Class 10 Sci Dvps

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Max. Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 3 hours

General Instructions:
i. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections.
ii. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions.
Student is expected to attempt only one of these questions.
iii. Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.
iv. Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions
should be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
v. Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these
questions should be in the range of 50 to 80 words.
vi. Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each. Answer to these
questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
vii. Section E consists of 3 source-based/case-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with


Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the questions 1 - 20.
There is no negative mark for incorrect response.

1. The colour of the solution observed after 30 minutes of placing zinc metal to copper sulphate solution is
a) Blue b) Colourless
c) Dirty green d) Reddish Brown

2. Which one of the following correctly represents Sodium oxide?

3. A farmer wants to grow banana plants genetically similar enough to the plants already available in his
field. Which one of the following methods would you suggest for this purpose?
a) Regeneration b) Budding
c) Vegetative propagation d) Sexual reproduction
4. Generally food is broken and absorbed within the body of organisms. In which of the following
organisms is it done outside the body?
a) Amoeba b) Mushroom
c) Paramecium d) Lice

5. Receptors are usually located in sense organs. Gustatory receptors are present in
a) tongue b) nose
c) eye d) ear
6. Height of a plant is regulated by:
a) DNA which is directly influenced by c) Genes which regulate the proteins
growth hormone. directly.
b) Growth hormones under the influence of d) Growth hormones directly
the enzymes coded by a gene. under the influence a gene.

7. A sportsman, after a long break of his routine exercise, suffered muscular cramps during a heavy
exercise session.
This happened due to:
a) lack of carbon dioxide and formation of pyruvate. b) presence of oxygen and formation of
c)lack of oxygen and formation of lactic acid. d) lack of oxygen and formation of carbon
8. An object is placed in front of a convex mirror. Its image is formed :
a) at a distance equal to the object distance in front of the mirror. b) at twice the
distance of the
object in front
of the mirror.
c) half the distance of the object in front of the mirror d) behind the mirror and it’s
position varies according
to the object distance.
9. One of the following processes does not involve a chemical reaction, that is:
(a) Melting of candle wax when heated (b) Digestion of food in your stomach
(c) Burning of candle wax when heated (d) Ripening of banana

10. Which one of the following salts does not contain water of crystallisation?
(a) Blue vitriol
(b) Baking soda
(c) Washing soda
(d) Gypsum
11. Which of the following oxides of iron would be obtained on the prolonged reaction of iron with
a) FeO
b) Fe2O3
c) Fe3O4
d) Fe2O3 and Fe3O4
12. The image shows a circuit diagram.

What is being measured using the voltmeter?

(a) Current in the circuit
(b) Voltage in the circuit
(c) The voltage across the resistor
(d) The resistance offered by the resistor
13. A substance ‘X’ is used in white-washing and is obtained by heating limestone in the absence of air.
Identify ‘X’.
(a) CaOCl2
(b) Ca (OH)2
(c) CaO
(d) CaCO3
14. MnO2 + 4HCl → 2 + 2H2O + Cl2
Identify the substance oxidized in the above . equation.
(a) MnCl2
(b) HCl
(c) H2O
(d) MnO2
15. Which of the following is a weak base?
a) NaOH
b) KOH
c) NH3
d) Ca(OH)2
16. Which plant hormone promotes cell division?
(a) Auxin
(b) Gibberellin
(c) Cytokinin
(d) Abscisic acid

Question No. 17 to 20 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these
questions selecting the
appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
17. Assertion: Rusting of Iron is endothermic in nature.
Reason: As the reaction is slow, the release of heat is barely evident.
18. Assertion (A) : If a graph is plotted between the potential difference and the current flowing,
the graph is a straight line passing through the origin.
Reason (R) : The current is directly proportional to the potential difference.
19. Assertion (A): Zinc becomes dull in moist air.
Reason (R) : Zinc is coated by a thin film of its basic carbonate in moist air.
20. Assertion (A) : Baking powder is used in making cake instead of using only baking soda.
Reason (R) : Baking powder contains tartaric acid which reacts with sodium carbonate and removes
bitter taste.

Question No. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions
21. State the post-fertilisation changes that lead to fruit formation in plants.
22. What is the purpose of making urine in the human body? Name the organs that stores and releases the
Why do arteries have thick and elastic walls whereas veins have valves?
23. What is neutralisation reaction? Give two examples.
24. (a) List two causes of hypermetropia.
(b) Draw ray diagrams showing (i) a hypermetropic eye and (ii) its correction using suitable optical

25. State the role played by the following in the process of digestion : (i) Enzyme trypsin (ii) Enzyme
Define reflex arc. Trace the sequence of events which occur in our body when a bright light is focussed
on your eyes.
26. Draw a neat diagram of a neuron and label (i) dendrite and (ii) axon.
(b) Which part of the human brain is the main thinking part of the brain?

Question No. 27 to 33 are short answer questions
27. (i) State the law that explains the heating effect of current with respect to the measurable properties in an
electrical circuit.
(ii) List the factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends.
28. The given reaction shows one of the processes to extract the metals like Iron and Manganese.
MnO₂ (s) + Al(s) → Mn(l) + Al₂O₃(s) + Heat
a) Give reason why the above reaction is known as a thermite reaction.
b) Identify the substance oxidised and reduced in the above reaction.
c) Give a reason why Aluminium is preferably used in thermite reactions.

29. Write the balanced chemical equation for the following reaction:
(i) Phosphorus burns in presence of chlorine to form phosphorus penta chloride.
(ii) Burning of natural gas.
(iii) The process of respiration.
30. Write the chemical formula of Bleaching powder. How is bleaching powder prepared? For what purpose is it
used in drinking water?
31. A concave mirror is used for image formation for different positions of an object. What inferences can be
drawn about the following when an object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from the pole of a concave mirror of
focal length 15 cm?
(a) Position of the image
(b) Size of the image
(c) Nature of the image
32. Draw a flow chart to show the breakdown of glucose by various pathways.
33. Name the type of mirror used in the following situations:
(a) Headlights of a car (b) Side/rear-view mirror of a vehicle. (c) Solar furnace.

Question No. 34 to 36 are long answer questions.
34. Explain with the help of a diagram how pollen after landing on the stigma of a flower helps male germ cell
to reach the female
germ cell. Label the following : ovary, female germ cell, male germ cell and pollen grain.
A doctor has advised Sameer to reduce sugar intake in his diet and do regular exercise after checking his
blood test reports.
Which disease do you think Sameer is suffering from? Name the hormone responsible for this disease and
the organ producing the
(a) Which hormone is present in the areas of rapid cell division in a plant and which hormone inhibits the
(b) State the meaning of pollination and mention a distinguishing feature between self-pollination and cross-

35. What is meant by reflex-action ? With the help of a labelled diagram trace the sequence of events which
occur when we touch a
hot object.
Given below are certain situations. Analyze and describe its possible impact on a person:
a)Testes of a male boy are not able to descend into scrotum during his embryonic development.
b) Vas deferens of a man is plugged.
c) Prostate and seminal vesicles are not functional.
d) Egg is not fertilised in a human female.
e) Placenta does not attach to the uterus optimally.
36. a)
The above image shows a thin lens of focal length 5m.
(i) What is the kind of lens shown in the above figure?
(ii) If a real inverted image is to be formed by this lens at a distance of 7m from the optical centre, then show
with calculation where should the object be placed?
(iii) Draw a neatly labelled diagram of the image formation mentioned in (ii)
A 10 cm long pencil is placed 5 cm in front of a concave mirror having a radius of curvature of 40 cm.
(i) Determine the position of the image formed by this mirror.
(ii) What is the size of the image?
(iii) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image as mentioned in the part (i).

Question No. 37 to 39 are case-based/data -based questions with 2 to 3 short sub-parts.
Internal choice is provided in one of these sub-parts.
37. Metals are the elements which are often found in nature in combined form (as ores) but few metals
occur in free state too. Metals possess such specific properties which make them very useful in practical life.
The properties shown by them are lustrous surface, they can also be polished for obtaining a highly
reflective surface, hard and strong in nature, good conductor of heat and electricity and also malleable and
ductile. But few metals are exceptionally different too in some properties like Sodium and Potassium are
exceptional cases in this case as they can be cut with knife. Metallic elements possess high melting and
boiling points too.
1.Which of the following metals is the most abundant in earth crust?
(a) Al (b) Fe
( c) Na (d) Ca
2.Which of the following is the poor conductor of heat among given metals:
(a) Na (b) Ca
(c) Pb (d) Hg
3.Metal with highest melting point:
(a) Tungsten (b) Mercury
(c) Molybdenum (d) Osmium
4. Bauxite is an ore of:
(a) Na (b) Al
(c) Pb (d) Hg

38. The heating effect of current is obtained by transformation of electrical energy in heat energy. Just as
mechanical energy used to overcome friction is covered into heat, in the same way, electrical energy is
converted into heat energy when an electric current flows through a resistance wire. The heat produced in a
conductor, when a current flows through it is found to depend directly on (a) strength of current (b)
resistance of the conductor (c) time for which the current flows.
The mathematical expression is given by H = I2Rt.
The electrical fuse, electrical heater, electric iron, electric geyser etc. all are based on the heating effect of
(i) What are the properties of heating element?
(a) High resistance, high melting point (b) Low resistance, high melting point
(c) Low resistance, high melting point (d) Low resistance, low melting point.

(ii) What are the properties of electric fuse?

(a) Low resistance, low melting point (b) High resistance, low melting point
(c) High resistance, high melting point. (d) Low resistance, high melting point

(iii) When the current is doubled in a heating device and time is halved, the heat energy produced is
(a) doubled (b) halved
(c) four times (d) one fourth times
(iv) A fuse wire melts at 5 A. It is is desired that the fuse wire of same material melt at 10 A. The new radius
of the wire is
(a) 4 times (b) 2 times
(d) 14 times 14 times
(c) 12 times 12 times
When a current of 0.5 A passes through a conductor for 5 min and the resistance of conductor is 10 ΩΩ, the
amount of heat produced is
(a) 250 J (b) 5000J
(c) 750J (d) 1000J

39. When a ray of light incident on a prism it will split in seven colours that is called dispersion of light. A
prism is a transparent refracting body bounded by plane faces which are inclined to each other at a
particular angle called angle of prism.. When a ray of light passes through a prism, it suffers refraction
twice and hence the ray deviates through a certain angle from its original path. The angle between the
incident ray and emergent ray is called angle of deviation.
(i). For which colour the angle of deviation is minimum?
(a) Red (b) Violet
(c) Blue (d) Yellow
ii When a white light falls on a prism, the ray at its surface suffers:
(a) Refraction only (b) deviation only
(b) dispersion only (d) all of above
( iii) In nature, dispersion of light is happening in
(a) Blue colour of sky (b) Formation of rainbow
(c) Twinkling of stars (d) advance sunrise

(iv) The cause of dispersion of light is –

(a) All colours of light travel with the speed (b) All the colours of light do not travel with
more than the speed of light same speed
(c) All colours have different angle of deviation (d) All the colours have same wavelength

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