Course Detail and Lecture Breakup-Circuit Theory PHY-221
Course Detail and Lecture Breakup-Circuit Theory PHY-221
Course Detail and Lecture Breakup-Circuit Theory PHY-221
Department of Physics
Brief Instructor’s Detail/Biography
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 03425148457
Aadil Raza received a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from COMSATS University Islamabad.
He also received an MS degree in Nanoelectronics and Mechanics from The University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom in 2009 and an MSc degree in Electronics from the Quaid-i-Azam University,
Islamabad, Pakistan in 2005. He has been serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Physics since 2007. His areas of research are Radio over Fiber systems, free space optics, chaotic
secure communication, and advanced digital signal processing (ADSP) to realize high-speed short-
range optical links.
Course basics
Labs: yes
Course description / Goals / Objectives
This course is the first course which gives the first insight of electrical circuits. Circuit variables, elements
and analysis techniques are introduced for DC excitation. Capacitors and inductors are discussed in
detail for steady-state and transient operation.
Course Objectives
• Review the characteristics of voltage, amperage, and resistance in series and parallel circuits, showing
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
2. Use circuit analysis techniques to solve circuits for the required variables.
3. Understand the behavior of capacitors and inductors in transient and steady state.
2. Both students will have their final grade lowered by one letter grade
Recommended Textbooks: -
Reference Books: -
Grading Policy:
The final Grade for each student will be evaluated as follows:
Lecture Contents
All the labs are to be conducted using the oscilloscope. Multimeters can be used to verify the readings taken
with the oscilloscope.
Lab # Experiment
1 Resistors, capacitors and inductors, color coding
2 Multimeter, power supply, oscilloscope, and their usage
3 Ohm's law graph using different values of resistors.
4 Kirchhoff’s laws with a single voltage source
5 Kirchhoff’s laws with a single current source
6 Circuits with multiple voltage sources
7 Voltage divider and current divider circuits
8 Series and parallel resistor combinations
9 Nodal analysis verification
10 Loop analysis verification
11 Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorem
12 RC and RL Circuits Responses
13 Second order RLC circuits