LFSC Gr11 p1 Memo 2024 Eng

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MARKS: 150
TIME: 2 ½ Hours

This Marking guideline consists of 10 pages including the cover page.

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1. If more information than marks allocated is given Stop marking when

maximum marks are reached and put a wavy line and ‘max’ in the right hand margin.
2. If, for example, three reasons are required and five are given Mark the
first three irrespective of whether all or some are correct/incorrect.
3. If whole process is given when only part of it is required Read all and credit relevant part.
4. If comparisons are asked for and descriptions are given Accept if differences / similarities are
5. If tabulation is required but paragraphs are given Candidates will lose marks for not tabulating.
6. If diagrams are given with annotations when descriptions are required
Candidates will lose marks.
7. If flow charts are given instead of descriptions Candidates will lose marks.
8. If sequence is muddles and links do not make sense Where sequence
and links are correct, credit. Where sequence and links are incorrect, do not credit. If
sequence and links become correct again, resume credit.
9. Non-recognized abbreviations Accept if first defined in answer. If not
defined, do not credit the unrecognised abbreviation but credit the rest of answer if correct.
10. Wrong numbering If answer fits into the correct sequence of questions
but the wrong number is given, it is acceptable.
11. If language used changes the intended meaning Do not accept.
12. Spelling errors if recognizable accept provided it does not mean something else in Life
Sciences or if it is out of context.
13. If common names given in terminology: only accept if provided as an alternative in the
marking guideline.
14. If only letter is asked for and only name is given (and vice versa) No credit.
15. If units are not given in measurements: Candidates will lose marks. Memorandum will
allocate marks for units separately
16. Be sensitive to the sense of an answer, which may be stated in a different way.
17. Caption: All illustrations (diagrams, drawings, graphs, tables, etc.) must have a caption
18. Code-switching of official languages (terms and concepts) A single word or two that appears
in any official language other than the learners’ assessment language used to the greatest
extent in his/her answer should be credited, if it is correct.
19. No changes must be made to the marking guidelines without consulting the Provincial office
through your District office.

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1.1 1.1.1 C ✓✓

1.1.2 B ✓✓

1.1.3 B ✓✓

1.1.4 D ✓✓

1.1.5 D ✓✓

1.1.6 A ✓✓

1.1.7 B ✓✓

1.1.8 B ✓✓

1.1.9 A ✓✓

1.1.10 B ✓✓ (10 x 2) (20)

1.2 1.2.1 Nephron ✓
1.2.2 Pylorus✓
1.2.3 Renal capsule ✓
1.2.4 Metabolism✓
1.2.5 Denature✓
1.2.6 Stroma✓
1.2.7 Assimilation✓
1.2.8 Dialysis ✓

1.2.9 Urethra ✓
1.2.10 Detoxification✓
(10 x 1) (10)

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1.3 1.3.1. A only✓✓
1.3.2. B only✓✓
1.3.3. B only✓✓
(3x2) (6)
1.4 (a) B✓- Inner membrane✓ (2)
(b) D✓- Matrix✓ (2)
1.4.2 Mitochondrion/ Mitochondrial (1)
1.4.3 Outer membrane✓. Allow easy movement of the mitochondrion through (2)
the cytoplasm✓.
1.5 1.5.1
(a) - deoxygenated blood ✓ (2)
- oxygenated blood ✓
(b) - oxyhaemoglobin ✓ (2)
- oxygen✓
1.5.2 - 1 – endothelium ✓ (2)
- 2 – squamous epithelium ✓
1.5.3 erythrocyte / red blood cell ✓ (1)

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2.1 2.1.1. - it is waxy/ waterproof to prevent excessive loss of moisture✓, thus ensuring that (2)
water is available for photosynthesis✓./ it is transparent, thus allowing light to
pass through.
2.1.2 A- palisade mesophyll✓ (2)
C- chloroplasts✓
2.1.3 Water✓ – from soil or CO2- from atmosphere✓ (2)
2.1.4. - Plants use CO2 from the atmosphere to produce food ✓ (2)
- Plants give off O2 into atmosphere for living organisms to use✓
2.2 • ADH increase the number of water-selective channels in the plasma (6)
membrane of distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct✓.
• This increase the permeability of the cell membranes to water✓.
• This causes more water to leave the tubules by osmosis✓ and to enter the
medulla of the kidney✓.
• The water in the surround the tubule✓ (peritubular capillaries).
• The amount of water in the blood increases, so more concentrated urine is
produced ✓and less water is excreted from the body✓. (Any 6)
2.3 2.3.1 (a) B✓ (1)
(b) C✓ (1)
2.3.2 Small intestine✓ (1)
2.3.3 It is long, ✓ which means it has a very large surface area for (2)
absorption ✓
It has many folds ✓ which enlarges the surface area for
maximum absorption of nutrients ✓
Millions of villi and microvilli ü which enlarge the surface area
even further ✓
The thin-walled ✓ villi (outer walls of villi are lined by a single
layer of columnar epithelium) facilitate easy absorption ✓
Villi are well supplied with blood capillaries and lacteals ✓ to
ensure that absorbed nutrients are quickly transported away ✓
(Mark the first TWO only)
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2.3.4 Part E✓ (1)
2.3.5 Blood low in nutrients flows in at D ✓ (3)
Absorption of nutrients will take place ✓
From the small intestine into the capillaries in the villus ✓
When the blood leaves at E it will be rich in nutrients ✓
(Mark any THREE × 1)
2.3.6 The body will not be able to absorb nutrients ✓* (minerals or vitamins) (2)
They will run the risk of malnutrition ✓
which will lead to retarded growth ✓ / fatigue / weight loss
( *Compulsory mark + any 1)

2.4.1. African beer is very rich in vitamin B✓, it has a low alcohol content of less than (2)
3%✓ and it is inexpensive✓. (Any first 2)
2.4.2 Anaerobic respiration uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. ✓ (2)
If the flame dies, carbon dioxide has been released which
meansthat fermentation has occurred ✓ and the brew will be
2.4.3 Anaerobic respiration ✓ (1)
2.4.4. Carbon dioxide ✓ (1)
2.4.5. indigenous sorghum (1)

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2.4.6 (6)
Percentage of people who drank industrially produced beer and
traditional beer in 1970 and 2020

1970 2020

Guidelines for assessing graph:

Correct type of graph (T) ✓
Title of graph ( C) ✓
Correct label for x-axis and Y-axis (L) ✓
Appropriate scale for x-axis and y-axis ✓
Drawing of bars (P) ✓:
Drew 1-3 bars correctly
✓✓: Drew all bars correctly
2.4.7 In 1970, more people drank traditional beer and less drank (2)
industrially produced beer. ✓
In 2020, more people drank industrially produced beer and
lesspeople drank traditional beer. ✓

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2.5.1 Cannot breathe / inhale / exhale / lungs collapse ✓ (2)
No pressure difference between exterior and thoracic cavity ✓

Guidelines for marking diagram:

Correct diagram (D) ✓

Correct caption / heading / title (T) ✓

Oxygen diffuses into cells (O) ✓

Carbon dioxide diffuses into blood (C) ✓

Any other correct label (L) ✓

2.5.3 A – larynx ✓, (1)
2.5.4 Process 1 ✓ (1)
2.5.5- - Ribs are lifted / chest cavity expands / moves outwards ✓ (1)
- - Thoracic cavity enlarges / lungs are larger ✓
- - Diaphragm contracts / flattens / moves downwards ✓
(Any 1 reason for 1 mark)

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3.1.1 Since Spirulina is able to survive in water✓, they could be cultivated in large (3)
tanks✓. Various nutrients can be added to it in the form of fertilizer✓.
3.1.2 Protein is essential in the human diet✓and the majority of the world’s population (2)
has a shortage of protein✓.
3.1.3 50 000 ✓= 4000✓ kg/hectare (3)
3.2.1 A✓ (1)
3.2.2 - 1- trachea✓ (3)
- 2- bronchus✓
- 3- lungs✓
3.2.3 - 4- bell jar✓ (2)
- 5- rubber sheet✓
3.2.4 The balloons will remain collapsed✓ even if the rubber sheet moves✓ up and (3)
down ✓
3.2.5 Bell jar representing thoracic wall is static ✓ and can’t indicate the movement of (2)
ribs/ impossible to show action of intercostal muscles✓.
3.3.1 They are used for grinding the food ✓ (1)
3.3.2 (a) Skull B ✓ (2)

(b) Skull A ✓
3.3.3 Skull A – carnivore, because it has canines for biting and holding flesh of prey✓; (4)
has carnassial teeth instead of flat molars ✓
Skull B – herbivore, there are large flat molars for grinding plant material✓. Thereare
no canines. ✓
3.3.4 No ✓, carnassial teeth are specialized molars and premolars that have (2)
triangularedges that can cut through meat. ✓

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3.4.1 Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal body environment ✓✓ (2)
3.4.2 • To compare the concentration of different substances ✓ in blood plasma,
the filtrate in Bowman’s capsule and urine in a person ✓ (2
3.4.3 • The regulation of salt content in the blood and tissue fluid is related to the (6)
sodium pump mechanism✓ and recovery of H2O from the distal convoluted
tubule and the collecting duct. ✓
• When the sodium ion level in the tissue fluid and blood drops✓, more
aldosterone is secreted into the bloodstream. ✓
• Aldosterone stimulates the active reabsorption of sodium ions from the
filtrate into the blood. ✓
• Water also moves into the blood from the filtrate by osmosis ✓whenever
solutes, such as sodium ion are absorbed. ✓ (Any 6) (6)
(a) Glucose is conserved because it is used for energy in the body ✓ and it (2)
is reabsorbed in the loop of Henle✓
(b) Protein molecules are too large✓ to pass through the pores in the (2)
endothelial layer of Bowman’s capsule✓.
3.5.1 5 units✓ (1)
3.5.2 Plant 4✓ (1)
3.5.3 • It contains the most units of CO2, H2O and light✓✓ (4)
• These are the raw materials from which glucose is made✓✓
• It will therefore produce the most glucose
3.5.4 Light✓ (1)
3.5.5 7 units✓ (1)

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