1000 Ukrainian Words 2.0 Ukrainian Lessons LOOK INSIDE

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Anna Ohoiko

With Example Sentences And

Digital Flashcards

Boost your Ukrainian with the most common and essential vocabulary.
Learn new words in the context of realistic simple sentences.
Use our flashcards to memorize effectively with the help of images and audio.


• 8 fun crossword puzzles;
• index of English words in alphabetical order;
• extended how-to-use section.

© Ukrainian Lessons

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Table of Contents

Introduction 6
How to Use This Book 7
Stress mark ( ́ ) 7
Synonyms ( = ) 8
Euphonic pairs ( = ) 8
English translation 9
Example sentences 9
Formal and informal forms 10
Male and female forms 10
Plural forms 11
Verb aspect (imperfective, perfective) 11
Unidirectional and multidirectional verbs 14
How to Install and Use Anki Flashcards 16
Step 1 ― Download Your Flashcards 16
Step 2 ― Install Anki and Import Flashcards 16
How to install Anki on a desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux) 17
How to install Anki on Android 17
How to install Anki on iOS (iPhone, iPad) 17
Step 3 ― Create an Account to Save Progress 18
How to Study with Anki Flashcards 19
1000 Most Useful Ukrainian Words 26
Crossword Puzzles 115
Answers 123
My New Ukrainian Words 125
About the Author 135
About Ukrainian Lessons 136
More from Ukrainian Lessons 137

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Most Useful Ukrainian Words

How to Use This Book

The way you use this book will depend on your unique learning style and needs.

Perhaps you prefer to learn a certain number of words each day, practicing your
reading and translation skills. Alternatively, you may prefer to use this book as
a reference tool, looking up words in the context of a sentence. Or, you might
choose to use the accompanying flashcards to learn the words on the go.

Whatever your preference, this book is designed to meet your needs. Here are
some important things to keep in mind about the organization and special remarks
included with each word.

Stress mark ( ́ )
In Ukrainian, each word has a stress mark ( ́ ) that indicates the emphasized
syllable. Although people do not use these marks in written language, we have
included them in both words and examples to help you, as a learner, practice your

The stressed syllable is pronounced louder and stronger than the others. In
Ukrainian, words typically have one stressed syllable, but when a word has only
one syllable, we do not mark the stress.

Let us take a look at some examples from the book:

ба́тько = та́то father, dad

Ба́тько (та́то) приї́де за́втра. Father (dad) will arrive tomorrow.

батьки́ parents
Ким працю́ють твої́ батьки́? What do your (informal) parents do
(for work)?

In the word for "father," the stress falls on the first syllable ― ба́тько (BA-tko). In
the word for "parents," the stress falls towards the end ― батьки́ (bat-KY).

How you emphasize words makes a big difference, so it is important to memorize

each word with its stress. Our flashcards include audio to help you with your

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How to Use This Book

Synonyms ( = )
If two words can be used interchangeably to convey the same meaning, it is
indicated by = sign. Even if there are slight differences between the words, we do
not want to overwhelm you with details. Typically, these words are ones that can
be used for the same translation:

автомобі́ль = авто́ = маши́на car

Я не вмі́ю води́ти маши́ну (авто́, I do not know how to drive a car.

Please note that we have not included all possible synonyms in this book, but only
those that are very common in everyday Ukrainian.

Euphonic pairs ( = )
Another use of the = sign is for euphonic pairs. These are two variations of the
same word used interchangeably in Ukrainian in different contexts to improve the
sentence's sound.

Euphony, or милозвучність in Ukrainian, is not as restrictive in speech as it

is in written language. Typically, sounds follow a more melodic order: vowel-
consonant-vowel-consonant. This affects mostly the sounds [у], [в], and [і], [й].

Here are some examples from the book (note the underlined previous sounds):

вже = уже́ already, yet

Оста́п уже́ знайшо́в робо́ту. Ostap has already found a job.
Ми вже приї́хали? Have we arrived yet?

іти́ = йти, піти́ to go (unidirectional)

(imperfective, perfective)
Він іде́ на цю вечі́рку? Вона́ йде. Is he going to this party? She is (going).
Вона́ пішла́ на конце́рт. She went to the concert.

If you are a casual Ukrainian speaker, my advice is not to worry too much about
euphony. It is just useful to know that words like вже and уже́ are basically the
same word.

For further information about euphony in Ukrainian, visit our website at


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How to Use This Book

English translation
In the book, we provide minimalistic English translations for each Ukrainian word,
but sometimes we include several meanings when they are practical for your
language learning. For example:

відкрива́ти, відкри́ти 1) to open; 2) to discover

(imperfective, perfective)
Цю коро́бку не мо́жна відкрива́ти. This box should not be opened.
Колу́мб відкри́в Аме́рику. Columbus discovered America.

Note that these translations might not cover all possible word meanings, but are
rather the most useful to know in everyday communication.

Example sentences
In order to provide a comprehensive understanding of each word, we include
an illustrative sentence or two with English translation. These sentences are
carefully chosen to highlight the context and usage of the word in a realistic,
casual situation.

In these sentences, you may see the word presented in a different form, such as
a different case or tense, to help you understand how it can be used in real-life
авто́бус bus
Сашко́ ї́здить в шко́лу авто́бусом. Sashko goes to school by bus.

At times, multiple example sentences are provided for a single word, to help you
see how it can be used in different contexts:
відпочива́ти, відпочи́ти 1) to rest; 2) to vacation
(imperfective, perfective)
Окса́на бага́то працю́є і ма́ло відпочива́є. Oksana works a lot and rests little.
Ми чудо́во відпочи́ли в Карпа́тах. We had a great vacation in the

Additionally, some entries include a literal translation of a phrase in quotation

marks, so that you can compare the English and Ukrainian phrasing:

регуля́рно regularly
Я́ на регуля́рно займа́ється спо́ртом. Yana regularly exercises (“does

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How to Install and Use Anki Flashcards

How to Study with Anki Flashcards

Hopefully, following the steps above, you successfully installed Anki, imported
your flashcards and created an account not to lose your process. It is time to
learn! Here are a few tips to get you started.
1. In order to start studying, select the 1000 words deck and click “Study Now”
button on the deck screen. You will see one “side” of the card and will need
to say the translation: either to English or to Ukrainian. Once you are ready
with your answer, click “Show answer”, tap the Space bar or on your
touchscreen. You will then see the translation along with example sentences
for context.

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How to Install and Use Anki Flashcards

2. Anki uses a spaced repetition algorithm to show you cards at the right time
for optimal memorization. The algorithm will show you cards more frequently
if you have trouble with them, and less frequently if you get them right.

As you review the flashcards, mark the ones you know well as “easy” or
“good”, the ones you struggle with as “hard” and the ones you do not know
at all as “again”. This will help Anki optimize the timing and frequency of the
flashcards it shows you.

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12. бага́тий rich

Він ду́же бага́та люди́на. He is a very rich person.
13. бага́то many, a lot (of)
Він зна́є бага́то мов. He knows many languages.
Вона́ бага́то заробля́є. She earns a lot.
14. балко́н balcony
О́ля сиди́ть на балко́ні. Olia is sitting on the balcony.
15. бана́н banana
На сніда́нок Марко́ з’їв два For breakfast, Marko ate two
бана́ни. bananas.
16. банк bank
Моя́ сестра́ працю́є в ба́нку. My sister works at a bank.
17. банкома́т ATM
Тут десь є банкома́т? Is there an ATM here somewhere?
18. бар bar
Ході́мо в бар. Let’s go to the bar.
19. басе́йн pool
Я регуля́рно ходжу́ в басе́йн. I regularly go to the pool.
20. баскетбо́л basketball
Оле́на лю́бить гра́ти в Olena likes to play basketball.
21. батьки́ parents
Ким працю́ють твої́ батьки́? What do your (informal) parents do
(for work)?
22. ба́тько = та́то father, dad
Ба́тько (та́то) приї́де за́втра. Father (dad) will arrive tomorrow.
23. ба́чити, поба́чити to see
(imperfective, perfective)
Ти ба́чиш мене́? Do you see me?
Поживе́мо — поба́чимо. We will live — we will see.
(Ukrainian saying)

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178. гри́вня name of Ukrainian currency

Де мо́жна обміня́ти до́лари на Where can I change dollars to
гри́вні? hryvnias?
179. грип flu
Мій син за́раз хворі́є на грип. My son is now sick with flu.
180. гро́ші money
Скі́льки гро́ше́й потрі́бно для How much money does one need for
ща́стя? happiness?
181. гру́день December
У гру́дні ми ча́сто ї́здимо до In December, we often go to
бабу́сі. grandma's.
182. гру́па group
Лю́ди за шістдеся́т у гру́пі ри́зику. People over sixty are in the risk
183. губа́, гу́би lip, lips
Це моя́ улю́блена пома́да для This is my favorite lipstick.
184. губи́ти, загуби́ти to lose something
(imperfective, perfective)
Я ча́сто гублю́ ре́чі. I often lose things.
Учо́ра Павло́ загуби́в свій Yesterday Pavlo lost his phone.
185. гуля́ти, погуля́ти to walk, to have a walk
(imperfective, perfective)
Вони́ лю́блять гуля́ти в лі́сі. They like to walk in the forest.
Ми пі́демо погуля́ємо. We will go and have a walk.
186. гурт band
«Океа́н Е́ льзи» — це відо́мий “Okean Elzy” is a famous Ukrainian
украї́нський гурт. band.
187. дава́ти, да́ти to give
(imperfective, perfective)
Рані́ше він дава́в мені́ свої́ старі́ He used to give me his old books.
Він дав мені́ ціка́ву кни́гу. He gave me an interesting book.

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311. і = й and
Чай і ті́стечко, будь ла́ска. Tea and a cake, please.
Ка́ву й екле́р, будь ла́ска. Coffee and an eclair, please.
312. іде́я idea
Це ціка́ва іде́я. It is an interesting idea.
313. іме́нник noun
Кни́жка, ла́мпа, сестра́ — це Book, lamp, sister — are nouns.
314. ім’я́, імена́ name, names
Яке́ га́рне ім’я́! What a beautiful name!
315. інструме́нт instrument
Ти гра́єш на музи́чних Do you (informal) play musical
інструме́нтах? instruments?
316. інтерне́т internet
Я прово́джу забага́то ча́су в I spend too much time on the internet.
317. і́ноді = і́нколи sometimes
І́нколи (і́ноді) І́нна хо́дить на Sometimes Inna goes for a walk
прогу́лянку пе́ред робо́тою. before work.
318. і́нший other, another, different
Петро́ живе́ в і́ншій части́ні мі́ста. Peter lives in another part of the city.
У ме́не є і́нша іде́я. I have a different idea.
319. істо́рія 1) history; 2) story
Вале́рій Васи́льович — учи́тель Valerii Vasylovych is a history
істо́рії. teacher.
Неймові́рна істо́рія! Incredible story!
320. іти́ = йти, піти́ to go (unidirectional)
(imperfective, perfective)
Він іде́ на цю вечíрку? Is he going to this party?
Вона́ йде. She is (going).
Вона́ пішла́ на конце́рт. She went to the concert.
321. ї́жа food
Нам тре́ба купи́ти ї́жу. We need to buy food.

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Кросворд №1


2 12


11 13

7 9 16 18




Fill in the crossword with the opposites of the words below:

Horizontal: Vertical:
1. ліворуч 8. далеко 2. ніколи 13. брудний
2. літо 10. під 3. гарячий 14. короткий
5. малий 12. рай 4. більше 15. жіночий
6. низький 16. тонкий 9. широкий 17. бідний
7. темно 19. важкий 11. друг 18. вранці

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Most Useful Ukrainian Words

My New Ukrainian Words











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Most Useful Ukrainian Words

About the Author

Anna Ohoiko is a Ukrainian language specialist and teacher. She was

born in 1991 — the year of the birth of independent Ukraine. She is
originally from the town of Polonne in Khmelnytska oblast, in central-
western Ukraine. Having always been passionate about languages,
Anna graduated from Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and got a Master’s degree
in Theory, History of Ukrainian Language and Comparative Studies.

After participating in the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, Anna decided to dedicate her professional
life to popularizing the Ukrainian language internationally by teaching it in the most accessible and
exciting way — through UkrainianLessons.com. In 2016, she started the Ukrainian Lessons Podcast,
which she designed as a step-by-step Ukrainian audio course for beginners. Since then, it has grown
into a comprehensive language program for all levels.

From 2017 to 2018, she taught Ukrainian at the University of Pennsylvania through the Fulbright
program. As of 2023, she works from her home office in Sweden, bringing inspiring resources for
learning Ukrainian out there to the world.

Anna is clearly a brilliant linguist and manages to convey masses of information in an engaging
and exciting way. It means a lot that she has created a resource that is so helpful and accessible
for Ukrainian language learners and that includes contemporary Ukrainian culture.
Irene SanPietro from NYC

Anna is an amazing teacher! It’s so obvious that she is indeed a trained teacher who knows how
to convey information so that it is retained well.
Amy McCoy from North Carolina

I decided to listen to one or two podcasts for interest’s sake, but when Anna speaks on podcasts,
it’s as if she’s there in person to teach you.
Shavonn Kravets from New Holland, PA

Anna is so charming and engaging, and her lessons are a delightful incentive to revive dormant
vocabulary and traditions. Dedicated to the last syllable and motivating. It’s always a pleasure to
listen to her charming голосочок. Анна фантастична and for anyone seriously interested in
learning Ukrainian, her podcast is the place to be.
Rahneda Breker from the United States

Anna’s sense of humor and her love of her culture comes through in the podcasts and makes
the learning experience fun. Even though I don’t usually eat beets, I am now eager to try the
red borscht!
Mary Margaret Perez from Watsonville, California

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Most Useful Ukrainian Words

About Ukrainian Lessons

This resource was brought to you by UkrainianLessons.com ―

a cozy educational platform that provides good-quality modern
materials for learning Ukrainian. It was created by Anna Ohoiko
shortly after the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity in 2014. Since then,
the UL team has been providing various materials and support for
Ukrainian learners with blog posts, books, videos, infographics, and
their structured podcast courses ― Ukrainian Lessons Podcast
and 5 Minute Ukrainian.

We are also proud to host the most active Ukrainian learners community on Facebook
― a group where everyone can ask questions, practice Ukrainian, and share their favorite
materials. You can join this friendly community at ukrainianlessons.com/fbgroup.

I am so happy to have stumbled upon this site/podcast! It is wonderful that the Ukrainian Lessons
Podcast is working to address that inaccessibility by providing the free podcast & an abundance
of resources to further our language and cultural learning.
Lilly F from the United States

I think the Ukrainian language is the most beautiful of all the Slavic languages due to its musicality
and rhythm… I feel lucky to come across Anna’s way of teaching it! It is friendly and very well
focused on securing the steps one by one as I am progressing through the entire course. And
the best part is that it doesn’t stop at the basics… It gets gradually more difficult as you go…
Lovely! I would recommend everyone to subscribe to the premium membership. It justifies its
value 100%… better when you leave your українські friends amazed by your progress in their
beautiful language.
Luis A. Zapata from Peru

On my first visit to Kyiv, I felt confident in my already obtained basic skills in Ukrainian and
was even slightly complimented in a souvenir shop. I owe a good deal a huge credit to
ukrainianlessons.com and Anna. She takes you into this language, gradually enhancing new
words and grammar.
Wilhelm Fuchs from Germany

You can find it all here in a most palatable and well-prepared mix — grammar, vocabulary,
pronunciation, language functions — all served up engagingly with a serving of cultural
knowledge topping it up like a spoonful of сметана! It doesn’t get any better than this!
Христина Сікорська from Winnipeg, Canada

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Most Useful Ukrainian Words

More from Ukrainian Lessons

Ukrainian Lessons Podcast

Are you looking for a well-structured and easily accessible Ukrainian language
course that can easily fit into your life? Ukrainian Lessons Podcast is exactly
what its name says: Lessons of Ukrainian in the format of a podcast. This means
you can enjoy learning Ukrainian with a real teacher from the comfort of your car,
on your morning jog, or while cooking. Give it a go ― all the lessons are free ―
and if you enjoy it and want to dig deeper, subscribe to the premium membership
to receive PDF lesson notes and digital flashcards.

Find out more at ukrainianlessons.com/thepodcast or look for

Ukrainian Lessons Podcast in your podcast app.

5 Minute Ukrainian
This series of mini-lessons is all about conversations. Each episode of 5 Minute
Ukrainian contains a short dialogue that you will listen to at a natural and slow
speed. Then your host Anna will teach you some essential phrases for that
particular situation. Apart from the dialogues, there are also useful vocabulary
boosters and grammar point episodes. You can also subscribe to receive
comprehensive lesson notes with exercises and flashcards.

Find out more at ukrainianlessons.com/fmu or look for

5 Minute Ukrainian in your podcast app.

Ukrainian Handwriting Book

Whether you are just starting out to learn Ukrainian or want to finally learn how
to write in cursive Cyrillic, this colorful workbook will be your guide. It is designed
specifically for Ukrainian language learners to learn how to write by hand in
Ukrainian, develop a better understanding of texts written in Cyrillic, and improve
reading and pronunciation skills. From a single letter to syllables, words, and
short texts ― master your Cyrillic handwriting and enjoy learning Ukrainian with
our delightful workbook!

Find out more at ukrainianlessons.com/handwriting-book

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Most Useful Ukrainian Words

Ukrainian Phrasebook For Helping Refugees

Since the beginning of the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, people
around the world #StandWithUkraine and put enormous effort into supporting
the refugees. This phrasebook is for everyone helping Ukrainian people ― at the
borders, at immigration centers, at humanitarian organizations, in their homes,
or at a distance. It includes 20 practical chapters of the most important Ukrainian
words and phrases to facilitate communication and demonstrate care. Additional
links to expand certain topics make this book an excellent basis for further
Ukrainian learning.

Find out more at ukrainianlessons.com/phrasebook

Easy Ukrainian Book (intermediate & advanced level)

If you already have some progress in Ukrainian and looking for an immersive
experience, check out this book. It is an easy read with exercises, vocabulary
lists, and audio. Its fun story is about Beatrice from Spain and Brian from the
USA who are going to have an unforgettable summer in Ukraine… Available as
paperback or ebook ― whichever format you choose, you get free audio!

Find out more at ukrainianlessons.com/cossack

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Inspiring resources for learning Ukrainian — UkrainianLessons.com 139

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