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4-1(10) 12024 - Pension

Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
(Pension Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 19Nov,2024
All Heads of Postal Circles
Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate I PLI Directorate
All Regional Postmasters General
Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad
All Directors/Dy. Directors of Accounts (Postal)

Subject: Entitlement on absorption in or under a corporation, company or body in respect

of Central Government servant covered under the National Pension System -reg.


I am directed to forward herewith a copy of the O.M. No. 5710312022-P&PW(B)18361(4)

dated 07.10 .2024 of Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions regarding the aforementioned subject for information and necessary

Assistant Director General (Pension)
Encls.: A. qbove (2 paees)

Copy along with enclosures to:

1 PPS to Secretary (Posts)/DG(Posts)

2 PPS to Member (Banking & DBT) lPlg.& HRD/Tech./Pers./Ops.iPLIlAddl. DG(Cord.)
3 AS & FA/ Sr. DDG(PAF)
4 Secretary (PSByAll DDsG
5 All Regional Postmasters GenerayGM(GyDA(P)/DDA(P)
6 All Postal Training Centres
7 Directoq CEPT Mysore-for uploading on the offrcial website of the Dept. Of Posts
8 Guard File
No. - &PW(BY836 l (4)
57103 /2022-P
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
f)epartment of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare

Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,

Ncrv Delhi, Dated the 7m Octobe\2024


Subject: Entitlemcnt on absorption in or under a corporation, company or body in

rcspect of Ccntral Govcrnmcnt servant covcrcd under thtl National Pension
System -rcg.

'lhe undersigned is directed to say that Department of Pension and Pensioners'

Welfarc has notified thc Ccntral Civil Services (Implementation of National Pension
Systern) Rntes, 2021 to govern the service related matters of Central Government civil
cmploy'ecs coverecl undcr thc Natitlnal Pension System.

2. I{ulc l5 ol'thc Ccntral Civil Ser,,iccs (hnplcmcntation of'NPS) Rules, 2021

prclvidcs l'9r cntitlcrnent on absorption in or under a corporation, company or body
(autonomous or statutory) in respect of a Cenffal Govcrnment servant covered under the
National Pension Systcm. 'l'he rule provides that a Government servant who has been
pcrmittc6 to be absorbed in a scrvice or post in or under a Corporation or Company
or substantially orvned or controlled by the Central Govemment or a State
Govcrnment or in or unclcr a Ilotly ( autonomous or statutory ) controlled or financed by
thc Central Government or a State Governmont, shall be deemed to have retired from
scrvice from the date of such absorption and shall be eligible to receive benefits under the
National Ircnsion System in accordance with the Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authoiity ( Bxits and Withdrarrals under National Pension System)
Itegulaiions. 2015 as admissible in the case of exit of Subscriber on cuperannuation.

3. 'l'he Subscribcr shall continue to subscribc to the National Pension Systern with
thc same permancnt Retirement Account Number in the new organisation if the same
systcm cxists in thc new organisation and in that case he shall not receive
any benefit
Jnder thc National pension Systcrn at the tirns of such absorption but shall reccive
be.ncl.rts altcr cxit liorn thc new botly or organisation, etc. where
Subscriber has been

or public
4. Ilorvr:vcr, in casc. thc employces of such autonomous or statutory body
such subscriber may'
scctor unclcrtaking are not .or"r.d by ttrc National Pension System,
at his optio6, coirtinge to subscribe to the National Pension System with
the same
Permanent l{etirement Aocount Nurnber as a non-Government subscriber,
in accordance
Regulatory and Development Authority
rvith thc regulations notificd by Pension Fund
(,FRDA). e64Ld_
-r_ -

entitlement on abso{pti", ttnutsted that the_-above

ir^". rrrl.t u. totPotation, provisions regarding
Government servant con
*Jtr,)$:# # ;#,#,1, **x*i*,*ir**
covered u,

'l'o (s.
Iindcr Secretary
to the Government
of India
All Minisrries/Dena
(As per sran;fii#entsiorganisations,

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