PVA based composite PEM was fabricated using nano-size ZnO ion-exchanger.
PEM showed good thermal stability upto 280 C.
Good chemical & mechanical stability of PEM was obtained.
Good electrochemical properties (Transport no 0.88 & IEC 0.78 meq.g1) were obtained.
Water uptake and methanol uptake results are better than Nafion 117.
Article history: Electrolyte polymeric membranes were synthesized by impregnating zinc oxide (ZnO)
Received 27 November 2019 nanoparticles (NPs) in a cross-linked PVA matrix for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)
Received in revised form applications. The novel membranes consist of PVA as the support while zinc oxide
2 April 2020 nanoparticles serve as inorganic ion exchangers. The fabricated composite proton ex-
Accepted 1 May 2020 change membranes exhibit a wide variety of advantages which include good thermal and
Available online 29 May 2020 chemical stability. The synthesized membranes demonstrate a high percentage of water
uptake (85%e105%) and a low percentage of methanol uptake (17%e21%). Other important
Keywords: properties such as transport number (0.88) and ion exchange capacity (0.78 meq.g1) were
Ion-exchange membrane also determined, and they were found comparable to Nafion®117. Ionic conductivity
Composite membranes (3.9 mS/cm) of the composite membranes was determined and found comparable to other
ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) PVA based composite membranes reported in literature. Characterization of the mem-
PVA branes was carried out using Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray
DMFC diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectros-
copy (EDX) and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). These characterizations revealed the
structural interaction between the support and the ion exchanger, crystalline nature,
surface morphology, elemental analysis and the thermal stability (upto 280 C) of the
membranes, respectively. The mechanical characterization of the membranes was also
carried out on a Universal Testing Machine (UTM), revealing satisfactory mechanical sta-
bility. The results demonstrate the possibility of synthesis of a low-cost proton exchange
membrane for DMFC applications.
© 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F.Q. Mir).
0360-3199/© 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 2 2 3 0 e1 2 2 4 1 12231
The swelling ratio of the membrane was calculated with the experiments, the synthesized membranes were equilibrated
help of equation below: with 0.01 M NaCl solution for 24 h. In one compartment, lower
concentration of NaCl (0.01 M) was used, and in other
Awet Adry compartment higher concentration of NaCl (0.10 M) was uti-
Swelling ð%Þ ¼ 100 (2)
Adry lized. A multi meter (make: Fluke, mode: 15Bþ) was connected
where Adry and Awet are the dry and wet area of the mem- to the Ag/AgCl electrodes to measure the potential difference
brane, respectively. between the two compartments of the diffusion cell. Counter
ion transport number of the membrane was calculated with
Ion exchange capacity (IEC) the help of Plank-Henderson equation, Eq. (4) [1,2]:
8 9
> >
Classical acid-base titration method was used to determine 1 < nFE =
the ion exchange capacity of the membranes. Dry synthesized tþ ¼ 1þ (4)
2>> RTln CC12 >
: ;
membrane samples were first weighed and then equilibrated
in 100 ml of 1 M sodium chloride solution (NaCl) separately for
where tþ is the counter ion transport number of Naþ ion, F is
24 h in order to achieve the exchange of Hþ ions with Naþ
the Faraday’s constant 96,485 C mol1, E is the membrane
ions. Eventually the solutions were titrated back with 0.1 M
potential, R is the universal gas constant 8.314 J mol1K1, T is
sodium hydroxide. Phenolphthalein was used as an indicator
the temperature in Kelvin, n is the valency of cation, C1 is the
during the process. Regeneration of the membranes was done
higher concentration of NaCl solution (0.1 M) and C2 is the
by immersing the membrane in 0.1 M HCl solution for 12 h. IEC
lower concentration of NaCl solution (0.01 M).
of the membrane is governed by the equation below [1,2]:
V M Proton conductivity
IEC ¼ (3)
Proton conductivity of the membranes was obtained by
where IEC is ion exchange capacity (meq.g1), V the added
measuring the resistance of the membranes with the help of
titrant volume at equivalent point (ml), M the molar concen-
two compartment cell (exposed area of 9 cm2) and potentiostat/
tration of the titrant and Wdry is the dry mass of the sample (g).
galvanostat (Make: AutoLab). The resistance of the cell was
measured with and without the membrane using two probe
Transport number
impedance method at 30 C. The membranes were first equil-
ibrated at 0.1 M HCl solution for 24 h before the tests were
Two compartment diffusion cell was used to measure the
performed. After equilibrating, the thickness of the mem-
membrane potential. The volume of each compartment was
branes was measured (161 mm, 163 mm and 158 mm for 0.3 g ZnO-
25 cm3. The synthesized membrane was tightly wedged be-
PVA membrane 0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane and 0.7 g ZnO-PVA
tween two compartments of the diffusion cell with an
membrane respectively). Then the membranes were installed
exposed area of 13 cm2. Two Ag/AgCl wires were used as
in the cell and the compartments of cell were filled with a 0.5 M
electrodes to obtain the membrane potential. Both Ag/AgCl
solution of HCl. The maximum perturbation amplitude was set
electrodes were placed inside each compartment of the cell
to 10 mV and was scanned from 1 MHz to 10 MHz. The
0.5 cm away from membrane. Before performing the
12234 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 2 2 3 0 e1 2 2 4 1
resistance of the membranes was obtained by subtracting the between the two. Instead there is an adequate physical mixing
values of resistance of the cell without membrane from the of support and the ion exchanger.
resistance of the cell with membrane. Proton conductivity of
the membranes were calculated with the help of Eq. (5) [33]. XRD
s ¼ L=RS (5) XRD study of the synthesized membranes was used to analyze
where, s (mS/cm) is the proton conductivity, L (cm) is the the crystalline nature of the synthesized composite mem-
thickness of membrane, R (U)is the resistance of membrane branes. XRD patterns of the synthesized membranes and
and S (cm2) is the exposed area of the membrane. crosslinked PVA membrane are illustrated in Fig. 3. For
crosslinked PVA, XRD patterns show broad peaks at 11.19 of
2q indicating intermolecular distance of amorphous phase, a
Results and discussion relatively broad peak was obtained at 2q value of 20 which
shows the semi crystalline nature of the film [29,32,33,38].
FT-IR spectroscopy However, it is evident from Fig. 3 that doping crosslinked PVA
with ZnO NPs has increased the crystalline phase in all the
FT-IR spectroscopy was used in order to study the crosslinking synthesized membranes, due to the presence of sharp peaks
of PVA matrix by Glutaraldehyde and the interactions be- in XRD spectrum. The relatively sharp XRD peaks at around 2q
tween the crosslinked PVA matrix and ZnO NPs. FT-IR spec- value of 32.1 , 34.5 , 36.2 , 47 , 58.3 , 68.1 and 70.9 of the
trum of all three synthesized membranes are very similar to synthesized membranes were in accordance with the XRD
each other, as seen in Fig. 2. The broader transmission at 3260 peaks of ZnO NPs [37,39,40]. Comparing XRD patterns of 0.3 g
cm1 and 2920 cm1 represents OeH stretching and eCH2 ZnO-PVA membrane with 0.7 ZnO-PVA membrane, it was
stretching respectively and 1420 cm1 band represents eCH3 evident that the percentage crystallinity has increased with
bending [32,33]. The peak around 1750 cm1 is due to eCHO the increase in ZnO NPs concentration. This crystalline na-
stretching, representing the PVA crosslinking by glutaralde- ture, which was introduced in the membranes by doping them
hyde [2]. The band around 1090 cm1 proves the formation of with the ZnO NPs, is an important reason for enhancing ion
acetal linkage [29]. The bands around 1090 cm1 links to eCeO conducting properties [41] and are in accordance with the
unbounded and it could be related with PVA crystallinity proton conductivity results.
[34,35]. Bands around 1320 cm1 and 1420 cm1 are assigned to
eCeOH bond and CeH stretching, respectively [36]. The SEM-EDX
spectrum showed peaks around 594 cm1 and 475 cm1 which
correspond to ZneO NPs stretching mode [23,37]. There are no The surface morphology of the dry membranes was observed
significant changes in the FT-IR peaks of crosslinked PVA and with the help of a SEM and the images of the synthesized
ZnO NPs which proves that there is no chemical interaction composite membranes are shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 3 e XRD patterns of crosslinked PVA, 0.3 g ZnO-PVA membrane, 0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane and 0.7 g ZnO-PVA
membrane. Semi crystalline nature of crosslinked PVA membrane is evident. Sharp peaks are observed in all the
synthesized membranes showing presence of crystalline phase.
Fig. 4(aec) represents 0.3 g ZnO-PVA membrane at three The atomic and weight percentage data of EDX is sum-
different magnifications (2500, 5000 and 10,000, respec- marized in Table 1. From the EDX data we can see a difference
tively). Fig. 4(def) represent 0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane at three in atomic and weight percentage of element zinc in 0.5 g ZnO-
different magnifications (2500, 5000 and 10,000, respec- PVA membrane and 0.3 g ZnO-PVA membrane. There is 66.6
tively). While as Fig. 4(gei) shows 0.7 g ZnO-PVA membrane at wt% difference of ZnO NPs in the two synthesized membranes
three different magnifications (2500, 5000 and 10,000, which is in accordance to the 62.28 wt % difference of element
respectively). zinc as shown in EDX. This proves a relatively even distribu-
It is evident from the images that the dispersion of ZnO tion of ZnO NPs in both the synthesized membranes. A fair
NPs in the PVA matrix of all the membranes is acceptably distribution of ZnO (NPs) in 0.7 g ZnO- PVA membrane was
uniform. The synthesized membranes are without any holes, also observed.
fractures or cracks for all three magnifications used. Even at
the magnification of 10,000 there were no traces of pores Thermal analysis
which confirms the dense structure of the synthesized
composite membranes. White shades in the SEM images Thermal stability with water retention capability at high tem-
show some amount of aggression due to inorganic ion perature is one of most desirable characteristics of a good proton
exchanger. Fair amount of aggression was observed in 0.7 g exchange membrane. Proton conductivity at high temperature
Zno-PVA membrane Fig. 4(gei) and could have been reduced is directly related to the water retention of a membrane. Proton
by using an ultrasonic sonicator during membrane synthe- conductivity will be optimum if the membrane is adequately
sis. Overall, the synthesized composite membranes are hydrated at elevated temperatures. TGA curves of the synthe-
compact, homogeneous, smooth and have defect free sized composite membranes are shown in Fig. 6.
surfaces. There are three major degradation stages. First degrada-
EDX spectrum and SEM image of the synthesized mem- tion stage occurs between 100 C and 150 C, which is asso-
branes are shown in Fig. 5(a and b, c). Same element peaks, ciated with a loss of remnant water molecules retained by the
including carbon, oxygen, zinc and platinum, were found in membrane. This shows that water can be retained by the
the EDX spectrum of all the synthesized membranes. composite membrane up to 150 C. Weight loss percentage for
Platinum peaks were due to the platinum coating of the both synthesized membranes during first degradation stage is
samples before SEM to get the better quality SEM images. The only 5% which is comparable to Nafion® 117. About 1e2%
atomic and weight percentage values of the platinum were weight loss was observed in the temperature range of 150
ignored in the EDX system. The presence of carbon and oxy- Ce280 C for both synthesized membranes which is again
gen is mainly due to the organic PVA while the presence of comparable to Nafion® 117. Second degradation stage occurs
element zinc confirms the presence of inorganic ion in the temperature range of 280 Ce380 C which is attributed
exchanger. to the decomposition of polymer chain associated with
12236 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 2 2 3 0 e1 2 2 4 1
Fig. 4 e Top view SEM images of the composite membranes (a, b and c) attributes to 0.3 g ZnO-PVA, (d, e and f) attributes to
0.5 g ZnO-PVA membranes and (g,h and i) is attributed to 0.7 g ZnO-PVA membrane at three different magnifications
(2500£, 5000£ and 10,000£).
Chemical stability
Fig. 5 e EDX spectrum and SEM images of (a) 0.3 g ZnO-PVA
membranes, (b) 0.5 g ZnO-PVA membranes and (c) 0.7 g Fenton’s reagent test is a chemical stability test which is
ZnO-PVA membrane. Peaks of carbon, zinc and oxygen broadly used to measure the resistance of a PEM against the
were observed. attack of radical species (OH and OOH ) which get generated
at the two electrodes of a direct methanol fuel cell [1e3]. Fig. 8
shows the percentage weight loss of the synthesized mem-
branes under Fenton’s reagent test with different immersion
tensile strength of the composite membranes as compared to times. The total loss in weight of 0.3 g ZnO-PVA membrane is
the pure crosslinked PVA membrane. The reason behind the 5.8%, for 0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane the loss is 5.1% and for 0.7 g
increase in mechanical stability is mostly attributed to high ZnO-PVA membrane the loss is 4.9% membrane after 24 h. The
reinforcement due to dispersion, large surface area and phys- loss in the weight of the synthesized composite membranes is
ical interaction of ZnO NPs with PVA matrix, limiting the due to the attack of radical species on the PVA matrix. The
movement of chain segments of PVA matrix [43]. It is evident difference in the weight loss percentage between the mem-
from Fig. 7 that the tensile strength of the synthesized com- branes is due to the difference in the concentration of inor-
posite membranes is considerably higher compared to the ganic ion exchange (ZnO NPs). Inorganic ion exchangers are
crosslinked PVA membrane (28 MPa). Tensile strength of 0.3 g resistant to the Fenton’s reagent. The oxidative stability of the
ZnO-PVA membrane is same as Nafion® 117 (34 MPa) while the synthesized membrane showed better results in contrast to
tensile strength of 0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane is 43 MPa which is Nafion®117 (7%), as the synthesized membranes show less
higher than Nafion® 117 [33]. The maximum tensile strength weight loss compared to Nafion® 117 (7%) [33]. The synthe-
value of 43.5 MPa was shown by 0.7 g ZnO-PVA membrane. sized membranes were able to maintain the structural integ-
From the results it can also be seen that with increase in the rity without punctures or breakage.
Table 1 e Atomic and weight percentage of elements present in the synthesized composite membranes.
Type of synthesized Membrane Carbon Oxygen Zinc Total
At % Wt % At % Wt % At % Wt % At % Wt %
0.3 g ZnO-PVA membrane 57.20 45.11 39.73 41.74 3.06 13.15 100 100
0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane 57.64 42.39 37.02 36.27 5.33 21.34 100 100
0.7 g ZnO-PVA membrane 55.54 41.77 38.34 32.11 6.12 26.12 100 100
12238 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 2 2 3 0 e1 2 2 4 1
Fig. 7 e Stress-strain diagram of the synthesized membranes and crosslinked PVA membrane.
Water uptake, methanol uptake and swelling mobility of ions in the membrane. Table 2 shows the water
uptake, methanol uptake and swelling (%) values of the syn-
Water uptake and methanol uptake greatly influence the thesized composite membranes at two different temperatures
properties of the membrane. Water uptake plays a vital role in (30 C and 60 C).
the ion conductivity. Adequately hydrated membrane will The synthesized membranes demonstrated highest values
have a high ion conductivity since water will increase the of water uptake of 97% for 0.3 g ZnO-PVA membrane, 105%
Fig. 8 e Chemical stability of the synthesized composite membranes under Fenton’s reagent.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 6 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 2 2 3 0 e1 2 2 4 1 12239
Table 2 e Water uptake, methanol uptake and swelling of the synthesized membranes.
Type of synthesized membrane Water Uptake % Methanol Uptake % Swelling %
30 C 60 C 30 C 60 C 30 C 60 C
0.3 g ZnO-PVA membrane 85 97 17 19 54 58
0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane 93 105 17.5 21 56 61
0.7 g ZnO-PVA membrane 92 105 18 21 55 60
Table 3 e IEC, transport number and proton conductivity of the synthesized membranes.
Type of synthesized membrane IEC (meq.g1) Transport number at 25 C Proton conductivity (mS/cm) at 25 C
0.3 g ZnO-PVA membrane 0.69 0.80 1.2
0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane 0.76 0.88 3.3
0.7 g ZnO-PVA membrane 0.78 0.88 3.9
for 0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane and 105% for 0.7 g ZnO-PVA Proton conductivity
membrane at 60 C. All the synthesized membranes have
better water uptake values as compared to pure PVA (74%) The proton conductivity of the synthesized membranes at
and Nafion® 117 (29.2%) [29,33,44]. The high water uptake room temperature (25 C) is shown in Table 3. The measured
values are attributed to OH groups of PVA which are highly proton conductivity of the 0.3 g ZnO-PVA synthesized mem-
hydrophilic in nature. Increase in the water uptake values of brane is 1.2 mS/cm while as the proton conductivity of 0.5 g
the synthesized membranes from 30 C to 60 C may ZnO-PVA membrane is 3.3 mS/cm. The maximum proton
contribute to high ion conductivity at 60 C. Even though conductivity was found to be 3.9 mS/cm for 0.7 g ZnO-PVA
proper hydration of the membrane plays a vital role in ionic membrane. It is worth noticing that with the increase in the
conductivity, excessive water uptake can adversely affect the concentration of ion exchanger from 0.3 g to 0.5 g in the PVA
mechanical properties of the membrane. Therefore, modu- matrix, there is a drastic increase (175%) in the proton con-
lating water uptake value is crucial in overall membrane ductivity. A limited increase (18.18%) in proton conductivity
performance. was observed when the concentration of ZnO NPs was raised
The lowest methanol uptake for 0.3 g ZnO-PVA membrane from 0.5 g to 0.7 g. The overall increase in proton conductivity
was 17% at 30 C and for 0.7 g ZnO-PVA membrane it was 18% was found to be 225% when the concentration of ZnO NPs was
at 30 C. Temperature did not play any significant role in raised from 0.3 g to 0.7 g. The proton conductivity of a plain
methanol uptake. Low methanol uptake by the synthesized PVA is 106 S/cm2 [29,32] which is less than all the synthesized
membranes is due to methanol resisting properties of PVA membranes. The proton conductivity results revealed in this
[18,19]. All the values of the synthesized membranes show study are competitive among other composite membranes
decent results as compared Nafion® 117 which has methanol [25,32,46,47].
uptake of 16.5% [33].
The IEC and transport number of the synthesized membranes In this study, three different proton exchange membranes
are shown in Table 3. The IEC (0.69 meq.g1 for 0.3 g ZnO-PVA based on poly (vinyl alcohol) doped with three different
membrane, 0.76 meq.g1 for 0.5 g ZnO-PVA and 0.78 meq.g1 concentrations of ZnO NPs were synthesized using solution
for 0.7 g ZnO-PVA membrane) of the synthesized membranes casting method for DMFC application. With an increase in
are comparable to most of the PVA-based membranes re- the concentration of ZnO NPs, there is an increase in most of
ported in literature and is significantly higher than pure PVA the desired characteristics including IEC, transport number,
membrane (0.499 meq.g1) [29]. proton conductivity, mechanical stability, water uptake and
The counter ion transport number (0.80 for 0.3 g ZnO-PVA chemical stability. Although there was no significant dif-
membrane and 0.88 for both 0.5 g ZnO-PVA and 0.7 g ZnO- ference in the thermal characteristics of the synthesized
PVA membrane) is comparable with Nafion® 117 (0.96). It is membranes, all the membranes demonstrated acceptable
worth noticing that with the increase in the concentration of thermal properties. With an increase of ZnO NPs from 0.3 g
inorganic ion exchanger in the crosslinked PVA, the IEC and to 0.7 g in the PVA matrix, there is 13.04%, 10% and 225% rise
transport number of the membrane increases. This may be in IEC, transport number and proton conductivity,
attributed to zinc oxide NPs providing more active sites for ion respectively.
absorption and a greater number of exchangeable ions due to The study shows that a carefully chosen quantity of inor-
their excellent absorption and exchange characteristics ganic ion exchanger can improve the desired characteristics
[24,44,45]. It is evident from the results that the number of of the membrane. These membranes do offer some significant
exchangeable ions must be more in 0.5 g ZnO-PVA membrane improvements over Nafion®, including better mechanical as
and 0.7 g ZnO-PVA membrane as compared to 0.3 g ZnO-PVA well as chemical stability, superior water uptake and low
membrane, therefore increasing IEC and transport number. synthesis cost. However, their ion conducting properties
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