Diaries and Journals Presentation 2023-24
Diaries and Journals Presentation 2023-24
Diaries and Journals Presentation 2023-24
Note for the exam
Diaries Journals
• Strictly records personal and daily experiences. • Can be a more general record of events, such as a
• Focus is on feelings and experiences. ship’s logbook.
• Can begin with a nickname (Dear Diary,…). • Focus is more on fact and observation.
• Language is usually informal and conversational. • Depending on context, language is usually more
• The audience is usually private (the writer
themselves). • The audience is often public. The journal may be an
official account of events.
Why keep diaries
and journals?
I suppose that this was sent as a peace offering owing to it being Xmas eve. Also included in the gift were two packets of tobacco and a Xmas card.
The tobacco proved only to be dried oak leaves, and the card we discovered had been intended for one in England, for on the side used for correspondence,
were the words 'Printed in Germany', but on the picture side the greeting was in German.
FEBRUARY 3, 1942
The PM is worried and angry over events in the Far East. Singapore has not been fortified from the landward side even with tank traps and pill
boxes hidden in the jungle. These could have been done by the troops themselves. 15-inch guns pointing out to sea are no form of defence. He
fears great loss of life by air bombardment.
When the Japs land we must kill them in the swamps, and in the jungle. We cannot allow our country’s reputation and our race to fall while the
Russians are fighting back hard and the US troops at Luzon in the Philippines are putting up a stubborn defence.
I agree with W [Winston Churchill] and I have felt it v strongly…Winston is prepared for a series of misfortunes in the Far East if Singapore falls, as
we cannot get reinforcements there in a moment, and we don’t know where to put them.
Sample Journal
Cook’s Discovery of
The following entry in the ship’s log of HM Bark Endeavour describes Captain James Cook’s first sighting of the land that would become known as Australia.
Thursday 19 April 1770
Thursday 19th In the PM had fresh gales at SSW and Clowdy Squaly weather with a large Southerly Sea — At 6 took in the Topsails and at 1 AM brought too and sounded
but had no ground with 130 fathoms of line — At 5 Set the Topsails Close reef’d and 6 saw land extending from NE to West at the distance of 5 or 6 Leagues having 80
fathom water a fine sandy bottom
We continued Standing to the westward with the wind at SSW untill 8 oClock at which time we got topgt yards aCross made all sail, and bore away along shore NE for the
Eastermost land we had in sight, being at this time in the Latitude of 37°..58′ S° and Longd of 210°..39′ West.
the Southermost Point of land we had in sight which bore from us W ¼ S I judged to lay in the Latitude of 38°..0′ S and in the Longitude of 211°..07′ Wt from the
Meridion of Greenwich. I have named it Point Hicks, because Leuitt Hicks was the first who discover’d this land —
To the Southward of this point we could see no land and yet it was very clear in that quarter and by our Longitude compared with that of Tasmans the body of
Vandiemens land ought to lay have been due south from us and from the soon falling of the Sea after the wind abated I had reason to think it did. but as we did not see
it and finding this coast to trend NE and SW or rather more to the westward makes me doubtfull whether they are land or no: however every one who compares this
Journal with that of Tasman will be as good a judge I am but it is necessary to observe that I do not take the situation of Vandiemens from the printed charts but from
the extract of Tasman’s Journal published by Dirk Rembrantse —
At Noon we were in the Latd of 37° 50′ and Longd of 210..29 Wt the extremes of the land extending from NW to ENE are markerable point
Lt William Bligh in
Batavia (Part One)
The following entry in the journal of Royal Navy officer Lt William Bligh recounts his time in Batavia (Jakarta) after the mutiny aboard his ship, HMS Bounty.
Monday 12
…One of the greatest difficulties that strangers have to encounter is their being obliged to live at the hotel. This hotel was formerly two houses which by doors of communication have been
made one. It is in the middle of a range of buildings more calculated for a cold country than for such a climate as Batavia. There is no free circulation of air and what is equally bad it is
always very dirty; and there is great want of attendance. What they call cleaning the house is another nuisance; for they never use any water to cool it or to lay the dust, but sweep daily
with brooms in such a manner that those in the house are almost suffocated by a cloud of dust.
The months of December and January are reckoned the most unhealthy of the year, the heavy rains being then set in. The account of the seasons as given to me here I believe may be
relied on.
The middle of November the west monsoon begins and rain.
December and January. Continual rain with strong westerly wind.
February. Westerly wind. Towards the end of this month the rain begins to abate.
March. Intervals of fine weather. Wind westerly.
April. In this month the east monsoon begins. Weather generally fine with showers of rain.
May. East monsoon fixed. Showery.
June and July. Clear weather. Strong east wind.
August and September. Wind more moderate.
October. In this month the wind begins to be variable with showers of rain.
Lt William Bligh in
Batavia (Part Two)
The current is said always to run with the wind. Nevertheless I found the reverse in sailing from Timor to Java. Between the end of October and the
beginning of the ensuing year no Dutch ship bound for Europe is allowed to sail from Batavia for fear of being near the Mauritius at the time of the
hurricanes which are frequent there in December and January.
My illness prevented me from gaining much knowledge of Batavia. Of their public buildings I saw nothing that gave me so much satisfaction as their
country hospital for seamen. It is a large commodious and airy building about four miles from the town, close to the side of the river, or rather in the
river: for the ground on which it stands has by labour been made an island of, and the sick are carried there in a boat: each ward is a separate
dwelling and the different diseases are properly classed. They have sometimes 1400 patients in it: at this time there were 800, but more than half of
these were recovered and fit for service, of whom 300 were destined for the fleet that was to sail for Europe. I went through most of the wards and
there appeared great care and attention. The sheets, bedding, and linen of the sick were perfectly neat and clean. The house of the physician, Mr.
Sparling, who has the management of the hospital is at one extremity of the building: and here it was that I resided. To the attention and care of this
gentleman, for which he would receive no payment, I am probably indebted for my life.
The hospital in the town is well attended, but the situation is so ill chosen that it certainly would be the saving of many lives to build one in its stead
up the river, which might be done with great advantage as water carriage is so easy and convenient. A great neglect in some of the commanders of
the shipping here was suffering their people to go dirty and frequently without frock, shirt, or anything to cover their bodies, which, besides being a
public nuisance, must probably be productive of ill health in the most robust constitution.
The governor-general gave me leave to lodge all my people at the country hospital which I thought a great advantage and with which they were
perfectly satisfied. The officers however at their own request remained in the town….
diaries and
journals in
• In the various Star Trek series and films, Captain’s logs are used for a number of purposes:
• As a framing device to introduce the audience to the story;
• "Captain's log, stardate 1312.9. Ship's condition – heading back on impulse power only. Main engines burned out. The ship's space warp ability, gone. Earth bases which were only days away
are now years in the distance. Our overriding question now is, what destroyed the Valiant? They lived through the barrier just as we have. What happened to them after that?"
• "Captain's log, stardate 1313.1. We're now approaching Delta Vega. Course set for a standard orbit. This planet, completely uninhabited, is slightly smaller than Earth. Desolate, but rich in
crystal and minerals. Kelso's task – transport down with a repair party, try to regenerate the main engines, save the ship. Our task – transport down a man I've known for fifteen years, and
if we're successful, maroon him there."
• "Captain's log, stardate 1313.3. Note commendations on Lieutenant Kelso and the engineering staff. In orbit above us, the engines of the Enterprise are almost fully regenerated. Balance of
the landing party is being transported back up. Mitchell, whatever he's become, keeps changing, growing stronger by the minute."
• "Captain's log, stardate 1313.8. Add to official losses, Dr. Elizabeth Dehner. Be it noted she gave her life in performance of her duty. Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell. Same notation.“ –
Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek – Where No Man Has Gone Before)
• You will note that almost the entire story can be followed through these short logs: The Enterprise discovers a distress call and leaves the galaxy to investigate. An energy barrier causes serious damage
and causes two of the crew to acquire Sith-like powers. They go to another planet to repair the ship, but Kirk is forced to kill his friend Mitchell as he has grown too powerful, and that power has
corrupted him entirely.
personal logs
• Personal logs are more akin to diaries and record the personal thoughts and feelings of crew members, and are usually for their eyes
• They allow the viewer to enter the minds of the characters and understand their thoughts and feelings.
• For example:
• “I’ve never trusted Klingons, and I never will. I have never been able to forgive them for the death of my boy.” – Captain
James T. Kirk (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) – A log entry that would be used against him when on trial for the
assassination of the Klingon Chancellor.
• “So…I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning
thing of all…I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would…” – Captain Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek: Deep
Space Nine – In the Pale Moonlight) – A log entry recorded after a plot to trick the Romulan Empire into entering the
Federation’s war with the Dominion ended in the murder of a Romulan senator.
The Secret Diary of Adrian
Mole, Aged 13 ¾ (Sue
• This is a narrative, written in diary form, that tells the story of Adrian Mole: a typical working-class boy in 1980’s England.
• The diary format allows the reader to get inside the protagonist’s head and obtain a deeper understanding of the thoughts, concerns, trials, and tribulations
of a teenage boy.
• As it is written from a first person and subjective perspective it is important to consider whether the protagonist’s perceptions are accurate.
• Example:
Paper 1
• The response reveals a thorough evaluation and analysis of the text.
• Developed ideas are sustained and well related to the text.
• A wide range of ideas is applied.
Level 5 13-15 • There is supporting detail throughout, which is well integrated into the
response, contributing to a strong sense of purpose and approach.
• All three bullets are well covered.
• A consistent and convincing voice is used.
• The response demonstrates a competent reading of the text with some
evidence of basic evaluation or analysis.
• A good range of ideas is evident.
• Some ideas are developed but the ability to sustain them may not be
Level 4 10-12 consistent.
Table A -
• There is frequent, helpful supporting detail, contributing to a clear sense of
• All three bullets are covered.
• An appropriate voice is used.
• The text has been read reasonably well.
• A range of straightforward ideas is offered.
• Opportunities for development are rarely taken.
Level 3 7-9 • Supporting detail is present but there may be some mechanical use of the
• There is uneven focus on the bullets.
• The voice is plain.
• The response is either very general, with little reference to the text, or a
reproduction of sections of the original.
Level 1 1-3
• Content is either insubstantial or unselective.
• There is little realisation of the need to modify material from the text.
Level 0 0 • There is very little or no relevance to the question or to the text.
• Effective register for audience and purpose.
Paper 1
• The language of the response sounds convincing and consistently
Leve • Ideas are firmly expressed in a wide range of effective and/or interesting
9-10 language.
• Structure and sequence are sound throughout.
• Some awareness of an appropriate register for audience and purpose.
• Language is mostly fluent and there is clarity of expression.
Leve • There is a sufficient range of vocabulary to express ideas with subtlety and
7-8 precision.
Table B -
• The response is mainly well structured and well sequenced.
Leve • Ideas are rarely extended, but explanations are adequate.
l3 • Some sections are quite well sequenced but there may be flaws in structure.
0 • The response cannot be understood.
• Read the question carefully: take note of what the bullet points ask you to discuss.
• Note the context of the question and whether you are being asked to produce a diary or journal entry.
• Structure your content chronologically.
• Make sure your register and tone are appropriate for the context.
• Make sure your word choices are appropriate to the context and audience.
• If you are writing a diary entry, don’t forget to use descriptive and emotive language.
• Proofread carefully and critically.
Imagine you are the first person to set foot on Mars. Write a journal entry to describe your landing. You should
• Your experiences of the landing and your first walk on the surface of Mars;
• What you discovered on Mars;
• What you plan to do next.
You should write 250-350 words.
• Be sure to follow the writing process we have been using
throughout the course:
• Planning carefully and thoroughly;
• Drafting;
Revising and editing critically;
• Polishing off;
• Self-assessment, reflection, and submission.
process • If you skip this, you are less likely to produce a quality piece of
• Practice your time management for the exam: allow yourself around
45 minutes to go through the above process.
Any questions?