Case Based Learning GIT InfectionsPDF 240916 102451

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• A 6 year old boy presented with tenesmus, abdominal
pain and passage of blood tinged stool 10 times in a day.
Stool culture Shows NLF colonies on DCA which on Gram
staining showed Gram negative bacilli and were non
motile. DCA: NLF colonies

a) What is the clinical diagnosis and its causative organism?

b) Discuss the pathogenesis of this condition
c) What are the various modalities of diagnosis?
d) Name the different selective media which can be used.
• A 8 year old boy developed watery diarrhea (10-12
times) and vomiting for 2 days. Stool collected has a
rice water type of appearance. Specimen subjected to
Gram staining is shown:

a) What is the clinical diagnosis and its causative agent?

b) Discuss the Gardner & Venkatraman classification of
the agent.
c) Describe the pathogenesis of this condition.
d) Discuss the lab diagnosis of this agent.
e) Suggest suitable Antibiotic.
• A seriously ill patient on ventilator in ICU developed diarrhea after 10 days of
hospitalization. He was on ceftriaxone and clindamycin for 10 days.

a) What is the clinical diagnosis?

b) Name the etiological agent.
c) Discuss the risk factors and pathogenesis.
d) How will you confirm the diagnosis?
e) How will you treat the patient?
• A 2 year old child was admitted to the pediatrics ward with profuse diarrhea
and mild dehydration, fever and vomiting for 2 days.

a) Name the etiological agent?

b) Describe the morphology of this agent.
c) What is the pathogenesis of this condition?
d) Discuss the laboratory diagnosis?
e) Discuss the vaccine available for this infectious agent.
• A 13 year old girl presented with blood mixed diarrhea with
mucus, colicky abdominal pain, fever & prostration. The wet
mount of the stool sample has been shown:

a) What is your clinical diagnosis & name the etiological agent?

b) Discuss the various morphological forms of the agent.
c) Discuss the life cycle of this etiological agent
d) What are the various diagnostic modalities?
e) Discuss the differences between amoebic and bacillary
• A 3 year old boy presented with recurrent episode of foul
smelling diarrhea, foul flatus & steatorrhea. The wet mount
of stool sample has been shown in the image.

a) What is the clinical diagnosis & name the etiological agent?

b) Discuss the life cycle of the etiological agent?
c) Describe the morphological forms of the organism.
d) What are the various diagnostic modalities?
d) How will you treat the patient?
• A 61 year old HIV positive female patient presented with
severe profuse diarrhea (20 times a day) for more than 10
days, weight loss and abdominal pain. The stool sample was
sent to the microbiology department for investigation.

a) Name the clinical diagnosis.

b) Identify the stain and etiological agent based on smear
c) What is its infective form and mode of transmission.
d) Name the other opportunistic parasitic infections.
e) How will you treat the patient?
❑Autoinfection is seen in-
Cryptosporidium parvum
H. nana
Enterobius vermicularis
Strongyloides stercoralis
Taenia solium
• A 9 Year old child came to pediatric OPD with history of passing segments of a
worm. Stool examination revealed round to oval eggs containing an embryo
with three pairs of hooklets, surrounded by radially striated embryophore.

a) What is the clinical diagnosis & name the probable etiological agent?
b) Discuss the life cycle of this organism?
c) What are the Diagnostic modalities?
d) Name bile stained & non-bile stained eggs.
e) Discuss the differences between the 2 most common species of this
etiological agent.
• A 8 year old girl came to pediatric OPD for school health check up. On
examination, she had pallor, peripheral blood smear revealed microcytic,
hypochromic anemia. Stool m/s revealed round to oval non bile stained egg
with segmented ovum (4 blastomeres).

a) Name the causative agent.

b) Discuss the life cycle of this organism.
c) What are the clinical manifestations of this condition?
d) Discuss the lab diagnosis of this condition.
e) Name the soil transmitted helminths & mention the prophylactic measures
recommended by WHO.
• Soil helminths:
• S
• A
• N
• T
• A
• A 26 year old male complains of sudden onset of grossly bloody diarrhea,
abdominal pain without any fever. He gives history of consumption of ground
beef from a local food stall. Stool microscopy shows plenty of leucocytes. Stool
culture on Mac Conkey agar shows Lactose fermenting colonies.

a) What is the probable etiological agent of this condition.

b) Discuss the pathogenesis.
c) Discuss the lab diagnosis of this condition.
d) What is hemolytic uremic syndrome?
e) Classify agents causing acute diarhhea.

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