Nda English All Year - New-1

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Instructions: From the four options lettered A 1. What specific order had the writer and his cousin
to D given in question 1-10, choose one which been given?
most accurately reflects the meaning of the A. The instruction was that they should not stay
passage. beyond night on the farmstead.
on the farmstead
There was a time I wronged my uncle, my B. The instruction was that they should overstay on
father's elder brother, who brought me up. On this the farmstead.
occasion, my cousin and I had overstayed our C. The instruction was that they should not hunt for
specific time on the farm, causing the whole a game into the bush.
household a lot of panics. We had been instructed D. The instruction was that they should not stay
not to stay beyond late afternoon at the farmstead, beyond late afternoon on the farmstead
no matter what work we might be doing on the
farm. That day, because we were hunting small 2. What prevailing situation had warranted this?
game, we forgot ourselves. The early afternoon A. There had been many cases of child kidnapping
grew into early evening, and then darkness was B. There had been many cases of ritual sacrifice
setting in. The farther into the bush we hunted the C. Their uncle had been scared of their
more game we caught. We were oblivious of the disappearance into the bush.
risks to which we exposed ourselves. Cases of child- D. Because they may not find their way home.
kidnapping were rampant then, though we had
never had a brush with the child-hunting ritual 3. What had made the two forget the order?
killers. Suddenly, darkness descended like a dark A. They were playing games right into the bush.
curtain. It dawns on us that there was someone at B. They forgot their uncle will be angry.
home whose rules we had violated. C. The prospect of catching more game made them
forget the order.
Quickly, we ran home, but it was too late; the whole D. They worked late and forgot the order.
household had set out to look for us at the
farmstead which we had left hours earlier for the 4. The writer cried because
bush. Their panic had multiplied by the time they A. he was afraid of beating.
arrived at the farmstead. Getting home, and B. they went out looking for them.
discovering that only granny was in, we knew we C. he felt guilty for causing his uncle anguish.
had had it. Meanwhile, my uncle and his luckless D. his uncle was tired and uncomfortable.
team went from one farmstead to another searching
for us. When it was too dark for them to find their 5. The figure of speech, "How much that stare froze
way around, they bent their steps towards home to me?" as used in the passage is a:
plan the next search strategy. But then they found A. a simile
us waiting. B. a metaphor
The old man was too tired, too angry to beat us. C. a personification
He just stared like the devil at us. Oh! How much D. an oxymoron.
that stare froze me! I wished I could just melt away
before his eyes. I wished he had taken a whip 6. What figure of speech is "darkness descended
and thrashed me. But he didn't! He simply sat in like a dark curtain?"
that dark corner of the room, bent double like a A. metaphor
tired masquerade. Looking at his pathetic figure B. simile
down there, I couldn't bear it any longer, I started C. irony
crying. It was then that I discovered that my cousin D. an ode
had indeed set the pace only that he had been
sobbing quietly. 7. The writer used the sentence "It dawned on us
that there was someone at home whose rules we
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had violated". The word "violated" as used in the A. haste

passage means: B. delay
A. Abused C. protesting
B. Desecrated D. rioting
C. Defiled
D. Broken 13. The Guest Speaker's explanation of that point
was quite lucid.
8. The word "oblivious" in the passage means all of A. lengthy
the words written below except B. complicated
A. Ignorant C. clear
B. Unmindful D. surprising
C. Unaware
D. Conscious. 14. The criminal was incarcerated
A. arrested
9. Which of the words in the alternatives given B. pardoned
below does not have the same meaning as the word C. imprisoned
thrashed as used in the passage: D. cautioned
A. Blew
B. Flogged 15. The plaintiff was dissatisfied with the judgement
C. Whipped passed by the Chief Magistrate.
D. Caned A. solicitor
B. accused
10. The most appropriate title for the passage is C. complainant
A.The most memorable day of y life. D. respondent
B. My experience at the farmstead.
C. My experience at bush gaming. 16. Only a depraved mind would think of spanking a
D. The day I wronged my uncle. baby.
A. Immature
LEXIS B. Corrigible
C. Brave
From the words lettered A to D in questions 11-20. D. Sordid
choose the word that is the nearest meaning to the
underlined word: 17. Mr Farouq Yahaya was one
of redoubtable ministers in the cabinet.
11. The princess was praised by her sister-in-law for A. Formidable
her impeccable behaviour. B. Indispensable
A. spotless C. Remediable
B. appropriate D. Redeemable
C. beautiful
D. faultless 18. At the Party's Convention, many
politicians overtly declared their support for the
12. The commandant warned the final year cadets ruling party.
about the consequences of procrastination. A. badly
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B. cleverly 24. All the staff appreciated the

C. vehemently Director's adroit handling of the crises in the
D. publicly Agency.
A. clever
19. Members of the Trade Union commiserated with B. tactless
their colleagues over the death of his wife. C. skilful
A. mourned D. clumsy
B. identified
C. condoled 25. The Headmaster took exception to
D. sympathized the ignoble role teacher played in the matter
A. embarrassing
20. The person who purportedly made away with B. honourable
the students' transcripts has not been caught. C. extraordinary
A. deliberately D. dishonourable
B. secretly
C. allegedly Instructions: From the words or group of words
D. cleverly lettered A to D in questions 26-30, choose the one
that best completes each of the following
Instructions: In each of the questions 21-25, sentences.
choose the most appropriate option opposite in
meaning to the word underlined. 26. Ekoyo is neither too tall ___ short
A. and too
21. The student averred that she had seen Nwosu B. nor too
at the scene of the crime. C. or too
A. argued D. or very
B. confirmed
C. denied 27. She hurt herself,___?
D. affirmed A. does she?
B. isn't it?
22. The high cost of living in cities calls for a lot C. didn't she?
of frugality. D. doesn't she?
A. extravagance
B. recklessness 28. The car wasn't serviceable, ----?
C. Economy A. it was
D. prudence B. didn't it?
C. is it?
23. Ayafa's reaction underscores the point the D. was it?
lawyer was making.
A. justified 29. We lost because we ___ cope with the tempo of
B. emphasizes the game.
C. summarizes A. cannot
D. contradicts B. could not be able
C. could not
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D. cannot be able B. five-man, have

C. five-men, has
30. The woman walked ___ fast that the little girl D. five-man, has
couldn't catch up with her.
A. too Instructions: After each of the following sentences
B. very in questions 36-40, a list of possible interpretations
C. so of the sentences are given. Choose the
D. quite interpretation that you consider most appropriate
for each sentence
Instructions 36. The students stuck to their guns even after the
From the words lettered A — D in questions 31-35, principal had appealed to them to go back to their
choose the word or group of words that best classes. This means that students
completes each of the following sentences. A. went back willingly
B. refused to go back
31. The girls in the hostel must be______________ C. went back reluctantly
bed by 10.00 p.m. D. attacked the school authorities
A. on
B. in 37. The last promotion exercise was the bone of
C. within contention between the two friends. This means
D. inside that the last promotion exercise
A. was the cause of their dispute
32. He was congratulated ___ his performance B. forced them to reason together
A. about C. make them become enemies
B. by D. united them in their fight against their common
C. for enemy
D. on
38. The accountant falsified the records in order to
33. Is this your new uniform? feather his own nest. This means that the
A. No, it is accountant tried to
B. No, it wasn't A. deceive his boss
C. Yes, it is B. put a feather in his cap
D. Yes, it's mine C. make himself rich
D. avenge wrong done to him by his boss
34. I prefer eba ___amala.
A. than 39. The cashier wanted to pull the wool over my
B. to eyes by making me sign for the money I didn't
C. more than receive. This means that the cashier wanted to
D. better A. deceive me
B. blindfold me
35. A __ board of inquiry ____ been set up to C. rub my eyes with cotton wool
investigate the cause of the fire outbreak. D. become suspicious
A. five-men, have
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40. The officer urged the soldiers to gird up their 32. C

loins for the task ahead. This means that soldiers 33. C
should ___ 34. B
A. wake up early the next morning 35. D
B. guard their hungry 36. B
C. wear a new battle uniform 37. A
D. be on a full alert 38. C
39. A
40. D

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. D
12. B
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. D
17. A
18. D
19. C
20. C
21. C
22. A
22. A
23. D
23. D
24. B
25. B
26. B
27. C
28. D
30. C
31. B
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This paper is divided into 2 Sections. There are situations in which either style is
Section A: Comprehensive, Section B: LeXis appropriate. The writer must decide at the
and Structure onset of his work which style is best for his own
Answer all questions in your Answer Sheet situation.

SECTION A: COMPREHENSION His decision should be based on

circumstances of each report situation. First, he
Instructions: Read the following passage should consider the expectations or desires of
carefully and answer the questions that follow: those for whom he is preparing the report.
More than likely he will find a preference for
impersonal style, for, like most human beings,
Recognizing the need for objectivity in businessmen have been slow to break
their work, the early report writers worked to tradition. Next, the writer should consider the
develop writing style which would convey this formality of the report situation. If the situation
altitude. They reasoned that the source of the is informed, as when the report is really a
subjectivity quality in a report is the human personal communication of information
being. And they reasoned that objectivity is between business
best attained by emphasizing the factual associates, personal writing is appropriate, but
materials of a report rather than the if the situation is formal, as in the case of most
personalities involved. So they worked to repo conventional impersonal is best.
remove the human beings from their writing.
Impersonal writing style was the result. By - Lesikar, R. V., Report Writing for Business.
impersonal writing is meant writing in the third
person - without i's, we's or you's. 1. Which of the following statements is true
according to the passage?
In recent years, impersonal writing has A. Most report writing is characterized by the
been strenuously questioned by many writers. sparing use of the impersonal style
These writers point out that personal writing is B. The impersonal helps to achieve a measure
more forceful and direct than impersonal of objectivity in report writing
writing. They contend that writing which brings C. The impersonal style has been acclaimed
both reader and writer in the picture is more D. Most writers use the impersonal style to
like conversation and therefore more achieve objectivity in their reports
interesting. And they answer to the point on
objectivity with a reply that objectivity is an 2. One argument given in support of personal
attitude of mind and not a matter of person. A writing is that it
report, they say, can be just as objective when A. makes writers more focused and less boring
written in personal style as when in impersonal B. can be more objective than impersonal
style. Frequently, they counter, with the writing
argument that impersonal writing leads to an C. is the style to use in all situations
overuse of passive and general dull writing involving businessmen
style. This last argument however, lacks D. has informal features which makes it more
substance. Impersonal writing can and should diverting than impersonal writing
be interesting. Any dullness it may have is
wholly the fault of the writer. As proof, one has 3. From the passage, what determines the
only to look at the lively styles used by the appropriateness of a style is the ___.
writers for newspapers news magazines and A. situation
journals. Most of this writing is impersonal - B. reader
and usually it is not dull. C. writer
D. theme
As in most cases of controversy, there is
some merit to the arguments on both sides. 4. According to the passage, most of the
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writing in newspapers, news magazines and

A. impersonal and interesting
B. impersonal and uninteresting Instructions: Choose the word or group of
C. personal and interesting words which best completes each of the
D personal and uninteresting following sentences in Questions 11-25.

5. Which of the following best describes the 11. I will tell you the mysteries of life when you
writer of the passage? ___ to my house.
A. He cannot be said to be objective. A. are coming
B. He is completely non-committal B. will come
C. He recognizes the need to be critical of C. were coming
report writing D. come
D. He is being unnecessarily analytic
12. Last week, I ___ a bad toothache.
A. had
Passage II B. have
C. any having
Instructions: The passage below has gaps D. might have
numbered 6 - 15. Immediately following each
gap. four options are provided, choose the 13. The new officer cadet will do as you say if
most appropriate option for each gap. you ___him I sent you.
A. would tell
It is the business of the Scientist to accumulate B. tell
knowledge about the universe and all that is in C. are telling
it, and to find, if he is able, common __6___[A. D. had told
experiments B. instruments C. approaches D.
factors] which underlie and account for the fact 14. We won't be ready to blow up the rock ___
that lie knows. He chooses when he can, the 19th May
method of the controlled common __7___ [A. A. by
respondents B. experiment C. system D. data]. B. for
If he wants to find out the effects of light on C. at
growing plants, he takes many plants, as alike D. since
as possible. Some he stands in the sun, some
in the shade, some in the dark; all the time 15. By next year I___ an agent for 18 years
keeping all other __8__[A. studies B. A. will have been
procedures C. objects D. B. will be
conditions](temperature, moisture, C. have been
nourishment) the same. In this way, by D. had been
keeping other variables ...9... [A. constant B.
good C. dark D. natural] and by varying the 16. Plans to install the atomic energy plant
light only. The effect of' light can be clearly ____ for the day after tomorrow
seen. In the course of his __10___[A. findings A. are set
B. queries C. experiments D. inquiries], the B. have been set
scientist may find what he thinks is one C. will be set
common explanation for an increasing number D. had been set
of facts.
17. Before he fired it, I _____.
A. had snatched the gun from him
B. snatches the gun from him
C. snatched the gun from him

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D. will snatched the gun from him C. up

D. in
18. Tomorrow it will have been a week since
the explosion _____. Instructions: In each of Questions 26 to 30,
A. has gone off select the option that best explains the
B. have gone off information. conveyed in the sentence.
C. went off
D. goes off 26. The class has fallen in with the teacher's
19. Ever since the new device was made, A. The class has accepted the plans
intelligence agents _____. B. The class has ignored the plans
A. make use of it C. The class has modified the plans
B. will make use of it D. The class has rejected the plans
C. have been making use of it
D. made use or it 27. I owe you less than you owe me.
A. I owe you something, but you owe me much
20. Till yesterday I ___ the bill. more
A. had not paid B. Your debt is not much greater than mine
B. have not paid C. What we owe each other is approximately
C. do not paid the same
D. might not have paid D. My debt to you is greater than yours

21. The disease was not easily .... 28. He had hardly spoken when the bell rang.
A. discovered A. He found it difficult to speak, and then the
B. decided bell rang
C. diagnosed B. The bell rang, very soon after he spoke
D. seen C. When the bell rang, he was still speaking
D. He spoke in a harsh
22. Which of these is a wrong plural?
A. growns — up Aliyu takes his father; he frowns upon anyone
B. passers — by with influence.
C. hand — full A. Aliyu, who looks like his father, follows rich
D. door --bills and influential people about
B. Aliyu, who always follows his father, tries to
23. Akintade likes dancing and ___. act like an influential man
A. so I do C. Like his father, Aliyu hates influential people
B. I do so D. Like his father, Aliyu likes to flatter people
C. I so do with influence in society
D. So do I
30. A tier the war, the victors became
24. The murder suspect implicated him but the increasingly vindictive.
evidence presented ___ him A. Repressive measures were taken against
A. exonerated those who lost the war
B. convicted B. Those who won the war became treacherous
C. involved C. Vengeful attacks were incessantly carried
D. condemned out on those who lost the war
D . Friendly measure were taken to heal the
25. The bank will make a turn ............... of wounds
one hundred thousand naira this month.
A. over Instructions: From Questions 31-35, choose
B. out from alternatives A - D the word or group of

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words have exact opposite or almost opposite clear that she was ready for anything.
in meaning to the underlined word. A. pride
B. force
31. He has shown himself to be quite C. calm
an amiable character. D. playfulness
A. aggressive
B. antagonistic 38. The military commander is grossly lacking
C. friendly in human relations.
D. peaceful A. slightly
B. mainly
32. The chaotic manner she conducted things C. greatly
put everyone off. D. deficiently
A. hazardous
B. organized 39. Reasonable leadership hardly toys
C. simple with fragile issues.
D. messed up A. unserious
B. hard
33. There was abundance of rainfall last year. C. delicate
A. insufficient D. serious
B. death
C. shortfall 40. The militants have problems on how to
D. inappropriate manage the spoils of war .
A. gains
34. The measures that are being taken by the B. dead
government will alleviate the pressures on us C. spoilt
as a nation. D. wounded
A. deflate
B. account for ANSWERS
C. aggravate
D. discount 1. B
2. A
35. The ambassador was subjected to a servile 3. A
treatment throughout his incarceration. 4. A
A. prestigious 5. C
B. diplomatic 6. A
C. gigantic 7. D
D. gracious 8. D
9. A
Instructions: From Questions 36-40, choose 10. C
from Alternatives A - D. the word nearest in 11. D
meaning to the underlined word. 12. A
13. B
36. The Social Studies tutor with his myriad of 14. A
problems is a thorn in the flesh of the 15. A
government 16. A
A. multitude 17. C
B. few 18. C
C. reduced 19. C
D. plenty 20.C
21. C
37. The aggression in Zainab's speech made it 22. A

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23. D
24. A
25. A
26. A
27. A
28. B
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. B
33. C
34. C
35. D
36. D
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. A

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Section A: Comprehension, Section B: Lexis and C. Stoppage
Structure D. Stoppages
Answer all questions in your Answer Sheet

4. Endeavour
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the passage below and A. Undertaking
answer the questions that follow: B. Undertakings
C. Bid
Nigeria has witnessed several religious crises. D. Attempt
The Maitatsine carnage is an example. It is painful
that whenever there is any form of crisis in the
country, the government only reacts by setting up a 5. Lucrative
commission of inquiry. Quite often, such inquiries A. Profitable
are used as instruments for destroying political B. Expensive
opponents. In the end, neither the government nor C. Gainful
the people and learn lessons from the findings of D. Money making
such inquiries.
Many things are responsible for the religious
crisis in Nigeria. Open air-preaching is a major 6. "Why some religious leaders are caught in
factor. Religionists often barricade the streets and criminal acts" is grammatically known as __.
usurp the front space of other people's houses in A. prepositional phrase
the frantic endeavour to win converts. This is an B. adjectival phrase
awful scene which is possible only in Nigeria. People C. adverbial phrase
should preach in the church or mosque or better still D. none of the above
hire halls for their religious activities.
Some people see religion as
a lucrative enterprise. This alone shows why people 7. What figure of speech is "Nigeria has witnessed
are ready to kill themselves in the name of religion. several religious crises''
If the rate at which Nigerians troop see religion A. metaphor
these days is a reflection of their godliness, why is B. personification
the rate of crime rapidly increasing? Why are some C. hyperbole
of the religious leaders caught in criminal acts? D. simile

For each of the following words, choose from 8. Why are some of the religious leaders caught in
the list of words and supply another word or criminal acts? What grammatical name is given to
phrase that means the same and which can this type of question?
replace the one in the passage. A. unanswered question
B. rhetorical question
C. absurd question
1. Crises D. tactical question
A. Uprising
B. Uprisings
C. Crimes 9. What is the best title for the passage?
D. Riot A. why religious crises persist in Nigeria
B. causes of religious riots in Nigeria
C. effects of religious crises
2. Carnage D. origin of religious crises
A. Destruction
B. Destructions
C. Damage 10. From the passage, it is evident that ___.
D. Damages A. the government has learned from the crises
B. the government has learned nothing from
the crises
3. Barricade C. government is pained by religious crises
A. Obstacle D. none of the above
B. Obstacles
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A. my books
B. books of mine
Choose the word or group of words which best D. books for me
completes each of the following sentences in
questions 6-20.
19. The students are protesting the
expulsion of their leaders.
11. Tarr, ____ win the prize, has come to collect it. A. for
A. who B. against
B. that C. to
C. whose D. on
D. none of the above
20. Her manner is not compatible her
12. Liberia, ___ is their home country, has a good religious program.
plan for their children. A. to
A. which B. on
B. who C. against
C. where D. with
D. that
21. The chair ___ as he sat down.
13. The child ____ we saw in the street is called A. squeaked
Dele B. rattled
A. which C. creaked
B. who D. crashed
C. whom
D. when 22. The brakes of the car ___.
A. roared
14. He gave me that____. B. spilled
A. your book C. squealed
B. book of yours D. none of the above
C. want of your needs
D. need of mine 23. Babies down their chins when they are
getting teeth.
15. The board, ___took the decision, is far. A. squirt
A. who B. drip
B. what C. trickle
C. that D. dribble
D. whom
24. The church bells in celebration
16. Everybody is at home but ____. A. pealed
A. who B. tinkled
B. he C. rattled
C. him D. rumbled
D. whom
25. All that we could hear was the gunet ____ of
17. The committee has been sitting since A. hum
yesterday, _____will probably find the solution by B. rustic
tomorrow. C. slam
A. they D. rattle
B. it
C. he From the list lettered A-D, choose the word that is
D. she most nearly opposite in meaning to the words/group
of words underlined and that will at the same time,
correctly fill the gap in questions 26 — 35.
18. Those have been recovered.

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26. I met her mother recently.

A. long ago 35. The lady seemed quite aware of everything
B. not long ago around.
C. newly A. watchful
D. currently B. oblivious
C. notified
27. She rejected the offer of admission into the D. blank
Nigerian Defence Academy
A. received From the alternatives A-D, choose the word
B. accepted nearest in meaning to the underlined word in
C. refused questions 36-40.
D. turned down
36. The Journalist refused to divulge the source of
28. I rue the day I met him his information.
A. cherish A. confirm
B. curse B. inform
C. forgot C. disclose
D. remember D. affirm

29. If the weather continues like this, farmers would 37. Asabe was sceptical about the story Ladidi told
expect a bumper harvest this year. her.
A. bumbling A. ignorant
B. rich B. doubtful
C. serious C. confused
D. lean D. convinced

30. The decree has been abrogated. 38. The lawyer remarked that the fact that the
A. revived accused did nothing when the innocent boy was
B. cancelled being lynched made him culpable.
C. killed A. liable
D. enacted B. untrustworthy
C. guilty
31. He has shown himself to be quite D. blameworthy
an amiable character.
A. aggressive 39. Spain was once a very powerful nation but her
B. antagonistic influence has waned over the years.
C. friendly A. disappeared
D. peaceful B. repealed
C. diminished
32. There was an abundance of rainfall last year. D. faded
A. insufficient
B. death 40. The politician made a very scurrilous remark
C. shortfall about his opponent.
D. inappropriate A. mild
B. intolerance
33. The school teacher carries himself with an air of C. false
indolence. D. sharp
A. laziness
B. dexterity
C. ingenuity ANSWERS
D. difference

34. The ambassador was subjected to treatment 1. B

throughout his incarceration. 2. A
A. prestigious 3. A
B. diplomatic 4. C
C. gigantic 5. A

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6. A
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. D
21. A
22. C
23. C
24. D
25. A
26. A
27. B
28. A
29. D
30. D
31. A
32. C
33. B
34. A
35. B
36. C
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. D

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Section A - Comprehension, Section B - Lexis people
and Structure C. projects are carried out without approval
D. the inconveniences suffered by the inhabitants
Answer all questions in your Answer Sheet will be for a while

SECTION A - COMPREHENSION 2. Unless it can be shown that the money voted

for projects can be spent on them in good time
Instruction: Read the passage carefully and answer A. the development activity will not be intense
the questions that follow it. B. it will not be easy to convince the Government
of our executive ability
The approach to the university is being C. it will not be difficult to ask the Government for
restructured to ease the flow of traffic, give better funds
security and provide an appropriate introduction to D. our final results will be unreliable
a seat of higher learning. The Works and Service
Complex is also under construction and we intend to 3. An eye to aesthetics in this passage means
move into the completed (major) part of it within A. regard for space
the next few weeks. All these projects are being B. beneficial psychological effects
executed with an eye to aesthetics, for we recognize C. regard for health
the important influence of a beautiful and healthy D. consideration for beauty
environment on its inhabitant and felt that a cluster
of buildings on a small space such as we have, 4. In this passage, the author tries to explain why
should be so well designed as to have a beneficial A. it is necessary to establish the Works and
psychological and sociological effect on all members Services Complex in tht University
of the community. B. beauty should not be taken into consideration
when building on such a small space as we have
I have gone to these lengths to itemize these C. the gateway to the University is being rebuilt.
examples of current development for two main D. a major part of the project should be completed
reasons. Firstly, to advise you that the road in the next few weeks
diversions and other physical inconveniences
currently being experienced will be on the increase 5. Which of these is NOT among the reasons given
because of intense development activity. We, by the author for numerating the examples of the
therefore, appeal to you to bear with us, in full current development?
knowledge and consolation that such A. To show that we are capable of executing
inconveniences are temporary and will soon Yield approved projects
final tangible results. Secondly, to demonstrate our B. To convince the Government that we can be
capacity for executing approved projects with trusted with the task
dispatch, and to assure Government that we are up C. The inconvenience currently being experienced
to the task will go on indefinitely
D. We have the capacity to complete worthy
Indeed, I can assure Government that its projects within the scheduled time
ability to task to disburse funds to us will be more
than matched by our capacity to collect and expend SECTION B — LEXIS AND STRUCTURE
them on executing various worthy projects in record
time. Instruction: In the following passage, the
numbered gaps indicate missing words.
1. From the passage, we can gather that Against each number in the list below each
A. there is not much consideration for the health of passage, four chances are offered in columns
the inhabitant. lettered A to D, For each question, choose the
B. there is a deliberate effort to inconvenience the word that is the most suitable to fill the
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numbered gap in the passage. C. graciously

D. magnanimously
When Bolingo lost his father while he was only
a three-year old boy, he had thought that he had 9. A. beneficial
the world before him because as a little child, he B. money-making
could not 6 between life and death. His C. productive
mother, on whose ___ the burden of bringing up D. lucrative
Bolingo, an only son, and three of his younger
siblings fell, had borne the cross 8 since the 10. A. screamed
demise of her husband. So, it was a welcome B. whispered
relief to her when Bolingo secured a 9 job after C. recalled
a long search having graduated from one of the D. exclaimed
best universities in Nigeria several years ago. "After
all", his mother had happily 10 . "he would 11. A. laughter
assist me to see his younger ones through their B. respect
educational needs". Besides the __11__she had C. mockery
been subjected to by her 12 over her son's D. sarcasm
inability to secure a job, however, 13 , since he
graduated from the university would become a thing 12. A. border
of the past. B. neighbours
C. neighbourhood
Regrettably, her joy was short lived. On the D. neighbouring
day when Bolingo would have started work at his
desk, he got to his office just a few minutes past 13. A. boring
nine o' clock while he ought to have been there B. humble
at 7:30am. He saw that the secretary whom he had C. skilled
come in contact with for the first time, as a D. menial
fellow 14 on the day he had submitted his
application for employment had already seated 14. A. contender
herself at her desk and was 15 in her work. B. candidate
C. applicate
6. demarcate D. interviewer
B. differentiate
C. delineate 15. A. gripped
D. separate B. immersed
C. bored
7. A. shoulder D. engrossed
B. head
C. angle
D. Side Instructions: In Questions 16 — 20, select the
word nearest in meaning with the underlined
8. A. courteously word.
B. gallantly
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16. She did not divulge the location of the train. B. Insensitive
A. reveal C. Envious
B. acknowledge D. Inconsiderate
C. propagate
D. know 22. Despite his father's discouragement, the young
man opted for a military career.
17. The pilots were amazed at his piloting agility. A. Warning
A. strength B. Exhortation
B. happiness C. Intervention
C. wildness D. Commendation
D. sluggishness
23. The last Christmas was an austere period.
18. Hyenas are cautious, cowardly creative — A. Prosperous
Jackals, on the other hand, are known for B. Harsh
their temerity. C. Severe
A. friendliness D. Sour
B. recklessness
C. cowardliness 24. The Military Governor upheld the decision of his
D. behaviour cabinet.
A. held up
19. The wrecked ship had sunk to the bottom. Amid B. undercut
the remaining flotsam, rescue workers found only a C. abolished
life preserver. D. reversed
A. rubbish
B nets 25. The aroma of fresh fish pepper soup stimulates
C. water my salivary glands.
D. sailors A. Odour
B. Glamour
20. Rock music is ubiquitous nowadays. C. Stench
A. everywhere D. Appearance
B. modern
C. soothing Instructions: In each of Questions 26 — 30, fill
D. acceptable each gap with the most appropriate option from the
options provided.
Instructions: In each of the following
questions, there is a word or group of words 26. I do not think any sane person would have
underlined. Choose from the items numbered acted in such a manner.
A to D the word or group of words almost A. rational
opposite in meaning to the underlined words. B. composed
C. secret
21. Mallam Khalil is covetous of his neighbour's D. cruel
A. Indifferent 27. Neither Agbo nor his parents the
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meetings now. same.

A. attended D. My debt to you is greater than yours.
B. attend
C. has attended 33. He had hardly spoken when the bell rang.
D. attends A. He found it difficult to speak, and then the bell
28. Modem dancing has become rather scientific B. The bell rang very soon after he spoke.
and so requires . C. When the bell rang, he was still speaking.
A. bizarre costuming D. He spoke in a harsh manner and the bell rang.
B. some choreographic skill
C. immense instrumentation 34. Ogiri takes after his father; he fawns upon
D. a rapping voice anyone with influence.
A. Ogiri, who looks like his father, follows rich and
29. Had he considered his public image carefully, he influential people about.
____ for his opponent in the election. B. Ogiri, who always follows his father, tries to act
A. might have stood aside like an influential man.
B. would have stepped aside C. Like his father, Ogiri hates influential people.
C. should have stepped down D. Like his father, Ogiri likes to flatter people with
D. would have stood down influence in society.

30. The Government 35. After the war, the victors became increasingly
which recruiting workers suddenly vindictive
stopped doing so. A. Repressive measure were taken against
A. are / its those who lost the war
B. was / its B. Those who won the war became treacherous
C. is / their C. Vengeful attacks were incessantly carried out on
D. were / their those who lost the war
D. Friendly measure were taken to heal the wounds
Instructions: In each of Questions 31 to 35, select
the option that best explains the Instructions: Choose the correct word or phrase to
information conveyed in the sentence. complete the sentences. Each question has only one
correct answer.
31. The class has fallen in with the teacher's plan.
A. The class has accepted the plans 36. My mother let me ___late when I was a child.
B. The class has ignored the plans A. to stay out
C. The class has modified the plans B. stayed out
D. The class has rejected the plans C. stay out
D. staying out
32. I owe you far less than you owe me.
A. I owe you something, but you owe me much 37. She _____________ lunch by the 0 me we
more. arrived.
B. Your debt is not much greater than mine. A. had finished
C. What we owe each other is approximately the B. finished
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C. have finished 16. A

D. finishing 17. A
18. B
38. Chocolate in Accra, Ghana for many 19. A
years now. 20. A
A have been making 21. A
B. have been made 22. D
C. have Made 23. A
D. are made 24. D
25. C
39. It is an easy exam. Make sure to study 26. D
hard. 27. B
A. under no means 28. B
B. over no means 29. B
C. through no means 30. B
D. by no means 31. A
32. A
40. The university lecturers have been demanding a 33. B
big . 34. D
A. rise 35. C
B. raise 36. C
C. rice 37. A
D. race 38. B
39. D
40. B

1. D
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. D
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PART ONE 3. 'humane' as used in the passage means

This paper is divided into 2 sections: B. human
Section A — Comprehension, Section B - Lexis C. sensible
and Structure. D. benevolent
Answer all questions in your Answer Sheet.
4. 'We must consciously try to establish an
SECTION A - COMPREHENSION equilibrium' implies that mankind must
Instruction: Read the passage carefully and A. realistically find an equation
answer the questions that follow it. B. strive not to be wasteful
C. deliberately try to fight nature
All over the world till lately, and in most of the D. purposely find a balance
wand still today, mankind has been following
the course of nature, that is to say, it has been 5. The main idea of this passage is that
breeding up to the maximum. To let nature A. nature is heartless
take her extravagant course in the B. man should control the birth rate
reproduction of the human race may have C. mankind will soon perish of starvation
made sense in an age in which we were letting D. man should change nature's course
her take her course in decimating mankind by gradually
the casualties of war, pestilence and famine.
Being human, we have at last revolted against SECTION B — LEXIS AND STRUCTURE
that senseless waste. We have started to Instruction: For Questions 6-20, read
impose on nature's heartless play a humane Passage A and decide which word A, B, C
new order of our own. But. once man has or D bet fits each space.
begun to interfere with nature, he cannot Waking up by 9:00am. I knew I was late to
afford to stop half way. We cannot with listen to the news 6 or the usual newspaper
impunity cut down the death-rate and at the 7. A short while tater, I heard the voice of a 8
same time allow the birth-rate to go on taking making his daily 9 . I quickly dashed outside
nature's course. We. must consciously try to and called him. He was carrying a heap of palm
establish an equilibrium or sooner or later, on his left arm but I 10 only two 11 of different
famine will stack abroad again. dailies. I 12 the 13 and 14 of the papers and
was surprised that none of the events. I
1. The author observed that considered 15 had been reported. I was
A. war, pestilence and famine were caused by however consoled by the realisation that the
the extravagance of nature papers 16 enough reports about recent socio-
B. nature was heartless and senseless political and sending in results of all league
C. there was a time when uncontrolled birth matches played the previous day. The ..19. in
made sense the papers were educative and informative and
D. it was wise at a time when mankind did not the 20 very funny and interesting.
interfere with normal reproduction
6. A. analysis
2. Which of these statements does not B. broadcast
express the opinion of the author? C. commentary
A. Mankind has started to interfere with the D. coverage
work of nature
B. Mankind should not have the maximum 7. A. discussion
number of children possible B. preview
C. Mankind should take care of its children C. review
D. Man's present relationship with nature in D. sampling
matters of birth and death is a happy one
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8. B. newsworthy
A. journalist C. relevant
B. news agent D. sensational
C. reporter
D. vendor 16.
A. carried
9. B. distributed
A. call C. itemised
B. round D. highlighted
C. run
D. shift 17.
A. area
10. B. column
A. borrowed C. spread
B. collected D. zone
C. received
D. retrieved 18.
A. contributions
11. B. correspondence
A. copies C. editors
B. editions D. reviewers
C. titles
D. versions 19.
A. advertisement
12. B. articles
A. cross-checked C. issues
B. perused D. publications
C. read
D. scanned 20.
A. cartoons
13. B. jests
A. columns C. opinion
B. headlines D. puzzle
C. sub-titles
D. titles Instruction: From the alternative A. —D,
choose the word nearest in meaning to the
14. underlined word.
A. captions
B. editorials 21. The Liberian teacher with his myriad of
C. headings problems is a thorn in the flesh of the
D. stories government
A. multitude
15. B. few
A. interesting C. reduced

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D. plenty B. uninteresting
C. intentional
22. The aggression in Clara's speech made it D. optional
clear that he was ready for anything
A. pride 28. The police officer gunned down the student
B. force by a mere accidental discharge.
C. calm A. chance
D. playfulness B. opportunity cost
C. intentionally
23. The leader is grossly lacking.in. human D. annoyance
relations 29. John reactions to issues not in his favour
A. slightly are turbulent.
B. mainly A. disturbing
C. greatly B. tough
D. deficiently C. calm
D. humble
24. Reasonable leadership hardly toy
with fragile issues 30. The woman has been declared barren by
A. unserious medical science.
B. hard A. reich
C. delicate 13. infertile
D. serious C. fertile
D. unsuccessful
25. The soldiers have problems on how to
manage the spoils of war Instruction: Choose from the alternatives
A. pins A —D which best fins the gap in the
B. dead following sentences
C. spoilt
D. wounded 31. The examinations will hold June .
A. on
Instruction: From the alternative, choose the B. at
word nearly opposite in meaning to the C. in
underlined. D. during
26. The accused was discharged and acquitted
A. freed 32. Whenever a child is hungry,
B. jailed he cranky .
C. hailed A. is
D. declared guilty B. became
C. was
27. The general belief in most higher D. gets
institutions in Nigeria that physical presence at
lecture is very 33. He always sits the table to take lunch.
voluntary A. on
A. mandatory B. at

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C. beside C. that shy has to walk with a stick

D. in D. then our village head

34. The training me to perform 40. with him. I could easily

brilliantly. understand why he had done it.
A. enable A. To have acquainted
B. help B. Having acquainted
C. enabled C. To be acquainted
D. got D. Being acquainted

35. The man, with his friend here ANSWERS

A. are
B. is 1. C
C. went 2. C
D. have 3. A
4. B
Instruction: Choose the word or group of words 5. A
which best complete each of the following 6. A
sentences. 7. C
8. B
36. No sooner had the teacher left the 9. A
classroom 10. C
A. the children stared making a noise 11. C
B. when the children started making a noise 12. A
C. as the children started making a noise 13. C
D. than the children started making a noise 14. D
15. A
37. This year's annual inter house sport was 16. C
not well organised . 17. B
A. isn't it? 18. C
B. was it ? 19. D
C. is it? 20. B
D. wasn't it 21. A
22. B
38. On looking up the answer to the 23. C
problem . 24. C
A. it was found that he was wrong 25. A
B. he was wrong 26. A
C. it was found to be wrong 27. A
D. he found that he was wrong 28. C
29. A
39. Mother is too old 30. C
A. for learning to read and write 31. C
B. to go to farm any more 32. A

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33. C
34. D
35. D
36. A
37. D
38. B
39. A
40. B

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PART ONE on too often; The virtue of the piece is not
USE OF ENGLISH inexhaustible. It can run down, therefore it is
This paper is divided into 2 sections: better to use it sparingly and only to call on it
Section A — Comprehension, Section B - Lexis
when the need is great.
and Structure.
Answer all questions in your Answer Sheet. Whatever the cause of this reliance on magic
amulets in war-time, it is so. And the practice
SECTION A - COMPREHENSION is by no means limited to ignorant or
Instruction: Read the passage carefully and superstitious men. It would seem that in times
answer the questions that follow it. of great danger and great emotional tumult, a
man has to reach outside himself for help and
A great many soldiers carry with them some comfort, and has to have some supra-personal
small artistic, some touchstone or lucky piece symbol to hold to. It can be anything at all, an
or symbol which if they arc lucky in battle old umbrella handle, or a religious symbol, but
takes on an ever-increasing importance. And he has to have it. There are times in war when
being lucky in battle means simply not being the sharpest emotion is not fear, but loneliness
hurt. St Christopher''s medals are carried by and littleness. And it is during these times that
Catholics and non-Catholics alike and in any the smooth stone or the Indian-head penny or
cases arc not considered as religious symbols the wooden pigs are not only desirable but
at all, but as simply lucky pieces. essential.
The magic articles are a all kinds. There will
be a smooth stone, and odd-shaped piece of 1. Do St. Christopher's medals serve as lucky
metal, small photographs encased in pieces only for Catholics?
cellophane. Many soldiers consider pictures of A. Yes
their wives or parents to. be almost protectors B. No
from danger. One soldier had removed the C. Not indicated
handles from his colt 45 and had carved new D. one of the about
ones out of Plexiglas from a wrecked airplane.
Then, he installed photographs of his children 2. Do the charms ever lose their power in a
under the Plexiglas so that his children looked soldier's estimation?
out of the handle of his pistol. A. They rarely do
Sometimes coins are considered lucky, and B. They never do
rings and pins. usually articles which take their C. They can
qualify from some intimacy with people at D. They do not
home, a gift or the symbol of old emotional
experiences. One man carries a locket his dead 3. Why do soldiers rarely talk of their
wife. wore as a child and another a siring of attachment to magic articles?
anther beads his mother once made him wear A. It is too private
to ward off colds. The beads: now ward off B. It would lose its powers
danger. C. Fear of being laughed at
The association between a man and his D. All of the above
amulet becomes. not only very strong, but very
private. This is partly a fear of being laughed 4. Why is the practice of carrying charms so
at, but also a feeling grows that to tell about it widespread in time of war?
is to rob it of some of its powers. Also, there is A. Need or company in war
the feeling that the magic must not be called B. Need to feel close home
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C. The need for outside help and comfort B. an enemy

D. Need for extra power C. an army
D. a victory
5. 'Supra-personal' means
A. Not normal 10. The village girl wore sumptuous clothes
B. Not personal A. faded-looking
C. A little private B. ideas
D. Extra personal C. expensive
D. loose-fitting
In each of questions 11 - 15, select the
In each of question 6 - 10, choose the option option that best explains the information
nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in conveyed in the sentence.
11. Oche's chief idiosyncrasy is a passion for
6. I cannot understand why Ali should serve in pounded yarn.
that moribund administration. A. Oche's chief hates pounded yam
A. oppressive B. Oche hates pounded yam
B. prodigal C. Oche has a penchant for pounded yam
C. crumbling D. Oche's chief likes pounded yam
D. purposeless
12. You must not attend the end-of-year party.
7. The Conference Centre caters A. It is not necessary that you attend the party
for transients only. B. It is necessary that you do not attend the
A. temporary guests party
B. professionals C. You do not have to decide whether to attend
C. permanent guests the party or not
D. novices D. You have to decide whether to attend the
party or not
8. The coalescence of the groups created
additional problems. 13. The man reasoned that there ought to be a
A. proscription limit to sycophancy.
B. righting A. There can be no favour beyond a reasonable
C. disbandment point
D. union B. Sycophants need not talk all the time
C. People should know when not to use flattery
9. As the triumphant rebels were returning, to D. Sycophants should know when to grant
their base. they met with a serious reverse. people's requests
A. a defeat
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14. Adawo is an imp. D. contradicts

A. Adawo behaves queerly
B. Adawo behaves decently 19 Everyone admired the
C. Adawo behaves differently manager's adroit handling of the crises in the
D. Adawo, behaves badly company.
A. clever
15. The solution lies in choosing between B. tacklers
various negative alternatives C. skilful
A. The solution can be found in one of the D. clumsy
negative options
B. The solution lies in choosing between the 20. The principal took exception to
positive and the negative the ignoble role the teacher played in the
C. The solutions are many matter
D. The solution is a negative one A. embarrassing
B. honourable
In each of question 16 — 20, choose the C. extraordinary
most appropriate option opposite in D. dishonourable
meaning to the word(s) or phrase
underlined. Instruction: Choose the correct word that
completes each of the following
16. The witness averred that she had seen sentences.
Dosun at the scene of the crime.
A. argued 21. He has a deep voice.
B. confirmed A. base
C. denied B, bass
D. affirmed C. tinning
D. threatening
l 7. The high cost of living these days calls for a
lot of frugality. 22. are basic.
A. extravagance A. Principles
B. recklessness B. Principals
C. economy C. Factors
D. prudence D. Faculties

l8. Tunde's reaction underscores the point I 23. means stop.

was making. A. Cease
A. justifies B. Seize
B. emphasizes C. Sign
C. summarizes D. Raising hand
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A. tastes sweet.
24. An measures time, B. tastes sweeter
A. hour C. tastes sweetly
B. our D. has tastes
C. oal
D. all 30. She dropped the plates with a .
A. creak
25. the milk next. B. crash
A. Pore C. clatter
B. Pour D. rustle
C. Poor
D. Pool Instruction: Select from the options A - D
the most appropriate choice of the
Instructions: From the words lettered A to meaning of the underlined idioms.
D, choose the word or group of words that
best ccompletes each of the following 31. He is a man of his word.
sentences. A. trustworthy man
B. dependable man
26. I travelled a plane to Lagos. C. reliable man
A. with D. All of the above
B. on
C. in 32. They are at diggers drawn.
D. by A. strained relation
B. friendship
27. If you want to see a from all parts of C. friendly with each other
Kaduna, go to the famous Panteka Market. D. helpful to each other
A. junky collection
B. collection in junk 33. He is on the wrong side of seven
C. collection made of junk A. less than seventy years old
D collection of junk B. more than Seventy years old
C. Seventy years old
28. He has been employed N20. 000 a D. Eighty years old
A. for 34. Many do not get one square meal a day.
B. with A. meal in plates
C. at B. meal in square plates
D. on C. full meal
D. tasty meal
29. The candy .
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35. He has a hand in the strike B. We discussed about it yesterday.

A. totally responsible C. We discuss about it yesterday.
B. also concerned with D. We discuss it yesterday.
C. unconcerned
D. irresponsible 40.
A. My candid advice is that you should face
Instruction: Choose the correct sentence your studies.
from the alternatives: B. My candid advice is that you concentrate on
your studies.
36. C. My candid advice is that you face your
A. When I come in, I saw that she laid on the studies.
floor. D. My candid advice is that you could face your
B. When I came in, 1 saw that she layed on the studies.
C. When I came in, I saw that she lay on the ANSWERS
floor. 1. B
D. When I came in, I saw that she was lying on 2. C
the floor. 3. C
4. A
37. 5. D
A. I will branch your house on my way home. 6. C
B. I will call at your house on my way home. 7. A
C. I will branch to your house on my way 8. D
home. 9. A
D. I will call to branch your house on my way 10. C
home. 11. C
12. B
38. 13. C
A. Bola together with all her classmates are in 14. D
the office. 15. D
B. Bola together with all her classmates were in 16. D
the office. 17. A
C. Bola. together with all her classmates, is in 18. B
the office. 19. A
D. Bola, together with all her classmates, have 20. D
come to the office. 21. B
22. A
39. 23. A
A. We discussed it yesterday. 24. A
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25. B
26. C
27. D
28. A
29. A
30. C
31. D
32. A
33. B
34. C
35. B
36. D
37. C
38. C
39. A
40. C

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Section A - Comprehension, Section B - A. because he was thoughtful

Lexis and Structure B. because he needed it in exploring the cave
C. in order to relight his candle, should it go
Answer all questions in your Answer Sheet out
D. because he envisaged the wind
Instruction: Read the passage carefully and 2. Which of the alternatives has the same
answer the questions that follow it. From the meaning as the following word or phrase
four options lettered A to D given in each as they appear in the passage? "Gone Astray"
question, choose one which most accurately A. got lost
reflects the meaning of the passage, and shade B. been misplaced
your answer sheet accordingly. C. gotten missing
D. been thrown away
A short puff of wind extinguished the candle
I was carrying. Laying it carefully down at my 3. "The only thing for it means
feet so that I could easily find it again in the A. the alternative
dark. I quickly went through my pockets to see B. the only alternative
if I still had the box of matches which I had C. the last option
thoughtfully put there that morning when I set D. the one choice
out to explore the cave. But a thorough search
revealed nothing with which to re-light the 4. In what condition did the writer return?
candle and left me desperately trying to recall A. he returned stumbling out into the light
how the matches could have gone astray. I B. he returned feeling foolish and thoughtless
then remembered that, half an hour before I C. he returned bruised and tired
had taken a short rest and eaten a bar of D. he returned longing for a cigarette
chocolate. While doing so, I had rested the
candle on a convenient rock in order to leave 5. Why did the writer realize that he had been
my hand free to unwrap the chocolate, and just a fool?
as now, a breath of wind had made the candle A. because he had lost his box of matches
flicker and finally go out. It was then that I had B. because he had allowed his candle to go out
the occasion to use my matches and I can only C. because he had bruised himself from the
suppose that I had thoughtlessly felt the box constant collisions with the projecting rocks
on the rock where the candle had been D. because he had foolishly thought he had
standing. I. reckoned that. I must be about half nothing with Which to relight the candle when
a mile from the entrance and that the only he had his lighter all the while
thing for it was to grope my way back again.
About an hour later, bruised from my frequent 6. Which of the alternatives is opposite in
collisions with projecting rocks. I stumbled into meaning to these words or phrases in
the daylight. The first thing I thought of was a the passage? "Flicker"
cigarette. Instinctively, l drew out my lighter A. glow steadily
from my trouser pocket. It was only when I B. burn steadily
had it in my hand that I realized what a fool I C. burn out
had been. D. blow out

QUESTIONS 7. ''Instinctively''
1. Why did the Writer take a box of matches A. thoughtfully
into the cave with him? B. thoughtlessly
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C. carefully misbehaviour really amount to cutting off his

D. at once own nose to spite his face. This means that
A. the decision does not affect the daughter
8. "Stumbled' B. it will cause the man pain to his nose and
A. staggered face
B. walked uprightly C. The decision does the man no good at all
C. steadily D. The decision will make the daughter sober
D. dazedly
14. The officer urged the soldiers to gird their
9. Which of the following alternatives is the loins for the task ahead. This means that the
same as: "A short puff of wind" soldiers should
A. A gentle wind A. wake up early the next morning
B. A small breeze B. guard heir hungry lions
C. A breath of wind C. wear a new battle uniform
D. A hiss of breeze D. be on full alert

10. "To grope" From the alternatives A-D, choose the

A. to walk slowly word nearest in meaning to the underlined
B. to find the way by feeling it with your hand word.
C. carefully
D. to search 15. The journalist refused to divulge the source
or his information
B. inform
Instructions: Choose from alternatives A-D, C. disclose
which is the most appropriate interpretation for D. Affirm
each sentence
16. Asabe was sceptical about the story Ladidi
11. The Accountant falsified records in order to told her
feather his own nest. This means that A. ignorant
the Accountant tried to ___. B. doubtful
A. Deceive his Boss C. confused
B. Put a feather in his cap D. convinced
C. Make himself rich
D. Avenge a wrong done to him by his Boss. 17. The lawyer remarked that the fact that the
accused did nothing when the innocent
12. The Cashier wanted to pull the wool over boy was being lynched made him culpable.
my eyes by making me sign for the money A. liable
I did not receive. This means that the cashier B. untrustworthy
wanted to C. guilty
A. deceive me D. Blameworthy
B. blindfold
C. rub my eyes with cotton wool 18. Spain was once a very powerful nation but
D. have my support her influence has waned over the years
A. disappeared
13. The man's decision to withdraw his B. repealed
daughter from school because of her C. diminished
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D. re-appeared D. ceremony

19. The politician made a 25. The enemies subdued our soldiers without
very scurrilous remark about his opponent much resistance.
A. mild A. capitulated to
B. intolerable B. agreed with
C. false C. conferred with
D. sharp D. benefited from

In each of the following questions, there is a 26. The spirit of the old saint soared
word or group of words underlined. Choose to empyrean heights as he gazed at the dwell.
from the word or group of words almost A. hellish
opposite in meaning to the underlined word. B. earthly
C. mundane
20. The birth of the disabled girl beautified the D. global
A. discomposed 27. The aroma of fresh fish pepper soup
B. discredited stimulates my salivary glands.
C. disappointed A. odour
D. disintegrated B. glamour
C stench
21. The warder has an antipathy towards D. appearance
juvenile prisoners.
A. sympathy In questions 28 to 37, choose the word(s)
B. affection or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap(s)
C. apathy
D. inclination 28. When I met Amadi yesterday it was the
first time I ......him for six months.
22. Mallam Khalil is covetous of his neighbour's A. had seen
horse B. saw
A. indifferent C. have seen
B. insensitive D. have been
C. envious
D. inconsiderate 29. A student's natural ability should be
a factor in his choosing a course of
23. Despite his father's discouragement, the study at the university
young man opted for a military career. A. determined
A. warning B. determining
B. exhortation C. determinant
C. intervention D. determinate
D. commendation
3. Many unrelated issues were touched upon in
24. The rain turned the football match into the of the discussion.
a success. A. cause
A. spectacle B. course
B. festival C. coarse
C. fiasco D. curse
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D. other two little

31. The traveler had to run in order to
..... the train In each of questions 38 to 40, select the
A. first/catch option that best explains the information
B. fast/cash conveyed in the sentence.
C. fast/catch
D. first cash 38. In spite of his humble beginning. Audu now
throws his weight around.
32. When the driver lost control of his vehicle A. Despite his obvious poverty. Audu is a
the pedestrians began to run for _ . proud man
A. their dear lives B. Audu is arrogant despite his simple
B. their dear life upbringing
C. dear lives C. From his poor background. Audu is now a
D. dear life rich man
D. His noble birth notwithstanding, Audu is a
33. My uncle is one of the .......of the society corrupt man
A. elitists
B. elites 39. Ngozi has always considered her father to
C. elite be an impassioned man.
D. elitist A. Her lather is an emotional man
B. Her father is a very strict man
34. The new singlet factory is built on C. Her father is a very lively man
the of Aba township. D. Her father is a disciplined man
A. outstretch
B. outskates 40. The manager paid us in hard currency.
C. outskirts A. We were paid in foreign currency
D. outskirt B. We were paid in dollars and pound sterling
C. We were paid in a strong and stable
35. If Kaka hadn't tried to stand up in the currency
boat, he . D. We were paid in new notes
A. wouldn't have fallen
B. will not ANSWERS
C. will not have fallen 1. C
D. wouldn't have fell 2. B
3. B
36. The soldiers were sufficiently equipped 4. C
with boys 5. A
A. arms and ammunition 6. C
B. arms and ammunitions 7. C
C. arm and ammunitions 8. A
D. arm and ammunition 9. C
10. B
37. My younger brother is going to the stream 11. C
with boys. 12. A
A. two other little 13. C
B. other little two 14. D
C. two little other 15. C
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16. B
17. C
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. A
23. D
24. D
25. B
26. B
27. A
28. C
28. B
30. B
31. C
32. A
33. B
34. D
35. A
36. B
37. A
38. C
39. B
40. A
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This paper is divided into three sections common...6... [A. experiments B. instruments
(Comprehension lexis and Structure) C. approaches D. factors] which underlie and
Answer all questions in your answer sheets account for the facts that he knows. He
chooses, when he can, the method of the controlled
SECTION A: COMPREHENSION common ...7... [A. respondents B. experiment C.
Instructions: There is a passage in this Section, and System D. data]. If he wants to find out the effect
it is followed by questions. From the four options of light on growing plants, he takes
lettered A to D given in each question, choose one many plants, as alike as possible. Some he stands
which most accurately reflects the meaning of the in the sun, some in the shade, some in the dark; all
passage, and shade your answer sheet accordingly. the time keeping all other ...8... [ A. studies B.
procedures C. objects D. conditions] (temperature,
PASSAGE I moisture, nourishment) the same. In this way, by
WHERE HAVE ALL THE FORESTS GONE? keeping other variables...9... [ A. constant B. good
Deforestation has serious consequences. it C. dark D. natural] and by varying the light only,
leads to soil erosion which was an underlying cause the effect of light on plants can be clearly seen. This
of Ethiopia's famine. Crops of maize are planted on ... 10... [A. research B. method C. tool D.
45 degrees slopes without terraced. Within three or rationale] of using 'controls' can be applied to a
four seasons, the topsoil has been washed away by variety of situation and can be used to find the
the torrential rains, and the hill is useless for answers to questions as widely different as must
farming. moisture be present
Another consequence is more subtle forests if...11... [A. an alloy B. gold C. bar D. iron] is to
held on to moisture and are essential factors of rust? And which variety of beans gives the greatest
rainfall through transpiration. Extensive yield in one ...12... [ A. climate B. period C. season
deforestation may have exacerbated the drought in D. weather]?
Africa: fewer forests mean less rainfall and In the course of his ...13... [A. findings B.
desertification. queries C. experiment D. inquiries].
For the key and pushed down on the lower, The scientist may find what he thinks is one
flatter bush country its chances of successful common explanation for an increasing number
farming are little better. Here the soil is dry as dust; of facts. The explanation, if it seems consistent to fit
it needs careful management if it’s to produce food. the various facts, is called ...14... [ A. an antithesis
But the newly arrived shamba farmers don't have B. a principle C. a thesis D. a hypothesis]. If this
the experience to farm effectively. There isn't continues to stand the test of numerous
enough rainfall down here to grow more. So, it has experiments and remains unshaken, it becomes a
to be more hardy grains like millet and sorghum. In ...15... [ A. deduction B. law C. notion D. thesis].
years of severe drought, even those grains do not
produce a good harvest and malnutrition in these
areas is an increasing problem. SECTION B: LEXIS
The real energy crisis is in wood, not oil. Trees
are falling faster than nature or man is replacing Instructions: From alternative A-D, choose the word
them. This drier land is really much better suited to or group of words then are opposite or
grazing cattle or goats, but it's so easy to almost opposite in meaning to the underlined word.
overgraze. When the sparse vegetation is made
even sparser, the topsoil is liable to blow away. Soil 16. He has shown himself to be quite
erosion on the marginal land is as bad as on the an amiable character.
hills. A. aggressive
B. antagonistic
QUESTIONS C. friendly
D. peaceful
The passage below has gaps numbered 6 to 15. 17. The chaotic manner she conducted things put
Immediately following each gap, Four options are everyone off.
provided. Choose the most appropriate option for A. hazardous
each gap. B. organized
C. simple
It is the business of the scientist to D. messed up
accumulate knowledge about the universe and
all that is in it, and to find, if he is able, 18. There was an abundance of rainfall last year.

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A. insufficient 26. If l left the country, I would arrange for my
B. death family to join me.
C. shortfall A. He left the country and his family joined him.
D. inappropriate B. In the event of his leaving the country, his family
would join him.
19. The preacher gave a purely self- C. He did not leave the country and his family did
denouncing speech not join him.
A. sanctimonious D. He may not leave the country.
B. selfish
C. selfless 27. A state of mutual hatred existed for years
D. righteous between the two villages of Umuna and Ogboma.
A. Umuna hated Ogboma
20. The school teacher curries himself with an air B. Ogboma hated Umuna
of indolence. C. Ogboma and Umuna hated themselves
A. laziness D. Umuna and ogboma hated each other.
B. dexterity
C. ingenuity 28. The painting in the museum was beautifully
D. difference faked.
A. The painting was a good deceptive replica
21. The measures that are being taken B. The painting was well-framed and displayed
will alleviate the pressures on us a Nation. C. The painting was deceptively decorated in the
A. deflate museum
B. account for D. The painting was carefully hung in the museum.
C. aggravate
D. discount 29. Ade: Do you mind if I sit down here? Bola:
Well, yes l do actually.
22. The ambassador was subjected to A. Bola is reluctantly granting the request.
a servile treatment throughout his incarceration. B. Bola is willingly accepting the request
A. prestigious C. Bola is certainly rejecting the request
B. diplomatic D. Bola is objecting to the request.
C. gigantic
D. gracious 30. The President held forth for several minutes on
the need for patriotism.
23. The lady seemed quite aware of everything A. The President was silent for some minutes when
around patriotism was being discussed.
A. watchful B. The President whispered a few things about
B. oblivious patriotism
C. notified C. The President spent time saying a few things
D. Blank about Patriots
D. The President gave a rather long speech on the
24. The diet looked repulsive initially, I almost gave importance of patriotism.
A. attractive 31. The slide in the price of gold in the world
B. repelling market has left the industry reeling
C. repugnant A. The gradual fall in gold price is making the
D. reputable industry unstable
B. The stability in gold price is making the industry
25. He is often regarded as an eccentric man stagnant
A. unconventional C. The decline in gold price is making the industry
B. conventional redundant
C. insane D. The increase in gold price is making the industry
D. likeable boom.

In each of questions 26 to 35, select the 32. Fabricated statements published as truths
option that best explains the amount to an abuse of press freedom.
information conveyed in the sentence. A. To make known what is not true is aggressive to
press freedom.

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B. Publishing formulated untruths are misused press 40. The government which .... recruiting ... [A.
freedom are/its B. was/its C. is/their D. were/their] workers
C. unplanned publicized untruths are misused of the suddenly stopped doing so.
freedom of the press
D. Press freedom is based on published untruths. ANSWERS:

33. The expected guests arrived at the eleventh 1. A

hour. 2. C
A. The guests arrived at the last minute. 3. C
B. The guests arrived at 11 o'clock 4. C
C. The guests arrived at the expected time 5. A
D. The guests arrived eleven hours behind schedule. 6. D
7. D
34. After addressing the court for two hours, the 8. D
defence counsel rested her case. 9. A
A. The defence counsel was tired after speaking for 10. B
two hours, so she took a break 11. D
B. The judge adjourned the defence counsel's case 12. A
after listening for two hours 13. A
C. The defence counsel concluded her defence after 14. D
speaking for two hours 15. A
D. The judge advised the defence counsel to rest 16. B
after two hours of address. 17. B
18. C
35. Benjamin exclaimed, 'If it is Napoleon who 19. A
said, it must be right' 20. C
A. Benjamin never believes what Napoleon says 21. C
B. Benjamin does not know what is right unless 22. A
Napoleon always says. 23. B
C. Benjamin believes Napoleon to be right. 24. A
D. Benjamin thinks that Napoleon always says the 25. B
right thing. 26. B
27. D
In each of the questions 36-40, fill each gap 28. A
with the most appropriate option from the list 29. B
provided. 30. C
31. A
36. I do not think any sane person would have 32. B
acted in such a ….. [A. rational B. 33. A
composed C. secret D. cruel] manner. 34. C
35. D
37. Neither Agbo nor his parents ..... [A. attended 36. D
B. attend C. has attended D. attends] the meetings 37. B
now 38. B
39. B
38. Modern dancing has become rather scientific 40. B
and so requires.... [A bizarre costuming B. some
choreographic skill C. immense instrumentation D. a
rapping voice]

39. Had he considered his public image carefully, he

... [A. might have stood aside B. would have
stepped aside C. should have stepped down D.
would have stood down] for his opponent in the

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