Mapping Global Grassland Dynamics 2000-2022 At30m Spatial Resolution Using Spatiotemporalmachine Learning
Mapping Global Grassland Dynamics 2000-2022 At30m Spatial Resolution Using Spatiotemporalmachine Learning
Mapping Global Grassland Dynamics 2000-2022 At30m Spatial Resolution Using Spatiotemporalmachine Learning
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1 OpenGeoHub Foundation, Doorwerth, The Netherlands
2 Land & Carbon Lab, World Resources Institute, Washington DC, USA
3 Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory (LAPIG/UFG), Goiânia, Brazil
4 Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen,
13 The Netherlands
5 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
6 German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
7 Institute of Geosciences and Geography, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany
8 Institute of Biology, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
* corresponding author(s): Leandro Parente ([email protected])
The paper describes the production and evaluation of global grassland dynamics mapped annually for 2000-2022 at 30 m
spatial resolution. The dataset showing the spatiotemporal distribution of cultivated and natural/semi-natural grassland classes
was produced by using GLAD Landsat ARD-2 image archive, accompanied by climatic, landform and proximity covariates,
spatiotemporal machine learning (per-class Random Forest) and over 2.3M reference samples (visually interpreted in Very
High Resolution imagery). Custom probability thresholds (based on five-fold spatial cross-validation) were used to derive
dominant class maps with balanced precision and recall values, 0.64 and 0.75 for cultivated and natural/semi-natural grassland,
respectively. The produced maps (about 4 TB in size) are available under an open data license as Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs
and as Google Earth Engine assets. The suggested uses of data include (1) integration with other compatible land cover
products and (2) tracking the intensity and drivers of conversion of land to cultivated grasslands and from natural / semi-natural
grasslands into other land use systems.
60 Methods
61 Our mapping framework, shown in Fig. 1, was based on multiple Earth Observation (EO) data such as GLAD Landsat ARD-2
62 [19], MOD11A2 [20], MCD19A2 [21], digital terrain model derivatives and distance maps of accessibility, roads, and water.
63 To train the models, we used more than 2.3M reference samples visually interpreted in Very High Resolution (VHR) images
64 (i.e. Google Maps and Bing Maps). Two independent spatiotemporal machine learning (ML) models [22] were used to predict
65 each grassland class (i.e. cultivated grassland and natural/semi-natural grassland) over multiple years on a global scale. We
66 produced predictions for all years from 2000 to 2022, resulting in a time series of global probability maps for cultivated and
67 natural/semi-natural grassland at 30 m spatial resolution. Both probabilities were used to derive an integrated dominant class of
68 grasslands, considering a custom global threshold per class. The exact methodological steps are described in the following
69 sections.
Figure 1. The GPW grassland mapping framework encompasses general processing workflows, key inputs and outputs, and a
feedback loop to improve future versions of the global maps.
73 We used FSCS to generate 10,000 sample tiles (i.e. 1×1 km) distributed across the World. We used 87 input layers for FSCS,
74 shown in Table 1, restricted by a short vegetation mask that includes all pixels mapped as mosaic, shrubland, grassland, and
75 sparse vegetation in at least one year from 1993 to 2021 (i.e. 13 land cover classes described in Table S1), according to the
76 ESA/CCI global land cover time-series [24].
77 In practice, the FSCS steps include:
Table 1. Input layers for the Feature Space Coverage Sampling (FSCS). All layers were resampled to 1 km by average and
filtered by a short vegetation mask based on ESA/CCI global land cover maps [24]. The long-term derivatives were calculated
considering the entire time period and a specific month (e.g. all Januaries from 2000 to 2021).
Theme Product Variable Time period
of layers
GLO-90 Copernicus
Terrain Elevation 2011 and 2015 1
Digital Elevation Model [25]
Terrain Geomorpho90m [26] Slope 2018 1
MODIS Long-term median EVI (all months) 12
Vegetation index 2000 to 2021
MOD13Q1 v061 [27] Long-term std. deviation EVI (all months) 12
Long-term median day time LST (all months) 12
Land MODIS Long-term std. day time LST (all months) 12
2000 to 2021
Temperature MOD11A2 v061 [20] Long-term median night-time LST (all months) 12
Long-term std. night time LST (all months) 12
Climate CHELSA time-series [28] Long-term mean precipitation (all months) 1981 to 2018 12
Water JRC Global Surface Water [29] Water occurrence 1984 to 2018 1
Total number of layers 87
92 Bing API. A total of 2,995 tiles were discarded due to a lack of suitable VHR images, predominately occurring in regions with
93 latitudes higher than 60.5 degrees north.
101 • Cultivated grassland includes areas where grasses and other forage plants have been intentionally planted and managed,
102 as well as areas of native grassland-type vegetation where they clearly exhibit active and ’heavy’ management for specific
103 human-directed uses, such as directed grazing of livestock. Many natural/semi-natural landscapes exist on a human
104 intervention gradient, which is assumed by our criteria to initially be indicated by the presence of livestock-related
105 infrastructure such as fencing and watering points. As interventions become more intensive through time, practices such
106 as regular seeding, ploughing, mowing, fertilization, controlled grazing, and sometimes irrigation, aimed at enhancing
107 productivity and maintaining the desired vegetation cover, start to become visible and/or implied by the visual character
108 of the landscape. In general, the nonexclusive criteria applied to this class can be approximated from Table 2,
109 • Natural/semi-natural grassland includes relatively undisturbed native grasslands/short-height vegetation, such as
110 steppes and tundra, as well as areas that have experienced varying degrees of human activity in the past. These grasslands
111 may contain a mix of native and introduced species due to historical land use and natural processes. In general, they
112 exhibit natural-looking patterns of varied vegetation and clearly ordered hydrological relationships throughout the
113 landscape. This class also includes land that may have become degraded due to overuse or mismanagement but is not
114 currently under intensive restoration or active management. Semi-natural areas may still have minimal active management
115 and low-intensity practices such as periodic burning or episodic grazing under human direction to maintain the current
116 grassy state or as part of arid or semi-arid transhumance practices. In general, the nonexclusive criteria applied to this
117 class can be approximated from Table 2,
118 • Other land cover includes all other classes of land cover and land use, including, but not limited to, water bodies, rivers,
119 snow, permanent ice, built-up areas, forest, annual crops (e.g. soybean, maize), perennial crops (e.g. coffee), bare ground,
120 rocky outcrops, and wetlands. The definitions of the criteria may vary according to the types of LULC classes. Generally,
121 we considered everything that does not fit into the other two classes as Other land cover.
122 Our reference labelling criteria were re-evaluated and refined through iterative discussions involving the GPW team, and
123 may be actively fed by external analysts/users bringing additional cultural and regional expert knowledge, systematically
124 contributing for improvements in our grassland reference samples.
Table 2. Visual interpretation criteria used in the reference labeling protocol. Short-range variation refers to distances of 10s
to 100s of meters, while long-range variation covers areas beyond 1 km, encompassing a 9 km² landscape context.
Figure 2. Spatial distribution of tiles with available information (Single, 2 or more years) and examples of raw interpreted and
converted to points for training the prediction models
Table 3. Datasets of pre-existing reference samples harmonized to our classification taxonomy.
Number of
Datasets Spatial distribution Time period
individual samples
WorldCereal [33] Global 2016–2021 36,427,760
EuroCrops [34] Europe 2018–2021 13,484,591
MapBiomas Brazil [17] Brazil 2000–2018 1,103,003
GLanCE [18] Global 2000–2021 8,374,634
Land Use/Land Cover
Europe 2006–2018 989,892
Area Frame Survey (LUCAS [35])
Land Change Monitoring,
U.S. (CONUS) 2000–2018 341,943
Assessment, and Projection (LCMap [36])
G-GLOPS training dataset [37] Global 2021 8,269,554
Total 66,991,467
129 an independent binary classification model per grassland class, we kept only point samples with the 100% class proportion in our reference
130 set, aiming for predictions based on distinct classes.
131 For point samples visually interpreted in two years (i.e. different reference dates for Bing Maps and Google Maps), we implemented a
132 data augmentation approach to increase the number of samples in consecutive years in our model. Every point sample with the same class
133 according to Bing Maps and Google Maps, and less than 5 years of time difference, was replicated in all intermediate years. For example, a
134 point sample of cultivated grassland in 2010, according to Google Maps, and in 2014, according to Bing Maps, was replicated in 2011, 2012
135 and 2013. Assuming a minimum rotation period of 5 years for crops and grasslands [31], this approach resulted in approximately 300,000
136 additional samples, mostly located in Europe, the U.S., India and South America.
137 The point samples were filtered considering the disagreement between our reference classes and three global land cover products (i.e.
138 UMD GLAD GLCLUC [13], GLC_FCS30D [15] and ESA WorldCover 2020 [14]), from which we obtained the mapped classes for multiple
139 years (i.e. 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020). All samples of cultivated grassland and natural/semi-natural grassland mapped as urban areas,
140 forest, cropland, water, snow, or wetlands were removed by at least two global products in two years. Likewise, all samples of other land
141 cover predicted as grassland, short vegetation or herbaceous by at least two global products across two years were removed (for the filtering
142 rules details, see table S3). This process removed 75,129 points (i.e. about 3% of the total), improving the overall quality of our training
143 data (specifically for augmented samples with crop-grassland rotation period less than 5 years) and resulting in 2,353,785 point samples
144 distributed across the time series 2000–2022 (see figures S1 and S2).
154 GLAD Landsat ARD-2
155 The primary EO data input for our spatiotemporal modeling was the global Landsat Analysis Ready Data developed by the Global Land
156 Analysis and Discovery Lab at the University of Maryland (GLAD ARD) [19]. GLAD ARD provides a 16-day time series of tiled Landsat
157 normalized surface reflectance from 1997 onward. The entire Landsat 5, 7, 8, and 9 Collection 2 USGS data archive was used to produce
158 the data set [38]. The Landsat data processing algorithm included per-pixel observation quality assessment, reflectance normalization, and
159 anisotropy correction. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) MOD44C surface reflectance product was used as a
160 normalization target for a single-step reflectance bias and anisotropy correction. Each 16-day composite includes the best quality observation
161 and contains eight spectral bands (i.e. blue, green, red, Near-infrared — NIR, Short-wave infrared 1 — SWIR1, Short-wave infrared 2 —
162 SWIR2, and thermal) and a quality assessment band that flags clouds, cloud shadows, snow/ice, haze, water, and clear-sky land. Since
163 our reference samples are sparsely distributed over time, we decided to use GLAD ARD instead of the USGS Landsat collection to take
164 advantage of the consistent pixel values across different Landsat systems over the years, improving the temporal generalization of our models
165 and reducing the need of sampling all mapped periods.
170 1. Removal of all pixels classified as cloud, cloud shadow, haze, cloud buffer, shadow buffer and shadow high likelihood according to
171 quality assessment band (mask values: 3,4,7,8,9,10);
172 2. Conversion of pixel values to 8-bit by linear normalization, resulting in values ranging from 0 to 250;
173 3. Temporal aggregation of all clear-sky pixels for a 2-month period using a weighted average by cloud_cover (estimated for each
174 date and tile);
175 4. The remaining data gaps were imputed using time-series reconstruction, relying solely on clear-sky pixels acquired on previous dates
176 (e.g. gaps in Jan–Feb, 2002 composite considered clear-sky pixels of 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001). The imputed values were
177 derived using Seasonally Weighted Average Generalization (SWAG), which applied a vector of weights that prioritized pixel values
178 from the same bi-month period and previous years over those from neighboring regions or different bi-month periods [39].
195 deviation for both daytime and nighttime temperatures on a monthly basis. This processing yielded a total of 48 input features for our
196 modelling. We also used MODIS water vapor data, specifically MCD19A2, which captures column water vapour above the ground using
197 near-IR bands. We aggregated the daily product into monthly composites, calculating the mean and standard deviation of positive, non-cloudy
198 observations. The remaining no-data values were imputed using a gap-filling algorithm; for more detailed information on the methodology
199 and data processing steps, refer to the Zenodo entry Parente et al. [48], and Consoli et al. [39].
237 Table S6, were selected for each ML algorithm.
238 The comparison used the training set and the five-fold spatial blocking CV to estimate accuracy metrics adequate for probability output
239 (i.e. R2 logloss [62] and precision-recall curves [63]) for RF, GBT and ANN. For each algorithm, five ML models were trained using 80%
240 of samples (i.e. one fold) and 20% for validation in each iteration, resulting in an out-of-the-fold prediction for all samples. The blocking
241 strategy kept all samples from the same tile (i.e. 1×1 km) either in training or validation set, reducing the spatial correlation between both sets
242 and allowing for a more strict evaluation of the error estimate [64]. This analysis excluded the interpolated point samples. The best model
243 according to R2 logloss (i.e. highest value) was used to train two global models considering all points samples (i.e. 2,353,785 samples) and 102
244 features (i.e. union of the best-selected features — see Table S5). The global models were then used to predict (worldwide) cultivated and
245 natural/semi-natural grassland for all years of the time series.
278 7. End of time reference: date of last Landsat composite used by the modeling (20221231)
279 8. Spatial extent: global (go)
280 9. Coordinate system: World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS (epsg.4326)
281 10. Version: v1
282 The COG files were uploaded to an S3 service, consuming a total of 4 terabytes of storage. They are publicly accessible through STAC
283 by HTTP range requests, enabling seamless and lazy loading access by GIS solutions (e.g. Quantum GIS, MapServer, GeoServer, etc)
284 and programming environments (e.g. JupyterLab, RStudio, etc). They are also accessible via Google Earth Engine and the
285 platforms.
Table 4. Comparison of ML algorithms derived by five-fold spatial blocking CV using 2,122,357 points samples. The
probability thresholds were defined based on a precision-recall curve aiming to maximise the F1 score
295 The accuracy matrix, derived using the probability thresholds shown in Table 4, presented higher accuracies for natural/semi-natural
296 grassland than cultivated grassland (see Table 5). The class other land cover had values greater than 0.90 in all accuracy metrics. In addition
297 to the massive number of points samples and robustness of the spatial blocking CV [64, 70] and sampling design (i.e. FSCS), the current
298 accuracy was based on 7,005 tiles where we had VHR imagery available for the labeling process. Tiles without reference labels might have
299 very specific grassland dynamics that have not been captured by our models and accuracy assessment. Furthermore, our reference data are
300 quite sparse in time, with 40% of tiles having a single year available for visual interpretation, and most of the samples obtained in 2009–2014
301 and 2019–2022 for Bing and Google Maps, respectively (see Fig. S2). This temporal sparsity makes inferences based on sample-based
302 annual areas currently not possible for our grassland classes, even that considering all years, the proportion of cultivated grassland and
303 natural/semi-natural grassland together reaches 32% (see Fig. S1).
304 To overcome these issues, work is ongoing to independently validate output layers (led by IIASA) based on a new set of reference
305 samples and a different group of analysts, following the good practices of evaluation for LULC products [71]. Visual interpretation has been
306 conducted on the Geo-Wiki platform considering the current class definitions/criteria and multiple satellite imagery to address the temporal
307 sparsity (e.g. Google Maps, Bing Maps, Landsat and Sentinel) [72]. This validation helps assess and measure concrete improvements in
308 the next versions of grassland maps since we can reinterpret our current training samples based on feedback and local knowledge without
Figure 3. Global grassland maps for 2000 and 2022 including dominant class and probabilities for cultivated and
natural/semi-natural grassland. 13/28
309 changing the independent validation samples. Additionally, we will evaluate the quality of our CV assessment, measuring how well our ML
310 models will perform on a new set of reference samples.
311 Feature importance of our RF models shows that SWIR1 is the most important Landsat band for identifying cultivated grassland, with
312 the highest importance for all bi-monthly periods (see Fig. 4a). The green and red bands, together with NDTI (Normalized Difference tillage
313 Index), are also important Landsat features and probably contribute to the distinction of cultivated grassland and croplands. The long-term
314 MODIS water vapor (December and February) and the MODIS daytime temperature (October and September) are the only coarser resolution
315 layers (i.e. 1 km) among the top-15 most important features. For natural/semi-natural grassland, eight of the 15 features are coarser resolution
316 layers, including several city accessibility maps [53], which are probably contributing to the identification of remote grassland areas (e.g.
317 nature reserves, semi-arid grasslands, tundra ecosystems). Nevertheless, red is the most important Landsat band for distinguishing this class
318 of grasslands, specifically the May to December (i.e. four bi-monthly periods — see Fig. 4b) seem to help the predictive mapping especially.
Landsat ARD-2 SWIR1 (Sep. & Oct.) Landsat ARD-2 red (Nov. & Dec.)
Landsat ARD-2 SWIR1 (May. & Jun.) Landsat ARD-2 red (Jul. & Aug.)
Landsat ARD-2 SWIR1 (Jan. & Feb.) Cities accessibility maps (20—50k pop.)
Landsat ARD-2 SWIR1 (Mar. & Apr.) Cities accessibility maps (10—20k pop.)
Landsat ARD-2 SWIR1 (Nov. & Dec.) Cities accessibility maps (1—5M pop.)
Landsat ARD-2 green (May. & Jun.) Landsat ARD-2 FAPAR (May. & Jun.)
Landsat ARD-2 red (Jul. & Aug.) MCD19A2 long-term water vapour mean (Sep.)
Landsat ARD-2 green (Jul. & Aug.) Cities accessibility maps (50k—50M pop.)
MCD19A2 long-term water vapour mean (Dec.) Landsat ARD-2 red (Sep. & Oct.)
MOD11A2 long-term day-time temperature mean (Oct.) Cities accessibility maps (50—100K pop.)
Landsat ARD-2 NDTI (Sep. & Oct.) Cities accessibility maps (100—200K pop.)
MCD19A2 long-term water vapour mean (Feb.) Landsat ARD-2 NDWI (Jul. & Aug.)
Landsat ARD-2 NDTI (May. & Jun.) Cities accessibility maps (500K—1M pop.)
MOD11A2 long-term day-time temperature mean (Sep.) MCD19A2 long-term water vapour mean (Aug.)
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Importance Importance
Figure 4. Top-15 most important features according to our global RF models for: (a) cultivated grassland, and (b)
natural/semi-natural grassland.
Table 5. Accuracy matrix for the final RF models estimated by five-fold spatial blocking CV using 2,122,357 points samples.
The precision and recall were balanced considering the probability threshold 0.32 and 0.42 for cultivated grassland and natural
/ semi-natural grass, respectively.
333 classification taxonomies [35]. The lowest accuracy values were obtained in Africa, and it is probably related to the widespread disagreement
334 among existing LULC datasets in the continent [75].
335 Considering the wide temporal coverage of GLanCE, we used it to conduct an annual agreement assessment of our dominant class maps.
336 Since its temporal distribution is not regular across the time series (with several samples having class labels for one to three years), this
337 analyze considered only samples with 10 or more years labeled between 2000–2018. We notice a minor increase in precision (i.e. 0.9394 and
338 0.931 on average for smoothed and non-smoothed probabilities, respectively) followed by a minor decrease in recall (i.e. 0.7410 and 0.7449 in
339 average for smoothed and non-smoothed probabilities, respectively) due to SG (Fig. 6). Combined with a visual assessment of probabilities,
340 this confirms that SG increases the spatiotemporal consistency of our predictions without significantly changing their accuracy. The accuracy
341 metrics remain stable throughout the years and show higher precision (i.e. user’s accuracy) than recall (producer’s accuracy) across all years,
342 revealing a systematic omission error (i.e. false negatives), rather than a commission error (i.e. false positives). This can be partially attributed
343 to the establishment of balanced probability thresholds independently for each class, which does not ensure comparable precision and recall
344 values for the combined classes. Compared to the naive threshold, on the other hand, (i.e. 0.5) the balanced thresholds increased the f1 score
345 by 0.1241 and recall by 0.1892, on average, while decreased the precision by 0.0369, on average (see Fig. S3). Additional strategies and
346 applications for grassland probability maps are discussed in further sections.
Grassland agreement assessment
GLANCE (South America)
GLANCE (Global)
Harmonized reference samples MapBiomas (Brazil)
GLANCE (Oceania)
GLANCE (North America)
CGLS-LC (Global)
GLANCE (Europe)
EuroCrops (Europe)
WorldCereal (Global)
LUCAS (Europe)
GLANCE (Africa)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
F1 score Precision Recall
Figure 5. Agreement assessment of grassland class (i.e. cultivated and natural/semi-natural grassland combined) based on
harmonized existing reference datasets and and sorted ascending by f1 score.
357 class (71% for cultivated and 78% for natural/semi-natural), with croplands (16% for cultivated) and with wet short vegetation (16% for
358 natural/semi-natural). Confusion between cultivated grassland and croplands is expected, as these classes may have very similar spectral-
359 temporal responses in EO imagery [76, 33]) and overlapping taxonomies (e.g. hay is a type of grass that is planted but falls outside our
360 definition of cultivated grasslands). The comparison between GLC_FC30 and our grassland classes revealed that most of the overlap occurs
361 with grasslands (24% for cultivated and 27% for natural/semi-natural), rainfed cropland (21% for cultivated), herbaceous cover cropland
362 (27% for cultivated), shrubland (11% for cultivated and 22% for natural/semi-natural), and sparse vegetation (21% for natural/semi-natural).
363 There was unexpected overlap between grassland and forest (14% for cultivated and 12% for natural/semi-natural).
364 However, comparison between our predictions and 30 m products time-series of land cover is limited because our grassland classes are
365 defined based on the use and overlap of 3+ classes (e.g. grassland, shrubland, short vegetation) in either of the two LULC legends. The only
366 global grassland products we can compare with our predictions are coarse resolution, such the 10 km pasture map of the world for the year
367 2000 [9] and the HILDA+ distribution of pasture/rangeland and unmanaged grass/shrubland at 1 km resolution [10] (see Fig. 7). Comparing
368 our predictions of cultivated grassland, in general, shows a good match, especially with the global pastureland map by Ramankutty et al., [9];
369 when looking more closely, it seems that the previous products miss some smaller patches where we are certain they can be classified as
370 pastures, but were probably difficult to distinguish from other cropland similar to them or were just too small for resolution of 1 km.
371 A comparison between HILDA+ and our grassland predictions reveals similar patterns of overlap as described above; however, in
372 this case, we also wanted to assess if there are grassland areas that we are missing (as demonstrated by the accuracy assessment based
373 on the GLANCE training dataset) and found that 11% and 12% of our other land cover class fall within areas classified in HILDA + as
374 pasture/rangeland and unmanaged grass/shrubland, respectively. Moreover, 6% of our other land cover class falls within the pasture class
Grassland agreement assessment based on GLANCE training dataset
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
200 200 200 200 200 201 201 201 201 201
F1 score (SG) Precision (SG) Recall (SG)
F1 score (No-SG) Precision (No-SG) Recall (No-SG)
Figure 6. Agreement assessment of grassland class (i.e. cultivated and natural/semi-natural grassland combined) based on
GLANCE training dataset. The GLANCE classes grassland (12), shrub (10) and moss/lichen (13) were reclassified to grassland
for matching with our legend. All metrics were derived for smoothed probabilities (i.e. Savitzky-golay - SG) and non-smoothed
(i.e. No-SG) considering balanced thresholds of 0.32 and 0.42 for cultivated and natural/semi-natural grassland, respectively.
375 for the year 2000 of Ramankutty et al. [9] map. While some of this overlap can be explained by the difference in spatial resolution between
376 the two products (30 m vs 10 km), some of it is due to the under-prediction of the extent of grasslands in our product. On the other hand,
377 because our analysis is not limited to pasturelands, the extent of our natural grasslands far exceeds the extent of pasturelands as reported by
378 Ramankutty et al. [9].
Figure 7. Comparision of pastureland distribution map produced by Ramankutty et al. (2008) [9], land cover classes at 1 km
resolution based on HILDA+ data set [10], and our predictions for cultivated and natural / semi-natural grassland at 30 m
resolution focused in: A) Kazakhstan, B) Australia, C) Uruguay, D) Ireland / UK and E) South West Africa.
393 independent accuracy assessment paired with the visual comparison with existing land cover products have shown that, most likely, the maps
394 for dominant classes are providing a conservative estimate for global grassland areas. Users of dominant class maps should additionally note
395 that our global thresholds were derived from ~70% of total tiles (i.e. 1×1 km) determined by our sampling design and may not cover specific
396 grassland regions where VHR imagery was not available. Additionally, our predictions were based on independent ML models, which treated
397 each class separately and resulted in several grassland areas mapped simultaneously as cultivated and natural/semi-natural after applying the
398 balanced probability threshold (See Fig. 8). As natural/semi-natural grasslands reached a higher accuracy than cultivated grassland, pixels
399 that reached the required threshold in both classes were assigned the natural/semi-natural class over the cultivated one, which additionally
400 assumes a position in line with the precautionary principle for monitoring global natural/semi-natural grasslands [77].
401 Our mapping strategy has the main aim of providing probabilities that allow the production of customized maps of dominant grassland
402 classes (as demonstrated in the current study) and empower users to define their own decision and integration rules (e.g. probability threshold,
403 class priority, other land cover masks). For example, a user interested in South African grasslands can select a specific probability threshold
404 based on national reference samples, prioritize cultivated over natural/semi-natural grasslands and mask areas mapped as cropland by existing
405 land cover maps. In this way, the global maps provided here constitute an integral component of a broader framework led by GPW focusing
406 on grassland, pastures, and livestock monitoring. Some of the potential uses identified in project conception which are aimed to serve a wide
407 range of organizations and user communities at global, national, and local scale, include the following:
408 • Precision-recall calibration: Reference grassland samples, including in-situ data, can be used to estimate precision-recall curves for
409 target areas (e.g. watersheds, biomes, administrative areas), enabling the development and use of locally calibrated thresholds. Such
410 local probability thresholds would necessarily differ from those found in our global analysis (i.e. 0.38 for Cultivated grassland and
411 0.42 for Natural/Semi-natural grassland), and are likely to result in grassland maps which more accurately reflect the target local area.
412 In addition to balancing precision and recall, other criteria could be used to define the threshold, minimizing the error of omission, for
413 example, based on the Murashkin et al. [78] method.
414 • Area estimation calibration: Known or estimated quantities of cultivated grassland and natural/semi-natural grassland in an
415 administrative area, for example, through reports or census results, can be used to derive thresholds that explicitly enforce correct and
416 spatial class proportions. Recent findings suggest that this can be done in a way that actually modestly improves overall map accuracy,
417 especially in parts of the map where classes are mixed or atypical in the feature space [79], which might be particularly useful to
418 match grazing areas with livestock census records in the context of the Gridded Livestock of the World product [80].
419 • Land cover primitives: Combined with other land cover products, probability maps can be used as “primitives”/ which are considered
420 as building blocks for the construction of ensemble land cover products. “Primitives” represent raw information needed to make
421 decisions within a dichotomous key applied to land cover typologies, and recent findings have shown consistent and promising
422 results through an implementation that assumes RF probabilities as land cover primitives [81]. In addition to probabilities, dominant
423 land cover classes from existing products (e.g. GLanCE30 [82], GLC FCS30 [83], MapBiomas [17]) can be used as “primitives” if
424 converted to indicators (i.e. binary rasters); weighted by expert-based rules and averaged by standardization fractions that sum up
425 100% amongst all inputs. Although this possibility can take advantage of several land cover products in a holistic and multi-scale way;
426 the process of legend harmonization amongst the classes might constitute an undefined source of uncertainty and requires further
427 investigation.
Figure 8. Examples of predicted probabilities for cultivated and natural/semi-natural grassland in A) Paraguay (-22.2377,
-60.4928); B) Scotland - UK (55.9314, -2.5397); C) Democratic Republic of the Congo — DRC (-7.6433, 23.6100); D)
Kazakhstan (50.8612, 57.8807); and E) Australia (-25.6407, 146.6135). Landsat ARD-2 images are shown as false colour
composite (NIR, SWIR-1 and red) for the year of grassland predictions, highlighting healthy vegetation in bright green, sturdy
vegetation beams in bright red and soils with a mauve. The composites are from Mar. & Apr. (all years) in A) Paraguay and B)
Scotland; Mar. & Apr. 2002 and Nov. & Dec. 2012 in C) DRC; Aug. & Sep. 2015 and May. & Jun. 2020 in D) Kazakhstan;
and May & Jun. 2006 and Mar. & Apr 2017 in E) Australia.
Figure 9. Our predictions of probabilities for cultivated grassland for 2000, 2010 and 2020 at 30 m spatial resolution (below)
for an area in Brazil (close to Serra Morena) as compared to the Google Time lapse images (above); based on the AirbusMaxar
Technologies high resolution images.
434 probabilities) but not in cultivated grassland predictions. The same issue appears in the arid and hyperarid landscapes of northern Africa and
435 the Arabian Peninsula, where herbaceous croplands (irrigated pivot agriculture), mixed crop-livestock systems, and tree crops are misclassified
436 as cultivated grasslands. These regions also presented some cultivated grassland artefacts in the predictions, especially alongside roads
437 and urban areas. Sudan, Niger, Uganda, Kenya, and Mali have several cropland areas with high probability values for natural/semi-natural
438 grassland, which corroborates the lower accuracy values in Africa found by our assessment of agreement (Fig. 5). It is considered that
439 additional regional expertise in the training samples are required in these regions in particular. In the state of Western Australia, New Zealand,
440 the center of Bolivia, and the state of Mato Grosso (Brazil), it appears that large cropland areas are misclassified as cultivated grasslands
441 suggesting that that attention to the temporal component of grassland /cropland rotation could yield improved accuracy. Specifically, in
442 eastern Madagascar, extensive areas of shifting agriculture have high values for cultivated grassland probabilities — this is probably partially
443 correct and influenced by the regional cultural knowledge of the visual interpreters.
444 Our predictions for cultivated grasslands presented high probability values for what is more likely considered extensive areas of
445 natural/semi-natural grassland in some regions, including western Ireland (through length of grassland persistence rather than potential natural
446 vegetation) and Kazakhstan; south of Russia; eastern Mongolia; parts of Uruguay; Drakensberg mountains (South Africa); south-western
447 Caucasus and adjacent North-Eastern Turkey; Sumba Island (Indonesia); Barkly Tablelands of Australia’s Northern Territory; western African
448 Sahel belt; Northern Papua New Guinea and North-Eastern Nicaragua. However, prioritizing natural/semi-natural classes over cultivated
Annual probability maps (2000—2022) Annual probability maps (2000—2022)
(a) (b)
Cultivated grassland Natural / semi-natural grassland Cultivated grassland Natural / semi-natural grassland
Match grazing area and number Derive land cover primitives including ESA WorldCover
of livestock animals. indicators, fractions and quality flag 2020+ (12)
Area-adjustment downscaling
(preserving total sums) GLC_FCS30D
1985–2022 (35)
Active grazing areas at 30-m Livestock density at 1-km Ensemble Land Cover product
(annual maps 2000–2022) (annual maps 2000–2022) (15 harmonized classes 2000–2022+)
2001–2019 (10)
Figure 10. Future GPW applications for the produced grassland probability maps: (a) to delineate for example active grazing
areas matching with census estimates and help produce more reasonable livestock density maps [80], (b) to help produce global
time-series of ensemble land cover products harmonizing and combining multiple existing products (Esa WorldCover [14]
UMD GLAD GLCLUC [13], GLC FCS30 [83] and GLanCE30 [82]).
449 grassland solved this issue in several of the regions mentioned, indicating that the visual interpretation criteria relying on human management
450 indicators, particularly in terms of visible animal infrastructure; may require additional cultural expertise to adjust to various grassland
451 contexts across the world. Specifically in western Ireland, the natural/semi-natural grassland predictions presented low probability values, and
452 most of the grassland was classified as cultivated. Despite the likely biome state of Ireland for pre-human intervention being dominantly
453 forest with large animal induced clearings, the training data exlicitely contained no such historical information. This indicates either an
454 implicit expectation in the training data related to biophysical conditions, or, more likely, the high density of cities in the region, which affects
455 the accessibility maps of cities, a quite important feature / spatial layer of the RF model specialized in natural/semi-natural grassland (see
456 Fig. 4).
457 In general, we believe that the grassland extent is under-predicted in southeastern Africa (mainly in Zimbabwe and Mozambique) as well
458 as eastern Australia (mainly in the shrublands and woodlands of the Mulga ecoregion), due to the presentation of low probability values
459 for both grassland classes. On the other hand, over-prediction is apparent in extensive areas with high values of cultivated grassland in
460 intensively grazed areas with partially lost woody vegetation in the Western African Sahel belt, the Northern-Central African savanna-desert
461 transition zone (Eastern Chad/Western Sudan), farmland mosaics in North-Eastern Uganda’s savanna/grassland region, Eastern Madagascar’s
462 deforested East Coast, and non-cultivated (low-input) pastures in deforested regions of the Selva Maya (Chiapas, Petén) and Amazonian
463 deforestation frontiers. Such over- and under-predictions are not trivial to resolve in the face of RF as a complex and often obscure prediction
464 system, as we are not sure these outcomes happen because of extrapolation problems, noise/limited detectability in the Landsat images, fuzzy
465 definition of grassland classes, or simply a lack of training points in these areas. Our best approach moving forward is to simply increase
466 the representation of regional cultural knowledge in these areas and assess the accuracy of outcomes against a gathering of socio-cultural
467 knowledge. Ultimately it is the utility of products, rather than the particular method or mapping accuracy, which out to be the judge of utility.
468 Nevertheless, we can reasonably assume that some of these issues are related to very similar values of two or more classes in the feature
469 space (limited detectability in Landsat images), where our ML models did not allow separation among areas with distinct LULC dynamics as
470 embodied in our visually interpreted training dataset. It appears that intensively managed grasslands, with high homogeneity under many
471 conditions, have a high chance of being confused with other classes that have very similar spectral properties, such as urban mosaics (i.e.
472 buildings, sparse trees and grass fields with different densities) or (greenish) croplands with similar vegetation height and spatial configuration
473 (such as cereal crops [76, 33]). Less intensively cultivated grasslands, where more diverse plant species can be found and where the landscape
474 may not be very regular, are easily confused with grasslands that are not cultivated or (semi) natural herbaceous vegetation, in general [75]. In
475 addition, the spectral signal of cultivated grasslands can not be as clearly distinguished from natural/semi-natural grassland as it could be
476 from croplands, where there are clear breaks in vegetation growth in cases where multi-temporal clear-sky images are available [84].
477 The distinction between cultivated and natural/semi-natural grasslands has been notoriously difficult to map in the past [85, 16, 17], which
478 has also affected our reference data collection and harmonization process. Hence, our reference labelling protocol relied on more indirect
479 indicators of management, such as fences and other typical infrastructure, hay bales, machine presence, and even animal presence in the field
480 or geometric shapes of the landscape. This may lead to an underestimation of signs of cultivation that may be less intensive or where VHR
481 imagery was not available at the time of management practices. Regarding our harmonization process, the description or labelling among
482 different datasets is a limiting factor. Since we analyzed samples from a wide range of sources, all with their own ontological definitions and
483 classification taxonomy, harmonization was possible only based on rough estimations. Even when acknowledging language and conceptual
484 differences; some fundamental differences between scientific domains/schools of thought/cultural views may also result in ambiguous terms
485 or descriptions. For example, while it may be called “rangeland” in the U.S., the same concept would be called “pasture” in Europe, while a
486 “pastagem” (the literal translation of ’pasture’) would be regarded as a cultivated grassland in Brazil. Often, the finer distinctions of how
487 dataset creators perceive and interpret mental concepts whilst creating the training dataset, is missing from their fundamental description,
488 making it harder for downstream applications to form a proper semantic match across many datasets. Due to these challenges, we have
489 attempted to be as clear and as transparent as possible in our visual interpretation criteria and to plan for active inclusion of regional cultural
490 knowledge.
491 One possible way to resolve such semantic/ontological issues is through international registers where land cover and land use class-
492 es/systems are unequivocally specified and illustrated with decision trees and photographs accompanied by multi-lingual descriptions.
493 However, for this, the international community would have not just to provide such context, but to also have to agree on some thresholds
494 and recommendations, such as the minimum number of livestock units per ha in relation to productivity, the minimum number of years
495 under some land use system, the duration of fallow periods, and a list of recommended indicator species for cultivated grasslands with the
496 presumption of multi-spectral imaging becoming widely available. Disregarding such forward looking assertions, our predicted grassland
497 distribution for 2000–2022 aims to become an integral component of a broader framework of monitoring products to be produced by GPW
498 and will also include aspects of grassland management, condition and emissions. The data set presented here is the first essential step toward
499 these future products, serving as both a pioneering demonstration and a foundation for ongoing refinements.
500 Users need to be aware of the limitations of our produced datasets and the known issues discussed in this section; whilst considering
501 them carefully to ensure appropriate use of maps at this initial prediction stage. Alongside noting shortcomings in prediction products, we
502 are working actively to address most of the these issues through mapping feedback campaigns on the Geo-Wiki platform, where experts
503 and/or users with local knowledge of LULC classes can visualize and interact with the most recent versions of our products. Additionally, all
504 global products used in our comparison analyzes (UMD GLAD, GLC FCS30D, HILDA+, Ramankutty et al., 2008 [9]) have been uploaded
505 on the platform, supporting users in the provision of feedback regarding overall agreement, spatio-temporal consistency, and over- and
506 under-predicted grassland areas of any classification type. Solicited feedback via Geo-Wiki may consist of drawing polygons in designated
507 or non-designated areas, concentrating on the differentiation of (i) grassland or non-grass cover and (ii) cultivated or natural/semi-natural
508 grassland. In order to improve the consistency of the mapping feedback and avoid ambiguities in visual interpretation and classification, users
509 are provided with sufficient materials to follow the predefined labeling protocols. The consortium considers that systematically collected
510 feedback, together with multiple partnerships and wide stakeholder participation, will lead to the most efficient path for improving future
511 versions of the GPW products, supporting the development of fit-for-purpose applications able to advance the protection, restoration and
512 sustainable use of global grasslands. We encourage and welcome all readers of this publication to contribute knowledge to this effort.
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