WK 12 Module Viii Educ 211
WK 12 Module Viii Educ 211
WK 12 Module Viii Educ 211
The success of curriculum development and implementation depends on the actual definition of
the end result or objectives of the project. This is important because it makes it possible to judge
the extent of its success. In this lesson we will discuss the concept of curriculum evaluation, its
importance and then look at the major types of curriculum evaluation formative and summative.
Topic Objectives
By the end of the topic you should be able to:
Define the concept of curriculum evaluation
Explain the importance of curriculum evaluation
Explain the difference between formative and summative evaluation
Relate the concept of evaluation to curriculum design and development
Before discussing on curriculum evaluation let us first remind ourselves the meaning of
‘curriculum’. It refers to all the planned learning experiences offered to a learner by the
educational institutions, together with the experiences that the learners encounter the process of
the implement. Writing or preparing depends on the present needs of the society. The needs of
the learner(s) and the needs of the society in future.
Having reminded ourselves the meaning of the curriculum lets now define curriculum
Curriculum evaluation
Refers to the process by which a judgment is made of the worth of a curriculum. That is its
appropriateness for the individual and the group the organization offering it or the society within
which it operates.
Bloom (1956) offers that evaluation as the making judgment about the value for some purpose,
ideas, works, solutions, methods and materials. It involves the use of criteria as well as
standards for appraising the extent to which particulars/aspects are accurate, effective,
economical or satisfying.
Curriculum evaluation can also be defined as a process or cluster of processes that people
perform in order to gather data information that will enable them to decide whether to accept
change or eliminate something in the curriculum or in textbook.
NB: Curriculum evaluation is one of the area in which teachers often do least well.
Criteria of Evaluation
The evaluation of learning behavior as part of programme evaluation is guided by the following
(a) Consistency with objectives e.g. if one of the objective of a course is to understand
principles, then the evaluation should assess measure of understanding not memorization
of facts.
(b) Validity: it means that there should be an agreement between what the evaluation
instruments (e.g. examination and tests) measure and the function it is supposed to
measure. The test measures what it is set out to measure.
(c) Reliability: implies that evaluation instrument should give the same results when
administered at different times and places.
(d) Continuity: Evaluation should be continuous process in an integral part of the
curriculum development and classroom instruction
(e) Comprehensiveness: this means that all the objectives of the curriculum can be
evaluated. All objectives cognitive and lower levels can be evaluated
NB: Evaluation provides feedback and on the basis of the feedback, weaknesses in the
curriculum can be identified and addressed.
Types of Evaluation
See this: When the cook tastes the soup that is formative evaluation, when the guests taste the
soup that is summative evaluation, summaries Robert State an evaluation theorist. Formative
evaluation results will improve our confidence in the curriculum and ensures that our summative
or product evaluation will assess a program that is working as its designer wanted.
In this lesion we have discussed the various concepts of curriculum evaluation, the importance of
curriculum evaluation and lastly the formative and summative types of curriculum evaluation.
We observed that the purpose of curriculum evaluation is to provide a basis for decision making
about the needs for and direction of learning. The outcome of the evaluation process assists
schools in improving student learning, implementing key learning areas, syllabus and promoting
curriculum support services.
Revision Questions