Nonlinear Beam Kinematics by Decomposition of The Rotation Tensor
Nonlinear Beam Kinematics by Decomposition of The Rotation Tensor
Nonlinear Beam Kinematics by Decomposition of The Rotation Tensor
D. A. Danielson
Associate Professor,
Decomposition of the Rotation
Department of Mathematics,
Naval Postgraduate School,
Monterey, CA 93943
Mem. ASME A simple matrix expression is obtained for the strain components of a beam in which
the displacements and rotations are large. The only restrictions are on the
magnitudes of the strain and of the local rotation, a newly-identified kinematical
D. H. Hodges1 quantity. The local rotation is defined as the change of orientation of material
Research Scientist and1 elements relative to the change of orientation of the beam reference triad. The vec-
Theoretical Group Leader, tors and tensors in the theory are resolved along orthogonal triads of base vectors
Rotorcraft Dynamics Division, centered along the undeformed and deformed beam reference axes, so Cartesian ten-
Aeroflightdynamics Directorate, sor notation is used. Although a curvilinear coordinate system is natural to the beam
US Army Aviation Research & Technology problem, the complications usually associated with its use are circumvented. Local
Activity (AVSCOM),
rotations appear explicitly in the resulting strain expressions, facilitating the treat-
Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, CA 94035
ment of beams with both open and closed cross sections in applications of the
theory. The theory is used to obtain the kinematical relations for coupled bending,
torsion, extension, shear deformation, and warping of an initially curved and
twisted beam.
1 Introduction
Beam theory has a long history (see Timoshenko, 1983). An ried out entirely in terms of matrices, however, and conse-
understanding of fundamental aspects of beam theory may be quently it was rather tedious, imprecise, and difficult to
obtained from the book by Wempner (1981). A summary of understand.
recent literature concerned chiefly with nonlinear beam theory Interaction between the authors led to introduction of dyads
is given by Hodges (1987b). In this paper our purpose is to ob- into the analysis and attendant simplifications and im-
tain, by means of the polar decomposition theorem, an ac- provements. The present paper presents a development of the
curate but simple expression for the strain in a beam or rod theory based on Cartesian tensors, together with a comprehen-
undergoing large deflections. By this theorem, the change of sive example. Hodges (1987b) embodies a rectified matrix
configuration for any material element in the beam is decom- derivation in order to accommodate engineers who are un-
posed into a pure strain and a pure rotation. A similar decom- familiar with tensor notation. The present derivation,
position was obtained for thin shells by Simmonds and however, offers far greater insight into the nature of the
Danielson (1970, 1972). kinematical assumptions. It is believed that decomposition of
The concept of decomposition was applied to beams in un- the rotation tensor is new to beam literature and that the
published work by the second author in which the novel idea simplified kinematical relations obtained go beyond others in
of separating the rotation into two parts was introduced—an rigor and generality.
arbitrarily large global rotation associated with the beam
reference triad, and a moderately small local rotation 2 Beam Geometry and the Global Rotation Tensor
associated with warp, shear, and other deformations. The
physically reasonable assumptions of small strain and Let xx denote length along a reference line r within an
moderate local rotation led to a rather simple kinematical ex- undeformed beam. Let xa denote lengths along lines or-
pression that was valid for arbitrarily large deflections and thogonal to the reference line r. (Here and throughout the
rotations of the reference triad. The original analysis was car- paper Greek indices assume values 2 and 3 while Latin indices
assume values 1, 2, and 3.) A particle of the beam is located
from a fixed point in space by the position vector r(x 1 , x2, x3).
The covariant base vectors g,- are tangent to the coordinate
Presently Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of curves:
Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332.
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division for presentation at the 1987 dr
Applied Mechanics, Biomechanics, and Fluids Engineering Conference, Cincin- g/(*l,*2.*3)=' (1)
nati, OH, June 14-17, 1987, of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Discussion of this paper should be addressed to the Editorial Department, Contravariant base vectors can be obtained by standard means
ASME, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. (see Budiansky, 1983, or Simmonds, 1982):
10017, and will be accepted until two months after final publication of the paper
itself in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received by ASME 1
Applied Mechanics Division, May 3, 1986; final revision, September 2, 1986. gi(xux2,xi) = eyfcg/Xg* (2)
Paper No. 87-APM-17. 2Vg
An international symposium sponsored by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
and Australian Academy of Science will be held at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, from 9th to
13th February, 1988. A special feature of the symposium is layout and shape optimization using analytical
and CAD techniques. Papers will be presented by leading international experts who have been selected by an
international committee chaired by Professors Karihaloo (Australia) and Rozvany (W. Germany). However,
there is scope for inclusion of additional papers on all aspects of structural optimization.
Professor G. Rozvany
Essen University
Postfach 103764
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