Nda English All Year - New-1
Nda English All Year - New-1
Nda English All Year - New-1
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. D
12. B
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. D
17. A
18. D
19. C
20. C
21. C
22. A
22. A
23. D
23. D
24. B
25. B
26. B
27. C
28. D
30. C
31. B
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5. Which of the following best describes the 11. I will tell you the mysteries of life when you
writer of the passage? ___ to my house.
A. He cannot be said to be objective. A. are coming
B. He is completely non-committal B. will come
C. He recognizes the need to be critical of C. were coming
report writing D. come
D. He is being unnecessarily analytic
12. Last week, I ___ a bad toothache.
A. had
Passage II B. have
C. any having
Instructions: The passage below has gaps D. might have
numbered 6 - 15. Immediately following each
gap. four options are provided, choose the 13. The new officer cadet will do as you say if
most appropriate option for each gap. you ___him I sent you.
A. would tell
It is the business of the Scientist to accumulate B. tell
knowledge about the universe and all that is in C. are telling
it, and to find, if he is able, common __6___[A. D. had told
experiments B. instruments C. approaches D.
factors] which underlie and account for the fact 14. We won't be ready to blow up the rock ___
that lie knows. He chooses when he can, the 19th May
method of the controlled common __7___ [A. A. by
respondents B. experiment C. system D. data]. B. for
If he wants to find out the effects of light on C. at
growing plants, he takes many plants, as alike D. since
as possible. Some he stands in the sun, some
in the shade, some in the dark; all the time 15. By next year I___ an agent for 18 years
keeping all other __8__[A. studies B. A. will have been
procedures C. objects D. B. will be
conditions](temperature, moisture, C. have been
nourishment) the same. In this way, by D. had been
keeping other variables ...9... [A. constant B.
good C. dark D. natural] and by varying the 16. Plans to install the atomic energy plant
light only. The effect of' light can be clearly ____ for the day after tomorrow
seen. In the course of his __10___[A. findings A. are set
B. queries C. experiments D. inquiries], the B. have been set
scientist may find what he thinks is one C. will be set
common explanation for an increasing number D. had been set
of facts.
17. Before he fired it, I _____.
A. had snatched the gun from him
B. snatches the gun from him
C. snatched the gun from him
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21. The disease was not easily .... 28. He had hardly spoken when the bell rang.
A. discovered A. He found it difficult to speak, and then the
B. decided bell rang
C. diagnosed B. The bell rang, very soon after he spoke
D. seen C. When the bell rang, he was still speaking
D. He spoke in a harsh
22. Which of these is a wrong plural?
A. growns — up Aliyu takes his father; he frowns upon anyone
B. passers — by with influence.
C. hand — full A. Aliyu, who looks like his father, follows rich
D. door --bills and influential people about
B. Aliyu, who always follows his father, tries to
23. Akintade likes dancing and ___. act like an influential man
A. so I do C. Like his father, Aliyu hates influential people
B. I do so D. Like his father, Aliyu likes to flatter people
C. I so do with influence in society
D. So do I
30. A tier the war, the victors became
24. The murder suspect implicated him but the increasingly vindictive.
evidence presented ___ him A. Repressive measures were taken against
A. exonerated those who lost the war
B. convicted B. Those who won the war became treacherous
C. involved C. Vengeful attacks were incessantly carried
D. condemned out on those who lost the war
D . Friendly measure were taken to heal the
25. The bank will make a turn ............... of wounds
one hundred thousand naira this month.
A. over Instructions: From Questions 31-35, choose
B. out from alternatives A - D the word or group of
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words have exact opposite or almost opposite clear that she was ready for anything.
in meaning to the underlined word. A. pride
B. force
31. He has shown himself to be quite C. calm
an amiable character. D. playfulness
A. aggressive
B. antagonistic 38. The military commander is grossly lacking
C. friendly in human relations.
D. peaceful A. slightly
B. mainly
32. The chaotic manner she conducted things C. greatly
put everyone off. D. deficiently
A. hazardous
B. organized 39. Reasonable leadership hardly toys
C. simple with fragile issues.
D. messed up A. unserious
B. hard
33. There was abundance of rainfall last year. C. delicate
A. insufficient D. serious
B. death
C. shortfall 40. The militants have problems on how to
D. inappropriate manage the spoils of war .
A. gains
34. The measures that are being taken by the B. dead
government will alleviate the pressures on us C. spoilt
as a nation. D. wounded
A. deflate
B. account for ANSWERS
C. aggravate
D. discount 1. B
2. A
35. The ambassador was subjected to a servile 3. A
treatment throughout his incarceration. 4. A
A. prestigious 5. C
B. diplomatic 6. A
C. gigantic 7. D
D. gracious 8. D
9. A
Instructions: From Questions 36-40, choose 10. C
from Alternatives A - D. the word nearest in 11. D
meaning to the underlined word. 12. A
13. B
36. The Social Studies tutor with his myriad of 14. A
problems is a thorn in the flesh of the 15. A
government 16. A
A. multitude 17. C
B. few 18. C
C. reduced 19. C
D. plenty 20.C
21. C
37. The aggression in Zainab's speech made it 22. A
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23. D
24. A
25. A
26. A
27. A
28. B
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. B
33. C
34. C
35. D
36. D
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. A
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4. Endeavour
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the passage below and A. Undertaking
answer the questions that follow: B. Undertakings
C. Bid
Nigeria has witnessed several religious crises. D. Attempt
The Maitatsine carnage is an example. It is painful
that whenever there is any form of crisis in the
country, the government only reacts by setting up a 5. Lucrative
commission of inquiry. Quite often, such inquiries A. Profitable
are used as instruments for destroying political B. Expensive
opponents. In the end, neither the government nor C. Gainful
the people and learn lessons from the findings of D. Money making
such inquiries.
Many things are responsible for the religious
crisis in Nigeria. Open air-preaching is a major 6. "Why some religious leaders are caught in
factor. Religionists often barricade the streets and criminal acts" is grammatically known as __.
usurp the front space of other people's houses in A. prepositional phrase
the frantic endeavour to win converts. This is an B. adjectival phrase
awful scene which is possible only in Nigeria. People C. adverbial phrase
should preach in the church or mosque or better still D. none of the above
hire halls for their religious activities.
Some people see religion as
a lucrative enterprise. This alone shows why people 7. What figure of speech is "Nigeria has witnessed
are ready to kill themselves in the name of religion. several religious crises''
If the rate at which Nigerians troop see religion A. metaphor
these days is a reflection of their godliness, why is B. personification
the rate of crime rapidly increasing? Why are some C. hyperbole
of the religious leaders caught in criminal acts? D. simile
For each of the following words, choose from 8. Why are some of the religious leaders caught in
the list of words and supply another word or criminal acts? What grammatical name is given to
phrase that means the same and which can this type of question?
replace the one in the passage. A. unanswered question
B. rhetorical question
C. absurd question
1. Crises D. tactical question
A. Uprising
B. Uprisings
C. Crimes 9. What is the best title for the passage?
D. Riot A. why religious crises persist in Nigeria
B. causes of religious riots in Nigeria
C. effects of religious crises
2. Carnage D. origin of religious crises
A. Destruction
B. Destructions
C. Damage 10. From the passage, it is evident that ___.
D. Damages A. the government has learned from the crises
B. the government has learned nothing from
the crises
3. Barricade C. government is pained by religious crises
A. Obstacle D. none of the above
B. Obstacles
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A. my books
B. books of mine
Choose the word or group of words which best D. books for me
completes each of the following sentences in
questions 6-20.
19. The students are protesting the
expulsion of their leaders.
11. Tarr, ____ win the prize, has come to collect it. A. for
A. who B. against
B. that C. to
C. whose D. on
D. none of the above
20. Her manner is not compatible her
12. Liberia, ___ is their home country, has a good religious program.
plan for their children. A. to
A. which B. on
B. who C. against
C. where D. with
D. that
21. The chair ___ as he sat down.
13. The child ____ we saw in the street is called A. squeaked
Dele B. rattled
A. which C. creaked
B. who D. crashed
C. whom
D. when 22. The brakes of the car ___.
A. roared
14. He gave me that____. B. spilled
A. your book C. squealed
B. book of yours D. none of the above
C. want of your needs
D. need of mine 23. Babies down their chins when they are
getting teeth.
15. The board, ___took the decision, is far. A. squirt
A. who B. drip
B. what C. trickle
C. that D. dribble
D. whom
24. The church bells in celebration
16. Everybody is at home but ____. A. pealed
A. who B. tinkled
B. he C. rattled
C. him D. rumbled
D. whom
25. All that we could hear was the gunet ____ of
17. The committee has been sitting since A. hum
yesterday, _____will probably find the solution by B. rustic
tomorrow. C. slam
A. they D. rattle
B. it
C. he From the list lettered A-D, choose the word that is
D. she most nearly opposite in meaning to the words/group
of words underlined and that will at the same time,
correctly fill the gap in questions 26 — 35.
18. Those have been recovered.
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29. If the weather continues like this, farmers would 37. Asabe was sceptical about the story Ladidi told
expect a bumper harvest this year. her.
A. bumbling A. ignorant
B. rich B. doubtful
C. serious C. confused
D. lean D. convinced
30. The decree has been abrogated. 38. The lawyer remarked that the fact that the
A. revived accused did nothing when the innocent boy was
B. cancelled being lynched made him culpable.
C. killed A. liable
D. enacted B. untrustworthy
C. guilty
31. He has shown himself to be quite D. blameworthy
an amiable character.
A. aggressive 39. Spain was once a very powerful nation but her
B. antagonistic influence has waned over the years.
C. friendly A. disappeared
D. peaceful B. repealed
C. diminished
32. There was an abundance of rainfall last year. D. faded
A. insufficient
B. death 40. The politician made a very scurrilous remark
C. shortfall about his opponent.
D. inappropriate A. mild
B. intolerance
33. The school teacher carries himself with an air of C. false
indolence. D. sharp
A. laziness
B. dexterity
C. ingenuity ANSWERS
D. difference
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6. A
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. D
21. A
22. C
23. C
24. D
25. A
26. A
27. B
28. A
29. D
30. D
31. A
32. C
33. B
34. A
35. B
36. C
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. D
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16. She did not divulge the location of the train. B. Insensitive
A. reveal C. Envious
B. acknowledge D. Inconsiderate
C. propagate
D. know 22. Despite his father's discouragement, the young
man opted for a military career.
17. The pilots were amazed at his piloting agility. A. Warning
A. strength B. Exhortation
B. happiness C. Intervention
C. wildness D. Commendation
D. sluggishness
23. The last Christmas was an austere period.
18. Hyenas are cautious, cowardly creative — A. Prosperous
Jackals, on the other hand, are known for B. Harsh
their temerity. C. Severe
A. friendliness D. Sour
B. recklessness
C. cowardliness 24. The Military Governor upheld the decision of his
D. behaviour cabinet.
A. held up
19. The wrecked ship had sunk to the bottom. Amid B. undercut
the remaining flotsam, rescue workers found only a C. abolished
life preserver. D. reversed
A. rubbish
B nets 25. The aroma of fresh fish pepper soup stimulates
C. water my salivary glands.
D. sailors A. Odour
B. Glamour
20. Rock music is ubiquitous nowadays. C. Stench
A. everywhere D. Appearance
B. modern
C. soothing Instructions: In each of Questions 26 — 30, fill
D. acceptable each gap with the most appropriate option from the
options provided.
Instructions: In each of the following
questions, there is a word or group of words 26. I do not think any sane person would have
underlined. Choose from the items numbered acted in such a manner.
A to D the word or group of words almost A. rational
opposite in meaning to the underlined words. B. composed
C. secret
21. Mallam Khalil is covetous of his neighbour's D. cruel
A. Indifferent 27. Neither Agbo nor his parents the
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30. The Government 35. After the war, the victors became increasingly
which recruiting workers suddenly vindictive
stopped doing so. A. Repressive measure were taken against
A. are / its those who lost the war
B. was / its B. Those who won the war became treacherous
C. is / their C. Vengeful attacks were incessantly carried out on
D. were / their those who lost the war
D. Friendly measure were taken to heal the wounds
Instructions: In each of Questions 31 to 35, select
the option that best explains the Instructions: Choose the correct word or phrase to
information conveyed in the sentence. complete the sentences. Each question has only one
correct answer.
31. The class has fallen in with the teacher's plan.
A. The class has accepted the plans 36. My mother let me ___late when I was a child.
B. The class has ignored the plans A. to stay out
C. The class has modified the plans B. stayed out
D. The class has rejected the plans C. stay out
D. staying out
32. I owe you far less than you owe me.
A. I owe you something, but you owe me much 37. She _____________ lunch by the 0 me we
more. arrived.
B. Your debt is not much greater than mine. A. had finished
C. What we owe each other is approximately the B. finished
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1. D
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. D
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8. B. newsworthy
A. journalist C. relevant
B. news agent D. sensational
C. reporter
D. vendor 16.
A. carried
9. B. distributed
A. call C. itemised
B. round D. highlighted
C. run
D. shift 17.
A. area
10. B. column
A. borrowed C. spread
B. collected D. zone
C. received
D. retrieved 18.
A. contributions
11. B. correspondence
A. copies C. editors
B. editions D. reviewers
C. titles
D. versions 19.
A. advertisement
12. B. articles
A. cross-checked C. issues
B. perused D. publications
C. read
D. scanned 20.
A. cartoons
13. B. jests
A. columns C. opinion
B. headlines D. puzzle
C. sub-titles
D. titles Instruction: From the alternative A. —D,
choose the word nearest in meaning to the
14. underlined word.
A. captions
B. editorials 21. The Liberian teacher with his myriad of
C. headings problems is a thorn in the flesh of the
D. stories government
A. multitude
15. B. few
A. interesting C. reduced
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D. plenty B. uninteresting
C. intentional
22. The aggression in Clara's speech made it D. optional
clear that he was ready for anything
A. pride 28. The police officer gunned down the student
B. force by a mere accidental discharge.
C. calm A. chance
D. playfulness B. opportunity cost
C. intentionally
23. The leader is grossly lacking.in. human D. annoyance
relations 29. John reactions to issues not in his favour
A. slightly are turbulent.
B. mainly A. disturbing
C. greatly B. tough
D. deficiently C. calm
D. humble
24. Reasonable leadership hardly toy
with fragile issues 30. The woman has been declared barren by
A. unserious medical science.
B. hard A. reich
C. delicate 13. infertile
D. serious C. fertile
D. unsuccessful
25. The soldiers have problems on how to
manage the spoils of war Instruction: Choose from the alternatives
A. pins A —D which best fins the gap in the
B. dead following sentences
C. spoilt
D. wounded 31. The examinations will hold June .
A. on
Instruction: From the alternative, choose the B. at
word nearly opposite in meaning to the C. in
underlined. D. during
26. The accused was discharged and acquitted
A. freed 32. Whenever a child is hungry,
B. jailed he cranky .
C. hailed A. is
D. declared guilty B. became
C. was
27. The general belief in most higher D. gets
institutions in Nigeria that physical presence at
lecture is very 33. He always sits the table to take lunch.
voluntary A. on
A. mandatory B. at
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33. C
34. D
35. D
36. A
37. D
38. B
39. A
40. B
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A. tastes sweet.
24. An measures time, B. tastes sweeter
A. hour C. tastes sweetly
B. our D. has tastes
C. oal
D. all 30. She dropped the plates with a .
A. creak
25. the milk next. B. crash
A. Pore C. clatter
B. Pour D. rustle
C. Poor
D. Pool Instruction: Select from the options A - D
the most appropriate choice of the
Instructions: From the words lettered A to meaning of the underlined idioms.
D, choose the word or group of words that
best ccompletes each of the following 31. He is a man of his word.
sentences. A. trustworthy man
B. dependable man
26. I travelled a plane to Lagos. C. reliable man
A. with D. All of the above
B. on
C. in 32. They are at diggers drawn.
D. by A. strained relation
B. friendship
27. If you want to see a from all parts of C. friendly with each other
Kaduna, go to the famous Panteka Market. D. helpful to each other
A. junky collection
B. collection in junk 33. He is on the wrong side of seven
C. collection made of junk A. less than seventy years old
D collection of junk B. more than Seventy years old
C. Seventy years old
28. He has been employed N20. 000 a D. Eighty years old
A. for 34. Many do not get one square meal a day.
B. with A. meal in plates
C. at B. meal in square plates
D. on C. full meal
D. tasty meal
29. The candy .
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25. B
26. C
27. D
28. A
29. A
30. C
31. D
32. A
33. B
34. C
35. B
36. D
37. C
38. C
39. A
40. C
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QUESTIONS 7. ''Instinctively''
1. Why did the Writer take a box of matches A. thoughtfully
into the cave with him? B. thoughtlessly
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D. re-appeared D. ceremony
19. The politician made a 25. The enemies subdued our soldiers without
very scurrilous remark about his opponent much resistance.
A. mild A. capitulated to
B. intolerable B. agreed with
C. false C. conferred with
D. sharp D. benefited from
In each of the following questions, there is a 26. The spirit of the old saint soared
word or group of words underlined. Choose to empyrean heights as he gazed at the dwell.
from the word or group of words almost A. hellish
opposite in meaning to the underlined word. B. earthly
C. mundane
20. The birth of the disabled girl beautified the D. global
A. discomposed 27. The aroma of fresh fish pepper soup
B. discredited stimulates my salivary glands.
C. disappointed A. odour
D. disintegrated B. glamour
C stench
21. The warder has an antipathy towards D. appearance
juvenile prisoners.
A. sympathy In questions 28 to 37, choose the word(s)
B. affection or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap(s)
C. apathy
D. inclination 28. When I met Amadi yesterday it was the
first time I ......him for six months.
22. Mallam Khalil is covetous of his neighbour's A. had seen
horse B. saw
A. indifferent C. have seen
B. insensitive D. have been
C. envious
D. inconsiderate 29. A student's natural ability should be
a factor in his choosing a course of
23. Despite his father's discouragement, the study at the university
young man opted for a military career. A. determined
A. warning B. determining
B. exhortation C. determinant
C. intervention D. determinate
D. commendation
3. Many unrelated issues were touched upon in
24. The rain turned the football match into the of the discussion.
a success. A. cause
A. spectacle B. course
B. festival C. coarse
C. fiasco D. curse
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16. B
17. C
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. A
23. D
24. D
25. B
26. B
27. A
28. C
28. B
30. B
31. C
32. A
33. B
34. D
35. A
36. B
37. A
38. C
39. B
40. A
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In each of questions 26 to 35, select the 32. Fabricated statements published as truths
option that best explains the amount to an abuse of press freedom.
information conveyed in the sentence. A. To make known what is not true is aggressive to
press freedom.
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