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Harmonies Rules V1.1

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1. Place the Central board with the 2‐4 player side faceup. Align the point of it so that it is poin ng down. Fill each of the 5 spaces of the
Central board with 3 tokens each drawn at random.
2. Shuffle the Animal cards and place 5 cards faceup next to the Central board in a line.
3. Place Steve’s board nearby. Out of Steve’s 9 card automa deck take the automa card with the “reshuffle” icon out of the deck and place it
to the side. Shuffle the rest of the 8 cards and select two and place them with the “reshuffle” card. Shuffle those three cards together and
place them on the bo om of Steve’s deck. Shuffle the remaining 6 cards and place them on top of the three cards to form Steve’s 9 card
deck. Place this deck underneath his personal board.
4. Deal the top Animal card off the Animal deck faceup to Steve in its furthest le Animal spot above his board.
5. Decide which side of the board you want to play with , A or B and take’s Steve matching board and place it near the play area. Take 3
Orange cubes and place them on their designated spot on Steve’s personal board.
6. You are the first player. Once done, your play area should look something like this.

Steve will allow you to play Harmonies against an automated opponent replica ng a two‐player game and thus giving you a win/loss condi on.
Steve comes in three difficul es, easy, normal, and hard. When you go to take your turn, you follow the rules as normal. Addi onally, if you do not
take an Animal card on your turn, you may discard 1 Animal Card from the center of the table and replace it with the top card from the draw
pile. Steve will act according to his deck of 9 cards. You and Steve will alternate turns un l either you have triggered end game by having 2 or fewer
empty spaces on your personal board or Steve has ended the game via his special method explained later in this rules document. So, what are we
wai ng for? Crikey, let’s get going!

If you ignore Steve and what Steve needs to complete Animal Cards you will more than likely lose. Use the “discard an animal from the center of the
table” ac on to your advantage even if it means you can’t draw the Animal Card you want that turn.

When it’s Steve’s turn flip over the top card from his deck and resolve the ac ons listed below.

1. (Op onal) Takes 1 Animal Card

2. Take tokens and fills in Bubbles
3. A empts to place tokens onto Animal Cards above his personal board
4. Checks for completed Animal Cards
5. Keeps up to three tokens in his pool
6. Checks for endgame trigger icon
7. (Op onal) Shuffles his Discard Pile


When flipping over a card from Steve’s deck the first thing to check is to see if he will take an Animal Card from one of the 5 Animal Cards showing
in the supply. Not all of Steve’s cards will show this ac on. If it doesn’t then Steve will not take a card that turn. Steve will never have more than 2
Animal Cards of the same color above his personal board at a me. If a card tells you to take a third of the same color ignore that color and move to
the next color on his card preference.

Next, Steve will only take an Animal Card from the supply if the condi ons are met. In the example below If Steve has less than 2 Animal Cards
above his player board then he will a empt to take an Animal Card from the supply. If he has 2 or more he will ignore this step.

However, if he is instructed to take an Animal Card and can, he will priori ze taking the le most card in the Supply that matches the le most color
showing on his AI card. In the example below, Steve would want to take the le most “Red” Animal Card in the Supply. If there was no “Red” Animal
Card in the Supply he would then look to take the le most “Green” Animal card in the Supply (and so on and so forth). When adding Animal Cards
above his personal board he will add it to the le most unoccupied spot. In the example below, let’s say there was no “Red” but there was a “Green”,
he would add it to the second spot above his personal board. Steve does not place Orange cubes on Animal Cards during this step. Once Steve takes
an Animal Card from the Supply, refill its spot with the top card of the Animal Card Deck.


Every one of Steve’s cards will show where Steve will take tokens from on the Central board. That spot is highlighted in blue. Remember that each
me you or Steve takes tokens from the Central board, make sure to refill that spot from the bag.

Once Steve takes tokens, he will fill in Bubbles on his personal board in the appropriate sec ons based on the type of token taken. When Steve fills
in Bubbles he will always fill in unfilled Bubbles from le to right. For Trees, brown spaces are for Brown tokens while green spaces are for Green
tokens. Every other sec on is self‐explanatory as those sec ons don’t require different color types. For example purposes let’s say Steve dra ed a
Brown, Green, and Grey token. In this case Steve would fill in the le most Brown Bubble in the Trees sec on and the le most Green Bubble. For the
Grey token he would fill in the le most white Bubble in the Mountain sec on.
In the event Steve cannot fill in a Bubble because there are no more remaining (let’s say he just selected his 6th Green token whereas there are only
5 green Bubbles) he would instead fill in the le most Bubble at the bo om of his personal board. White Bubbles don’t give any benefit to Steve.
However, if he fills in a colored Bubble he will immediately fill in the next le most unfilled Bubble in that color’s sec on. In the event he can’t
because there are none le he will repeat the process again and fill in another Bubble on the track at the bo om of his personal board poten ally
ac va ng the next benefit.


During this step Steve will try to place as many tokens as he can in his pool onto Animal Cards above his personal board. His pool of tokens includes
any tokens he took this turn as well as any tokens he had remaining in his pool from a previous turn (we will discuss this further down). He will
always try to place matching tokens on his le most Animal Card first and will then work his way to Animal Cards to the right if he has any remaining
tokens. When placing tokens on an Animal Card if the Card has a Wild on it Steve will a empt to place that token last before moving to the next
Animal Card.

For example, if the card below was the le most Animal Card above Steve’s board and he had Yellow, Red, Brown, and Grey tokens in his pool he
would place the Yellow and Red tokens on this card. For the wild he would reference his current AI card to see whether to use the Brown or Grey as
the wild. To do this look at the tokens showing on the bo om of the AI card drawn this turn and pick the token that appears first going from le to
right. In this case Steve would pick the Grey token to use as the wild since it shows up earlier than the Brown token on its card. The Brown token
that is le over can now be checked to see if it can go on the next Animal Card above Steve’s board.

If the le most Animal Card above Steve’s personal board did not get any tokens placed on it this turn, take one Orange cube from his personal
board and place it onto the card. If Steve ever has 3 orange cubes on the le most card he will complete that card during his next step. Return the
orange cubes to his personal board for him to use in future rounds. Only the le most card gets Orange cubes placed on it. No other cards above his
personal board will get Orange cubes placed on it even if they didn’t have any tokens placed on them this turn.


A er Steve has placed all the tokens he can, check to see if any of his Animal Cards have all the matching tokens needed to complete that Animal or
if the le most card has three Orange cubes on it. If any meet these two qualifica ons, return the tokens on those cards to his pool and flip those
cards over and place them near his personal board. He will score them at the end of the game. Slide all remaining incomplete Animal Cards one
space to the le filling in any holes above his personal board.

At this point Steve may have a number of tokens in his pool from tokens just added from completed Animal Cards and poten ally tokens he wasn’t
able to place during step 3 (Steve will not use tokens from completed cards in the same round the card was completed). Steve will retain up to 3
le over tokens per turn in his pool. The three kept will be determined by the AI card drawn that turn. Retain the first three tokens that appear on
his AI card. For example (based on the card showing above), let’s say he had 2 Green and 2 Yellow tokens le over, he would retain 1 Green, 1
Yellow and then would wrap back around and retain the other Green token. All other tokens not selected are discarded out of play (not returned to
the bag).
Some of Steve’s cards have the “End of Game” icon on them. If the AI card drawn this turn has it, then mark off the le most unfilled Bubble on the
“End of Game” track at the bo om of Steve’s personal board. When the 4th Bubble (for Side A) on this track is marked off check to see if you have 4
or less empty spaces on your personal board. If you do the game ends at the end of this round. If you have more than 4 empty spaces the game will
end at the end of a round in which you have 4 or less empty spaces on your board. This simulates another player poten ally ending the game early
on you and not stacking tokens as much as you might which can happen in a mul player game.


If Steve draws the card below during his turn, then at the end of his turn he will shuffle this card and all of the cards in his discard pile back into his
deck to form a new AI deck. Steve is not a fan of opponents coun ng cards.

The game ends at the end of a round in which either the player has 2 or less empty spaces on their player board or Steve has triggered the end of
the game with his icons and you have 5 or less empty spaces on your player board.

You will score exactly like you would in a mul player game. Steve is designed to score similarly but with some tweaks. You can use the scorepads
that came with the pad to score for both of you.

TREES – Steve will score points based off fully filled in trees. In this example below Steve would score 7+3+1 for a total of 11 points for the three
completed trees he has.
MOUNTAINS – Mountains need to be together just like yours do. Mountains don’t score for Steve unless both groups that are linked are filled in. In
the example below Steve would score 8 points for mountains. Although the third mountain was filled in, the 1 token mountain it was linked to was
not filled in, so it doesn’t score.

FIELDS – Fields score for each group that is filled in. In the example below Steve would score 5 points for the first group. Although he filled in two of
the three Bubbles for the second group he will not score for them.

BUILDINGS – Buildings are pre y straight forward that they just score for each group that is filled in. For the example below Steve would score
5+5for a total of 10 points.

WATER – Water scores based off how far Steve gets along its track. In the example below Steve would score a TOTAL of 5 points (not 2+5). If he
would have filled in one more Bubble he would have scored a total of 8 points. Steve gets +4 points for each Bubble filled in a er 15.

For Side B, Steve will also score how far along the track he gets. In the example below Steve would score 15 total points for his water sec on.
ANIMAL CARDS – Steve scores Animal Cards based off the difficulty.

For EASY, Steve scores the third highest number showing on the Animal Card. In the case there are only two numbers, he will score the second one.
In the example below Steve would score 5+8+4+4 for a total of 21 points. Steve does not score for incomplete Animal Cards above his personal

For NORMAL, Steve scores the second highest number showing on the Animal Card. In the case there are only two numbers, he will score the
second one. In the example below Steve would score 10+8+9+9 for a total of 36 points. Steve also scores the lowest number showing on the Animal
Card on any incomplete Animal Cards on his personal board that have at least one token placed on them.

For HARD, Steve scores the the same as normal difficulty but also scores an addi onal 4 points per completed Animal Card.
If playing with Nature’s Spirit then add 15 points to Steve’s score for Easy, 20 points for Normal, and 25 for Hard. Steve does not receive a Nature’s
Spirit card like you do at the beginning of the game.

In the event of a e use the ebreaker from the normal rules. To calculate the number of animals Steve “has placed” count the number of squares
at and below his difficulty level plus the lowest animal on any incomplete cards with at least one token on them. Using the cards on the previous
page as an example for Easy Steve would have a total of 4 animals placed. For Normal and Hard Steve would have had a total of 7 (2 from the first
card, two from the second card, two for the third card, and two from the fourth card).

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