Research On Seismic Load and Input Methods of Underground Cavities
Research On Seismic Load and Input Methods of Underground Cavities
Research On Seismic Load and Input Methods of Underground Cavities
polyhedral and non-uniformity should be considered in the IV. WAVEFORM PROCESSING AND MESH SIZE
underground cavern earthquake catastrophe simulation to The accuracy of calculation results are directly
ensure the safety of engineering and avoid serious accident. impacted by the rationality of the input of seismic waves.
III. SEISMIC WAVE LOADS Baseline correction and filtering processing of seismic
waves should be done before the calculation. Baseline
The premise of underground cavern group earthquake correction is to eliminate the drift phenomenon of model in
catastrophe process simulation is the selection of scientific the calculation of actual measured seismic waves. Filtering
seismic wave. The reliability of calculation is directly processing is to eliminate the invalid band of numerical
affected. At present, there are no standards and calculation of the seismic wave, maintain effective band and
specifications for the selection or artificial synthesis of ensure the calculation accuracy. The determination
seismic waves of hydropower station underground cavern principles of effective band of seismic waves in the
group, and people don’t have a common sense in this underground cavern are:
academic circles. In the analysis of practical engineering, (1)If each time step distance in the explicit calculation
the seismic wave selection or artificial synthesis is often is tt, the effective band is 1/Td̚1/2 t [3] in theory of
according to document[11] method. Although the code is
digital load of the duration time Td = N t˗
mainly for seismic design of building on the ground, but the
basic principles and ideas are worthy reference in the (2) It should satisfy the condition of t/Thİ0.1 to
seismic analysis of underground cavern. ensure the seismic waveform can be reflected by the
(1)The seismic effect can be estimated according to discrete time step t (in which, Th is the shortest period in
the limited samples because of the unpredictability and the input of seismic waves;
diversity measured in the seismic wave of the future (3) Power spectrum of the input seismic waves is
earthquake. Hydropower station underground cavern is analyzed and 90% energy frequency band is kept.
generally located in the mountains of the seismic wave field (4) Frequency band of seismic wave input should
with little seismic wave data in history. In the specific satisfy the accurate analysis of model grid. After the
engineering analysis, the epicentre structure should be completion of finite element mesh model, the effective
comprehensive analyzed of the engineering area and frequency band which can be analyzed has been determined.
relative historical seismic record data and seismic waves c c
should be collected. At the same time, similar seismic Usually effective frequency of model is 10 Le max
̚ 10 Le min
waves in at home and abroad should be selected according
In which, Le , Le are the max and minimum unit
max min
in the calculation. It is divided into 3 conditions: condition 1,
viscous boundary without considering damping (K = 0);
Condition 2, viscous boundary considering damping (K = 0);
Condition 3, viscoelastic boundary without considering
damping (K 0). Model of example is shown in figure 2.
Figure 2. FEM model of example Figure 3. Velocity time history of monitored point
The velocity response of 3 typical nodes such as It can be seen, the setting of artificial boundary in this
(bottom, center and top part) is recorded (in fig.3). program is reasonable and effective.
Condition 1, damping is not considered, the velocity
response of bottom point and input load are completely VI. CONCLUSIONS
consistent. The waveform time step of monitoring sites is The input method seismic wave solution in time
the same to wave propagation time. The free surface history solution are studied and the selection of seismic
velocity amplitude of top point is twice of input load. The wave and FEM principle are discussed for the incident
last two pulses are waves reflected from free surface of the characters of seismic wave in earthquake disaster of
model and the vibration is finished when the reflection underground caverns. The solution is proved to have a high
wave propagation to the bottom. The calculation results are precision in the numerical calculation.
the same to the results of FLAC3D. Condition 2, damping is
considered, wave propagation rules show obvious REFERENCES
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