CH 7. Control and Coordination

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CHAPTER-7: Control and Co-ordination

Stimuli and Response

The changes in the environment to which organisms respond and react are called stimuli.
Response is the reaction which is visible as an appropriate movement according to the stimulus which
it. This is a controlled movement.
e.g. Closure of eyes on seeing object bright light.

Co-ordination – The working together of various organs of the body in a systematic manner in order to
produce a proper response to a given stimulus is called co-ordination- 2 types are

Nervous Co-ordination Chemical co-ordination

It is brought about by the It is brought about by the endocrine
nervous system system which releases certain chemicals
called hormones in minute quantity.

Nervous System – Basic unit of Nervous system is NEURON. It consisitsof the following parts:
1. CYTON/ CELL BODY: Receives information through dendrites and conducts it further through axon.
2. DENDRITES: Finger-like projections from the cyton;
➢ Through the dendrites a neuron is connected with the neighbouring neurons.
➢ These conduct nerve impulses towards the cell body.
3. AXON:
➢ It is the longest single extension arising from the cell body ending in swollen structures
called nerve endings.
➢ It carries impulses away from the cell body to the next neuron
➢ Through axon, a neuron is connected to the other neurons or to muscle fibres.
➢ Axon may be covered by myelin sheath which increases the rate of conduction of nerve


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Synapse – The functional junction between the axon of one neuron and dendrites of next
neuron is called a synapse.

Conduction of messages along synapse – The nerve endings are not in physical contact with the
dendrites of the next. Information acquired at the tip of dendrite creates an electrical impulse that
travels along the cyton, reaches the nerve ending of axon. Here the impulse sets of release of chemical
substance called neurotransmitter molecule that passes the messages to the next neuron across the

Impluse – The message travels across a nerve in the form of chemical and electrical signals is called

Information acquired at the end of the dendrite tip of a nerve cell

Electrical Impiulse is created

Impulse travels from the dendrites to the cell body, and then along the axon to its end

At the end of the axon, the electrical impulse sets off some chemical reactions releasing some

Chemicals cross the gap or the ‘ Synapse’, and start a similar electrical impulse in the dendrite of
the next neuron.

Nerve – It is made up of one or more neurons join end to end. There are two types

Sensory Nerve Motor Nerve

It is made up of sensory neurons It is made up of motors neurons which carry
which carry messages from messages from brain to muscles and glands (effector)
sense organs to the brain

There are two types of cells in our body

Receptors Effectors

The cell or groups of cells that The cells or groups of cells bring out a response
receive the stimulus form the It can be organs muscles and glands.
environment and initiate nerve

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Photoreceptors Eyes(light)
Phonoreceptors ears (sound stimulus)
Gustatory receptors tongue (taste stimulus)
Olfactory receptors nose (smell stimulus)
Thigmo receptors skin (touch stimulus)


Action of Neurons tissue – When a nerve impulse reaches a muscle, it changes its shape and
of special protein (contractile proteins) present in the muscle cells. This new arrangement of proteins
movement. (Shortening and relaxation of muscle.)

Transmission of Nerve impulse –

1) Sensory nerve transmit the (impulses) stimuli received by receptors to the brain.
2) Brain process the information and decides a response. This message is carried to the effectors
(organ, muscle gland) through motor nerve.

Stimulus Receptors Sensory neuron

Receives stimulus


Response Effector Motor neuron

(muscle gland organ)

Transmission of nerve impulse

Reflex action – Quick, spontaneous and involuntary response against a stimulus.

Reflex arc – It is the pathway of reflex action from the receptor. The impulse is relayed from receptors
by sensory nerves to the spinal cord which processes the information for response and sends it to
effectors via motor nerves.

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Stimulus Receptors Sensory nerve Spinal cord Motor nerves
Hot object (Heat, pain)

Response Effectors

(Movement of muscles in arm

to move away)

Parts of Nervous system -

CNS –Central nervous system ANS -Autonomic Nervous system PNS – Peripheral nervous
1) It includes brain & spinal cord 1)It involves brain & spinal cord Constitute a network of
nerves arising
2) It receives & integrate 2)It controls all the involuntary from brain and spinal cord
information from all parts of activities spinal nerve.



Structure of Brain –


1) Protective bony cage – cranium

2) Three membrane called meninges filled by cerebro spinal fluid which acts as a shock absorber.
3) Protective cover for spinal cord – Vertebral column
4) Meninges filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

Parts of Brain

PARTS Function

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1. Forebrain Cerebrum - has specialized areas for vision hearing, muscle
activity and sanction.
- separate association areas to interpret and co-relate
the information received by receptors and already
present in brain.

Thalamus -controls association areas

Hypothalamus -controls the feeling of hunger and thirst
-has role in endocrine system

2. Midbrain Connects forebrain to hind brain

- has reflex centre for eye movement and hearing
response involuntary action

3. Hindbrain Cerebellum Maintains posture, equilibrium

- controls precise voluntary action
Pons controls the rate of respiration
Medulla controls involuntary activities like coughing, sneezing,
heart beat, vomiting etc.


1) Receives impulse from all the sensory organs of the body

2) Interprets the message brought by sensory nerve and cells, instructs the muscles and glands to
functions (respond) accordingly.
3) In its association centers, it co-relates different stimulus, produce the most appropriate response.
4) Co-ordinates all body activities so that the body functions efficiently.
5) Stores information for modification of behaviour according to past experience.

CHEMICAL CO-ORDINATION – Second controlling mechanism

Co-ordination under the control of endocrine system (made up of endocrine glands which release
secretions called hormones.)

Hormones – These are chemical substances secreted by endocrine glands (duct less glands) and are

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poured into the blood stream which transports these to the target organ to bring the response and to
regulate physiological processes

Characteristics of hormones – Hormones are called “chemical messengers” as they show their effect at
a site
away from where they are produced.


Endocrine Gland Hormones Function Disorder

1. Pituitary GH Regulates growth and development of Deficiency causes
body. Dwarfism
Excess causes
2. Thyroid Thyroxine Regulates carbohydrates, protein, fat Iodine necessary
metabolism provides for formation of
deficiency causes

3. Hypothalamus Releasing and Regulation of secretions from Pituitary

Inhibiting gland
4. Pancreas Insulin Lowers blood glucose levels Deficiency causes
rise in blood
sugar leading to
Glucagon Increase in blood glucose levels
5. Adrenal (Stress Adrenalin Regulates blood pressure, heart rate and
hormone) carbohydrate metabolism.
6. Parathyroid Parathyroid Regulation of blood calcium and
hormone phosphate
7. Testes Testosterone Regulation of male accessory sex organs
and secondary sexual characters like
moustache and beard
8. Ovary Estrogen and Regulates formation of ova in ovary.
Progesterone Regulation of female accessory sex
organs and secondary sexual characters
like mammary glands

Feed back mechanism – The mechanism by which hormone are secreted by endocrine glands in precise
amounts .

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Eg. If sugar level in blood rises they are detected by the cells of pancreas which respond by producing more
insulin. As the blood sugar level falls, insulin secretion is reduced.

Action of Adrenaline, stress hormone

1) Adrenaline is secreted in blood

2) Reaches to target organ – heart
3) Heart beats faster to supply more oxygen to our muscles.
4) Blood to digestive system and skin is reduced due to contraction of muscles around small arteries of
5) Blood is diverted to skeletal muscles.
6) Breathing rate increases due to contraction of diaphragm and rib muscles.
7) All these responses together enable the animal body to be ready to deal with situation.


a)Nastic—Independent of growth
➢ Seismonastic (touch)
➢ Photonastic (light)
➢ Thermonastic (Temperature)
b)Tropism –Dependent on growth

a)Nastic Movements–
eg: Seismonastic : Growth independent response to touch stimulus
When we touch the leaves of Mimosa pudica (touch me not plant), they fold up and droop.After some
time the leaves regain their original state.
Plants cells change shape by changing the amount of water in them (turgor changes), resulting in swelling
or shrinking or folding, therefore resulting in changing shapes and drooping. There is no growth involved
in this movement.

Tropism – Dependent on growth: Movement of plants can be due to growth

1) Phototropism stimulus – Growth associated movement in response to light –

Eg: shoots respond by bending towards light shows +ve phototropism while roots respond by
bending away from it shows –ve phototropism
(+ve shoot)
Sun light

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(-veroot ) (No growth sun flower directional ) slow process

2) Geotropism – Growth associated movement in response to gravity. The roots always grow
downwards while shoot usually grow upwards showing (+ve) geotropism and (–ve) geotropism
3) Hydrotropism – Growth associated movement in response to water
Eg: growth of roots towards water and shoot away from water. (Germination)
4) Chemotropism – Growth associated movement in response to chemicals.
Eg: growth of pollen tube towards ovules. Growth related processes are slower.
5) Thigmotropism – Growth associated movement in response to touch stimulus
Pea plants climb up other plants by means to of tendrils which is sensitive to touch.

Touch stimulus


tendrils grow to circle around the object or plant and thus cling to it. This growth is directional as plants
respond to stimuli slowly by growing in a particular directions.

Plant Hormones/ Phytohormones – They are chemical substances that are produced naturally in minute
concentrationin plants for regulating growth and other physiological processes. They are synthesized at
places away from where they act and simply diffuse to the area of action. They help to co-ordinate
growth, development and responses to environment.

1) Auxin – It is synthesized at shoot tip where growing plants detect light. They help to grow longer.
When light is coming from one side of plant, auxin diffuses towards the shady side of the shoot
which stimulates cells to grow longer. So plant appears to bend towards light.

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2) Gibberellin – helps in growth of the stem; stem elongation and leaf expansion.
3) Cytokinins – promotes cell division in fruits and seeds.
4) Abscisic acid – It inhibits growth, its effects include wilting of leaves.
5) Ethylene- It is responsible for ripenining of fruits



Nervous co-ordination Chemical co-ordination


Photoreceptors Phono Gustatory Olfactory Thigmo

receptors ReceptorsReceptorsreceptors

Sensory Nerve Sense organs Brain

Motor Nerve Brain Sense organ



Stimulus Receptors Sensory Neuron (spinal cord) Brain

Receives stimulus
(Spinal cord)

Motor Neuron
Response Effectors

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Muscle, gland organ


• Central Nervous System (CNS)

• Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
• Peripheral Nervous system (PNS)

Fore Brain Mid brain Hind Brain

Cerebrum Cerebellm

Thalamus Pons

Hypothalamus Medulla

Tropism Plant Hormones

• Thigmo Tropism Auxin
• Photo tropism Gibberelline
• Geo tropism Cytokinins
• Hydrotropism Abscisic acid
• Chemo tropism

1. Nervous and Hormonal systems together control and coordinate the physiological processes.
Justify the statement.
Ans: Nervous control is done in humans by the Central and Peripheral Nervous system involving nerve
impulses. The hormonal control involves use of chemicals (hormones) secreted by endocrine glands.
The hypothalamus part of the brain secretes neurohormones which regulate the secretions of pituitary
hormones which in turn regulate the growth and secretions of other endocrine glands, thus
coordinating different processes.

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2. What happens at the synapse between two neurons?
Ans: When the electrical signal (nerve impulse) reaches the axonal end of a neuron, it releases
chemical substances called neuro-transmitters that diffuse across the synapse towards the dendritic
end of the other neuron. These neurotransmitters stimulate chemoreceptor sites in the dendrites of the
other neuron and generate another electrical signal.

3. How do auxins promote the growth of a tendril around a support?

Ans: When the tip of a tendril comes in contact with the support, more auxin is diffused from its site of
synthesis (tip of tendril) towards the side of the tendril which is away from the support than the side in
contact with the support. As aresult, the side having more auxin grows fatser than the one in contact
with the support. This causes the tendril to bend (encircle) around the support.

4. Give the functions of Ethylene, Abscicic acid and auxins

1) Ethylene: promotes ripenining of fruits
2) Abscicic acid: It inhibits growth and promotes wilting of leaves
3) Auxin: responsible for cell elongation and growth at stem and root tips

1. The gap between two neurons is called
a) dendrite b) Synapse c) axon d) impulse

2. Which of the following is a part of hormone?

a) Thyroxine b) Insulin c) Oestrogen d) Cytokinin

3) Plant hormone that helps in stem growth

a) Auxin b) Cytokinins c) Gibberelline d) Abscisic acid

4)Diabetes is caused due to deficiency fo

a) Thyroxine b) Insulin c) Glucagon d) Growth hormone

5) Stress hormone is
a) GH b) Insulin c) Adrenaline d) Thyroxine

6) Goitre is caused due to deficiency

a) GH b) Insulin c) Thyroxine d) Adrenaline

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7) The part of brain which maintains posture and helps in balancing -
a) Pons b) Medulla c) Cerebellum d) Cerebrum

8) Bending of plant towards sunlight is

a) Geotropism b) Phototropism c) Thigmotropism d) Hydrotropism

9) The part of brain which has specialised areas for vision.

a) forebrain b) Mid brain c) Hind brain d) Cerebellum

10) Growth inhibiting plant hormone is

a) auxin b) Cytokinin c) Absicisic acid d) Gibberelins

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