Materi Chapter II
Materi Chapter II
Materi Chapter II
Narrative text is a text which contains about story and its plot consists of complication or climax
of the story then followed by the resolution. Narrative text can be an imaginative or fictional
such as: Fairy tales, Folktale, Myth, Fable, Legend .
Teks narrative adalah sebuah teks yang berisi tentang cerita dan alurnya terdiri dari masalah
atau klimaks cerita yang diikuti dengan penyelesaian masalah. Teks narrative bisa berupa
imajinasi atau fiksi seperti: Dongeng, Cerita rakyat, Mitos, Fable dan Legenda
b. Folktale (cerita rakyat) :sebuah cerita yang dituturkan turun-temurun dari mulut ke
mulut sehingga menjadi bagian dari tradisi suatu masyarakat. Contoh: Timun Emas,
Keong Emas, Jaka Tarub
c. Myth (mitos) : sebuah cerita berlatar masa lampau, berisi penafsiran mengenai alam
semesta dan adanya makhluk di dalamnya serta dipercayai terjadi. Contoh: Cerita Nyi
Roro Kidul, Dewi Sri
d. Fable (fable) : sebuah cerita yang mengisahkan tentang binatang. Contoh : Si Kancil,
Serigala berbulu domba.
To amuse or entertain the reader or listener with a story (Untuk menghibur pembaca
atau pendengar melalui cerita)
A. Orientation
Sets the scene: where and when the story happened and introduces the participants of
the story: who and what is involved in the story. (Bagian ini yang mengatur adegan
dalam cerita: dimana dan kapan cerita terjadi serta memperkenalkan siapa tokoh-tokoh
yang terdapat dalam cerita)
B. Complication
The problems in the story are developed. It tells the beginning of the problems which
leads to the crisis (climax) of the main participants). Masalah-masalah dalam cerita
berkembang. Bagian ini menceritakan awal dari masalah yang mengarah pada puncak
masalah yang dihadapi oleh tokoh utama.
C. Resolution
The problems in the story are solved. It can be resolved either in a happy ending or in a
sad ending. Masalah dalam cerita terpecahkan. Masalah bisa diselesaikan dengan akhir
yang bahagia tau dengan akhir yang menyedihkan.
D. Re-orientation
This is a closing remark to the story and it is optional.It consist of a moral value, advice
or teaching from the writer.
Bagian ini adalah kalimat (ucapan) penutup dari cerita dan bagian ini boleh ada atau
tidak (pilihan) Bagian ini berisi nilai moral, nasihat atau pengajaran dari penulis
Unsur-Unsur Kebahasaan
1. Action Verb in Past tense (kata kerja aktif bentuk lampau) Contoh: sat, hatched,
2. Time conjuction (kata penghubung waktu) Contoh: before, after, soon, then, later, at
last, the next.
3. Direct speech (ucapan langsung) Contoh: “I didn’t have a mother like you” said Malin
4. Indirect speech (ucapan tidak langsung) Contoh: The old woman said that Malin was
her son.
6. Adverb of time (keterangan waktu) Contoh: once upon a atime, a long time ago, one
SOAL UNTUK ( The Ugly Duckling Part 1)
Choose the words in the box to complete the sentences with verbs in past tense forms
based on the pictures.
5. The gray duck ___________ with a funny wobble 6. The mother duck ____________
Read the Ugly duckling story part 2 again. circle or highlight all verbs in the past tense forms in the
story/write down some verbs that you find in the story (part 2)
Which statements are true or false based on the story? Number one has been done for you.
1. The Ugly Duckling went away from the mother duck and the yellow duckling. (T) (F)
2. He met two baby chickens. (T) (F)
3. The chickens were very friendly to him. (T) (F)
4. A dog chased the Ugly Duckling. (T) (F)
5. The Ugly Duckling felt shy around the dog. (T) (F)
6. A cow made the Ugly Duckling feel heartbroken. (T) (F)
7. The Ugly Duckling was scared of the big white birds. (T) (F)
8. The Ugly Duckling became happy at the end. (T) (F)
What did the characters in the story feel?
Work with a classmate and use an adjective to complete the character’s feelings. Number one has
been done for you.
Part 1
1. What did the mother duck feel when five ducklings came out of the eggs?
She felt happy (Dia merasa bahagia)
4. What was the sixth duckling’s feeling when he came out of the egg?
He was _____________________
Part 2
1. What was the yellow ducklings’ feeling when the ugly Duckling wanted to play with them?
They were___________________________________________________________.
2. What was the mother Duck’s feeling when the yellow ducklings were rude to the ugly duckling?
She become ___________________________________________________________.
3. What was the Ugly Duckling’s feeling when the yellow duckling asked him to go away?
He felt ___________________________________________________________.
4. What was the ugly duckling’s feeling when his mother said he was different and brave?
He did not feel __________________________________________________________
Part 3
1. What was the chicken’s feeling when the Ugly Duckling landed on their side of the river?
They felt____________________________________________________________________________.
2. What was the Ugly Duckling’s feeling when the dog chased him?
He was____________________________________________________________________________.
3. What was the Ugly Duckling’s feeling when he saw some big white birds?
He felt _________________________________________________________________________
With a classmate, complete the following table with the elements
of the Ugly Duckling story part 1, 2 and 3
part 1
Part 2
3. Characters : The
Ugly Duckling, five
yellow duckling,
mother duck
Complication Showing the But, they only stared at him. Problem : The yellow
conflict (s) or Suddenly, one of them yelled, “You duckling did not
problem (s) in are not like us. You are very ugly want to play with the
the story. and weak!” the others said in Ugly Duckling and
chorus, “Go away!” They were rude asked him to go away
and mean.
The Ugly Duckling tried to play
with his brothers and sisters, too.
“I can jump and shake my wings!”
exclaimed the Ugly Duckling. He
was so happy. But, the yellow
ducklings yelled, “Go away!”
Resolution Giving the “You are different. You are not Resolution : Mother
solution (s) for yellow but gray and brave.” Mother duck calmed him
the conflict (s) Duck tried to calm him down. down
problem (s)
Orientation Introducing the That night, the Ugly Duckling flew 1. Time :
time, location away. He landed on the other side
and characters of the river. There he met two
in the story grown-up chickens. 2. Place :
3. Characters :
The next morning, The Ugly
Duckling flew away. Suddenly, a big
hungry dog came.
Complication Showing the (Write the sentences that tell you Problem :
conflict (s) or about the complication from the
problem (s) in story here/Tuliskan kalimat-
the story. kalimat yang memberitahukan
tentang komplikasi dari cerita di
Resolution Giving the (Write the sentences that tell you Resolution :
solution (s) for about the resolution from the story
the conflict (s) here/Tuliskan kalimat-kalimat
problem (s) yang memberitahukan tentang
solusi dari cerita di sini)
The Elephant and Friends