STA2e Game Toolkit Screen Tables Side 4 Pages v1.0
STA2e Game Toolkit Screen Tables Side 4 Pages v1.0
STA2e Game Toolkit Screen Tables Side 4 Pages v1.0
DESCRIBE THE SCENE: Describe the scene, based on Researching a widely-known subject. Shooting a
how previous scenes concluded. It’s useful to think about 0 training target with a phaser or disruptor. Performing
a few key elements: who is present, what is happening, routine maintenance and repairs.
where and when is the scene occurring, and why are
these events happening. Researching a specialized subject. Striking an
1 enemy in hand-to-hand combat. Rerouting power
during an emergency.
Researching obscure information. Shooting an
ESTABLISH TRAITS: Note any traits applicable to the 2 enemy with a phaser or disruptor. Repairing a
current scene. This picks out the most significant or most transporter pad while under fire.
obvious elements of the scene and provides players with
a few interactions. Researching restricted information. Shooting
an enemy with a phaser or disruptor in poor
light. Altering a subspace antenna to overcome
interference without the proper tools.
ACT OR REACT: The players tell you what action they want Researching classified information. Shooting
to attempt. This might be handled in a free-form manner, or an enemy in a defensive position in poor light.
it might be structured, with a specific player order. 4
Attempting to integrate technology with the
incompatible technology of another species.
Researching a subject where the facts have
RESOLVE ACTION: With the players, determine the been thoroughly redacted from official records.
outcome of their selected actions. 5 Shooting a small, fast-moving target in poor light.
Attempting a transport while at warp to another
vessel also at warp.
NARRATE THE OUTCOME: Respond to the selected
actions, describing what happens as a result.
REPEAT: A scene may be complete with only a single . : personal Weapon Qualities (pages 241-242)
action, or the players may wish to take more actions in § ACCURATE: If you perform the Aim minor action before making
response to the consequences they’ve just faced. an attack with this weapon, you may re-roll up to two d20s in
your dice pool, rather than only one.
§ AREA: When you succeed at an attack, additional targets in the
END THE SCENE: Once the scene is complete, provide same zone may be hit by spending 1 Momentum for each additional
narration to wrap things up and transition to the next scene. target (Repeatable). This attack may Succeed at Cost.
§ CHARGE: If you perform the Prepare minor action before attack-
ing with this weapon, you may add one of the following qualities
. : Common NPC Qualities to the attack: Area, Intense, or Piercing. If you choose Area, the
(full list on pages 350–352)
attack’s severity is -1.
§ EXTRAORDINARY ATTRIBUTE X: This is indicated by a
§ CUMBERSOME: You cannot attack with a cumbersome weapon
number, which is added as automatic successes on tasks using
unless you take the Prepare minor action on the same turn.
that attribute.
§ DEBILITATING: The Difficulty to treat or to heal injuries caused by
§ FAST RECOVERY: At the start of each of its turns, if the creature
this weapon is increased by 1.
has one or more Injuries, roll a d20. If you roll equal to or under the
creature’s Fitness, the NPC immediately removes an Injury. If the § GRENADE: You can attack a target at up to Medium range and have
NPC has no more Injuries, it immediately ceases to be Defeated. enough grenades for three separate attacks.
§ IMMUNE TO X: The creature is unperturbed by conditions and § HIDDEN X: You can use a minor action to conceal this weapon. Any
effects caused by one of a number of sources of difficulty or search for the weapon requires an Insight or Reason + Security
hindrance, such as vacuum, extremes of temperature, poison, task with a Difficulty of X.
disease, etc.
§ INACCURATE: The weapon is imprecise and clumsy. You do not
§ INITIATIVE X: Unless otherwise noted, creatures have Initiative 1; benefit from the Aim minor action when making an attack with
if they have a higher number, they may take X turns each round. this weapon.
§ MENACING X: When a creature with this rule enters a scene, § INTENSE: When making an attack with this weapon, you may
immediately add X Threat. increase the severity by spending 1 Momentum, rather than 2
§ RESILIENT: Whenever the creature suffers an Injury, roll a d20. If
you roll equal to or under the creature’s Fitness, that Injury is not § PIERCING: A successful attack with this weapon ignores the tar-
inflicted. Do this before deciding to Avoid Injury. get’s Protection rating.
. : Threat and the Gamemaster (page 265) . : NPCs and Injuries (page 347)
§ NPC MOMENTUM: NPCs with unspent Momentum cannot save A Minor NPC, or any supporting character who does not
it as player characters can: NPCs don’t have a group Momentum possess any values, is instantly Defeated by any successful
pool. Instead, an NPC may spend Momentum to add to Threat, attack and cannot Avoid Injury. The only difference between
adding 1 Threat for every Momentum they spend. Stun and Deadly attacks against a Minor NPC is Stun attacks
leave them unconscious and Deadly attacks kill them instantly.
circumstances of a new scene may be threatening or perilous enough Supporting characters may Avoid Injury as player characters do
to warrant adding 1 or 2 Threat to the pool automatically. Similarly, (but have only half the amount of initial Stress).
some NPCs may generate Threat simply by arriving in the scene, in Notable and Major NPCs cannot be Fatigued and cannot
response to changes in the situation, or by taking certain actions. reach maximum Stress. The cost to avoid Stress is the same for
NPCs as for player characters, but paid using Threat:
. : Threat Spends (page 265) § A Notable NPC may spend Threat to avoid a consequence
or injury once per scene.
§ A Major NPC may spend Threat to avoid consequences or
The gamemaster may create a negative injuries as often as they wish (and have Threat to spend).
trait by spending 2 Threat. This must
come naturally from some part of the
current situation.
Added Severity
Increase the severity of a successful attack by 1 for every 2 Momentum spent.
(2 Momentum, Repeatable)
Alter Trait
You create, change, or remove a trait in the scene. This change must relate to the task completed.
(2 Momentum)
Extra Minor Action
You take one additional minor action on your turn.
(1 Momentum)
Keep The Initiative At the end of your turn, pass the next turn to an ally instead of an enemy. Once that ally has acted, the
(2 Momentum, Immediate) next turn must go to an enemy.
Obtain Information You ask the gamemaster a single question about the scene, which the gamemaster must answer
(1 Momentum, Repeatable) truthfully.
Extra Major Action You may attempt one additional major action. If this action includes a task, the task’s Difficulty is
(2 Momentum) increased by 1.
Disarm Target drops one weapon they are holding to within their Reach. This costs 1 Momentum if the
(1–2 Momentum) weapon is held in one hand. If the weapon is two-handed, the cost increases to 2 Momentum.
Buy D20s Before attempting a task, start your dice pool with 2d20. Add bonus d20s granted from talents and
(1–3 Momentum, Immediate, other game effects. Add more d20s by spending Momentum or adding Threat. The first bonus die
Repeatable) costs 1, the second costs 2 more, and the third costs 3 more. Maximum die pool is 5d20.
ATTEMPTING A STARSHIP ATTACK (page 307) . : NPC Vessel Crew Qualities (page 296)
. : Obstacle Momentum Costs (page 287) . : Terrain Momentum Costs (page 287)
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