ravi
Daas sings to You, Lord. ||5||5||

jl kI BIiq pvn kw QMBw rkq

buMd kw gwrw ]
jal kee bheet pavan kaa tha(n)bhaa
rakat bu(n)dh kaa gaaraa ||
The body is a wall of water,
supported by the pillars of air; the egg
and sperm are the mortar.

hwf mws nwVˆØI ko ipMjru pMKI bsY

ibcwrw ]1]
haadd maas naaRa(n)ee ko pi(n)jar
pa(n)khee basai bichaaraa ||1||
The framework is made up of bones,
flesh and veins; the poor soul-bird
dwells within it. ||1||

pRwnI ikAw myrw ikAw qyrw ]

praanee kiaa meraa kiaa teraa ||
O mortal, what is mine, and what is

jYsy qrvr pMiK bsyrw ]1] rhwau

jaise taravar pa(n)kh baseraa ||1||
rahaau ||
The soul is like a bird perched upon a
tree. ||1||Pause||

rwKhu kMD auswrhu nIvW ]

raakhahu ka(n)dh usaarahu neevaa(n) ||
You lay the foundation and build the

swFy qIin hwQ qyrI sIvW ]2]

saadde teen haath teree seevaa(n) ||2||
But in the end, three and a half cubits
will be your measured space. ||2||

bMky bwl pwg isir fyrI ]

ba(n)ke baal paag sir dderee ||
You make your hair beautiful, and
wear a stylish turban on your head.

iehu qnu hoiego Bsm kI FyrI

eih tan hoigo bhasam kee dderee ||3||
But in the end, this body shall be
reduced to a pile of ashes. ||3||

aUcy mMdr suMdr nwrI ]

uooche ma(n)dhar su(n)dhar naaree ||
Your palaces are lofty, and your brides
are beautiful.

rwm nwm ibnu bwjI hwrI ]4]

raam naam bin baajee haaree ||4||
But without the Lord's Name, you
shall lose the game entirely. ||4||

myrI jwiq kmInI pWiq kmInI

ECw jnmu hmwrw ]
meree jaat kameenee paa(n)t kameenee
ochhaa janam hamaaraa ||
My social status is low, my ancestry is
low, and my life is wretched.

qum srnwgiq rwjw rwm cMd kih

rivdws cmwrw ]5]6]
tum saranaagat raajaa raam cha(n)dh
keh ravidhaas chamaaraa ||5||6||
I have come to Your Sanctuary, O
Luminous Lord, my King; so says Ravi
Daas, the shoemaker. ||5||6||

cmrtw gWiT n jneI ]

chamaraTaa gaa(n)Th na janiee ||
I am a shoemaker, but I do not know
how to mend shoes.

logu gTwvY pnhI ]1] rhwau ]

log gaThaavai panahee ||1|| rahaau ||
People come to me to mend their
shoes. ||1||Pause||

Awr nhI ijh qopau ]

aar nahee jeh topau ||
I have no awl to stitch them;

nhI rWbI Twau ropau ]1]

nahee raa(n)bee Thaau ropau ||1||
I have no knife to patch them. ||1||

logu gMiT gMiT Krw ibgUcw ]

log ga(n)Th ga(n)Th kharaa bigoochaa ||
Mending, mending, people waste their
lives and ruin themselves.

hau ibnu gWTy jwie phUcw ]2]

hau bin gaa(n)The jai pahoochaa ||2||
Without wasting my time mending, I
have found the Lord. ||2||

rivdwsu jpY rwm nwmw ]

ravidhaas japai raam naamaa ||
Ravi Daas chants the Lord's Name;

moih jm isau nwhI kwmw ]3]7]

moh jam siau naahee kaamaa ||3||7||
he is not concerned with the
Messenger of Death. ||3||7||

rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq BIKn kI

raag soraTh baanee bhagat bheekhan
Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Devotee
Bheekhan Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ikOankaar satigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The
Grace Of The True Guru:

nYnhu nIru bhY qnu KInw Bey kys

duD vwnI ]
nainahu neer bahai tan kheenaa bhe
kes dhudh vaanee ||
Tears well up in my eyes, my body has
become weak, and my hair has
become milky-white.

rUDw kMTu sbdu nhI aucrY Ab

ikAw krih prwnI ]1]
roodhaa ka(n)Th sabadh nahee ucharai
ab kiaa kareh paraanee ||1||
My throat is tight, and I cannot utter
even one word; what can I do now? I
am a mere mortal. ||1||

rwm rwie hoih bYd bnvwrI ]

raam rai hoh baidh banavaaree ||
O Lord, my King, Gardener of the
world-garden, be my Physician,

Apny sMqh lyhu aubwrI ]1]

rhwau ]
apane sa(n)teh leh ubaaree ||1|| rahaau
and save me, Your Saint. ||1||Pause||

mwQy pIr srIir jlin hY krk

kryjy mwhI ]
maathe peer sareer jalan hai karak
kareje maahee ||
My head aches, my body is burning,
and my heart is filled with anguish.

AYsI bydn aupij KrI BeI vw kw

AauKDu nwhI ]2]
aaisee bedhan upaj kharee bhiee vaa
kaa aaukhadh naahee ||2||
Such is the disease that has struck
me; there is no medicine to cure it. ||2||

hir kw nwmu AMimRq jlu inrmlu

iehu AauKDu jig swrw ]
har kaa naam a(n)mirat jal niramal ih
aaukhadh jag saaraa ||
The Name of the Lord, the ambrosial,
immaculate water, is the best
medicine in the world.

gur prswid khY jnu BIKnu pwvau

moK duAwrw ]3]1]
gur parasaadh kahai jan bheekhan
paavau mokh dhuaaraa ||3||1||
By Guru's Grace, says servant
Bheekhan, I have found the Door of
Salvation. ||3||1||

AYsw nwmu rqnu inrmolku puMin

pdwrQu pwieAw ]
aaisaa naam ratan niramolak pu(n)n
padhaarath paiaa ||
Such is the Naam, the Name of the
Lord, the invaluable jewel, the most
sublime wealth, which I have found
through good deeds.

Aink jqn kir ihrdY rwiKAw

rqnu n CpY CpwieAw ]1]
anik jatan kar hiradhai raakhiaa ratan
na chhapai chhapaiaa ||1||
By various efforts, I have enshrined it
within my heart; this jewel cannot be
hidden by hiding it. ||1||

hir gun khqy khnu n jweI ]

har gun kahate kahan na jaiee ||
The Glorious Praises of the Lord
cannot be spoken by speaking.

jYsy gUMgy kI imiTAweI ]1]

rhwau ]
jaise goo(n)ge kee miThiaaiee ||1||
rahaau ||
They are like the sweet candies given
to a mute. ||1||Pause||

rsnw rmq sunq suKu sRvnw icq

cyqy suKu hoeI ]
rasanaa ramat sunat sukh sravanaa
chit chete sukh hoiee ||
The tongue speaks, the ears listen,
and the mind contemplates the Lord;
they find peace and comfort.

khu BIKn duie nYn sMqoKy jh dyKW

qh soeI ]2]2]
kahu bheekhan dhui nain sa(n)tokhe jeh
dhekhaa(n) teh soiee ||2||2||
Says Bheekhan, my eyes are content;
wherever I look, there I see the Lord.

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