Ece 11246
Ece 11246
Ece 11246
Assistant Director General (Pension)
Encls.: A. qbove (2 paees)
3. 'l'he Subscribcr shall continue to subscribc to the National Pension Systern with
thc same permancnt Retirement Account Number in the new organisation if the same
systcm cxists in thc new organisation and in that case he shall not receive
any benefit
Jnder thc National pension Systcrn at the tirns of such absorption but shall reccive
be.ncl.rts altcr cxit liorn thc new botly or organisation, etc. where
Subscriber has been
or public
4. Ilorvr:vcr, in casc. thc employces of such autonomous or statutory body
such subscriber may'
scctor unclcrtaking are not .or"r.d by ttrc National Pension System,
at his optio6, coirtinge to subscribe to the National Pension System with
the same
Permanent l{etirement Aocount Nurnber as a non-Government subscriber,
in accordance
Regulatory and Development Authority
rvith thc regulations notificd by Pension Fund
(,FRDA). e64Ld_
-r_ -
'l'o (s.
Iindcr Secretary
to the Government
of India
All Minisrries/Dena
(As per sran;fii#entsiorganisations,