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REFERENCES sia in two dogs.

Journal of Small Animal evidence for its classification as an extra-

1. Bagley R S, Kornegay J N 1997 Central Practice 36: 553–557 renal nephroblastoma. Journal of Compara-
nervous system. In Slatter D (ed.) Textbook of 6. Jubb K V F, Huxtable C R 1993 The nervous tive Pathology 116: 321–327
small animal surgery (2nd edn). W B system. In Jubb K V F, Kennedy P C, Palmer 10. Summers B A, Cummings J F, deLahunta A
Saunders, Philadelphia: 2149–2166 N (eds) Pathology of domestic animals Vol. 1 1995 Veterinary neuropathology. Mosby, St
2. Braund K 1995 Using neurological syn- (4th edn). Academic Press, San Diego: 430 Louis
dromes to localise lesions in the spinal cord. 7. Macri N P, Alstine W V, Coolman R A, Van 11. Summers B A, deLahunta A, McEntee M,
Veterinary Medicine 90: 157–168 A W 1997 Canine spinal nephroblastoma. Kuhajda F P 1988 A novel intradural
3. Clark D M, Picut C A 1986 Neuro- Journal of the American Animal Hospital extramedullary spinal cord tumor in young
epithelioma in a middle-aged dog. Journal of Association 33: 302–306 dogs. Acta Neuropathologica 75: 402–410
the American Veterinary Medical Association 8. Moissonnier P, Abbott D P 1993 Canine 12. Tamke P G, Foley G L 1987 Neuro-
189: 1330–1331 neuroepithelioma: case report and litera- epithelioma in a dog. Canadian Veterinary
4. Ferretti A, Scanziani E, Colombo S 1993 ture review. Journal of the American Animal Journal 28: 606–608
Surgical treatment of a spinal cord tumor Hospital Association 29: 397–401 13. Watson A J, Rothwell T W, Moore J D, Gibbs
resembling nephroblastoma in a young 9. Pearson G R, Gregory S P, Charles A K 1997 J M, Re M F 1987 Nephroblastoma in two
dog. Progress in Veterinary Neurology 4: 84–87 Immunohistochemical demonstration of dogs. Australian Veterinary Journal 64: 94–96
5. Jeffery N D, Phillips S M 1995 Surgical treat- Wilms tumour gene product WT1 in a
ment of intramedullary spinal cord neopla- canine “neuroepithelioma” providing

Book review — Boekresensie

Toxic plants and other natural toxicants

Edited by T Garland and A C Barr

1998. CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom, 585 pp. Hardcover. Price £75.00 (US$140.00). ISBN 0 85199 263 3.

This book comprises edited papers from the Fifth failed reproduction, foetotoxicity, spontaneous
International Symposium on Poisonous Plants, abortions, deformities, reduced productivity and
held in Texas in May 1997. It is high-quality, organ-specific toxicity. Methods of detection,
essential reading for toxicologists concerned with isolation and identification of the chemical com-
animal and human health, food industry regula- pounds responsible are included. The biochemis-
tors and plant scientists. try of the plant-associated toxins and elucidation
Toxic plants and other natural toxicants have a of their mechanisms of action are investigated,
variety of roles in the fields of animal and human including protocols for management or eradica-
health, veterinary and medical research and the tion, immunisation programmes, behaviour modi-
production of safe food and also represent an fication, withholding periods for metabolic
economic problem in terms of animal health and detoxification, perspectives on human usage of
crop production. The economic impact on live- natural products and suggestions concerning
stock has been estimated to be millions of dollars in toxin residues in agricultural produce. The devel-
countries such as Australia, the United States and opment of non-toxic strains of plants for use as fod-
South Africa. der is also discussed.
This book brings together applied and funda- The 112 chapters in this volume have been fully
mental research from botanists, chemists, bio- edited to conform to consistency of style. It is
chemists, agricultural scientists, veterinarians and recommended for researchers in the general field
physicians and advice from regulatory bodies. All of plant toxicology and chemistry.
aspects of poisonous plants, mycotoxicoses and
herbal intoxications are covered. Their adverse N Fourie
Hoechst Roussel Vet
effects are described, such as fatalities, reduced or

28 0038-2809 Tydskr.S.Afr.vet.Ver. (1999) 70(1): 25–28

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