English - Version - 2023 Grape 9

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Grade 9

Task 1
Eastern alchemists obtained from the oasis of Ammon in the Sahara desert a colorless
crystalline substance X, which they called "nushadir salt". It is known that the composition of
X has the same ion as in the composition of table salt. When rubbing substance X with slaked
lime (reaction 1), a water-soluble gas with a pungent smell Y was released. Ancient sages
noticed that if a jar with a solution of gas Y is placed next to a jar with a solution of
hydrochloric acid, both jars are covered with a white scale (reaction 2). Another interesting
property of a solution of gas Y in water is its interaction with a solution of copper sulfate to
form a cornflower-blue solution of substance Z (reaction 3).
1) What are "table salt" and "hydrated slaked lime"? Give the formulas of the substances.
2) Identify the formulas of substances X, Y, Z. Give your answer in the format "letter -
3) Write the equations of the reactions.
4) What is this nushadir salt called these days? Give the name according to the nomenclature.

Task 2 "What's the power, brother?"

It is well known that the interaction of a salt of a weak acid with a stronger acid
should proceed the faster the stronger the acid. However, it has been found experimentally
that the interaction of chalk with acetic acid is faster than the interaction with cupric oil.
1) Give any example of interaction of a salt of a weak acid with a strong acid. Write the
molecular, complete and reduced ionic equations of the reaction in your answer.
2) Write the formulas of the substances from the condition. Give your answer in the format
"trivial name - formula".
3) Explain why chalk reacts faster with acetic acid than with cupric oil? Support your answer
with the equations of reactions.

Task 3 "I’ll do it myself!"

The simple truth is that everything in the world is interconnected, including the
substances around us. In front of you there is a scheme of interrelation of the main classes of
inorganic substances. Your task is to complete this scheme.
1. Suggest any substances whose transformations can be described by the given scheme.
Present your answer in the format of the completed scheme.
2. Write the equations of reactions (5 reactions).

Task 4. "Stranger things."

Substance X (w(O) = 9.33%) of orange color has been known since ancient times and
since then something strange happens to this substance when it’s heated... When it’s heated in
the air, substance X suddenly becomes yellow substance A (reaction 1), and when treated
with calcium hypochlorite it becomes dark brown substance B (reaction 2). Substance B,
when calcined, can give a whole range of colors: from brown (substance B) becomes
(reaction 3) black (substance C (w(O) = 10.38%)), then (reaction 4) orange (substance X),
then yellow again (substance A).
It is known that substances A and B can interact differently with hydrochloric acid - in
the first case the formation of a small water-soluble substance D is observed (reaction 5), and
in the second case - the release of yellow-green gas E (reaction 6).
Substance A Substance B

1. Identify the formulas of substances X, A-E. Use the pictures of the unit cells. Confirm
your answer with a calculation and present it in the format "letter - formula".
2. Write the equations of the described reactions (1-6).

Task 5 "E239"
Hiking is one of the most affordable and common outdoor activities. Of course, it is a
good idea to have a hot meal while camping. Often two organic substances are used as fuel
for cooking - urotropine (w(H) = 8.63%, w(N) = 39.97%) or paraffin (let's take its formula
C20H42). You are asked to find out which fuel is more economical to use to heat 250 ml of
water from 20о C to boiling? To find out, answer a series of questions and use the reference

Heats of formation of substances, kJ/mol

Substance Paraffin O2 H O2 C CO CO2 N2 NO NO2

ΔQof , kJ/mol 99,2 456,07 0 241,81 0 110,53 393,51 0 -91,26 -34,19

Cost of substances,
174 1908

Heat capacity of water 4200 J/(kg-°C)

1. Find the formula of urotropine if the molecular weight of the substance is known to be
between 100 and 150 g/mol. Confirm your answer by calculations.
2. Write equations of combustion reactions of urotropine and paraffin. Additionally, it is
known that the mixture of combustion products of urotropine has the same qualitative
composition as air.
3. Calculate the heat effect of the reactions.
4. Determine which fuel is more economical to use to heat 250 mL of water from 20 о C
to boiling?
5. What does the title of the task mean?
Task 6 "Antioxidants."
Antioxidants are a large group of substances widely used in the food industry to
extend the shelf life of foods and beverages. Most of the substances in this group are often
found in nature, including those synthesized by living organisms.
One such common antioxidant is substance X with active antimicrobial activity, which is
often supplied in a mixture with substance Y. The laboratory of the Quality Control
Department received a sample of such a mixture. To ensure the quality of the product, the
mixture was analyzed:
1. The sample dissolved completely in water to form a colorless transparent solution.
Measurements of pH showed that it is equal to 9.5.
2. When the dry sample was introduced into the burner flame, yellow coloration of the
flame was observed.
3. AgNO3 solution was added - white curd precipitation was observed.
4. The action of hydrochloric acid on a solution of the mixture produces a colorless gas
with a pungent smell, which can discolor a neutral solution of KMnO4.
The mass content of the main component of the mixture (substance X) was determined by
1. A 5.0 g sample of the mixture was dissolved in 1 liter of water. An aliquot of 10.0 mL
was taken.
2. To the aliquot was added 5.0 mL of 0.10 M iodine solution.
3. The mixture was left in a dark place for 5 minutes and then titrated with 0.10 M
sodium thiosulfate solution. It took 3.00 ml of thiosulfate solution to titrate an aliquot.
1. Identify substances X and Y. Explain the answer and present it in letter-formula
2. Explain why the solution has this pH?
3. Write the equations of the qualitative analysis reactions.
4. Process the results of the quantitative analysis - calculate the mass fraction of
substance X in the mixture.
5. What is the antioxidizing effect of substance X? Confirm your answer with the
reaction equation and comments.
Grade 10
Task 1
You are given a chain of transformations of phosphorus. It is required to decipher all
enigmatic substances and to write equations of reactions for reactions of obtaining L and G.
Compounds with known mass fraction of the element to confirm by calculation. When
calculating, consider that the atomic masses of all elements are integers, and the atomic mass
of chlorine is 35.5.

M contains 12 molybdenum atoms as part of the anion. Also, M is not soluble in

water. H is a yellow colored precipitate.
1. What is compound F used for in organic chemistry?
2. Draw the spatial structure of G.
3. What he reaction to produce M is used for?

Task 2
The main elements that are found in organic compounds are nonmetals. But in order
to carry out many useful reactions, you need compounds that include metals in their
composition. We will call compounds containing carbon-metal bonds organometallic
The discovery of organomagnesium compounds was such a major breakthrough in
organic chemistry that it was awarded the Nobel Prize. Victor Grignard received it 110 years
ago for the discovery of a reagent named in his honor.
In this task, we will consider the main types of organometallic compounds and their
application in organic chemistry. It is worth saying that organometallic compounds often
exhibit nucleophilic properties and are able to react with many electrophiles.

It is also known that the following reactions are used to produce organometallic compounds:
Metalation of CH-acids with organometallic compounds/metals
R-H + R'-Me = R-Me + R'-H
R-H + Me = R-Me + 0.5H2
Reaction of organohalogen compounds with metals/organometallic compounds:
R-Hal + R'-Me = R-Me + R'-Hal
R-Hal + 2Me = R-Me + MeHal
Remetallization with metal salts:
R-Me + Me' = R-Me' + Me
1. Identify the substances A-N.
2. If substance A is taken instead of substance I in a reaction with acetyl chloride,
substance X is mainly formed instead of substance G. Explain why this happens.

Task 3
Young chemist Sergei in preparation for the Olympiad decided to determine the
content of nickel and copper in the Belarusian coin face value of 1 ruble. The coin consists of
an iron base, on this base copper and nickel layers are successively applied. The coin was
dissolved in boiling nitric acid, an excess of ammonia was added to the resulting solution and
the precipitate was filtered. The obtained solution was evaporated, diluted with ammonia in a
measuring flask to a volume of 50 ml and pH=11. The absorption spectrum for this solution
was taken at two wavelengths in a 1 cm long cuvette.
1. Write all the reactions described in the procedure.
2. From the absorption spectra of ammonia complexes of nickel and copper, determine
the optimum wavelengths for determining their concentrations (to an accuracy of 10
3. Determine the mass composition of a coin if its mass is 5.60 g. The absorption in the
long-wave region is 0.122 and in the short-wave region is 0.371.
4. During the dissolution process, chemist Seryozha observed first the dissolution of the
nickel coating, then the dissolution of the copper coating, and only then the
dissolution of the iron base. Explain the order in which the coatings were applied to
the coin in this manner.
Absorption spectra of ammonia complexes:
1 0.92

ε, 1/Мꞏсм

0.6 0.56 0.54

Cu(NH3)4 2+
0.41 0.4 0.39 Ni(NH3)6 2+
0.4 0.32 0.34
0.3 0.3
0.23 0.22
0.18 0.19
0.2 0.16 0.14
0.09 0.08
0.05 0.06 0.05

450 550 650 750 850 950
λ , nm

Task 4.
Like any room, a chemical laboratory, no doubt, also
requires cleaning. The laboratory technician working in it
decided to do this difficult task, and at the same time to
conduct a revision of reagents.
In the far corner of the shelf where oxygen-containing
biphasic acids stand, he found an unsigned tightly closed jar
containing a solid unknown acid in pure form. The laboratory
technician was surprised at this carelessness and decided to
determine what kind of substance was stored in this container.
For this purpose, he took a recently obtained NaOH solution
of exact concentration, prepared chemical dishes for titration,
and assembled the following apparatus (see figure). Suddenly,
however, he wondered: where should he pour the alkali and
where should he put the acid to be titrated?
1. Help the lab technician solve this question. Explain your choice.
Having finally figured it out, the lab technician began to analyze. He determined that
exactly 20.6 mL of 0.2500 M sodium hydroxide standard solution was used to titrate a 0.2112
g sample of acid.
2. 2 Determine which acid was in the unsigned jar.
3. Draw a structural formula for the unknown acid that unambiguously shows the order
of bonds in the molecule. Explain why this acid is bidentate.
During the course of an experiment, a friend of the lab technician came over and they
got to talking. Distracted, the chemist accidentally poured some unknown acid directly into a
flask of standard NaOH solution. Terrified to realize what had happened, the lab technician
began to correct his mistake. To do this, he had to redetermine the concentration of alkali in
the solution. He took a solution of hydrochloric acid from the shelf, but saw that its
concentration was given only approximately.
4. Why might the concentration of hydrochloric acid in a solution change over time?
After asking a friend for a hydrochloric acid solution with the exact concentration, the
lab technician began to determine the sodium hydroxide content of the solution after making
a mistake. It is known that 18.6 mL of 0.1000 M hydrochloric acid was used to titrate a 10
mL aliquot of alkali
5. Determine how much of the unknown acid was added to the alkali solution if its total
volume is 1 liter. Assume that the addition of acid does not change the volume of the
Grade 11
Task 1. "Gold underfoot."
Element X is so widespread on Earth that it literally lies on almost any seashore.
Despite this, its compounds are actively used in nuclear power, microelectronics and even in
fine organic synthesis. Without X, the progress of mankind will be simply impossible, and
some argue that on the basis of this element on other planets is possible origin of life. What is
this marvelous element scattered under our feet? Below is a diagram illustrating the chemical
properties of X.

1. Decipher all of the unknown substances X, A-E. Additionally, we know that the mass
fraction of X in E is 15.22% and the mass fraction of fluorine in A is 73.08%.
2. Write the equations of all reactions (5 equations total).
3. Which of the presented compounds of X is found underfoot on the seashore? Where
else are X and its derivatives used?
4. The world's largest center of modern innovation and technology in the United States
was named after element X. What is its name?
Task 2. "Acids and more"
The known organic substances A and B exhibit acidic properties, but each in its own
way. Both A and B react with metallic sodium with the release of hydrogen (reactions 1 and
2), and from 1 g of B is obtained 186.67 ml of H2 (standard conditions). But only substance A
reacts with sodium hydroxide (reaction 3).
Although A is present in many plants that are eaten by humans, it is dangerous to humans in
large quantities. In the form of calcium salts, A is deposited in the kidneys and bladder,
forming stones that lead to serious consequences.
Interestingly, A can be obtained both using chemical reagents, for example, by the action of
CrO3 in H2SO4 on substance B (reaction 4), and by fermentation processes from the well-
known glucose C6H12O6. Such fermentation is used by fungi of the species Penicillium,
decomposing glucose in the presence of oxygen (reaction 5).

1. Identify the unknown substances A and B. Support your answer with a calculation.
2. Write the equations of reactions 1-5.
3. What is the trivial name given to substance A? What is the name of the corresponding type
of fermentation (reaction 5) in which A is formed?
4. Draw all the stable isomers of substance B.

Task 3. "Organic-inorganic synthesis".

Substance X is remarkable not only for its beautiful blue-green color, but is also
actively used as a catalyst in organic synthesis.
To obtain X, 2 g of P oxide (ω(O) = 43.99%), 5 mL of distilled water, 3.5 mL of
concentrated H2SO4 and 10 mL of ethyl alcohol are added to flask 5. The mixture is heated to
a weak boiling and the formation of blue coloration (reaction 1), at which time, in addition to
the smell of ethanol from the reaction begins to smell of fresh apples. Then acetylacetone
(C5H8O2) is added dropwise and stirring is continued (reaction 2). Upon completion of the
reaction, it is neutralized with sodium carbonate and left to cool until turquoise crystals of X
(ω(C) = 45.29%) precipitate. The product is filtered and dried in the desiccator.

1. Name all the parts (1-5) of the synthesis apparatus.
2. Identify the unknown substances P and X. Support your answer with calculations.
Write the equations of reactions 1 and 2.
3. Draw the structural formula of X. What is the name of this substance?
4. What role does ethyl alcohol play in this reaction?

Task 4
Hard to believe, but the vocation of a taster can be dictated by the genetics. White
crystalline substance X about 70% of people consider bitter, and some do not taste it at all.
The ability to taste is attributed to the absence of one of the receptor proteins, the expression
of which is determined by a single gene.
Fun fact that this substance is also used to grow transparent fish called Danio-Rerio,
because X inhibits the synthesis of melanin. It is possible to obtain X using the following

Additionally, it is known that Friedrich Kekulé got the idea of the cyclic nature of
compound A in a dream when an imaginary snake bit his tail, the mass fractions of sulfur and
nitrogen in substance D are 14.05% and 12.27% respectively, and the mass fraction of carbon
in substance X is 55.24%.
1. Determine the structure of substances A-E, X and give their structural forms
2. Give the name of the mixture used in 1 reaction and the mechanism of generation of
the particle attacking A.
3. Give the name of substance X.
In order to discolor Danio-Rerio, a solution of substance X in seawater must be prepared. A
50 ml 0.5% solution of substance X was obtained, which had to be diluted with seawater to a
0.005% solution during the experiment. The density of the solutions is 1 g/mL.
4. Calculate the mass of substance A to obtain the required amount of substance X and
the volume of seawater required for dilution.
Task 5
With the help of modification of planar chromatography methods, quantitative
analysis can be performed. The most widely used is the express method of peak precipitation
chromatography on paper. To obtain a precipitation chromatogram, the chromatographic
paper is impregnated with a precipitant solution taken in such quantity that at the place of
absorption of a sample of the analyzed solution into the paper, the ions to be determined were
not completely precipitated and were transferred to new areas of the paper impregnated with
the precipitant during the development of the chromatogram, and dried in the air. A drop of
the analyzed solution is applied to the prepared paper. As it is absorbed, a primary
chromatogram - a sample spot - is formed. Then begin to develop the chromatogram by
putting the paper in a beaker with solvent. As a result, precipitation zones in the form of
regular peaks are formed from the spots when washed with mobile solvent. A linear
dependence of the peak height on the concentration of the ion to be determined is observed.
This provides a basis for quantitative determination of various substances. Below is a view of
a chromatogram having initially 6 spots of analyzed solutions of different concentrations.
1. Peak precipitation chromatography data on paper are available for four standard
solutions of nickel salts:

Salt concentration
2.5⋅10-3 5.0⋅10-3 7.5⋅10-3 1.0⋅10-2

Peak height (cm) 2.8 5.2 7.5 9.9

Find the concentration of nickel ions in the analyzed solution if it is known that the peak
height of the peak was 6.3 cm when peak precipitation chromatography of this solution was
performed under the same conditions.
2. A 34.5 mg heptahydrate suspension of some nickel salt was used to prepare 20 mL of
the analyzed solution. Write the formula of the salt using the concentration obtained
in the previous paragraph.
Dimethylglyoxime, which forms an insoluble complex with nickel salts, is used as a
precipitant in this case. However, if interfering cations are present in the stock solution
and also form precipitates with this ligand, quantitative analysis becomes impossible. In
this case, another method, also based on the low solubility of substances - precipitation
titration - is often used.
3. For analysis our laboratory was given a powder - a mixture of anhydrous chloride of
nickel(II) and iron(II) with a mass of 0.320 g. 25.00 ml of 0.1000 M Na2S solution
was used for titration of the obtained solution. Calculate the mass fractions of the salts
in this mixture.
4. If there is still a need to separate nickel(II) and iron(II) salts, it can be done
chemically, for example, by adding ammonia. Give the equations of the
corresponding reactions.
Task 6
X is one of the few elements from which molecules of
unlimited size can be built by covalent bonding to itself.
However, unlike carbon chains, X molecules tend to form
clusters - compounds that are much larger than
conventional molecules but still smaller than nanoparticles.
They are of great interest both for theoretical, since they
break the traditional ideas about covalent bonds, and for
applied chemistry. For example, one of the most promising
areas is called BNCTs. BNCT preparations can capture
tumor cells and destroy them under neutron irradiation.
Such drugs can be obtained by the following route: substance A is boiled with adduct B
(reaction 1), and then the resulting sodium salt C is treated with a solution of piranha (a
mixture of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide) (reaction 2). The next step is the interaction
of D and A (reaction 3), where D is the product from the previous reaction. The resulting salt
E is notable for its interesting anion structure, where the X atoms are lined up in an
icosahedron (see Fig.)
1. Name the element X if it is known that irradiation produces helium and lithium atoms.
Decode the abbreviation BNCT.
2. What substances are we talking about? Decode substances A-E. It is known that:
- The mass fraction of X in B is 7.61 %, in D is 88.45 %, and in C is 66.43 %. The qualitative
composition of C and D differs by only one element. (When calculating, round to the third
decimal place);
- Substance A is a commonly used reducing agent in organic chemistry that contains X;
- In addition to C, the reaction products include diethyl ether (C4H10O), hydrogen, and a salt
containing fluorine.
E reacts with hydrogen sulfide, changing its mass by 17.04%. It is this mercapto
derivative E that is most often used for BNCT. In the body, it is capable of various reactions
such as dimerization (reaction 4), binding to metals (reaction 5), and oxidation of the thiol
group (reaction 6). However, the disadvantages of E make one think of other ways to
introduce X into the cell.
3. Why is the mercapto derivative used rather than E itself for better effect? Draw the
structure of the mercapto derivative, its dimer, and its oxidized form if the cluster
structure is conserved everywhere.
What turns out to be extremely interesting is that X can bind to a neighboring period element
in such a way that the element is "embedded" in the cluster structure, so that neutral clusters
are obtained instead of doubly charged anionic clusters. For example, D can react with F gas,
with a hydrogen mass fraction of 7.7%, to form ortho-G (reaction 7). Incredibly, when heated
strongly, G isomerizes in a scheme: ortho-G to meta-G (reaction 8), and then meta-G to
para-G (reaction 9).
4. Draw the structure of ortho-G, meta-G, and para-G if the prefix to G is determined by
the mutual arrangement of the neighboring element and G itself is isostructured to the
salt anion E? What are the clusters to which G belongs called?

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