Unit 5-Extra Word Form

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Vocabulary Meaning Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

active năng động, tích cực active actively
blog nhật kí trên mạng blog blog bloggable
cent đồng xu Mĩ hoặc Châu Âu cent
chop chẻ ra chop chop chopped
couch potato người nghiện truyền hình couch potato
dollar đồng đô la dollar
enormous khổng lồ, đồ sộ enormity enormous enormously
euro đồng euro euro
finally cuối cùng, rốt cuộc final finalize final finally
fit gọn gàng (cơ thể) fitness fit fit fittingly
fizzy drink đồ uống sủi bọt có ga fizzy
habit thói quen habit habitual habitually
health sức khỏe health heal healthy healthily
ingredient nguyên liệu ingredient
lamb thịt cừu non lamb
lasagne món mì Ý lasagne lasagne
lifestyle lối sống lifestyle
main course món chính (trong một bữa ăn)
mind bận tâm mind mind mindful mindfully
mineral water nước khoáng
minerals các chất khoáng
nut quả hạch (các loại quả có vỏ cứng) nut nutty
olive quả ô-liu olive
pence đồng xu Anh pence
pepper quả ớt chuông pepper pepper peppery
pound đồng bảng Anh pound
serve phục vụ service serve servile
starter món khai vị starter
sumo wrestler đô vật su-mô (Nhật Bản)
tasty ngon, vừa ăn taste taste tasty tastily
train huấn luyện training train trainable
tuna cá ngừ tuna
typical điển hình type typify typical typically
unfit không phù hợp unfitness unfit
vegetarian người ăn chay vegetarian vegetarian
vending machine máy bán hàng tự động
vitamin vi-ta-min vitamin


Vocabulary Meaning Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

carbohydrate hiđratcacbon (chất bột đường) carbohydrate
disease bệnh tật disease diseased
energy năng lượng energy energize energetic energetically
minerals khoáng chất mineral mineral
protein chất đạm protein
fruit salad nộm hoa quả
gram gam (đơn vị trọng lượng) gram
green bean đậu que green bean
delicious ngon lành delicacy delicious deliciously

1. The doctor gave me some advice on staying [health] ___________.

2. He is an [activity] ___________ participant in all our activities.
3. We need to [mindful] ___________ our manners at the dinner table.
4. The soup was so [taste] ___________ that I asked for another bowl.
5. The [finally] ___________ decision will be made tomorrow.
6. My sister enjoys writing a [blogger] ___________ about her travels.
7. The teacher emphasized the importance of [habitual] ___________ studying every day.
8. I felt [fitter] ___________ after doing yoga for a month.
9. The cake has a very [taste] ___________ flavor.
10. This restaurant is famous for its [deliciousness] ___________ dishes.
11. The [energetic] ___________ of the children seemed endless.
12. She trained hard to become more [fitness] ___________.
13. They serve the best [fizz] ___________ drinks at this cafe.
14. They brought [mineralization] ] ___________ water to the picnic.
15. The movie was so [enormousness] ___________ that it became a blockbuster.
16. She prefers a [vegetarianism] ___________ diet.
17. My dad always gives good [advising] ___________ when I have a problem.
18. He was very [carefulness] ___________ when handling the fragile vase.
19. Our main [serve] ___________ is now ready.
20. The soup was [tastefully] ___________ seasoned with herbs.
21. The athlete has to maintain a [life] ___________ to stay in shape.


22. The company’s [trainer] ___________ program was very effective.

23. The [active] ___________ of the volcano caused widespread panic.
24. The cake was absolutely [deliciousness] ______________ .
25. He became a [blogging] ___________ after losing his job.
26. The athlete showed great [strengthen] ___________ in the competition.
27. I prefer using [minerals] ___________ water over tap water.
28. She was in a [mindfulness] ___________ mood during the meeting.
29. Our pet dog is very [activity] ___________ in the mornings.
30. The machine needs regular [maintain] ___________.
31. We should be more [health] ___________ conscious.
32. He felt [tiring] ___________ after the long journey.
33. The [vegetarianism] ___________ enjoys cooking for her friends.
34. I used to have a [habitual] ___________ of biting my nails.
35. The body needs [mineralization] _____________ for proper function.
36. The doctor advised him to eat more [proteins] ___________.
37. The weather was [typical] ___________ for this time of year.
38. His [final] ___________ attempt to pass the exam was successful.
39. The [training] ___________ of athletes takes place early in the morning.
40. She added some [olive] ___________ oil to the salad.
41. The [tasty] ___________ of this dish is too strong for me.
42. They [server] ___________ us a delicious meal last night.
43. She is very [mindfulness] ___________ of others' feelings.
44. I always snack on [nutty] _________ in the evening.
45. He worked out to improve his [fit] ___________.
46. They organized a [health] ___________ eating workshop.
47. The singer has a very [power] ___________ voice.
48. He's training to become a sumo [wrestling] ________ champion.
49. He is on a special [dietable] ___________ to lose weight.
50. The shop sells [typically] ___________ souvenirs from the region.

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