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Hashemite University Department of Civil Engineering

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Hashemite University

Department of Civil Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

Part III: Phase relationships

Part I: Soil Mechanics

Volume-Volume relation
Mass-Mass relation
Mass-Volume relation
Derivative formulas
The nature of Soil

Sand Grain

Void Space

Soil is any uncemented or weakly cemented accumulation

of mineral particles formed by the weathering of rocks.
The void space between the particles can be filled with
 Liquid Water and/or
 Gas (Air)
Volume -Volume Relation


Vs = volume of soil solids

Vw= volume of water
Va=volume of air
Vv = volume of voids
V = total volume of soil
Volume -Volume Relation
• The void ratio (e) is the ratio of the volume of voids to the
volume of solid

• The porosity (n) is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total
volume of the soil,

• The degree of saturation (Sr) is the ratio of the volume of

water to the total volume of void space
The Sr can range between the limits of 0
for a dry soil and 1 (or 100%) for a
saturated soil.
Volume -Volume Relation

specific volume (v) is the total volume of soil which contains unit volume of

The air content or air voids (A) is the ratio of the volume of air to the
total volume of the soil
Mass-Mass Relation
• The water content (w), or moisture content
(m), is the ratio of the mass of water to the
mass of solids in the soil,
Mass-Mass Relation
• The bulk density () of a soil is the ratio of the
total mass to the total volume,

 Convenient units for density are kg/m3 or Mg/m3.

 The density of water (1000 kg/m3 or 1.00 Mg/m3) is denoted
by w.

•The specific gravity of the soil particles (Gs) is given by

where s is the particle density.

Derived Relation
The degree of saturation can be expressed as

In the case of a fully saturated soil, Sr = 1;


The air content can be expressed as

Derived Relation
 The bulk density of a soil can be expressed as


 For a fully saturated soil (Sr = 1)

 For a completely dry soil (Sr = 0)

Unit Weights

The unit weight () of a soil is the ratio of the total weight (a
force) to the total volume,

Unit Weights
 where w is the unit weight of water. Convenient units are
kN/m3, the unit weight of water being 9.8 kN/m3 (or 10.0
kN/m3 in the case of sea water).
 When a soil in situ is fully saturated the solid soil particles
(volume: 1 unit, weight: Gsw) are subjected to upthrust (w).
Hence, the buoyant unit weight () is given by

Relative density
 In the case of sands and gravels the density index (ID) is used
to express the relationship between the in-situ void ratio (e), or
the void ratio of a sample, and the limiting values emax and emin.
The density index (the term ‘relative density’ is also used) is
defined as

 The density index of a soil in its densest possible state

(e = emin) is 1 (or 100%)
 The density index in its loosest possible state
(e = emax) is 0.
In its natural condition a soil sample has a mass of 2290 g
and a volume of 1.15x10-3 m3. After being completely dried
in an oven the mass of the sample is 2035 g. The value of Gs
for the soil is 2.68. Determine
1. the bulk density, =Mt/Vt, =2.290 kg/ (1.15x10-3 m3 )
=1991.3kg/ m3
2. unit weight= density *g = 1991.3*9.806/1000
3. water content, =Mw/Ms = (2290-2035)*100%/2035
4. void ratio, =Vv/Vs , Gs=Ms/Vs ,vs=2.035/(2.68*1000)
=7.593x10-4 m3 , e= (1.15x10-3 m3 - 7.593x10-4 m3 )/
7.593x10-4 m3 = 0.515
• 5-porosity,n= vv*100%/vt = (1.15x10-3 m3 -
7.593x10-4 m3 )*100%/ (1.15x10-3 m3 )
• 6-degree of saturation =VW/VV,
1000=Mw/Vw, Vw= (2.290-2.035)/1000 =
2.55x10-4 m3 , Sr= 2.55x10-4 m3 *100%
/(1.15x10-3 m3 - 7.593x10-4 m3 )=65.3%
• 7-air content. A=Va*100%/Vt , Vv=Vw+Va
• Va = (1.15x10-3 m3 - 7.593x10-4 m3 )-
(2.55x10-4 m3 )= 1.357x10-4 m3
• A=1.357x10-4 m3 *100%/ 1.15x10-3 m3

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