The 3 Diminished 7th Chords If you invert each chord (flip the bottom note of the chord to the top so you have a new bass note in the chord), you get the same diminished 7th chord, just spelled in a different order, with a new bass note. Therefore, since you can spell each chord with 4 different bass notes, and since there are 12 keys, you really only have 3 diminished 7th chords to learn. Play these at the piano and you will understand this better. We spelled each chord enharmonically (this means an E and F flat are the same) 4 b œ b b œ œ nbnœœœ œ nœœœ nnbn œœœœ œ n b œ œ nb b œœœ & 4 bn n œœœ bnb œœœ n n œœ œ bœ nb œœœœ b œ nn œœ œb bbnœœœ bbnœœœ n b œœ n œ œ B flat diminished 7th B diminished 7th C diminished 7th
Dominants/diminished Related chords
If you lower each note of the dim 7th chord (one at a time) B Flat Diminished 7th Chord a half step, you get a dominant 7th chord. These can be 4 (spelled correctly or enharmonically) called the "related" dominants & bb œœœ Ó b œ OR bnbn œœœœ #nnn œœœœ nnbn œœœœ bbbn œœœœ bnbb œœœœ B flat Dim 7 A7 C7 E flat 7 G flat 7
Diminished or 1/2 step/Whole step scale
If you combine the B flat dim 7th chord with the A dim 7th, you get a half step/whole step scale that has all the "color" notes to use over a dominant 7th chord. 6 The A dim 7th is formed from the roots of the "related" dominant 7th chords (A, C, E flat, G flat) & bn n œœœ Ó bœ nbnb œœœœ œ b œ n œ b œ b œ nœ b œ nœ B flat Dim 7 A dim 7
Putting the related dominants in a solo
Piano player plays the A7 chord and the horn player can play any of the 4 dominant 7ths over the A7 chord. The Glue that holds the 4 dominants together is the "related" diminished 7th, the B flat diminished 7th 11 A7 Horn Player C7 Horn player E flat7 Horn Player G flat7 Horn player & n n œœ Œ Ó n n œœ Œ Œ Œ bb n œœœ Œ Ó bbbn œœœœ Œ Ó # n œœ n b œœ bœ A7 Piano player A7 Piano player A7 Piano player A7 Piano player