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2024 - 2025


SUBMITTED TO: Mrs.Bhagya, lecturer(Physics)

I am Ruthran of Class 12th A2 on Marai malai Adigal
Government Higher secondary school Embalam
Puducherry.I Would Like to express my Sincere Gratitude
to our Respected Vice Principal for Encouragement and
helpfrom Time to Time during my Tenure as a Student of
Class 12th A2.

I also express my Sincere Gratitude towards My Physics

Teacher Mrs. Bhagya for helping me in completing
the Project by useful Ideas and Guidelines. I thank him
for encouraging me throughout and helping in all
possible ways.

I would also like to express my hearty gratitude to my

Friends for their support in completion of the project.

I also thank my parents for their vital support and also

for Encouragement and Motivation given to me for the
completion of the project.

Name: J.Ruthran

Class: XII-A2
This is to certify that Ruthran of class 12th A2 has Worked
on the Physics Project entitled “To investigate the
relation between the ratio of (i) Input and output
voltage, (ii)Number of turnings in the secondary coil
and primary coil of a self made transformer”. He has
put on his sincere efforts to collect the reading
materials and has devoted sufficient periods of Practical
laboratory work to complete this project. This project
may be considered as Practical fulfilment of All India
Senior School Certificate Exam (AISSCE) 2024-2025
conducted by CBSE.

Teachers’ signature Principal’s Signature

External Examiner’s Signatur

To investigate the relation between the ratio of –
1. Input and output voltage.
2.Number of turnings in the secondary coil and
primary coil of a self made transformer
 Aim
 Introduction
 Types Of Transformers
 Theory And Mathematical Derivations
 Simple Circuit Diagram
 Circuit Diagrams Of Step-up and Step-Down Transformers
 Apparatus Required to make our Own Transformer
 Uses of Transformers
 Bibliography 

The transformer is a device used for converting a low
alternating voltage to a high alternating voltage or

A Transformer based on the Principle of mutual

induction according to this principle, the amount of
magnetic flux linked with a coil changing, an e.m.f is
induced in the neighboring coil.

A transformer is an electrical device which is used for

changing the A.C. voltages. A transformer is most
widely used device in both low and high current circuit.
As such transformers are built in an amazing strength
of sizes. In electronic, measurement and control
circuits, transformer size may be so small that it
weight only a few tens of grams where as in high
voltage power circuits, it may weight hundred of tones.
A transformer which increases the

A transformer which decreases

the A.C. voltages.
When an altering e.m.f. is supplied to the primary coil p1p2, an
alternating current starts falling in it. The altering current
in the primary produces a changing magnetic flux, which induces
altering voltage in the primary as well as in the secondary. In
a good-transformer, whole of the magnetic flux linked with
primary is also linked with the secondary, and then the induced
e.m.f. induced in each turn of the secondary is equal to that
induced in each turn of the primary. Thus if Ep and Es be the
instantaneous values of the e.m.f.’s induced in the primary and
the secondary and Np and Ns are the no. of turns of the primary
secondary coils of the transformer and

dф / dt = rate of change of flux in each turnoff the coil at this

instant, we have

Ep = -Np dф/dt (1)


Es = -Ns dф/dt (2)

Since the above relations are true at every instant, so by

dividing 2 by 1, we get

Es / Ep = - Ns / Np (3)

As Ep is the instantaneous value of back e.m.f induced in the

primary coil p1, so the instantaneous current in primary coil is

due to the difference (E – Ep ) in the instantaneous values of

the applied and back

e.m.f. further if Rp is the resistance o, p1p2 coil,

then the instantaneous current Ip in the primary coil is given

Ip = E – Ep / Rp
E – Ep = Ip Rp
Thus back e.m.f = input e.m.f

Hence equation 3 can be written as

Es / Ep = Es / E
o output e.m.f / input e.m.f
o Ns / Np = K
Where K is constant, called turn on transformation ratio.

In a step-down transformer, There are many turns on the
secondary winding than in the primary winding in the step-up
transformers. Thus, the voltage supplied in the secondary
transformer is greater than the one supplied across the primary
winding. Because of the principle of conservation of energy, the
transformer converts low voltage, high-current to high voltage-
low current. In other words, the voltage has been stepped up.

You can find step-up transformers located near power plants

that are designed to operate megawatts of power. Apart from the
power plants, step-up transformers can also be used for local
and smaller applications such as x-ray machine which requires
about 50,000 volts to work. Even a micro-wave oven requires a
small step-up transformer to operate.
In a step-down transformer is one who secondary windings are
fewer than the primary windings. In other words, the
transformer’s secondary voltage is less than the primary
voltage. So, the transformer is designed to convert high-voltage,
low-current power into a low-voltage, high current power and it
is mainly used in domestic consumption.

A common case of step-down application is in the case of door

bells. Normally, door bells use 16 volts, but most household power
circuits carry 110-120 volts. Therefore, the doorbell’s step-down
transformer receives the 110 volts and reduces it to lower
voltage before supplying it to the doorbell.

Step-down transformers are mostly used to convert the 220 volts

electricity to the 110 volts required in most domestic equipment.
 Iron Rod
 Copper Wire
 Hot Wire Ammeter
 Hot Wire Voltmeter

 Take thick iron rod and cover it with a thick paper and
wind a large number of turns of thin Cu wire on thick paper
(say 60). This constitutes primary coil of the transformer.

 Cover the primary coil with a sheet of paper and wound

relatively smaller number of turns (say 20) of thick copper
wire on it. This constitutes the secondary coil. It is a step
down transformer.

 Connect p1, p2 to A.C main and measure the input voltage and
current using A.C voltmeter and ammeter respectively.

 Similarly, measure the output voltage and current through

s1and s2.

 Now connect s1and s2to A.C main and again measure voltage
and current through primary and secondary coil of step up

 Repeat all steps for other self made transformers by

changing number of turns in primary and secondary coil.
 In voltage regulator for T.V., refrigerator, computer, air
conditioner, etc.

 A step down transformer is used for welding purposes.

 A step down transformer is used for obtaining large


 A step up transformer is used for the production of X-Rays

and NEON advertisement.

 Transformers are used in voltage regulators and stabilized

power supplies.

 Transformers are used in the transmissions of a.c. over long


 Small transformers are used in Radio sets, telephones, loud

speakers and electric bells etc.
 www.google.com
 www.wikipedia.org
 Physics NCERT
 Pradeep’s Physics


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