STUDY CASE - Documentos de Google
STUDY CASE - Documentos de Google
STUDY CASE - Documentos de Google
University:Universidad de Guayaquil
Degree Program:Major in Physical Activity, Sports,and Recreation Sciences
Course Duration:One semester, 12 weeks
The Nutrition for Physical Activities and Sports course, offered inthe8thsemesterofthemajorin
Physical Activity, Sports, and Recreation Science at the Universidad de Guayaquil, is a new
are expected to have already at B1 level, since theyhavealreadycompletedatthatmomentallthe
English component levels employed in the curriculum of the degree program offered by the
university. (proficiency level)
articulation e integration
providing nutritional guidance and resources to English-speaking residents in Ecuador, allowing
students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings. Through this campaign, students will
enhance their communication skills in English, address specific nutritional needs within this
course concepts while making a meaningful impact on health awareness and education.
The main aim of this course is to broaden the knowledge and explore how different nutrients
contribute to energy production, endurance, strength, and recovery inathletesandphysicallyactive
individuals, allowing for informed dietary choices that enhance athletic performance and overall
learning outcomes
science and dietetics. These databases provide students with extensive, up-to-date scientific
literature, enabling evidence-based research and the application of best practices in dietetics
and nutrition planning.(material and technology integration)
The course emphasizes honesty, loyalty, and cooperation. Honesty fosters integrity and
responsibility, loyalty builds dedication and belonging, andcooperationencouragesteamwork
utrition for Physical Activities and Sport in the Faculty of Physical Education, Sport, and
Recreation at the UniversityofGuayaquilcollaboratedwithexpertsinnutritionalscienceto
identify the keycompetenciesessentialforstudentspursuingcareersinphysicaleducation
specific skills and knowledge areas crucial to students' professional development. With
these insights, a course was designed to integrate critical elements of nutrition, such as
dietary assessment, balanced diet planning, and nutritional evaluation across different life
diverse settings.
and sports.Throughoutthecourse,studentswillbuildfoundationalknowledgeanddevelop
practical skills in dietary assessment, nutritional planning, and addressing diverse health
needs. This curriculum aims to equip students withboththetheoreticalunderstandingand
hands-on experience needed for professional roles in nutrition and physical health
promotion. The course planning is detailed as follows: la tabla (scope contenido weeks,
sequence niveles, continuity la continuidad de los niveles, types of curriculum written,
students learned centered, international standard) learner-centered approcha: for example ,this course
allows students to take ownership of their learning,
explore topics of personal interest, and apply their
knowledge in a practical context.
Week Topic Description and Activities
2 utrients
N and Basic
● U nderstanding the roles of
Metabolism macronutrients (carbohydrates,
proteins, fats) and micronutrients
International Standards
for exmaple based on nutricion you can included the (vitamins, minerals) in metabolism.
curriculum aligns with international standards by ➔ Group work focuses on identifying
incorporating guidelines from global health organizations nutrient functions and their effects on
such as the World Health Organization and the health, followed by a presentation and
International Olympic Committee For instance, students
learn about the world health oraganization dietary group discussion. Studentswillanalyze
recommendations and how to apply these standards in nutrientrolesandevaluatetheirimpacts
their nutritional planning and assessments. on health.
3 Energy and Caloric Needs ● Introduction to energy balance, caloric
CLIL needs, and factors affecting energy
Example: during a lesson on dietry assessmen, requirements.
the students are required to read anykind ➔ Activities include a lesson assessment
scientific articles in english about differents where students calculate energyneeds
dietary methods or idk, see the topics. They
then discuss these methods in groups, using based on different physical activity
English to explain and compare the techniques. levels. Students will apply concepts to
This integrates both content (nutrition) and real-life scenarios by determining
language learning (English) individual caloric requirements.
9 utrition
N for Health ● D ietary adjustments for managing
Conditions conditions such as obesity, diabetes,
and cardiovascular disease.
➔ A lesson assessment evaluates
students' ability to recommend dietary
interventions for these conditions.
develop tailored diet plans for specific
health conditions.
he Nutrition for Physical Activities and Sports course at the Universidad de Guayaquil
effectively integrates both content and language learning, enabling students to engage in
comprehensive academic development while improving their English proficiency. The
aspects of nutrition, ensuring students gain both knowledge and language skills through
instruction conducted entirelyinEnglish.Thisapproachequipsstudentstoapplynutritional
science effectively within physical health and sports contexts.
ligned with the course’s main objectives, students participate in theoretical lessons and
practical activities that deepen their understanding of nutrition’s impact on athletic
performance and overall health. Through group projects, interactive discussions, and
practical applications, students strengthen their English skills while engaging with topics
such as dietary planning, nutritional assessments, and sports-specific nutrition strategies.
These activities promote active use of English in real-world scenarios, enhancing
communication and professional preparedness.
he structured curriculum includes essential topics like nutrient functions, energybalance,
hydration, dietary planning, and nutritional requirements across various life stages. These
core subjects align with the course’s aim of preparing students for professional roles in
nutrition and physical health promotion. The course assessments—exams, project
resentations, and hands-on tasks—are designed to ensure students can apply their
knowledge practically and theoretically.
could enhance students’ expertise. For instance, the teacherdecidedtoincludetopicslike
advanced sports supplementation and nutritional strategies for injury recovery.