Practical Research 2
Practical Research 2
Practical Research 2
A Quantitative Research
Submitted to
Ms. Leilanie Annonuevo
Member of the faculty of
Oriental Mindoro National High School
San Vicente East, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements to the Subject
Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion
Remce Bigael
Ellyna Sangcopan
Chriselda Isla
Justine Tolentino
John Paul Jef Chavez
John Wayne Beron
Joseph Tangonan
Marc Miguel Guilles
Dennis Abando
12-ABM Manager
Table of Content…………………………………..……………………………….…2-3
Research Locale…………………………………………..…………………….…….5
Theoretical Framework………….……………………………..……….…………..6-7
Conceptual Framework…….………………………………..……………….……….8
Statement of the Problem…………………………………………..…….………….. 8
Statement of Hypothesis……………………….…………………..…………….……8
Scope and Delimitation…………………………………….……..…………….……..9
Significance of the Study…………………………………..………..……….………..9
Definition of Terms……………………….…………….…..………………………..10
LITERATURE REVIEW……..……….……………….……………….……..11-13
Research Design..…………………………………………...………………………..14
Research Sampling Technique…..……………….……….………………………….14
Respondents of the Study…………………….………………………………………15
Research Instrument……………………….……….…….…………………..………15
Reliability of Research Instrument……………………………...………..…………..15
Scaling and Data Quantification…….…………………………...…………………..16
Data Gathering Procedure.…………………………...………………………………17
Statistical Treatment of Data.…………………………...……………..…….……….18
1. To what extent does the assessment within the homeroom guidance modules
address career exploration of grade 12 ABM students….................................19-20
2. Level of influence of homeroom guidance on the clarity of career choices among
Grade 12 ABM students...................................................................................21-22
3. Relationship between Homeroom Guidance and Career Choice among Grade 12
ABM students in Oriental Mindoro National High School……….…………….22
4. Proposed intervention of the study……….……………………………………..23
Summary of Findings..……………….……….…….……………..…………………24
Conclusion ………………………….….…….………………………………………24
A. Output………………………….….…….……………………………………26
B. Research Questionnaire………….….……....……………………………27-28
C. Approval Letter………….….…….…………………….……………………29
The Problem and Its Background
Homeroom guidance is a comprehensive, developmental, and proactive program
designed to equip K–12 students with life skills with three domains; academic development,
personal and social development, and career development. On the career development
domain, it covers all occupational and work-related problems and issues for learners. This
entails learners discovering their interests, talents, skills, decision-making, problem solving,
planning, and exploring their career options and opportunities. In many schools, homeroom
guidance also includes career guidance, where the teacher helps students explore different
career paths, understand their interests and skills, and make informed decisions about their
Career choice, on the other hand, refers to the process of choosing a specific career
path. It's a crucial decision that students make, often during their high school years. This
choice is influenced by various factors, including personal interests, skills, values, and
external influences like family, peers, and guidance from teachers or counselors.
According to several global studies, homeroom guidance has a positive impact on
students' self-efficacy and career exploration. The researchers found that students who
received comprehensive and personalized guidance from their homeroom teachers were more
confident in their career decision-making abilities and actively engaged in exploring different
career options (Garcia & Martinez, 2020).
The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, Republic Act No. 10533, also known as
the K-12 Law, provides the framework for the implementation of the K-12 program in the
Philippines. It emphasizes the importance of career guidance and counseling services in
helping students make informed decisions about their educational and career paths. The
Career Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 specifically focuses on the provision of career
guidance and counseling services in educational institutions. It mandates the establishment of
career guidance programs that assist students in exploring career options, understanding their
skills and interests, and making appropriate career choices.
The Department of Education launched the Homeroom Guidance (HG). It promotes
rational thinking, healthy behavior, and a positive disposition. Issues such as academic
failures, and confusion in choosing a career, and other challenges facing learners today were
considered in developing the program.
Therefore, this study aims to examine the connection between homeroom guidance
and career choices of ABM students in Oriental Mindoro National High School. It seeks to
understand how homeroom guidance influences the career decisions of grade 12 ABM
students. The findings from this study will contribute to our understanding of the impact of
homeroom guidance on career decision-making.
Research Locale
Locale Map
Figure 1
Oriental Mindoro National High School (OMNHS), the largest public high school in
Oriental Mindoro, is located on J.P. Rizal Street, San Vicente East in Calapan City. It offers
secondary education from Grades 7 to 12, including senior high school programs in Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy, Business, and
Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), and Technical Vocational
Livelihood (TVL). This study focuses on Grade 12 ABM students at OMNHS during the
2023-2024 school year to examine how homeroom guidance affects and helps their career
Theoretical Framework
There are three (3) theories found by the researchers that can be associated with the
study. These are the theories of career choice, taxonomy theory, and Gottfredson's theory.
One of the theories that supports the current study is John Holland's Theory of Career
Choice (RIASEC). It maintains that in choosing a career, people prefer jobs where they can
be around others who are like them. They search for environments that will let them use their
skills and abilities and express their attitudes and values while taking on enjoyable problems
and roles. This theory is somewhat parallel to our study because career guidance helps the
student determine their strengths and weaknesses. In this case, it influences the choice of a
student to determine what skill they have that they can use in choosing a career path.
Another theory that is found is Benjamin Bloom's (1956). Taxonomy theory provides
the cognitive domain, which is the first and most common hierarchy of learning objectives
that focuses on acquiring and applying knowledge that can be helpful in educational settings.
There are six stages. The first stage is knowledge, which is recalling information or
knowledge that is the foundation of the pyramid and a precondition for all future levels. The
next stage is comprehension, which involves making sense out of information. Third, the
application uses knowledge in a new but similar form. The fourth is analysis, which happens
when taking knowledge apart and exploring relationships. Second to last is the synthesis that
can arise when using information to create something new. Lastly, the evaluation is applied
when critically examining relevant and available information to make judgments. According
to the idea, if the students answer the homeroom guidance in the first stage of their answering
questions, they may demonstrate their stock knowledge level by recalling the foundational
information about themselves, their interests in life, and their skills that can be essential for
making their career choices. The subsequent stages of comprehension, analysis, synthesis,
and evaluation can guide the students in understanding and critically assessing information
that can relate to their career paths. This theory confirms that there are stages when it comes
to assessing a career choice.
Lastly, according to Gottfredson's theory of self-creation, circumscription, and
compromise, career development has four stages, beginning in early childhood. At each
stage, young people rule out jobs that don't match how they see themselves through a process
called circumscription. Stage 1 (ages three to five): Young people see jobs as held by adults.
Stage 2 (ages six to eight): Young people become aware of stereotypical gender roles and
begin to have ideas about their own careers. Stage 3 (ages nine to 13): Young people learn
how jobs vary in status and dismiss some jobs because they don’t see themselves working in
these roles. Stage 4 (ages 14 and older): Young people think about how their interests,
abilities, and values match with various jobs. Gottfredson also recognizes other obstacles that
cause people to compromise, change their career choice, and take less attractive options.
These obstacles may include a lack of career information, helpful networks, difficulty
accessing training, and a competitive job market. In the context of this theory, homeroom
guidance plays a crucial role in assisting students through career choices. During Stage 1,
homeroom guidance can help the students understand the basic concept of jobs held by
adults. While in Stage 2, homeroom guidance provides information to young people about
stereotypical gender roles; additionally, it helps the students explore their diverse career
options. Moving forward to Stage 3, this program becomes the instrument of the students
while choosing a career because it can provide information about the varying status of jobs
that they can consider in their certain roles. Finally, in Stage 4, because of the homeroom
guidance, the students can align their interests, abilities, and values with their potential
careers. Addressing the obstacle mentioned by Gottfredson, homeroom guidance can provide
essential career information, prepare the students for the competitive job market, and reduce
the likelihood of compromising on their career choices.
These different theories will serve as a basis for the researchers to smoothly identify
a concept to assess the career choice of ABM students. It can also help determine the
methods and strategies that would be useful while carrying out the study.
Conceptual Framework
Statement of Hypothesis
There is a positive correlation between homeroom guidance and career choice of
grade 12 ABM students of Oriental Mindoro National High School during the school year
Definition of Terms
Homeroom Guidance: Refers to a comprehensive, developmental, and proactive program
designed to equip K to 12 learners with life skills in three domains. It is a part of the
Information Services that is primarily under the Guidance and Counseling Program.
Career Choice: The process of choosing a specific career path. It involves considering
personal interests, skills, values, and external influences like family, peers, and guidance from
teachers or counselors.
Self-efficacy: Refers to an individual's belief in their own ability to succeed in specific
situations or accomplish certain tasks.
K-12 Law: Refers to the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, Republic Act No. 10533,
which provides the framework for the implementation of the K-12 program in the
Career Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004: A law that focuses on the provision of career
guidance and counseling services in educational institutions. It mandates the establishment of
career guidance programs to assist students in exploring career options, understanding their
skills and interests, and making appropriate career choices.
Department of Education: The government agency responsible for the formulation and
implementation of policies, plans, and programs for the development and promotion of basic
education in the Philippines.
ABM Strand: Refers to the Accountancy, Business, and Management strand, which is one of
the specialized tracks in the Senior High School program in the Philippines. It focuses on
developing knowledge and skills related to accounting, business, entrepreneurship, and
Oriental Mindoro National High School (OMNHS): A specific high school located in
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, where the study is conducted.
Statistical Computation: The process of analyzing and interpreting data using statistical
methods and techniques.
Survey Questionnaire: A tool used to collect data by asking respondents a series of questions.
It is a common method in social research to gather information and opinions from a sample
Review Related Literature and Studies
This chapter presents the related literature and studies that have significant relevance
to the study and from which this chapter evolved.
Related Literature
According to Sockolov (2017), career counseling has a varied meaning because it
depends on how it works or who you ask, but basically, answering a homeroom guidance will
guide you to understand what your interest is and what career you will pursue someday. This
study also emphasizes the career counselor uses a different theory and assessment to
understand your personality and guide you toward a suitable career.
Saifuddin (2018), emphasizes career development is a lifelong process that starts
during childhood and continues throughout an individual's life. At each stage of development,
there are specific tasks that need to be completed in order to progress to the next stage.
During adolescence, individuals engage in career exploration, acquire new skills, and make
decisions about education and training. Childhood is a time for self-discovery and exploring
different interests. Early adulthood focuses on establishing oneself in the workplace,
achieving work-life balance, and seeking personal growth opportunities. As individuals
approach retirement or the later stages of their career, they may engage in tasks such as
planning for the future, transitioning to new roles, and reflecting on their legacy. It's
important to note that individual circumstances, cultural backgrounds, and personal goals can
influence the unique experiences individuals have throughout their career journey.
Digamon (2021), it was found that parents play a pivotal role in influencing students’
career decisions. Additionally, the research indicates a gender-based disparity in career
decision-making, with males displaying greater decisiveness compared to females. The study
also highlights the influence of family income on career choices.
Press Reader (2023) highlights the Philippine Department of Education’s (DepEd)
focus on learner needs through the Homeroom Guidance Program. Homeroom guidance is
designed to equip K–12 learners with holistic development focusing on life skills such as
academic development, personal and social development, and career development. It aims to
develop Filipino learners to know themselves, understand their full potential, make good
decisions, respect individual differences, and achieve academic success in the future. This
would serve as a tool to provide active, preventive, and educative methods for learners'
development of life skills. It also provides wholesome and actual learning experiences in the
classroom that will foster positive attitudes, behaviors, and values and improve
teacher-learner relationships.
Learning Pal (2023) reinforces the integral role of DepEd Homeroom Guidance in
fostering academic and personal growth of students. It involves a structured and supportive
approach where a designated teacher, known as a homeroom adviser, serves as a mentor and
guide to a specific group of students throughout their academic journey. This program
focuses on addressing not only the academic needs but also the socio-emotional development
of students, ensuring their well-rounded growth.
Related Studies
In the study conducted by Abeeda Akhlaq (2017), it reveals that the role of school
counselors is minimal when it comes to making informed career choices. It also highlights
the role of the teachers who motivate and inspire their students. The work environment is also
a factor that attracts students towards a career. The study shows that students from these
institutions were not influenced by the parents’ profession, or pressured by them. It also
reveals that girls are more inclined towards their peers, and their choices are dependent on
them. As an ABM student, this study interconnects on how homeroom guidance and career
choice of ABM students in Oriental Mindoro National High School gets swayed by peers,
and impressed by media when it comes to choosing a career.
Additionally, Asma Shahid Kazi (2017), emphasizes that making a career choice is a
crucial and often challenging decision for students. Numerous factors can influence this
decision, making it a complex process deserving of careful exploration. This study delves
into the factors impacting career decisions among students, specifically. The study
investigates the influence of parental education, profession, and income; it aims to understand
the role parents play in shaping their children’s career aspirations. These findings highlight
the significant impact of parental influence on student career choices, followed by influence
from peers, gender, media, financial constraints, and personal interests. This research
contributes valuable insights into the complex web of factors influencing student career
decisions. By understanding these factors, ABM students can make informed choices and
navigate the journey of career planning effectively.
Moreover, the study by Santos & Punzalan (2018) investigated the factors influencing
career choice among senior high school students in the Philippines. The study found that
family influence, personal interests, and skills were the most significant factors influencing
career choices. Homeroom guidance was also found to have a positive influence on career
choices, as it provided students with opportunities to explore different career options and
develop decision-making skills. This study is relevant to our research as it explores the
factors influencing career choices of students. The findings of this study can help us to better
understand the context of our own research and to develop a more comprehensive
understanding of the factors that influence the career choices of ABM students in Oriental
Mindoro National High School.
According to studies by Myrick (2019), effective homeroom guidance programs are
founded on ideas of human development. This study reflected the program’s content,
intervention, and goals. It helps the student’s to develop their knowledge, attitudes,
self-awareness, and abilities that can lead them on their career choice on higher education.
The students who successfully master typical developmental tasks will have developed these
skills. These developmentally based programs also ensure that more students are served and
raise awareness of the homeroom guidance program. Additionally, there is strong empirical
evidence that these programs support student growth and choosing their career.
Lastly, Upoalkpajor (2020) emphasizes having guidance and counseling services in a
school helps the students to educate themselves that they need an educational attainment for a
certain degree in order to pick up a particular type of job. In relation to this study, it shows
that guidance helps students make career decisions. It also helps students to identify their
interests and also helps them to realize that their interests will help them decide what career
they will choose.
The review of related literature and studies (RRL & RRS) provided a strong foundation
for this research problem investigating the impact of homeroom guidance on the career
choices of Grade 12 ABM students at Oriental Mindoro National High School. The RRL
highlighted the importance of career development throughout an individual’s life and how
programs like homeroom guidance can equip students with the tools for self-discovery and
exploration. The RRS further emphasized the effectiveness of homeroom guidance programs
in fostering student growth and career decision-making, aligning with the focus of this study.
The findings on the influence of family, peers, and personal interests provide valuable context
for understanding the factors shaping the career choices of students. Overall, the RRL and
RRS establish the significance of homeroom guidance and the need to explore its influence
on career choices within the specific context of ABM students.
This chapter presents a description of the research methodology and research
instruments to be employed in the conduct of the study.
Research Design
This study used a correlational research design, it is a non-experimental research
method. A correlational research design investigates relationships between variables without
the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them. A correlation reflects the strength
and/or direction of the relationship between two or more variables (Pritha Bhandari, 2021).
Researchers using this method aim to measure the strength and direction of the association
between variables, but cannot establish causal relationships.
Formula: n = N / (1 + Ne²)
Where: n = sample size
N = population size
e = margin of error
Table 1
Respondents of the Study
Research Instrument
The main data-gathering instrument that was used is a survey questionnaire which is
made of two (2) parts. Part I consists of five (5) items questions and Part II also consists of
five (5) questions. The total number of questionnaires are ten (10) items.
Table 2
Range of reliability and its Cronbach's alpha coefficient
2 0.80-0.89 Good
3 0.70-0.79 Acceptable
4 0.60-0.69 Questionable
5 0.5-0.59 Poor
Table 3
Scaling and Quantification of the Independent Variable
Agree 3 High
Disagree 2 Low
Table 4
Scaling and Quantification of the Dependent Variable
Agree 3 High
Disagree 2 Low
Table 5
Interpretation for Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
Yates Correlation
±1 Perfect Correlation
0 No Correlation
r = correlations between x and y
x = sum of test x
y = sum of test y
xy = sum of the product of x and y
N = number of cases
= sum of squared x scores
= sum of squared y scores
This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data that are gathered from the
Grade 12 ABM Students of Oriental Mindoro National High School (OMNHS) with the
specific problem stated in this study.
1. To what extent does the assessment within the homeroom guidance modules address career
exploration of grade 12 ABM students?
Table 6
Frequency and Percentage Distribution Profile of Responses Regarding the Homeroom
Guidance Modules' Effectiveness in Addressing Career Exploration
f% f% f% f%
3.Homeroom 33 75 12 11 High
guidance helps me
to identify my
strengths and
2. What is the level of influence of homeroom guidance on the clarity of career choices
among Grade 12 ABM students?
Table 7
Frequency and Percentage Distribution Profile of Clarity of Career Choices
f% f% f% f%
Table 7 presents the frequency and percentage distribution profile of clarity of career
choices for Grade 12 ABM students at Oriental Mindoro National High School (OMNHS).
The overall mode is between 12 and 25 and is described as agreeable and interpreted as high.
From the survey, it can be observed in the table that clarity of choice is high, since
sixty-eight (68) or 51.91% of Grade 12 ABM students agreed that they have a clear
understanding of their desired career path. Sixty-nine (69), or 52.67%, of Grade 12 ABM
students agreed that their participation in homeroom guidance has influenced their chosen
career path. Fifty-three (53) or 40.46% of Grade 12 ABM students agreed that they feel
prepared to pursue their chosen career. Seventy-one (71) or 54.20% of Grade 12 ABM
students agreed that their career choices are aligned with their interests and skills. Sixty-two
(62) or 47.33% of Grade 12 ABM students agreed that they are satisfied with the support they
received from the homeroom guidance teacher in making their career decisions.
Overall, Grade 12 ABM students at OMNHS generally demonstrate high clarity in their
career choices. This is evidenced by a high agreement on understanding their desired path,
influence from homeroom guidance, and alignment with interests and skills.
3. Is there a significant relationship between Homeroom Guidance and Career Choice among
Grade 12 ABM students in Oriental Mindoro National High School?
Table 8
Correlational Analysis between Homeroom Guidance and Career Choice of Grade 12
ABM Students at OMNHS
Determinants of
Homeroom RS comp Interpretation
Table 8 presents the result of the correlational analysis between homeroom guidance
and the career choice of Grade 12 ABM students at Oriental Mindoro National High School.
Assessments are significantly related to the homeroom guidance and career choices of
Grade 12 ABM students at OMNHS since the computed p-value is 0.35, less than the 0.0%
level of significance with 130 degrees of freedom. The null hypothesis is therefore rejected.
This program aims to address the career planning needs of Grade 12 ABM students by
providing them with informative infographics. The infographics will be distributed at the end
of the academic year. Infographics are a concise way to present information. They typically
combine text, data visualizations like images to create an easy-to-understand overview of a
topic. This can be an engaging way for students to learn about different career options.
1. The effectiveness of homeroom guidance in supporting Grade 12 ABM students' career
exploration and decision-making processes.
2. The level of influence relating to homeroom guidance on the clarity of career choices
among Grade 12 ABM students.
3. The level of cooperation of the grade 12 ABM students in terms of answering a homeroom
guidance assessment.
The following are the conclusions drawn from the findings of research.
1. Homeroom guidance at Oriental Mindoro National High School (OMNHS) is highly
effective in addressing career exploration for Grade 12 ABM students, as indicated by high
levels of agreement in encouraging exploration, fostering participation, and aligning topics
with their needs.
2. Grade 12 ABM students at OMNHS demonstrate a high level of clarity in their career
choices, with a clear understanding of their desired career path, influence from homeroom
guidance, and alignment with their interests and skills.
3. The correlational analysis shows a significant relationship between homeroom guidance
and the career choices of Grade 12 ABM students at OMNHS, supporting the effectiveness of
homeroom guidance in influencing career decisions.
The following recommendations are provided here based on the study's findings.
1. Strengthen Homeroom Guidance Program: Schools should enhance their homeroom
guidance programs to provide comprehensive support to ABM students in making informed
career choices. This can include organizing career fairs, inviting professionals from various
industries to share their experiences, and providing resources and information about different
career paths within the ABM field.
2. Expose Students to ABM Professionals: Schools should organize guest speaker sessions or
industry visits where ABM students can interact with professionals working in the field. This
exposure can give students a firsthand understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities,
challenges, and opportunities in different ABM careers, helping them make more informed
career choices.
3. Encourage Self-Exploration and Reflection: Schools should incorporate self-assessment
activities and reflection exercises into the homeroom guidance curriculum. These activities
can help ABM students understand their values, interests, and strengths, and align them with
potential career options within the ABM field.
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Taxonomy of educational objectives: The cognitive domain. Longman.
Gottfredson, L. S. (2002). A theory of circumscription and compromise in career
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PressReader (2023, February 07). DepEd implements learning recovery plan; addresses
learning gaps due to COVID-19 spread [Press release]. SunStar Pampanga.
Learning Pal (2023). Homeroom Guidance Modules K to 12 [Website].
Sockolov, A. A. (2017). The Role of Career Counseling in Developing Students' Career
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Digamon (2021). The influence of parents on students' career decisions.
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The research entitled “Homeroom Guidance and Career Choice of ABM Students in
Oriental Mindoro National High School” determines whether there is a relationship between
Homeroom Guidance and Career Choice of grade 12 ABM students in OMNHS. The
researchers will ask permission from the respondents and will state all the data will be treated
with confidentiality.
Grade & Section: ______________