Annure 4
Annure 4
Annure 4
(M.P.). (hereinafter referred to as 'the licensee') and having its Registered Office at (address) Bhopal
(M.P.) as second party of this Agreement.
Whereas, the Eligible Consumer has applied to the Licensee for approval of a net metering
Arrangement under the provisions of the (State Guidelines reference name)
......................................................and subsequent amendments and sought its connectivity to the
licensee's Distribution Network.
And whereas, the Licensee has agreed to provide Network connectivity to the Eligible Consumer For
injection of electricity generated from its Roof-top Renewable Energy Generating system of 09
Kilowatt (KW)
Both Parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Eligibility
The Roof-top Renewable Energy Generating System meets the application norms for being.
Integrated into the Distribution Network, and that the Eligible Consumer Shall maintain the System
accordingly for the duration of this Agreement.
2.1 The metering arrangement and the inter-connection of the Roof-top Renewable Energy
Generation System with the Network of the Licensee shall be as per the provisions of the Net
Metering Regulations and the technical standards and norms specified by the Central Electricity
Authority for connectivity of distributed generation and for the installation and operation of meters.
2.2 The Eligible Consumer agrees that he shall install, prior to connection of the Roof-top
Renewable Energy Generating System to the Network of the Licensee, an isolation device (both
automatic and in built within inverter and external manual relays); and the Licensee shall have
access to it if required for the repair and maintenance of the Distribution Network.
2.3 The Licensee shall specify the interface/inter-connection point and metering point.
2.4 The Eligible Consumer shall furnish all relevant data, such as voltage, frequency,
circuit breaker, isolator position in his System, as and when required by the Licensee.
2.5 All the equipment connected to Network of the Licensee at the time of Installation shall
be compliant with the Technical Specifications for rooftop system as Published by MNRE.
3. Safety:
3.1 The consumer shall comply with the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety
and Electricity Supply) Regulations 2010
3.2 The equipment connected to the Licensee's Distribution System shall be compliant with relevant
International (IEEE/IEC) or Indian Standards (BIS), as the case may be, and the installation of
electrical equipment shall comply with the requirement specified by the Central Electricity Authority
regarding safety and electricity supply.
3.3 The design, installation, maintenance and operation of the Roof-top Renewable Energy
Generating System shall be undertaken in a manner conducive to the safety of the Roof-top
Renewable Energy Generating System as well as the Licensee's Network.
3.4 If, at any time, the Licensee determines that the Eligible Consumer's Roof-top Renewable Energy
Generating System is causing or may cause damage to and /or results in the Licensee's other
consumers or its assets, the Eligible Consumer shall disconnect the Roof-top Renewable Energy
Generation System from the distribution Network upon direction from the Licensee and shall
undertake corrective measures at his own expense prior to re-connection.
3.5 The Licensee shall not be responsible for any accident resulting in injury to human beings or
animals or damage to property that may occur due to back-feeding from the Roof-top Renewable
Energy Generating System when the grid supply is off. The Licensee may disconnect the installation
at any time in the event of such exigencies to prevent such an accident.
The Eligible Consumer shall obtain any statutory approvals and clearances that may be required such
as from the Electrical Inspector or the municipal or other authorities, before connecting the Roof-top
Renewable Energy Generating system to the distribution Network.
This Agreement shall be for a period for 25 years but may be terminated prematurely.
(c) By the Licensee, by giving 30 days’ notice, if the Eligible Consumer breachers any terms of
this agreement or the provisions of the Net Metering Regulations and does not remedy such
breach within 30 days, or such other reasonable period as may be provided, of receiving notice
of such breach, or for any other valid reason communicated by the Licensee in writing,
6. Access and Disconnection
6.1 The Eligible Consumer shall provide access to the Licensee to the metering equipment and
disconnecting Devices of Roof-top Renewable Energy Generating System, both automatic and
manual, by the Eligible Consumer.
6.2 If, in an emergent or outage situation, the Licensee cannot access the disconnecting devices of
the Roof-top Renewable Energy Generating System, both automatic and manual, it may disconnect
power supply to the premises.
6.3 Upon termination of this Agreement under Clause 5, the Eligible Consumer shall disconnect the
Roof-top Renewable Energy Generating System forthwith from the Network of the Licensee.
7. Liabilities:
7.1 The Parties shall indemnify each other for damages or adverse effects of either Party's
negligence or Misconduct during the installation of the Roof-top Renewable Energy Generating
System, connectivity with the distribution Network and operation of the system
7.2 The Parties shall not be liable to each other for loss of profits or revenues, business interruption
losses, loss of contract or goodwill, or for indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages
including, but not limited to, punitive or exemplary damages, whether any of these liabilities, losses
or damages arise in contact, or otherwise.
8. Commercial Settlement:
8.1 The Commercial settlements under this agreement shall be in accordance with the Net
Metering Regulations.
8.2 The Licensee shall not be liable to compensate the Eligible Consumer If His Rooftop Renewable
Energy Generating System is unable to inject surplus power generated into the Licensee's
Network on account of failure of power supply in the grid/Network.
8.3 The existing metering System, if not in accordance with the Net Metering Regulations, shall be
replaced by a bi-directional meter (whole current /CT operated) or a pair of meters (as per the
definition of 'Net Meter’ in the Regulations), and a separate generation meter may be provided to
measure Solar power generation. The bi-directional meter (Whole current/CT operated) or pair of
meters shall be installed at the inter-connection point to the Licensee's Network for recording export
and import of energy.
8.4 The uni-directional and bi-directional or pair of meters shall be fixed in separate meter boxes in
the same proximity.
9. Connection Costs:
The Eligible Consumer shall bear all costs related to the setting up of the Roof-top Renewable Energy
Generating System and the cost of Net Meters.
10. Dispute Resolution:
10.1 Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be resolved promptly, in good faith and in an
equitable manner by both the parties.
10.2 The Eligible Consumer shall have recourse to the concerned Consumer Grievance Redressal
Forum constituted under the relevant Regulations in respect of any grievance regarding billing which
has not been redressed by the Licensee.
Signed by
1 Signature with Name and Address 2 Signature with Name and Address