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Le Thi Anh Tuyet, Nguyen Thi Thuy Hong, Le Phuong Thao, Le Thi Vy*
During the teaching process, teachers (i) What are the difficulties faced by the
can integrate multimedia such as images, first-year students of FOE, HOU when
videos, and conversations on information learning English speaking skills online?;
technology platforms to design unique, (ii) What are the solutions for the first-year
interactive and highly creative lectures students of FOE, HOU to learn English
to enhance students’ thinking as well speaking skills online effectively?
as comprehensively develop students’ II. Literature review
language capacities. Besides, online
interaction helps students improve their 2.1. Application of Technology in
Digital Education in Revolution 4.0 – A
speaking skills. Students can make friends
Decisive factor for quality improvement
to exchange through the virtual learning
of online education
environment and practise listening and
speaking. In particular, students can In the era of technology revolution
practise and correct pronunciation by 4.0, digital education is a method
recording their own voices, evaluating, of working and learning applying
editing and practising to improve language technology. Universities around the world
capacities. and Vietnam increasingly deploy digital
education. Digital education brings about
However, teaching English
technology skills, pedagogical activities,
speaking skills online to improve
and an understanding of relevant
students’ communication capacities is curriculum design to digital learners. In
a big challenge for universities. The fact, digital education provides teachers
practice has proven that the most and learners with flexible and diverse
significant difficulty for students is the working and learning opportunities. This
lack of motivation and confidence when helps them participate actively and
speaking English. Besides, many students effectively in the teaching and learning
are not really interested in online speaking processes to improve learners’ capacities
lessons. This is reflected in the learning in a digital context.
attitudes of students who are still passive,
not actively exploring and applying In fact, the application of technology
appropriate learning methods to improve in education in general and in higher
education, in particular, provides educators
the effectiveness of learning speaking
with a dynamic and proactive teaching
skills online. In order to develop English
and learning environment (Arnseth
communication capacities online, students
and Hatlevik, 2010). Online teaching
need to practise listening skills and
methods or online teaching support are
improve pronunciation skills to improve
widely used to improve the quality of
their English speaking skills.
teaching and learning. Carey (2020)
To improve the quality of teaching divides instructional technology into three
English speaking skills online for the first- groups. The first group is the Learning
year students of FOE, HOU; the authors Resources include educational software,
conducted a survey on the real situation online resources and resource picture
of teaching English speaking skills online and sound. The second group is Teaching
of the first-year students of FOE, HOU to Learning Organizations that deal
answer the following research questions: with software and technology tools for
58 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion
classroom instruction. The third group teaching.Word processors can help teachers
is the Communications, including design different interactive activities
the system e-mail and Website referring for language practice. Furthermore,
communication aspects. presentation software allows teachers
The New Media Consortium to create engaging materials that arouse
(2005) believes that the achievements students’ interest in learning (Rendall
of technology support the education & Davies, 2012). In addition, audio and
sector through the effective application video editing tools help instructors record
of the Extended Learning method in and make changes to audio and video files,
online education. In which, online such as adjusting speech and creating
teaching and learning give lecturers and audio/video effects (Dang, 2013).
students opportunities to access new Integrating technology in online
communication tools. According to Cheng foreign language teaching in general and in
(2012), these new communication tools the process of teaching and learning English
allow the teaching and learning process speaking skills online, in particular, is an
to go beyond the limits of the classroom inevitable trend in the globalized world for
setting on communication; create an sustainable development. Speaking English
environment for students to participate is an interactive process of meaning-
in discussions, collaborate, exchange building related to the production, reception,
ideas and develop critical thinking. In and information processing (Hughes,
addition, the rapid penetration of Wireless 2002). Speaking English is defined as a
Networks allows students to use their complex skill that includes Comprehension,
mobile devices to participate in courses Grammar, Vocabulary, Fluency and
flexibly (Jung, 2006). Moreover, the Smart Pronunciation (Thornbury, 2005). Therefore,
Search tool enables students to search, sort in order to master English speaking
and retrieve data more efficiently (Dang & skills, students first need to have a certain
Nguyen, 2014). In particular, simulation of vocabulary to express their ideas, thoughts
educational games effectively motivates and feelings. Grammar plays an essential role
students, encourages communication, in helping students speak logical, context-
and trains critical thinking and problem- appropriate sentences. In addition, fluency
solving skills (Jung, 2006). can be defined as the ability to speak fluently
2.2. Application of technology in and accurately, making it easier for listeners
teaching and learning foreign languages and speakers to communicate and understand
each other (Quach, 2014). In addition,
It can be said that technology with
students need to master pronunciation
diverse and rich integrated tools are really
knowledge in aspects such as stress, rhythm
an effective means for language teaching
and intonation to avoid misunderstanding
(Dang, 2013). According to Davies &
between speakers and listeners. It can be said
Hewer (2012), locator and retrieval tools
that phonetic knowledge plays an important
can assist teachers in searching online
role in improving communication efficiency
for available learning materials through
(Rahman, 2010).
accessing different types of digital
resources such as e-books, photos, audio To achieve the goal of online
and video to support their preparation and foreign language teaching, teachers need
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 59
and learning English speaking skills online IV. Findings and discussion
by using both quantitative and qualitative 4.1. The real situation of teaching
approaches. The quantitative method was and learning English speaking skills
used to calculate the difficulties faced by online of the first-year students of
the first-year students of FOE, HOU when the Faculty of English, Hanoi Open
learning English speaking skill online. The University
qualitative method was used to generate
causes leading to the difficulties faced by In the period of globalization,
the first-year students of FOE, HOU when especially in the context of the current
learning English skill online. outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic,
online teaching is an inevitable trend. In
The participation of the study are recent years, the Faculty of English, Hanoi
12 lecturers and 210 first-year students at Open University has always focused
FOE, HOU. on applying information technology in
The instruments of the study are teaching English online, in line with
two questionnaires for lecturers and the innovation of teaching and learning
students, which are based on language methods in the direction of real competency
training. The first-year students of FOE,
teaching methods with the application of
HOU study the Skills for Success 3 practical
technology. The first set of questions in
textbook by authors Miles & Kristin (2019),
each questionnaire is designed to collect published by Oxford University. The class
information about the difficulties faced time is 2 credits and the self-study time
by teachers of FOE, HOU when applying is 4 credits. After completing the course,
technology to teach English speaking students will have mastered the basic
skills online for first-year students. The knowledge of speaking skills, including
second set of questions is designed to presenting and defending opinions, making
identify the difficulties faced by the first- short presentations, summarizing the main
year students of FOE, HOU when learning content just presented, giving a favorable
English speaking skills online. After the opinion, expressing feelings, etc.
questionnaire was administered, all data In the process of teaching English
on the difficulties of speaking online speaking skills online, lecturers of FOE,
were collected, tabulated, interpreted and HOU have actively applied assisted
statically analyzed. A MS Excel sheet was technology in lesson design, teaching
used to process the data and then the data organization, and interaction with students.
were analyzed with the help of Statistical This equips them with the basic knowledge
of English communication, summarizes
Package for the Social Science (SPSS) to
the content presented and expressed in
classify into types of the difficulties and
each specific situation. However, students
patterns of frequency levels. The study
have not been able to practise much due
results are used as a basis for the authors to the large class size. Instructors can only
to propose recommendations to improve correct errors and guide certain individuals
the quality of teaching and learning required to practise samples. In addition,
English speaking skills online for the the limited time for practising activities in
first-year students of FOE, HOU. class may focus mainly on the correction
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 61
to design lessons that are suitable for their facilities conditions do not meet the online
teaching goals. Another difficulty some learning environment; more than one in
teachers (29%) face when using learning ten of the lecturers and students (12%)
resources during online English speaking said that students’ abilities to access and
lessons is that the ability to use technology exploit open educational materials are still
has not kept pace with the requirements not high; one-tenth of the teachers and
of the technology. The lectures’ abilities students (10%) said that students lack
of using online teaching tools lead to low time to practise speaking English in class.
effectiveness of online education.
For the content of technology
For the content that uses teaching application with foreign language
technology and software to organize teaching teaching methods, more than three-
English speaking skills online, nearly quarters of the teachers (76%) participating
half of the surveyed lecturers (46%) said in the survey affirmed that teachers apply
that technology tools and software teaching technology to all activities of teaching
are not suitable for teaching and learning foreign languages: Behavioral, cognitive,
English speaking skills online. More cognitive-constructivist and cultural-
than a third of the lecturers (38%) have social orientations; nearly one in seventh
the opinion that testing, assessment and of the lecturers (14%) think that they apply
supervision are not really suitable. Nearly teaching technology tools in the cognitive-
a fifth of the lecturer (16%) said that the constructive direction, and one-tenth
students do not effectively learn English of the lecturers (10%) have the opinion
speaking skills online. that they apply technology in the same
For the content that uses email way, applying Socio-cultural approach to
systems, websites to communicate with teaching English speaking skills online to
students, nearly three-quarters of the the first-year students of FOE, HOU.
surveyed lecturers (72%) think that it is 4.3. Suggestions to improve the
difficult for the lecturers to control the effectiveness of teaching and learning
content of the open learning resource; more English speaking skills online for the
than one-fifth of lecturers (21%) consider first-year students of the Faculty of
themselves at risk of violating intellectual English, Hanoi Open University
property regulations and nearly one-
For content using learning resources
tenth of the lecturers (7%) have difficulty
to design online English speaking lessons
in ensuring the security of personal
information in cyberspace. In order to improve content using
learning resources to design online English
Regarding the content of the
speaking lessons for the first-year students
difficulties faced by the first-year students,
of FOE, HOU needs to synchronously
Hanoi Open University often face
build open educational resources, invest
when learning English speaking skills
in facilities, and foster human resources.
online, nearly half of the lecturers and
students (42%) think that the student’s First, HOU needs to have a policy of
self-confidence, motivation when building and developing open educational
communicating; more than a third of the resources in foreign language training in
lecturers and students (36%) think that the general and in English training to help
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 63
staff, lecturers inside and outside the regulations on the culture of collaboration,
university understand the benefits of using sharing and use of textbooks, lectures,
open educational resources in education and research projects with other lecturers
and training. and scientists on the application of online
Second, HOU needs to invest and English teaching technology tools with
build a modern technology infrastructure to the spirit of using open educational
ensure the requirements of English teaching, resources in online English training of
especially online English speaking skills, units throughout the university.
to create a practical learning environment Third, FOE, HOU should focus on
and multidimensional interaction. This is building a virtual learning environment
an important foundation for students to based on the two-way interactive learning
acquire knowledge and practise effective method, focusing on interaction in teaching
communication. and learning. Students will have a chance
Third, HOU needs to organize to be familiar with learning groups to have
training courses to build open educational high interaction and expand relationships
resources in English training online and with other students. As a result, students
apply technology tools in English language will develop an open mind, increase their
training for managers, educators, and capacities to analyze and solve problems.
lecturers. In the first stage, HOU needs to For the content that uses email
assign a fundamental training unit to build systems, websites to communicate with
open educational resources and replicate it students
for the rest of the training units within the First, in the teaching process,
university in the following stages. lecturers need to increase interaction
For the content that uses teaching with students through the network, email
technology and software to organize system to promptly grasp the students’
teaching English speaking skills online sense of learning, learning methods
First, FOE, HOU needs to have a and difficulties. Regularly assigning
strategy to build a network of professional assignments and tasks to students and
groups, including teaching English assessing students’ performances of those
pronunciation groups, enlarging English tasks will support students effectively in
vocabulary groups, developing English their study process.
communication skills groups etc. These Second, teachers need to actively
groups are ideal places for the teachers innovate teaching methods to develop
and students to exchange ideas and learners’ communication ability through the
interests. On that basis, students can application of teaching technology tools to
confidently demonstrate their English develop students’ speaking skills. Through
capacities. Besides, FOE also needs a authentic conversations, teachers need to
team of qualified technicians to support guide students to use language to achieve
teachers and students in teaching and real communication goals to improve
learning English online. teaching and learning effectiveness.
Second, FOE, HOU should actively Third, teachers need to use cognitive
consult HOU to establish a system of approaches with images and videos in online
64 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion
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Author address: Faculty of English - Hanoi
and How they can Contribute to Language
Open University
Learning and Teaching. Slough: Thames
Valley University. Email: [email protected]
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