CPP Stage 1 Report

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Road safety is one among the important factors for those peoples who are crossing the roads. Numerous peoples
are crossing the roads at the time of vehicles going and there’s no red light. It should cause accidents. Folks that
want to save lots of your time and crossed the road when it's busy may result in death. If a family head is cause
to death in an exceedingly road accidents their family should suffer lifetime or any permanent body disability
may change their whole life, and it can’t be like earlier. During a research 53 road accidents in an exceeding
hour and one death in every four minutes .The traffic police is fully accountable for smooth run of vehicles .
In a very report of Hindustan Times the 33% traffic policeman in capital show the signs of asthma, lung
congestion throat irritation and thick sputum. And 23% of the traffic policemen were diagnosed with stress and
In India the transportation sector is growing very fast at the starting of the 21st century. The highway has record
of 14,500 accidents resulting in 1,400 deaths since its establishment. Behind, accidents caused to traffic jams
occurring in an overall later journey, denial the essential purpose of being of such highways . So , road safety
and management of the highways has inevitably become a problem national concern. Improvement in behavioral
safety and vehicle safety could be very while concern for any growing country. Traffic accidents is also
occurring in various ways ,therefore the threat of traffic accidents to human life can’t be fully eliminated . Within
the 20th century, 25.85 million people died in traffic accidents worldwide, which exceeds the account of deaths
in war .In line with the statistics of the Roadside Safety Research Program of the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) (2018), roadside accidents accounted over 50% of all traffic fatalities.Consistent with
China’s Road Traffic Accident Statistical Annual Report (2018), roadside accidents account for about 8% of
the annual total number of crashes but cause 13% of the death rate. According to China’s Road Traffic Accident
Statistical Annual Report (2018), roadside accidents account for approximately 8% of the annual total number
of crashes but cause 13% of the death rate.
Along with the increasing road traffic intensity, the issue of road traffic safety is becoming more important
requiring further attention from all the institutions. Road traffic accidents (RTA) are generally caused by vehicle
diversion from the intended direction. If the driver loses attention, but the vehicle remains steerable, the presence
of rumble strips along the centrelines and outer edges of undivided rural two-lane roads alerts the distracted,
fatigued, or speeding motorist.
 Traffic barriers are used to control the flow of traffic and keep vehicles from colliding with obstacles or
entering dangerous areas. They can be used in many situations, including:

 Construction sites: Road safety barriers create a safe distance between motorists and work sites
 Accident scenes: Traffic barriers are used to control traffic at accident sites
 School zones: Traffic barriers are used to control traffic in school zones
 Concerts: Traffic barriers are used to control traffic at concerts and other crowd control situations
 There are many different types of traffic barriers, including:

 Water filled barriers: These barriers are durable and stable, and can withstand the impact of vehicular traffic
 Portable barriers: These barriers are easy to deploy and move, making them ideal for temporary road
 Plastic barriers: These barriers are lightweight, portable, and cost-effective
 Traffic cones: These barriers are typically used as a temporary, low-cost barrier
 Wire-rope barriers: These barriers are built with solid vertical posts with 2 to 3 horizontal ropes
 Bollards: These posts help guide traffic and serve as a barrier to vehicles
 Traffic delineators: These pavement markers provide a safety barrier from work zones or hazards

Traffic barriers (known in North America as guardrails or guard rails, in Britain as crash barriers, and in auto
racing as Armco barriers) keep vehicles within their roadway and prevent them from colliding with
dangerous obstacles such as boulders, sign supports, trees, bridge abutments, buildings, walls, and large storm
drains, or from traversing steep (non-recoverable) slopes or entering deep water. They are also installed
within medians of divided highways to prevent errant vehicles from entering the opposing carriageway of traffic
and help to reduce head-on collisions. Some of these barriers, designed to be struck from either side, are called
median barriers. Traffic barriers can also be used to protect vulnerable areas like school yards, pedestrian zones,
and fuel tanks from errant vehicles. In pedestrian zones, like school yards, they also prevent children or other
pedestrians from running onto the road.While barriers are normally designed to minimize injury to vehicle
occupants, injuries do occur in collisions with traffic barriers. They should only be installed where a collision with
the barrier is likely to be less severe than a collision with the hazard behind it. Where possible, it is preferable to
remove, relocate or modify a hazard, rather than shield it with a barrier.To make sure they are safe and effective,
traffic barriers undergo extensive simulated and full scale crash testing before they are approved for general use.
While crash testing cannot replicate every potential manner of impact, testing programs are designed to determine
the performance limits of traffic barriers and provide an adequate level of protection to road users.

The challenge of the ITSCP is to find an optimal traffic signal configuration schedule that maximizes the traffic
flow in a network. In other words, the goal of solving the signal timing control problem is to determine optimal
phase sequences and durations for each phase. To solve this problem, the geometric information describing the
intersections in the target network, the traffic information including traffic demand and turning movements of
vehicles, and the limits regarding traffic signal components are considered. This information is processed in
accordance with the model formulation. For example, Line and Wang expressed traffic demand as the number of
variables in each cell using a cell transmission model. The ITSCP can be solved by optimizing various performance
criteria, such as minimizing the average vehicle delay or maximizing the throughput of the network. More details
of such objective criteria are described in Section 4.4. In most studies, the constraints considered in the ITSCP are
related rules regarding traffic flow and traffic signal laws such as total cycle length, green signal length, and phase
sequence. The details of signal timing constraints will be explained in Section 4.5.

Table shows a list of the literature included when preparing this review. The number of citations was retrieved from
Google Scholar on July 1, 2020. Figure shows the citation network for the selected literature, displaying the citation
relationships among the reviewed papers as arrows pointing from the citing paper to the cited paper, in which each
node number corresponds to the paper ID in Table To provide an effective visualization of the relative importance
relationships among the reviewed papers, only papers that were cited at least once by the other papers in Table 1 are
shown. Node size is proportional to the number of citations from the other reviewed papers, and the node position
along the y-axis indicates the publication year of that paper. Note that the number of arrows pointing into a node
may not match the number of cited papers because references that were not cited by other reviewed papers were
omitted from the figure. Using the most important papers in the ITSCP field can readily be identified, and node
information such as author(s) and publication year can be extracted. For example, nodes 2 and 23 are larger than
the other nodes Then, using, it can be determined that the paper written by Gazis in 1964 (Node 2) and the paper
written by Mirchandani and Head in 2001 (Node 23) are the most important among those evaluated in this review.

The safety shape portable concrete barrier (PCB) has been approved for use when placed on a bituminous or
concrete pad. Construction personnel would like to use PCBs in temporary situations along roadways where the use
of a bituminous or concrete pad is impracticaland costly. However, when PCBs are placed on soilfoundations
withno anchorage, they tend to dig into the soil, causing the barriersections to rotate or overturn.

As of now we studied the previous research papers which was proposed we analyzed that someone used the
image processing technique which helps to search out the density . During a research cable barrier is employed
to manage the traffic but the upkeep of soil, foundation breaks, repair costs more.
A pursuit paper which suggests and devises flexible median divider using suitable polymer material, so on
reduce the chance level during median divider accidents, but it takes more cost and more flexible. After the
study and analysis of these research we are going to suggest the study of Automatic Traffic Barrier with
Hydraulic barriers . It’ll be connected with the traffic signals and webcam .For an emergency purpose we’ll use
manual switch for ambulance .
When the signal lights turn red it’s automatically lift upward and when lights turns to green it’ll be at its original
position. It’ll help to manage the traffic and reduce the numbers of accidents and also helpful for those one that
are crossing the road at the time of red signal.

Road traffic injury is a major global public health problem. Rapid motorisation in low and middle-income countries
(LMICs) along with the poor safety quality of road traffic systems and the lack of institutional capacity to manage
outcomes contribute to a growing crisis.
Every year, around 1.3 million people are killed on road around the world and about 50 million are injured. These
are mainly in LMICs, amongst vulnerable road users and involve the most socio-economically active citizens.
Road traffic injury is the leading cause of death globally for children and young people aged 15–29. Without urgent
action, it is forecast that road traffic injury will be the 7th leading cause of death for all by 2030.
In socio-economic terms, countries around the world are paying a high price for motorised mobility. Road traffic
deaths and injuries in low-and middle-income countries are estimated to cause economic losses of up to 5%
of GDP compared to an estimated global average of 3% of GDP.
Death and serious injury from road crashes are preventable if crash energies are managed so that they do not exceed
human tolerances for serious and fatal injury and this is accomplished with effective, results-focused and resourced
road safety management.
Safe System goals and strategies focus on providing a road traffic system free from death and serious injury.
Safe System guides the planning, design, management, operation and use of the road traffic system to provide safety
in spite of human fallibility. It places a shared accountability across all elements of the system.
Preventing road trauma on public roads and in the course of work is a core responsibility for government, its
agencies and employers and requires shared responsibility and leadership.
The scale of the road safety challenge and the diversity of the effects of road traffic injury underline the importance
of exploring synergies with other societal goals and priorities.
A second UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021–2030 has been announced with an ambitious global target
and plan to reduce road traffic deaths and serious injuries by at least 50% by 2030.

1) Input data of traffic volume and elegance.

2) Signal cycle system
3) Computerized program of signal design
4) Connectivity of Automatic Hydraulic Barrier with algorithm
5) Automatic hydraulic barrier working and installation

A. Traffic Survey
Method used for traffic survey count
1) Manual Method: The fields’ data sheet are often prepared to the particular requirement at any intersection
At a four arm intersection the count At each arm of the traffic entering the intersection is also counteracted
into three categories, via left turning, right turning, straight ahead traffic then take a reading during an
information sheet.
2) Combination of Manual and Mechanical Method: An example of a combination of manual and method is
that the multiple pen recorders. A chart moves continuously at the speed of clock. Different pens record the
occurrence of assorted event on the chart. The actuation of the event recorder pen by pressing the switch
associated with each pen recorder.
3) Video Photography: Video photography gives a permanent record of volume count. Its analysis are
typically done conveniently within the office by replying the cassette on a TV monitors.
4) Photographic Method: Time–lapse camera photography has been accustomed successfully to figure out the
speed of vehicles accurately in crowded streets. per this method, photographs are taken as fixed intervals of
sometime on a special camera‟s by projecting the film on a screen, the passage of any vehicle are often
traced with relevancy time, and video camera can also be used.
B. Passenger Car Unit
1) Common practice to contemplate the coach because the standard vehicle unit to convert the choice
vehicle unit is additionally called railway car unit or PCU.
2) The PCU could even be considered as a measure of the relative space requirement of a vehicle class
compared of that of a railcar under a specified set of roadway, traffic, and other conditions.
3) The PCU value of a vehicle class could even be considered because the ratio of capacity of a roadway
where there are passengers cars only to the capacity of the identical roadway when there are vehicles
of that class only

The Indian Roads Congress has given set of tentative PCU values or equivalent factors for rural road
a) Passenger car, tempo, autorickshaw, agricultural factor : 1.0
b) Bus, Truck, agricultural tractor- trailer unit : 3.0
c) Motorcycle, scooter, and pedal cycle : 0.50
d) Velocipede : 1.50
e) Horse – drawn vehicles : 4.0
f) Small Bullock cart and handcart : 6.0
g) Large Bullock cart : 8.0
C. Components Used
1) Hydraulic Actuator: Hydraulic actuators are elements converting the energy of the working fluid into the
energy associated with the reciprocating motion. The foremost frequently applied materials utilized in power
hydraulics are described, and various surface modifications of the discussed elements, which are aimed at
improving the operating parameters of actuators, are presented. The foremost frequently used materials for
actuators elements are iron alloys. A characteristic feature of single- acting actuators is that the presence of
1 working chamber and therefore the possibility of executive (active) movement only in one direction. The
return movement will be allotted by an external force or a spring force. Double-acting actuators, in turn, are
characterized by a working stroke in both direction.

Fig. 1 Hydraulic Actuator

2) Servo Motor: A servo motor may be a variety of motor which can rotate with great precision. Normally this
kind of motor consists of a sway circuit that gives feedback on this position of the motor shaft, this feedback
allows the servo motors to rotate with great precision. If you wish to rotate an object at some specific angles
or distance, then you utilize a servo motor. it's just made from a straightforward motor which runs through
a servo mechanism. If motor is powered by a DC power supply then it's called DC servo motor, and if
it's AC-powered motor then it's called AC servo motor. A servo motor may be a variety of motor that may
rotate with great precision. If you wish to rotate an object at some specific angles or distance, then you
utilize a servo motor. it's just made from a straightforward motor which runs through a servo mechanism. If
motor is powered by a DC power supply then it's called DC servo motor, and if it's AC-powered motor then
it's called AC servo motor. Servo Motor helps to lift the hydraulic actuator at the varied lane as per the timing
set by cycle diagram.
Fig. 2 Servo Motor
1) Photoresistors (LDR): The most common light sensor type that’s employed in a light-weight sensor circuit
are photoresistors, also called a light-dependent resistor (LDR). Photoresistors are accustomed simply detect
whether a lightweight is on or off and compare relative light levels throughout each day.

Fig.3 Photoresistors (LDR)

2) Switch: A manual switch is precisely what it seems like manual.It has very low cost , quick building and
installations . during this method the switch is employed for a emergency like ambulance passing or the
other purpose.

Fig. 4 Manual Switch

3) Audrino Board
a) The Arduino Uno may be a microcontroller board supported the Atmel's ATmega328
b) It has 14 digital input output pins of which 6 are often used as PWM outputs and 6 analog
c) The Arduino Uno will be powered via USB connection or with an external power supply
The Arduino Uno original contains everything needed to support the microcontroller,

simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable.

Fig. 5 Audrino Board

D. Cycle Daigram for 2 Phase Signal by Webster Method

For designing a 2 phase stoplight A, B, C and D we are going to asuume the conventional flow
is 700,800,1200 and 1400 vehicles / sec. For design a 2 phase intersection the intergreen period
for one approach is 5 sec( all red amber time for one approach is 2 sec and for one more
approach is 3 sec).
Formula Used :
Y= tr+ V/ 2a+2Gg
1) Calculation Of Y at each phase
Table 2 for calculation of Saturation flow and ∑ Yi

Particulars Phase AB Phase CD

q in (vps) 600 1200
S in /sec. 1895 3636
Y = q/s 0.36 0.34
Max Yi 0.7

2) Optimum cycle length CO= 1.5L+5/(1- ∑ Yi )

= 1.5*9 +5/ (1-0.7)
= 61.6 sec. Take 62 seconds.
3) Calculation of green time
GAB = YAB * (CO-L)/∑ Yi =
0.36(62-9)/0.7 = 27.2 sec. GCD
= YAB * (CO-L)/ ∑ Yi = 0.34(62-
9) / 0.7 = 25.7 sec.

4) Calculation of change
and clearance interval.
Y= tr +V/2a+2gG =
3.6 sec.
Take 4 seconds.
Red Amber time = 2 sec.

Green = 27 Yellow Red = 32

Sec. = 4sec. sec.

Red Amber time = 3 sec.

Red = 31 sec. Green =

Int Green = 5 sec.

E. Cycle Diagram For 4 Phase Traffic Signal By Webster Method

Let us assume Red Amber time for one approach is 2 sec. and for another is 3 sec. We will
take the normal flow for A,B,C and D is 2550,1920,2150 and 1990.
1) Calculation of total delay= 2n+R
= 2*4+5
= 13sec.
2) Calculation of saturation flow and ∑ Yi is:
Table 2 for calculation of Saturation flow and ∑ Yi

Particulars Phase A Phase B Phase Phase D

q in vps 2550 1920 2150 1990
S in per sec. S=3600/ S= S= S=
hA 3600/hB 3600/hC 3600/hD
=10285 = 9000 =10910 = 9230
Y =q/s 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.21
∑ Yi 0.85
3) Optimum cycle length = 1.5L + 5 /(1-∑ Yi )
= 1.5*13 + 5 / (1-0.85)
= 163.3 sec.
Take 163 seconds.
4) Calculation of Green time .
GA = YA *(CO-L)/∑ Yi

= 0.24*(163-13)/0.85
= 42.3 sec.
GB = YB *(CO-L)/∑ Yi

= 0.21*(163-13)/0.85
= 37 sec.
GC = YC *(CO-L)/∑ Yi

= 0.19*(163-13)/ 0.85
= 33.5sec.
GD = YD *(CO-L)/∑ Yi

= 0.21*(163-13)/0.85
= 37 sec.
F. Model Diagram Of Traffic Signal With Hydraulic Actuator

Fig .6 Model Layout

G. Model Diagram Of Traffic Signal With Hydraulic Actuator using sketchup 2021 software

Fig .7.1 Model Layout of software.

Fig .7.2 Model Layout of software.

Fig .7.3 Model Layout of software.

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