LFSC Gr11 p1 Memo 2024 Eng
LFSC Gr11 p1 Memo 2024 Eng
LFSC Gr11 p1 Memo 2024 Eng
MARKS: 150
TIME: 2 ½ Hours
1.1.2 B ✓✓
1.1.3 B ✓✓
1.1.4 D ✓✓
1.1.5 D ✓✓
1.1.6 A ✓✓
1.1.7 B ✓✓
1.1.8 B ✓✓
1.1.9 A ✓✓
1.2.9 Urethra ✓
1.2.10 Detoxification✓
(10 x 1) (10)
2.1 2.1.1. - it is waxy/ waterproof to prevent excessive loss of moisture✓, thus ensuring that (2)
water is available for photosynthesis✓./ it is transparent, thus allowing light to
pass through.
2.1.2 A- palisade mesophyll✓ (2)
C- chloroplasts✓
2.1.3 Water✓ – from soil or CO2- from atmosphere✓ (2)
2.1.4. - Plants use CO2 from the atmosphere to produce food ✓ (2)
- Plants give off O2 into atmosphere for living organisms to use✓
2.2 • ADH increase the number of water-selective channels in the plasma (6)
membrane of distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct✓.
• This increase the permeability of the cell membranes to water✓.
• This causes more water to leave the tubules by osmosis✓ and to enter the
medulla of the kidney✓.
• The water in the surround the tubule✓ (peritubular capillaries).
• The amount of water in the blood increases, so more concentrated urine is
produced ✓and less water is excreted from the body✓. (Any 6)
2.3 2.3.1 (a) B✓ (1)
(b) C✓ (1)
2.3.2 Small intestine✓ (1)
2.3.3 It is long, ✓ which means it has a very large surface area for (2)
absorption ✓
It has many folds ✓ which enlarges the surface area for
maximum absorption of nutrients ✓
Millions of villi and microvilli ü which enlarge the surface area
even further ✓
The thin-walled ✓ villi (outer walls of villi are lined by a single
layer of columnar epithelium) facilitate easy absorption ✓
Villi are well supplied with blood capillaries and lacteals ✓ to
ensure that absorbed nutrients are quickly transported away ✓
(Mark the first TWO only)
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Life Sciences/ Grade 11 Paper 1 Page 6 of 10 Limpopo DoE/ November 2024
2.3.4 Part E✓ (1)
2.3.5 Blood low in nutrients flows in at D ✓ (3)
Absorption of nutrients will take place ✓
From the small intestine into the capillaries in the villus ✓
When the blood leaves at E it will be rich in nutrients ✓
(Mark any THREE × 1)
2.3.6 The body will not be able to absorb nutrients ✓* (minerals or vitamins) (2)
They will run the risk of malnutrition ✓
which will lead to retarded growth ✓ / fatigue / weight loss
( *Compulsory mark + any 1)
2.4.1. African beer is very rich in vitamin B✓, it has a low alcohol content of less than (2)
3%✓ and it is inexpensive✓. (Any first 2)
2.4.2 Anaerobic respiration uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. ✓ (2)
If the flame dies, carbon dioxide has been released which
meansthat fermentation has occurred ✓ and the brew will be
2.4.3 Anaerobic respiration ✓ (1)
2.4.4. Carbon dioxide ✓ (1)
2.4.5. indigenous sorghum (1)
1970 2020
3.1.1 Since Spirulina is able to survive in water✓, they could be cultivated in large (3)
tanks✓. Various nutrients can be added to it in the form of fertilizer✓.
3.1.2 Protein is essential in the human diet✓and the majority of the world’s population (2)
has a shortage of protein✓.
3.1.3 50 000 ✓= 4000✓ kg/hectare (3)
3.2.1 A✓ (1)
3.2.2 - 1- trachea✓ (3)
- 2- bronchus✓
- 3- lungs✓
3.2.3 - 4- bell jar✓ (2)
- 5- rubber sheet✓
3.2.4 The balloons will remain collapsed✓ even if the rubber sheet moves✓ up and (3)
down ✓
3.2.5 Bell jar representing thoracic wall is static ✓ and can’t indicate the movement of (2)
ribs/ impossible to show action of intercostal muscles✓.
3.3.1 They are used for grinding the food ✓ (1)
3.3.2 (a) Skull B ✓ (2)
(b) Skull A ✓
3.3.3 Skull A – carnivore, because it has canines for biting and holding flesh of prey✓; (4)
has carnassial teeth instead of flat molars ✓
Skull B – herbivore, there are large flat molars for grinding plant material✓. Thereare
no canines. ✓
3.3.4 No ✓, carnassial teeth are specialized molars and premolars that have (2)
triangularedges that can cut through meat. ✓