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Acrobat Day2

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Course Reference Handout

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Module 03
Creating Forms: Using Digital Signatures:
To create form fields, set up your work environment: To sign a document you must create a Digital ID. The Digital ID
Tools > Forms > Edit includes a public certificate, which you must share with those
who will receive your signed documents. By sharing your public
This sets up Form editing mode. certificate, other people will be able to verify that your signature
Choose the Text Field tool, and drag to create a text field. The is authentic.
Properties dialog box will open automatically, and you can name
the field, create a tool tip, and choose appearance settings. Create a Digital ID:
■■ Tools > Sign & Certify > More Sign & Certify > Security
Properties is a dynamic dialog box, meaning you Settings > Digital IDs > Add ID
can leave it open and proceed making additional ■■ Fill out name, password, email address, country and other
text fields. No need to open and close it as you options. Only enable Unicode if you must include symbols.
switch between various fields. Just click on any ■■ The algorithm setting affects which version of Acrobat must
field and change its properties. You only need
be used to open the file. 2048-bit encryption is limited to
to close the Properties dialog box when you are
version 5 & 6 for viewing, and limited to version 6 to verify a
finished creating all of your form fields.
Form Tools include Button, Check Box, Combo Box, List Box,
Radio Button, Text Field, and the Digital Signature tool. Sign a Document:
Do any of the following to sign a document:
Create a Form Field:
Choose a form tool, and drag to create a field. Properties will ■■ Click with the Hand tool on a Signature field.
open automatically when you create a new field. In the General ■■ Choose from the Sign & Certify taskbar menu Sign
tab, assign a name to the field. Create a tool tip for the user. Use Document or Place Signature.
the Format tab to specify special formatting for dates, social
security numbers, numbers used in calculations and other
formatting options. The Options tab allows you to fill in default
Adding Page Transitions:
text in the field, and choose alignment options. ■■ Open the Navigation Pane to Pages.
■■ Right-click on a page (or pages) and select Set Page
To create a button to print, reset form fields, submit form data, or
perform other actions, do the following:
Choose the Button tool, and drag to create the button. Add Watermark and Background:
In Properties, choose Appearance options to control the color Tools > Pages > Watermark or Background
and border of the button, and font and text size. In the Options The difference between a watermark and a background is
tab, choose Label Only and enter text for the button face. Choose that Backgrounds lie beneath your PDF document, while
an Action and click Add. Choose Execute a Menu item for a Print Watermarks can lie on top or behind your PDF document.
button (File menu > Print).
Changing Properties: To set up your work environment for commenting, go to the
You can access some form properties, such as appearance Comments Side Menu.
options in the Properties toolbar. Select form fields either with
the tool used to create the field, or use the Select Object tool to Choose the Sticky Note tool and drag in the document to create
choose ANY form field. a comment.

To change additional properties, click the More button in the Type in any message. To assign your name and choose a color for
Properties bar to open Field Properties, or right-click a field and the note, right-click the note icon and choose Properties.
choose Properties. In the Comments pane, a series of buttons give you options for
Notice that while Properties is open, you can choose additional printing comments, Navigate through comments, Set a Status,
fields without bothering to open and close Properties. Reply to a comment, Filter and Sort comments, and Search

Aligning Fields:
Select multiple fields by dragging across fields or by shift-
clicking or ctrl-clicking multiple fields, then right-click to bring
up Align and Distribute commands.

Duplicating Fields:
Select one or multiple fields, and right-click to Duplicate fields
to other pages in your document.

Module 04
Using Full Screen View: Creating Buttons with Rollover Effects:
To present a PDF file like a slide show, and hide the Acrobat To create buttons with rollover effects you will need to prepare
interface, go to the View-menu and choose Full Screen Mode. Or at least two different images that represent the different states
choose Control-L. of your button.
To leave the Full Screen view, hit Escape or Control-L. ■■ From Tools > Content, choose the Button tool and drag to
To change pages in Full Screen View, use Page Up, Page Down, create the button.
Home and End keys. Or use Enter to navigate page by page. ■■ In Options, choose Icon only for Behavior, choose Push.
■■ Select Up >> Choose Icon and browse to your graphic for the
normal state.
Full Screen View Preferences: ■■ Select Rollover > Choose Icon and browse out to your
To change preferences affecting Full Screen View, choose Edit rollover version of the button graphic.
menu > Preferences, and click on the Full Screen category. ■■ If you wish, Select Down > Choose Icon and browse out to
Use preferences to control whether you can see your mouse your mouse-button-down version of the button graphic.
cursor or not, and whether you want to advance slides
automatically (like a Kiosk display) or manually move through Hide and Show Fields (Disjointed Rollovers):
your presentation. Change the background color and choose You can create Form Fields (buttons) that act as containers for
transitions. pictures or text, that can be revealed when a user moves the
mouse over an area of your document. It could be a catalog, and
rolling over a small picture of a product could reveal a larger more
Adding Sounds to PDF files: detailer photo and a text description of the product. Moving the
mouse away from the trigger area could automatically hide the
The Play a Sound Action can be attached to a Link, Button,
form fields.
Page Action, or Bookmark. You can also choose the Sound
tool to add a sound. Use Page Actions to create sounds that ■■ Create a Button form field, and select Icon Only and browse
play automatically when opening a certain page. Use Links or to a picture, or select Label Only and specify text.
Buttons to let a user trigger a sound. ▶▶ Under its General-tab, make it Hidden.
■■ Create another Button to serve as the trigger for the rollover.
Sound Formats:
▶▶ For the Action, select Hide/Show Field and specify to
Use AIFF or WAV files for compatibility back as far as version 5 of
show your field during Mouse Enter.
Acrobat. Sounds become embedded into the PDF file.
▶▶ Also choose Hide/Show Field to specify that the field
Add a Sound with the Link tool: will hide when the user moves the mouse away (Mouse
■■ Drag around a hotspot area. Exit) from the trigger area.
■■ In Properties, choose Custom Link and click Next.
■■ Choose the Actions-tab > Play a Sound from the Select Batch Processing:
Action List,
■■ Click Add and browse to your sound file. To automate performing a step, or a series of steps to an entire
folder of PDF files, you can use batch processing. For example,
Add a Sound as a Page Action: you could insert a new page, add Document information, page
■■ Right-click on a Page icon in the Pages palette. numbers and add security options to a collection of PDF files
■■ Choose Page Properties. through batch processing.
■■ Click the Actions-tab, choose Page Open, and select Play a
To Create a Custom Batch Sequence:
Sound in the Select Action list.
■■ File > Action Wizard > Create New Action.
■■ Click Add, then browse to your sound file.
■■ Choose New Sequence, and name the sequence.
■■ Choose commands, and click Add.
Adding Movies to PDF files: ■■ Choose which files to run the commands on (or let it Ask
when sequence is run).
Use the Tools-menu > Multimedia > Video tool to add movie
clips, video clips, and Flash movies to your PDF file. Movies can ■■ Choose where finished files should be stored.
be linked or embedded into a PDF file. ■■ Choose Output options, like renaming the finished files to
separate them from the original pre-batch files.
■■ Drag with the Movie tool to add a movie to your PDF file.
■■ Choose OK.
■■ In Movie Properties, browse to your movie and choose
setting affecting how the movie can be played. If the batch commands need to be edited later, go to the File >
Action Wizard > Edit Actions, then Double-click the command
Movies can be played automatically by opening a certain page in
to open its dialog box to select specific options. (Or select the
a file with a Page Action pointing to a movie.
command in your list, and click the Edit Sequence button to
■■ Add a Movie to a document first, using the Tools-menu > select settings.)
Multimedia > Video tool.
■■ Then right-click a Page icon and choose Page Properties. To Run a Batch Sequence:
■■ Under the Actions-tab choose Page Open, and choose Play ■■ File > Action Wizard and select the sequence you want to
Media from the Action list. run.

Using JavaScript:
JavaScript can be used in create custom options and functions within Acrobat files. JavaScripts can be added to many different places
within an Acrobat file.
■■ Form fields can contain JavaScripts in Calculations, Formats, and Validations
■■ Page Actions can use the JavaScript Action to make something occur after opening or closing a page.
■■ Links and Bookmarks can also use the JavaScript Action.
■■ Document-level JavaScripts can be found by choosing Tools > Javascript > Document Javascripts.


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