C02Design and Construction of Conc Rete Masonry Bui Ldings

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PART C Chapter 2 Contents

Specification 2.1 INTRODUCTION

This chapter provides a detailed materials and 2.2 SPECIFICATION – MASONRY

construction specification for concrete masonry

Specification QUIT
2.1.1 BACKGROUND ■ There are other details which comply 2.1.2 BASIS OF THE SPECIFICATION 2.1.3 HOW TO USE THE
with the requirements of AS 3700 (and SPECIFICATION
Set out below is a pro-forma specification In the preparation of this specification, the
therefore meet the requirement of the
which is intended to give guidance to following convention has been adopted. This specification is available, in RTF format,
BCA), but are not published in either
designers and specifiers who wish to specify ■ Overall compliance with the requirements in the following location:
masonry and its components. of the BCA is required. Data/CAD/SpecText.rtf
For example, at the time of
■ All building construction must comply preparation of this specification, ■ Specifications based principally on The RTF version can be opened and edited
with the relevant State Building draft Australian Standard AS 4773 AS 3700 have been drafted to provide this in most word processors. The specifier must
Regulations, which are set out in the provides lintel tables that have been compliance. go through the specification very carefully,
Building Code of Australia (BCA), Volumes prepared in accordance with the making appropriate changes to suit the
■ Where there is no particular AS 3700
1 and 2. design requirements of AS 3700, but project.
provision and the BCA does provide an
■ The BCA provides for compliance to be extend beyond range provided in Acceptable Construction Practice solution,
achieved through: AS 3700–2001 Table 12.8. Various this has been included.
• Alternative Solutions, or suppliers also provide lintel tables
■ Where neither AS 3700 nor BCA
• Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions, which complying with the design
Acceptable Construction Practice provide
may include: requirements of AS 3700, but not
solutions, reliance has been made on
° Acceptable Construction Manuals published in that document.
a combination of current practice,
(eg AS 3700), and/or There are other details that are beyond
■ engineering judgement and supplier’s
° Acceptable Construction Practice the scope of AS 3700 and the BCA information.
(eg Details included within the Acceptable Construction Practice, which
BCA document) may meet the requirements of the BCA
■ The BCA states that compliance with through the Alternative Solutions options.
Australian Standard AS 3700 Masonry For example, some suppliers offer
structures is deemed to satisfy the lintels whose design is not based on
requirements of the BCA. AS 3700, but instead are based on
■ The BCA Volume 2 also provides test results.
Acceptable Construction Practice for some
masonry applications. In some cases,
these differ from the details provided in
AS 3700.
For example, at the time of
preparation of this specification
(May 2009), the steel lintels
permitted in BCA Volume 2
Figure (Acceptable Construction
Practice) differ from those given in
AS 3700–2001 Table 12.8.

Specification QUIT
Scope AS/NZS 2699.3 Built-in components for masonry Mortar
This section covers the construction of masonry construction - Lintels and shelf angles For general applications (except as listed for M4),
in buildings, including unreinforced brickwork and (durability requirements) Type M3 mortar shall be used, and shall consist by
blockwork wall, piers and lintels. It also includes the AS 3972 Portland and blended cements volume of:
construction of reinforced hollow blockwork. AS 1316 Masonry composite cement 1 part GP or GB cement, 1 part lime, 6 parts sand
Note (water thickener optional)
AS 1672.1 Limes and Limestone - Limes for
Additional requirements for the construction of
building 1 part GP or GB cement, 5 parts sand plus water
reinforced hollow concrete blockwork for stems
AS 2758.1 Aggregates and rock for engineering thickener
of gravity retaining walls is set out in Concrete
Masonry Association of Australia Manual MA51. purposes - Concrete aggregates 1 part masonry cement, 4 parts sand.
AS 3660.1 Termite management – New Building For the applications listed below, Type M4 mortar shall
Building Regulations and Standards work
All materials and construction shall comply with the most be used, and shall consist by volume of:
recent version of: AS 3660.2 Termite management – In and around 1 part GP or GB cement, 0.5 part lime, 4.5 parts
n the relevant parts of the Building Regulations;
existing buildings and structures - sand (water thickener optional)
n the Standards referred to therein;
1 part GP or GB cement, 4 parts sand plus water
n other Standards nominated in this specification; AS/NZS 4680 Hot-dip galvanised (zinc) coatings on thickener
and fabricated ferrous articles
1 part GP or GB cement, 0-0.25 parts lime, 3 parts
n other relevant Regulations. AS/NZS 4534 Zinc and zinc/aluminium-alloy coatings sand (water thickener optional)
on steel wire
Relevant Standards 1 part masonry cement, 3 parts sand.
AS 2837 Wrought alloy steels – stainless steel
AS 3700 Masonry structures
bars and semi-finished products This applies to:
AS 4773.1 Residential masonry Part 1: Design
AS/NZS 4792 Hot-dip galvanised (zinc) coatings n Elements in interior environments subject to
AS 4773.2 Residential masonry Part 2: on ferrous hollow sections, applied a saline wetting and drying
Construction continuous or specialised process n Elements below a damp-proof course or in
AS/NZS 4455 Masonry units, pavers, flags and AS/NZS 4791 Hot-dip galvanised (zinc) coatings on contact with ground in aggressive soils
segmental retaining wall units - ferrous open sections, applied by an
Masonry units n Elements in severe marine environments
in-line process
AS/NZS 4456 Masonry units and segmental pavers n Elements in saline or contaminated water
AS/NZS 4671 Steel reinforcing materials including tidal splash zones
and flags– Methods of test
AS 1397 Steel sheet and strip n Elements within 1 km of an industry producing
AS/NZS 2904 Damp-proof courses and flashings
AS 3600 Concrete structures chemical pollutants.
AS/NZS 2699.1 Built-in components for masonry
AS 2870 Residential slabs and footings –
construction - Wall ties
AS/NZS 2699.2 Built-in components for masonry
construction - Connectors and

Specification QUIT
Damp-Proof Course Flashings A manufacturer’s warranty for a minimum of fifty
Damp-proof-courses shall be built into the masonry in Flashings shall be built into the masonry in accordance (50) years shall be provided. The warranty shall
accordance with the Drawings, Building Regulations and with the Drawings, Building Regulations and relevant be renewable on an annual basis, base on annual
relevant Standard (AS 3700, AS 4773.1, AS 4773.2). Standard (AS 3700, AS 4773.1, AS 4773.2). Unless inspection by the system installation organisation. Such
Unless stated otherwise, damp-proof-courses shall be: stated otherwise, flashings shall be: a warranty shall provide for timber replacement should a
system breach occur.
n Placed under walls to provide a continuous damp- n Fixed with clouts to timber studs or built into an inner
proof barrier around the building leaf of masonry as applicable A certificate permanently fixed to the building in a
prominent location, such as a meter box, kitchen
n Lapped not less than 150 mm at joints n Built into the external leaf of walls exposed to
cupboard, or similar, shall indicate the following:
n Projecting through the entire width of the masonry weather, extending across the cavity,
n Method of protection.
and project beyond the external face of the masonry n Turned up 150 mm and nailed to the frame or built
30 mm into an inner leaf of masonry, n Date of installation.
n Stepped at changes of floor level
n Positioned at openings (unless they are protected n Life expectancy of any termiticide and the required
n Positioned (if applicable) under the coping of any
by an overhang), where they shall extend 100 mm re-injection date.
parapet more than 300 mm above adjoining roof
cladding past the end of opening and be turned up to prevent n Installer’s or manufacturer’s recommendations for
leakage. the scope and frequency of future inspections for
n Positioned (if applicable) in chimney stacks, 150 mm
termite activity, not greater than 12 months.
to 300 mm above the highest junction of roof and Termite Protection
chimney Sheet material acting as a termite barrier within the
Termite protection measures shall comply with the masonry and their joints shall be constructed of termite-
n At least 75 mm above finished surface level of Building Regulations and the relevant Standard (AS resistant materials, such that termites are unable to
adjacent paved, concreted or landscaped areas that 3660.1) pass through them. The maximum aperture size of a
slope away from the wall The aim of most termite barriers is to force the termites perforated sheet material barrier shall be sufficiently
n At least 50 mm above finished paved or concreted to the surface of the structure, where they are visible small as to deny access to foraging termite species of
areas sloping at least 50 mm over the first 1 m from and can be easily eradicated. Some termite barriers the region. Combinations of materials likely to cause
the building and protected from the direct effects of also include chemicals that deter the termites from electrolytic reaction shall not be used, e.g. stainless
the weather by a carport, verandah or similar passing. Other systems, involving chemical dosing and steel mesh shall not be used in contact with mild steel
n At least 150 mm above the adjacent finished ground graded stone barriers may be applicable, but must be reinforcement.
in all other cases. properly maintained. Refer to the relevant materials
specifications. Slip Joints
Termite protection shall provide a continuous barrier that Slip joint material shall be placed between unreinforced
prevents termites from entering the building undetected. masonry walls and any supported concrete slab.
The critical areas for termite entry, including the external Wall Ties
perimeter, construction joints and plumbing penetrations,
Wall ties shall be installed in accordance with the
shall be protected and treated by a termite management
Drawings, Building Regulations and relevant Standard
system. The system installation shall conform to the
(AS 3700, AS 4773.1, AS 4773.2).
manufacturer’s guidelines.

Specification QUIT
Joint Reinforcement Weepholes Control Joints and Articulation Joints
One layer of joint reinforcement shall be incorporated Weepholes shall comply with the Drawings, Building Vertical control joints or articulation joints shall comply
into concrete or calcium silicate masonry at points of Regulations and relevant Standard (AS 3700, AS with the Drawings, Building Regulations and relevant
potential cracking such as at the corners of door or 4773.1, AS 4773.2). Unless stated otherwise, weep Standard (AS 3700, AS 4773.1, AS 4773.2). Unless
window openings. holes shall be built into the external leaf of cavity walls stated otherwise, vertical control joints or articulation
or veneer walls at centres not exceeding 1.2 metres in joints shall be built into unreinforced masonry at the
Lintels and Arch Bars the course immediately above a DPC or flashing, except following locations:
Lintels and arch bars shall be built in over openings where the head or sill opening is less than 1.0 metre n Centres not exceeding the following in straight
in excess of 1.0 metre accordance with the Drawings, wide. continuous walls without openings:
Building Regulations and relevant Standard (AS 3700,
AS 4773.1, AS 4773.2). Provision for Timber Shrinkage For sand and rock sites (Class A), and slightly
In masonry veneer construction, a gap in accordance reactive sites (Class S), with little or no ground
Anchorages movement from moisture changes –
with schedule below shall be left between the timber
Anchorages, including those to tie down roof structures, frame and the top of the masonry, and at window sills, to Articulation is not required
shall be installed at specified locations, and in accommodate timber shrinkage. For moderately reactive clay or silt sites, which
accordance with the Drawings, Building Regulations and can experience moderate ground movement from
relevant Standard (AS 3700, AS 4773.1, AS 4773.2). Minimum Clearances (mm) moisture changes (Class M or MD) and highly
Unseasoned Other timber reactive clay sites, which can experience high
Mortar Joints
Location in timber- hardwood frame ground movement from moisture changes (Class
Mortar joints shall comply with the Drawings, Building H or H-D) –
framed buildings frame
Regulations and relevant Standard (AS 3700, AS
External masonry face finish, rendered or painted,
4773.1, AS 4773.2). Unless stated otherwise, mortar Sills of lower or single 10 5
7.0 m
joints shall comply with the following: storey windows
Internal masonry sheeted and/or face finished,
n Mortar joint shall be 10 mm thick. Roof overhangs of 16 8 6.0 m
n Mortar joints in solid or cored face masonry shall single storey buildings
Internal masonry rendered and/or painted,
be fully bedded. Joints shall be as specified on the
Sills of second storey 20 10 5.0 m
windows n Not closer than the height of the wall away from
n Mortar joints in solid or cored backup or non-face
masonry shall be fully bedded and flush jointed. Roof overhangs of two 24 12
storey buildings n Not more than 5 metre centres in a wall with
n Mortar joints in hollow blockwork, shall be face shell
openings more than 900 x 900 mm, and positioned
bedded and shall be ironed, unless a flush joint is
in line with one edge of the opening
specified for aesthetic reasons.
n At the position where a wall changes height by more
than 20%
n At a change in thickness of a wall
n At control joints or construction joints in supporting

Specification QUIT
n At the junctions of walls constructed of different Additional Requirements for Reinforced Masonry n Control joints shall be built into reinforced concrete
masonry materials Construction (Excluding Retaining Walls) masonry at all points of potential cracking and at the
n At deep rebates All construction of reinforced concrete masonry shall locations shown on the drawings. The spacing of
comply with the Drawings, Building Regulations and control joints should not exceed 8.0 metres, except
n At a distance from all corners not less than 500 mm
relevant Standard (AS 3700, AS 4773.1, AS 4773.2). that the spacing of control joints may be increased
and not greater than 3000 mm.
Unless stated otherwise, the following shall apply: in reinforced masonry walls meeting the following
Articulation and control joints shall not be placed criteria:
adjacent to arches. Control joints in concrete masonry n Vertical steel reinforcement shall be tied using tie
wire to steel starter bars through clean-out holes in n Consisting of at least 190 mm hollow concrete units,
arches shall be saw-cut to half the depth of the masonry
each reinforced core and fixed in position at the top and
unit and positioned at the centre of the arch.
of the wall by plastic clips or template. Starter bars n Built less than 3.0 metres high, and
Control joints and articulation joints, shall be 10 mm
shall be tied into position to provide the specified Incorporating a top reinforced bond beam, and
wide and shall consist of a polystyrene backing rod and n
lap above the top surface of the footing. The starter
a polyurethane material gunned into the joint to form n Incorporating N16 horizontal reinforcement at not
bars shall be held in position on the centre line of
a 10 x 10 mm flexible seal. The backing rod shall be greater than 400 mm centres
a reinforced blockwork wall by a timber member or
placed into the masonry at a depth, which permits the On a site with rock or slightly reactive foundations,
template and controlled within a tolerance of +,- 5 n
finish of the control joints to match the mortar joints. and
mm through the wall and +,- 50 mm along the wall.
For control joints or articulation joints in cavity walls (i.e. With a reinforced concrete footing of adequate
n Horizontal steel may be laid in contact with rebated n
not in veneer walls), extendible masonry ties shall be stiffness.
webs of Double U or H blocks. It shall be held
built into every fourth course.
in position by steel ties or plastic clips. Cover to
Where an articulation joint is adjacent to a door or horizontal steel in lintel blocks shall be maintained
window frame, a 10 mm gap shall be provided between by the use of wheel type plastic clips.
the edge of the frame and the masonry to allow for
n The minimum cover (from the edge of the steel
reinforcement to the inside face of the block
core) shall be 20 mm, except where specified
otherwise. In severe marine environments, saline
or contaminated water including tidal and splash
zones, and within 1 km of an industry in which
chemical pollutants are produced, the minimum
cover to the inside face of the block core shall be 30

Specification QUIT
Masonry Units n Masonry units intended for face applications and n Masonry units for reinforced masonry applications
Masonry units shall be fired clay, concrete or calcium exposed to the weather shall have: shall have the following properties:
silicate units complying with the Drawings, Building • Permeability not more than 2 mm/minute • If units are intended to incorporate both
Regulations and relevant Standard (AS/NZS 4455.1). • Efflorescence Potential of Nil or Slight horizontal and vertical reinforcement and are
Unless stated otherwise, properties shall be not less not protected both sides by a waterproof
• Colour and texture within an agreed range.
than: membrane, they shall be “H” or “Double U”
n Masonry units intended for exposure to lateral loads configuration;
n Masonry units shall comply with Dimensional
in excess of 0.5 kPa shall have a Characteristic • Units may be fully grouted and may be
Category DW1, except that split or irregular faces
Lateral Modulus of Rupture not less than 0.8 MPa. reinforced both vertically and horizontally;
may be DW0.
Concrete units usually comply with Dimensional n Concrete masonry units shall have a Mean • Grout may flow easily around and enclose the
Category DW4, which is more stringent than for Coefficient of Residual Drying Contraction not more reinforcement in all cores; and
DW1. than 0.6 mm/m.
• Cover is consistent with the requirements for
n Masonry units shall meet General Purpose Salt durability, strength and fire resistance as
Attack Resistance Grade, except for applications appropriate
requiring Exposure Grade. Applications requiring
Exposure Grade are:
• saline wetting or drying,
• aggressive soils,
• severe marine environments,
• saline or contaminated water including tidal or
splash zones, or Minimum Characteristic Compressive Strength of Masonry Units1
• within 1 km of a industry producing chemical
pollutants Solid, cored or
Application Hollow units2 horizontally-cored units3
• Masonry units shall have a Characteristic
Compressive Strength not less than a value Reinforced masonry 15.0 MPa –
specified by the Engineer. In the absence Loadbearing masonry 15.0 MPa 10.0 MPa
of such specification, masonry units shall have
Characteristic Compressive Strengths not less Non-loadbearing masonry 10.0 MPa 3.0 MPa
than the following values.
1 Values of minimum characteristic compressive strength specified by the
Engineer over-ride the values given in this table. Designers and specifiers
should check with the manufacturers the availability of particular strength
2 For hollow units, compressive strength is measured using face shell bedding.
3 For solid, cored or horizontally cored units, compressive strength is measured
using full bedding.

Specification QUIT
Definitions Cement Concrete Grout
n Dimensional Category DW0 - No Requirements Cement shall be Type GP portland cement or Concrete grout shall comply with the Drawings, Building
n Dimensional Category DW1 - Average deviation of GB blended cement complying with the relevant Regulations and relevant Standard (AS 3700, AS
a sample of 20 units; +,- 2.5 mm (dimensions under Standard.(AS 3972). 4773.1, AS 4773.2). Unless stated otherwise, properties
150 mm); +,- 4.5 mm (dimensions 150 to 250 mm); shall be:
Masonry Cement
+,- 5.0 mm (dimensions over 250 mm) n a minimum portland cement content of 300 kg/cubic
Masonry cement shall comply with the relevant Standard
n Dimensional Category DW4 - For a sample of 20 metre;
(AS 1316).
units, the standard deviation of work sizes shall be n a maximum aggregate size of 10 mm;
not more than 2 mm, and the difference between Lime n sufficient slump to completely fill the cores; and
the mean and the work size shall be not more than Lime shall be hydrated building lime complying with n minimum compressive cylinder strength of 20 MPa
3 mm. For split faces, the dimensional deviations complying with the relevant Standard (AS 1672).
shall not apply to the width of the unit, provided the Joint Material
average width is not less than 90% of the work size. Water Thickener
Joint material shall comply with the Drawings, Building
n General Purpose Salt Attack Resistance Grade - Water thickener shall be methyl-cellulose based. Regulations and relevant Standard (AS 3700, AS
Performance such that it is possible to demonstrate Sand 4773.1, AS 4773.2). Unless stated otherwise:
that the product has a history of surviving under n Backing rod for control joints, expansion joints and
non-saline environmental conditions similar to those Sand shall be well graded and free from salts, vegetable
matter and impurities. Sand shall not contain more articulation joints shall be expanded polystyrene
existing at the site considered, but not expected to tube or bead or, rigid steel backing profile with
meet the mass loss criterion for Exposure Grade than 10% of the material passing the 75 micron sieve.
Sand within the following grading limits complies with closed cell foam adhered to the metal profile face.
Salt Attack Resistance Grade.
this requirement and is deemed suitable for concrete n Joint sealant shall be gun grade multi-purpose
n Exposure Grade Salt Attack Resistance Grade - polyurethane sealant.
Performance such that it is possible to demonstrate
Sieve Percent Passing n Control joints and articulation joints shall incorporate
that the product has a history of surviving under
4.76 mm 100 de-bonding tape.
saline environmental conditions similar to those
existing at the site considered; and less than 0.2 2.36 mm 95–100 Intumescent seals shall be acrylic co-polymer sealant
grams mass loss in 40 cycles in AS/NZS 4456.10, capable of providing the requisite fire performance as
1.18 mm 60–100
Method B test. specified in the Drawings and/or Building Regulations as
600 µm 30–100 appropriate.
300 µm 10–50
150 µm 0–10
75 µm 0–4

Specification QUIT
Damp Proof Course Flashings n Flashings in Exposed Locations (e.g. flashings
Damp-proof courses (DPCs) shall comply with the Flashings shall comply with the Drawings, Building from the roof to masonry wall) shall be one of the
Drawings, Building Regulations and relevant Standard Regulations and relevant Standard (AS 3700, AS/NZS following:
(AS 3700, AS/NZS 2904). Unless stated otherwise 2904). • Uncoated annealed lead having a mass not less
damp-proof courses (DPCs) shall consist of one of the n Metal and metal-cored flashings shall not be used in
than 20 kg/m2 in lengths not exceeding 1.5 m,
following options. locations that expose them to saline ground water or but shall not be used on any roof that is used to
n A material complying with the Standard rising salt damp. catch potable water;
AS/NZS 2904; n Metal flashings shall be compatible with the
• Uncoated copper having a mass not less than
n Embossed black polyethylene film of high impact materials with which they are in contact, and shall 2.8 kg/m2 and having a thickness of 0.3 to
resistance and low slip, with a nominal thickness not give rise to electrolytic action. If there is potential 0.5 mm;
of 0.5 mm prior to embossing, and meeting the for electrolytic action to occur, flashings shall be • Bitumen coated metal (normally aluminium) with
requirements of the relevant Standard (Clause 7.6 isolated by inert materials. a total coated thickness of 0.6 mm to 1.0 mm;
of AS/NZS 2904); n Flashings intended to hold their shape shall be • Zinc coated steel of thickness not less than
n Polyethylene coated metal damp proof courses manufactured from rigid material. (e.g. metal cored 0.6 mm.
with an aluminium core not less than 0.1 mm material)
thick, shall be coated both sides with bitumen Unless stated otherwise flashings shall consist of one of
adhesive enclosed in polyethylene film not less the following options:
than 0.1 mm thick on each face, and has a nominal
n Flashing in Concealed Locations (e.g. cavity
total thickness of not less than 0.5 mm prior to
flashings) shall be one of the following:
• Uncoated annealed lead having a mass not less
n Bitumen impregnated materials of not less than
than 10 kg/m2 in lengths not exceeding 1.5 m,
2.5 mm thickness, that meet the requirements of but shall not be used on any roof that is used to
the relevant Standard (Clause 7.5 of AS/NZS 2904), catch potable water;
when used in walls that are not higher than 7.8 m
above the level of the DPC; • Uncoated copper having a mass not less than
2.8 kg/m3 pt and having a thickness of 0.3 to
n Termite shields (with no penetrations) continuous
0.5 mm;
throughout the wall or pier.
• Bitumen coated metal (normally aluminium) with
Notes: a total coated thickness of 0.6 mm to 1.0 mm;
Metal and metal-cored damp-proof courses and
termite shields shall not be used in locations with • Zinc coated steel with a thickness not less than
saline ground water or subject to rising salt damp. 0.6 mm;
• Embossed/quilted polyethylene sheet with an
average thickness not less than 0.5 mm

Specification QUIT
Termite Barriers Consisting of Woven Stainless Termite Barrier Parging Material for Woven Stainless Termite Barriers Consisting of Composite Fibre
Steel Mesh Steel Mesh Blanket and Plastic Membrane with Termiticide
Woven stainless steel mesh acting as a termite barrier Parging material, for woven stainless steel mesh acting Impregnation
shall comply with the Drawings, Building Regulations as a termite barrier, shall comply with the Drawings, Termite barriers, consisting of composite fibre blanket
and relevant Standard (AS 3660.1). Unless stated Building Regulations and relevant Standard (AS and plastic membrane with termiticide impregnation,
otherwise, properties shall be not less than the following: 3660.1). Unless stated otherwise, parging material shall shall comply with the Drawings, Building Regulations
n Mesh shall be woven wire from a fine wire loom. be a highly modified cementitious grout of a water- and relevant Standard (AS 3660.1). Unless stated
dispersed copolymer with a dry mixture of Type GP otherwise, properties shall be not less than:
n Wire shall be stainless steel grade 304 or 316 (AS
portland cement and sieved aggregate of a size that n Internal non-woven fibre blanket, not less than
passes readily through the woven stainless steel mesh. 200 grams per square metre,
n Wire diameter shall be not less than 0.18 mm. Hardened parging material shall provide:
n Impregnated with termiticide of pyrethroid
n Aperture size shall be not greater than 0.66 mm × n Termite resistance, when in contact with soil and deltametherin crystals to a loading of not less than
0.45 mm, except in those locations where a very termite workings; 1 gram per square metre (low toxicity to warm
small species of heterotermes vagus is present (e.g.
n Bond strength (mesh to substrate) of not less than blooded animals which both strongly repels and kills
parts of northern Australia), the aperture shall be
1 kN/m at 28 days for a temperature range of 10°C termites),
reduced to a maximum of 0.40 × 0.40 mm
to 30°C at a relative humidity range of 10%RH to n Bonded to a top moisture vapour barrier of low
n Pipe collars, manufactured from woven stainless 70%RH; and for at least 60 freeze-thaw cycles in density polyethylene (LDPE), not less than 200
steel mesh with a 50 mm annulus, shall be attached saline solution between 15°C and 18°C. microns thick,
to any penetrating service by a stainless steel
clamp. Such collars shall be: n Bonded to a bottom membrane of low density

• Embedded in the concrete; or polyethylene (LDPE) not less than 50 microns thick,
to prevent the termiticide leaching into soil.
• Clamped and parged to the top surface of the
slab, and protected from damage by covering Slip Joint Material
with a tile mortar bed or a false floors of Slip joint material shall comply with the following
cupboards or vanities. The clamp shall be sealed requirements. Metal slip joint materials shall not be used
with the parging mix. in locations that are subject to rising salt damp.
n Bitumen-coated aluminium
n Embossed polyethylene
n Polyethylene-and-bitumen coated aluminium.

Specification QUIT
Wall Ties n 316 or 316L stainless steel ties designated R3 or For elements in saline or contaminated water including
Wall ties shall comply with the Drawings, Building greater; or tidal splash zones or elements within 1 km of an industry
Regulations and relevant Standard (AS 3700, n Polymer ties designated R3 or greater. producing chemical pollutants, ties shall be:
AS/NZS 2699.1). Unless stated otherwise, wall ties shall For elements in severe marine environment (less than n 316 or 316L stainless steel designated R5; or
comply with the following: 1 km from breaking surf ; or less than 100 m from salt n Polymer ties designated R5.
For elements in a mild environment, elements in an water not breaking surf), interior environments subject to Wall ties shall comply with the following schedule from
interior environments above a damp-proof course and saline wetting and drying, elements below a damp-proof AS 3700, AS 4773.1 and AS 4773.2, based on the
enclosed within a building except during construction, course or in contact with ground in aggressive soils; classifications set out in AS 2699.1.
elements above the damp-proof course in non-marine or elements in severe marine environments (less than
Extendible masonry ties for control joints and articulation
exterior environments, elements above the damp-proof 1 km from breaking surf ; or less than 100 m from salt
joints shall restrain the wall against out-of-plane
course in other exterior environments, with a waterproof water not breaking surf), ties shall be:
movement, but permit in-plane movement such as
coating, properly flashed junctions with other building n 316 or 316L stainless steel ties designated R4 or expansion and contraction. Extendible masonry ties
elements and a top covering (roof or coping) protecting greater; or shall be capable of correct operation, even when
masonry, elements below a damp-proof course or in
n Polymer ties designated R4 or greater. misaligned by up to 10 mm over the length of the tie.
contact with ground, that are protected from water
ingress by an impermeable membrane; ties shall be:
n Galvanised steel or polymer designated R2 (or
greater), or
n Manufactured from Z600 galvanised sheet steel, or
sheet steel ties galvanised after manufacture with Masonry Wall Ties Type A Cavity Ties Type A Veneer Ties
300g/m2 of zinc on each side. Vertical spacing 600 mm max Vertical spacing 600 mm max
For elements in marine environments (1 km or more but Any wall height Wall height 2400 mm Wall height 3000 mm
less than 10 km from breaking surf; or 100 m or more Horizontal spacing, mm Horiz. spacing, mm Horiz. spacing, mm
Wind Classification &
but less than 1 km from salt water not breaking surf);
External Pressure 300 450 600 450 600 450 600
ties shall be:
n Sheet steel ties galvanised after manufacture with N1 + 0.5 kPa L L M L L L L
470g/m2 of zinc on each side, or N2 + 0.7 kPa L M M L L L M
n Galvanised wire ties with 470g/m2 of zinc coating, or N3 +1.1 kPa M M H L M M M
n Stainless steel designated R3 or greater; or C1 -1.0 kPa M M H M M M M
n Polymer ties designated R3 or greater.
N4 + 1.5 kPa M H H M M M H
For elements in interior environments that are subject
C2 - 1.5 kPa M H H M H H H
to non-saline wetting and drying, elements below the
damp-proof course in contact with non-aggressive soils, N5 +2.3 kPa, C3 -2.1 kPa H H H H H H H
or elements in fresh water; ties shall be : N6 +3.1 kPa, C4 -2.9 kPa H H H H H H H
+ indicates compression; - indicates tension; Tie spacing 600 x 600 mm maximum

Specification QUIT
Steel Lintels and Arch Bars For elements in interior environments subject to saline For elements in saline or contaminated water including
Steel lintels and arch bars shall comply with the wetting and drying, elements below a damp-proof tidal splash zones, elements within 1 km of an industry
Drawings, Building Regulations and relevant Standard course or in contact with ground in aggressive soils, producing chemical pollutants; steel lintels and arch
(AS 3700, AS 4773., AS 4773.2, AS/NZS 2669.3 as elements in severe marine environments; steel lintels bars shall be designated R5. For external applications in
defined in the following schedule. and arch bars shall be designated R4 or greater. heavy industrial areas (Classified “Severe”), steel lintels
may be hot dip galvanised to 600 g/m2.
Note: Although most lintels are not “below a damp-
proof course” or “in contact with ground”, these cases Maximum Opening for Steel Lintels and Arch Bars (mm)1, 2
have been included in the schedule for completeness
and because it is possible for them to occur. Load Type E7
Load Type A3 Load Type B4 Load Type C5 Load Type D6 Supporting
For elements in a mild environment, elements in an Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting Brickwork Only (up to
interior environments above a damp-proof course and Arch bar/lintel size masonry only Tiled Roof Metal Roof Timber Floor 3.0 m)
enclosed within a building except during construction,
elements above the damp-proof course in non-marine 75 x 8 FMS 640 250 – – 640
exterior environments, elements above the damp-proof 100 x 10 FMS 820 250 250 250 820
course in other exterior environments, with a waterproof
coating, properly flashed junctions with other building 90 x 90 x 6 EA 3060 1550 1930 1680 2640
elements and a top covering (roof or coping) protecting
90 x 90 x 8 EA 3310 1670 2100 1820 2800
masonry, elements below a damp-proof course or in
contact with ground, that are protected from water 100 x 100 x 6 EA 3400 1730 2160 1870 2870
ingress by an impermeable membrane, steel lintels and
arch bars shall be designated R2 or greater. 100 x 100 x 8 EA 3660 1870 2340 2020 3040
For elements in interior environments that are subject 150 x 90 x 8 UA 4200 2710 3380 2840 3920
to non-saline wetting and drying, elements below the
damp-proof course in contact with non-aggressive soils, 150 x 100 x 10 UA 4330 3490 3610 3010 –
elements in marine environments, elements in fresh 150 UB 14.0 4200 3140 3840 3270 4200
water; steel lintels and arch bars shall be R3 or greater.
For elements in external applications 1 km or more 150 UB 18.0 4200 3480 4140 3590 4200
from breaking surf or 100 m or more from salt water not 180 UB 22.2 4200 4000 4200 4050 4200
subject to breaking surf (Classified “Moderate”), BCA Vol
2 Clause Table permits the following protection: 1. The spans tabulated are clear opening widths.
2 coats alkyd primer, or To determine the overall length of a lintel, add at least 300 mm to the clear opening, thus providing at least 150 mm bearing length at each end.
2. For openings up to 1000 mm, the required bearing length may be reduced to 100 mm at each end.
2 coats alkyd gloss, or
3. Load Type A applies to a lintel supporting a masonry leaf up to 600 mm high without roof or floor loads.
Hot dip galvanised to 300 g/m2, or 4. Load Type B applies to a lintel supporting up to 600 mm of masonry and a tiled roof up 6.6 metres load width.
Hot dip galvanised to 100 g/m2 plus 5. Load Type C applies to a lintel supporting up to 600 mm of masonry and a metal roof up 6.6 metres load width.
1 coat solvent based vinyl primer or 6. Load Type D applies to a lintel supporting a masonry leaf over 2100 mm high with or without tiled roof or metal roof up 6 m load width and/or timber floor up 3.0 m load width.
1 coat vinyl gloss or alkyd. 7. Load Type E applies to a lintel supporting a masonry leaf up to 3000 mm high without roof or floor loads.

Specification QUIT
Reinforced Concrete Lintels Anchorages Joint Reinforcement Steel Mullions
Reinforced concrete lintels shall comply Anchorages shall comply with the Joint reinforcement shall comply with Steel mullions used to provide resistance
with the Drawings, Building Regulations Drawings, Building Regulations and the Drawings, Building Regulations and to wind and earthquake loads in masonry
and relevant Standard (AS 3700, relevant Standard (AS 3700, AS 4773.1, relevant Standard (AS 3700, walls shall comply with the Drawings,
AS 3600). AS 4773.2). Mechanical expansion AS/NZS 2699.1) Building Regulations and relevant
anchors shall not be used where the n For external walls, in applications Standard (AS 3700, AS 4773.1,
Reinforced Hollow Masonry Lintels expansion action is likely to damage the requiring structural enhancement of AS 4773.2, AS 4100, AS 2699.2).
Reinforced hollow masonry lintels shall masonry. wall strength or for significant crack
comply with the Drawings, Building
Acoustic Isolation Ties control, joint reinforcement shall be
Regulations and relevant Standard (AS Grade 316 austenitic stainless steel,
3700, AS 4773.1, AS 4773.2). Acoustic isolation ties shall comply with 6 mm diameter (or 8 mm or 10 mm
the Drawings, Building Regulations
Reinforced Masonry Bed Joint Lintels for heavy duty applications in wide
and relevant Standard (AS 3700,
Reinforced masonry bed joint lintels joints).
AS/NZS 2699.1). Unless stated
shall comply with the Drawings, Building n For non-structural applications in
otherwise, acoustic isolation ties,
Regulations and relevant Standard intended to acoustically isolate one protected internal walls, external
(AS 3700, AS 4773.1, AS 4773.2). leaf of plasterboard from a frame shall walls, joint reinforcement shall be
For applications in external walls, provide the specified sound attenuation. stainless steel (as per external /
reinforcement shall be Grade 316 They shall consist of galvanized steel structural applications) or two 3.0 mm
austenitic stainless steel, 6 mm diameter or stainless steel (with additional galvanised wires joined at intervals
(or 8 mm or 10 mm for heavy duty powder coated finishes as required), by cross wires.
applications in wide joints). and incorporate cellular urethane foam
inserts. The ties shall have the following
n Stiffness of 0.7 kN/mm (linear) up to
0.16 kN
n Maximum deflection of resilient
material of 2.3mm.

Specification QUIT
Inspections and Tests Item or Product Inspection Required Accept Criteria Hold/Witness
All new work shall remain open until it Masonry units
has been inspected and approved by the Type and Grade Spot check * As specified Hold
Builder. The following inspections shall Dimensions Spot check * As specified Hold
be performed. Strength Spot check * As specified Hold
Mix Spot check As specified Hold
Bond strength Not required unless mix suspect As per AS 3700 (0.2 MPa) Witness
Termite barrier Visual In position Hold
Flashings and DPC's Visual spot check In position Hold
Control Joints Visual spot check As specified Hold
Joint reinforcement Visual spot check In position Witness
Ties Visual spot check As specified Witness
Lintels Visual spot check As specified Witness
HD Bolts and straps Visual spot check As specified Witness
Cleaning Visual As specified Witness
Reinforcement (if applicable)
Type and diameter Spot check As specified Hold
Position Visual As specified Hold
Laps Spot check As specified Hold

* Delivery docket

This specification is available, in RTF format, in the following location: Data/CAD/SpecText.rtf

Specification QUIT

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