BSPC Unit-1 Life Skills
BSPC Unit-1 Life Skills
BSPC Unit-1 Life Skills
Psychometric Tests
Course Objectives:
1. To achieve the desired life skills and social skills in their workplace.
2. To enable the students to handle and to overcome the professional
challenges and conflicts in a working environment.
3. To facilitate the students to understand and develop their managerial
skills in a professional environment.
4. To help the students understand professional and cross cultural
communication through digital technologies.
5. To develop critical thinking skills for speech and writing.
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Communicate with more confidence and self-esteem.
2. Give better presentation and explanation using digital aids and tools.
3. Perform effectively and efficiently in the work place environment.
4. Exhibit better tolerance and receptiveness in understanding and
accepting diversity.
5. Apply higher thinking order in the self-development process.
6. Equip oneself to handle the work related challenges and conflicts
UNIT – 1
6. Attitude
7. Emotional Intelligence
8. Professional Etiquette and Manners
9. Johari Window
1. Communication
Communication is a vast area to explore with different sub-skills
ranging from appropriate body language and eye contact to the ability
to write a clear and accurate piece of information. One of the major
communication skills includes the accuracy in listening and following
instructions. We often tend to ignore what people say or even ask for
follow-ups to check their understanding. This leads to inaccurate
assumptions and creates inefficiencies and frustrations at work. Having
excellent communication skill can actually help you efficiently grow in
an organisation.
2. Conflict Resolution
There are situations of imbalance and friction within an organisation
due to the conflict of interests or disagreements between employees.
Resolution can be seen as an offshoot of communication, though it is a
distinguished skill that is hard to develop due to hesitation and
intimate nature of the workplace. In its worst cases, these conflicts can
intensively grow and damage relationships and personal reputation.
Moreover, it can also affect the company as a whole. Therefore,
conflict resolution is one of the most important behavioural skills that
teach ways to resolve different types of conflicts, make individuals
aware of the potential problems and also facilitate teamwork and
cooperation among employees. Feedbacks can help build coordination
among people.
3. Self Improvement
Having an insatiable curiosity as well as a persistent attitude towards
self-improvement is amongst the pivotal behavioural skills to inculcate
in yourself. Having a limited knowledge will only lead to the repeated
form of tasks carried out every day while augmenting your knowledge
about new things will help you grow and explore new horizons. This is
why working on self-improvement must be a crucial aspect to consider
on your journey to furnish behavioural skills.
4. Time Management
One of the underrated attributes of an employee, time management
does not refer to the employee’s ability to meet deadlines, but an
efficient organisation and execution of their work to complete a
particular task on time. While time management relies more on the
abilities and habits of the employee, you can develop efficiency in your
performance. Behavioural skills include removing distractions such as
cell phones and social media to ensure that you are fixed on your
schedule. Try to place your assignments into short multiple goals that
can help you push yourself and achieve them quickly.
5. Stress Management
From juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities at work to facing
personal struggles at home, an individual cannot escape the
underlying stress throughout their day. This is where an important
behavioural skill comes to your rescue. Stress management is a skill
everyone needs to master in the present times where our entangled
devices and even more complicated lives can increase our tendency of
getting stressed, anxious and depressed easily. While workplaces have
started adopting activities to help their employees take time away
from their stressful schedules, adapting efficient stress management
strategies on the personal front can surely transform your outlook on
life. To implement better stress management in your daily routine, the
best ways to tackle the intense situations is through meditation, yoga,
physical activities such as running even for a half an hour, etc. can
amazingly guide you towards becoming good at handling stress and
implement equanimity in your life.
6. Patience
This is one of the less conventional skills on the list, but has an
important role to play. In this fast-paced world reinforced by
technology, we forget that everything takes its own time and all you
need is a little patience to hold onto your emotions and personal
greed. Some of the important behavioural skills in this section include
time training, completing projects, improving skills and meeting goals.
8. Empathy
Empathy is one of the top behavioural skills for employees in the
workplace as well as in one’s personal life as well. It can be simply
defined as awareness or sensibility to understand another person’s
emotions and feelings from their point of view. In a workplace,
empathy plays a key role in building a strong team where members
are aware of each other’s sensibilities and perspectives and the team
leader is able to delegate tasks knowing what every member is
capable of doing.
9. Decision-Making
The ability to make decisions in an efficient and effective way is
another important behavioural skill that can help you thrive in your
career. In order to take a particular decision, you must gather the
requisite information, assess alternative resolutions, learn about the
pros and cons and then approach the problem. This process can be
rigorous but taking optimal decisions can take you far in life thus
making it an essential skill to be successful in the present ever-
evolving world.
10. Problem-Solving
Whether you are a manager or a team member, you would need good
problem-solving skills to accomplish any goal or milestone at work. In
order to solve a problem, you must first identify the issue, prioritize,
find alternative solutions and then implement those solutions to see
how effectively it works for you. This is one of the most in-demand
behaviour skills in every job sector because as an excellent problem-
solver, you can be a good leader as well as team member and succeed
better in your workplace.
Social Media Reflects on Your Brand
With a bevy of social media avenues representing your (and your
company's) public face, it's critical that the communications presented there
represent you well.
Author Matt Krumrie elaborates: "For professionals, their brand shows
through on their LinkedIn photo and profile. It shows through with your e-
mail signature. It shows on Twitter by what you tweet and through your
profile description. Any form of professional communication, whether it’s
intended to or not, reflects your personal brand. If you attend a networking
event, how you present yourself is how people perceive you and
your brand."
Remember that what's sent in an email or posted on the Internet is very
tough to completely delete, and if it's been saved by someone (such as in a
forward or retweet), it's possible it won't ever completely go away. Have
others review what you plan to post, not only for typos and factual errors but
for potential cultural insensitivity. Even be careful of what you post on your
personal sites and pages, as they can come back to haunt you
professionally, especially if you deal with the public or customers in your job
—or someday will want a job that does.
Intercultural Communication
One issue in today's global, interconnected economy is the potential for
miscommunication when dealing with people of other cultures if employees
are not sensitive to the norms of people that they have to interact with—and
a company doesn't have to be dealing with people across the globe for this
to apply. Even people from across the United States have different ways of
communicating. Someone from the South or Midwest might find the
bluntness of a New Yorker off-putting, for example.
"Intercultural communication is communication between and among
individuals and groups across national and ethnic boundaries," notes
authors Jennifer Waldeck, Patricia Kearney, and Tim Plax. It can also come
up in rural vs. urban or generational divides. They continue:
"Intercultural communication can become especially problematic for
business communicators when they begin to believe that the way people in
their dominant culture communicate is the only or best way, or when they
fail to learn and appreciate the cultural norms of people they do business
with." ("Business and Professional Communication in a Digital Age."
Wadsworth, 2013)
Fortunately, companies have a wealth of resources available to them under
the umbrella of "sensitivity training." Working with a diverse set of
colleagues can help everyone understand others' perspectives. Tap into your
colleagues to learn their points of view and prevent gaffes in your
communications before they happen.
2.1 Importance of Professional Communication
Some benefits of effective communication you will see in- and outside your
office when you take the time to nurture these skills.
Building trust
Effective communication fosters trust with others. Your ability to listen
attentively and embrace different points of view helps others trust that you
are making optimal decisions for everyone in the group. As you serve as a
role model, this trust will extend to your team and they will feel as though
they can trust their teammates to fulfill their duties and responsibilities.
Preventing or resolving problems
The ability to communicate effectively plays a large role in resolving conflicts
and preventing potential ones from arising. The key is to remain calm, make
sure all parties are heard and find a solution that is ideal for everyone
Providing clarity and direction
With effective communication skills, you’re able to deliver clear expectations
and objectives for your team. This involves finding constructive ways to point
out when something isn’t working as well as providing helpful feedback to
get people back on track. They will understand their specific tasks and
responsibilities, as well as those of their teammates, which will help
eliminate conflicts and confusion.
Creates better relationships
Good communication also improves relationships, both with employees and
in your personal life with friends and family members. Listening carefully and
offering quality feedback helps people to feel heard and understood. This, in
turn, nurtures mutual respect.
Increases engagement
With people feeling more confident in their work and in their understanding
of what they need to do, they become more engaged with their work as a
whole. According to a recent study exploring the psychology of employee
engagement, only 15% of adult employees are engaged with their
employers. By prioritizing effective communication, you can increase
engagement, and thus boost satisfaction, among your team members.
Improves productivity
When team members understand their roles, the roles of others and your
expectations, they can focus more on their work and less on workplace
issues. With effective communication, conflicts are resolved quickly,
employees can better manage their workload and distractions are
minimized. These benefits contribute to greater productivity for you and your
Promotes team building
With improved communication, team members will be better able to rely on
each other. You will not have one team member feel as though they have to
carry the entire group. This improved division of labor will encourage positive
feelings and relationships between the team members, which leads to
improved morale and work experiences.
Good communication skills can play an important role in nurturing positive
work experiences for your entire team. As people feel listened to and
understood by you, you naturally improve your work environment. If you
want to learn more about how to improve your leadership skills, including
your communication strategies, take a look at our Effective
Communication workshop at PCC. This condensed workshop will demonstrate
the impact communication skills have on other people, at work and in life.
2.2 Forms of Communication in the Workplace
Still not convinced that having strong professional communication skills will
benefit you in your career? Here are five areas in which having a strong
grasp of language and ability to communicate effectively is essential. No
matter what your industry or job is, you'll almost definitely encounter them
at least once during your career.
1. Interviews
Having strong oral communication skills is key to nailing job interviews.
In order to demonstrate your ability to do the job well, you'll have to be
able to express yourself in areas such as:
Your work experience
In addition, many hiring managers will be evaluating your
interpersonal communication skills as a measure of how well you'll
interact with your team because this is often an important aspect of
any position.
Even in highly technical positions, such as programming, you'll likely
have people evaluating your soft skills, which include general
communication, along with your technical skills.
2. Group projects
Your ability to work well in a group often depends on your ability to
communicate effectively. When you're collaborating with others—
which is a given for most positions—team members need to be in
constant communication to make sure the project is going as planned.
For specific projects, you may need to work together to develop
communication strategies that work for everyone.
3. Writing
Don't consider yourself a strong writer? Well, that's something you'll
have to change.
You don't need to be Shakespeare, of course, but in order to succeed
in the professional world, you'll have to be able to master solid writing
skills, because no matter what your job is, you'll probably have to write
at least occasionally. You'll need to write:
• Emails
• Reports
• Business proposals
and more.
4. Presentations
Do you hate public speaking? So do I. But at some point in your career,
you may be tasked with speaking to an audience, whether it's sharing
data at a meeting, delivering a report to the board at your company, or
sitting on a panel at an industry event. And having strong oral
communication skills will help you speak well and deliver your
presentation flawlessly.
5. Management
Leaders need to be able to communicate with everyone from reports to
their own managers to the public. If you're able to effectively
communicate your mission and goals to employees and explain to
them why they're doing the work they're doing, they will likely be more
satisfied knowing that their work has a purpose. And since your ability
to deliver results depends on your team members' ability to do their
jobs well, this means a better company and product overall.
Additionally, you'll need to communicate your mission to the public to
encourage them to use your product or service. Even if you're not a
marketer, as you advance in your career, you'll need to develop skills
to communicate your company's value.
6. Communication matters
No matter your job or industry, communication is fundamental to your
career success. From mastering your interview to managing a team,
your ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas can make or
break your career.
Here’s a list of the most critical traits for a leader to possess, according to
survey respondents:
Communication skills 71%
Hardworking 68%
Flexible 58%
Confident 58%
Patient 53%
Assertive 27%
Resilient 27%
Independent 18%
Authoritative 16%
Proud 14%
Steve Jobs inspired his employees to strive for perfect hardware products.
Jack Welch mentored the senior leadership team of GE to new heights. Jeff
Bezos is known for articulating the Amazon ethos clearly to employees and
the world. All of these leaders possess outstanding leadership skills.
Here are 14 ways you can improve your communication skills
in order to become a more effective leader:
1. Learn the basics of nonverbal communication.
One study found that nonverbal communication accounted for 55 percent of
how an audience perceived a presenter. That means that the majority of
what you say is communicated not through words, but through physical
To communicate clearly and confidently, adopt proper posture. Avoid
slouching, folding your arms or making yourself appear smaller than you are.
Instead, fill up the space you are given, maintain eye contact and (if
appropriate) move around the space.
Step 3 Practice.
5.Use gestures. These include gestures with your hands and face. Make
your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for individuals and small groups.
The gestures should get larger as the group that one is addressing increases
in size.
STEP 6 Don’t send mixed messages.
6. Don’t send mixed messages. Make your words, gestures, facial
expressions and tone match. Disciplining someone while smiling sends a
mixed message and is therefore ineffective. If you have to deliver a negative
message, make your words, facial expressions, and tone match the
9.Develop effective listening skills: Not only should one be able to speak
effectively, one must listen to the other person's words and engage in
communication on what the other person is speaking about. Avoid the
impulse to listen only for the end of their sentence so that you can blurt out
the ideas or memories your mind while the other person is speaking.
STEP 10 Enunciate your words.
10. Enunciate your words. Speak clearly and don’t mumble. If people are
always asking you to repeat yourself, try to do a better job of articulating
yourself in a better manner.
12. Use the right words. If you’re not sure of the meaning of a word, don’t
use it. Grab a dictionary and start a daily habit of learning one new word per
day. Use it sometime in your conversations during the day.
13. Slow your speech down. People will perceive you as nervous and
unsure of yourself if you talk fast. However, be careful not to slow down to
the point where people begin to finish your sentences just to help you finish.
STEP 14 Develop your voice.
14. Develop your voice. A high or whiny voice is not perceived to be one
of authority. In fact, a high and soft voice can make you sound like prey to an
aggressive co-worker or make others not take you seriously. Begin doing
exercises to lower the pitch of your voice. Try singing, but do it an octave
lower on all your favorite songs. Practice this and, after a period of time, your
voice will begin to lower.
15. Animate your voice. Avoid a monotone and use dynamics. Your pitch
should raise and lower periodically. Radio DJ's are usually a good example of
STEP 16 Use appropriate volume.
6) Personal skills
These vary from person to person depending on their preferences, where
they live and their socio-economic conditions.
Some skills that may seem necessary to you might be a luxury to others.
But, there are some skills that everyone regardless of race, colour, gender,
and socio-economic background need to adapt to survive.
Some skills are necessary for all. This includes how to read and write. Tying
up shoelaces or how to eat are also skills that are required by all.
People living in villages and remote areas may find farming and skills related
to it relevant. This is because agriculture predominates their life, and there is
little room for anything else. This may seem entirely out of the box for
people living in cities.
Driving is a skill that most people living in cities find necessary. Driving helps
them move from one place to another and helps them in numerous ways.
This might not be significant for others not living in the city.
7) Emotional intelligence :
Emotions rule us in ways that the brain fails to do at times.
It is essential to recognize our emotions and act accordingly. Learning to
express our feelings is a positive step towards, making life better and
Pent up feelings only become a source of the roadblock in our life.
It is essential to find healthy ways to cope with negative feelings. If you
cannot handle those overwhelming emotions, it is better to seek professional
help rather than ignoring them.
8) Creativity
Creativity is what sets us apart from others.
It makes us unique and creates a specific image for us. Creativity helps you
to remove the shackles of the usual norms and gives you the freedom to find
your niche.
So, be creative and don’t follow others blindly.
Take inspiration, understand the work and then perform your action
implementing your creativity.
9) Problem solving
Problems are never-ending, and we need skills that help us solve them.
Problem-solving skills help us identify the problem and categorize it.
Then, we can assess the problem and take some preventive measures.
Unsolved problems could cause mental trauma and lead to fatal
10) Communication
Communication is a critical factor in any relationship.
We need to be able to communicate effectively to survive.
Communication entails understanding what others are telling and being able
to express what you want to say to others.
11) Perspective
Often people tend to forget that the situations people are in are always
There can be several viewpoints for a situation. Perspective helps us to put
ourselves in the shoes of the other person.
It is essential to absorb this skill as understanding others leads to the
removal of misunderstanding and emotional stress.
12) Empathy
People often express sympathy but not empathy.
Sometimes, pity can make things worse, but empathy will take you a long
The willingness to understand and share the feelings of the other person not
only makes you a
13) Study skills
Not only students but people from different age brackets also need these
Study skills include how to read and white.
Reading helps you gain vast knowledge about the outside world. Writing
helps you get jobs and better opportunities.
14) Negotiation
Nothing is going to be handed to you on a silver platter.
We must know how to negotiate. Negotiating life skills guides us in various
ways, from jobs to household expenses.
A good negotiation not only saves your money but gives you a
confidence boost too.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States once said-
“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.”
So, negotiation is one of the essential life skills that enable us to get
favorable outcomes in many unfavorable situations.
15) Relationships
Human beings are social. All our life, we spend everything on building
We must know how to handle and maintain these relationships we have
Honesty, communication, and effort are some of the ways you can make a
relationship prosper.
With the right kinds of relationship life skills, you will be able to use
networking, communication, and other interpersonal skills in different life
situations so that you can manage different life challenges successfully.
3.3 Benefits of Life Skills
Life skills not only make your life easier but also make you a better human
It teaches you to live life with dignity all the while achieving all the personal
goals you set for yourself. It helps you be a better citizen by making your self
aware and more prone to adaptability.
The importance of life skills can be detected when one accomplishes
something in life.
Most of our achievements are interlinked with the life skills we have imbibed
for so long. Their importance and need in our life is undeniable and cannot
be questioned.
1. Effective communication
The ability to communicate effectively with others is a core social skill. If you
have strong communication skills, you’ll be able to share your thoughts and
ideas clearly with others. Effective communicators make good leaders
because they can easily explain projects and goals in an easy-to-understand
2. Conflict resolution
Disagreements and dissatisfaction can arise in any situation. Conflict
resolution is the ability to get to the source of the problem and find a
workable solution. Good conflict resolution skills are important in any job, but
they might be particularly well-suited for a position in HR, where you’ll often
address disagreements between employees or in a customer service role,
where you resolve conflicts for clients about a company’s products, services
or policies.
3. Active listening
Active listening is the ability to pay close attention to a person who is
communicating with you. Active listeners are typically well-regarded by their
coworkers due to the attention and respect they offer others. You can
increase your listening skills by focusing on the speaker, avoiding
distractions and waiting to prepare your response only after the other person
is finished (rather than while they are speaking).
4. Empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand and identify with the feelings of another
person. If you have empathy, others will often be more likely to confide in
you. Being more empathetic takes a conscious effort to carefully consider
how others feel. If you strengthen your empathy and rapport with others, you
can build stronger, more respectful and open relationships.
5. Relationship management
Relationship management is the ability to maintain healthy relationships and
build key connections. For example, if you have a job in customer service,
you might be responsible for nurturing the relationship between your
company and a specific set of clients. Executives at organizations manage
partnerships with stakeholders and investors. This social skill allows
professional relationships to flourish and all parties involved can benefit.
6. Respect
A key aspect of respect is knowing when and how to initiate communication
and respond. In a team or group setting, allowing others to speak without
interruption is a necessary communication skill that shows respect.
Respectfully communicating can also mean using your time with someone
else wisely—staying on topic, asking clear questions and responding fully to
any questions you’ve been asked.
On the other hand, low self-confidence might make you feel full of self-doubt,
be passive or submissive, or have difficulty trusting others. You may feel
inferior, unloved, or be sensitive to criticism. Feeling confident in yourself
might depend on the situation. For instance, you can feel very confident in
some areas, such as academics, but lack confidence in others, like
Look after your physical and mental health : regular exercise can
improve both. Make sure that you're getting enough sleep and eating
properly. Not doing so can lead to feeling bad in yourself , and likely
about yourself.
When you've identified the major goals you want to achieve, identify the first
step you need to take for each one. Make sure it's a very small step, perhaps
taking no more than an hour to complete.
If, as you're setting goals, you find doubts starting to surface, write them
down and challenge them calmly and rationally. If they seem less serious
under scrutiny, that's great. However, if they are based on genuine risks,
make sure you set additional goals to manage these appropriately.
Breaking down large goals into smaller steps in this way makes them seem
far more attainable. It also allows you to track your progress and reflect on
how far you've come already.
Quite often persons and objects or ideas become associated in the minds of
individuals and as a result, attitudes become multidimensional and complex.
However, the essential aspect, of the attitude is found in the fact that some
characteristic feeling or emotion is experienced and, as we would
accordingly expect, some definite tendency to action is associated.
Social Factors.
Direct Instruction.
Personal Experience.
Educational and Religious Institutions.
Physical Factors.
Economic Status and Occupations.
Social Factors
Every society has the majority of people who prefer to lead a harmonious
life. They try to avoid unnecessary friction of conflicts with people.
Naturally, they are inclined to develop positive attitudes towards most of the
people and issues.
Our attitudes may facilitate and maintain our relationships with members of
positively valued groups. Social roles and social norms can have a strong
influence on attitudes.
Social roles relate to how people are expected to behave in a particular role
or context. Social norms involve society’s rules for what behaviors are
considered appropriate.
Direct Instruction
In general, the individual being conformist or the direction of the attitude of
the people it deems important. Sometimes direct instruction can
influence attitude formation.
For example, somebody gives information about the usefulness of some fruit.
The family is the most powerful source for the formation of attitudes. The
parents, elder brother or sister provide information about various things.
Attitudes developed by an individual, whether positive or negative are the
result of family influence, which is very powerful and difficult to change.
An attitude may involve a prejudice, in which we prejudge an issue without
giving unbiased consideration to all the evidence.
Personal Experience
In order to be the basis of attitudes, personal experiences have left a strong
Therefore, the attitude will be more easily formed when personal experience
involves emotional factors.
As a means of communication, mass media such as television, radio, has
a major influence in shaping people’s opinions and beliefs.
There is new information on something that provides the foundation for the
emergence of new cognitive attitudes towards it.
Understanding the good and the bad, the dividing line between something
that can and cannot do is obtained from the center of the educational and
religious institutions.
Physical Factors
Clinical psychologists have generally recognized that physical, health and
vitality are important factors in determining adjustment, and frequently it
has been found that malnutrition or disease or accidents have interfered so
seriously with normal development that serious behavioral disturbances
have followed.
Economic Status and Occupations
Our economic and occupational positions also contribute to attitude
They determine, in part, our attitudes towards unions and management and
our belief that certain laws are ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Our socio-economic
background influences our present and future attitudes.
Attitudes reflect more than just positive or negative evaluations: they include
other characteristics, such as importance, certainty, accessibility, and
associated knowledge.
However, social psychologists have found that attitudes and actual behavior
are not always perfectly aligned.
These are the way of thinking, and they shape how we relate to the world
both in work and Outside of work. Researchers also suggest that there are
several different components that make up attitudes.
Affective Component
Affective component is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.
It deals with feelings or emotions that are brought to the surface about
something, such as fear or hate. Using the above example, someone might
have the attitude that they love all babies because they are cute or that they
hate smoking because it is harmful to health.
Behavioral Component
Behavior component of an attitude consists of a person’s tendencies to
behave’in a particular way toward an object. It refers to that part of attitude
which reflects the intention of a person in the short-run or long run.
Using the above example, the behavioral attitude maybe- ‘I cannot wait to
kiss the baby’, or ‘we better keep those smokers out of the library, etc.
The behavioral component reflects how attitude affects the way we act or
behave. It is helpful in understanding their complexity and the potential
relationship between attitudes and behavior.
1. Positive Attitude:
This is one type of attitude in organizational behaviour. One needs to
understand how much a positive attitude it takes to keep the work moving
and progressing. It means that keeping a positive mindset and thinking
about the greater good, no matter whatever the circumstances are. A
positive attitude has many benefits which affect out other kinds of behaviour
in a good way. For example, a person who has a positive attitude and
mindset will look for the good in other person’s no matter how bad they
behave or how bad is their attitude. The former person thinks about the
greater good and that is why he is called a person with a positive attitude.
These persons generally don’t care about the hurdles in life. They nurture
their skills daily and overcome almost anything and everything that comes in
their way. The best way to maintain a positive attitude for the beginners is to
avoid naysayers and believe in themselves. These persons know about their
earlier mistakes and instead of being ashamed of them, they have vowed not
to repeat the same thing. If you have a positive attitude, then you should
have some list of attitudes, let’s follow them:
Confidence is good attitude and one of the basic things in the list of positive
attitudes. Generally, people with a plus or positive mindset are rewarded
with this automatically. Confidence is necessary to approach life with zest.
Looking at things confidently and saying “I’m up for this’, is enough to reflect
your attitude towards life in general and attitude in particular. Confidence in
other elements in the world will start with being confident with self.
Happiness is the next type of attitude in the list of positive attitudes and
behaviours. A happy mind is an abode for all the good things to self.
Confident people are quite happy as they are not worried about results,
interviews, etc and other similar things in life that are meant to test us. Look
within yourself; you will find happiness.
An individual with a positive mindset is often found to be quite sincere. He or
she is aware of the work to be done, and they know that the only way out of
a situation is through it. Sincerity is one trait that you should never let go off
or compromise.
A determination is one of the primary rewarding points for a person with a
positive attitude. A right dose of hard work, effort and determination are
essential to get things the way you want. A person who is driven and
properly determined will overcome all impossibilities.
1. Negative Attitude:
A negative attitude is something that every person should avoid. Generally,
people will negative attitude ignore the good things in life and only think
about whether they will fail. They often find a way out of tough situations by
running away from it. They often compare themselves with other persons
and find the bad in them only. In short, he is exactly the opposite of the one
with a positive mindset. There are certain bad effects that a person with a
negative mindset has to face.
A person with a negative mindset is often found to be angry most of the
time. Sometimes there might not be any kind of specific reason behind their
anger. Anger is the root cause of self-destruction. While some amount of
anger is good, extreme cases of anger only lead to destruction.
A person can question himself but he or she should never doubt themselves.
Unfortunately, if you have a negative mindset, then you will often doubt
yourself. Self-doubt will lead to no progress and will often lead to low
A negative person is a frustrated person. As said earlier, attitude defines the
person and that is why if you are frustrated that will show on your face and
you will be facing some serious difficulties. Frustration will not help you build
your career. It is an irritant and will keep preventing you from taking any
positive step forward.
3. Neutral Attitude:
This is another type of attitude that is common. That mindset is a neutral
one. There is no doubt. Neither is there any kind of hope. The people
generally tend to ignore the problems in life. They wait for some other
individual to take care of their problems. They generally have a lazy life and
they are often unemotional. It is as if they don’t think about anything that
much and doesn’t care for the same as well. They never feel the need to
change themselves as they can simply live with the way they are.
He or she will feel disconnected quite often and that is why having a neutral
attitude is very bad and should be fixed as soon as possible. However, a
person with neutral attitude if changes can only go to the path of a positive
attitude. In most cases, it has been seen that the attitude adjustment metal
therapies have led persons to a road filled with positive feelings only.
4. Sikken Attitude:
One of the most dangerous types of attitude and different is the sikken
attitude. The sikken attitude has the calibre to destroy every image that
comes in connection with a positive image. This type of attitude is more of a
negative attitude and is very destructive. It often reflects the mind’s
negativity. It is necessary to let go off this kind of attitude for the betterment
of the self and the people around you. They are often difficult to be mended
because the attitude is deep-rooted within one’s personality. However, with
time, it nevertheless is possible to change the course of direction of this
To sum up Attitude will either define you or destroy you. What generally
follows is, your attitude will be an inspiration for many in your team.
Therefore, companies look for people with a positive attitude. People in
general seem to stick around the positive vibration, as that will motivate
them enough to progress in life. Bad or good, attitude has the power to
change people’s thoughts and therefore, their behaviour. Be an example of a
good one!
We have often met people who blame the Bangalore traffic while commuting
to the office or on weekends. What else could we do other than blaming the
person obstructing the road and causing trouble to others? How can a person
be positive in such a situation?
Here are some examples which are discriminating factors for positive and
negative people.
1) Negative: I always have to face failure, how hard I try.
Positive: I gave my best but still there is something I need to improve
on. What can I do better?
We may have used all the above negative and positive thoughts in our
lives at certain times.
For example, if employees believe that their employer does not look after
their welfare, the management should try to change employees’ attitudes
and develop a more positive attitude towards them.
Human beings prefer their attitudes about people and things to be in line
with their behaviors towards each other and objects.
Lack of Resources
If plans become excessively ambitious, they can sometimes be obstructed by
the lack of resources on a company or organization.
So, in this case, if the organization wants to change the employees’ attitude
towards the new plan, sometimes it becomes impossible for the lack of
resources to achieve this.
Improper Reward System
Sometimes, an improper reward system acts as a barrier to change attitude.
When the authority changes a plan of the organization, the employees have
to change themselves.
But some of them do not like this. If their attitude regarding the change of
plan cannot be changed, the organization will not be successful.
Behavior is the way a person responds to his attitude. This response is either
positive or negative, depending on how that views his position.
Besides, an employee who dislikes another coworker or has little respect for
a coworker may display this attitude by speaking harshly to this individual.
There are important distinctions between the two, as highlighted in the table
Assertive communication Aggressive communication
The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how
our words and behaviour affect the rights and well being of others.
This involves standing up for your own rights without violating those of the
other person. To do this, you need to express your needs, wants, opinions,
beliefs and feelings in a direct, honest and adult way.
I’d like to tackle the task in this way; how does that affect you?
I understand what you are saying; however, I’ve got to go. Can we deal
with the problem in the morning?
Assertive behaviour
How you say things, and your non-verbal body language are equally as
important as what you say.
Steady and firm
Tone – middle range, full and warm
Clear, sounds sincere
Neither too loud or too soft
Speech pattern
Fluent and confident
Pauses are intentional, not awkward
Key ‘action’ words are stressed
Even pace
If interrupted, waits for silence, then repeats calmly
Use of ‘I’ phrases, rather than (accusing) ‘you’ comments
Smiles when pleased
Frowns when angry
Normal expression is friendly, approachable and open
Expression steady, does not flicker
Jaw relaxed, but not ‘loose’
Eye contact
Meets the other person’s eyes often
Does not stare them out
Open hand movements, inviting others to speak
Sits upright or relaxed, does not slouch or cower
Stands with head held up
Makes firm and definite movements, does not fidget
2. Aggressive – win/lose
The aim of aggressive behaviour is to win, if necessary at the expense of
others. To achieve this, you stand up for your rights in such a way that you
violate those of other people. It involves expressing your needs, wants,
opinions, beliefs and feelings in inappropriate ways, often ignoring or
dismissing the rights and opinions of others.
Aggressive behaviour
We are, fortunately, unlikely to meet with actual physical violence in our
working lives, but an aggressive voice and stance can still be used to
intimidate other people. As assertive behaviour is sometimes confused with
the milder end of aggressive behaviour, it is useful to compare the two and
note the differences.
Tone cold, may be sarcastic
Hard and sharp
Strident, may be loud
Voice may be raised at end of a sentence
Often the loudest voice
Speech pattern
Fluent and very confident
Often abrupt and clipped
Often interrupts, shouts down if interrupted
Stresses blaming words and ‘you’ words.
Often very fast
Smile may be wry or disbelieving
Scowls when angry
Normal expression is set and unfriendly
Jaw set firm, teeth clenched
Chin thrust forward
Eye contact
Eyes narrowed and cold
Tries to ‘stare you out’ and dominate
Looks ‘over’ you
Fist clenching/thumping
Finger pointing
Sits bolt upright or leans forward (invades personal space)
Strides around impatiently
Folds arms unapproachably
7.Emotional Intelligence
Your physical health. If you’re unable to manage your emotions, you are
probably not managing your stress either. This can lead to serious health
problems. Uncontrolled stress raises blood pressure, suppresses the immune
system, increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes, contributes to
infertility, and speeds up the aging process. The first step to improving
emotional intelligence is to learn how to manage stress.
Our mental health. Uncontrolled emotions and stress can also impact our
mental health, making us vulnerable to anxiety and depression. If we are
unable to understand, get comfortable with, or manage our emotions, we’ll
also struggle to form strong relationships. This in turn can leave us feeling
lonely and isolated and further exacerbate any mental health problems.
Our relationships. By understanding our emotions and how to control
them, we’re better able to express how we feel and understand how others
are feeling. This allows us to communicate more effectively and forge
stronger relationships, both at work and in our personal life.
Our social intelligence. Being in tune with our emotions serves a social
purpose, connecting us to other people and the world around us. Social
intelligence enables us to recognize friend from foe, measure another
person’s interest in us, reduce stress, balance our nervous system through
social communication, and feel loved and happy.
The skills that make up emotional intelligence can be learned at any time.
However, it’s important to remember that there is a difference between
simply learning about EQ and applying that knowledge to our life. Just
because we know we should do something doesn’t mean we will—especially
when we become overwhelmed by stress, which can override our best
intentions. In order to permanently change behavior in ways that stand up
under pressure, we need to learn how to overcome stress in the moment,
and in our relationships, in order to remain emotionally aware.
7.3 Five Key elements to develop Emotional Intelligence:
According to Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist there are five key
elements to build EQ:
1. Self-awareness
2. Self-regulation
3. Motivation
4. Empathy and
5. Social Skills
Make strong eye contact and offer a greeting before and during the
handshake. “Hi, my name is…”
Your handshake should be firm, but not crushing. Don’t offer up a
sweaty floppy hand. No one wants to shake a fish hand!
When you shake hands, you want them to align, web-to-web and shake
firmly for one or two shakes.
Lunch meetings/interviews
Sometimes meetings or interviews will take place over a meal, and there are
a few things you can do to ensure it goes well. When in doubt, follow the lead
of the host.
Once seated, immediately put your napkin on your lap.
If there are multiple forks and spoon options at your place setting, just
start from the outside working in towards your plate for each course.
Drinkware is on the right, bread and salad plates to your left.
Order a manageable food item – avoid items that are messy, difficult to
eat, or could leave you with food in your teeth such as salad or
Don’t order the most expensive item on the menu.
Do not order alcohol on an interview. Don’t order seconds on anything,
including drinks.
Wait to eat until everyone at the table has been served.
Be gracious to everyone you encounter and treat the waitstaff with
Your on-line presence
Don’t ruin your professional image by posting something online that can be
misinterpreted. In the digital age of growing social media platforms, you
need to consider how your comments, posts, and information could be
perceived. This will be dealt in detail in later Units of the BSPC course.
9.1 History
It is necessary to improve self-awareness and personal development among
individuals when they are in a group. The ‘Johari’ window model is a
convenient method used to achieve this task of understanding and
enhancing communication between the members in a group. American
psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham developed this model in 1955.
The idea was derived as the upshot of the group dynamics in University of
California and was later improved by Joseph Luft. The name ‘Johari’ came
from joining their first two names. This model is also denoted as
feedback/disclosure model of self-awareness.
9.2 Introduction
The Johari window model is used to enhance the individual’s perception on
others. This model is based on two ideas- trust can be acquired by revealing
information about you to others and learning yourselves from their
feedbacks. Each person is represented by the Johari model through four
quadrants or window pane. Each four window panes signifies personal
information, feelings, motivation and whether that information is known or
unknown to oneself or others in four viewpoints.
9.3 The Johari Window Model
The method of conveying and accepting feedback is interpreted in this
model. A Johari is represented as a common window with four panes. Two of
these panes represent self and the other two represent the part unknown to
self but to others. The information transfers from one pane to the other as
the result of mutual trust which can be achieved through socializing and the
feedback got from other members of the group.