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Aietm Csm-Ug r24 Syllabus

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R24 Syllabus for CSE-AI&ML, AIETM w.e.f.



(Approved by A.I.C.T.E., New Delhi &Permanently Affiliated to JNTU-GV, Vizianagaram)
NAAC Accredited with A+ grade
Tamaram (V), Makavarapalem,Narsipatnam (RD), Anakapalle Dist,Pin-531113



For UG-R24


(Applicable for batches admitted from 2024-2025)


Tamaram (V), Makavarapalem,Narsipatnam (RD), Anakapalle Dist,Pin-531113
R24 Syllabus for CSE(AI-ML), AIETM w.e.f. 2024-25


(Approved by A.I.C.T.E., New Delhi &Permanently Affiliated to JNTU-GV, Vizianagaram)
NAAC Accredited with A+ grade
Tamaram (V), Makavarapalem, Narsipatnam (RD), Anakapalle Dist,Pin-531113.
www.avanthienggcollege.ac.in, mail: [email protected]

Academic Regulations 2024 (R24) for B. Tech (Regular-Full time)

(Effective for the students admitted into I year from the
Academic Year: 2024-2025 onwards)
1. Award of the B.Tech Degree

(a) Award of the B.Tech. Degree/ B.Tech. Degree with a Minor: If he/ she fulfils the
(i) Pursues a course of study for not less than four academic years and not more than eight
academic years. However, for the students availing Gap year facility this period shall be
extended by two years at the most and these two years would be in addition to the
maximum period permitted for graduation (Eight Years).
(ii) Registers for 160 credits and secures all 160 credits.
(b) Award of B.Tech. Degree with Honors: If he / she fulfils the following:
(i) Student secures additional 15 credits fulfilling all the requisites of a B.Tech. Program i.e.,
160 credits.
(ii) Registering for Honors is optional.
(iii) Honors are to be completed simultaneously with B.Tech. Programme.

2. Students, who fail to fulfill all the academic requirements for the award of the degree within eight
academic years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in B.Tech. Course and their
admission stands cancelled. This clause shall be read along with clause 1 a) i).

3. Courses of study:
The following courses of study are offered at present with specialization in the B.Tech

S.No. Branch Code - Abbreviation Branch

1. 02-EEE Electrical and Electronics Engineering

2. 03-ME Mechanical Engineering

3. 04-ECE Electronics and Communication Engineering

4. 05-CSE Computer Science and Engineering

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Computer Science and Engineering

5. 42-CSM
(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

6. 44-CSD Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)

4. Admissions
Admission to the B. Tech Program shall be made subject to the eligibility, qualifications and
specialization prescribed by the A.P. State Government/ Institution from time to time. Admissions
shall be made either based on the merit rank obtained by the student in the common entrance
examination conducted by the A.P. Government /Institution or to any other order of merit approved
by the A.P. Government / Institution, subject to reservations as prescribed by the Government/
Institution from time to time.

5. Program related terms

Credit: A unit by which the course work is measured. It determines the number of hours of
instruction required per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching (Lecture/Tutorial) or
two hours of practical work/field work per week.

Credit Definition:

1Hr. Lecture (L) per week 1 Credit

1Hr.Tutorial (T) per week 1 Credit
1 Hr. Practical (P) per week 0.5 Credit
2 Hr. Practical (Lab) per week 1 Credit

a) Semester: A semester comprises 90 working days.

b) Academic Year: Two consecutive (one odd + one even) semesters constitute one academic
c) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS): The CBCS provides a choice for students to select
from the prescribed courses.

6. Semester / Credits:
i) A semester comprises 90 working days and an academic year is divided into two semesters.
ii) The summer term is for eight weeks during summer vacation. Internship / apprenticeship /
work-based vocational education and training can be carried out during the summer term,
especially by students who wish to exit after two semesters or four semesters of study.
iii) Regular courses may also be completed well in advance through MOOCs satisfying

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7. Structure of Undergraduate Programme

All courses offered for the undergraduate program (B. Tech.) are broadly classified as follows:

Breakup of
Percentage of AICTE
S.No. Category Credits
total credits Recommendation(%)
(Total 160)
Humanities and Social Science
1. including Management (HM) 13 8% 8 – 9%
2. Basic Sciences (BS) 20 13 % 12 - 16%
3. Engineering Sciences (ES) 23.5 14% 10 – 18%
4. Professional Core (PC) 54.5 34 % 30 – 36%
Electives – Professional (PE) &
Open (OE); Domain Specific
33 21 % 19 - 23%
Skill Enhancement Courses
5. (SEC)
6. Internships & Project work (PR) 16 10 % 8 – 11%
7. Mandatory Courses (MC) Non-credit Non-credit -
8. Course Classification:
All subjects/ courses offered for the undergraduate programme in Engineering (B.Tech. Degree
programmes) are broadly classified as follows:

Broad Course
S. No. Course Category Description

Includes Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry;

1. Foundation Core
Foundation courses fundamental engineering courses; Humanities,
Social sciences and Management courses

2. Professional Professional Core Includes subjects related to the parent

Core Courses Courses (PC) discipline/department/branch of Engineering
Professional Elective Include selective subjects related to the parent
Courses (PE) discipline/department/ branch of Engineering
Elective subjects which include interdisciplinary
Open Elective Courses
3. Open Elective Subjects or subjects in an area outside the parent
Courses discipline/ department/ branch of Engineering
Domains Specific
Interdisciplinary/ job-oriented / domain courses
Skill Enhancement
which are relevant to the industry
Courses (SEC)
Project B.Tech. Project (or) Major Project
4. Project Summer Internships–Community based and
Internships Internships Industry Internships; Industry oriented Full
Semester Internship
Covering subjects of developing desired attitude
5. Mandatory non- among the learners
Audit Courses
credit courses

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9. Programme Pattern
i. Total duration of the B.Tech (Regular) Programme is four academic years.
ii. Each academic year of study is divided into two semesters.
iii. Minimum number of instruction days in each semester is 90 days
iv. There shall be mandatory student induction program for fresher’s, with three- week duration
before the commencement of first semester. Physical activity, Creative Arts, Universal
Human Values, Literary, Proficiency Modules, Lectures by Eminent People, Visits to local
Areas, Familiarization to Dept. /Branch & Innovations etc., are included as per the guidelines
issued by AICTE.
v. Health/wellness/yoga/sports and NCC / NSS / Scouts & Guides / Community service
activities are made mandatory as credit courses for all the undergraduate students
vi. Courses like Environmental Sciences, Indian Constitution, and Technical Paper Writing &
IPR are offered as non-credit mandatory courses for all the undergraduate students.
vii. Design Thinking for Innovation & Tinkering Labs is made mandatory as credit courses for
all the undergraduate students.
viii. Increased flexibility for students through an increase in the elective component of the
curriculum, with 05 Professional Elective courses and 04 Open Elective courses.
ix. Professional Elective Courses, include the elective courses relevant to the chosen
specialization/branch. Proper choice of professional elective courses can lead to students
specializing in emerging areas within the chosen field of study.
x. A total of 04 Open Electives are offered in the curriculum. A student can complete the
requirement for B.Tech. Degree with a Minor within the 160 credits by opting for the courses
offered through various verticals/tracks under Open Electives.
xi. While choosing the electives, students shall ensure that they do not opt for the courses with
syllabus contents similar to courses already pursued.
xii. A pool of interdisciplinary/job-oriented/domain skill courses which are relevant to the
industry are integrated into the curriculum of all disciplines. There shall be 05 skill-oriented
courses offered during III to VII semesters. Among the five skill courses, four courses shall
focus on the basic and advanced skills related to the domain/interdisciplinary courses and the
other shall be a soft skills course.
xiii. Students shall undergo mandatory summer internships, for a minimum of eight weeks
duration at the end of second and third year of the programme. The internship at the end of
second year shall be community oriented and industry internship at the end of third year
xiv. There shall also be mandatory full internship in the final semester of the programme along
with the project work.

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xv. Undergraduate degree with Honors is introduced by the Institution for the students having
good academic record.
xvi. Each college shall take measures to implement Virtual Labs (https://www.vlab.co.in) which
provide remote access to labs in various disciplines of Engineering and will help student in
learning basic and advanced concept through remote experimentation. Student shall be made
to work on virtual lab experiments during the regular labs.
xvii. Each college shall assign a faculty advisor/ mentor after admission to a group of students
from same department to provide guidance in courses registration/ career growth/ placements/
opportunities for higher studies/ GATE/ other competitive exams etc.
xviii. Preferably 25% of course work for the theory courses in every semester shall be conducted
in the blended mode of learning.

10. Evaluation Process

The performance of a student in each semester shall be evaluated subject wise with a maximum of
100 marks for theory and 100 marks for practical subject. Summer Internships shall be evaluated for
50 marks, Full Internship & Project work in final semester shall be evaluated for 200 marks, and
mandatory courses with no credits shall be evaluated for 30 MID semester marks.
A student has to secure not less than 35% of marks in the end examination and a minimum of 40%
of marks in the sum total of the mid semester and end examination marks taken together for the
theory, practical, design, drawing subject or project etc. In case of a mandatory course, he / she should
secure 40% of the total marks.

Theory Courses

Assessment Method Marks

Continuous Internal Assessment 30

Semester End Examination 70

Total 100

i) For theory subject, the distribution shall be 30 marks for Internal Evaluation and 70 marks
for the End-Examination.
ii) For practical subject, the distribution shall be 30 marks for Internal Evaluation and 70 marks
for the End- Examination.
iii) If any course contains two different branch subjects, the syllabus shall be written in two parts
with 2.5 units each (Part-A and Part-B) and external examination question paper shall be set
with two parts each for 35 marks.

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iv) If any subject is having both theory and practical components, they will be evaluated
separately as theory subject and practical subject. However, they will be given same subject
code with an extension of “T for theory subject and P for practical” subject.

a) Continuous Internal Evaluation

i) For theory subjects, during the semester, there shall be two midterm examinations. Each
midterm examination shall be evaluated for 30 marks of which 10 marks for objective
questions / short answer questions (20 minutes duration), 15 marks for subjective paper (90
minutes duration) and 5 marks for assignment.
ii) Objective paper shall contain for 05 short answer questions with 2 marks each or maximum
of 20 bits / multiple choice questions (MCQ’s) for 10 marks. Subjective paper shall contain
3 questions and each question carries 10 marks. The marks obtained in the subjective paper
are condensed to 15 marks.
• The objective paper shall be prepared in line with the quality of competitive examinations
• The subjective paper shall contain 3 questions of equal weightage of 10 marks. Any
fraction shall be rounded off to the next higher mark.
• The objective paper shall be conducted either online or offline by the respective
department on the day of subjective paper test.
• Assignments shall be in the form of problems, mini projects, design problems, slip tests,
quizzes etc., depending on the course content. It should be continuous assessment
throughout the semester and the average marks shall be considered.
iii) If the student is absent for the mid semester examination, no re-exam shall be conducted and
mid semester marks for that examination shall be considered as zero.
iv) First midterm examination shall be conducted for 2.5 (I Unit, II Unit and III Unit half part)
units of syllabus the second midterm examination shall be conducted for remaining 2.5 Units
(III Unit half part, IV and V units).
v) Final mid semester marks shall be arrived at by considering the marks secured by the student
in both the mid examinations with 80% weightage given to the better mid exam and 20% to
the other.
For Example:
• Marks obtained in first mid: 25
• Marks obtained in second mid: 20
• Final mid semester Marks: (25 x 0.8) + (20 x 0.2) = 24

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If the student is absent for any one midterm examination, the final mid semester marks shall be
arrived at by considering 80% weightage to the marks secured by the student in the appeared
examination and zero to the other. For Example:
• Marks obtained in first mid: Absent
• Marks obtained in second mid: 25
• Final mid semester Marks: (25 x 0.8) + (0 x 0.2) = 20

b) End Examination Evaluation:

End examination of theory subjects shall have the following pattern:
(i) There shall be 6 questions and all questions are compulsory.
(ii) Question I shall contain 10 compulsory short answer questions for a total of 20 marks such
that each question carries 2 marks. There shall be 2 short answer questions from each unit
(iii) In each of the questions from 2 to 6, there shall be either / or type questions of 10 marks each
and each question have internal choice. Student shall answer any one of them.
(iv) The questions from 2 to 6 shall be set by covering one unit of the syllabus for each question.

End examination of theory subjects consisting of two parts of different subjects, for Example: Basic
Electrical & Electronics Engineering shall have the following pattern:
(i) Question paper shall be in two parts viz., Part A and Part B with equal weightage of 35 marks
(ii) In each part, question 1 shall contain 5 compulsory short answer questions for a total of 5
marks such that each question carries 1mark.
(iii)In each part, questions from 2 to 4, there shall be either/or type questions of 10 marks each.
Student shall answer any one of them.
(iv) The questions from 2 to 4 shall be set by covering one unit of the syllabus for each question.

Practical Courses
Assessment Method Marks
Continuous Internal Assessment 30
Semester End Examination 70
Total 100

a) For practical courses, there shall be a continuous evaluation during the semester for
30 sessional marks and end examination shall be for 70 marks.
b) Day-to-Day work in the laboratory shall be evaluated for 15 marks by the concerned
laboratory teacher based on the regularity / record / viva and 15 marks for the internal test.
c) The end examination shall be evaluated for 70 marks, conducted by the

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concerned laboratory teacher and a senior expert in the subject from the same department.
➢ Procedure:20 marks
➢ Experimental work & Results: 30 marks
➢ Viva Voce: 20 marks.

In a practical subject consisting of two parts (Eg: Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab), the examination shall be conducted for 70 marks as a single laboratory in 3 hours. Mid
semester examination shall be evaluated 30 marks in each part. Mid semester examination shall
be evaluated as above for 30 marks in each part and final mid semester marks shall be arrived
by considering the average of marks obtained in two parts.

d) For the subject having design and/or drawing, such as Engineering Drawing, the distribution
of marks shall be 30 for mid semester evaluation and 70 for end examination.
Assessment Method Marks
Continuous Internal Assessment 30
Semester End Examination 70
Total 100
Day-to-Day work shall be evaluated for 15 marks by the concerned subject teacher based on the
reports/submissions prepared in the class. And there shall be two midterm examinations in a
semester for duration of 2 hours each for 15 marks with weightage of 80% to better mid marks
and 20% for the other. The subjective paper shall contain 3 either or type questions of equal
weightage of 5 marks. There shall be no objective paper in mid semester examination. The sum
of day-to-day evaluation and the mid semester marks will be the final sessional marks for the
The end examination pattern for Engineering Graphics, shall consists of 5 questions, either/or
type, of 14 marks each. There shall be no objective type questions in the end examination.
e) There shall be no external examination for mandatory courses with zero credits. However,
attendance shall be considered while calculating aggregate attendance and student shall be
declared to have passed the mandatory course only when he/she secures 40% or more in the
internal examinations. In case, the student fails, a re-examination shall be conducted for failed
candidates for 30 marks satisfying the conditions mentioned in item 1 & 2 of the regulations.
f) The laboratory records and mid semester test papers shall be preserved for a minimum of 3
years in the respective institutions as per the University norms and shall be produced to the
Committees of the University as and when the same are asked for.

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11. Skill oriented Courses

i) There shall be five skill-oriented courses offered during III to VII semesters.
ii) Out of the five skill courses, two shall be skill-oriented courses from the same domain of their
main three skill courses, one shall be a soft skill course and the remaining two shall be skill-
advanced courses from the same domain/Interdisciplinary/Job oriented.
iii) The course shall carry 100 marks and shall be evaluated through continuous assessments
during the semester for 30 sessional marks and end examination shall be for 70 marks. Day-
to-Day work in the class / laboratory shall be evaluated for 30 marks by the concerned teacher
based on the regularity/ assignments / viva/ mid semester test. The end examination similar
to practical examination pattern shall be conducted by the concerned teacher and an expert in
the subject nominated by the principal.
iv) The Head of the Department shall identify a faculty member as coordinator for the course. A
committee consisting of the Head of the Department, coordinator and a senior Faculty
member nominated by the Head of the Department shall monitor the evaluation process. The
marks / grades shall be assigned to the students by the above committee based on their
v) The student shall be given an option to choose either the skill courses being offered by the
college or to choose a certificate course being offered by industries/Professional bodies or
any other accredited bodies. If a student chooses to take a Certificate Course offered by
external agencies, the credits shall be awarded to the student upon producing the Course
Completion Certificate from the agency. A committee shall be formed at the level of the
college to evaluate the grades/marks given for a course by external agencies and convert to
the equivalent marks/grades.
vi) If a student prefers to take a certificate course offered by external agency, the department
shall mark attendance of the student for the remaining courses in that semester excluding the
skill course in all the calculations of mandatory attendance requirements upon producing a
valid certificate as approved by the Institute.

12. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs):

A Student has to pursue and complete one course compulsorily through MOOCs approved by the
Institute. A student can pursue courses other than core through MOOCs and it is mandatory to
complete one course successfully through MOOCs for awarding the degree. A student is not
permitted to register and pursue core courses through MOOCs.
A student shall register for the course (Minimum of either 8 weeks or 12 weeks) offered through
MOOCs with the approval of Head of the Department. The Head of the Department shall appoint

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one mentor to monitor the student’s progression. The student needs to earn a certificate by passing
the exam. The student shall be awarded the credits assigned in the curriculum only by submission of
the certificate. Examination fee, if any, will be borne by the student.
Students who have qualified in the proctored examinations conducted through MOOCs platform can
apply for credit transfer as specified and are exempted from appearing internal as well as external
examination (for the specified equivalent credit course only) conducted by the Institute.
Necessary amendments in rules and regulations regarding adoption of MOOC courses would be
proposed from time to time.

13. Credit Transfer Policy

Adoption of MOOCs is mandatory, to enable Blended model of teaching-learning as also envisaged

in the NEP 2020. As per University Grants Commission (Credit Framework for Online Learning
Courses through SWAYAM) Regulation, 2016, the Institution shall allow up to a maximum of 20%
of the total courses being offered in a particular programme i.e., maximum of 32 credits through
MOOCs platform.
i) The AIET (A) shall offer credit mobility for MOOCs and give the equivalent credit weightage
to the students for the credits earned through online learning courses.
ii) Student registration for the MOOCs shall be only through the respective department of the
institution, it is mandatory for the student to share necessary information with the department.
iii) The Credit transfer policy will be applicable to the Professional & Open Elective courses
iv) The concerned department shall identify the courses permitted for credit transfer.
v) The Institution shall notify at the beginning of semester the list of the online learning courses
eligible for credit transfer.
vi) The institution shall designate a faculty member as a Mentor for each course to guide the
students from registration till completion of the credit course.
vii) The Institute shall ensure no overlap of MOOC exams with that of the Institute examination
schedule. In case of delay in results, the Institute will re-issue the marks sheet for such
viii) Student pursuing courses under MOOCs shall acquire the required credits only after
successful completion of the course and submitting a certificate issued by the competent
authority along with the percentage of marks and grades.
ix) The institution shall submit the following to the examination section of the Institute:
(a) List of students who have passed MOOC courses in the current semester along with the
certificate of completion.

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(b) Undertaking form filled by the students for credit transfer.

x) The Institution` shall resolve any issues that may arise in the implementation of this policy
from time to time and shall review its credit transfer policy in the light of periodic changes
brought by UGC, SWAYAM, NPTEL and state government.
Note: Students shall be permitted to register for MOOCs offered through online platforms approved
by the Institute from time to time.

14. Academic Bank of Credits (ABC)

The Institute has implemented Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) to promote flexibility in curriculum
as per NEP 2020 to
i) Provide option of mobility for learners across the universities of their choice.
ii) Provide option to gain the credits through MOOCs from approved digital platforms.
iii) Facilitate award of certificate/diploma/degree in line with the accumulated credits in ABC
iv) Execute Multiple Entry and Exit system with credit count, credit transfer and credit
acceptance from students account.

15. Mandatory Internships

Summer Internships: Two summer internships either onsite or virtual each with a minimum of 08
weeks duration, done at the end of second and third years, respectively are mandatory. It shall be
completed in collaboration with local industries, Govt. Organizations, construction agencies, Power
projects, software MNCs or any industries in the areas of concerned specialization of the
Undergraduate program. One of the two summer internships at the end of second year (Community
Service Project) shall be society oriented and shall be completed in collaboration with government
organizations/ NGOs & others. The other internship at the end of third year is Industry Internship
and shall be completed in collaboration with Industries. The student shall register for the internship
as per course structure after commencement of academic year. The guidelines issued by the APSCHE
/ Institute shall be followed for carrying out and evaluation of Community Service Project and
Industry Internship.

Evaluation of the summer internships shall be through the departmental committee. A student will
be required to submit a summer internship report to the concerned department and appear for an oral
presentation before the departmental committee comprising of Head of the Department, supervisor
of the internship and as senior faculty member of the department. A certificate of successful
completion from industry shall be included in the report. The report and the oral presentation shall
carry 50% weightage each. It shall be evaluated for 50 external marks. There shall be no internal

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marks for Summer Internship. A student shall secure minimum 40% of marks for successful
completion. In case, if a student fails, he/she shall reappear as and when semester supplementary
examinations are conducted by the Institute.

Full Semester Internship and Project work:

In the final semester, the student should mandatorily register and undergo internship (onsite/virtual)
and in parallel he/she should work on a project with well-defined objectives. At the end of the
semester the candidate shall submit an internship completion certificate and a project report. A
student shall also be permitted to submit project report on the work carried out during the internship.
The project report shall be evaluated with an external examiner. The total marks for project work 200
marks and distribution shall be 60 marks for internal and 140 marks for external evaluation. The
supervisor assesses the student for 30 marks (Report: 15 marks, Seminar: 15 marks). At the end of
the semester, all projects shall be show cased at the department for the benefit of all students and
staff and the same is to be evaluated by the departmental Project Review Committee consisting of
supervisor, a senior faculty and HOD for 30 marks. The external evaluation of Project Work is a
Viva-Voce Examination conducted in the presence of internal examiner and external examiner
appointed by the Institute and is evaluated for 140 marks.
The institute shall facilitate and monitor the student internship programs. Completion of internships
is mandatory, if any student fails to complete internship, he/she will not be eligible for the award of
degree. In such cases, the student shall repeat and complete the internship.

16. Guidelines for offering Minor

To promote inter disciplinary knowledge among the students; the students admitted into B.Tech.in a
major stream / branch are eligible to obtain degree in Minor in another stream.
i) The Minor program requires the completion of 12 credits in Minor stream chosen.
ii) Two courses for 06 credits related to a Minor are to be pursued compulsorily for them
in or degree, but may be waived for students who have done similar / equivalent courses. If
waived for a student, then the student must take an extra elective course in its place. It is
recommended that students should complete the compulsory courses (or equivalents) before
registering for the electives.
iii) Electives (minimum of 2 courses) to complete a total of 12 credits.
Note: A total of 04 Open Electives are offered in the curriculum. A student can complete the
requirement for Minor within the 160 credits by opting for the courses offered through various
verticals/tracks under Open Electives.

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17. Guidelines for offering Honors

The objective of introducing B.Tech. (Honors) is to facilitate the students to choose additionally the
specialized courses of their choice and build their competence in a specialized area in the UG level.
The programme is a best choice for academically excellent students having good academic record
and interest towards higher studies and research.
i) Honors are introduced in the curriculum of all B.Tech. Programs offering a major degree and
is applicable to all B.Tech (Regular and Lateral Entry) students admitted in Engineering.
ii) A student shall earn additional 15 credits for award of B.Tech. (Honors) degree from same
branch/ department/ discipline registered for major degree. This is in addition to the credits
essential for obtaining the under graduate degree in Major Discipline (i.e., 160 credits).
iii) A student is permitted to register for Honors in IV semester after the results of III Semester
are declared and students may be allowed to take maximum two subjects per semester
pertaining to the Honors from V Semester onwards.
iv) The concerned head of the department shall arrange separate class work and timetable of the
courses offered under Honors program.
v) Courses that are used to fulfill the student’s primary major may not be double counted
towards the Honors. Courses with content substantially equivalent to courses in the student's
primary Major may not be counted towards the Honors.
vi) Students can complete the courses offered under Honors either in the college or in online
platforms like SWAYAM with a minimum duration of 12 weeks for a 3-credit course and
8 weeks duration for a 2-credit course satisfying the criteria for credit mobility. If the courses
under Honors are offered in conventional mode, then the teaching and evaluation procedure
shall be similar to regular B. Tech courses.
vii) The attendance for the registered courses under Honors and regular courses offered for Major
degree in a semester are to be considered separately.
viii) A student shall maintain an attendance of 75% in all registered courses under Honors to be
eligible for attending semester end examinations.
ix) A student registered for Honors shall pass in all subjects that constitute the requirement for
the Honors degree program. No class/division (i.e., second class, first class and distinction,
etc.) shall be awarded for Honors degree programme.
x) If a student drops or is terminated from the Honors program, the additional credits so far
earned cannot be converted into open or core electives; they will remain extra. However,
such students will receive a separate grade sheet mentioning the additional courses
completed by them.

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xi) The Honors will be mentioned in the degree certificate as Bachelor of Technology (Honors)
in XYZ. For example, B.Tech. (Honors) in Mechanical Engineering.

Enrolment into Honors:

i) Students of a Department/Discipline are eligible to opt for Honors program offered by the
same Department/Discipline
ii) The enrolment of student into Honors is based on the CGPA obtained in the major degree
program. CGPA shall be taken up to III semester incase of regular entry students and only III
semester in case of lateral entry students. Students having 7 CGPA without any backlog
subjects will be permitted to register for Honors.
iii) If a student is detained due to lack of attendance either in Major or in Honors, registration
shall be cancelled.
iv) Transfer of credits from Honors to regular B.Tech degree and vice-versa shall not be
v) Honors are to be completed simultaneously with a Major degree program.

Registration for Honors:

i) The eligible and interested students shall apply through the HOD of his / her parent
department. The whole process should be completed within one week before the start of
every semester. Selected students shall be permitted to register the courses under Honors.
ii) The selected students shall submit their willingness to the principal through his/her parent
department offering Honors. The parent department shall maintain the record of student
pursuing the Honors.
iii) The students enrolled in the Honors courses will be monitored continuously. An advisor/
mentor from parent department shall be assigned to a group of students to monitor the
iv) There is no fee for registration of subjects for Honors program offered in offline at the
respective institutions.

18. Attendance Requirements:

i) A student shall be eligible to appear for the Institution’s / Institute’s external examinations if
he/she acquires a minimum of 40% attendance in each subject and 75% of attendance in
aggregate of all the subjects. b) Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate up to
10% (65% and above and below 75%) in each semester may be granted by the College’s
Academic Committee.
ii) Shortage of Attendance below 65% in aggregate shall in NO CASE be condoned.

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iii) A stipulated fee shall be payable towards condonation of shortage of attendance to the
iv) Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester are not eligible to take
their end examination of that class and their registration shall stand cancelled.
v) A student will not be promoted to the next semester unless he/she satisfies the attendance
requirements of the present semester. They may seek readmission for that semester from the
date of commencement of class work.
vi) If any candidate fulfils the attendance requirement in the present semester, he shall not be
eligible for readmission into the same class.
vii) If the learning is carried out in blended mode (both offline & online), then the total attendance
of the student shall be calculated considering the offline and online attendance of the student.
viii) For induction programme attendance shall be maintained as per AICTE norms.

19. Promotion Rules:

The following academic requirements must be satisfied in addition to the attendance requirements
mentioned in section 18.
i) A student shall be promoted from first year to second year if he/she fulfils the minimum
attendance requirement as per college norms.
ii) A student will be promoted from II to III year if he/she fulfils the academic requirement of
securing 40% of the credits (any decimal fraction should be rounded off to lower digit) up
to in the subjects that have been studied up to III semester.
iii) A student shall be promoted from III year to IV year if he/she fulfils the academic
requirements of securing 40% of the credits (any decimal fraction should be rounded off to
lower digit) in the subjects that have been studied up to V semester. And in case a student is
detained for want of credits for a particular academic year by ii) & iii) above, the student
may make up the credits through supplementary examinations and only after securing the
required credits he/she shall be permitted to join in the V semester or VII semester
respectively as the case may be.
iv) When a student is detained due to lack of credits/ shortage of attendance he/she may be re-
admitted when the semester is offered after fulfillment of academic regulations. In such case,
he/she shall be in the academic regulations into which he/she is readmitted.

20. Grading:
As measure of the student’s performance, a 10-point Absolute Grading System using the following
Letter Grades and corresponding percentage of marks shall be followed: After each course is
evaluated for 100 marks, the marks obtained in each course will be converted to a corresponding

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letter grade as given below, depending on the range in which the marks obtained by the student fall.

Structure of Grading of Academic Performance

Range in which the marks in Grade points

the subject fall Assigned

90 & above S (Superior) 10

80 - 89 A (Excellent) 9

70 - 79 B (Very Good) 8

60 - 69 C (Good) 7

50 -59 D (Average) 6

40-49 E (Pass) 5

<40 F (Fail) 0

Absent Ab (Absent) 0

i) A student obtaining Grade “F” or Grade “Ab‟ in a subject shall be considered failed and will
be required to reappear for that subject when it is offered the next supplementary examination.
ii) For non-credit audit courses, “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory” shall be indicated instead of
the letter grade and this will not be counted for the computation of SGPA/CGPA/ Percentage.
Computation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average
SGPA:The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is the ratio of sum of the product of the number
of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the sum
of the number of credits of all the courses under gone by a student, i.e.,

SGPA=Σ (Ci×Gi) / Σ Ci

Where, Ci is the number of credits of the ith subject and Gi is the grade point scored by the student in
the ith course.
CGPA: The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be computed in the same manner
considering all the courses under gone by a student over all the semesters of a program, i.e.

CGPA=Σ (Ci × Si) / ΣCi

Where “Si” is the SGPA of the ith semester and Ci is the total number of credits up to that semester.

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Both SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in the transcripts. While
computing the SGPA the subjects in whom the student is awarded Zero grade points will also be
Grade Point: It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a 10-point scale.
Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades are denoted by
the letters S, A, B, C, D, E and F.

Award of Class:

After a student has satisfied the requirements prescribed for the completion of the program and are
eligible for the award of B.Tech. Degree, he/she shall be placed in one of the following four classes:

Class Awarded CGPA Secured

≥ 7.5
First Class with Distinction
(Without any supplementary appearance)

First Class ≥ 6.5 < 7.5

Second Class ≥ 5.5 < 6.5

Pass Class ≥ 5.0 < 5.5

Note: Students who have written supplementary examinations to fulfill the credit requirement will
not be awarded First Class with Distinction. For such students the highest degree that is awarded will
be First Class Only.
CGPA to Percentage conversion Formula: (CGPA–0.75) x 10

21. With-holding of Results

If the candidate has any dues not paid to the Institute or if any case of indiscipline or malpractice is
pending against him/her, the result of the candidate shall be with held in such cases.

22. Multiple Entry/ Exit Option

(a) Exit Policy:

The students can choose to exit the four-year programme at the end of First / Second/ Third
i) UG Certificate (in Field of study/ discipline) - Programme duration: First year (first two
semesters) of the undergraduate programme, 40 credits followed by an additional exit 10-
credit bridge course(s) lasting two months, including at least 6- credit job-specific internship
/ apprenticeship that would help the candidates acquire job-ready competencies required to

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enter the workforce.

ii) UG Diploma (in Field of study/ discipline) – Programme duration: First two years (first four
semesters) of the undergraduate programme, 80 credits followed by an additional exit 10-
credit bridge course(s) lasting two months, including at least 6- credit job-specific internship
/ apprenticeship that would help the candidates acquire job-ready competencies required to
enter the workforce.
iii) Bachelor of Science (in Field of study/discipline) i.e., B.Sc. Engineering in (Field of
study/discipline) - Programme duration: First three years (first six semesters) of the
undergraduate programme, 120 credits.

(b) Entry Policy:

Modalities on multiple entry by the student into the B.Tech. Programme will be provided in due
course of time.
Note: The Institute shall resolve any issues that may arise in the implementation of Multiple Entry
and Exit policies from time to time and shall review the policies in the light of periodic changes
brought by UGC, AICTE/APSCHE and State government.

23. Gap Year Concept:

Gap year concept for Student Entrepreneur in Residence is introduced and outstanding students who
wish to pursue entrepreneurship / become entrepreneur are allowed to take a break of one year at any
time after II year to pursue full-time entrepreneurship programme/ to establish startups. This period
may be extended to two years at the most and these two years would not be counted for the time for
the maximum time for graduation. The principal of the respective college shall forward such
proposals submitted by the students to the Institute. An evaluation committee constituted by the
Institute shall evaluate the proposal submitted by the student and the committee shall decide whether
to permit the student(s) to avail the Gap Year or not.

24. Transitory Regulations

Discontinued, detained, or failed candidates are eligible for readmission as and when the semester is
offered after fulfillment of academic regulations. Candidates who have been detained for want of
attendance or not fulfilled academic requirements or who have failed after having undergone the
course in earlier regulations or have discontinued and wish to continue the course are eligible for
admission into the unfinished semester from the date of commencement of class work with the same
or equivalent subjects as and when subjects are offered, subjected to Section 2 and they will follow
the academic regulations into which they are readmitted.
Candidates who are permitted to avail Gap Year shall be eligible for re-joining into the succeeding
year of their B. Tech from the date of commencement of class work, subjected to Section 2 and they
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will follow the academic regulations in to which they are readmitted.

25. Minimum Instruction Days for a Semester:

The minimum instruction days including internal exams for each semester shall be 90 days.

26. Medium of Instruction:

The medium of instruction of the entire B.Tech undergraduate programme in Engineering (including
examinations and project reports) will be in English only.
27. Student Transfers:
Student transfers shall be as per the guidelines issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh / JNTU-
GV and the Institute from time to time.

28. General Instructions:

i) The academic regulations should be read as a whole for purpose of any interpretation.
ii) Malpractices rules-nature and punishments are appended.
iii) Where the words “he”, “him”, “his”, occur in the regulations, they also include “she”, “her”,
“hers”, respectively.
iv) In the case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the decision of
the Principal / Dean-Academics of the institution is final.
v) The Institute may change or amend the academic regulations or syllabi at any time and the
changes or amendments shall be made applicable to all the students on rolls with effect from
the dates notified by the Institute.
vi) In the case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the guidelines given, the decision
of the Principal / Dean-Academics of the institution is final.

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(Effective for the students getting admitted into II year through Lateral Entry Scheme from the
Academic Year 2025-2026 onwards)
1. Award of the Degree
(a) Award of the B.Tech. Degree / B.Tech. Degree with a Minor if he/she fulfills the following:
(i) Pursues a course of study for not less than three academic years and not more than six
academic years. However, for the students availing Gap year facility this period shall be
extended by two years at the most and these two years would in addition to the maximum
period permitted for graduation (Six years).
(ii) Registers for 120 credits and secures all 120 credits.
(b) Award of B.Tech. Degree with Honors
A student will be declared eligible for the award of the B.Tech. with Honors if he / she fulfils the
i) Student secures additional 15 credits fulfilling all the requisites of a B.Tech.
Program i.e., 120 credits.
ii) Registering for Honors is optional.
iii) Honors are to be completed simultaneously with B.Tech programme.
2. Students, who fail to fulfill the requirement for the award of the degree within six consecutive
academic years from the year of admission, shall forfeit their seat.
3. Minimum Academic Requirements
The following academic requirements have to be satisfied in addition to the requirements mentioned
in item no.2
i. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the minimum academic requirements and earned
the credits allotted to each theory, practical, design, drawing subject or project if he secures
not less than 35% of marks in the end examination and a minimum of 40% of marks in the
sum total of the mid semester evaluation and end examination taken together.
ii. A student shall be promoted from III year to IV year if he/she fulfils the academic
requirements of securing 40% of the credits (any decimal fraction should be rounded off to
lower digit) in the subjects that have been studied up to V semester.
And in case if student is already detained for want of credits for particular academic year, the
student may make up the credits through supplementary exams of the above exams before
the commencement of IV year I semester class work of next year.

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4. Course Pattern
i) The entire course of study is three academic years on semester pattern.
ii) A student eligible to appear for the end examination in a subject but absent at it or has failed
in the end examination may appear for that subject at the next supplementary examination
iii) When a student is detained due to lack of credits/shortage of attendance the student may be
re-admitted when the semester is offered after fulfillment of academic regulations, the student
shall be in the academic regulations into which he/she is readmitted.
5. All other regulations as applicable for B. Tech. Four-year degree course (Regular) will hold good
for B. Tech. (Lateral Entry Scheme).


(Dr. R Prasad Rao) (Dr.C P V N J Mohan Rao)

Dean(Academics) & Chairman
Member Secretary (AC) Academic Council

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(Approved by A.I.C.T.E., New Delhi &Permanently Affiliated to JNTU-GV, Vizianagaram)
NAAC Accredited with A+ grade
Tamaram (V), Makavarapalem,Narsipatnam (RD), Anakapalle Dist,Pin-531113.
https://avanthienggcollege.ac.in/, E-mail: [email protected]


Proposed Course Structure
Program– B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering
(Applicable from the academic year 2024-2025 to 2026-2027)
Induction Programme

S.No Course Title Category L-T-P-C

1 Physical Activities--Sports, Yoga and Meditation, Plantation MC 0-0-6-0

2 Career Counseling MC 2-0-2-0

3 Orientation to all branches -- career options, tools, etc MC 3-0-0-0

Orientation on admitted Branch -- corresponding labs, tools and

4 EC 2-0-3-0

5 Proficiency Modules & Productivity Tools ES 2-1-2-0

6 Assessment on basic aptitude and mathematical skills MC 2-0-3-0

7 Remedial Training in Foundation Courses MC 2-1-2-0

8 Human Values & Professional Ethics MC 3-0-0-0

Communication Skills -- focus on Listening, Speaking, Reading,

9 BS 2-1-2-0
Writing skills

10 Concepts of Programming ES 2-0-2-0

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Program: B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering Regulation: R24
I Year I Semester- Course Structure

Hours per Week

S.N Categ Course
Course Title
o ory Code Lectur Tutori Practic Credit
e al al s

1 BS R24BS01 Linear Algebra and Calculus 3 0 0 3

2 HS R24HS01 Communicative English 2 0 0 2

3 BS R24BS02 Engineering Physics 3 0 0 3

4 ES R24ES01 Basic Civil & Mechanical Engineering 3 0 0 3

5 ES R24ES02 Problem Solving and Programming with C 3 0 0 3

6 BS R24BS03 Engineering Physics Lab 0 0 2 1

7 HS R24HS02 Communicative English Lab 0 0 2 1

Problem Solving and Programming with
8 ES R24ES03 C Lab
0 0 3 1.5

9 ES R24ES04 IT Workshop 0 0 2 1

10 MC R24MC01 Health and Wellness, Yoga, and Sports 0 0 1 0.5

Total 14 00 10 19

Category Courses Credits

BS-Basic Science Course 3 7
ES-Engineering Science Course 4 8.5
HS-Humanities and Social Science
including Management Course
2 3
MC-Mandatory Course 1 0.5
Total 10 19

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Program: B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering Regulation: R24
I Year II Semester- Course Structure

Hours per Week

S.N Categ Course
Course Title Lectur Tutori Practi Credit
o ory Code
e al cal s
1 BS R24BS04 Differential Equations and Vector Calculus 3 0 0 3

2 BS R24BS05 Applied Chemistry 3 0 0 3

3 ES R24ES06 Engineering Graphics 1 0 4 3

Basic Electrical and Electronics
4 ES R24ES05 Engineering
3 0 0 3

5 PC R24CSPC01 Data Structures through C 3 0 0 3

6 BS R24BS06 Applied Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 1

Basic Electrical and Electronics

7 ES R24ES07 Engineering Lab
0 0 3 1.5

8 PC R24CSPC02 Data Structures through C Lab 0 0 3 1.5

9 ES R24ES08 Engineering Workshop 0 0 3 1.5

NSS/NCC/Scouts &Guides/Community
10 MC R24MC02 Service
0 0 1 0.5

Total 13 00 16 21

Category Courses Credits

BS- Basic Science Course 3 7
ES-Engineering Science Course 4 9
PC-Professional Core Course 2 4.5
MC-Mandatory Course 1 0.5
Total 10 21

Board of Studies (CSE)

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Linear Algebra and Calculus

I B.TECH- I SEMESTER (Common to all Branches)

Course Title: Linear Algebra and Calculus Course Code: R24BS01

Teaching Scheme (L:T:P): 3:0:0
Credits: 3
Type of Course: Lecture + Tutorial
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks Semester End Exam: 70 Marks
Pre requisites: Linear algebra is a prerequisite for calculus, and that you should have a deep
understanding of linear algebra before moving on to calculus.

A course on linear algebra and calculus typically covers fundamental concepts like vectors, matrices,
linear systems, differentiation, and integration.

The objectives of this course are to:

1. To equip the students with standard concepts and tools of mathematics to handle various real-
world problems and their applications.
2. To enable the students to apply linear algebra to solve engineering problems.
3. To enable the students to apply calculus to solve engineering problems.


CO# Course Outcomes

CO1 Develop matrix algebra techniques that are needed by engineers for practical
CO2 To find the eigen values and eigen vectors and solve the problems by using linear
CO3 Apply the knowledge of mean value theorems, solve inequality.
CO4 Familiarize with functions of several variables which is useful in optimization.

CO5 Familiarize with double and triple integrals of functions of several variables in two
and three dimensions.


UNIT-I: Matrices and Linear System of Equations 10 Hours

Matrices: Vector Space, Linear independent, dependent (only definitions).
Rank of a matrix by echelon form, normal form. Cauchy-Binet formulae (without proof). Inverse of
Non- singular matrices by Gauss- Jordan method.
System of linear equations: Solving system of Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous equations by
Gauss elimination method. COs-CO1
Self-Learning Topic: Encoding and Decoding messages by using matrices

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UNIT- II: Linear Transformation and Orthogonal Transformation 10 Hours

Eigen values and Eigen vectors and their properties(without proof), Diagonalization of a matrix,
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (without proof), finding inverse and power of a matrix by Cayley–
Hamilton Theorem, Quadratic forms and Nature of the Quadratic Forms, Reduction of Quadratic form
to canonical forms by Orthogonal Transformation. COs-CO2
Self-Learning Topic: Google’s page rank Algorithm.
UNIT–III: Calculus 10 Hours
Mean Value Theorems: Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange’s mean value theorem with their geometrical
interpretation, Cauchy’s mean value theorem, Taylor’s and Maclaurin theorems with remainders
(without proof), problems on the above theorems. COs-CO3
Self-Learning Topic: Application of mean value theorems
UNIT- IV: Partial differentiation and Applications 10 Hours
Partial derivatives, total derivatives, chain rule, change of variables, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series
expansion of functions of two variables. Jacobian, maxima and minima of functions of two variables,
method of Lagrange multipliers. COs-CO4
Self-Learning Topic: Jacobian of implicit functions.
UNIT-V: Multiple Integrals 10 Hours
Double integrals - change of variables (Cartesian and Polar coordinates), change of order of
integration, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates, triple integrals. Finding areas (by double integrals)
and volumes (by double integrals and triple integrals). COs-CO5
Self-Learning topic: Calculating Centers of Mass and Moment of inertia

Text Books:
1. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 44/e, Khanna publishers, 2017.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10/e, John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
Reference Books:
1. Dennis G. Zill and Warren S. Wright , Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Jones and Bartlett,
2. Michael Green berg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition, Pearson edn.
3. George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir and Joel Hass, Thomas Calculus, 14/e, Pearson
Publishers, 2018.
4. R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5/e, Alpha Science
5. International Ltd., 2021 (9th reprint).
6. B.V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
Web References:
1. http://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111105121
3. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc24_ma91/course
4. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc24_ma53/course
5. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc24_ma11/course

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Course Title: COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH Course Code: R24HS01

Teaching Scheme (L:T:P): 2 0 0
Credits: 2
Type of Course: Lecture + Tutorial
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks Semester End Exam: 70 Marks
Pre requisites: To excel in a Communicative English course, certain foundational skills and prerequisites are
helpful such as Basic Grammar Knowledge, Listening Skills, Basic Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension,
Confidence in Speaking, Writing Skills.


A Communicative English course is designed to develop students' proficiency in spoken and

written English through practical and interactive learning methods. The course focuses on
improving students’ ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations, emphasizing both
fluency and accuracy.

The objectives of this course are to:

1. To identify the English Communication Skills among the first year B.Tech students and
to initiate measures to bridge the gap.
2. To enlighten the students on the necessity of cultivating good language habits through
practising LSRW skills.
3 To explain them various topics of grammar and the importance of being grammatically
correct in speech and writing.
4 To make them practise Phonetics and impart the nuances of fine speech.
5 To instruct them about the various types of format related to writing letters, paragraph,
emails, essays and reports.
6 To make them appreciate English text and deepen their comprehension through reading of
textual and non-detailed topics.


CO# Course Outcomes

To utilize the text, online resources, and other social, and real time situations with
CO1 an aim to practice Communicative English
CO2 To apply grammatical knowledge for speaking, and writing purposes
To analyze and practice various devices of speech for effective conversation and
CO3 presentations
CO4 Appraising the language competence of the learners and suggesting remedial action
To make the learners practice writing tasks which are relevant for job training and
CO5 academic purposes.

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UNIT-I 12 Hours
Lesson: HUMAN VALUES: A Power of a Plate of Rice by Ifeoma Okoye (Short story)
Listening: Identifying the topic, the context and specific pieces of information
By listening to short audio texts and answering a series of questions.
Speaking: Asking and answering general questions on familiar topics such as home, family, work,
studies and interests; introducing oneself and others.
Reading: Skimming to get the main idea of a text; scanning to look for specific pieces of
Writing: Mechanics of Writing-Capitalization, Spellings, Punctuation-Parts of Sentences.
Grammar: Parts of Speech, Basic Sentence Structures-forming questions
Vocabulary: Synonyms, Antonyms, Affixes (Prefixes/Suffixes), Root words. COs-C01
Self learning topics : The Great Indian Scientists-Biography of CV Raman
UNIT-II 10 Hours
Lesson: NATURE: Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel (Indian and contemporary)
Listening: Answering a series of questions about main ideas and supporting ideas after listening to
audio texts.
Speaking: Discussion in pairs/small groups on specific topics followed by short structure talks.
Reading: Identifying sequence of ideas; recognizing verbal techniques that help to link the ideas in
a paragraph together.
Writing: Structure of a paragraph - Paragraph writing (specific topics)
Grammar: Cohesive devices-linkers, use of articles and zero article prepositions.
Vocabulary: Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs. COs-C02
Self learning Topics : Seven Ages of Man by William Shakespeare.
UNIT-III 12 Hours
Lesson: BIOGRAPHY: Steve Jobs
Listening: Listening for global comprehension and summarizing what is listened to.
Speaking: Discussing specific topics in pairs or small groups and reporting what is discussed
Reading: Reading a text in detail by making basic inferences-recognizing and interpreting
specific context clues; strategies to use text clues for comprehension.
Writing: Summarizing, Note-making, paraphrasing
Grammar: Verbs-tenses; Subject-verb agreement; Compound words, Collocations
Vocabulary: Compound words, Collocations COs-C03
Self learning topics: Elon Musk
UNIT-IV 8 Hours
Lesson: INSPIRATION: The Knowledge Society by APJ Abdul Kalam (Ignited minds)
Listening: Making predictions while listening to conversations/ transactional dialogues without
video; listening with video.
Speaking: Role plays for practice of conversational English in academic contexts (formal and
informal) - asking for and giving information/directions.
Reading: Studying the use of graphic elements in texts to convey information, reveal trends/
patterns / relationships, communicate processes or display complicated data.
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Writing: Letter Writing: Official Letters and Resumes

Grammar: Reporting verbs, Direct & Indirect speech, Active & Passive Voice
Vocabulary: Words often confused, Jargons COs-C04
Self learning Topics: The writings of Sudha Murthy- “The day I stopped drinking milk”
UNIT-V 10 Hours
Lesson: MOTIVATION: The Power of Intra personal Communication (An Essay)
Listening: Identifying key terms, understanding concepts and answering a series of relevant
questions that test comprehension.
Speaking: Formal Oral Presentation topics from academic contexts
Reading: Reading comprehension.
Writing: Writings structured essays on specific topics.
Grammar: Editing short texts –identifying and correcting common errors in grammar and usage
(articles, prepositions, tenses, subject-verb agreement)
Vocabulary: Technical Jargons COs-C05
Self learning Topics: Body Language (Allan Pease)

1. Pathfinder: Communicative English for Undergraduate Students,
1stEdition,Orient BlackSwan, 2023 (Units 1,2,3 &5)
2. Empowering English by Cengage Publications, 2023
3. The Great Indian Scientists-Cengage Publications
4. English Essentials- Maruthi Publications.(Unit 4)
Reference Books:
1. P. Elian : A Hand book of English for Engineers and Technologists,
2. Bailey, Stephen. Academic writing: A Handbook for International Students.
Routledge, 2014.
3. Murphy Raymond English Grammar in Use, Fourth Edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2019.
4. English for Engineers by Shyam Ji Dubey- Vikas Publishing House
Web References:
1. www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish
2. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/
3. www.eslpod.com/index.html
4. https://www.learngrammar.net/
5. https://english4today.com/english-grammar-online-with-quizzes/
6. https://www.talkenglish.com/grammar/grammar.aspx
7. https://www.youtube.com/c/DailyVideoVocabulary/videos
8. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4cmBAit8i_NJZE8qK8sfpA

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Course Title: ENGINEERING PHYSICS Course Code: R24BS02

Teaching Scheme (L:T:P): 3:0:0
Credits: 3
Type of Course: Lecture + Tutorial
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks Semester End Exam: 70 Marks
Pre requisites: For Engineering Physics, which combines principles of physics with engineering
applications, having a solid foundation in certain areas is crucial for understanding advanced concepts.
Here’s an outline of key prerequisites that can help students succeed in the course.


An Engineering Physics course is typically designed to bridge the gap between theoretical physics
principles and engineering applications, providing students with a solid foundation to analyze and solve
complex engineering problems.

The objectives of this course are to
1. bridge the gap between the physics in school at 10+2 level and UG level engineering courses.
2. identify the importance of the optical phenomenon i.e. interference and diffraction related to
its engineering applications.
3. understand the mechanism of emission of light, utilization of lasers as coherent light sources for low
and high energy applications.
4. enlightening the periodic arrangement of atoms in crystalline solids and classify various
crystal systems.
5. explain the significant concepts of dielectric and magnetic materials that leads to potential
applications in the emerging micro devices.
6. enlightenment of the concepts of quantum mechanics and to provide fundamentals of de-
Broglie matter waves and the importance of free electron theory for metals.
7. understand the physics of semiconductors and identify the type of semiconductor using Hall

CO# Course Outcomes
Analyze the intensity variation of light due to interference, diffraction and classify various
types of lasers.
CO2 Identify various crystal systems and analyze the crystalline structure.

CO3 Summarize various types of polarization of dielectrics and classify the magnetic materials.
Explain fundamentals of quantum mechanics and apply to one dimensional motion of
CO5 Outline the properties of charge carriers in semiconductors

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UNIT-I Wave Optics 12 Hours
Interference: Introduction - Principle of superposition –Interference of light - Interference in thin films
(Reflection Geometry) & applications - Colors in thin films- Newton’s Rings- Determination of wavelength and
refractive index
Diffraction: Introduction - Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffractions - Fraunhofer diffraction due to single slit-
Fraunhofer diffraction due to N Slits -Diffraction Grating - Dispersive power and resolving power of Grating
Lasers: Introduction–Characteristics of laser – Spontaneous and Stimulated emissions of radiation – Population
inversion – Lasing action - Pumping mechanisms – Ruby laser –He-Ne laser-Applications of lasers.
COs – CO1

Self-Learning Topics: Interference in thin films due to Transmission of light

UNIT-II Crystallography and X-ray diffraction 12 Hours

Crystallography: Space lattice, Basis, Unit Cell and lattice parameters – Bravais Lattices – crystal systems (3D)
– coordination number - packing fraction of SC, BCC & FCC - Miller indices – separation between successive
(hkl) planes.
X- ray diffraction: Bragg’s law - X-ray Diffractometer – crystal structure determination by Laue’s and powder
methods. COs– CO2

Self-Learning Topics: Effect of crystallite size on diffracted X-Ray intensity.

UNIT-III Magnetic and Dielectric Materials 12 Hours

Magnetic Materials: Introduction - Magnetic dipole moment - Magnetization-Magnetic susceptibility and
permeability – Atomic origin of magnetism - Classification of magnetic materials: Dia, para, Ferro, anti-ferro&
Ferri magnetic materials - Domain concept for Ferromagnetism & Domain walls (Qualitative) - Hysteresis - soft
and hard magnetic materials.
Dielectric Materials: Introduction - Dielectric polarization - Dielectric polarizability, Susceptibility, Dielectric
constant and Displacement Vector –Relation between the electric vectors - Types of polarizations- Electronic
(Quantitative), Ionic (Quantitative) and Orientation polarizations (Qualitative) - Lorentz internal field - Clausius-
Mossotti equation–dielectric loss. COs– CO3

Self-Learning Topics: Frequency dependence of polarization.

UNIT-IV Quantum Mechanics and Free electron theory 12 Hours

Quantum Mechanics: Dual nature of matter – Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle – Significance
and properties of wave function – Schrodinger’s time independent and dependent wave equations– Particle in a
one-dimensional infinite potential well.
Free Electron Theory: Classical free electron theory (Qualitative with discussion of merits and demerits) –
Quantum free electron theory –electrical conductivity based on quantum free electron theory - Fermi-Dirac
distribution - Fermi energy. COs– CO4

Self-Learning Topics: Density of states, Origin of energy bands in solids

UNIT-V Semiconductors 8 Hours

Semiconductors: Formation of energy bands – classification of crystalline solids - Intrinsic semiconductors:–
Fermi level – Extrinsic semiconductors- P-Type semiconductors- N-Type semiconductors- principle of operation
and characteristics of P-N Junction diode - Drift and diffusion currents –Einstein’s equation - Hall effect and its
applications. COs – CO5

Self-Learning Topics: Zener diode, Solar cells

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1. “ATextbook of EngineeringPhysics”by M.N. Avadhanulu, P.G.Kshirsagar-S.Chand
Publications, 2017.
2. “Engineering Physics” byD. K. Bhattacharya and PoonamTandon,Oxfordpress (2015).
3. “Engineering Physics”byR.KGaur.and S.LGupta.,-Dhanpat Rai publishers, 2012.

1. Engineering Physics - B.K. Pandey and S. Chaturvedi, Cengage Learning.
2. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, P. A. M. Dirac, fourth Edition (Oxford University Press,Oxford,
3. Physics-Resnick, Halliday, Krane, Fifth edison, Volume-1, Wiley student edition.
4. Engineering Physics - Dr.R. Swapna, Scientific International Publishing House.
5. Concepts of Modern Physics. Arthur Beiser, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi (2010).
6. Engineering Physics” - Sanjay D. Jain, D. Sahasrabudhe and Girish, University Press.
7. Engineering Physics - M.R. Srinivasan, New Age international publishers (2009).


Web References:
1. https://www.ebooksdirectory.com/
2. http://www.sciencedirect.com/Science
3. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/
4. https://www.link.springer.com/physics/

1. https://www.ebooksdirectory.com/

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Course Title: Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering Course Code: R24ES01
TeachingScheme(L:T:P): 3:0:0
Typeof Course:Lecture +Tutorial
ContinuousInternalEvaluation: 30Marks SemesterEndExam: 70Marks
Pre requisites: To excel in a Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering course, students should have
foundational knowledge and skills in both mathematics and physics. These prerequisites help students
understand the principles that underlie civil and mechanical engineering applications.


 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineeringcourse provides a broad foundation for all
engineering disciplines, equipping students with a holistic understanding of the principles,
design methods, and innovations shaping each branch, fostering interdisciplinary knowledge
and skills.
 This introductory course covers fundamental concepts in Civil and Mechanical Engineering,
emphasizing their roles in society and diverse applications. In Civil Engineering, students
explore various disciplines, including structural, transportation, water resources, and
environmental engineering, along with essential materials and construction techniques,
surveying, and advancements in sustainable practices.
 The Mechanical Engineering segment introduces students to core sectors such as energy,
manufacturing, and automotive, along with basic design principles and engineering materials.
Key topics include thermal engineering, power cycles, IC engines, and power plant
operations, as well as principles in manufacturing, CNC, 3D printing, and robotics. This
course provides a foundational understanding of both fields, preparing students for more
specialized study and practical applications in engineering.

Theobjectives of thiscourseareto
1. Understand the Role of Civil Engineers: Familiarize students with the roles and
responsibilities of civil engineers in society and the various sub-disciplines within civil
2. Construction Materials: Provide knowledge about different construction materials such as
cement, aggregates, bricks, concrete, steel, soil, stones and their applications in building
3. Transportation Engineering: Offer insights into the importance of transportation
engineering for national economic development and the fundamentals of highway
pavements, harbor, tunnel airport and railway engineering.
4. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering: Cover the basics of water sources,
water quality specifications, hydrology, rainwater harvesting, and water storage structures,
emphasizing their importance in environmental sustainability.
5. Scope and Importance of Mechanical Engineering: Familiarize students with the scope
and significance of mechanical engineering in various sectors, including energy,
manufacturing, automotive, aerospace and marine industries.
6. Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Processes: Explain different engineering
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materials and various manufacturing processes and computational manufacturing.

7. Thermal Engineering: Provide an overview of thermal engineering principles, including the
working of boilers, IC engines, and power plants, and introduce concepts related to electric
and hybrid vehicles.
8. Mechanical Power Transmission Systems: Describe different mechanical power
transmission systems such as belt drives, chain drives, gear drives, and their applications.
9. Basics of Robotics: Introduce the basics of robotics, including joints, links, configurations,
and applications, along with advancements in robotics technology.

CO# CourseOutcomes
Understand the role of civil engineers in various disciplines, the scope of each
discipline, and the materials used in building construction and principles of
CO2 Describe the fundamentals of transportationengineering, waterresources, and
environmental engineering, including highway pavements, water quality, hydrology,
and water storage structures.
CO3 Understand and apply different manufacturing processes and engineering materials,
including theirapplications,andbasic mechanical design principles.
CO4 Explain the basics of thermal engineering, including working principles of
engines, power plants, and related thermal cycles, along with their applications.
CO5 Describe the working of different mechanical power transmission systems and the
basics of robotics and their applications.


Role of Civil Engineers in Society, Various Disciplines of Civil Engineering, Structural
Engineering, Geo-technical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Hydraulics and Water
Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Scope of Each Discipline, Building
Construction and Planning, Construction Materials Cement, Aggregate, Bricks, Cement Concrete-
Steel, soils and stones. Introduction to Prefabricated construction Techniques.
Surveying: Objectives of Surveying, Horizontal Measurements, Angular Measurements, Introduction
to Bearings Simple problems on bearings-Contour mapping.
Self-Learning Topic: Advancements in Prefabricated Construction Techniques

Types of Highway Pavements, Flexible Pavements and Rigid Pavements, Simple Differences.
Basics of Harbor, Tunnel, Airport, and Railway Engineering
Water Resources and Environmental Engineering: Introduction, Sources of water, Quality of
water, Specifications, Introduction to Hydrology, Rainwater Harvesting, Water Storage and
Conveyance Structures (Simple introduction to Dams and Reservoirs).
Self-Learning Topic: Sustainable Transportation Engineering

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Introduction to Mechanical Engineering: Role of Mechanical Engineering in Industries and
Society Technologies in different sectors such as Energy, Manufacturing, Automotive, Aerospace,
and Marine sectors.
Basic Mechanical Design Principles: Fundamentals of Mechanical Design- Introduction to the
design process, understanding design requirements, and conceptual design, Design of Simple
Machine Components - Design considerations for basic machine components like shafts, bearings,
gears, and fasteners.
Engineering Materials – Metals - Ferrous and Non-ferrous, Ceramics, Composites, Smart
Self-Learning Topics: Sustainable Engineering Practices, Advancements in Smart Materials.

Thermal Engineering–Working principle of Boilers
Cycles-Ottocycle,Dieselcycle,Refrigerationand air-conditioningcycles,
Engines-ICengines,2-Strokeand4-Strokeengines, SI/CIEngines,
Power plants – Working principle of Steam, Diesel, Hydro, Nuclear power plants, Introduction to
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.
Self-LearningTopics:AdvancedEngineTechnologies,ThermodynamicsinRenewableEnergy Systems.

Manufacturing Processes: Principles of Casting,Forming,joiningprocesses,
Computational Manufacturing: Introduction to CNCmachines,3Dprinting and Smart
Machining– Conventional & Non-Conventional,
Mechanical Power Transmission-Belt Drives, Chain, Rope drives, Gear Drives and their
Introduction to Robotics-Joints & links, configurations, and applications of robotics.
Self-Learning Topics: Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Innovations in Mechanical Power

1. Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering, by Ommi Srikanth,M.Sreenivasa Reddy S. Chand
2. Internal Combustion Engines by V.Ganesan, By Tata McGraw Hill publications (India) Pvt.
3. A Text bookofTheoryofMachinesbyS.S.Rattan,TataMcGrawHillPublications, (India) Pvt.
4. An introduction to Mechanical Engg by JonathanWicker and Kemper Lewis, cengage
learning India pvt. Ltd.

1. AppuuKuttanKK, Robotics,I.K.InternationalPublishingHousePvt. Ltd. Volume-I
2. 3D printing & Additive Manufacturing Technology- L. Jyothish Kumar, Pulak M Pandey,

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Springer publications
3. ThermalEngineeringbyMaheshMRathoreTataMcgrawHillpublications(India)Pvt. Ltd.
4. G.Shanmugam andM.S.Palanisamy,BasicCivilandtheMechanical Engineering,Tata Mcgraw
Hill publications (India) Pvt. Ltd.

1. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqSpQzTE6M_SM0Lrnzk2dJFwElh0Ebhu
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105101087
3. https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/105/105/105105110/
4. https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/105/112105125/
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cr5vfV4YAI
6. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105266
7. https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104301/

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Problem Solving and Programming with C

I B.TECH- I SEMESTER (Common to all Branches)

Course Title: Problem Solving Course Code: R24ES02

and Programming with C
Teaching Scheme (L:T:P): 3:0:0
Credits: 3
Type of Course: Lecture + Tutorial
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks Semester End Exam: 70 Marks
Pre requisites: for learning C programming, a strong background in problem-solving skills and an
understanding of data structures and algorithms.

1. To understand computer programming and its roles in problem solving.
2. To understand and develop well-structured programs using C language.

The objectives of this course are to:

1. To impart adequate knowledge on the need of programming languages and problem-solving

techniques and develop programming skills.
2. To express algorithms and draw flowcharts in a language independent manner.
3. To enable effective usage of Operators &Control Structures.
4. To learn about the design concept of Arrays, Strings and Functions.
5. To understand Structures and Unions and their usage.
6. To assimilate about Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation and know the significance of Pre-
processors, perform operations on files.


CO# Course Outcomes

Illustrate the fundamental concepts of computers and basic computer programming
and problem-solving approach.
CO2 Understand the Control structures, Branching and Looping.
CO3 Make use of Arrays and Develop Programs on modular programming using functions
and strings.
CO4 Demonstrate the ability to write programs using Structures and Unions.

CO5 Apply File handling operations.


UNIT-I: Introduction to Programming and Algorithm for Problem Solving: 10 Hours

Introduction to Programming: The Basic Model of Computation, Algorithms, Flow-charts,
Programming Languages, Compilation, Linking and Loading, Testing and Debugging, Documentation,

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Algorithm for Problem Solving: Exchanging values of two variables, summation of a set of numbers,
Decimal Base to Binary Base conversion, Reversing digits of an integer, GCD (Greatest Common
Division) of two numbers, Test whether a number is prime, Organize numbers in ascending order, Find
square root of a number, factorial computation, Fibonacci sequence, Evaluate ‘sin x’ as sum of a
series, Reverse order of elements of an array, Find largest number in an array, Print elements of upper
triangular matrix, multiplication of two matrices, Evaluate a Polynomial. COs–CO1
Self-Learning Topics: Compilation and Interpretation

UNIT- II: Introduction to the ‘C’ Programming 15 Hours

Introduction: Character set, Variables and Identifiers, Built-in Data Types, Input/output statements,
Variable Definition, Arithmetic operators and Expressions, Constants and Literals, Simple assignment
statement, Basic input/output statement, Type Casting and Type def Simple ‘C’ programs.Storage
Classes: Scope and extent, Storage Classes in a single source file: auto, extern and static, register,
Storage Classes in multiple source files: extern and static.
Conditional Statements and Loops: Decision making within a program, Conditions, Relational
Operators, Logical Connectives, if statement, if-else statement, Loops: while loop, do while, for loop,
Nested loops, Infinite loops, Switch statement, Break statement, Go to statement. COs-CO2
Self-Learning Topics: Escape Sequences
UNIT – III: Arrays 15 Hours
Arrays: One dimensional array: Array manipulation; Searching, Insertion, Deletion of an element from
an array; Finding the largest/smallest element in an array; two dimensional arrays with examples.
Strings: Concepts, String Types, String Input / Output functions, String manipulation functions, Null
terminated strings as array of characters, COs–CO3
Self-Learning Topics: String Pattern Matching
UNIT- IV: Functions&Pointers 15 Hours
Functions: Top-down approach of problem solving, Modular programming and functions, Standard
Library of C functions, Prototype of a function: Formal parameter list, Return Type, Function call,
Block structure, passing arguments to a Function: call by reference; call by value, Recursive Functions,
arrays as function arguments, Standard library string functions..
Pointers: Address operators, pointer type declaration, pointer assignment, pointer initialization, pointer
arithmetic, functions and pointers, Arrays and Pointers, pointer arrays, pointers and structures, dynamic
memory allocation. COs– CO4
Self-Learning Topics: How do you pass a structure to a function?
UNIT-V: Structures and Unions 10 Hours
Structures and Unions: Structure variables, initialization, structure assignment, nested structure,
structures and functions, structures, and arrays: arrays of structures, structures containing arrays,
unions, Enumeration.
File Processing: Concept of a file, streams, text files and binary files, Differences between text and
binary files, State of a file, Opening and Closing files, file input/output functions (standard library
input/output functions for files), file status functions (error handling), Positioning functions Cos-CO5
Self-Learning Topics: Binary Files and operations on Binary files

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1. Byron S Gottfried “Programming with C” Second edition, Tata McGrawhill, 2007 (Paperback)
2. R.G. Dromey, “How to solve it by Computer”, Pearson Education, 2008.
3. Kanetkar Y, “Let us C”, BPB Publications, 2007.
4. 4. Hanly J R & Koffman E.B, “Problem Solving and Program design in C”, Pearson
Education, 2009.
1. E. Balaguruswamy, “Programming with ANSI-C”, Fourth Edition,2008, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Venugopal K. R and Prasad S. R, “Mastering ‘C’”, Third Edition, 2008, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. B.W. Kernighan & D. M. Ritchie, “The C Programming Language”, Second Edition, 2001,
Pearson Education
4. ISRD Group, “Programming and Problem-solving Using C”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
5. Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh, “Programming in C”, Oxford University Press, 2007.

Web References:
1. http://www.c4learn.com/
2. http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/c/
3. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/122104019/
4. http://www.learn-c.org/
5. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/c programming/

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Course Title: ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB Course Code: R24BS03

Teaching Scheme (L:T:P): 0:0:2
Credits: 1
Type of Course: Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks Semester End Exam: 70 Marks
Pre requisites: The Engineering Physics Lab is designed to provide students with hands-on experience and
practical knowledge of physics concepts applied in engineering. Through experiments and observations,
students can bridge theoretical physics principles with real-world applications, enhancing their
understanding of experimental physics and analytical skills.


To succeed in an Engineering Physics Lab course, certain foundational skills and knowledge are
necessary for effective participation and understanding. Here are the key prerequisites:
1. Basic Physics Knowledge
2. Mathematics Skills
3. Measurement and Unit Conversions
4. Basic Laboratory Skills
5. Problem-Solving and Analytical Skills
6. Familiarity with Safety Practices
7. Basic Computing Skills

1. To study the concepts of optical phenomenon like interference, diffraction etc.,
2. To recognize the importance of energy gap in the study of conductivity and Hall effect in
3. To study the parameters and applications of dielectric and magnetic materials by conducting
CO# Course Outcomes
CO1 Demonstrate the modern engineering physics
Techniques and tools in real times applications in engineering studies.
CO2 Develop the laboratory skills in handling of electrical and optical instruments.
CO3 Conduct experiment Independently and In team to record the measurements
Compare the experimental results with standard values and estimate errors


List of Experiments

1. Determination of radius of curvature of a given plano convex lens by Newton’sring;s method.

2. Determination of wavelengths of different spectral lines in mercury spectrum using
diffraction grating in normal incidence configuration.

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3. Determination of thickness of thin object by air wedge method

4. Determination of wavelength of Laser Source by diffraction gratting.
5. Determination of rigidity modulus of the material of the given wire using Torsional pendulum.
6. Magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil by Stewart & Gee’s Method.
7. Determination of dispersive power of the prism.
8. Determination of acceleration due to gravity and radius of Gyration by using Compound pendulum.
9. Determination of energy gap of a semiconductor using p-n junction diode.
10. Determination of dielectric constant using charging an discharging method.
11. Sonometer: Verification of laws of stretched string.
12. Estimation of Planck’s constant using photoelectric effect.
13. Study the variation of B versus H by magnetization the magnetic material (B-H curve)
14. Determination of frequency of electrically maintained tunning fork by Melde’s experiment.
15. Determination of Hall voltage and Hall coefficient of a given semiconductor using Hall effect.
16. Determination of the resistivity of semiconductor by four probe method.
17. Determination of young’s modulus for the given material of wooden scale by non- uniform bending (or
double cantilever) method .
18. Determination of magnetic suseptibility by Kundt’s tube method

1. S. Balasubramanian, M.N.Srinivasan “A Text Book of Practical Physics”-S
2 .J.Raja Gopalam Patnaik, “Physics Laboratory Manual for Undergraduate Students “Paramount
Book Disributors 2023.

Web References:

1. https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/filter?subjects=physics&type=html,prototype

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Course Title: COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH LAB Course Code: R24HS02

Teaching Scheme (L:T:P): 0 0 2

Credits: 1
Type of Course: Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks Semester End Exam: 70 Marks
Pre requisites: To excel in a Communicative English course, certain foundational skills and prerequisites are
helpful such as Basic Grammar Knowledge, Listening Skills, Basic Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension,
Confidence in Speaking, Writing Skills.


A Communicative English course is designed to develop students' proficiency in spoken and

written English through practical and interactive learning methods. The course focuses on
improving students’ ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations, emphasizing both
fluency and accuracy.

The objectives of this course are to:

The main objective of introducing this course, Communicative English Laboratory, is to expose the
students to a variety of self-instructional, learner friendly modes of language learning. Students
undergo training in basic communication skills to make them into confident communicators in all


CO# Course Outcomes

Understand and recognize the various facets of English language ability with a
CO1 focus on the four basic skills- namely -LSRW abilities.
CO2 Implement various activities for language learners to practise communication skills.
To enhance listening and speaking comprehension, analyze the sounds, stress,
CO3 rhythm, intonation, and syllable division of English speech.
Assess the professionalism of students when taking part in group discussions,
CO4 debates, JAM sessions, Presentations and Interviews.
Equipping oneself with Interview Skills and a range of Soft Skills for life and
CO5 career.


1. To explain and guide the students in decoding the sounds of English.
2. List all the consonant sounds and vowel sounds in English
1. What is a syllable and describe the syllable structure.
2. Define stress, functional stress and various rules of stress.
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3. What is connected speech?

1. What is Intonation and mention the various pitch movements like rise, fall, fall-rise or rise-
2. What is connected speech?
1. To equip students to speak in English language confidently without any inhibitions.
2. Why are majority of the companies conducting JAM session as a preliminary interview?
3. What are the key skills tested in JAM round?
1. To help students learn and understand different functions of language like greeting, asking
2. For information, giving information, meetings, requests, exchanging dialogues in formal
and informal contexts.
3. Introduce yourself and others, give instructions and directions
Week 6:
1. To help the students understand and work on the digital age connector for personal
correspondence, business communication, etc.
2. Write about email etiquette.
3. Draft an email to the HR Manager of Wipro Technologies requesting to consider your
application for the post of Software Engineer.
Week 7:
1. To update students about the importance of Resume, the various types and the essentials of
an effective resume
2. Draft a resume for a software post in reputed organization.
Week 8:
1. To educate students about the various styles of writing formal letters.
2. What is a cover letter? What are the different types of cover letters?
3. Write a job application letter for any post of your choice in a reputed company?
Week 9:
1. To help students know the importance of an SOP in their professional advancements?
2. What is an SOP and what are the different kinds and parts of an SOP?
3. Prepare an SOP to apply for a Master’s Programme in any University of your choice.
Week 10:
1. To educate and guide the students about presentation skills and its importance in the
technical evolving world.
2. To inform explain students about the importance of body language in various personal and
professional forums
3. To help students to present papers, PPT’s in seminars, workshops, conferences, research
projects, interviews, etc.
Week 11:
1. To help students to give effective PPT’s in various academic and professional platforms.
2. Describe various aspects that make PPT more effective.
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3. Make a PPT on any topic of your choice and present it to the class.
Week 12:
1. To foster, creative, critical thinking skills, analytical skills and problem solving skills.
2. Suggest a few tips for preparing a poster.
3. Prepare posters from or outside your curriculum.
List of Activities:
1. Sounds of English (Vowels and Consonants) COs: CO1,CO2
2. Neutralization and Accent Rules COs: CO1,CO2
3. Improving communication skills /JAM. COs: CO3,CO4
4. Letter Writing and E-mail Writing COs: CO1,CO2
5. Cover letters and Resume Writing COs: CO1,CO2
6. Statement of Purpose. COs: CO1,CO2
7. Debates COs: CO4:CO5
8. Presentation skills- PPT and Poster COs: CO4:CO5
9. Group Discussions , types and practice COs: CO4,CO5
10. Interview skills – Mock interviews COs: CO4,CO5
Reference Books:
1. Prof. M. Hari Prasad, Prof. Vijaya Babu, Prof. Padmaja Kalapala, Skill Craft –
A Communicative English Laboratory Workbook, Maruthi Publications first Edition, 2023
2. Meenakshi Ramana, Sangeeta-Sharma, 4thEdition, Technical Communication, Oxford
Press, 2022.
3. Grant Taylor: English Conversation Practice, 1st Edition, Tata ,Mc Graw-Hill Education
India, 2001.
4. Hewing,s, Martin, Cambridge Academic English(B2), Cambridge University Press,2012.
5. T. Balasubramanyam, A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students, 3rd Edition,
Trinity, 2022.
6. Dr. ShaliniSharma’s Body Language Your Success Mantra, S. Chand publications 2010.
7. Sunitha Mishra and C.Murali Krishna’s Communication Skills for Engineers Pearson
Education Edition 2009.

Suggested software:
 English Wordsworth –Language Lab- Wordsworth Software
Web References for:
Spoken English
1. www.esl-lab.com
2. www.englishmedialab.com
3. www.englishinteractive.net
4. https://www.britishcouncil.in/english/online
5. http://www.letstalkpodcast.com/
6. . https://www.youtube.com/c/ArnelsEverydayEnglish/featured
7. https://www.youtube.com/c/engvidAdam/featured
8. . https://www.youtube.com/c/EnglishClass101/featured
9. https://www.ted.com/watch/ted-ed
10. http://www.edest.org/
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Voice & Accent:

1. https://www.youtube.com/user/letstalkaccent/videos
2. https://www.youtube.com/c/EngLanguageClub/featured
3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_OskgZBoS4dAnVUgJVexc
4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNfm92h83W2i2ijc5Xwp_IA

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Problem Solving and Programming with C Lab

I B.TECH- I SEMESTER (Common to all Branches)

Course Title: Problem Solving Course Code: R24ES03

and Programming with C Lab
Teaching Scheme (L:T:P): 0 0 3
Credits: 1.5
Type of Course:Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks Semester End Exam: 70 Marks
Pre requisites: Problem Solving & Programming with C lab include: Understanding
programming fundamentals, Writing C programs, Applying programming techniques, Using
algorithms, Using pseudocode and flowcharts

1. To understand computer programming and its roles in problem solving.
2. To understand and develop well-structured programs using C language.

The objectives of this course are to:

The course aims to give students hands – on experience and train them on the concepts of the C-
programming language.


CO# Course Outcomes

CO1 Read, understand, and trace the execution of programs written in C language.
Select the right control structure for solving the problems .and demonstrate the
application of arrays functions and strings
CO3 Develop Debug and Execute programs to demonstrate the applications of Pointers,
Structures& Unions, and Files.


Developing the following programs:

Week 1:
1. Write a C program using printf() and Scanf(). COs:CO1
2. Write a C program on swapping of two nos. COs:CO1
3. Write a C program using arithmetic Expressions. COs:CO1
Week 2:
4. Simple interest calculation COs:CO2
5. Finding compound interest COs:CO2
6. Area of a triangle using heron’s formulae COs:CO2
7. Distance travelled by an object COs:CO2
Week 3:
8. Find the maximum of three numbers using conditional operator COs:CO2
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9. Take marks of 5 subjects in integers, and find the total, average in float COs:CO2
10. Write a C program to shift/rotate using bit fields. COs:CO2
11. Finding the square root of a given number COs:CO2
12. Write a C program using if-else statement. COs:CO2
Week 4:
13. Write a C program to find the max and min of four numbers using if-else. COs:CO2
14. Write a C program to generate electricity bill. COs:CO2
15. Find the roots of the quadratic equation. ` COs:CO2
16. Write a C program to find the given year is a leap year or not. COs:CO2
17. Write a C program to simulate a calculator using switch case. COs:CO2
Week 5:
18. Find the factorial of given number using any loop. COs:CO2
19. Find the given number is a prime or not. COs:CO2
20. Compute sine and cos series. COs:CO2
21. Checking a number palindrome. COs:CO2
22. Construct a pyramid of numbers. COs:CO2
Week 6:
23. Write a C program on Linear Search. COs:CO3
24. Find the min and max of a 1-D integer array. COs:CO3
25. Perform linear search on1D array. COs:CO3
26. The reverse of a 1D integer array. COs:CO3
Week 7:
27. Find 2’s complement of the given binary number. COs:CO3
28. Eliminate duplicate elements in an array. COs:CO3
29. Sort array elements using bubble sort. COs:CO3
30. Addition of two matrices. COs:CO3
Week 8:
31. Multiplication two matrices. COs:CO3
32. Write a C program using call by reference. COs:CO3
33. Write a C program to find factorial of n using recursion. COs:CO3
34. Write a C function to calculate NCR value COs:CO3
35. Concatenate two strings without built-in functions. COs:CO3
Week 9:
36. Write a C function to transpose of a matrix. COs:CO3
37. Write a C function to find the length of a string. COs:CO3
38. Reverse a string using built-in and without built-in string functions. COs:CO3
39. Write a C program to find the sum of a 1D array using malloc ( ). COs:CO3
Week 10:
40. Write a recursive function to find the lcm of two numbers. COs:CO3
41. Write a recursive function to find the sum of series. COs:CO3
42. Write a C program to swap two numbers using call by reference. COs:CO3
43. Write a C program using Pointers, Structures and Unions. COs:CO4
44. Write a C program to find the total, average of n students using structures. COs:CO4
Week 11:
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45. Enter n students data using calloc() and display failed students list. COs:CO4
46. Read student name and marks from the command line and display the student details along
with the total. COs:CO4
47. Write a C program to implement realloc(). COs:CO4
48. Write a C program to copy one structure variable to another structure of the same type.
COs: CO4
Week 12:
49. Demonstrate Dangling pointer problem using a C program. COs: CO4
50. Write a C program to copy one string into another using pointer. COs: CO4
51. Write a C program to find no of lowercase, uppercase, digits and other characters using
pointers. COs: CO4
Week 13:
52. Write a C program using Files operations. COs:CO5
a. Sum and average of 3 numbers
b. Conversion of Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.
53. Write a C program to write and read text into a file. COs:CO5
Week 14:
54. Write a C program to write and read text into a binary file using fread() and fwrite()
55. Copy the contents of one file to another file. COs:CO5
56. Write a C program to merge two files into the third file using command-line arguments.
Week 15:
57. Find no. of lines, words and characters in a file. COs:CO5
58. Write a C program to print last n characters of a given file. COs:CO5

Scenario Based Case Study:

1. Objective: To develop a simple utility program to calculate the area of geometric shapes.
Target Audience: Beginner programmers and students.
A basic utility program in C that can:
1. Calculate the area of a circle.
2. Calculate the area of a rectangle.
3. Calculate the area of a triangle.
The program should be easy to understand and serve as an educational tool for new programmers.
1. Program Design:
The utility program will be designed with a simple menu-driven interface allowing the user to
select the shape for which they want to calculate the area. The program will then prompt the user to
input the necessary dimensions and display the result.
This basic C program demonstrates fundamental programming concepts such as variables,
functions, and control structures in a practical context. It provides a clear introduction to C

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programming for beginners by solving a simple problem using these core concepts.
This case study outlines a straightforward approach to teaching and implementing basic C
programming concepts effectively.

2. Students Marks Sum HackerRank Solution

You are given an array of integers, marks, denoting the marks scored by students in a class.
 The alternating elements marks0, marks2, marks4 and so on denote the marks of
 Similarly,marks1 , marks3, marks5 and so on denote the marks of girls.
The array name, marks, works as a pointer which stores the base address of that array. In
other words, marks contains the address where marks0 is stored in the memory.

3. Sorting Array of Strings HackerRank Solution

To sort a given array of strings into lexicographically increasing order or into an order in
which the string with the lowest length appears first, a sorting function with a flag
indicating the type of comparison strategy can be written. The disadvantage with doing so
has to rewrite the function for every new comparison strategy.

A better implementation would be to write a sorting function that accepts a pointer to the
function that compares each pair of strings. Doing this will mean only passing a pointer to
the sorting function with every new comparison strategy.

1. Ajay Mittal, Programming in C: A practical approach, Pearson.
2. Byron Gottfried, Schaum' s Outline of Programming with C, McGraw Hill

Reference Books:
1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, PrenticeHall of
2. C Programming, A Problem-Solving Approach, Forouzan, Gilberg, Prasad, CENGAGE

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IT Workshop

Course Title: IT Workshop Course Code: R24ES04

Teaching Scheme (L:T:P): 0 0 2
Credits: 1
Type of Course: Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks Semester End Exam: 70 Marks
Pre requisites: an IT workshop for engineering students: Familiarity with hand tools, equipment,
and machines, Computer skills.

1. To understand computer programming and its roles in problem solving.
2. To understand and develop well-structured programs using C language.

The objectives of this course are to:

1. To assemble and disassemble a computer.

2. To solve hardware and software problems.
3. To learn about Networking of computers and use Internet facility for Browsing and
4. To develop project documentation using MS word
5. To work with various productivity tools including Excel, PowerPoint.
6. To work with different online repositories such as GITHUB, AI CHATBOT.


CO# Course Outcomes

CO1 Perform Hardware troubleshooting and Perform Hardware troubleshooting

CO2 Apply different way of hooking the PC on to the internet from home and Workplace.

CO3 Design word documents by learning word processing and Create presentations by using
different styles and using AI Tools-Chat GPT and GITHUB


PC Hardware & Software Installation 9 Hours

Task 1: Identify the peripherals of a computer, components in a CPU and its functions. Draw the
Block diagram of the CPU along with the configuration of each peripheral and submit it to your
Task 2: Every student should disassemble and assemble the PC back to working condition. Lab
Instructors should verify the work and follow it up with a Viva. Also students need to go through
the video which shows the process of assembling a PC. A video would be given as part of the
course content.
Task 3: Every student should individually install MS windows on the personal computer. Lab
Instructor should verify the installation and follow it up with a Viva.
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Task 4: Every student should install Linux on the computer. Lab instructor should verify the
installation and follow it up with a Viva. COs-CO1
Internet &World Wide Web 6 Hours
Task1: Orientation & Connectivity Boot Camp: Students should get connected to their Local Area
Network and access the Internet. In the process they configure the TCP/IP setting. Finally, students
Should demonstrate to the instructor, how to access the websites and email. If there is no internet
Connectivity preparations need to be made by the instructors to simulate the WWW on the LAN.
Task 2: Web Browsers, Surfing the Web: Students customize their web browsers with the LAN
Proxy settings, bookmarks, search toolbars and pop-up blockers. Also, plug-ins like Macromedia
Flash and JRE for applets should be configured.
Task 3: Search Engines & Netiquette: Students should know what search engines are and how to
Use the search engines. A few topics would be given to the students for which they need to search
On Google. This should be demonstrated to the instructors by the student. COs-CO2
MS WORD 6 Hours
Task 1: Creating project abstract Features to be covered: -Formatting Styles, Inserting table,
Bullets And Numbering, Changing Text Direction, Cell alignment, Footnote, Hyperlink, Symbols,
Spell Check, Track Changes.
Task 2: Creating a Newsletter: Features to be covered: - Table of Content, Newspaper columns,
Images from files and clipart, Drawing toolbar and Word Art, Formatting Images, Textboxes,
Paragraphs and Mail Merge in word.
EXCEL 6 Hours
Excel Orientation: The mentor needs to tell the importance of MS office or equivalent (FOSS)
tool Excel as a Spreadsheet tool; give the details of the four tasks and features that would be
covered in Each. Using Excel – Accessing, overview of toolbars, saving excel files, using help and
resources. Task 1: Creating a Scheduler - Features to be covered: Gridlines, Format Cells,
Summation, and auto Fill, Formatting Text.
Task 2: Calculating GPA -. Features to be covered: - Cell Referencing, Formulae in excel –
Average, std. deviation, Charts, Renaming and Inserting worksheets, hyper linking, Count Function


Task 1: Students will be working on basic power point utilities and tools which help them create
basic power point presentations. PPT Orientation, Slide Layouts, Inserting Text, Word Art,
Formatting Text, Bullets and Numbering, Auto Shapes, Lines and Arrows in PowerPoint.
Task 2: Interactive presentations - Hyperlinks, Inserting –Images, Clip Art, Audio, Video,
Objects, Tables and Charts.
Task 3: Master Layouts (slide, template, and notes), Types of views (basic, presentation, slide
slotter, notes etc), and Inserting – Background, textures, Design Templates, Hidden slides.Cos-
AI TOOLS – Chat GPT 6 Hours
Task 1: Prompt Engineering: Experiment with different types of prompts to see how the model
Responds. Try asking questions, starting conversations, or even providing incomplete sentences to
See how the model completes them. Ex: Prompt: "You are a knowledgeable AI. Please answer the
following question: What is the capital of France?"
Task 2: Creative Writing: Use the model as a writing assistant. Provide the beginning of a story or
a description of a scene, and let the model generate the rest of the content. This can be a fun way to

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Brainstorm creative ideas Ex: Prompt: "In a world where gravity suddenly stopped working, people
started floating upwards. Write a story about how society adapted to this new reality."
Explore – GITHUB 6 Hours
Task 1: Students should understand GITHUB and should possess accounts in it.
Task 2: Students should explore different repositories available in GITHUB and student should
Create his/ her own simple repositories.
Task 3: Students should take simple experiments /presentations and upload them in their GITHUB
Task 4: Students should understand how GITHUB Enterprise Cloud is used and also explore the
GIT and GIT HUB resources. COs-CO3

Reference Books:
1. Comdex Information Technology course tool kit, Vikas Gupta, WILEY Dream tech, 2003
2. The Complete Computer upgrade and repair book, Cheryl A Schmidt, WILEY Dream tech,
2013, 3rd edition
3. Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education Solutions limited, Pearson
Education, 2012, 2nd edition
4. PC Hardware - A Handbook, Kate J. Chase, PHI (Microsoft)
5. IT Essentials PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide, David Anfins on and Ken
Quamme. – CISCO Press, Pearson Education, 3rd edition
6. IT Essentials PC Hardware and Software Labs and Study Guide, Patrick Regan–
CISCOPress, Pearson Education, 3rd edition
7. "Microsoft Word 2021: A Beginner’s Guide"by Steve Lambert.
8. "Excel 2021: A Comprehensive Guide"by Chris Benham.
9. "Microsoft PowerPoint 2021: A Beginner’s Guide" by Steve Lambert
10. GITHUB Quick Start Tutorials

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I B.TECH- I SEMESTER (Common to all Branches)

Course Title: HEALTH AND WELLNESS, YOGA Course Code: R24MC01

Teaching Scheme (L:T:P): 0:0:1
Credits: 0.5
Type of Course: Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 100 Marks Semester End Exam: 0 Marks
Pre requisites: Prerequisites for courses in Health and Wellness, Yoga, and Sports can vary by institution
and program. However, here’s a general outline of common prerequisites and recommended qualifications
for these types of courses.


Here's a general course overview for programs in Health and Wellness, Yoga, and Sports. Each area
may have specific courses and focuses depending on the institution, but this will provide a foundational
understanding of what to expect.
Health and Wellness

 Overview: This program focuses on promoting overall health, wellness strategies, and preventive health
measures. It often includes the study of physical, mental, and social well-being.
 Core Courses:
o Introduction to Health and Wellness: Basics of health concepts, wellness promotion, and
lifestyle choices.
o Nutrition and Health: Understanding dietary needs, nutritional guidelines, and the role of
nutrition in health.
o Mental Health and Wellness: Exploring psychological well-being, stress management, and
mental health issues.
o Exercise Physiology: The study of how physical activity affects the body and mind.
o Health Education and Promotion: Strategies for promoting health within communities and
 Practical Experience: Some programs may include internships or fieldwork in health settings,
community organizations, or wellness programs.

2. Yoga

 Overview: Yoga programs typically cover the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga practice.
They can be geared toward practitioners or those looking to teach.
 Core Courses:
o Yoga Philosophy: Study of the history and philosophy of yoga, including key texts and
o Asana Practice: Detailed exploration of yoga postures (asanas), including alignment,
modifications, and variations.
o Meditation and Pranayama: Techniques for breath control and meditation practices.
o Anatomy for Yoga: Understanding the human body in relation to yoga practice, focusing on
anatomy and physiology.
o Teaching Methodology: Instruction on how to teach yoga classes, including class planning,
communication skills, and sequencing.
 Practical Experience: Teaching practice sessions, observation of experienced teachers, and peer

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3. Sports

 Overview: Sports programs often encompass a broad understanding of physical education, sports
science, coaching, and athletic training.
 Core Courses:
o Introduction to Sports Science: Overview of the key principles in sports science, including
biomechanics and exercise physiology.
o Coaching Principles: Theories and techniques related to effective coaching and athlete
o Sport Psychology: Understanding the mental aspects of sports performance and strategies for
enhancing motivation and focus.
o Exercise and Sport Nutrition: Nutrition principles specifically tailored for athletes and active
o Sport Management: Insights into the business side of sports, including marketing, finance, and
event management.

The objectives of this course are to:

The main objective of introducing this course is to make the students maintain their mental and
physical wellness by balancing emotions in their life. It mainly enhances the essential traits required for
the development of the personality.


CO# Course Outcomes

CO1 Understand the importance of yoga and sports for Physical fitness and sound health.

CO2 Demonstrate an understanding of health-related fitness components.

CO3 Compare and contrast various activities that help enhance their health.

CO4 Assess current personal fitness levels.

CO5 Develop Positive Personality


Concept of health and fitness, Nutrition and Balanced diet, basic concept of immunity Relationship
between diet and fitness, Globalization and its impact on health, Body Mass Index (BMI) of all age
i) Organizing health awareness programmes in community
ii) Preparation of health profile
iii) Preparation of chart for balance diet for all age groups

Concept of yoga, need for and importance of yoga, origin and history of yoga in Indian context,
classification of yoga, Physiological effects of Asanas- Pranayama and meditation, stress management
and yoga, Mental health and yoga practice.


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Yoga practices – Asana, Kriya, Mudra, Bandha, Dhyana, Surya Namaskar

Concept of Sports and fitness, importance, fitness components, history of sports, Ancient and Modern
Olympics, Asian games and Commonwealth games.

i) Participation in one major game and one individual sport viz., Athletics, Volleyball,Basketball,
Handball, Football, Badminton, Kabaddi, Kho-kho, Table tennis, Cricket etc.
ii) Practicing general and specific warm up, aerobics
iii) Practicing cardiorespiratory fitness, treadmill, run test, 9 min walk, skipping and running.

Reference Books:
1. Gordon Edlin, Eric Golanty. Health and Wellness, 14th Edn. Jones & Bartlett Learning,
2. T.K.V.Desikachar. The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice
3. Archie J.Bahm. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Jain Publishing Company, 1993
4. Wiseman, John Lofty, SAS Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving
Anywhere Third Edition, William Morrow Paperbacks, 2014
5. The Sports Rules Book/ Human Kinetics with Thomas Hanlon. -- 3rd ed. Human
Kinetics, Inc.2014

General Guidelines:
1. Institutes must assign slots in the Timetable for the activities of Health/Sports/Yoga.
2. Institutes must provide field/facility and offer the minimum of five choices of as many
as Games/Sports.
3. Institutes are required to provide sports instructor / yoga teacher to mentor the students.

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Differential Equations and Vector Calculus

IB.TECH-IISEMESTER(Common to all Branches)

Course Title: Differential Equations and Vector Course Code: R24BS04

Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 3:0:0
Type of Course: Lecture +Tutorial
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30Marks Semester EndExam: 70Marks
Pre requisites:To succeed in Differential Equations and Vector Calculus, you'll need a strong foundation in
several key areas of mathematics. Here are the typical prerequisites: Calculus I (Single-variable Calculus),
Calculus II (Single-variable Calculus, continuation), Calculus III (Multivariable Calculus), Linear Algebra.

This course is often taken after completing Calculus I, II, and III, and Linear Algebra. It combines
methods and applications of differential equations with essential topics in vector calculus, as used in
fields like physics, engineering, and applied mathematics.

Theobjectives of thiscourseareto:

1. To enlighten the learners in the concept of differential equations and multivariable calculus.
2. To furnish the learners with basic concept and techniques at plus two level to lead them in to
advanced level by handling various real-world applications.


CO# CourseOutcomes
CO1 Solve the first order differential equations related to various engineering fields.
Model engineering problems as higher order differential equations and solve
CO3 Identify solution methods for partial differential equations that model physical
Interpret the physical meaning of different operators such as gradient, curl and
CO5 Estimate the work done against a field, circulation and flux using vector calculus.


UNIT- I: Differential equations of first order and first degree 10 Hours

Formation of differential equations, order, degree, separation of variables (only Review). Linear
differential equations-Bernoulli’s equations-Exact equations and equations reducible to exact form.
Applications: Newton’s Law of cooling – Law of natural growth and decay, Electrical circuits (RL and
LC). COs-CO1
Self-Learning Topic: Mixed tank problems

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UNIT- II: Higher order Linear differential equations with Constant Coefficients 10 Hours
Definitions, homogenous and non-homogenous, complimentary function, particular integral
 eax ,sin ax,cos ax, Polynomial in x, eaxV  x  , xV  x   , general solution, Wronskian, method of variation
of parameters.
Applications: L-C-R Circuit problems COs-CO2 Self-Learning Topic: Simple Harmonic
UNIT–III: Partial Differential Equations 10 Hours
Introduction and formation of Partial Differential Equations by elimination of arbitrary constants and
arbitrary functions, solution of first order linear equations using Lagrange’s method. Homogenous
Linear Partial differential equations with constant coefficients. COs-CO3
Self-Learning Topic: Method of Separation of Variables
UNIT- IV: Vector differentiation 10 Hours
Vector, Scalar, dot product, cross product, unit vector, equation of a line passing through two points
(Review only)
Scalar and vector point functions, vector operator del, del applies to scalar point function-Gradient, del
applied to vector point function – Divergence and Curl, Vector Identities
Application: Scalar Potential COs-CO4
Self-Learning Topic: Equation of tangent plane and Normal plane.
UNIT-V: Vector integration 10 Hour
Line integral – circulation – work done, surface integral-flux, Green’s theorem in the plane (without
proof), Stoke’s theorem (without proof), volume integral, Divergence theorem (without proof).
Self-Learning Topic: Application of above theorems.

Text Books:
1. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 44/e, Khanna publishers, 2017.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10/e, John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
Reference Books:
1. Dennis G. Zill and Warren S. Wright, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Jones and Bartlett, 2018.
2. Michael Green berg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition, Pearson edn
3. George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir and Joel Hass, Thomas Calculus, 14/e, Pearson Publishers, 2018.
4. R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5/e, Alpha Science
5. International Ltd., 2021 (9th reprint).
6. B.V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.

Web References:
1. http://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111105121
3. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc24_ma86/course

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Course Title: APPLIED CHEMISTRY Course Code: R24BS05

Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 3 0 0
Type of Course :Lecture +Tutorial
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30Marks Semester End Exam: 70Marks
Pre requisites:

1. To understand computer programming and its roles in problem solving.
2. To understand and develop well-structured programs using C language.

Theobjectives of thiscourseareto:

1. To familiarize Applied Chemistry and its application.

2. To train the students on the principles and applications of electrochemistry and polymers
3. To elucidate the Structure and bonding of molecules
4. To impart Basic concepts of Semiconductors
5. To introduce modern engineering materials
6. To introduce instrumental methods, chromatographic technique


CO# CourseOutcomes
CO1 Describe Molecular orbital diagrams
Importance of Graphenes. Apply the principle of band diagrams in the application of Super
CO2 conductors and semiconductors.
CO3 Compare the Materials of Construction for Battery and Electro Chemical Sensors.
CO4 Explain the Preparation, Properties and applications of thermos plastics and thermos setting
plastics, Elastomers and conducting polymers.
CO5 Summarize the concepts of instrumental methods


UNIT- I:Structure and Bonding models 10 hours

Fundamentals of Quantum mechanics, Schrodinger Wave equation, significance of Ψ and
Ψ2,particle in one dimensional box, molecular orbital theory–bonding in homo-and hetero
nuclear diatomic molecules – energy level diagrams of O2 and CO, etc. π-molecular orbitals of
butadiene and Benzene, alculation of bond order. COs-CO1

Self-Learning Topics: Energy Level Diagrams of N2 & CN Molecule.

UNIT- II: SeriesModern Engineering materials 10 hours

Semiconductors – Introduction, Classification semiconductor devices P-N junction diode as a
rectifier and transistor, applications. Super conductors-Introduction basic concept, Classification,

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Super capacitors:Introduction,BasicConcept-Classification–Applications.
Nanomaterial: Introduction, classification, properties and applications of Fullerenes, carbon nano
tubes and Graphenes COs-CO2
Self Learning Topics: Band Theory of Solids, Sol-Gel method.

1. 'Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C' by Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson.
2. 'Introduction to Algorithms' by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L.
Rivest, and Clifford Stein, MIT Press.
3. 'Data Structures Using C' by Reema Thareja, Oxford University Press.

Reference Books:
1. Algorithms, Part I and II' by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Addison-Wesley.
2. Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy' by Narasimha Karumanchi, CareerMonk
Web References:
1. http://www.hackerrank.com/domains/datastructures
2. http://www.github.com/topics/data_structures_c
3. http://nptel.ac.in/courses
4. http://www.cslibrary.stanford.edu

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Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Course Title: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Course Code: R24ES05
Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 3:0:0
Type of Course: Lecture
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30Marks Semester End Exam: 70Marks
Pre requisites: Solid state physics, Linear algebra, calculus.

 This course introduces to the concepts and definitions of Ohms law, KCL, KVL, power and
energy. By applying Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws to circuits in order to determine voltage,
current and power in branches of any circuits excited by DC voltages and current sources. Apply
simplifying techniques to solve DC circuit problems using basic circuit theorems and structured
methods like node voltage and mesh current analysis.This course also introduces the construction
and operating principle of AC machines, DC machines, Generators and Transformers.
 This course explores the evolution of electronics, characteristics of PN junction and Zener diodes,
and bipolar junction transistors in various configurations. It includes rectifiers, power supplies, and
amplifiers, focusing on circuit diagrams and frequency responses and covers number systems,
Boolean algebra, and logic gates, along with simple combinational circuits like adders. It also
introduces sequential circuits, including flip-flops and counters, and concludes with a block
diagram of an electronic instrumentation system.

The objectives of this course are to
1. To expose to the field of electrical & electronics engineering.
2. To understand the importance of electrical safety.
3. To teach the fundamentals of semiconductor devices and its applications.
4. To teach the working process and analysis of different rectifying and Amplifying Circuits.
5. To teach the fundamental principles and rules of digital electronic circuits like gates, Sequential
and Combinational Circuits.


CO# Course Outcomes

Understand the problem-solving concepts associated to AC and DC circuits
Remember the fundamental laws, construction and operation of AC and DC
machines, instruments.
Understand different power generation mechanisms, Electricity billing concept and
important safety measures related to electrical operations.
Understand the fundamental principles of electronic devices, analyzing the different
rectifying and Amplifying Circuits.
Analyze and design different digital electronic circuits like gates, Sequential and
Combinational Circuits and Understand the basic Electronic instrumentation system.

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UNIT-I: DC & AC Circuits

DC Circuits: Electrical circuit elements (R, Land C),Ohm’s Law and its limitations, KCL& KVL,
series, parallel, series-parallel circuits, Super Position theorem, Simple numerical problems.
AC Circuits: A.C Fundamentals: Equation of AC Voltage and current, waveform, time period,
frequency, amplitude, phase, phase difference, average value, RMS value, form factor, peak
factor, Voltage and current relationship with phasor diagrams in R, L, and C circuits, Concept of
Impedance, Active power, reactive power and apparent power, Concept of power factor (Simple
Numerical problems).
COs – CO1
Self-Learning Topics: Source Transformation
UNIT-II: Machines and Measuring Instruments
Machines: Construction, principle and operation of (i) DC Motor, (ii) DC Generator, (iii) Single
Phase Transformer, (iv) Three Phase Induction Motor and (v) Alternator, Applications of
electrical machines.
Measuring Instruments: Construction and working principle of Permanent Magnet Moving Coil
(PMMC), Moving Iron (MI) Instruments and Wheat Stone bridge.
COs – CO2
Self-Learning Topics: Magnetic materials.
UNIT-III: Energy Resources, Electricity Bill & Safety Measures
Energy Resources: Conventional and non-conventional energy resources; Layout and operation
of various Power Generation systems: Hydel, Nuclear, Solar & Wind power generation.
Electricity bill: Power rating of house hold appliances including air conditioners, PCs, Laptops,
Printers, etc. Definition of “unit” used for consumption of electrical energy, two-part electricity
tariff, calculation of electricity bill for domestic consumers.
Equipment Safety Measures: Working principle of Fuse and Miniature circuit breaker (MCB),
merits and demerits. Personal safety measures: Electric Shock, Earthing and its types, Safety
Precautions to avoid shock.
COs– CO3
Self-Learning Topics: Different types of electrical tools.
UNIT-IV:SemiconductorDevices and BasicElectronicCircuits
Introduction - Evolution of electronics – Vacuum tubes to nano electronics - Characteristics of PN
Junction Diode — Breakdown Effects in diodes — Zener Diode and its Characteristics. Bipolar
Junction Transistor — CB, CE, CC Configurations and Characteristics — Introduction to Small
Signal CE configuration.
Full-Wave Rectifiers, capacitor filter (no analysis). Amplifiers: Block diagram of PublicAddress
system, Circuit diagram and working of common emitter (RC coupled) amplifier with
itsfrequency response.
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Overview of Number Systems, BCD codes, Excess-3 code, Gray code, Hamming code.
BooleanAlgebra, Basic Theorems and properties of Boolean Algebra, Truth Tables and
Functionality ofLogic Gates – NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND, XOR and XNOR. Simple
combinational circuits–
eatmentonly), Electronic Instrumentation: Block diagram of an electronic instrumentationsystem

Self-LearningTopics:Developdigitalcircuitsusingminimumno. ofgates, design principles of
electronic instruments.

1. Basic Electrical Engineering, D.C.Kulshreshtha,Tata McGrawHill,2019,First Edition.
2. Power System Engineering, P.V.Gupta, M.L.Soni, U.S.Bhatnagar and A.Chakrabarti,
Dhanpat Rai & Co, 2013.
3. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Rajendra Prasad, PHI publishers, 2014, Third
4. R.L.Boylestad&LouisNashlesky,ElectronicDevices&CircuitTheory,PearsonEducation,202
5. R.P.Jain,ModernDigitalElectronics, 4thEdition, TataMcGrawHill, 2009

REFERENCE BOOKS :( Basic Electrical Engineering)

1. Basic Electrical Engineering, D.P.Kothari and I.J.Nagrath, McGrawHill, 2019,Fourth
2. Principles of Power Systems, V.K.Mehtha, S.Chand Technical Publishers, 2020.
3. Basic Electrical Engineering, T. K. Nagsarkar and M. S.Sukhija, Oxford University Press,
4. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, S. K. Bhatacharya, Pearson
Publications,2018, Second Edition.
1. R.S.Sedha,ATextbookofElectronicDevicesandCircuits,S.Chand&Co,2010.
2. SantiramKal,BasicElectronics-
3. R.T.Paynter, Introductory Electronic Devices & Circuits – Conventional


Web References: (Basic Electrical Engineering)

1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105053
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108108076

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Web References: (Electronics Engineering)

1. https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/108/101/108101091/
2. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/basic_electronics/index.htm
3. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/digital_circuits/index.htm


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Engineering Graphics

Course Title : Engineering Graphics Course Code : R24ES06

Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 1:0:4
Type of Course: Lecture +Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation:30Marks Semester End Exam: 70Marks


 The Engineering Graphics and Drawing course provides essential skills in visualizing and
representing three-dimensional objects on two-dimensional media. Through structured units,
students learn fundamentals such as line work, lettering, dimensioning, and geometric
construction. The syllabus includes constructing curves, understanding scales, and mastering
orthographic and isometric projections, essential for accurately depicting objects in
engineering design.
 Additionally, students gain experience with computer-aided drafting using AutoCAD,
learning to create 2D and 3D drawings and perform basic transformations. This course
provides a strong foundation for technical drawing, crucial for design, manufacturing, and
communication in engineering.

The objectives of this course are to
1. Understand the fundamentals of engineering drawing, including lines, lettering, and
2. Develop skills in geometrical constructions, including regular polygons and curves.
3. Learn orthographic projection techniques, including projections of points, lines, and planes.
4. Understand how to project solids in simple positions and create sectional views.
5. Develop skills in converting isometric views to orthographic views and vice versa.
6. Apply computer-aided design (CAD) techniques using AutoCAD to create 2D and
3D drawings.
7. Understand the importance of reference planes and reference lines in orthographic
8. Develop problem-solving skills in engineering drawing, including creating and
interpreting drawings.

CO# Course Outcomes

Understand the basics of Engineering Graphics to construct the polygon, curves,
and scales.
CO2 Draw the orthographic projections of points and straight lines inclined to both the
CO3 Draw the projections of planes in various conditions.
Draw the projections of regular solids, with its axis inclined to one plane and
sections of solids.
Visualize the 3D isometric views from 2D orthographic views and vice versa
along with basic introduction to CAD.
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UNIT-I: 12 Hours
Introduction: Lines, Lettering and Dimensioning, Geometrical Constructions and Constructing
regular polygons by general method.
Curves: construction of ellipse, parabola and hyperbola by general method, Normal and tangent to
Scales: Plain scales, diagonal scales and vernier scales. COs-C01

UNIT-II: 16 Hours
Orthographic Projections: Reference plane, importance of reference lines or Plane, Projections
of a point situated in any one of the four quadrants.
Projections of Straight Lines: Projections of straight lines parallel to both reference planes,
perpendicular to one reference plane and parallel to other reference plane, inclined to one reference
plane and parallel to the other reference plane. Projections of Straight Line Inclined to both the
reference planes. COs-C02

UNIT-III: 10 Hours
Projections of Planes: Regular planes Perpendicular to both reference planes, parallel to one
reference plane and inclined to the other reference plane; plane inclined to both the reference planes.

UNIT-IV: 16 Hours
Projections of Solids: Types of solids: Polyhedra and Solids of revolution. Projections of
solids in simple positions: Axis perpendicular to horizontal plane, Axis perpendicular to
vertical plane and Axis parallel to both the reference planes, Projection of Solids with axis
inclined to one reference plane and parallel to another plane.
Sections of Solids: Perpendicular and inclined section planes, Sectional views and True shape of
sections for simple position only. COs-C04

UNIT-V: 12 Hours
Conversion of Views: Conversion of isometric views to orthographic views and Conversion of
orthographic views to isometric views for simple objects only.
Computer graphics: Creating 2D&3D drawings of objects including PCB and Transformations
using Auto CAD (Not for end examination). COs-C05

1.N. D.Bhatt, Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House.

1. Engineering Drawing,K.L.NarayanaandP.Kannaiah,Tata McGrawHill.
2. Engineering Drawing, M.B.ShahandB.C. Rana, Pearson EducationInc.
3. Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD, DhananjayJolhe,TataMcGrawHill.

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1. https://www.iitg.ac.in/rkbc/me111.htm
2. https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/105/112105294/


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Data Structures through C


Course Title: Data Structures through C Course Code: R24CSPC01

Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 3 0 0
Type of Course: Lecture +Tutorial
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30Marks Semester End Exam: 70Marks
Pre requisites: a basic understanding of programming concepts and some familiarity with C:
Programming concepts, C knowledge, Code editors. and Mathematics.

1. To understand computer programming and its roles in problem solving.
2. To understand and develop well-structured programs using C language.

The objectives of this course are to:

1. Understanding of fundamental data structures and algorithms.

2. To understand importance of data structure in context of writing efficient program.
3. Create and manage linked lists to efficiently organize and manipulate data, emphasizing
memory efficiency.
4. Implement and apply stacks to manage program flow and solve problems involving
expression evaluation and backtracking.
5. Explore basic concepts of hashing and apply it to solve problems requiring fast data
retrieval and management.
6. To solve problems using data structures such as binary trees, binary search trees, and


CO# CourseOutcomes
Explain the role of linear data structures in organizing and accessing data efficiently
in algorithms
Develop programs using stacks to handle recursive algorithms, manage program
states, and solve related problems.
CO3 Apply queue-based algorithms for distinguish between deques and priority queues,
and apply them appropriately to solve data management challenges, and apply Hash
based solutions for specific problems.
CO4 Design, implement, and apply linked lists for dynamic data storage, demonstrating
understanding of memory allocation.
CO5 Implement operations on Binary tree, Demonstrate the representation and traversal
techniques of graphs and their applications.

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UNIT-I: Introduction to Linear Data Structures, Searching, and Sorting 10 Hours

Introduction to Linear Data Structures: Definition and importance of linear data structures,
Abstract data types (ADTs) and their implementation, Overview of time and space complexity
analysis for linear data structures.
Searching Techniques: Linear & Binary Search.
Sorting Techniques: Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort. COs–CO1
Self-Learning Topics: Analyse Time complexity of searching and sorting techniques

UNIT–II: Stacks and its Operations 10 Hours

Stacks: Introduction to stacks: properties and operations, implementing stacks using arrays and
linked lists, Applications of stacks in expression evaluation (Prefix, Postfix, Infix), backtracking,
reversing list etc. COs–CO2
Self-Learning Topics: Types of Stacks

UNIT-III: Queues and its Operations 12 Hours

Queues: Introduction to queues: properties and operations, implementing queues using arrays and
linked lists, Applications of queues in breadth-first search, scheduling, etc.
Deques: Introduction to deques (double-ended queues), Operations on deques and their
applications, Circular Queues, Priority Queues, Multiple Queues.
Hash Tables: Hash table implementation, Hash Table Representation: hash functions, collision resolution-
separate chaining, open addressing-linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing and rehashing,
extensible hashing. COs–CO3

Self-Learning Topics: Different types of Queues

UNIT- IV Linked List 14 Hours

Linked Lists: Singly linked lists, representation and operations, Applications on Single Linked
List- Polynomial Expressions, Sparse Matrix Expressions, Advantages and disadvantages of Single
Linked list, doubly linked lists and circular linked lists, Comparing arrays and linked lists,
Applications of linked lists. ` COs–CO4
Self-Learning Topics: Swap nodes in a single linked list (without swapping data).
UNIT-V: Introduction to Graphs and Trees 14 Hours
Graphs: Basic Concepts, Representations of Graphs-Adjacency Matrix and using Linked list,
Graph Traversals (DFS&BFS), Graph Applications.

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Trees: Introduction to Trees, Properties of Binary Tree, Representation of Binary Tree using
Arrays and Linked List, Binary Search Tree – Insertion, Deletion & Traversals, BTrees, B+
Trees.AVL Trees. COs–CO5
Self-Learning Topics: Red-Black Trees

1. 'Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C' by Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson.
2. 'Introduction to Algorithms' by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L.
Rivest, and Clifford Stein, MIT Press.
3. 'Data Structures Using C' by Reema Thareja, Oxford University Press.

Reference Books:
1. Algorithms, Part I and II' by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Addison-Wesley.
2. Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy' by Narasimha Karumanchi, CareerMonk
Web References:
1. http://www.hackerrank.com/domains/datastructures
2. http://www.github.com/topics/data_structures_c
3. http://nptel.ac.in/courses
4. http://www.cslibrary.stanford.edu

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Course Title: APPLIED CHEMISTRY LAB Course Code: R24BS06

Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 0:0:2
Type of Course: Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation:30Marks Semester End Exam: 70Marks
To succeed in an APPLIED CHEMISTRY Lab course, certain foundational skills and knowledge are
necessary for effective participation and understanding. Here are the key prerequisites:
1. Basic Chemistry Knowledge
2. Measurement
3. Basic Laboratory Skills
4. Problem-Solving and Analytical Skills
5. Familiarity with Safety Practices
1.Verify the fundamental concepts with experiments.
2 Learn and carry out some of the important experiments related to batteries and their properties.
3. Learn the preparation of engineering polymer materials like Bakelite
4. Know the fundamental principles of chemistry lab experiments which include volumetric
analysis, dichrometry, conductometry and potentiometer
CO# Course Outcomes
Determine the cell constant an conductance of solutions. Determine
redox potentials
Prepare advanced polymer Bakelite materials. Calculate strength of acid in
Pb-Acid battery and Ferrous Iron by Dichrometry
CO3 Measure the strength of an acid present in secondary batteries.
Moisture content in a coal sample.

List of Experiments
1.Conductometric titration of strong acid vs. strong base
2. Conductometric titration of weak acid vs. strong base
3. Determination of cell constant and conductance of solutions
4. Potentiometry - determination of redox potentials and emfs
5. PH metric titration – determination of Strength of Strong acid vs Strong base
6. Determination of Strength of an acid in Pb-Acid battery
7. Determination of Hardness of Water
8. Determination of KMnO4 Using Standard Oxalic Acid Solution
9. Adsorption of acetic acid by charcoal
10. Estimation of Ferrous Iron by Dichrometry
11.Preparation of a Bakelite
12.Preparation of nanomaterials by precipitation method.

Vogel's Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Edition 6th Edition" Pearson Publications by J. Mendham,
R.C.Denney, J.D.Barnes and B. Sivasankar

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Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab


Course Title: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab Course Code: R24ES07
Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 0:0:3
Type of Course: Practical
ContinuousInternalEvaluation:30Marks Semester End Exam: 70Marks
Pre requisites:Understanding of Circuit Components, Breadboard connections.

In this lab, the students of all engineering streams are trained on basic concepts of electrical
engineering, such as DC circuits, AC circuits, Resonance for series RLC and Parallel RLC circuit,
AC to DC conversion, measurement, Efficiency and voltage regulation of transformer, electrical
machines, verification of basic laws and theorems.

Theobjectives of thiscourseareto

CO# Course Outcomes
Apply the theoretical concepts and operating principles to derive mathematical models
CO1 for circuits, Electrical machines and measuring instruments; calculations for the
measurement of resistance, power and power factor.
Apply the theoretical concepts to obtain calculations for the measurement of resistance,
CO2 power and power factor.
CO3 Plot and discuss the characteristics of various electron devices/instruments.
Design suitable circuits and methodologies for the measurement of various
CO4 electrical parameters; Household and commercial wiring.
Understand the usage of electronic measuring instruments.
Plot and discuss the characteristics of various electron devices.

PartA-Basic Electrical Engineering
1. Verification of KCL and KVL COs:CO1
2. Verification of Super position theorem COs:CO1
3. Measurement of Resistance using Wheat stone bridge COs:CO1
4. Magnetization Characteristics of DC shunt Generator COs:CO1
5. Measurement of Power and Power factor using Single-phase watt meter COs:CO2
6. Verification of ohms law COs:CO1
7. Calculation of Electrical Energy for Domestic Premises COs:CO3
PartB:Basic Electronics Engineering
1. PlotV-I characteristics of PN Junction diode A)Forward bias B)Reverse biasCOs:CO3
2. PlotV –I characteristics of Zener Diode and its application as voltage Regulator.
3. Implementation of half wave and full wave rectifiers COs: CO3
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4. Plot Input & Output characteristics of BJT in CE and CB configurations COs: CO3
5. Frequency response of CE amplifier. COs: CO3
6. Simulation of RC coupled amplifier with the design supplied COs: CO3
7. Verification of Truth Table of AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Ex-OR, Ex-NOR gates
Using ICs. COs:CO2

8. Verification of Truth Tables of S-R, J-K& D flip flops using respective ICs.
COs: CO2
1. BasicElectricalEngineering,D.C.Kulshreshtha,TataMcGrawHill,2019,FirstEdition
2. Power System Engineering, P.V. Gupta, M.L. Soni, U.S. Bhatnagar and A.Chakrabarti,Dhanpat Rai &
Co, 2013
3. FundamentalsofElectricalEngineering,RajendraPrasad,PHIpublishers,2014,ThirdEdition
4. R. L. Boylestad & Louis Nashlesky, Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory, Pearson Education,
5. R. P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2009
6. R. T. Paynter, Introductory Electronic Devices & Circuits – Conventional Flow Version,
Pearson Education, 2009.

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Data Structures through C Lab


Course Title: Data Structures through C Lab Course Code: R24CSPC02

Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 0 0 3
Credits: 1.5
Type of Course: Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation:30Marks Semester End Exam: 70Marks
Pre requisites: Data Structures through C Lab, you should have a good understanding of the
following topics: Software development,Programming languages,Time and space complexity

1. Basics of data structures including their fundamentals building blocks: arrays and linked
2. To solve problems using linear data structures such as linear lists, stacks, queues.
3. To solve problems using searching and sorting techniques.
4. To be familiar with non-linear data structures such as trees.

The objectives of this courseareto:

The course aims to give students hands – on experience and train them on the concepts of the C-
programming language.


CO# Course Outcomes

Explain the role of linear data structures in organizing and accessing data efficiently
in algorithms.
Develop programs using stacks to handle recursive algorithms, manage program
states, and solve related problems& Queues.
CO3 Design, implement, and apply linked lists for dynamic data storage, demonstrating
understanding of memory allocation, Graphs & Trees.


Developing the following programs:

Week 1:
1. Implement an array and perform operations such as insertion, deletion, and traversal.
2. Given an M*N integer matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0’s.
3. Write a program that uses both recursive and non-recursive functions to perform linear
search operations for a key value in the given list of integers.
Week 2:
4. Develop a program to perform quick sort, merge sort.
5. Create a program to perform bubble sort and selection sort.
6. Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of the longest consecutive elements
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Week 3:
7. Implement a stack using arrays.
8. Delete middle element of a stack
9. Develop a program to evaluate a postfix expression using stack.
10. Convert the prefix expression to postfix expression using the Stacks
Week 4:
11. Implement Queue operations using Arrays..
12. Create a circular queue and perform operations like insertion and deletion.
Week 5:
13. Develop a scenario-based program to simulate a ticket booking system using queues.
14. Implement a linked list and perform operations such as insertion, deletion, and traversal.
15. Detect the cycle in the given linked list.
Week 6:
16. Given two singly linked lists, determine if they intersect and return the intersecting node
17. Implement operations on Circular Linked List.
18. Remove Nth Node from end of List
Week 7:
19. Write a program that uses functions to perform the operations on Doubly Linked List.
20. Write a program that reverse the given linked list without using new list or array.
21. Delete last occurrence of an item from linked list.
Week 8:
22. Implement a queue using arrays and linked lists.
Week 9:
23. Create a scenario-based program to manage a library system using linked lists.
Week 10:
24. Create a program to find the height of a binary tree.
25. Create a program to find sub tree of another tree.
Week 11:
26. Develop a program to check if two binary trees are identical.
Week 12:
27. Develop a binary tree and perform in-order, pre-order, and post-order traversal.
Week 13:
28. Implement a binary search tree (BST) and perform operations such as insertion, deletion,
and searching.
Week 14:
29. Implement graph data structure and perform depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first
search (BFS).
Week 15:
30. Implement a scenario-based program for a social network using graph data structures.

1. Delete duplicate-value nodes from a sorted Linked list| Linked List

You are given the pointer to the head node of a sorted linked list, where the data in the

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nodes is in ascending order. Delete nodes and return a sorted list with each distinct value in
the original list. The given head pointer may be null indicating that the list is empty.
head refers to the first node in the list.
Remove 1 of the 2 data values and return head pointing to the revised list.
Function Description
Complete the removeDuplicates function in the editor below.
removeDuplicates has the following parameter:

 SinglyLinkedListNode pointer head: a reference to the head of the list


 SinglyLinkedListNode pointer: a reference to the head of the revised list

2. Sparse Arrays| Array

There is a collection of input strings and a collection of query strings. For each query
string, determine how many times it occurs in the list of input strings. Return an array of
the results.
There are 2 instances of 'ab', 1 of 'abc' and 0 of 'bc'. For each query, add an element to the
return array, results=[2,1,0] .
Function Description
Complete the function matchingStrings in the editor below. The function must return an
array of integers representing the frequency of occurrence of each query string in stringList.
matchingStrings has the following parameters:

 string stringList[n] - an array of strings to search

 string queries[q] - an array of query strings


 int[q]: an array of results for each query

3. Mini-Max Sum
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Given five positive integers, find the minimum and maximum values that can be calculated by
summing exactly four of the five integers. Then print the respective minimum and maximum values
as a single line of two space-separated long integers.
The minimum sum is 1+3+5+7=16 and the maximum sum is 3+5+7+9=24.
The function prints:16 and 24
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C' by Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson.
'Introduction to Algorithms' by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest,
and Clifford Stein, MIT Press.
'Data Structures Using C' by Reema Thareja, Oxford University Press.
Reference Books:
1. Algorithms, Part I and II' by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Addison-Wesley.
2. Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy' by Narasimha Karumanchi, CareerMonk

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Course Title : ENGINEERING WORKSHOP Course Code: R24ES08

Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 0:0:3
Type of Course: Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks Semester End Exam: 70 Marks
Pre requisites:

 The Engineering Workshop Lab introduces students to essential hands-on skills across
multiple trades, fundamental for understanding material manipulation, joining techniques, and
assembly processes. Through eight core experiments, students learn woodworking, sheet
metal fabrication, fitting, foundry molding, welding, electrical wiring, plumbing, and
blacksmithing. These exercises build practical knowledge in creating structures, forming
metal parts, achieving precision fits, casting molds, and assembling electrical and plumbing
systems. This workshop lays a solid foundation for understanding and applying basic
engineering processes, crucial for practical problem-solving and project execution in various
engineering fields.

Theobjectives of thiscourseareto
 Describe how different tools are used in home wiring, tin smiting, blacksmithing,
carpentry, and fitting.

CO# CourseOutcomes
Identify workshop tools and their operational capabilities. Practice on manufacturing of
components using workshop trades including carpentry, fitting, sheet metal
CO2 Practice on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including foundry
and welding.
CO3 Apply fitting operations in various applications and engineering knowledge for
Plumbing, House Wiring Practice, and Making square rod and L-bend from the round
rod in black smithy

1. Wood Working
a) Half Lap joint
b) Mortise and Tenon joint
c) Corner Dovetail joint or Bridle joint
2. Sheet MetalWorking
a) Tapered tray
b) Conical funnel
c) Elbow pipe
d) Brazing
3. Fitting

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a) V-fit
b) Dovetail fit
c) Semi-circular fit
d) Bicycle tire puncture and change of two-wheeler tyre
4.Foundry Trade: Preparation of Green Sand Moulds
a) Single piece pattern
b) Double piece pattern

5.Welding Shop: Arc welding Practice

a) Lap joint
b) Butt joint
6. Electrical Wiring
a) Parallel and series connection
b) Two-way switch connection
c) Tube light connection
d) Soldering of wires
a) Prepare Pipe joint with coupling for 1 inch diameter
b) Prepare Pipe joint with coupling for 1.5inch diameter
8.Black smithy
a) Round rod to Square
b) Round rod to S-Hook

1. Basic Workshop Technology: Manufacturing Process, Felix W.; Independently
Published,2019. Workshop Processes, Practices and Materials; Bruce J. Black,
Routledge publishers,5thEdn.2015.
2. A Course in Workshop Technology Vol I. & II, B.S. Raghuwanshi, Dhanpath Rai &

1. Elements of Workshop Technology, Vol. I by S. K. Hajra Choudhury & Others,
MediaPromoters andPublishers,Mumbai.2007,14thedition
2. WorkshopPracticebyH.S.Bawa,Tata-McGrawHill,2004.
3. Wiring Estimating, Costing and Contracting; Soni P.M. & Upadhyay P.A.; Atul
1. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzkMouYverALpuDJ4g4TiICc6_vLcS1Ny&si=YGr
1. https://www.pdfdrive.com/workshop-processes-practices-and-materials-third-edition-
2. https://www.pdfdrive.com/introduction-to-basic-manufacturing-processes-and-workshop-
3. https://www.pdfdrive.com/workshop-technology-e55714020.html

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IB.TECH-IISEMESTER(Common to all Branches)


Teaching Scheme(L:T:P): 0:0:1
Type of Course: Practical
Continuous Internal Evaluation:100Marks Semester End Exam: 0Marks
Pre requisites: Prerequisites for programs related to NSS (National Service Scheme), NCC (National
Cadet Corps), Scouts and Guides, and Community Service can vary by institution and specific
program. However, here are general guidelines and common prerequisites for each: National Service
Scheme (NSS), National Cadet Corps (NCC), Scouts and Guides, Community Service Programs.

Here's a general course overview for programs related to NSS (National Service Scheme), NCC
(National Cadet Corps), Scouts and Guides, and Community Service. Each program focuses on different
aspects of personal development, leadership, and community engagement.

1. National Service Scheme (NSS)

 Overview: NSS is a voluntary program aimed at fostering a sense of social responsibility and
community service among students. It emphasizes the importance of personal and community
 Core Components:
o Community Service Projects: Participation in various community development activities, such
as health camps, environmental awareness programs, and literacy initiatives.
o Workshops and Seminars: Educational sessions on social issues, health, hygiene, and
community development strategies.
o Leadership Development: Training sessions focused on leadership skills, teamwork, and
effective communication.
o Camps and Activities: Organizing and participating in camps, rallies, and other events that
promote social awareness and civic responsibility.

2. National Cadet Corps (NCC)

 Overview: NCC is a youth development movement that aims to develop character, discipline,
leadership, and a spirit of adventure among young people.
 Core Components:
o Military Training: Basic training in drill, weapons handling, and military tactics, combined
with emphasis on discipline and teamwork.
o Adventure Activities: Participation in activities such as trekking, mountaineering, and camping
to foster adventure skills and resilience.
o Community Service: Involvement in social service initiatives and community development
o Leadership and Management Skills: Training sessions focused on leadership, communication,
and management, preparing cadets for future responsibilities.

3. Scouts and Guides

 Overview: Scouts and Guides programs promote personal development, leadership skills, and
community service among young people through various outdoor and indoor activities.
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 Core Components:
o Skill Development: Learning practical skills such as first aid, navigation, and survival skills.
o Community Projects: Engaging in community service projects and environmental conservation
o Outdoor Activities: Camping, hiking, and other outdoor adventures that promote teamwork,
resilience, and a love for nature.
o Values and Ethics: Education on values such as integrity, respect, and service, aligning with
the principles of scouting.

4. Community Service Programs

 Overview: Community service programs are designed to engage individuals in volunteer work that
benefits their communities, fostering civic responsibility and social awareness.
 Core Components:
o Volunteer Projects: Participation in various service projects, such as assisting in local shelters,
food banks, environmental clean-ups, and educational initiatives.
o Skill-Building Workshops: Workshops on leadership, teamwork, and project management to
enhance volunteers' capabilities.
o Awareness Campaigns: Engaging in campaigns to raise awareness about social issues, such as
health, education, and the environment.
o Reflection and Evaluation: Opportunities to reflect on experiences, discuss challenges, and
evaluate the impact of their service.

Theobjectives of thiscourseareto:

The objective of introducing this course is to impart discipline, character, fraternity, teamwork,
social consciousness among the students and engaging them in selfless service.


CO# CourseOutcomes
CO1 Understand the importance of discipline, character and service motto.

CO2 Solve some societal issues by applying acquired knowledge, facts, and techniques.

CO3 Explore human relationships by analyzing social problems.

CO4 Determine to extend their help for the fellow beings and downtrodden people

CO5 Develop leadership skills and civic responsibilities.

UNIT I Orientation
General Orientation on NSS/NCC/ Scouts & Guides/Community Service activities, career guidance.
i) Conducting –ice breaking sessions-expectations from the course-knowing personal talents and skills
ii) Conducting orientations programs for the students –future plans-activities-releasing road map etc.
iii) Displaying success stories-motivational biopics- award winning movies on societal issues etc.

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iv) Conducting talent show in singing patriotic songs-paintings- any other contribution.
UNIT II Nature & Care
i) Best out of waste competition.
ii) Poster and signs making competition to spread environmental awareness.
iii) Recycling and environmental pollution article writing competition.
iv) Organising Zero-waste day.
v) Digital Environmental awareness activity via various social media platforms.
vi) Virtual demonstration of different eco-friendly approaches for sustainable living.
vii) Write a summary on any book related to environmental issues.

UNIT III Community Service

i) Conducting One Day Special Camp in a village contacting village-area leaders- Survey in the village,
identification of problems- helping them to solve via media- authorities experts-etc.
ii) Conducting awareness programs on Health-related issues such as General Health,Mental health,
Spiritual Health, HIV/AIDS,
iii) Conducting consumer Awareness. Explaining various legal provisions etc.
iv) Women Empowerment Programmes- Sexual Abuse, Adolescent Health and Population Education.
v) Any other programmes in collaboration with local charities, NGOs etc

Reference Books:
1. Nirmalya Kumar Sinha & Surajit Majumder, A Text Book of National Service Scheme Vol;.I, Vidya
Kutir Publication, 2021 ( ISBN 978-81-952368-8-6)
2. Red Book - National Cadet Corps – Standing Instructions Vol I & II, Directorate General of NCC,
Ministry of Defence, New Delhi
3. Davis M. L. and Cornwell D. A., ―Introduction to Environmental Engineering‖,McGraw Hill, New
York 4/e 2008
4. Masters G. M., Joseph K. and Nagendran R. ―Introduction to Environmental Engineering and
Science‖, Pearson Education, New Delhi. 2/e 2007
5. Ram Ahuja. Social Problems in India, Rawat Publications, New Delhi.

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