Calculation Mccabe Thiele Analysis 2002
Calculation Mccabe Thiele Analysis 2002
Calculation Mccabe Thiele Analysis 2002
McCabe-Thiele Analysis
When designing a distillation column, it is useful for the engineer to know the
ideal number of stages for the column and the optimal location for the feed stream inlet.
to determine the number of ideal stages required in the column. Before beginning to use
this method, the engineer must know certain characteristics of the process, namely, the
compositions and molar flow rates of the feed, distillate, and bottoms lines.
simplify the process. The two components are considered to have equal molar heats of
through the tower means that at each point in the distillation column, the molar flow rate
of liquid traveling down the column is equal to the molar flow rate of vapor moving up
inside the column. The method assumes that the process is adiabatic, is operated at a
constant pressure, and has reached steady-state. Finally, the feed stream is assumed to
mix with the feed stage before any separation takes place. While this is an idealized
situation, the method nonetheless provides information that is useful to the engineer.
Before proceeding, two conventions used throughout this report should be pointed
out. The plates in a distillation column are numbered from the top downward, so that the
top plate is designated as 1, and so on. Also, when expressing the compositions of the
streams, all compositions are in terms of the mole fraction of the more volatile
the mole fraction of the more volatile component in the liquid (x) is designated as the
abscissa and the mole fraction of this component in the vapor phase (y) is designated as
the ordinate. The vapor-liquid equilibrium curve is plotted on these axes along with the
line y = x, two operating curves, and a feed curve, which will be described in detail in the
A distillation column can be divided into two sections (see Figure 1): the region
above the feed line, called the enriching or rectifying section, and the section below the
The molar flow rates are be termed F, D, and W for feed, distillate, and bottoms,
and the respective mole fractions of the more volatile component are xF, xD, and xW. All
F = D +W (1)
x F F = x D D + xW W (2)
Similar material balances can be performed on the enriching and stripping sections of the
distillation column.
The reflux ratio is defined as the ratio of the liquid to distillate molar flow rate.
R = (3)
A material balance can be carried out in the rectifying section by focusing on one
plate. If a given plate is labeled n, the plate below it is referred to as n+1, and so on.
When vapor exits the top of the enriching section and passes to the condenser, the
Vn +1 = Ln + D (4)
liquid descending from plate n, and D is the distillate product. A material balance on
component A yields:
y n +1Vn +1 = x n Ln + x D D (5)
Solving this equation for yn+1 provides the operating line for the enriching section.
x n Ln + x D D L x D
y n +1 = = n xn + D (6)
Vn +1 Vn +1 Vn +1
This line can be plotted on the xy graph: the operating line intersects the line y = x at the
point x = xD, and the slope of the line is Ln/Vn+1. The operating line can also be rewritten
R x
y n +1 = xn + D (7)
R +1 R +1
In the stripping section, a material balance is carried out by focusing on one plate.
In this section of the column, plates are labeled using the letter m (Figure 3).
Lm = Vm +1 + W (8)
y m +1Vm +1 = x m Lm − xW W (9)
Rearranging the above equation in terms of ym+1 yields the operating curve for the
stripping section.
x m L m − xW W L x W
y m +1 = = m xm − W (10)
Vm +1 Vm +1 Vm +1
4. The q Factor
The state of the feed to the distillation column is an important parameter for the
engineer to know as it is used to determine the equation for the feed line. The following
diagram illustrates the behavior of the feed stream as it enters the column.
Figure 4: Flow Through Feed Plate for Various Feed Conditions: (a) feed cold
liquid; (b) feed saturated liquid; (c) feed partially vaporized; (d) feed saturated
vapor; (e) feed superheated vapor.
In Figure 4a, the feed enters as liquid below the bubble point, causing all of the
feed to flow downward and also condensing some of the vapor stream. This increases the
rectifying section. If the feed is saturated liquid at the bubble point, as in Figure 4b, the
feed flows downward. A feed stream that is partially vaporized, Figure 4c, will have
liquid that will flow downward and vapor that will flow upward in the column. Figure 4d
shows a feed line that is saturated vapor, and all of the feed joins the vapor flow. Finally,
in Figure 4e, the feed is superheated vapor, and not only does the entire feed stream flow
The state of the feed stream can be characterized by the q factor, which is defined
as the number of moles of liquid flow in the stripping section resulting from the entrance
of one mole of feed into the column. The state of the feed is related to q as follows:
The q factor must be calculated for feed that is cold liquid, partially vaporized, or
superheated vapor. For the liquid feed below the bubble point temperature, q can be
calculated as follows,
c p , L (Tb − TF )
q = 1+ (11)
∆H v
where cp,L is the specific heat of the liquid, Tb is the bubble point temperature, TF is the
For feed that is a mixture of liquid and vapor, q represents the fraction that is in
the liquid phase. This type of feed can result from a flash operation, in which case,
where f is the fraction of the original feed stream that vaporized in the flash operation.
Feed that is composed entirely of superheated vapor has a q factor that is defined
c p ,V (TF − Td )
q=− (13)
∆H v
where cp,V is the specific heat of the vapor and Td is the dew point temperature.
HV − H F
q= (14)
HV − H L
In the preceding equation, HV, HL, and HF represent the enthalpies of the feed stream at
the dew point, bubble point, and feed temperature, respectively. All of the enthalpies
The equation for the feed line can be obtained from material balances and the q
factor. Remembering that the subscript n denotes flow in the rectifying section and the
subscript m denotes flow in the stripping section, the flow rates just above and below the
Lm = Ln + qF ⇒ Lm − Ln = qF (15)
Vn = Vm + (1 − q ) F ⇒ Vm − Vn = −(1 − q) F (16)
Equations (6) and (10), the material balances in the rectifying and stripping
sections, respectively, can be generalized without the plate subscripts. At the point where
y (Vm − Vn ) = x( Lm − Ln ) − ( x D D + x B B) (19)
Finally, substituting Equations (2), (15) and (16) into this equation produces the
q x
y=− x+ F (20)
1− q 1− q
The rectifying section operating line can be graphed by plotting the point (xD, xD)
and the y-intercept, (0, xDD/V) and connecting the two points. Next, the feed line is
plotted, which crosses the line y = x at the point (xF, yF = xF). The slope of the feed line
depends on the value of q, and Figure 5 illustrates the feed lines for each q value that
Figure 5: Effect of State of Feed on Feed Line: ra, feed cold liquid; rb, feed
saturated liquid; rc, feed partially vaporized; rd, feed saturated vapor; re, feed
superheated vapor.
column, and the operating line for the stripping section also passes through this point.
The stripping section operating line can be plotted by connecting this point of intersection
Once the graph has been completed, all that remains is to determine the number of
ideals steps. This can be accomplished by starting either at the point (xW, yW = xW) or (xD,
yD = xD). Starting at (xD, yD = xD), a horizontal line is drawn to the equilibrium line, at
which point a vertical line is drawn back down to the operating line for the rectifying
section. This process continues until the feed line is reached, at which point the vertical
lines are drawn to the operating line for the stripping section. This step-by-step process is
continued until the point (xW, yW = xW) is either reached exactly or passed.
7. Column Performance
When analyzing the performance of a real column, the location of the feed stream
inlet can seriously affect the column performance. Feeding on too low a plate increases
the number of plates required in the rectifying section. These plates, as a result, do little
The optimum feed location is found by plotting the operating lines with the vapor-
liquid equilibrium line. The optimum feed plate is always represented by the triangle that
has one corner on the rectifying line and one corner on the stripping line. At the optimum
position, the triangle representing the feed plate straddles the intersection of the operating
Upon examination of Figure 6, one can see that the optimum feed plate straddles
the intersection of the rectifying and stripping operating lines and is located at plate 5.
When the stages are counted off, as soon as the point of intersection of the two operating
lines and the feed line is reached, the next operating line should be used in the step-by-
step process. In Figure 6, the dashed line represents a process in which the operating line
was not switched immediately following the point of intersection, and this error resulted
bottoms flow rates and compositions. Alternately, the McCabe-Thiele process can be
carried out by using the compositions of the three streams and the reflux ratio. First, the
enriching section line is plotted based from reflux ratio using Equation (3) and the feed
line is plotted. Next, the point (xW, yW = xW) is plotted and connected to the point where
enriching and feed lines intersect to obtain the operating line for the striping section. The
knows the desired reflux ratio for the column rather than the actual flow rates for each
information to have is the minimum reflux ratio. This is a theoretical minimum that
would require an infinite number of stages; therefore, the actual reflux ratio must always
On a McCabe-Thiele plot, the conditions for the minimum reflux ratio occur
when the operating lines for the enriching and stripping sections, the feed line, and the
equilibrium curve all intersect at a point known as the pinch point. To obtain this plot,
the equilibrium data and the feed line are plotted as usual. The operating line for the
enriching section is plotted by connecting the point (xD, yD = xD) to the pinch point. The
minimum reflux ratio can be calculated from the slope of the enriching section operating
Up to this point, the use of the McCabe-Thiele method has been restricted to
design calculations to determine the number of ideal stages. The method can also be
employed to solve the operating problem of estimating the distillate and bottoms flow
from the previous year developed an approach to solving the operating problem, which is
The first step in solving the operating problem is to estimate the vaporization rate,
V pred = (21)
∆H v ,ethanol
To approximate the vaporization rate, the power supplied to the reboiler, PR, is divided by
the heat of vaporization of the lighter component, ethanol. These two values must be in
corresponding units; for example, if the power is given in J/s, the heat of vaporization
The power supplied to the reboiler can be calculated using the current, I, and
PR = IVR (22)
For current in units of Amperes, A and voltage in units of Volts, V, the resulting value for
The next step combines the overall material balance on the enriching section,
equation (4), with the definition of the reflux ratio, equation (3), in order to obtain an
L pred = V pred (23)
R +1
The predicted value for the liquid flow rate is then used to estimate the distillate flow
rate, D. The definition of the reflux ratio is rearranged to provide the following equation:
The predicted distillate flow rate can be used in the overall material balance over
the entire distillation column, equation (1), to obtain an approximate value for the
calculated. A trial and error procedure is now adopted to arrive at these values. Using
x F F = x D D + xW W (2)
a guess is made for one composition, and the other is calculated using the above equation.
The data is then plotted as usual on an xy plot, and the number of ideal stages are
counted. If the number of ideal stages equals the actual number of stages in the column,
the process is finished. If the number of ideal and actual stages do not equal, a new guess
is made for one composition, the other composition is calculated, the data is plotted and
the stages counted, and the process continues until the actual number of stages is reached.
The actual value for the q factor can be calculated using either equation (11) or
equation (14). The q factor will first be computed using equation (11), which applies to
c p , L (Tb − TF )
q = 1+ (11)
∆H v
must first be determined. This can be accomplished in two ways – by taking a weighted
average of the pure component properties or by using the properties obtained from a
ChemCAD simulation. The calculation presented here makes use of the second method.
For the following calculations, the feed is considered to be 30 mol% ethanol and 70
The distillation column was modeled in ChemCAD, which produced values for
the required properties of the feed stream. The bubble point temperature was obtained
from a TPXY diagram, and the heat of vaporization was evaluated at the bubble point
temperature. The heat capacity was evaluated at the average temperature between the
Tb = 90.01 ºC = 363.16 K
A second method for calculating the q factor employs equation (14), which is
HV − H F
q= (14)
HV − H L
Once again, a ChemCAD simulation can be run to determine the enthalpies of the feed
mixture at the bubble point temperature, dew point temperature, and feed conditions. A
Td = 92.79 ºC
HV = -243.84 kJ/mol
HL = -285.04 kJ/mol
HF = -295.04 kJ/mol
H V − H F − 243.84 + 295.04
q= = = 1.24
H V − H L − 243.84 + 285.04
This method produces a value for slope of the feed line, -q / (1-q), of 5.17.
The two techniques that were employed produced identical results for the q factor
to three significant figures. Thus, either technique can be used to obtain the q factor for