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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2021

Pearson Edexcel IAL Mathematics

Pure Mathematics P3
Paper WMA13 / 01

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January 2021
Publications Code WMA13_01_2021_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2021

General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in
exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have
shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their perception of
where the grade boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award
full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to
the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks
will be awarded and exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s
response, the team leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative
General Instructions for Marking

1. The total number of marks for the paper is 75.

2. The Pearson Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:

• M marks: Method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and attempting to apply it’,
unless otherwise indicated.
• A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M) marks have been
• B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
• Marks should not be subdivided.

3. Abbreviations

These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark
schemes and can be used if you are using the annotation facility on ePEN.

• bod – benefit of doubt

• ft – follow through
• the symbol or ft will be used for correct ft
• cao – correct answer only
• cso - correct solution only. There must be no errors in this part of the question
to obtain this mark
• isw – ignore subsequent working
• awrt – answers which round to
• SC: special case
• oe – or equivalent (and appropriate)
• d… or dep – dependent
• indep – independent
• dp decimal places
• sf significant figures
•  The answer is printed on the paper or ag- answer given
• or d… The second mark is dependent on gaining the first mark

4. All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to
indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread however,
the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but manifestly absurd answers
should never be awarded A marks.

5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify it,
deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question affected. If you are
using the annotation facility on ePEN, indicate this action by ‘MR’ in the body of the script.

6. If a candidate makes more than one attempt at any question:

• If all but one attempt is crossed out, mark the attempt which is NOT crossed out.

If either all attempts are crossed out or none are crossed out, mark all the attempts
and score the highest single attempt.

7. Ignore wrong working or incorrect statements following a correct answer.

General Principles for Core Mathematics Marking

(But note that specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general principles).

Method mark for solving 3 term quadratic:

1. Factorisation
( x 2 + bx + c) = ( x + p)( x + q), where pq = c , leading to x = …
(ax 2 + bx + c) = (mx + p)(nx + q), where pq = c and mn = a , leading to x = …

2. Formula
Attempt to use correct formula (with values for a, b and c).

3. Completing the square

Solving x + bx + c = 0 : ( x ± b2 )2 ± q ± c, q ≠ 0, leading to x = …

Method marks for differentiation and integration:

1. Differentiation
n n −1
Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x → x )

2. Integration
n n +1
Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x → x )

Use of a formula
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice given in recent examiners’
reports is that the formula should be quoted first.

Normal marking procedure is as follows:

Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even if there are small mistakes in the
substitution of values.
Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by implication from correct working with
values, but may be lost if there is any mistake in the working.

Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact answer is asked for, or working with
surds is clearly required, marks will normally be lost if the candidate resorts to using rounded decimals.
Number Scheme Marks

∫ ∫
x2 − 5
dx = Ax −1 − Bx −3 dx = C ln x + Dx −2 ( +c ) M1 dM1
2 x3

1 5
= ln x + x −2 + c
2 4 A1

Total 3

M1: Correct attempt to integrate.

Score for an attempt to divide by the x term forming a sum of two terms and then integrating.
Award for achieving one term in the correct form. Either C ln x + ... or ... + Dx −2
Note that C ln ax and versions such as k ln 2 x 3 are also acceptable for C ln x so look at responses involving lns

carefully . Ignore spurious notation e.g.

∫ C ln x for the M marks as long as integration has been attempted

dM1: Achieves both terms in the correct form. Score for ±C ln x ± Dx −2 or equivalent
Be aware that C ln ax ± Dx −2 and other variations are also correct

1 5 5
A1: ln x + x −2 + c or equivalent simplest form with the + c. E.g ln x + 2 + c
2 4 4x
ISW after a correct answer.
1 5
Some candidates may incorporate the + c within the log so ln kx + x −2 where k is an arbitrary constant is ok.
2 4

1 5 1 5
Note that ln 2 x + x −2 + c is not the simplest form and is A0. ln x + x −2 + c would also be A0
2 4 2 4
Attempts via integration by parts can be scored in the same way

∫ ∫ ∫
x2 − 5 1 1 1 1 1
2 x3
x (x 2
− 5 ) × x −3 d=
x (x 2
− 5 ) × − x −2 −
2 x × − x −2 d=
x (x 2
− 5 ) × − x −2 + ln x + c
4 2

M1: For an attempt to integrate by parts the correct way around and achieves ( x 2 − 5 ) × px −2 ± q ln ax + c
If the rule is quoted it must be correct.
It is possible to integrate by parts the other way around but unlikely. It can be scored in a similar way.

dM1: Score for

• either then simplifying to an expression of the form ±C ln x ± Dx −2 with or without ''+ c'' which could
be numerical
1 1
• or integrating to a correct but unsimplified answer ( x 2 − 5 ) × − x −2 + ln ax with or without ''+ c''
4 2

1 5 1 5 1
A1: ln x + x −2 + c NOT ln x + x −2 + + c (The answer must be in simplest form and with the + c)
2 4 2 4 4
Number Scheme Marks

Shape (two way stretch) B1
y = 3f (2 x)
Maximum at (0.5, 6) B1

Minimum at (1.5, 0) B1

y = f (− x) − 1 Shape and position B1

Minimum at (−3, −1) and maximum at (−1, 1) B1

Crosses y-axis at (0, −1) B1

Total 6
B1: Same shape passing through the origin with evidence of a two way stretch.
Minimum must be on the x-axis and the graph must be in quadrants 1 and 3
Evidence is ( 3, 0 ) → ( a, 0 ) where a ≠ 3 and (1, 2 ) → ( b, c ) where b ≠ 1 and c ≠ 2
Condone slips of the pen and mark positively but the curve should neither bend back significantly at either end
nor consist of three straight lines
B1: Maximum at (0.5, 6). Condone a '' ∧ '' shape to the curve here.
There must be a sketch for this to be awarded.
The maximum point may be implied by the sight of 0.5 and 6 being marked on the correct axes in the correct
B1: Minimum at (1.5, 0). Condone a '' ∨ '' shape to the curve here.
There must be a sketch for this to be awarded.
Allow this with 1.5 marked on the x-axis (at the minimum point) and condone marked (0, 1.5) on the x-axis

B1: Reflection in the y-axis followed by a vertical translation. Look for a − x shaped crossing the y-axis but not at
the origin with turning points to the left of the y- axis. Don't be concerned about the coordinates or relative
''heights'' of the turning points or the y intercept for this mark.
See conditions for shape in (i).
B1: A minimum at (−3, −1) and a maximum at (−1, 1) and at only these points. These may be implied. See part i
second B mark. They must be in the correct quadrants and be turnng points, not just points on the curve
B1: Award for a curve crossing the y-axis at (0, −1) . May be awarded for a curve stopping at the y-axis at (0, −1)
There must be a sketch for this to be awarded.
Allow this with -1 marked on the y-axis and condone marked (-1, 0) on the y-axis
Number Scheme Marks
2 x 2 − 3x − 5= ( 2 x − 5)( x + 1) B1

x−2 5 x + 26 3 ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5 ) − ( x − 2 )( 2 x − 5 ) + 5 x + 26 M1
3− + 2 =
x + 1 2 x − 3x − 5 ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5) A1

(=4 x + 1)( x + 1) 4x +1
( x + 1)( 2 x − 5) 2x − 5
4x +1
Correct attempt at inverse=y ⇒=x ... M1
2x − 5
5x + 1
f −1 ( x ) = A1
2x − 4
(c) 2< x<
M1 A1
Total 8

B1: Correct factorisation, can be scored anywhere. Sight of 2 x − 3 x − 5= ( 2 x − 5)( x + 1) Condone 2 ( x − 2.5)( x + 1)
M1: Attempts to combine all three terms using a common denominator. Allow the terms to be separate.
There must be an attempt to adapt the numerators of the first two terms, one of them must be adapted correctly.
x−2 5 x + 26 3 ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5 ) − ( x − 2 ) × 2 x − 5 + 5 x + 26
So allow for example 3 − + 2 =
x + 1 2 x − 3x − 5 ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5)
This may be done in stages but is only scored when all three terms are combined.
Condone a fraction where the denominator ( x + 1) ( 2 x 2 − 3 x − 5 ) is used. (In this case there must be an attempt to
adapt the numerators of the all terms and two of the three numerators must be adapted correctly)

x−2 5 x + 26 3 ( x + 1) ( 2 x 2 − 3x − 5 ) ( x − 2 ) ( 2 x 2 − 3x − 5 ) ( 5 x + 26 )( x + 1) **
3− =
+ 2 − +
x + 1 2 x − 3x − 5 ( x + 1) ( 2 x − 3x − 5 ) ( x + 1) ( 2 x − 3x − 5 ) ( x + 1) ( 2 x 2 − 3x − 5 )
2 2

A1: Correct fraction with denominator ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5 ) or equivalent such as 2 x 2 − 3 x − 5

Allow this to be given separately
x−2 5 x + 26 3 ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5 ) ( x − 2 )( 2 x − 5 ) 5 x + 26
3− + = − +
x + 1 2 x − 3x − 5 ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5 ) ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5 ) ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5 )

( x + 1) ( 4 x 2 + 5 x + 1)
If ** was given then they must proceed to
( x + 1) ( 2 x 2 − 3x − 5)

A1: Correct fraction (or correct values). Proceeds to

4x +1
( 4 x + 1)( x + 1) oe.
2x − 5 ( x + 1)( 2 x − 5)
M1: Attempts at the method for finding the inverse.
ax + b a e
Score for an attempt to change the subject for their y = or possibly y= ±
cx + d c cx + d
Look for a minimum of cross multiplying by cx + d and proceeding to a form x = g( y )
ay + b
Some candidates may swap x and y first e.g x = and proceed to y =.. which is fine (same conditions)
cy + d
Allow this to be scored if one (but not more) of a, b or d = 0
ax + b
Allow this to be scored for candidates who don't finish (a) and attempt to change the subject for y =
cx + d

A1: Correct inverse f −1 ( x ) = 5 x + 1 but condone y = 5 x + 1 and f −1 = 5 x + 1

2x − 4 2x − 4 2x − 4
− 5 x − 1
Allow other equivalents such as y = −5 x − 1 , y = 2 2 or y= 5 + 11
4 − 2x 2− x 2 2x − 4

M1: For finding one ''end'' of the domain. Ignore any inequalities.
This must be numerical.....and you are just looking for the number, not the variable so y = ... is OK
Sight of either or their f (4) which may need to be checked
or 2 or f ( x) as x → ∞ that is their (Can be scored for x ≠ 2 )

A1: Correct domain with allowable notation.

 17  17
Allowable equivalent forms are e.g.  2,  , x > 2 and x < . Condone ''or''
 3 3
Scheme Marks
4(a) Either x = − a or y = a
3 B1
 a 
Correct coordinates  − , a  B1
 3 
V shape in Quad 1 and 2 with the vertex on the negative x-axis B1

Intersects/meets axes at (0, 5a) and (−5a, 0) B1

(c) Attempts to solve a correct equation
E.g. either x + 5a =−3 x − a + a ⇒ x =... or x + 5a = 3 x + a + a ⇒ x = ...
5 3
x= − a or x = a A1
4 2
5 3
x = − a and x = a A1
4 2
x = ... ⇒ y = ... using either equation dM1
 5 15   3 13 
 − a, a  and  a, a A1
 4 4  2 2 
Total 9
B1: One of x = − a or y = a
B1: Both coordinates correct. Allow this to be written separately as x = − a and y = a
B1: Correct shape and position in both quadrant 1 and quadrant 2. Condone an asymmetric graph but the vertex must
be on the negative x - axis. Condone a free hand sketch as long as the intention was to have two straight lines.
Ignore any ''dotted'' lines
B1: Correct intercepts given as coordinates or as marked in the scheme. Must be on the correct axes in the correct
positions. Condone for example (5a, 0) for (0, 5a) if marked on the correct axis. Additional intersections is B0
If the graph is only in quadrant 2 this can be scored for meeting the axes at (- 5a, 0) and (0, 5a)
M1: Attempts to solve either of the correct equations. (Ones that don't involve a modulus)
Allow x + 5a = −3 x for x + 5a =−3 x − a + a and x + 5a = 3 x + 2a for x + 5a = 3 x + a + a
Do not condone attempts where a candidate incorrectly combines the modulus terms even if it leads to a correct
value for x. E.g. 3 x + a − x + 5a =−a ⇒ 2 x =3a ⇒ scores M0
A1: One correct value for x. Either x = − 5 a or x = 3 a (following a correct non modulus equation)
4 2
Allow this mark even if the candidate subsequently rejects the solution
A1: Both values correct x = − 5 a and x = 3 a with no additional values given
4 2
This cannot be scored if the candidate rejects either of these solutions
dM1: Correct method to obtain at least one y value using either equation in y.
Evidence would be embedded values leading to y = which may be unsimplified or a correct calculation
for their x

 5 15   3 13 
A1: Both sets of coordinates  − a, a  and  a, a  which may be given x =.., y =... with no extras.
 4 4  2 2 

Special case: B1 For either of the two correct coordinates which may be scored with no working or following
an attempt that incorrectly combines the modulus terms. Scored 1 0 0 0 0
Number Scheme Marks
5(a) 18 = A − 180 ×1 ⇒ A = ... M1
A = 198 A1
(b) 90 =
198 − 180e −5 k
⇒ 180e −5 k
= M1, A1
5k 108
e−= ⇒ −5=
k ln 0.6 ⇒=
k ... dM1
1 3 1 5
k = − ln or k = ln A1
5 5 5 3
(c) θ = 198 − 180e
−9× 15 ln 53
⇒ θ = ... M1
θ 126°C (awrt)
= A1
(d) t 5
 dθ   1 5  − 5 ln 3
  =
−180  − ln  e ...
= B1ft
 dt   5 3

9 5
 dθ   1 5  − 5 ln 3
 = −180  − ln  e ...
= M1
 dt   5 3

= 7.33 °C min−1 (awrt) A1

Total 11

M1: Substitutes θ = 18 and t = 0 uses e0 = 1 and proceeds to find a value for A. Look for 18 = A − 180 ×1 ⇒ A = ...
A1: A = 198 . Condone = A 198°C . Sight of 198 is sufficient to award both marks.
M1: Substitutes θ = 90 and t = 5 with their value for A and proceeds to an equation of the form Pe ±5 k = Q
A1: Correct equation 180e −5 k = 108 o.e.

dM1: Correct order of operations using ln's to make k the subject. Do not award if taking log10's. ( log = −0.22.. )
P P
Pe ±5 k= Q ⇒ ±5k= ln   ⇒ k= ... with > 0 OR Pe ±5 k = Q ⇒ ln P ± 5k = ln Q ⇒ k = ... with P, Q > 0
Q Q
It would be implied by a decimal equivalent to 3sf. So for correct values accept k = awrt 0.102
1 180
A1: Cao. Allow equivalent correct exact answers in the required form. E.g. k = − 0.2ln 0.6 and k = ln
5 108
M1: Substitutes their A and their k with t = 9 to find a value for θ.
Sight of embedded values is sufficient evidence and condone sign slips which may be common.
A1: Awrt 126°C but condone a lack of units. Sight of awrt 126 following k = awrt 0.102 is sufficient to award both
B1ft: Correct differentiation. Follow through their k (even as a decimal or as ''k''). Allow for 180ke− kt
 dθ  − kt dθ dy
M1: Substitutes t = 9 into a function of the form  =  β e following through on their k. Condone =
 dt  dt dx
A1: Awrt 7.33 Ignore units.

Award B0 M1 A1 for candidates who achieve ± awrt 7.33 following a sign error in their

Answers without working in (d).

The rubric states that candidates are required to show sufficient working to make their method clear.
They must have a value of k to do this part.
SC: B1ft scored for

• either stating at t = 9 is .... You will need check. Allow accuracy to 3sf and ft on their k
• or following correct k just writing down awrt 7.33
Number Scheme Marks
6(a) x 1 x
f ′ ( x )) cos   − x sin   M1 A1
3 3 3
(b) x 1 x 1 x
f ′ ( x ) = 0 ⇒ cos   − x sin   = 0 ⇒ 1 − x tan   = 0 M1
3 3 3 3 3
x 3 3
tan  = ⇒ x = 3arctan   * A1*
3 x x
(c)  3  awrt 2.6
=x2 3arctan
=   M1
 2.5 
x2 = awrt 2.628 and x6 = awrt 2.586 A1
(d)  2.5815  1  2.5815 
f ′ ( 2.5815 ) =
cos   − ( 2.5815 ) sin  =−0.000345...
 3  3  3 
 2.5805  1  2.5805  M1
f ′ ( 2.5805 ) =
cos   − ( 2.5805 ) sin  =0.000346...
 3  3  3 
Chooses a suitable interval and attempts both values
(Both values correct ) Sign change and continuous, therefore root A1
Total 8

x x
M1: Attempts the product rule and obtains a derivative of the form α cos   ± β x sin  
3 3
If the rule is stated or implied to be vu '− uv ' it is M0
x 1 x
A1: cos   − x sin   which may be unsimplified
3 3 3
x x
M1: Sets their f ′ ( x ) =α cos   ± β x sin   =0 and proceeds to an equation involving tan  x 
3 3 3
x 3 x 1
A1*: CSO Proceeds to x = 3arctan  3  following an intermediate line of tan   = or tan   =
x 3 x 3  x
 
Do not condone tan notation unless correct notation is also given.

 1
M1: Uses a formula of=the type x α arctan  β ×  with the 2.5 to find the value of x2 correct to one dp.
 x
So when x = 3arctan   M1 is scored for x2 = awrt 2.6
and when x = 3arctan   M1 is scored for x2 = awrt 1.1
A1: x2 = awrt 2.628 and x6 = awrt 2.586

M1: Chooses a suitable function for their f ′ ( x ) = 0 and attempts its value at both 2.5815 and 2.5805 .
For the attempt we need to see embedded values as in scheme or one value correct to 1sf for their f ′ ( x )
x 1 x
Allowable functions are= f ′( x) cos   − x sin   and multiples of this. See scheme.
3 3 3
x 1 x
Follow through on their cos   − x sin  
3 3 3
Allow the function to be stated as just f ′( x) (or mistakenly written as f (x)) as long as one of f ′(2.5805) = ...
or f ′(2.5815) = ... is correct to 1sf
Other functions are possible, for example h( x)= x − 3arctan   and multiples of this.
Follow through on their x − k arctan   Unlikely, but it is also acceptable to pick a tighter interval
A1: Requires correct differentiation and
• both values correct (rounded or truncated to 1sf)
Note that h(2.5815) = 0.000786..., h(2.5805) = −0.000788...
• a valid reason that includes both a reference to the sign change and continuity. Condone a mention of
continuity of f ( x ) instead of f ′ ( x )
• a minimal conclusion which could be , QED, root.

Scheme Marks
7(a) 2 sin 2 x cos 2 x
Uses sin 2 x = 2sin x cos x AND cos 2 x = 1 − 2sin x o.e. in + M1
cos x sin x
sin 2 x cos 2 x 2 sin x cos x 1 − 2 sin 2 x
+ = +
cos x sin x cos x sin x
2sin x cos x 1 2sin 2 x 1 dM1
= + − = = cosec x *
cos x sin x sin x sin x A1*
(b) Uses part (a) ⇒ 7 + cosec 2θ =3cot 2θ 2
Uses ±1 ± cot 2 2θ =±cosec 2 2θ → 3TQ in cosec 2θ

Or alternatively M1
replaces cosec2θ with 1/sin2θ , cot22θ with cos22θ/sin22θ, multiplies by sin22θ and
uses ±cos22θ = ±1± sin22θ → 3TQ in sin 2θ

0 or
3cosec 2 2θ − cosec 2θ − 10 = 10sin 2 2θ + sin 2θ − 3 =0 A1

( 3cosec 2θ + 5)( cosec 2θ − 2 ) =

0 or ( 5sin 2θ + 3)( 2sin 2θ − 1) =
5 3 1
⇒ cosec 2θ =
− ,2 or ⇒ sin 2θ =
− , dM1
3 5 2
3 1
⇒ sin 2θ =− , ⇒θ =...
5 2
π 5π
(awrt these values)
=θ ( 0.262 ) , (1.31) , − 0.322, − 1.25 A1, A1
12 12
Total 9
M1: Uses
• sin 2 x = 2sin x cos x
• AND cos 2 x = 1 − 2sin x or equivalent. Condone sign slips on the versions of cos 2x
sin 2 x cos 2 x
in an attempt to write + as an expression in sin x and cos x
cos x sin x
dM1: Adopts a valid approach that can be followed and completes the proof .
All necessary steps may not be shown and condone errors such as writing cos for cos x or sin x 2 for sin 2 x
A1*: Correct proof showing all necessary intermediate steps with no errors (seen within the body of the solution) or
omissions of any of the steps shown. The LHS starting point does not need to be seen
See main mark scheme and below for examples showing all steps and scoring full marks

sin 2 x cos 2 x sin x sin 2 x + cos x cos 2 x sin 2 x cos 2 x 2 sin x cos x cos 2 x
+ = + = +
cos x sin x sin x cos x cos x sin x cos x sin x
2 sin x cos x + cos x (1 − 2 sin 2 x )
2 sin 2 x + ( cos 2 x − sin 2 x )
= =
sin x cos x sin x
cos x sin x + cos 2 x 1 2
= = =
sin x cos x sin x sin x
= cosecx = cosecx

Alt part (a)

cos ( 2 x − x )
M1: For using compound angle formula sin x sin 2 x + cos x cos 2 x =
dM1: As in the main scheme, it is for adopting a valid approach that can be followed and completing the proof
A1: Correct proof showing all necessary steps (See below) with no errors or omissions

sin 2 x cos 2 x sin x sin 2 x + cos x cos 2 x

+ =
cos x sin x sin x cos x
cos(2 x − x)
sin x cos x
cos x
sin x cos x
= cosecx
B1: States 7 + cosec 2θ = 3cot 2 2θ or exact equivalent which may be implied by subsequent work
OR 7 + cosec x = 3cot 2 x with x = 2θ
Watch for and do not allow 7 + cosec θ2θ = 3cot 2
M1: Attempts to use part (a) and uses ±1 ± cot 2 2θ =±cosec2 2θ to form a 3TQ in cosec 2θ
Condone 3cot 2 2θ being replaced by 3 × ±cosec2 2θ ± 1 with or without the bracket.
Condone when the ''7'' is missing but these attempts will score a maximum of 2 marks. This mark and dM1
The terms don't need to be collected for this mark.
Alternatively replaces cosec2θ with 1/sin2θ , cot22θ with cos22θ/sin22θ within an equation of the form
a + bcosec 2θ = c cot 2 2θ multiplies by sin22θ and uses ±cos22θ = ±1± sin22θ → 3TQ in sin 2θ
A1: Correct equation 3cosec 2 2θ − cosec 2θ − 10 = 0 or 10sin 2 2θ + sin 2θ − 3 = 0
The = 0 may be implied by further work, e.g solution of the equation
Allow this mark even for the correct equation in a different forms. E.g. 3cosec 2 2θ − cosec 2θ = 10
dM1: For a correct attempt to solve their 3TQ sin 2θ or cosec 2θ leading to a value for θ
3 1
If they state that sin θ = − , and do not proceed to take arcsin and ¸2 it is M0
5 2
A1: For= two of awrt θ π ( 0.262 ) , 5π (1.31) , − 0.322, − 1.25
12 12
= For awrt θ π ( 0.262 ) , 5π (1.31) , − 0.322, − 1.25 with no additional values within the range.
12 12
If you see other worthwhile solutions and the scheme cannot be applied, e.g t formula, please send to review
How to mark when other variables are used, e.g. x = 2θ
B1: 7 + cosec x = 3cot 2 x
M1: Uses ±1 ± cot 2 x =±cosec2 x to form 3TQ in cosec x ............or the equivalent in sin x
A1: Correct equation 3cosec 2 x − cosec x − 10 = 0 or 10sin 2 x + sin x − 3 = 0
ddM1: For this to be scored there must be an attempt to halve the values, otherwise M0.
Allow full marks to be scored for a candidate who uses a different variable correctly and reaches 4 correct answers

Number Scheme Marks

States log a = 0.68 or log b = 0.09 M1

=a 4.79
= or b 1.23 A1

States log a = 0.68 and log b = 0.09 M1

=a 4.79
= and b 1.23 CSO A1
(b) The percentage of the population with access to the internet at the start of 2005 B1
P 4.79 × 1.2310 = awrt 38
= M1, A1
Total 7

M1: Either states any of log a = 0.68, a = 10 , a = awrt 4.8
or any of log b = 0.09, b = 10 , b = awrt 1.2
A1: Achieves
= either a awrt= 4.79 or b awrt 1.23

M1: States a correct equation for both a and b. See first M mark
Achieves a 4.79 = and b 1.23 with no incorrect work.
Implied by=P 4.79 × 1.23 with no incorrect work
These are NOT awrt values
Examples of incorrect work are
• P=ab ⇒ log P =log a × t log b
0.68 0.09 t t
• log P= 0.68 + 0.09t ⇒ P= 10 + 10 ⇒ P= 4.79 ×1.23
B1: A correct interpretation. The emboldened words must be present or stated in a similar way
''The percentage of the population with access to the internet at the start of 2005''
A minimal answer is ''the percentage with access to the internet in 2005''
Also allow ''the initial percentage with internet access''.
It is acceptable to state 4.79% of the population had access to the in 2005
M1: For attempting 4.79 ×1.2310 following through on their 4.79 and 1.23, (Ignore subsequent work)
Alternatively attempting log P= 0.68 + 10 × 0.09 ⇒ P= ...
Condone an attempt at 4.79 ×1.2311
A1: AWRT 38. ISW after sight of awrt 38 and condone misinterpretations such as stating 38 people.

Number Scheme Marks


3x − 2 1
= dx ln ( 3 x 2 − 4 x + 5 ) ( +c ) M1, A1
3x − 4 x + 5 2

e2 x 1
− ( e 2 x − 1) ( +c )
dx = M1, A1
( e2 x − 1)

Total 4

( )
M1: Integrates to a form α ln 3 x − 4 x + 5 where a is a constant . Condone a missing bracket.

( )
Do not accept α ln 3 x − 4 x + 5 + f ( x) , e.g. ln 3 x − 4 x + 5 + 2 x
2 2
( )
If the substitution u = 3 x − 4 x + 5 is attempted, the mark can be awarded for k ln u

( ) ( )
It is unlikely but α ln β 3 x − 4 x + 5 and α ln 3 x 2 − 4 x + 5
are also correct
A1: ln ( 3 x 2 − 4 x + 5 ) o.e. with or without the + c. A bracket or modulus must be present.
ISW after a correct answer.

Do not penalise
l n 3x 2 − 4 x + 5 ) ( )
or ln 3 x 2 − 4 x + 5 / 2 if the intention is clear

Penalise spurious incorrect notation for the A mark only. So do not allow
l n 3 x 2 − 4 x + 5 dx ( )

( )
M1: Integrates to a form β e 2 x − 1 where b is a constant .

( ) + g( x) , e.g. β ( e 2 x − 1) + e 2 x
−2 −2
Do not accept β e 2 x − 1
Allow substitutions. So for example,
if the substitution =
u e 2 x − 1 is attempted, the mark can be awarded for ku
if the substitution u = e x is attempted, the mark can be awarded for k u − 1 ( 2
) −2

if the substitution u = e 2 x is attempted, the mark can be awarded for k ( u − 1)−2

1 2x
( e − 1) or exact equivalent with or without the + c
A1: −
ISW after a correct answer. Need not be simplified

1 2x
( e − 1)
Penalise spurious incorrect notation for the A mark only. So do not allow −

Scheme Marks
= 12 sec 2 2 y tan 2 y M1, A1
dx x dx x x
= 12   sec 2 2 y − 1=
⇒ 12   −1 M1, A1ft
dy 3 dy 3 3
dy 3
= A1
dx 4 x x − 3
(c) π
y= ⇒x= 4 B1
dx 4 1 dy 1
= 12 × × or =
dy 3 3 dx 4 4 M1
12   −1
3 3
Correct mN = − o.e A1
π 16
y− =
− ( x − 4) dM1
12 3
16 3 64 3 π
− x+ + A1
3 3 12
Total 10
M1: Differentiates to a form on the rhs of α sec 2 2 y tan 2 y which may be written ...sec 2 y × ...sec 2 y tan 2 y
2 2
Note that the same scheme can also be applied to students who adapt x = 3sec 2 y to x = ±3 tan 2 y ± 3
dx dy
A1: = 12 sec 2 2 y tan 2 y . If the lhs is included it must be correct. So = 12 sec 2 2 y tan 2 y is M1 A0
dy dx
Condone this to be unsimplified= 6 sec 2 y × 2 sec 2 y tan 2 y ISW after sight of correct answer
M1: For an attempt to
• replace sec22y with α x
• use the identity ±1 ± tan 2 2 y =± sec2 2 y and replaces tan 2 y= b ±1 ± d x
dx dy
to obtain an expression for or in terms of x only.
dy dx
The expression in part (a) must have had as a function of both sec 2 y and tan 2 y o.e.
x x dx
A1ft: Requires a substitution of both sec22y with and tan 2=
y − 1 to obtain a correct expression for or
3 3 dy
dy dx
in terms of x. Follow through on their = α sec 2 2 y tan 2 y
dx dy
dy 1
For a correct it is awarded for =
dy dx 1
4x x −1
A1: Correct answer in the required form.
3 3 p
Allow equivalents e.g. . Form required is where p is irrational and q is an integer
12 x x − 3 qx x − 3
Alt method for (a) and (b) which can be marked in a similar way

A1: x 3 ( cos 2 y ) = 12 ( cos 2 y ) sin 2 y
−2 −3
(a) M1= ⇒
x 3 ( cos 2 y ) ⇒ cos=
(b) If= 2y

Score in a similar way to the main scheme

x −3
A1: dx 12sin
M1= =
2y x
( cos 2 y )
3 3
dy  3
 
 x
Alt (b) via arccos
1 3 dy 1 1 3 −2
=y arccos = ⇒ × x
2 x dx 2  3 2 2

1− 
 x
dy 1 −
M1: For =λ × −x A1: Correct and unsimplied A1: Correct and in the required form
dx  α

1− 
 x
B1: Correct value for x
dx π
M1: Attempts to find the value of using their part (a) with y =
dy 12
dy dx π
the value of from an inverted using their part (a) with y =
dx dy 12
dy π
or the value of using their part (b) with their value of x found using y = .
dx 12
dx dy
These may be called m or f ' and not identified as or
dy dx
A1: Correct normal gradient
dM1: Attempt at the equation of normal at y = .
dx π dx
The gradient should be either an attempt at the value of − at y = 12 for their
dy dy
dy π
or an attempt at the negative reciprocal of their at their ''4'' which must have been found from y =
dx 12

A1: Fully correct equation in the required form. ISW after a correct answer
16 64 π 16 256 3 + π
Allow equivalent exact forms e.g. y =
− x+ + , y=
− x+
3 3 12 3 12

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